Calculation of Transfer Forces in Steel Structures
Bo Dowswell* * Principal, Structural Design Solutions, LLC. Adjunct Professor, The University of Alabama at Birmingham. 2806 Ruffner Road, Suite 106, Birmingham, AL 35210; PH 205-836-2551; Abstract Transfer forces are loads that are transmitted across joints in a structure. The determination transfer forces can be time consuming, but is an essential step in the design of safe and economical structures. This paper describes why the connection configuration must be determined before the transfer forces can be calculated. An example is presented that shows how to calculate the transfer forces for a simple struct ure. Introduction Transfer forces are loads that are transmitted across joints in a structure. For connections to be designed properly, the transfer forces must be communicated to the connection designer. For small, simple structures, the force paths can be easily identified, but for more complicated structures, such as the one shown in Figure 1, the force paths are not obvious, especially if multiple load cases are considered. Figure 1. Elevation of a braced frame. Influence of Connections The connection configuration must be determined before the transfer forces can be calculated. A standard vertical bracing connection is shown in Figure 2. When this type of connection is used, the transfer forces can be calculated assuming that the Copyright ASCE 2004 Structures 2004 Structures 2004 D o w n l o a d e d
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r e s e r v e d . 2 horizontal component of the brace load is transferred through the gusset-to-beam interface, and the vertical component is transferred through the gusset-to-column interface. Technically, this assumption may not be true, because the connection designer may choose to transfer the forces in a different way, but if the connections are designed correctly, the end result will be as assumed. This assumption is not correct if the gusset plate is only attached at one interface as shown in Figure 3. Figure 2. Standard vertical brace connection. Gusset plate welded directly to column. Gusset plate welded directly to beam. Figure 3. Non-standard vertical brace connections. Standard horizontal bracing connections are shown in Figure 4. When these connections are used, the components of the brace force are transferred directly to the beams. The components at each gusset-to-beam interface are parallel to the longitudinal axis of the beam. Copyright ASCE 2004 Structures 2004 Structures 2004 D o w n l o a d e d
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r e s e r v e d . 3 Beam-to-beam interface Beam-to-column interface Figure 4. Standard horizontal brace connections. Diaphragm Forces Forces in the horizontal plane of a structure can be transferred to the vertical bracing system with a horizontal bracing system or a diaphragm. If a diaphragm is used, the forces can be transferred to the struts using deck welds, deck screws, or composite studs. Forces can also be transferred from a concrete floor diaphragm into the column by bearing directly on the column. The forces will then be transferred from the column into the strut. Vertical Transfer Forces There can never be an all-inclusive guide to transfer forces, because engineers are always creating new structural configurations. Some connections where transfer forces are commonly overlooked are truss panel point connections and inverted V- brace connections. Figure 5 shows a truss panel point with a vertical transfer force across the chord due to the purlin load. Usually, the forces in the truss web members will be provided to the connection designer as the maximum forces for all load cases (enveloped forces). If only the enveloped forces are provided, there is not an accurate way to calculate the unbalanced vertical load that is transferred from the gusset plate to the chord. In most cases, if the transfer force is not shown, the gusset-to-chord interface will be designed for the horizontal force only. Figure 6 shows an inverted V-brace with a vertical transfer force due to the gravity floor load. Copyright ASCE 2004 Structures 2004 Structures 2004 D o w n l o a d e d
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r e s e r v e d . 4 Figure 5. Truss panel point. Figure 6. Inverted V-brace. Example The structure is shown in Figures 9, 10, and 11. Figure 9 shows level 2, Figure 10 shows level 3, and Figure 11 shows each of three different vertical bracing systems that are typical along lines A and B. Standard connections will be assumed, and the transfer forces will be determined for each of the three vertical bracing systems shown. The structure has a horizontal bracing system at Level 2, and a diaphragm at Level 3. An 80 kip lateral load is applied at Level 2 Simultaneously with a 100 k lateral load applied at level 3. The forces will be calculated by hand and will not include the effects of member stiffness. Figure 12 shows the forces entering the beams from the diaphragm and horizontal bracing. Figure 13 shows the transfer forces and axial loads in the beams. Copyright ASCE 2004 Structures 2004 Structures 2004 D o w n l o a d e d
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r e s e r v e d . 5 Figure 7. Plan at level 2. Figure 8. Plan at level 3. Copyright ASCE 2004 Structures 2004 Structures 2004 D o w n l o a d e d
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r e s e r v e d . 6 Vertical bracing system 1. Vertical bracing system 2. Vertical bracing system 3. Figure 9. Elevation along lines A and B. Vertical bracing system 1. Vertical bracing system 2. Vertical bracing system 3. Figure 10. Forces entering beams from diaphragm and horizontal bracing. Vertical bracing system 1. Vertical bracing system 2. Vertical bracing system 3. Figure 11. Transfer forces and axial loads in beams. This example clearly shows that the axial load in the beam is not a good indicator of the transfer force. The transfer force at level 2 and column line 2 of vertical bracing Copyright ASCE 2004 Structures 2004 Structures 2004 D o w n l o a d e d
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r e s e r v e d . 7 system 3 is 70 k. The axial load in the beams at level 2 is 10 k. If the designer used the beam axial load to design the beam-to-column connection, the connection could be overstressed by 700%. The opposite problem happens at the same location in vertical bracing system 1. The axial load in the beam is 80 k, but the transfer force is 20 k. In this case, using the axial load instead of the transfer force would be conservative, but this could cause the connection to be much more expensive than is required. Also, as the axial load capacity of a connection increases, so does the moment stiffness. When a beam-to-column connection is stiff, unwanted gravity moment can be transferred into the column due to the beam end rotation. The transfer force will be zero at column lines 1 and 3 for all three vertical bracing configurations. For structures that have very heavy column loads, the beam-to- column connections should be designed for the force required to brace the columns. This example was very simple, but for most real structures, the determination transfer forces can be a time consuming, but essential step in the design of a safe and economical structure. Conclusion The determination transfer forces is an essential step in the design of safe and economical structures. For connections to be designed properly, they must be communicated to the connection designer. The example showed that the axial load in the beam is not a good indicator of the transfer force. Copyright ASCE 2004 Structures 2004 Structures 2004 D o w n l o a d e d