The document discusses the Yetzer ha-Ra, or evil impulse, in Judaism. It is an essential but harsh force that drives humans to compete, fight, possess and desire gratification. A Talmudic story imagines what would happen if the Yetzer ha-Ra was destroyed - life would cease. The goal is not to destroy this impulse but to channel it towards Godly ends like love, justice and creation of wealth.
The document discusses the Yetzer ha-Ra, or evil impulse, in Judaism. It is an essential but harsh force that drives humans to compete, fight, possess and desire gratification. A Talmudic story imagines what would happen if the Yetzer ha-Ra was destroyed - life would cease. The goal is not to destroy this impulse but to channel it towards Godly ends like love, justice and creation of wealth.
Original Description:
a short theoretical review of yetzer hara, orthodox jewish concept of evil inclination in a man
The document discusses the Yetzer ha-Ra, or evil impulse, in Judaism. It is an essential but harsh force that drives humans to compete, fight, possess and desire gratification. A Talmudic story imagines what would happen if the Yetzer ha-Ra was destroyed - life would cease. The goal is not to destroy this impulse but to channel it towards Godly ends like love, justice and creation of wealth.
The document discusses the Yetzer ha-Ra, or evil impulse, in Judaism. It is an essential but harsh force that drives humans to compete, fight, possess and desire gratification. A Talmudic story imagines what would happen if the Yetzer ha-Ra was destroyed - life would cease. The goal is not to destroy this impulse but to channel it towards Godly ends like love, justice and creation of wealth.
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A Necessary Evil: The Yetzer ha-Ra
Last week I explained that in Judais ha-Satan!
the Adversary! was "ne "# the $severe% a&ents "# '"d( An"ther such harsh )ut necessary #"rce in '"d*s creati"n is the Yetzer ha-Ra! which is vari"usly translated as the $Evil Ipulse!% the $Evil +esire!% the $,el#ish +esire% "r -ust $+esire(% It is that aspect "# nature! )ut especially huan nature! which drives us t" c"pete! t" #i&ht! t" p"ssess! )ut "st "# all t" desire sexual &rati#icati"n( ./"stcard )y Jun&enstil artist 0"ses Ephrai Lilien1 Th"u&h it is c"unter-)alanced )y the Yetzer ha-Tov! the $altruistic desire!% it is n"netheless the s"urce "# uch "# the &rie# in huan li#e 2 lust! vi"lence! sel#ishness! ven&eance! and a)iti"n( 3ne w"uld think that huanity w"uld )e truly )etter "## i# we c"uld destr"y this ipulse( I always think in this c"ntext "# J"hn Lenn"n*s $Ia&ine(% It has struck e that Lenn"n is thinkin& "# s"ethin& akin t" the Yetzer when he wr"te that s"n&( Ia&ine i# huan )ein& were #inally #ree "# all the sel#ish drives4 N" th"u&hts "# pr"perty! security! sel#- a&&randizeent "r the #uture4 5"uldn*t thin&s )e per#ect! "r at least a wh"le l"t )etter4 Is Lenn"n ri&ht4 5ell! in #act! the ,a&es "# Taludic ties anticipated Lenn"n )y a)"ut 6788 years and ia&ined -ust such a scenari"( This is their ythic acc"unt "# the $+ay the 0use .al"st1 died%: And [they]cried with a great voice to the Eternal their God (Neh. 9!". #hat did they cry$...#oe% woe% it i& he [the Yetzer ha-Ra] who ha& de&troyed the Sanct'ary% ('rnt the Te)*le% +illed the righteo'&% driven all ,&rael into e-ile and i& &till dancing in o'r )id&t. Yo' have &'rely given hi) to '& that we )ay receive )erit thro'gh hi). #e want neither hi) nor )erit thro'gh hi). ,n that )o)ent a ta(let /ell /ro) the /ir)a)ent% the word 0tr'th1 in&cri(ed '*on it [2eaven accede& to the re3'e&t]..They [the Sage& o/ the Great A&&e)(ly] ordered a co)*lete /a&t o/ three day..where'*on he [the Yetzer] wa& &'rrendered to the). 2e ca)e /orth /ro) the 2oly o/ 2olie& li+e a /iery lion.. At that )o)ent the *ro*het declared% 4Thi& i& the Yetzer5.the *ro*het &aid% 4ca&t hi) in a lead (arrel5 (See 6ech. 78"..2e [the Yetzer] &aid to the)% 4Realize that i/ yo' +ill )e% the world i& /ini&hed.5 They held hi) /or three day&% then they loo+ed in the whole land o/ ,&rael and not an egg co'ld (e /o'nd. So they a&+ed% 4#hat &hall we do now$5.So they *'t o't hi& eye& and let hi) go9 thi& hel*ed in that )en (eca)e le&& inclined to ince&t (Yo)a :9(". 5hat a rearka)le st"ry( It teaches a "st pr"#"und truth( 5e see evil in "urselves! it "##ends us! and we think the ri&ht thin& t" d" is t" t"tally pur&e "urselves "# it( Yet we d"n*t truly understand it! #"r thin&s we s" easily characterize as $evil% actually sprin& "ut "# the very nexus "# h"liness( ,urreal as it is! this )aa&eh akes an incredi)le p"int 2 it is the stri#e "# the spirit! the very stru&&le )etween "ur ipulses that akes the w"rld w"rk( 5ith"ut theYetzer ha- Ra! the w"rld as we kn"w w"uld cease 2 pe"ple .and anials1 w"uld n" l"n&er )e driven t" )uild! t" create! t" have children( In sh"rt! li#e as we kn"w! includin& n"t "nly evil aspects )ut "st "# what we re&ard as )eauti#ul als"! w"uld cease( 5ith"ut +esire! Li#e itsel# w"uld sl"wly wither away! and that w"uld )e a sad thin&( ," the &"al "# the spiritual pers"n is n"t t" destr"y the sel#ish-sexual-evil ipulse! )ut rather t" su)liate it t" '"d*s purp"se( T" )e truly what '"d wants us t" )e! t" achieve "ur #ullest huan p"tential! we need t" learn t" )end (oth "ur ipulses t" &"dly ends( 5e sh"uld n"t cease t" lust! )ut sh"uld direct that ur&e t"ward l"ve( 5e sh"uld turn "ur ipulse t"ward ven&eance int" the desire #"r -ustice! "ur a)iti"n #"r ac9uirin& p"ssessi"ns int" the creati"n "# wealth that will $#l"at every )"at!% as '3/ rhet"ricians like t" say( As 'enesis Ra))ah teaches: And '"d saw all that :e had ade! and #"und it very &""d;vehinei tov zeh yetzer hatov% vehinei tov )e1od zeh yetzer hara 2 <&""d< re#ers t" the '""d Inclinati"n )ut <very &""d< re#ers t" the Evil Inclinati"n( 5hy4 =ecause were it n"t #"r the Yetzer ha-Ra n" "ne w"uld )uild a h"use! take a wi#e! &ive )irth! "r en&a&e in c"erce( In "ther w"rds! '"d is the s"urce "# the Yetzer ha-Ra and! despite what we ay think! has )lessed us th"u&h it with a purp"se in ind 2 t" #ill us with desire> the desire t" ake the w"rld )etter than it is(