Star Wars A New Hope Review 2.16.05

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Christopher Wemp Period 3 2/16/05

Star Wars: A New Hope

Star Wars: A New Hope is a le e!dar" #ilm$ %etwee! the #as&i!ati! plot' o(tsta!di! a&ti! ' a!d mi!d )lowi! spe&ial e##e&ts' A New Hope is a! (!#or etta)le mo*ie$ + )elie*e the theme o# A New Hope was' Ne*er i*e (p$ +! the mo*ie' a! e*il ro(p &alled the +mperials was attempti! to ta,e o*er the ala-"$ .he o!l" thi! that stood i! there wa" was a small )a!d o# re)els that re#(sed to )ow dow! to the e*il that stood )e#ore them$ Altho( h their !(m)ers were mi!is&(le &ompared to the mi ht o# the e*il empire' the re)els &o!ti!(ed to #i ht #or what the" ,!ew was ri ht$ /eaders o# the re)els were dis&o(ra ed as #rie!ds were ,illed' si)li! s ,id!apped' a!d how the" were alwa"s o! the r(! with the deadl" +mperials o! their tail$ 0espite the !(mero(s tra edies the 1e)els e-perie!&ed' the" p(shed themsel*es to the limit a!d e*e!t(all" s&ored a ,e" *i&tor" a ai!st the +mperials$ .he s&ree!pla" i! A New Hope was *er" e!tertai!i! $ Ne*er o!&e was there a d(ll se!te!&e' a repetiti*e word' or a m(!da!e &omme!t d(ri! the le! th o# the #ilm$ 2a&h spo,e! li!e was i!tertwi!ed with i!telli e!&e$ A!other )rillia!t aspe&t o# the dialo (e &o!sisted o# the witt" h(mor thro( ho(t the s&ript$ Ne*er o!&e did + #eel )ored with a!" o# the s&ree! pla"' whi&h added to the o*erall e!3o"me!t a!d e-&iteme!t o# the mo*ie$ +! Star Wars: A New Hope' se*eral &hara&ters4 perso!alities &ha! ed )" the e!d o# the stor"$ /(,e S,"wal,er' the mai! &hara&ter' was a simple #armer that spe!t his

da"s wor,i! i! his &rops with his (!&le$ /(,e4s pare!ts had died "ears a o' )(t he did !ot ,!ow what &a(sed their premat(re deaths$ His (!&le was o# !o help whe! it &ame to a!swers' as he de#tl" a*oided e*er" 5(estio! that /(,e shot at him &o!&er!i! his pare!ts$ Altho( h /(,e had a ro(ti!el"' happ" li#e' he "ear!ed #or somethi! more$ He wa!ted to lea*e the #arm a!d tra*el thro( h spa&e a!d e-plore as m(&h o# the e-pa!si*e ala-" as he &o(ld$ /(,e had a! e*e! reater desire to )e i! a real )attle$ .he stories o# reat )attles he had &a( ht wi!d o# a*e him a "ear!i! that wo(ld !e*er )e #(l#illed (!til he himsel# e-perie!&ed a )attle$ /(,e e!ded (p etti! more tha! he )ar ai!ed #or' as he soo! #o(!d himsel# a mem)er o# the )a!d o# re)els retaliati! a ai!st the +mperials$ + tho( ht /(,e4s lar e appetite #or ad*e!t(re tempered )" the e!d o# the mo*ie$ He had e-perie!&ed ma!" )attles' a!d had #a&ed more da! er tha! ma!" me! wo(ld e*er dream o#$ His idea o# a wo!der#(l )attle did !ot i!&l(de almost )ei! ,illed' so he lear!ed to )e tha!,#(l #or what he had rather tha! dream e-&essi*el" a)o(t what he did!4t ha*e$ 6)i Wa! 7e!o)i was a!other mai! &hara&ter' altho( h the stor" did!4t re*ol*e aro(!d him as m(&h as it did /(,e$ 6)i Wa!' who was &o!sidered a 8edi 7!i ht' ta( ht /(,e the wa"s o# the #or&e$ .he #or&e was a! i!*isi)le s()sta!&e that made the world wor,$ 6!l" 8edi &o(ld tap i!to the #or&e$ 6!&e the" did' the 8edi &o(ld the! (se it to ma!ip(late o)3e&ts a!d twist the )rai!s o# the wea, mi!ded$ A 8edi 7!i ht was a warrior that o!l" *er" i#ted )ei! s &o(ld e*er )e$ 6)i Wa! se!sed the stre! th o# the #or&e i! /(,e as soo! as he met him$ Not wa!ti! the ala-" to #all (!der the shadow o# the e*il empire' 6)i Wa! too, to trai!i! /(,e the wa"s o# the #or&e$ %ei! a well ro(!ded ma!' 6)i Wa! did !ot e-perie!&e a!" &hara&ter &ha! e i! the mo*ie$

Ha! Solo was a!other importa!t &hara&ter$ Solo4s 3o) was to sm(

le ille al

oods to his )oss' the alie! &alled 8a))a the H(tt$ 6)i Wa! lear!ed o# Solo4s a)ilities to s!ea, )" +mperial ships (!!oti&ed' so he as,ed him to #l" himsel#' /(,e' a!d two droids to a!other pla!et$ Ha! Solo immediatel" too, (p the o##er' )(t o!l" )e&a(se he wa!ted mo!e"$ 2*er"thi! i! his li#e re*ol*ed aro(!d mo!e"$ He pro)a)l" wo(ld ha*e sold himsel# i# the opport(!it" had arise!$ Howe*er' Ha! ot more tha! he )ar ai!ed #or as he ot himsel# &a( ht (p i! #i hti! the +mperials alo! side /(,e a!d 6)i Wa!$ %" the e!d o# the mo*ie' Ha! did!4t #i ht #or mo!e"' )(t #or his !ewl" made #rie!ds$ Pri!&ess /eia was a!other mai! &hara&ter$ %ei! a leader o# the ro(p o# re)els' she was ,id!apped a!d held priso!er )" the +mperials a)oard the i!#amo(s a!d #eared 0eath Star$ .he 0eath Star was a spa&e statio! so h(mo! o(s that #rom a dista!&e' it &o(ld )e mista,e! as a pla!et$ .he 0eath Star a&5(ired its !ame )e&a(se it also had e!o( h #irepower to destro" a! e!tire pla!et$ Whe! Pri!&ess /eia re#(sed to i*e the lo&atio! o# the re)el )ase' the e*il di&tators o# the massi*e weapo! ordered her home pla!et to )e destro"ed$ 9illio!s o# people were ,illed i! a se&o!d' i!&l(di! /eia4s #amil"$ Pri!&ess /eia &ha! ed )e&a(se o# her hatred toward the +mperials$ 6!&e her #amil" died' she' with the aid o# re)els' #o( ht with s(&h *e! ea!&e that o!e &o(ld o!l" wo!der what ,i!d o# torme!ti! she had )ee! p(t thro( h$ .he last mai! &hara&ter i! Star Wars: A New Hope was 0arth :ader$ 0arth :ader was the mai! *illai! o# the mo*ie$ %e&a(se o# a )ad' #ormer i!3(r"' his )od" was &o!!e&ted to a ma&hi!e s(it that was &olored a deep )la&,$ His head was &o*ered with a )la&,' i!timidati! #a&e mas, a!d helmet while a )la&, &loa, dra ed )ehi!d his imposi! #i (re$ 0arth :ader was the leader o# the +mperials$ He was a 8edi li,e 6)i

Wa! 7e!o)i' )(t )e&a(se o# his e*il!ess' he was !amed a sith$ 0arth :ader4s &hara&ter did!4t &ha! e thro( ho(t mo*ie at all$ %e&a(se he was disho!est' &r(el' reed"' de&ei*i! ' a!d a)o*e all' e*il' it was importa!t he sta"ed that wa" #or a total e##e&t i! &o!trast$ .here were se*eral relatio!ships i! A New Hope$ .he #irst + !oted was )etwee! /(,e a!d 6)i Wa! 7e!o)i$ ;po! their #irst meeti! ' the d(o )e&ame i!sta!t #rie!ds$ %e&a(se )oth were #o&(sed a!d dedi&ated' their #i (res made a ood pair$ .he other importa!t relatio!ship was )etwee! Ha! Solo a!d Pri!&ess /eia$ Whe! the" #irst met' Solo4s witt" &hara&ter a!d reed" mi!d were traits that /eia #o(!d *er" (!attra&ti*e$ .he" were alwa"s )i&,eri! a!d ar (i! with o!e a!other' whi&h led to some h(moro(s s&e!es$ .hro( ho(t the mo*ie' Solo was tr"i! to wi! /eia4s heart' )(t was !ot *er" s(&&ess#(l$ 6!l" )" the e!d o# the mo*ie did /eia )e i! to appre&iate him$ A New Hope had a *er" smooth stor" e*ol(tio! a!d plot$ 6!e o# the thi! s + e!3o"ed was how the stor" e*ol*ed at a 5(i&, pa&e$ +! other words' the )a!d o# &hara&ters me!tio!ed )e#ore &o(ld !e*er seem to et themsel*es o(t o# tro()le$ +! the )e i!!i! o# the mo*ie' /(,e' 6)i Wa!' a!d Ha! Solo parti&ipated i! a dari! &hase i! whi&h the +mperials were the predators a!d the" were the pre"$ %arel" es&api! ' the" tried to rela-' )(t #o(!d themsel*es &a( ht i! a tra&tor )eam o# the 0eath Star$ 6!&e i!side' the &hara&ters res&(ed Pri!&ess /eia a!d #e!ded o## storm trooper warriors as well as 0arth :ader himsel#$ 6!&e a ai!' the" )arel" es&aped$ .he" &o(ld !e*er 5(ite seem to et themsel*es o(t o# tro()le' whi&h alwa"s le#t me o! ed e a!d wo!deri! what was oi! to happe! !e-t$ + #o(!d that + &o(ld easil" #ollow the plot witho(t )attli! )oredom or &o(!teri! &o!#(sio!$

+ #elt the mai! &o!#li&t o# the mo*ie was )etwee! the 1e)els a!d the +mperials$ .he +mperials so( ht (ltimate power while the re)els so( ht #reedom$ .here wo(ld o!l" )e o!e wi!!er' so )oth sides had the press(re o# ,!owi! that i# the" lost' the" wo(ld lose e*er"thi! $ + tho( ht the mai! &lima- o# the mo*ie was whe! the re)els la(!&hed a #i!al atta&, a ai!st the 0eath Star itsel#$ .he odds o# s(r*i*al were horri)le as the #irepower o# the 0eath Star easil" tripled the amo(!t the 1e)els had$ .he s&e!e was *er" i!te!se' as all o# the past )attles had led (p to it$ .he res(lt o# the )attle was *er" satis#"i! ' )(t also le#t me h(! r" #or a se5(el$ .he time depi&ted was !ot *er" &lear$ A! ope!i! title #or A New Hope said' A /o! .ime A o i! a <ala-" =ar' =ar Awa"> so that &lari#ied thi! s a little )it' )(t !o "ears were e*er me!tio!ed$ .he &ost(mes were e-&elle!t$ While the" were!4t #ashio!s that &ommo! people wo(ld wear' the" #itted i! with the mo*ie per#e&tl"$ .he props were also ood$ Areas portra"ed as pla!ets were *er" &o!*i!&i! to the e"e as well as weapo!s a!d *ehi&les$ .he &reators o# this mo*ie are to )e appla(ded #or their e##orts i! realism$ .he setti! o# the mo*ie was spread to ma!" di##ere!t pla!ets$ %e&a(se a lot o# the mo*ie re*ol*ed aro(!d &hasi! a!d res&(i! ' it was appropriate to ha*e a! e-pa!si*e area #or the mo*ie to ta,e pla&e$ + reall" li,ed the wa" the mo*ie was #ilmed$ Ne*er did + #eel &la(stropho)i& d(e to &lose &amera shots' !or did + #eel di??" #rom #re5(e!t &amera mo*eme!t$ + reall" li,ed how the &amera too, ad*a!ta e o# li ht a!d &olors to i*e the )est pi&t(re possi)le$ +

also e!3o"ed the wa" the #i!al 0eath Star assa(lt was #ilmed$ .he &amera did a #a!tasti& 3o) o# s(ppl"i! me with a se!se o# speed a!d da! er' whi&h wo(ld ha*e )ee! prese!t i# the )attle had reall" ta,e! pla&e$ .he li hti! a!d &olor o# the #ilm were as o(tsta!di! as the &amera wor,$ Ne*er was there a washed o(t s&e!e d(e to hea*" s(!li ht' a!d !e*er was there a deep dar,!ess d(e to the la&, o# s(!$ .here were poi!ts o# e-&elle!t &o!trast i! li hti! a!d &olor$ + !e*er missed a )eat o# the mo*ie' a!d the wo!der#(l (se o# li hti! a!d &olor e!ha!&ed m" positi*e e-perie!&e$ .he so(!d e##e&ts were e##e&ti*e a!d realisti&$ With e*er" &hase or #i ht s&e!e &ame o(tsta!di! so(!ds$ .he" were e!ri&hi! a!d added to the o*erall e-&iteme!t o# the mo*ie$ .he m(si& was tr(l" wo!der#(l$ +ts *ariatio!s a&&(ratel" re#le&ted the temperame!t o# the mo*ie$ .he mai! so! was' a!d still is' (!#or etta)le$ +t was pla"ed ea&h time the 1e)els s(&&eeded at somethi! ' a!d a dar,er to!e was pla"ed i# the e*il +mperials did somethi! to wro! the 1e)els$ .he m(si& mirrored the so(!d e##e&ts with e-&elle!&e' a!d &o!tri)(ted to the reat!ess o# the #ilm$ .he spe&ial e##e&ts i! A New Hope were *er" ood #or their time$ 6# &o(rse' spe&ial e##e&ts ha*e impro*ed o*er the "ears' )(t the e-plosio!s' laser )lasts' lar e pla!ets' a!d alie! #i (res loo,ed startli! l" realisti&$ +t was hard to )elie*e that those e##e&ts &o(ld )e m(stered (p i! the de&ade i! whi&h the mo*ie was made$ 2diti! o# the mo*ie was !ot o)*io(s' )(t it was there$ 6# &o(rse it had to )e do!e whe! people piloted spa&e ships a!d were shot dow! i! a i a!ti& e-plosio!' )(t the editors did a s(per) 3o) o# hidi! the edited mome!ts$

.he a&ti! i! A New Hope was phe!ome!al$ All &hara&ters #it their roles per#e&tl" a!d i!tera&ted well with ea&h other$ .he parts were pla"ed so well that + &a! !ot ima i!e a!" other a&tor that wo(ld ma,e a )etter or e*e! e5(all" ood &hara&ter i! the mo*ie$ .he a&ti! was !othi! short o# )rillia!t' a!d sho(ld )e (sed as a model i! the ma,i! o# other mo*ies$ .he i!te!ded a(die!&e #or A New Hope is e*er"o!e$ +t is !ot so *iole!t as to e-&l(de a "o(! er e!eratio!' is !ot too &ompli&ated to &omprehe!d' a!d is rele*a!t to all a es$ A New Hope is a &om)i!atio! o# &omed"' drama' m"ster"' a!d a&tio!$ .here are se*eral #(!!" o&&(rre!&es i! the #ilm' ma!" dramati& pea,s' a!d m(&h m"ster" a)o(t who 0arth :ader4s tr(e ide!tit" was$ + tho( ht the mo*ie had a ood )le!d a!d )ala!&e o# ea&h o# these &ate ories$ .he 0ire&tor o# Star Wars: A New Hope was <eor e /(&as$ He also dire&ted .H@ 113A' Ameri&a! <ra##iti' +!dia!a 8o!es a!d the 1aiders o# the /ost Ar,' +!dia!a 8o!es a!d the .emple o# 0oom' +!dia!a 8o!es a!d the /ast Cr(sade' 9ore Ameri&a! <ra##iti' Willow' 1adiola!d 9(rders' .he Pha!tom 9e!a&e' .he Atta&, o# the Clo!es' Star Wars: .he 2mpire Stri,es %a&,' a!d Star Wars: .he 1et(r! o# the 8edi$ .he release date o# A New Hope was 1BCC$ + wo(ld re&omme!d Star Wars: A New Hope to ea&h a!d e*er" perso! i! the world$ +# a perso! e!3o"s wat&hi! mo*ies' he or she is )o(!d to e!3o" wat&hi! this o!e$ 2*e! i# a perso! is too "o(! to (!dersta!d the plot' or is too old to hear e*er" e-&ha! e o# &o!*ersatio!' the" will still lo*e Star Wars: A New Hope' )e&a(se e*er"

*is(al mi!(te is a mi!(te well spe!t$ 2*er" s&e!e i! the mo*ie is a ood o!e' a!d there#ore the mo*ie will )e treas(red #ore*er$

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