Privateer 2 Faq

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The following is the nav point destinations you must know for the "Norm Blagger"

bulletin board mission, which involves his kidnapped daughter by a lunatic. Nav 36
is where you pick up the first pod, Nav 120 is where the second pod is, Nav 24 for
the third, and the final pod is at Nav 21. If you have not taken this mission yet,
you should. Not just for the easy 14,000 credits, but also for the small,
interesting story behind the mission. The ending to this endeavor is surprising!
Subject: Privateer 2 FAQ v1.21
From: (John Portwin)
Date: Thu, 09 Jan 97 17:44:58 GMT
Message-ID: <>

Hi everyone!

Here it is, the very latest version!



Unofficial FAQ and Information Guide v1.21




[0.0] Copyright
[0.1] Trademarks
[0.2] Disclaimer
[0.3] Where can I get this FAQ?


[1.0] Introduction
[1.1] How many CD's should I have?
[1.2] What version should I have?
[1.3] Where's my starmap?
[1.4] Why can't I buy the Freij Mk II?
[1.5] The game crashes every time I land on Hermes or Hephasteus
[1.6] Why can't I see any missions?
[1.7] Where can I buy the Kraven Mk IV lasers?
[1.8] Where can I buy the Return To Sender and Blindfire?
[1.9] The Angus Santana mission
[1.10] Matrox card problems
[1.11] Running on a 486
[1.12] CH Pro Throttle
[1.13] How to "tie up loose ends"
[1.14] Playing with the keyboard
[1.15] "Set stream speed" error
[1.16] The DOS extender
*1.17* Multiple missions
*1.18* I can't match speeds!


[2.0] Guide
[2.1] Ships you can buy
[2.2] Cargo ships you can rent
[2.3] Ships you could meet
[2.4] Guns to buy
[2.5] Missiles to buy
[2.7] Mines to buy
[2.8] Decoys to buy
[2.9] Modules to buy


[3.0] Warning
[3.1] Good trade routes
[3.2] Good illegal trade routes
[3.3] The Senator's Daughter
[3.4] How to cheat
[3.5] Why can't I complete any escort missions?
[3.6] How to win every battle
[3.7] A note on upgrades
[3.8] The Backroom Boys
[3.9] Wingmen
*3.10* Easy cheating!


[4.1] Thanks to..
[4.2] Newsgroups
[4.3] Adding to this FAQ?
[4.4] Revision list
[4.5] And finally...


[0.0] Copyright

This FAQ is copyright John Portwin, 1997.

[0.1] Trademarks

Privateer, Origin and We Create Worlds are all registered trademarks of

Origin Systems Inc. The Darkening is a trademark of Origin Systems, Inc.
Electronic Arts is a registered trademark of Electronic Arts. All names and
references to objects within the game are copyright Origin Systems Inc and
its parent company Electronic Arts. Any trademarks ommited are still

[0.2] Disclaimer

The reason I wrote this FAQ is to educate everyone and "fill in the blanks"
that are seemingly left in the game's manuals. It is not endorsed in any way
by Origin/Electronic Arts, neither is it competition to any strategy guides
that have been or may be released by Origin or Electronic Arts.

The author John Portwin shall not be held responsible for any damage to
property, persons or information caused by this FAQ. Use at your own risk.

.. a Shakespeare quote comes to mind ..

[0.3] Where can I get this FAQ?

The most recent version of this FAQ will always be available at:



[1.1] How many CD's should I have?

Although it seems there should be four CD's with the game (the holder has
space for four) the game runs on three CD's.

Apparently the beta versions came on four.

[1.2] What version should I have?

UK and European versions are version 16, USA versions 17.

[1.3] Where's my starmap?

If you bought your copy of Privateer II in Europe, you won't get a map.
US versions do. There is one available on the net at: (it is around 400k)

[1.4] Why can't I buy the Freij Mk II?

It becomes available later on, after the news bulletin about it is released.
It can be bought at most ship dealers (not all) for 200k credits.

[1.5] The game crashes every time I land on Hermes or Hephasteus

Ah, another sufferer :-) don't worry, you're not alone by far. Some possible

1) Try landing with CD 1 in the CD-ROM.

2) Increase your FILES and BUFFERS settings in your CONFIG.SYS.
3) Turn off "VIDEO TRANSITINONS" from the options menu.
4) Don't use Smartdrive.
5) Don't use a 3D graphics card.
6) Upgrade your video card BIOS.

The problem (according to Origin) is with Rendition video cards.

* A fix has been found - you'll need another 40mb of HDD space though.
Just copy SETS.IFF from your CD1 into your Privateer 2 directory. This
doesn't work in all cases :-(

[1.6] Why can't I see any missions?

You need to advance sufficiently far in the main "plot" to be offered

[1.7] Where can I buy the Kraven Mk IV lasers?

You can't, not until they are offered to you by Ralph McCloud. You must
save him from pirates and then meet him in the bar where he will offer them
to you. They will then be available in the CCN screens for 16,000 credits.

[1.8] Where can I buy the Return To Sender and Blindfire?

As above, they are rewards for completing missions later in the game.

[1.9] The Angus Santana mission

In some cases, the PADD tells you about this mission even after you
complete it. It goes after a while.

[1.10] Matrox card problems

Apparently, white flashes occur during video clips if you have a Matrox
video card. The company is currently working on a fix for this problem.

[1.11] Running on a 486

Privateer 2 will run on a 486 (DX-50 is the lowest though) with a good
graphics card, although you will get slow movie playback and the game will
slow down when there are many ships around or you are near a planet.

I have successfully run P2 with a DX-50, 8mb RAM, 2xCD-ROM. It was still
playable :-)

[1.12] CH Pro Throttle

A driver for this is available on CD-ROM 1, filename PRIV2.KEY.

[1.13] How to "Tie up loose ends"

It's just the game's way of telling you there is no more "plot" to follow,
you have basically finished the linear plot and are free to explore on your

[1.14] Playing with the keyboard

I've had a couple of questions regarding using the keyboard, sadly it is not
possible to play Privateer 2 using keys. Mouse or Joystick is the only

[1.15] "Set stream speed" error

A fix for this problem is in the European install guide, for some reason not
in the US version. It basically tells you to free up more conventional
memory. Making a boot disk is the best fix.

[1.16] The DOS extender

In the install guide, a reference on pages 10/11 is made to different

of the DOS extender being on CD 1. This is not the case. Stick with v1.97 :-(
*1.17* Multiple missions

If you see a mission on a bulletin board that you have already accepted,
do not select it again until you have competed it. Once you complete the
mission, you can come back and do it again, though :-)

*1.18* I can't match speeds!

If you are using a joystick with a throttle, the match speeds feature (X)
doesn't work. You have to disable the throttle to use this feature.


[2.0] Guide

This section has vital information on ships that you can buy through the CCN,
all pirate and military ships, as well as cargo ships. Type refers to the
class shown in the manual:

L - Light fighter
M - Medium fighter
H - Heavy fighter
T - Transport or cargo ship

Where an entry is left blank, it is unknown. Our recon crews are working on
updating the information held here.

[2.1] Ships You Can Buy

Ratings apart from Cost and given Speeds are out of 10. Afterburner speed
assumes basic speed, with no afterburner upgrades.

Type Speed Shields Modules Guns

Cost Agility Armour Missiles Max.Sp

STRAITH [PL01] L 10000 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 288

VELACIA [PL02] L 20000 5 3 5 5 3 3 2 320
AURORA [PR01] L 34000 5 3 5 3 4 4 2 320
DURESS [ML01] L 60000 7 5 6 2 4 6 2 380
DRAKKAR [KN01] L 90000 9 4 8 2 5 5 4 400
SHAMAN [PR02] M 17000 5 4 5 3 4 4 2 320
JENDEVI [PR04] M 45000 2 4 4 5 4 4 3 279
SKECIS Mk II [PL3a] M 80000 6 4 5 4 4 5 3 359
SKECIS [PL03] M 85000 6 5 4 6 5 4 4 359
HERETIC [ML02] M 100000 9 4 6 4 5 6 4 400
KALRECHI [PL04] M 110000 6 4 5 6 6 4 4 359
KARNENAN [PR03] H 70000 6 4 3 6 5 5 4 359
ICARUS [PR05] H 105000 9 4 5 4 5 6 4 400
FALDARI Mk II [ML3a] H 125000 6 5 6 4 6 6 4 359
FALDARI [ML03] H 160000 6 5 6 5 6 6 5 359
FREIJ [ML06] H 180000 9 5 9 6 7 7 4 400
FREIJ Mk II [ML6a] H 200000 9 5 9 9 7 7 5 400
DANRIK [KN02] H 250000 9 5 9 5 7 7 5 400

[2.2] Cargo ships you can rent

Speed Shield Capacity Cost

Turrets Armour Bays

GEA TRANSIT [CR01] 288 0 4 4 250 5 50

GEA TRANSIT Mk II [CR1a] 288 0 4 4 400 6 110
OGAN [CR02] 220 1 4 7 550 6 240
ILIA [CR03] 390 2 7 7 750 7 390
ILIA Mk II [CR3a] 200 2 7 7 900 8 630
MONOLITH [CR04] 140 3 7 10 1500 9 920

[2.3] More ships you could meet

Type Class Top Spd Armament Reward

LIGHT FIGHTER [ML1b] L Military 440 2 STRE

MEDIUM FIGHTER [ML2b] M Military 440
HEAVY FIGHTER [ML3b] H Military 320 5 STRE
HEAVY FIGHTER [ML4X] H Military 559 4 STRE
DESTROYER [ML4D] H Military 240 2 MIOC
SKULL [SKUL] L Jincilla 559 2 STR2, Snipe 50
VELDOR [ML05] M Jincilla 379 4 STRE 50
TACON [PRHa] H Jincilla 379 5 FLX2 50
SHUTTLE [SH1a] T Jincilla 240 2 Turret 100
CRUISER [PR6a] H Jincilla 500
VECTOR [PLM2] L Kiowan 359 2 STR2, Snipe 50
LEIGHAT [MLAS] M Kiowan 400 2 STRE 50
KRELL [PRHb] H Kiowan 400 4 FLX2 50
SHUTTLE [SH1b] T Kiowan 240 2 Turret 100
CRUISER [CR2a] H Kiowan 500
DEMON [PLM3] L Chirichan 279 2 STR2 50
HERON [ML04] M Chirichan 400 4 STRE 50
TESTMOS [PR2a] H Chirichan 440 5 FLX2, Brute 2 50
SHUTTLE [SH2a] T Chirichan 240 2 Turret 100
CRUISER [CR2b] H Chirichan 500
TEMBLER [PLM4] L Papagod 407 3 STR2 50
ECANTONA [PR2b] M Papagod 400 4 STRE, Snipe 50
ASHEARER [ML4b] H Papagod 480 5 FLX2 50
SHUTTLE [SH2b] T Papagod 240 2 Turret 100
CRUISER [PR06] H Papagod 500
VENDETTA [KN1b] L Kindred 379 3 FLX2, Snipe 100
BLADE [PL4b] H Kindred 480 4 MIOC, Snipe 100

[2.4] Guns to buy

ID Code Price Range


FLUX BEAM Mk II FLX2 8000 250

[2.5] Missiles to buy

ID Code Speed Price

SNIPE SNIP 1000 100

BRUTE Mk I BRUT 1119 150
BRUTE Mk II BRU2 1119 200
PYTHON PYTH 1400 225

[2.6] Mines to buy

ID Code Cost No. Function

HI-EX MINES MIN1 150 10 Simple explosives

PROXIMITY MINES MIN2 200 10 Detonate on contact
VIRAL MINES MIN3 350 10 Shuts down ships for 5-10 secs

[2.7] Decoys to buy

DECOYS Mk I DEC1 400 15 50% chance of decoying

DECOYS Mk II DEC2 800 15 75% chance of decoying

[2.8] Modules to buy

ID Code Cost Function

COOLANT UNIT Mk I CUL1 6000 Cooling process up 30%

COOLANT UNIT Mk II CUL2 12000 Cooling process up 50%
COOLANT UNIT Mk III CUL3 24000 Cooling process up 110%
COOLANT UNIT Mk IV CUL4 48000 Cooling process up 150%
AFTERBURNERS Mk I AEM1 4000 Increases speed + accel by 10%
AFTERBURNERS Mk II AEM2 8000 Increases speed + accel by 20%
AFTERBURNERS Mk III AEM3 14000 Increases speed + accel by 30%
AUTO-REPAIR UNIT Mk I ARU1 8000 Repair combat damage (not armour)
AUTO-REPAIR UNIT Mk II ARU2 16000 Same as Mk I, but faster
SHIELD UNIT Mk I SEM1 7000 Shield regeneration rate up 50%
SHIELD UNIT Mk II SEM2 14000 Shield regeneration rate up 75%
SHIELD UNIT Mk III SEM3 25000 Shield regeneration rate up 100%
BSE TRANSMITTER Mk I BSE1 12000 "Momentarily" shuts down enemy
BSE TRANSMITTER Mk II BSE2 18000 Shuts down enemy "for a while"
WARP SHIELDS WARP 25000 Powerful shield "for a while"
BLINDFIRE TARGETING BLF1 Tells you when to shoot
RTS ANTI-MISSILES RTS Chance of returning missile to firer
SIGNAL FILTER VFLT 6000 Blocks BSE chances by 50%
NUKE'EM NUKM 4000 One shot, destroys nearby enemies


[3.0] Warning!

Reading the following can spoil your enjoyment of the game!!

[3.1] Good legal trade routes

"Chain" cargo routes together (eg. Crius-Anhur-Hermes-Crius) for the most


Trade between Bex (buy lumber, beer and livestock) and Hephaestus, for about
7000 credits per return trip.
Between Crius (buy cyber limbs and medikits) and Anhur, around 10000 per
Between Leviatha (Livestock, Optic Nerves) and Hermes (Hardware and Ores).
Between Hermes (buy blood, optic nerves, solar generators) and Crius.
Between Anhur (buy Cesium and Platinum) and Hermes (Biopolys, Optic Nerves,
Cyber Limbs and blood).

[3.2] Good illegal trade routes

Trying to run these trips without a strong ship can greatly reduce your
life expectancy. You have been warned!

Between Bex (buy Human Organs, Pleasure Borgs, Brain Implants) and
Between Massanas (buy black market items like brains, organs) and Ostina,
for around 9000 credits per return trip.
Between Karatikus (buy organs and brains) and Janus IV (guns, solar
generators and comm units) for a good profit, around 10000 credits per trip.

[3.3] The Senator's Daughter mission

I'll explain the workings for those that are interested!

* First waypoint (at a randomly generated location):

One ship carries 70 tons every 12 hours
The other carries 100 tons every 16 hours

Time = 12 days (one day = 32 hours) = 384 hours

So total number of trips by each ship:

Ship One : Carries 384/12 = 32 trips

Ship Two : Carries 384/16 = 24 trips

Therefore, total amount of cargo carried:

Ship One : 32 x 70 = 2240 tons

Ship Two : 24 x 100 = 2400 tons

So divide 2400 by 20 (like it tells you in the question) : Nav Point 120.

* Second waypoint (at Nav point 120), with laser towers

Four department heads, four seats.

No. of ways of choosing a seat to go in first position = 4

Therefore, next department head has 3 choices
Next one has two choices
Then the last one has only one choice:

4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 24. So go to nav point 24.

* Third point (at Nav point 24), with pirates

The poor bloke throws up 9 litres = 9000 cubic centimetres, into a waste
bin of dimensions 36x36x36 centimetres.

Therefore area of bin base = 36x36 = 1296 square centimetres.

So, height reached by puke = 9000/1296 = 6.94 cm = 7cm rounded up.
Multiply by 3 : final nav point = 21.

(Apparently, someone wrote to me and said that 9 litres = 900 cubic

centimetres, and then said that that gave them an answer of 3, which was also
a correct waypoint!)

I haven't managed to rescue the girl alive (she is always found dead), but
you get your 14,000 credits.

[3.4] How to cheat

Many thanks to Daniel Pye for this information.


If you want a lot of money, just use a hex editor on a saved game (game00.iff
- game09.iff) edit position 0x03E-0x041 and 0x13E-0x141. Change those bytes
to FFFF FF00. Make sure that you change it in both spots. Doesn't
work on all versions..

More detailed cheating (use a hex editor on game00.iff-game09.iff):

mount # location in savegame Types = Units
------- -------------------- ------ -----
1 226 Hex/550 Dec 00 = Coolant Unit Mk I
2 22E Hex/558 Dec 01 = Coolant Unit Mk II
3 236 Hex/566 Dec 02 = Coolant Unit Mk III
4 23E Hex/574 Dec 03 = Coolant Unit MK IV
5 246 Hex/582 Dec 04 = Auto Repair Unit Mk I
05 = Auto Repair Unit Mk II
The amount that you have is stored 06 = Afterburner Enhancer Mk I
at the location - 4 07 = Afterburner Enhancer Mk II
example: Hard Point 2 is at 08 = Afterburner Enhancer Mk III
22E (hex) then the amount of the 09 = Shield Enhancer Mk I
item on the hardpoint is at 0A = Shield Enhancer Mk II
22A (hex) 0B = Shield Enhancer Mk III
0C = BSE Virus Transmitter Mk I
Mount locations are in the 0D = BSE Virus Transmitter Mk II
following order when more than 0E = Signal Filter
five of them. 0F = Warp Shields
10 = Nuke'm
1 2 11 = Hi-Ex Mines
3 4 12 = Proximity Mines
5 6 13 = Viral Mines
7 14 = Decoys Mk I
15 = Decoys Mk II

Missile mounts:

Location in file:
mount # location in savegame Types = Missiles
------- -------------------- ------ --------
1 256 Hex/598 Dec 00 = Snipe
2 25E Hex/606 Dec 01 = Brute Mk I
3 266 Hex/614 Dec 02 = Brute Mk II
4 26E Hex/622 Dec 03 = Python
5 276 Hex/630 Dec 04 = Disrupter
6 27E Hex/638 Dec 05 = Banshee
7 286 Hex/646 Dec 06 = Proximity
07 = Stingray Torpedo
08 = Hellraiser Torpedo

Hardpoint Location on Ships With More Than 4 points are in the following
2 3 ***Amounts of missiles are stored at the missile address
4 5 -4 example: Hardpoint 1 is at 256. The # of missiles
6 7 on that point is at 252. You will not see them in the
booth though.

Gun Mounts:

Location in file:
mount # location in savegame Types = Guns
------- -------------------- ------ --------
1 296 Hex/662 Dec 00 = Stream Laser Mk I
2 29E Hex/670 Dec 01 = Stream Laser Mk II
3 2A6 Hex/678 Dec 02 = Volt Laser
4 2AE Hex/686 Dec 03 = Flux Beam Mk I
5 2B6 Hex/694 Dec 04 = Flux Beam Mk II
05 = Mass Ion Cannon
06 = Kraven Laser MK IV

Hardpoint Location on Ships With More Than 4 points are in the following
2 3
4 5

Paul Walker <> tells me that there are two more gun

07 = Big Ship Guns (2), Yellow beams

08 = Big Ship Guns (2), Red beams (as 5?)

With five lasers, your opponents can now get *really* toasted!

[3.5] Why can't I complete any escort missions?

Don't leave the ship you're supposed to be escorting - only jump after it
does, and land after it lands. Then you will complete your mission.

[3.6] How to win every battle

Try to never attack a ship head on. The majority of enemy in the game will
rush you head on and then fly around in aimless circles. Get behind a target,
match speeds and you can just blast the sucker to hell..

If you are attacking a shuttle, first knock out it's escort and then get
in it's blind spot (the side with no laser turrets) and blast away..

Cato Dolvik <>

"The best way to fight cruisers is "head on" no kidding, it seems like they
can't reach you with their turrets if you are directly in front of them.
They also give 500 in reward. And to fight cargo ships try to get behind
them and really close before starting to fire at them."

[3.7] A note on upgrades

Since you don't lose any money when you buy/sell equipment, it makes sense
to upgrade your ship (a Shaman with good shields and afterburners and a
couple of MIOCs still packs a huge punch) first and *then* once you have
a good amount of money to sell all and get a really good ship.

[3.8] The Backroom Boys

If you accept this mission, knock out the escort ships first then scan the
Monolith (the Boys are in it). Then you can destroy their ship in peace.

[3.9] Wingmen

It makes sense to get the best wingman you can. Ones costing more than 400
credits are the best. Remember you will lose a wingman after you land at a
planet - if you have a particularly good wingman, try to land on space
stations instead of planets.

Also, if you know you're in for a particularly heavy mission with lots of
fighting, hire a beefy cargo ship like a Monolith (they have powerful
turrets and a lot of armour) as well as a wingman.

*3.10* Easy cheating!

Martin Mueller <> writes:

Instead of hacking into your saved games you can easily cheat
while in-game:
Enter the navigational display (ALT-n)
Hit 'f' for find and enter:
REP ME UP -> Ship repaired, armour and shields at 100%
PETY PETY -> Afterburner fuel refilled
CHILL OUT -> Drop laser temperature to 0
NAPALM -> Get infinite nukes (ALT-s)
NO TALENT -> Invincibility

These cheats are active until you land on a planet/base.

Sometimes these cheats seem to freeze the game when landing
on a planet, though... at least on my machine :(


[4.1] Thanks To..

Mika Majakorpi <> for letting me use the info on his web pages
and for storing my FAQ.
Daniel Pye <> for the hacking info.
Goh Yu-Jin <>
Roger Wong <> for FAQ-writing info.
Cato Dolvik <> for some useful info

Everyone else who I forgot..

[4.2] Newsgroups

If you want more information, there are four newsgroups which have a
lot of Privateer 2 information:

[4.3] Adding to this FAQ?

If you have any information you want added, just drop me an e-mail at and I will add it.

Similarily, if you think you have been unfairly treated in any way, just
tell me and I will do what I can to help :-)

[4.4] Revision List

v1.2 Added:
Multiple missions
Using throttles
Easy cheating
v1.1 Changed:
Senator's daughter mission (typo)
Rendition note
Tying up loose ends
The Backroom Boys
Playing with the keyboard
"Set stream speed" error
The DOS extender

[4.5] And finally...

"I'm on top of the world maaaa!"

.. John Portwin - ..
for Psion Software / Privateer 2 FAQ!
Junk e-mail is illegal - let's stop it now!

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