This document outlines the syllabus for the course CS2402 Mobile and Pervasive Computing. It covers 5 units: Mobile Networks, Wireless Networks, Routing, Transport and Application Layers, and Pervasive Computing. Some key topics included are GSM architecture and protocols, wireless LAN and PAN standards, mobile IP, WAP architecture, and pervasive computing infrastructure and applications. The total number of periods for the course is 45. Two textbooks and 4 references are provided.
This document outlines the syllabus for the course CS2402 Mobile and Pervasive Computing. It covers 5 units: Mobile Networks, Wireless Networks, Routing, Transport and Application Layers, and Pervasive Computing. Some key topics included are GSM architecture and protocols, wireless LAN and PAN standards, mobile IP, WAP architecture, and pervasive computing infrastructure and applications. The total number of periods for the course is 45. Two textbooks and 4 references are provided.
This document outlines the syllabus for the course CS2402 Mobile and Pervasive Computing. It covers 5 units: Mobile Networks, Wireless Networks, Routing, Transport and Application Layers, and Pervasive Computing. Some key topics included are GSM architecture and protocols, wireless LAN and PAN standards, mobile IP, WAP architecture, and pervasive computing infrastructure and applications. The total number of periods for the course is 45. Two textbooks and 4 references are provided.
This document outlines the syllabus for the course CS2402 Mobile and Pervasive Computing. It covers 5 units: Mobile Networks, Wireless Networks, Routing, Transport and Application Layers, and Pervasive Computing. Some key topics included are GSM architecture and protocols, wireless LAN and PAN standards, mobile IP, WAP architecture, and pervasive computing infrastructure and applications. The total number of periods for the course is 45. Two textbooks and 4 references are provided.
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Cellular Wireless Networks GSM Architecture Protocols Connection Establishment Frequency Allocation Routin Mobility Manaement Security GPRS! UNIT II WIRELESS NETWORKS 9 Wireless "ANs an# PANs $EEE %&'!(( Stan#ar# Architecture Ser)ices Network *i+er"AN ,lue -ooth. Wi.Fi WiMA/ UNIT III ROUTING 9 Mobile $P 0*CP A#*oc Proacti)e an# Reacti)e Routin Protocols Multicast Routin! UNIT IV TRANSPORT AND APPLICATION LAYERS 9 Mobile -CP WAP Architecture WWW Prorammin Mo#el W0P W-"S W-P WSP WAE W-A Architecture WM" WM"Scri+ts! UNIT V PERVASIVE COMPUTING 9 Per)asi)e com+utin in1rastructure.a++lications. 0e)ice -echnoloy . *ar#ware2 *uman.machine $nter1aces2 ,iometrics2 an# 3+eratin systems 0e)ice Connecti)ity Protocols2 Security2 an# 0e)ice Manaement. Per)asi)e Web A++lication architecture. Access 1rom PCs an# P0As . Access )ia WAP TOTAL: 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS: (! 4ochen Schiller2 5Mobile Communications62 P*$2 Secon# E#ition2 '&&7! '! 4ochen ,urkhar#t2 Per)asi)e Com+utin8 -echnoloy an# Architecture o1 Mobile $nternet A++lications2 A##ison.Wesley Pro1essional9 7r# e#ition2 '&&: REFERENCES: (! Frank A#elstein2 San#ee+ ;S Gu+ta2 Gol#en Richar#2 Fun#amentals o1 Mobile an# Per)asi)e Com+utin2 McGraw.*ill '&&< '! 0ebashis Saha2 Networkin $n1rastructure 1or Per)asi)e Com+utin8 Enablin -echnoloies2 ;luwer Aca#emic Publisher2 S+riner9 First e#ition2 '&&' 7! $ntro#uction to Wireless an# Mobile Systems by Arawal an# =en2 ,rooks> Cole ?-homson "earnin@2 First e#ition2 '&&' A! Bwe *ansmann2 "othar Merk2 Martin S! Nicklons an# -homas Stober2 Princi+les o1 Mobile Com+utin2 S+riner2 New Cork2 '&&7! CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG ( ANAND INSTITUTE OF HIGHER TECHNOLOGY KAHIPATTUR DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE ! ENFINEERING CS2402" MOBILE AND PERVASIVE COMPUTING #UESTION BANK PART"A UNIT"I $% W&'( )* +,-)./ 0,+12()345 Mobile com+utin is a technoloy that allows transmission o1 #ata2 )ia a com+uter2 without ha)in to be connecte# to a 1iEe# +hysical link! 2% W&'( '6/ (7, 8)99/6/3( :)38* ,9 +,-).)(;5 U*/6 M,-).)(;: $t re1ers to a user who has access to the same or similar telecommunication ser)ices at #i11erent +laces! D/<)0/ P,6('-).)(;: many mechanisms in the network an# insi#e the #e)ice ha)e to make sure that communication is still +ossible while the #e)ice is mo)in! 3% F)38 ,2( (&/ 0&'6'0(/6)*()0* 7&)./ 8/<)0/ 0'3 (&2* /=&)-)( 826)34 0,++23)0'(),3% FiEe# an# Wire# Mobile an# Wire# FiEe# an# Wireless Mobile an# Wireless 4% W&'( '6/ '11.)0'(),3* ,9 M,-)./ C,+12()345 Dehicles Emerencies ,usiness Re+lacement o1 wire# networks $n1otainment "ocation #e+en#ent ser)ices Follow.on ser)ices "ocation aware ser)ices CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG ' Pri)acy $n1ormation ser)ices Su++ort ser)ices Mobile an# wireless #e)ices Sensor Embe##e# controllers Paer Mobile +hones Personal #iital assistant Pocket com+uter Notebook>la+to+ 5% W&'( '6/ (&/ ,-*('0./* )3 +,-)./ 0,++23)0'(),3*5 $nter1erence Reulations an# s+ectrum "ow ,an#wi#th *ih #elays2 lare #elay )ariation "ower security2 sim+ler to attack Share# Me#ium A#hoc.networks >% L)*( ,2( (&/ '8<'3('4/ ,9 0/..2.'6 7)6/./** 3/(7,6:*% *iher ca+acity2 hiher number o1 users "ess transmission +ower nee#e# More robust2 #ecentraliFe# ,ase station #eals with inter1erence2 transmission area etc! ?% W&'( '6/ (&/ 8)*'8<'3('4/* ,9 0/..2.'6 *;*(/+*5 -he a#)antaes o1 cellular systems are2 $n1rastructure nee#e# CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG 7 *an# o)er nee#e# Frequency +lannin @% W&'( '6/ (&/ -'*)0 46,21* ,9 .,4)0'. 0&'33/.*5 GSM s+eci1ies ' basic rou+s o1 loical channels2 -ra11ic channels Control channels 9% W&'( '6/ (&/ 0'(/4,6)/* ,9 M,-)./ */6<)0/*5 ,earer ser)ices -ele ser)ices Su++lementary ser)ices
$0% W&'( '6/ *2-*;*(/+* )3 GSM *;*(/+5 Ra#io subsystem ?RSS@ Network G Switchin subsystem ?NSS@ 3+eration subsystem ?3SS@ $$% W&'( '6/ (&/ 0,3(6,. 0&'33/. 46,21* )3 GSM5 -he control channel rou+s in GSM are8 ,roa#cast control channel ?,CC*@ Common control channel ?CCC*@ 0e#icate# control channel ?0CC*@ $2% W&'( '6/ (&/ 9,26 (;1/* ,9 &'38,</6 '<').'-./ )3 GSM5 $ntra cell *an#o)er $nter cell $ntra ,SC *an#o)er $nter ,SC $ntra MSC han#o)er $nter MSC *an#o)er CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG A
$3% G)</ (&/ )39,6+'(),3A* )3 SIM5 Car# ty+e2 serial no2 list o1 subscribe# ser)ices Personal $#entity Number?P$N@ Pin Bnlockin ;ey?PB;@ An Authentication ;ey?;$@ $4% W&'( )* (&/ 96/B2/30; 6'34/ ,9 21.)3: '38 8,73.)3: )3 GSM 3/(7,6:5 -he 1requency rane o1 u+link in GSM network is %H&.HI& M*F -he 1requency rane o1 #ownlink in GSM network is H7<.HI& M*F $5% W&'( '6/ (&/ */026)(; */6<)0/* ,99/6/8 -; GSM5 -he security ser)ices o11ere# by GSM are8 Access control an# authentication! Con1i#entiality! Anonymity!
$>% W&'( )* '2(&/3()0'(),3 0/3(6/ CA2CD5 As the ra#io inter1ace an# mobile stations are +articularly )ulnerable a se+arate AuC has been #e1ine# to +rotect user i#entity an# #ata transmission! -he AuC contains the alorithms 1or authentication as well as the keys 1or encry+tion an# enerates the )alues nee#e# 1or user authentication in the *"R! -he AuC may2 in 1act2 be situate# in a s+ecial +rotecte# +art o1 the *"R!
$?% W&'( )* N/(7,6: '38 S7)(0&)34 *2-*;*(/+5 -he heart o1 the GSM is 1orme# by the Network an# Switchin System ?NSS@! NSS consists o1 the 1ollowin switches an# #atabases8 Mobile Ser)ices switchin Center ?MSC@ *ome "ocation reister ?*"R@ Disitor "ocation Reister ?D"R@ CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG < $@% W&'( '6/ (&/ */6<)0/* 16,<)8/8 -; *211./+/3('6; */6<)0/*5 Bser i#enti1ication Call re#irection Call 1orwar#in Close# user rou+s Multi+arty Communication
$9% W&'( '6/ (;1/* ,9 H'38,</65 $ntra.cell han#o)er $nter.cell2 intra. ,SC han#o)er $nter.,SC2 intra.MSC han#o)er $nter MSC han#o)er 20% W&'( '6/ (&/ 6/'*,3* 9,6 8/.';* )3 GSM 9,6 1'0:/( 8'(' (6'99)05 Collisions only are +ossible in GSM with a connection establishment! A slotte# A"3*A mechanism is use# to et access to the control channel by which the base station is tol# about the connection establishment attem+t! A1ter connection establishment2 a #esinate# channel is installe# 1or the transmission! 2$% I9 @ *1//0& 0&'33/.* '6/ *211,6(/8 ,3 ' *)34./ 6'8), 0&'33/.E '38 )9 3, 42'68 -'38 )* '**2+/8E 7&'( )* (&/ 32+-/6 ,9 *)+2.('3/,2* 2*/6* (&'( 0'3 -/ '00,++,8'(/8 )3 GSM5 (&&& users!
22% W&'( )* +/'3( -; -/'0,35 A beacon contains a timestam+ an# other manaement in1ormation use# 1or +ower manaement an# roamin! e!!2 i#enti1ication o1 the base station subsystem ?,SS@
CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG I 23% L)*( ,2( (&/ 32+-/6* 3//8/8 (, .,0'(/ '3 MS '38 (, '886/** (&/ MS% -he numbers nee#e# to locate an MS an# to a##ress the MS are8
Mobile station international $S0N number ?MS$S0N@ $nternational mobile subscriber i#entity ?$MS$@ -em+orary mobile subscriber i#entity ?-MS$@ Mobile station roamin number ?MSRN@ 24% W&'( )* +/'3( -; GPRS5 -he General Packet Ra#io Ser)ice +ro)i#es +acket mo#e trans1er 1or a++lications that eEhibit tra11ic +atterns such as 1requent transmission o1 small )olumes!
25% W&'( )* +/'3( -; GGSN5 GGSN is Gateway GPRS Su++ort No#e! $t is the inter.workin unit between the GPRS network an# eEternal +acket #ata networks! -he GGSN is connecte# to eEternal networks )ia the Gi inter1ace an# trans1ers +ackets to the SGSN )ia an $Pbase# GPRS backbone network!
2>% W&'( )* +/'3( -; SGSN5 SGSN is Ser)in GPRS Su++ort No#e! $t su++orts the MS )ia the Gb inter1ace! -he GSN is connecte# to a ,SC )ia 1rame relay!
2?% W&'( )* +/'3( -; BSSGP5 ,SSGP is ,ase Station Subsystem GPRS Protocol! $t is use# to con)ey routin an# JoS. relate# in1ormation between the ,SS an# SGSN!,SSGP #oes not +er1orm error correction an# works on to+ o1 a 1rame relay network! UNIT"II $% W&'( '6/ (&/ A8<'3('4/* ,9 7)6/./** LAN5 FleEibility CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG : Plannin 0esin Robustness Juality Ser)ice Cost Pro+rietary Solution Restriction Sa1ety an# Security 2% W&'( '6/ (&/ D/*)43 G,'.* ,9 W)6/./** LANK Global 3+eration "ow Power "icense.1ree 3+eration Robust transmission technoloy Sim+li1ie# s+ontaneous co.o+eration Easy to use Protection o1 in)estment Sa1ety an# Security -rans+arency 1or a++lication 3% M/3(),3 *,+/ ,9 (&/ 8)*'8<'3('4/* ,9 WLANS5 Juality o1 ser)ice Pro+rietary solutions! Restrictions Sa1ety an# Security 4% M/3(),3 (&/ 9/'(26/* ,9 6'8), (6'3*+)**),35 Co)er lare areas! Can +enetrate walls2 1urnitureLs! CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG % 0oes not nee# a "3S! *iher transmission rates! 5% W&'( '6/ (&/ 8)*'8<'3('4/* ,9 6'8), (6'3*+)**),35 Shiel#in is not so sim+le! Can inter1ere with other sen#ers! "imite# ranes o1 license.1ree ban#s! >% M/3(),3 (&/ 9/'(26/* ,9 )396'6/8 (6'3*+)**),35 Sim+le EEtremely chea+ "icenses are not nee#e# Electrical #e)ices #o not inter1ere ?% W&'( '6/ A8<'3('4/* '38 D)*'8<'3('4/* ,9 I396'6/85 A8<'3('4/*: Sim+le an# eEtremely chea+ sen#ers an# recei)ers which interate# in almost all mobile #e)ices MNo licenses are nee#e# 1or in1rare# technoloy an# shiel#in is )ery sim+le! Electrical #e)ices #o not inter1ere with in1rare# transmission! D)*'8<'3('4/*: "ow ban#wi#th Juite easily shiel#e# Cannot Penetrate @% W&'( )* (&/ 8)99/6/30/ -/(7//3 )396'*(620(26/ '38 '8"&,0 3/(7,6:*5 I396'*(620(26/"-'*/8 7)6/./** 3/(7,6:*: Communication takes +lace only between the wireless no#es an# the access +oint2 but not #irectly between the wireless no#es! A8"&,0 7)6/./** 3/(7,6:*: CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG H Communication takes +lace #irectly with other no#es2 so no access +oint Controllin me#ium access is necessary! 9% D/9)3/ 96/B2/30; &,11)34 *16/'8 *1/0(62+5 F*SS allows 1or the coeEistence o1 multi+le networks in the same area by se+aratin #i11erent networks usin #i11erent ho++in sequences! $0% D/9)3/ 6'38,+ -'0: ,99 ()+/5 $1 the me#ium is busy2 no#es ha)e to wait 1or the #uration o1 0$FS2 enterin a contention +hase a1terwar#s! Each no#e now chooses a ran#om back o11 time within a contention win#ow an# #elays me#ium access 1or this ran#om amount o1 time! $$% W&'( )* (&/ 16)+'6; 4,'. ,9 IEEE @02%$$5 -he +rimary oal o1 the stan#ar# was the s+eci1ication o1 a sim+le2 robust2 W"AN which o11ers time boun#e# an# asynchronous ser)ices also it shoul# be able to o+erate with multi+le +hysical layers! $2% I* IEEE @02%$$ '38 W)"F) *'+/F S('(/ (&/ 1261,*/ ,9 W)"F)% A3*: No $t is wireless internet! Cour la+to+ has an internal wireless car# so you can connect to wireless routers! $1 you oto a hotel that a#)ertises 1ree wireless internet2 you shoul# be able to connect to it! Cou #onNt ha)e to ha)e an Ethernet cable to connect to the web at home either! $3% W&; (&/ PHY .';/6 ,9 IEEE @02%$$ )* *2-8)<)8/85 W&'( '-,2( H)1/6LAN2 '38 B.2/(,,(&5 P"CP Physical "ayer Con)erence Protocol Clear channel assessment sinal ?carrier sense@ PM0 Physical Me#ium 0e+en#ent Mo#ulation2 co#in P*C Manaement channel selection2 M$, Station Manaement coor#ination o1 all manaement 1unctions CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG (& $4% W&'( '6/ (&/ <'6),2* </6*),3* ,9 ' 1&;*)0'. .';/6 8/9)3/8 )3 IEEE @02%$$ *('38'68*5 $EEE %&'!((.%7!< M*F $EEE %&'!((a .7&& M*F $EEE %&'!((b! %7!< M*F $EEE %&'!(( . %7!< M*F $5% W&'( '6/ (&/ *;*(/+ )3(/46'(),3 9230(),3* ,9 MAC +'3'4/+/3(5 SynchroniFation Power manaement Roamin Manaement in1ormation base ?M$,@ UNIT"III $% W&'( '6/ (&/ 6/B2)6/+/3(* ,9 +,-)./ IP5 Com+atibility -rans+arency Scalability an# e11iciency Security 2% M/3(),3 (&/ 8)99/6/3( /3()()/* )3 ' +,-)./ IP% Mobile No#e Corres+on#ent No#e *ome Network Forein Network Forein Aent *ome Aent Care.31 a##ress CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG (( Forein aent C3A Co.locate# C3A 3% D/9)3/ M,-)./ 3,8/: A mobile no#e is an en#.system or router that can chane its +oint o1 attachment to the $nternet usin mobile $P! -he MN kee+s its $P a##ress an# can continuously with any other system in the $nternet as lon as link layer connecti)ity is i)en! 4% E=1.')3 C/..2.'6 IP% Cellular $P +ro)i#es local han#o)ers without renewe# reistration by installin a sinle cellular $P ateway 1or each #omain2 which acts to the outsi#e worl# as a 1orein aent! 5% W&'( 8, ;,2 +/'3 -; +,-).)(; -)38)345 -he Mobile No#e sen#s its reistration request to the *ome Aent! -he *A now sets u+ a mobility bin#in containin the mobile no#eLs home $P a##ress an# the current C3A! >% D/9)3/ COA% -he C3A ?care o1 a##ress@ #e1ines the current location o1 the MN 1rom an $P +oint o1 )iew! All $P +ackets sent to the MN are #eli)ere# to the C3A2 not #irectly to the $P a##ress o1 the MN! Packet #eli)ery towar# the MN is #one usin the tunnel! 0*CP is a oo# can#i#ate 1or su++ortin the acquisition o1 Care 31 A##resses! ?% D/9)3/ ' (233/.% A tunnel establishes a )irtual +i+e 1or #ata +ackets between a tunnel entry an# a tunnel en#+oint! Packets enterin a tunnel are 1orwar#e# insi#e the tunnel an# lea)e the tunnel unchane#! @% W&'( )* /30'1*2.'(),35 Enca+sulation is the mechanism o1 takin a +acket consistin o1 +acket hea#er an# #ata +uttin it into the #ata +art o1 a new +acket! CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG (' 9% W&'( )* 8/0'1*2.'(),35 -he re)erse o+eration2 takin a +acket out o1 the #ata +art o1 another +acket2 is calle# #eca+sulation! $0% D/9)3/ '3 ,2(/6 &/'8/6% -he *A takes the oriinal +acket with the MN as #estination2 +uts it into the #ata +art o1 a new +acket an# sets the new $P hea#er in such a way that the +acket is route# to the C3A! -he new hea#er is calle# the outer hea#er! $$% D/9)3/ '3 )33/6 &/'8/6% -here is an inner hea#er which can be i#entical to the oriinal hea#er as this case 1or $$P enca+sulation2 or the inner hea#er can be com+ute# #urin enca+sulation! $2% W&'( )* +/'3( -; 4/3/6)0 6,2()34 /30'1*2.'(),35 Generic routin enca+sulation allows the enca+sulation o1 +ackets o1 one +rotocol suite into the +ayloa# +ortion o1 a +acket o1 another +rotocol suite! $3% W&; )* 3//8 ,9 6,2()345 Routin is to 1in# the +ath between source an# #estination an# to 1orwar# the +ackets a++ro+riately! $4% W&'( )* (&/ 2*/ ,9 3/(7,6: '886/** (6'3*.'(),35 -he network a##ress translation is use# by many com+anies to hi#e internal resources an# to use only some lobally a)ailable a##resses! $5% D/9)3/ (6)'342.'6 6,2()34% CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG (7 -he ine11icient beha)ior o1 a non.o+timiFe# mobile $P is calle# trianular routin! -he trianle is ma#e u+ o1 three sements2 CN to *A2 *A to C3AOMN2 an# MN back to CN! $>% W&'( )* +/'3( -; ' -)38)34 0'0&/5 3ne way to o+timiFe the route is to in1orm the CN o1 the current location by cachin it in a bin#in cache which is a +art o1 the local routin table 1or the CN! $?% D/9)3/ -)38)34 6/B2/*(% Any no#e that wants to know the current location o1 an MN can sen# a bin#in request to the *A! -he *A can check i1 the MN has allowe# #issemination o1 its current location! $1 the *A is allowe# to re)eal the location it sen#s back a bin#in u+#ate! $@% W&'( )* :3,73 '* B)38)34 218'(/5 -his messae sent by the *A to CNs re)eals the current location o1 the MN! -he messae contains the 1iEe# $P a##ress o1 the MN an# the C3A! -he bin#in u+#ate can request an acknowle#ement! $9% E=1.')3 -)38)34 '0:3,7./84/+/3(% $1 requeste#2 a no#e returns this acknowle#ement recei)in a bin#in u+#ate messae! 20% D/9)3/ -)38)34 7'63)34% $1 a no#e #eca+sulates a +acket 1or a MN2 but it is not the current FA 1or this MN2 this no#e sen#s a bin#in warnin! -he warnin contains MNLs home a##ress an# a taret no#e a##ress! 2$% W&'( '6/ (&/ '8<'3('4/* ,9 0/..2.'6 IP5 Manaeability8 CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG (A Cellular $P is mostly sel1.con1iurin2 an# interation o1 the C$PGW into a 1irewall woul# 1acilitate a#ministration o1 mobility.relate# 1unctionality! E11iciency -rans+arency Security 22% W&'( )* :3,73 '* +,-).)(; '30&,6 1,)3(5 *M$P)I +ro)i#es micro.mobility su++ort by installin a mobility anchor +oint2 which is res+onsible 1or a certain #omain an# acts as a local *A within this #omain 1or )isitin MNs! 23% E=1.')3 8/*()3'(),3 */B2/30/ 8)*('30/ </0(,6 6,2()34% 0estination sequence #istance )ector routin is an enhancement to #istance )ector routin 1or a#.hoc networks an# is use# as routin in1ormation +rotocol in wire# networks! 24% W&'( '6/ (&/ (7, (&)34* '88/8 (, (&/ 8)*('30/ </0(,6 '.4,6)(&+5 Sequence Numbers 0am+in 25% H,7 (&/ 8;3'+)0 *,260/ 6,2()34 8,/* 8)<)8/ (&/ ('*: ,9 6,2()34 )3(, (7, */1'6'(/ 16,-./+*5 Route #isco)ery Route Maintenance 2>% H,7 0'3 DHCP -/ 2*/8 9,6 +,-).)(; '38 *211,6( ,9 +,-)./ IP5 Normally2 a mobile no#e uses a care.o1.a##ress! $n some cases2 the mobile no#e may ha)e to act as its own 1orein aent by usin co.locate# care o1 a##ress! -he means by which a mobile no#e acquires a co.locate# a##ress is beyon# the sco+e o1 mobile $P! 3ne means is to #ynamically acquire tem+orary $P a##ress an the mo)e usin ser)ices such as 0*CP! CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG (< 2?% L)*( ,2( (&/ *,+/ ,9 (&/ 1,12.'6 R,2()34 16,(,0,.*% 0S0D?0estination Sequence 0istance Dector@ 0SR?0ynamic Source Routin@ A30D?A#.*oc 3n 0eman# Dector Routin@ 2@% W&'( )* +/'3( -; T6'3*1'6/30;5 Mobility shoul# remain in)isible 1or many hiher layer Protocols an# a++lications! -he only a11ects o1 mobility shoul# be a hiher #elay an# lower ban#wi#th which are natural in the case o1 mobile networks! 29% S1/0)9; (&/ 9)/.8 ,9 +)3)+'. /30'1*2.'(),3 +/(&,8 )3 +,-)./ 3/(7,6: .';/6% Minimal enca+sulation #oin2 A)oi#s re+etition o1 i#entical 1iel#s e!! --"2 $*"2 )ersion2 -3S 3nly a++licable 1or un1ramente# +ackets2 no s+ace le1t 1or 1rament i#enti1ication 30% W&'( 8, ;,2 +/'3( -; 6,'+)345 Mo)in between access +oints is calle# roamin! E)en wireless networks may require more than one access +oint to co)erall rooms! $n or#er to +ro)i#e uninterru+te# ser)ice2 we require roamin when the user mo)es 1rom one access +oint to another! 3$% W&'( )* +,-)./ 6,2()345 E)en i1 the location o1 a terminal is known to the system2 it still has to route the tra11ic throuh the network to the access +oint currently res+onsible 1or the wireless terminal! Each time a user mo)es to a new access +oint2 the system must reroute tra11ic! -his is known as mobile routin! UNIT"IV $% W&'( )* *.,7 *('6(5 CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG (I -CPLs reaction to a missin acknowle#ement is necessary to et ri# o1 conestion quickly! -he beha)ior -CP shows a1ter the #etection o1 conestion is calle# slow start! 2% W&'( )* (&/ 2*/ ,9 0,34/*(),3 (&6/*&,.85 -he eE+onential rowth o1 the conestion win#ow in the slow start mechanism is #anerous as it #oubles the conestion win#ow at each ste+! So a conestion threshol# is set at which the eE+onential rowth sto+s! 3% W&'( ./8 (, (&/ 8/</.,1+/3( ,9 I38)6/0( TCP5 -CP +er1orms +oorly toether with wireless links -CP within the 1iEe# network cannot be chane#! -his le# to the #e)elo+ment o1 $.-CP which sements a -CP connection into a 1iEe# +art an# a wireless +art! 4% W&'( )* (&/ 4,'. ,9 M"TCP5 -he oal o1 M.-CP is to +re)ent the sen#er win#ow 1rom shrinkin i1 bit errors or #isconnection but not conestion cause current +roblems! $t wants P -o +ro)i#e o)erall throuh+ut P -o lower the #elay P -o maintain semantics o1 -CP P -o +ro)i#e a more e11icient han#o)er! 5% W&'( 8, ;,2 +/'3 -; 1/6*)*(/3( +,8/5 Persistent mo#e is the state o1 the sen#er will not chane no matter how lon the recei)er is #isconnecte#! -his means that the sen#er will not try to retransmit the #ata! >% W&'( '6/ (&/ 0&'6'0(/6)*()0* ,9 2%5GF3%5G 7)6/./** 3/(7,6:*5 0ata rates "atency CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG (: 4itter Packet loss ?% W&'( '6/ (&/ 0,39)426'(),3 1'6'+/(/6* (, '8'1( TCP (, 7)6/./** /3<)6,3+/3(*5 "are Win#ows "imite# -ransmit "are M-B Selecti)e Acknowle#ement EE+licit Conestion Noti1ication -imestam+ No hea#er com+ression @% S('(/ (&/ 6/B2)6/+/3(* ,9 WAP% $ntero+erable Scalable E11icient Reliable Secure 9% N'+/ (&/ .';/6* ,9 WAP% -rans+ort layer Security layer -ransaction layer Session layer A++lication layer $0% N'+/ *,+/ ICMP +/**'4/*% 0estination unreachable Parameter +roblem Messae too bi CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG (% Reassembly 1ailure Echo request>re+ly $$% W&'( )* WTP5 W&'( '6/ )(* 0.'**/*5 W-P stan#s 1or Wireless -ransaction Protocol! $t has been #esine# to run on )ery thin clients such as mobile +hones! $t has three classes8 Class &8 +ro)i#es unreliable messae trans1er without any result messae! Class (8 +ro)i#es reliable messae trans1er without eEactly one reliable result messae! Class '8 +ro)i#es reliable messae trans1er with eEactly one reliable result messae! $2% W&'( )* WSP5 -he Wireless Session Protocol has been #esine# to o+erate on to+ o1 the #ataram ser)ice W0P or the transaction ser)ice W-P! $t +ro)i#es a share# state between a client an# a ser)er to o+timiFe content trans1er! $3% N'+/ *,+/ 9/'(26/* ,9 WSP '8'1(/8 (, 7/- -6,7*)34% *--P>(!( 1unctionality EEchane o1 session hea#ers Push an# +ull #ata trans1er Asynchronous request $4% W&'( )* WML5 -he Wireless Marku+ "anuae is base# on the stan#ar# *-M" known 1rom the www an# on *0M"! WM" is s+eci1ie# as an /M" #ocument ty+e! $5% W&'( '6/ (&/ 9/'(26/* ,9 WML5 -eEt an# $maes CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG (H Bser interaction Na)iation ConteEt Manaement $>% W&'( '6/ (&/ '8<'3('4/* ,9 WML S06)1( ,</6 WML5 WM" Scri+t o11ers se)eral ca+abilities not su++orte# by WM"8 Dali#ity check o1 user in+ut Access to #e)ice 1acilities "ocal user interaction EEtension to the #e)ice so1tware $?% N'+/ (&/ .)-6'6)/* *1/0)9)/8 -; WML S06)1(% "an Float Strin BR" WM" ,rowser 0ialos $@% W&'( '6/ (&/ 0.'**/* ,9 .)-6'6)/*5 Common network ser)ices Network s+eci1ic ser)ices Public ser)ices $9% N'+/ (&/ ,1/6'(),3* 1/69,6+/8 -; PAP. Push access Protocol +er1orms the 1ollowin o+erations8 Push submission Result noti1ication Push cancellation Status query CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG '& Client ca+abilities query 20% W&'( '6/ (&/ 0,+1,3/3(* ,9 WAP2%05 -he +rotocol 1ramework o1 WAP'!& consists o1 1our com+onents8 ,earer networks -rans+ort ser)ices -rans1er ser)ices Session ser)ices 2$% W&'( )* (&/ 2*/ ,9 0,34/*(),3 (&6/*&,.85 -he eE+onential rowth o1 the conestion win#ow in the slow start mechanism is #anerous as it #oubles the conestion win#ow at each ste+! So a conestion threshol# is set at which the eE+onential rowth sto+s! 22% W&'( )* )+'4/ *0'.)345 $1 a +ae contains a true color2 hih.resolution +icture2 this +icture can be calle# #own to 1ewer colors2 lower resolution2 or 1inally to only the title o1 the +icture! -he user can #eci#e to #ownloa# the +icture se+arately! Further one can o11er cli++in2 Foomin2 or #etail Stu#ies to users i1 they are intereste# in a +art o1 the +icture! 23% D/9)3/ WAP WAP is Wireless A++lication Protocol! $t is the basic 3bQecti)e o1 the WAP 1orum are to brin #i)erse $nternet content an# others #ata ser)ice to #iital cellular +hones an# other wireless2 mobile terminals! More e)er a +rotocol suite shoul# enable lobal wireless communication across #i11erent wireless network technoloies! All WAP 1orum solution must be8 intero+erable2 scalable2 e11icient2 an# reliable! 24% W&'( )* WML B6,7*/65 WM" ,rowser is a library that +ro)i#es se)eral 1unctions ty+ical 1or a browser2 such as +er to o back one car# or re1resh to u+#ate the conteEt o1 the user inter1ace! CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG '( 25% W&'( '6/ (&/ 9/'(26/* ,9 WML5 WM" inclu#es se)eral basic 1eatures! i@ -eEt an# $maes ii@Bser $nteraction iii@Na)iation i)@ConteEt Manaement 2>% W&'( '6/ (&/ (7, 9230(),3* ,9 (&/ (6'3*1,6( .';/6 )3 (&/ )3(/63/(5 -he two 1unctions o1 the trans+ort layer in the internet are check summin o)er user #ata an# multi+leEin> #emulti+leEin o1 #ata 1rom a++lications! 2?% W&'( )* 0'../8 (&/ /=1,3/3()'. 46,7(& ,9 (&/ 0,34/*(),3 7)38,75 -he sen#ers always calculate conestion win#ow 1or a win#ow start siFe o1 the conestion win#ow is one sement! Sen#er sen#s one +acket an# waits 1or acknowle#ement! $1 acknowle#ement arises it raises the le)el o1 conestion win#ow by one! $1 sen#er sen#s two +ackets i1 acknowle#ement arises it raises the le)el o1 conestion win#ow by two! -his scheme raises the le)el o1 conestion win#ow e)ery time the acknowle#es come back2 which takes roun#tri+ time ?R--@!-his is calle# the eE+onential rowth o1 the conestion win#ow! 2@% A8<'3('4/* ,9 I"TCP: $.-CP #oes not require any chanes in the -CP +rotocol as use# by the hosts in the 1iEe# network or other hosts in a wireless network that #o not use this o+timiFation! Without +artitionin retransmission o1 lost +ackets woul# take +lace between mobile host an# corres+on#ent host across the whole network! -he short #elay between the mobile host an# 1orein aent can be #etermine# an# is in#e+en#ent o1 other tra11ic streams! -here1ore an o+timiFe# -CP can use +recise time.outs to uarantee retransmission as 1ast as +ossible! CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG '' Partitionin into two connections also allows the use o1 a #i11erent trans+ort layer +rotocol between the 1orein aent an# the mobile host or the use o1 com+resse# hea#ers etc! -he 1orein aent can act as a ateway to translate between #i11erent +rotocols! 29% D)*'8<'3('4/* ,9 I"TCP: -he loss o1 the en# to en# semantics o1 -CP cause +roblems i1 the 1orein aent +ortionin the -CP connection crashes! AnR increase# han#o)er latency is more +roblematic in +ractical use -heR 1orein aent must be a truste# entity because the -CP connections en# at this +oint!
30% H,7 8,/* 8'(' (6'3*+)**),3 (':/* 1.'0/5
0ata transmission takes +lace usin network a#a+ters2 1iber o+tics2 co++er wires2 s+ecial har#ware 1or routers etc! 3$% M/3(),3 (7, WAP */6<)0/ 16,<)8/*% F)38 (7, 0/.. 1&,3/* *211,6()34 WAP '38 )8/3()9; 7&)0& WAP </6*),3 (&/; *211,6(% Wireless a++lication +rotocol ?WAP@ is a common e11ort o1 many com+anies an# oraniFations to set u+ a 1ramework 1or wireless an# mobile web access usin many #i11erent trans+ort systems! E! GSM2 GPRS2 BM-S 32% H,7 '38 7&; 8,/* I"TCP )*,.'(/ 16,-./+* ,3 (&/ 7)6/./** .)3:5 W&'( '6/ (&/ +')3 86'7-'0:* ,9 (&)* *,.2(),35 -he loss o1 the en# to en# semantics o1 -CP causes +roblems i1 the 1orein aent +ortionin the -CP connection crashes! $ncrease# han#o)er latency is more +roblematic in +ractical use ! -he 1orein aent must be a truste# entity because the -CP connections en# at this +oint! 33% C'3 (&/ 16,-./+* 2*)34 TCP 9,6 +,-)./ 0,++23)0'(),3 -/ *,.</8 -; 6/1.'0)34 TCP 7)(& *3,,1)34 TCP5 G2*()9; ;,26 '3*7/6% CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG '7 A3*: ;/* ,u11erin o1 +ackets sent to the mobile host lost +ackets on the wireless link ?both retransmitte# imme#iately by the mobile host or #irections@ will be 1orein aent2 res+ecti)ely ?so calle# local retransmission@ -he 1orein aent there1ore snoo+s the +acket 1low an# reconiFes acknowle#ements in both #irections2 it also 1ilters AC;s Chanes o1 -CP only within the 1orein aent 34% W&'( '6/ (&/ :/; /./+/3(* ,9 (&/ WAP *1/0)9)0'(),35 Networks an# Network ,earers -CP>$P as -rans+ort Protocol Processors 35% W&'( '6/ (&/ 4,'.* ,9 WTLS .';/65 $t +ro)i#es the u++er.le)el layer o1 WAP with a secure trans+ort ser)ice inter1ace that +reser)es the trans+ort ser)ice inter1ace below it! $n a##ition2 W-"S +ro)i#es an inter1ace 1or manain ?e!!2 creatin an# terminatin@ secure connections! $t +ro)i#es 1unctionality similar to -"S (!& an# incor+orates a##itional 1eatures such as #ataram su++ort2 o+timiFe# han#shake an# #ynamic key re1reshin! 3>% W&'( )* +/'3 -; SCPS"TP5 -he set o1 +rotocols #e)elo+e# 1or s+ace communication is known as s+ace communications +rotocol stan#ar#s ?SCPS@2the eEten#e# -CP is calle# SCPS trans+ort +rotocols?SCPS.-P@! 3?% W&'( '6/ A8<'3('4/ '38 D)*'8<'3('4/ ,9 M,-)./ TCP5 A8<'3('4/: i! M.-CP maintains the -CP semantic! -he S* #oes not sen# anyAC; itsel1 but 1orwar#s the AC;s 1rom the M*! ii! $1 the M* is #isconnecte#2 MR-CP a)oi#s useless retransmissions2 slow starts or breakin connections by sim+ly shrinkin the sen#erLs win#ow to &! CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG 'A iii! Since M.-CP #oes not bu11er #ata in the S* as $.-CP #oes2 it is not necessary to 1orwar# bu11ers to a new S*! "ost +ackets will be automatically retransmitte# to the new S*! D)*'8<'3('4/: i! As the S* #oes not act as +roEy as in $.-CP2 +acket loss on the wireless link #ue to bit errors is +ro+aate# to the sen#er! M.-CP assumes low bit error rates2 which is not always a )ali# assum+tion! ii! A mo#i1ie# -CP on the wireless link not only requires mo#i1ication to the M*2 +rotocol so1tware but also new network elements like the ban#wi#th manaer! 3@% W&'( )* 9'*( 6/(6'3*+)(5 -he a+ in the +acket stream is not #ue to se)ere conestion2 but a sim+le +acket loss #ue to a transmission error! -he sen#er can now retransmit the missin +acket be1ore the timer eE+ires! -his beha)ior is calle# 1ast retransmit! 39% W&'( )* 9'*( 6/0,</6;5 -he recei+t o1 acknowle#ement shows that there is no conestion Qusti1yin a slow start! -he sen#er can continue with the current conestion win#ow! -he sen#er +er1orms a 1ast reco)ery 1rom the +acket loss! -his mechanism can im+ro)e the e11iciency o1 -CP #ramatically! 40% W&'( )* HTTP5 -he *y+erteEt trans1er +rotocol is a stateless2 lihtweiht2 a++lication le)el +rotocol 1or #ata trans1er between ser)ers an# clients! An *--P transaction consists o1 an *--P request issue# by a client an# an *--P res+onse 1rom the ser)er! Stateless means that all *--P transactions in#e+en#ent o1 each other! 4$% D/9)3/ D'+1)34% -ransient chanes in to+oloy that are short #uration shoul# not #estabiliFe the routin mechanism !A#)ertisements containin chanes in to+oloy currently store# are CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG '< there1ore not #isseminate# 1urther !A no#e waits with #issemination i1 these chanes are most likely not yet stable! Waitin time #e+en#s on the time between the 1irst an# the best announcement! 42% D/9)3/ WDP% W0P is Wireless 0ataram Protocol o+erates on to+ o1 many #i11erent bearer ser)ices ca+able o1 carry in #ata! At the -.SAP W0P o11ers a consistent #ataram trans+ort ser)ice in#e+en#ent o1 the un#erlyin bearer!W0P o11ers source an# #estination +ort numbers use# 1or multi+leEin an# #emulti+leEin o1 #ata res+ecti)ely! 43% W&'( '6/ (&/ (&6// 7';* ,9 WTA /=(/38* (&/ WAE '11.)0'(),3 +,8/.5 i! Content +ush8 A W-A oran ser)er can +ush the content! ii! *an#lin o1 network e)ents8 A #e)ice can ha)e a table in#icatin how to react to certain e)ents 1rom the mobile network! iii! Access to tele+hony 1unction8 A++lication runnin on the client can access tele+hony 1unctions 1rom WM" or WM" scri+t is )ery sim+le! 44% D/9)3/ WCMP% -he wireless control messae +rotocol +ro)i#es error han#lin mechanism 1or W0P an# shoul# there1ore be im+lemente#! WCMP contains control messaes that resemble the internet control messae +rotocol 1or $P)A2 messaes an# can also be use# 1or #ianostic an# in1ormational +ur+oses! WCMP can be use# by W0P no#es an# ateways to re+ort error! 45% W&'( '6/ (&/ 0'1'-).)()/* ,9 WML S06)1(5 WM" Scri+t ser)es as a com+lement to WM" an# +ro)i#es a eneral scri+tin ca+ability in the WAP architecture! While all WM" content is static WM" Scri+t o11er se)eral ca+abilities! i@ Dali#ity check o1 user in+ut ii@ Access to #e)ice 1acility iii@ "ocal user interaction i)@ EEtensions to the #e)ice so1tware CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG 'I 4>% D/9)3/ WSP% -he wireless session +rotocol has been #esine# to 1unction on to+ o1 the #ataram ser)ice W0P or the transaction ser)ice W-P! For both ty+e security can be inserte# usin the W-"S security layer i1 require#!WSP +ro)i#e a share# state between a client an# a ser)er to o+timiFe content trans1er! *--P2 a +rotocol WSP tries to re+lace within the wireless #omain! 4?% W&'( '6/ :/; 9/'(26/* ,9 (&/ 0266/3( 8/</.,1+/3( )3 I3(/63/( (/0&3,.,4;5 $m+ro)e# ra#io technoloy an# antennas Core network con)erence A#.hoc technoloies Sim+le an# o+en ser)ice +lat1orm UNIT V $% W&'( )* 1/6<'*)</ 0,+12()345 Per)asi)e Com+utin is a technoloy that +er)a#es the users en)ironment by makin use o1 multi+le in#e+en#ent in1ormation #e)ices ?both 1iEe# an# mobile2 homoeneous or heteroeneous@ interconnecte# seamlessly throuh wireless or wire# com+uter communication networks which are aime# to +ro)i#e a class o1 com+utin > sensory > communication ser)ices to a class o1 users2 +re1erably trans+arently an# can +ro)i#e +ersonaliFe# ser)ices while ensurin a 1air #eree o1 +ri)acy > non.intrusi)eness! 2% W&'( '6/ (&/ -'*)0 '*1/0(* ,6 ,9 ' P/6<'*)</ C,+12()34 /3<)6,3+/3(5 Multi+le #e)ices like car key2 mobile +hones2 car au#io system2 an# na)iation system are interate# in the system! CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG ': A lare number o1 #i11erent inter1aces are use# to buil# an o+timiFe# user inter1ace! -here is a concurrent o+eration o1 o11line2 an# tem+orary online systems! A lare number o1 s+ecialiFe# com+uter systems are interconnecte# )ia local buses an# the internet! Short rane an# wi#e area wireless communication are interate#! Security element +ro)i#e unauthoriFe# access! 3% L)*( (&/ 0&'6'0(/6)*()0* ,9 ' P/6<'*)</ C,+12()345 Pri)acy G Security E11ecti)eness o1 A++roach Across Networks Economic consi#erations Juality consi#erations Monitorin mechanisms A#a+tability an# FleEibility Practicability Sustainability 4% D/9)3/ 6,'+)34 /3<)6,3+/3(5 Roamin En)ironment8 An en)ironment that allows connecti)ity an# communication to the ser)ices outsi#e the home Fone is calle# a RoaminEn)ironment! Some sam+le #e)ices that may in)ol)e Roamin.base# access S1iEe# > mobile roaminT8 P0As > Palmto+s > Pocket PCs > Cell +hones > Smart +hones > WAP +hones "a+to+s > -ablet PCs > Notebook PCs 0eskto+ PCs > Ser)ers > Web -Ds ;iosks $n)isible com+utin #e)ices > Smart interacti)e +osters Wearable com+uters 5% W&'( '6/ (&/ 0,+1,3/3(* ,9 1/6<'*)</ 0,+12()345 CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG '% Com+onents o1 $n1rastructure 1or Per)asi)e Com+utin inclu#e Mobile com+utin #e)ices2 FiEe# com+utin #e)ices2 Multimo#e RF Mobile communication in1rastructure an# FiEe# communication system inter1acesT2 -rust system ?security an# +ri)acy@2 Protocol stacks an# PersonaliFe# ser)ice 1rameworks! >% L)*( (&/ )**2/* )3<,.</8 )3 1/6<'*)</ 0,+12()34 (/0&3,.,4;5 F/'(26/"*1/0)9)0 )**2/* Form.1actor.?siFe@.s+eci1ic issues Power.+ro)isionin issues Weiht.s+eci1ic issues Sha+e.s+eci1ic issues Coolin.s+eci1ic issues Connecti)ity.s+eci1ic issues Bser $nter1ace.s+eci1ic issues ,o#y.sa1ety.s+eci1ic issues Snot 1or all #e)icesT S/026)(;"*1/0)9)0 )**2/* Processor.choice.s+eci1ic issues 3+eratin System.s+eci1ic issues 0e)elo+ment an# eEecution.en)ironment.s+eci1ic issues Cost.s+eci1ic issues ?% W&'( '6/ (&/ &'687'6/ D/<)0/ T/0&3,.,4; 9,6 P/6<'*)</ C,+12()345 Power.+ro)isionin technoloies 0is+lay technoloies Memory technoloies Communication technoloies Processor technoloies $nter1acin technoloies Sensor -echnoloies Authentication -echnoloies CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG 'H @% D/9)3/ L,7"1,7/6 D/<)0/ T/0&3,.,4)/*5 Since many o1 the #e)ices in)ol)e# in the +er)asi)e com+utin en)ironment may ha)e to be small in siFe an# may ha)e to li)e on their battery > +ower units2 consum+tion o1 lower +ower2 eEtension o1 +ower +ro)isionin +erio# etc! assume critical sini1icance! $n a##ition2 +re)ention 1rom eEcessi)e heatin also requires attention! Power requirements can be re#uce# by se)eral means riht 1rom material selection an# chi+. le)el #esinin to so1tware #esinin an# communication system #esinin! Power +ro)isionin technoloy inclu#in the ,attery #esin technoloy +lays a )ery im+ortant role in the +rocess!
9% L)*( (&/ +'H,6 8)*1.'; 8/<)0/ (/0&3,.,4)/* )3 1/6<'*)</ 0,+12()345 Catho#e Ray -ube base# 0is+lays ?CR-s@ "iqui# Crystal 0is+lays ?"C0s@ Acti)e MatriE 0is+lays -hin Film -ransistor 0is+lays ?-F-s@ Passi)e MatriE #is+lays Sinle Scan 0is+lays ?Colour Su+er.-wist Nematic8 CS-Ns@ 0ual Scan 0is+lays ?0ual Su+er.-wist Nematic8 0S-N@ *ih.Per1ormance A##ressin #is+lays ?*PAs@ "iht Emittin 0io#e base# 0is+lays ?"E0s@ 3ranic "E0 base# 0is+lays ?3"E0s@ "iht.Emittin Polymer base# 0is+lays ?"EPs@ Chi+.on.Glass 0is+lays ?CoGs@ "iqui# Crystal on Glass 0is+lays ?"CoGs@ $0% H,7 8,/* +,-)./ )3(/63/( 16,(,0,. ,</60,+/ (&/ '886/** 16,-./+* ,9 IP<45 -o o)ercome the a##ress +roblems o1 $P)A 1or mobile no#es mobile $P uses two $P a##resses8 a 1iEe# home a##ress an# care o1 a##ress that chanes at each new +oint o1 attachment! CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG 7& $$% W&'( )* PALM OS5 Palm 3S is the com+uter o+eratin system that +ro)i#es a so1tware +lat1orm 1or the Palm series o1 han#hel# +ersonal #iital assistants ?P0As@ ma#e by Palm $nc! Accor#in to Palm2 Palm 3S was #esine# 1rom the beinnin to 1it into a +alm.siFe #e)ice o1 a s+eci1ic siFe an# with a s+eci1ic #is+lay siFe! $2% E=1.')3 -6)/9.; '-,2( BE OS% ,e3S is a +ower1ul 3S #esine# +rimarily 1or Multime#ia #eskto+ use! 3riinally ,e3S was #esine# 1or a custom com+uter system known as the ,e,oE that ha# s+ecial multime#ia in+ut>out+ut 1eatures2 an# was later +orte# to the Macintosh2 an# 1inally +orte# to the PC! $3% L)*( (&/ 0&'6'0(/6)*()0* ,9 I6DA% Frequency ban# Security -ransmittin ca+abilities ,an#wi#th S+eech $4% W&'( )* (&/ .'(/*( (/0&3,.,4; /+/64/8 )3 -'((/6)/*5 -he latest in battery technoloy is the emerence o1 lithium +olymer cells2 which use a el material 1or the electrolyte! -he batteries are ma#e 1rom a 1ew thin an# 1leEible layers2 an# #o not require a leak.+roo1 casin! -his means the batteries can be ma#e in any sha+e or siFe!
$5% D/9)3/ C62*,/ 16,0/**,6% -he crusoe +rocessor consists mostly o1 so1tware! -he relati)ely small +rocessor is #esine# as a ('%.bit )ery lon instruction wor# +rocessor ca+able o1 eEecutin u+ to 1our o+erations +er cycle! CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG 7(
$>% W&'( 8, ;,2 +/'3 -; IF)('.;J5 -he 1italy keyboar# arranes the letters base# on their in#i)i#ual 1requency an# the +robability o1 transitions in the Enlish lanuae! -he name is #eri)e# 1rom the or#ers o1 letters in one o1 the to+ rows o1 the layout2 Qust as the JWER-C layout! $?% W&'( )* +/'3( -; B),"M/(6)0*5 ,iometrics is the science an# technoloy o1 measurin an# analyFin bioloical #ata! $n in1ormation technoloy2 biometrics re1ers to technoloies that measure an# analyFe human bo#y characteristics2 such as 0NA2 1iner+rints2 eye retinas an# irises2 )oice +atterns2 1acial +atterns an# han# measurements2 1or authentication +ur+oses! $@% W&'( )* ' IO0('</J5 Another a++roach to enter a teEt without real or on.screen keyboar# is use# by octa)e 1rom e.acute! 3cta)e ma+s each letter o1 the al+habet to one o1 eiht unique strokes! -he strokes are base# on a common characteristics +art o1 the letters they re+resent an# are locate# aroun# the ti+s o1 a star sha+e# +attern!
$9% W&'( '6/ (&6// *(/1* )3<,.</8 )3 (&/ 16,0/** ,9 S;30&6,3)K'(),35 Pre synchroniFation SynchroniFation Post synchroniFation! 20% C&'../34/* ,9 8/<)0/ +'3'4/+/3( )3 P/6<'*)</ C,+12()345 -rackin the #e)ice location 0e)ice user relationshi+ Dersion control o1 #e)ices an# so1tware that are out in the 1iel# So1tware u+#ates o1 eEistin #e)ices $nstallation o1 new so1tware on eEistin #e)ices Pro)i#in secure access to #e)ice in1ormation CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG 7' P'6( B C$> M'6:*D UNIT I (! 0iscuss brie1ly about the cellular systems! '! 0iscuss the +rotocol architecture o1 GSM telecommunication system! 7! 0iscuss brie1ly the GPRS system! A! *ow #oes the near>1ar e11ect in1luence -0MA systemsK What ha++ens in C0MA SystemsK What are countermeasures in -0MA systemsK <! Com+are -0MA2 F0MA an# C0MA systems! I! *ow is synchroniFation achie)e# in GSM an# why is it im+ortantK *ow system security is maintaine# in GSMK :! Re+resent #iarammatically the +rotocol machines 1or multi+le access with collision a)oi#ance! %! 0escribe mobility manaement in #etail H! EE+lain in #etail #i11erent routin mechanisms! UNIT II (! 0iscuss in #etail about the channel access control sub layer o1 *$PER"AN technique! '! 0iscuss in #etail about the me#ium access control layer o1 $EEE%&'!((! 7! EE+lain the han#o)er scenarios o1 *$PER"AN' in #etail! A! 0iscuss the 1unctionalities an# su++ort +ro)i#e# by "'CAP! <! EE+lain the basic structure o1 an $EEE%&'!(( MAC #ata 1rame! I! EE+lain the schematic o1 ,luetooth +rotocol architecture! :! EE+lain the conce+t o1 ,luetooth architecture! %! EE+lain in #etail about A#hoc networks! H! 0iscuss about Wi.Fi! (&! EE+lain in #etail about WiMaE!
UNIT III (! 0iscuss in #etail about the $P in $P enca+sulation techniques! '! 0iscuss how o+timiFation is achie)e# in mobile $P! CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG 77 7! 0iscuss in #etail about the 0SR routin +rotocol use# in a#.hoc networks! A! S+eci1y the ine11iciencies o1 mobile $P rear#in #ata 1orwar#in 1rom a corres+on#ent no#e to a mobile no#e! <! With a suitable eEam+le com+are the beha)ior o1 0S0D an# 0SR alorithm with their routin table or cache contents! I! 0iscuss an# #etail the #i11erences in to+oloy reoraniFation in 0S0D an# 0SR routin +rotocols! :! What are the eneral +roblems o1 mobile $P rear#in security an# su++ort o1 quality o1 ser)iceK %! EE+lain the 0ynamic *ost Con1iuration Protocol! H! EE+lain about -ra#itional routin alorithms in #etail! (&! 0iscuss about A#hoc.networks! UNIT IV (! 0iscuss in #etail about the classical in#irect -CP an# the snoo+in -CP! '! 0iscuss in #etail about the com+onents an# inter1ace o1 the WAP architecture! 7! Com+are snoo+in -CP with mobile -CP with eEam+le network scenarios! A! *ow an# why #oes $ -CP isolate +roblems on the wireless linkK What are the main #rawbacks o1 this solutionK <! What are the maQor #i11erence between WAP '!& an# WAP (!EK What in1luence# the WAP '!& #e)elo+mentK I! EE+lain the WAE loical mo#el! :! Which W-P class re1lects the ty+ical web access bestK *ow is unnecessary o)erhea# a)oi#e# when usin WSP on to+ o1 this class 1or web browsinK %! What are the enhancements o1 WAE to the classic client>ser)er mo#el o1 the webK What are the 1unctions o1 this enhancementK H! EE+lain the 1ollowin8 FreeFin an# transaction oriente# -CP! (&! EE+lain about WM" an# WM" scri+t with the hel+ o1 an eEam+le! UNIT V CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG 7A (! EE+lain the requirement o1 com+utational in1rastructures! '! EE+lain the +er)asi)e com+utin technoloy! Com+are with ubiquitous com+utin! 7! EE+lain in #etail about the relationshi+ between +er)asi)e an# mobile com+utin! A! "ist an# eE+lain the a++lication o1 +er)asi)e Com+utin! <! What are the most im+ortant characteristics o1 Per)asi)e en)ironmentsK I! What are the 1eatures o1 #istribute# Com+utinK :! What are the #esin an# im+lementation +roblems in +er)asi)e com+utinK %! EE+lain in #etail about the +er)asi)e web a++lication architecture! H! 0iscuss the a++roaches on how the users connect to the internet )ia P0A! (&! 0iscuss the alorithms an# +rotocols to a##ress security issue in 0e)ice connecti)ity! ANAND INSTITUTE OF HIGHER TECHNOLOGY KAHIPATTUR DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE ! ENFINEERING CS2402" MOBILE AND PERVASIVE COMPUTING UNIT WISE UNIVERSITY #UESTIONS UNIT I PART A CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG 7< (! Assume a recei)er is locate# (& km 1rom a (<& W transmitter! -he carrier 1requency is I G*F an# 1ree s+ace +ro+aation is assume#2 Gt U (2 Gr U (! a! Calculate the transmit +ower in #,W! b! Fin# the +ower at the recei)er in Watts%LA16FM'; 200@M '! What limits the number o1 simultaneous users in a -0M>F0M system com+are# to a C0M systemK What ha++ens to the transmission quality o1 connections i1 the loa# ets hiher on the cellK LA16FM'; 200@M 7! What is s+rea#in 1actorK LA16FM'; 20$0M A! What is +ollinK LA16FM'; 20$0M <! *ow to im+ro)e sinal rece+tion by counteractin the neati)e e11ects o1 multi +ath +ro+aationK LN,<FD/0 200?M I! 0iscuss about the F00 scheme! LN,<FD/0 200?M :! *ow the recei)er a#o+ts 1or multi +ath +ro+aation e11ects #urin wireless rece+tionK LN,<FD/0 200@M %! "ist out the #isa#)antaes o1 cellular system! LN,<FD/0 200@M H! What are the 1our ty+es o1 han#o)er a)ailable in GSMKLNOVFDEC 20$$M (&! 0istinuish between mobile terminate# call an# mobile oriinate# call! LNOVFDEC 20$$M ((! What are the new com+onents a##e# to GPRS networkKLMAYFGUNE20$2M ('! Why are so many #i11erent i#enti1iers>a##ress nee#e# in GSMK LMAYFGUNE20$2M (7! What are the #i11erent control channels use# in GSMK LNOVFDEC 20$2M (A! What are the security ser)ices +ro)i#e# by the GSMK LNOVFDEC 20$2M PART B (! *ow #oes 1requency reuse enhance cellular network ca+acityK ,esi#es the number o1 users2 what other maQor 1actor in1luences the #ecision on cluster siFeK A cellular system uses 1requency s+ectrum (%&& M*F to (%A& M*F 1or u+link channels an# (%I& M*F to (H&& M*F 1or #ownlink channels res+ecti)ely! Each channel takes '&& ;*F an# can be share# by % users! Each user nee#s one u+link an# one #ownlink CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG 7I channel! *ow many users can be su++orte# without 1requency reuse in this cellular systemK ?(I@ LA16FM'; 200@M '! What is the use o1 s+rea# s+ectrumK Sketch the block #iaram o1 the -ransmitter an# Recei)er o1 0SSS! EE+lain what each block #oes an# what the sinal looks like ? in time an#>or 1requency #omains@ at each location in the block #iaram with an eEam+le! ?(I@ LA16FM'; 200@M 7! 0iscuss in #etail the ty+es o1 antennas with their ra#iation +atterns V('W LA16FM'; 20$0M A! EE+lain #i)ersity techniqueVAW LA16FM'; 20$0M <! EE+lain s+ace2 1requency2 co#e an# -0M in #etail V(IW LA16FM'; 20$0M I! 0iscuss brie1ly the C0M technique?%@ LN,<FD/0 200?M :! 0iscuss brie1ly the a#)ance# PS;!?%@ LN,<FD/0 200?M %! 0iscuss brie1ly the cellular system!?(&@ LN,<FD/0 200?M H! "ist the #i11erences between the S>->F>C0MA%C>D LN,<FD/0 200?M (&! *ow #oes the near>1ar e11ect in1luence -0MA systemsKWhat ha++ens in C0MA systemsK What are the counter measures in -0MA systemsK?%@ ((! EE+lain the countermeasures 1or inter1erence in S0MA2-0MA2F0MA an# C0MA systemsK?(I@ LN,<FD/0 200@M ('! What are the main bene1its o1 a s+rea# s+ectrum systemK *ow can s+rea#in be achie)e#K *ow can 0SSS systems bene1it 1rom multi.+ath +ro+oationK?(I@ LN,<FD/0 200@M (7! ?i@ EE+lain the GSM system architecture with a neat #iaram! ?%@ LNOVFDEC 20$$M ?ii@ 0escribe the security ser)ices +ro)i#e# by GSM! ?%@ LNOVFDEC 20$$M (A! ?i@ EE+lain the +rotocol architecture o1 GSM 1or sinalin! ?%@ LNOVFDEC 20$$M ?ii@ EE+lain the architecture o1 GPRS with a neat #iaram! ?%@ LNOVFDEC 20$$M (<! ?i@ Name the main elements o1 the GSM architecture an# #escribe their 1unctions ?(&@ LMAYFGUNE20$2M CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG 7: ?ii@ What are the ty+ical ste+s 1or han#o)er on GSM networkK?I@ LMAYFGUNE20$2M (I! EE+lain the ste+s in)ol)e# in the call #eli)ery +roce#ure in GSM network in the 1ollowin cases8 ?i@ GSM mobile terminate# call ?ii@ GSM mobile oriinate# call (:! Write notes on the system architecture o1 the GSM?(I@ LNOVFDEC 20$2M (%! What are the )arious +ossible han#o)er scenarios in GSMK EE+lain them in #etail! LNOVFDEC 20$2M UNIT II PART A (! Consi#er the han#o11 +roce#ure in GSM systems that is base# on relati)e sinal strenth with threshol#9 that is2 a mobile switches 1rom one cell to another i1 ?a@ the sinal at the current ,S is su11iciently weak ?less than a +re#e1ine# threshol#@ an# ?b@ the other sinal is stroner than the two! What are the #rawbacks o1 this scheme2 when the threshol# is too low or too hihK LA16FM'; 200@M '! State the #i11erent ty+es o1 trans+ort mo#es an# the channels use# to carry +ackets in 0iital Au#io ,roa#castin! LA16FM'; 200@M 7! 0istinuish between so1t han#o)er an# har# han#o)erK LA16FM'; 20$0M A! 0e1ine 1oot+rint with res+ect to satellite systemK LA16FM'; 20$0M <! "ist the three #i11erent cateories o1 ser)ices o1 GSM! LN,<FD/0 200?M I! 0iscuss the a#)antaes o1 ME3! LN,<FD/0 200?M :! Com+are to the -C*s o11ere# 2stan#ar# GSM coul# +ro)i#e a much hiher #ata rate?77!% kbits>sec@ when lookin at the air inter1ace!What lowers the #ata rates a)ailable to the userK LN,<FD/0 200@M %! *ow much o1 the oriinal GSM network #oes GPRS nee#KWhich elements o1 the network +er1orm the #ata trans1erK LN,<FD/0 200@M H! Mention the a#)antaes o1 W"ANK LNOVFDEC 20$$M (&! What are the three "ow Power States +ro)i#e# by ,luetoothK LNOVFDEC 20$$M ((! $n what situations collisions occur in $EEE %&'!((K LMAYFGUNE20$2M CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG 7% ('! What is a#a+ti)e mo#ulationK LMAYFGUNE20$2M (7! 0istinuish between in1rastructure an# a# hoc networks! LNOVFDEC 20$2M (A! What is ,luetoothK LNOVFDEC 20$2M PART B (! Name the main elements o1 GSM system architecture an# #escribe their 1unctions! What are the a#)antaes o1 s+eci1yin not only the ra#io inter1ace but also the internal o1 the GSM SystemK EE+lain the inter ,SC2 intra MSC han#o)er +rocess in the GSM system usin ty+ical sinals an# a messae sequence chart! EE+lain the #ecision +oints an# the resource allocation ste+s2 i1 they eEist! ?(I@ LA16FM'; 200@M '! What is 0A,K EE+lain the com+onents2 1rame 1ormat an# the +rotocol use# by 0A, to access #i11erent 1ormats o1 #ata also #escribe how 0D, is use# 1or #ata broa#castin an# to access hih s+ee# internet! ?(I@ LA16FM'; 200@M 7! 0escribe 0A,V(IW LA16FM'; 20$0M A! EE+lain routin2 localiFation an# han#o)er in satellite systems! V(IW LA16FM'; 20$0M <! 0iscuss the +rotocol architecture o1 GSM telecommunications system!?(I@ LN,<FD/0 200?M I! 0iscuss brie1ly the GPRS system!?(I@ LN,<FD/0 200?M :! EE+lain the GSM han#o)er schemes an# state the reasons 1or their occurrence !Whish resources nee# to be allocate# #urin han#o)er 1or #ata transmission usin GPRS by satis1yin JosK?(I@ LN,<FD/0 200@M %! *ow is synchroniFation achie)e# in GSM an# why it is im+ortantK *ow system security is maintaine# in GSMK?(I@ LN,<FD/0 200@M H! ?i@ 0escribe *i+er"AN architectural com+onents an# their interactions! ?%@ LNOVFDEC 20$$M ?ii@ EE+lain the architecture o1 WiFi in #etail! ?%@ LNOVFDEC 20$$M (&! ?i@ EE+lain the system architecture o1 $EEE %&'! ?%@ LNOVFDEC 20$$M ?ii@ 0escribe the architecture o1 WiMA/ in #etail! ?%@ LNOVFDEC 20$$M ((! Com+are *i+er"AN an# ,luetooth in terms o1 a#hoc ca+abilities2 +ower sa)in mo#e2 sol)in hi##en terminal +roblem2 +ro)i#in reliability 1airness +roblem rear#in channel access! LMAYFGUNE20$2M CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG 7H ('! ?i@ EE+lain the o+eration o1 0FWMAC 0CF with a neat timin #iaram?%@ LMAYFGUNE20$2M ?ii@ 0raw the MAC 1rame o1 %&'!(( an# list the use o1 the 1iel#s!?%@ LMAYFGUNE20$2M (7! Write notes on the MAC manaement o1 the $EEE %&'!(( +rotocol! LNOVFDEC 20$2M (A! Write notes on the channel access control sublayer! LNOVFDEC 20$2M UNIT III PART A (! $n the 0istribute# Coor#ination Function ?0CF@ +rotocol o1 $EEE %&'!((2 why #oes a No#e wait only S$FS time units ?a1ter the last #ata +acket rece+tion@ be1ore sen#in an AC;2 while waitin 0$FS time units be1ore attem+tin a #ata transmissionK LA16FM'; 200@M '! What are the a#)antaes an# +roblems o1 1orwar#in mechanisms in ,luetooth networks rear#in security an# +ower sa)inK LA16FM'; 200@M 7! State the three +hases o1 the me#ium access o1 #i11erent com+etin no#es! LA16FM'; 20$0M A! What are the +ower sa)in mechanisms in ,luetoothK LA16FM'; 20$0M <! What are the two #i11erent basic transmission technoloies use# to set u+ W"ANs! LN,<FD/0 200?M I! "ist the #i11erent user scenarios 1or wireless +iconets! LN,<FD/0 200?M :! Why the P*C layer o1 $EEE %&'!(( is sub#i)i#e#K What about *i+er"AN' an# ,luetoothK LN,<FD/0 200@M %! What is the 1unctionality "'CAPK "ist the #i11erent ty+es o1 loical channels it +ro)i#esK LN,<FD/0 200@M H! What are the requirements o1 mobile $P stan#ar#K LNOVFDEC 20$$M CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG A& (&! 0i11erentiate wire# networks routin 1rom a#.hoc wireless networks routin! LNOVFDEC 20$$M ((! What is re)erse tunnelinK LMAYFGUNE20$2M ('! What are the +roblems o1 +roacti)e routinK LMAYFGUNE20$2M (7! What are the #isa#)antaes o1 $.-CPK LNOVFDEC 20$2M (A! What are the basic 1eatures o1 WM"K LNOVFDEC 20$2M PART B (! Bsin $EEE %&'!(( ?0CF@8 S( an# S' sen# C,R>B0P tra11ic to the common #estination 0! Consi#er S(2 S' an# 0 all within recei)e rane o1 each other when the basic scheme is use# ?no R-S>C-S@8 0escribe a collision ?what ha++ens be1ore2 #urin2 an# a1ter@! What #oes the collision +robability #e+en# onK When R-S>C-S is use#8 what are the chanes to the +re)ious answersK Comment also on the throuhout an# 1airness! ?(I@ LA16FM'; 200@M '! 0escribe the brie1ly how collision is a)oi#e# in *$PER"AN (! ?%@ LA16FM'; 200@M 7! 0raw the +rotocol architecture o1 ,luetooth an# eE+lain brie1ly the ,ase ban# layer an# "'CAP o1 ,luetooth! ?%@! LA16FM'; 200@M A! 0escribe the architecture o1 ,luetooth! V(IW LA16FM'; 20$0M <! EE+lain channel control sub layer in hy+er "ANV(IW LA16FM'; 20$0M I! 0iscuss in #etail about the channel access control sub.layer o1 *$PER"AN technique! ?(I@ LN,<FD/0 200?M :! 0iscuss in #etail about the MAC layer o1 $EEE %&'!((?(I@ LN,<FD/0 200?M CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG A( %! EE+lain the 1iel#s o1 $EEE %&'!(( MAC +acket structure !Com+are them with $EEE %&'!((b MAC 1iel#s!?%@ LN,<FD/0 200@M H! EE+lain the han#o)er scenarios o1 hi+er"AN' in #etail!?%@ LN,<FD/0 200@M (&! *ow is roamin on layer ' achie)e#2 an# how are chanes in to+oloy re1lecte#K What are the #i11erences between in1rastructure base# an# a#hoc networks rear#in roaminK?(I@ LN,<FD/0 200@M ((! ?i@ "ist the entities in)ol)e# in mobile $P an# #escribe the +rocess o1 #ata trans1er 1rom a mobile no#e to a 1iEe# no#e an# )ice )ersa! ?%@ LNOVFDEC 20$$M ?ii@ Why is con)entional routin in wire# networks not suitable 1or wireless networksK Substantiate your answers with suitable eEam+les! ?%@ LNOVFDEC 20$$M ('! ?i@ EE+lain in #etail 0ynamic *ost Con1iuration Protocol! ?%@ LNOVFDEC 20$$M ?ii@ 0escribe how the multicast routin is #one in a#.hoc networks! ?%@ LNOVFDEC 20$$M (7! ?i@ Show the ste+s require# 1or a han#o)er 1rom one FA to another FA inclu#in layre. ' an# layre.7! Assume %&'!(( as layer.'! ?%@ LMAYFGUNE20$2M ?ii@ Name the ine11iciencies o1 Mobile $P rear#in #ata 1orwar#in 1rom CN to MN! What are the o+timiFations +ossibleK LMAYFGUNE20$2M (A! ?i@ What are the #i11erences between wire# networks an# a#hoc wireless networks relate# to routinK LMAYFGUNE20$2M ?ii@ What is the nee# 1or 0*CPK With the state chart eE+lain the o+erations o1 0*CPK LMAYFGUNE20$2M (<! EE+lain how the conce+ts o1 tunnelin an# enca+sulation #one in mobile $P! LNOVFDEC 20$2M (I! With an eEam+le eE+lain the +rocess o1 the #ynamic source routin o1 the A#.hoc network! LNOVFDEC 20$2M UNIT IV CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG A' PART A $% *ow can 0*CP be use# 1or mobility an# su++ort o1 mobile $PK LA16FM'; 200@M 2% What are the #i11erences between A30D an# the stan#ar# #istance )ector alorithmK Why are eEtensions nee#e#K LA16FM'; 200@M 3% What are the #rawbacks o1 wire# networksK LA16FM'; 20$0M 4% 0e1ine 0SRLA16FM'; 20$0M 5% What are the +roblems relate# to the use o1 0*CPK LN,<FD/0 200?M >% 0iscuss some o1 the routin metrics to be consi#ere# in a mobile network layerK LN,<FD/0 200?M ?% *ow #oes reistration on layer 7 o1 a mobile no#e workK LN,<FD/0 200@M @% S+eci1y the 0*CP state transition #iaram 1or acquirin the $P a##ress! LN,<FD/0 200@M 9% "ist the a#)antaes an# #isa#)antaes o1 mobile -CPK LNOVFDEC 20$$M $0% 0e1ine WAE! LNOVFDEC 20$$M $$% Name the a#)antaes an# #isa#)antaes o1 user acknowle#ement in W-P! LMAYFGUNE20$2M $2% *ow $.-CP isolate the +roblems on the wireless linkK LMAYFGUNE20$2M $3% What is Case.o1 A##ressK LNOVFDEC 20$2M $4% Mention certain situation where A# hoc networks are the only choice! LNOVFDEC 20$2M PART B CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG A7 (! Gi)en the network to+oloy below2 use the #ynamic source routin alorithm to com+ute the shortest +ath 1rom A to all other no#es! Make sure to show the results o1 the com+utation at each ste+! ?(I@ LA16FM'; 200@M '! Consi#er a mobile no#e MN 1rom network /! -he user o1 MN wishes to communicate with a corres+on#in no#e CN in network C! -he no#e MN mo)es 1rom / to a 1orein network A! 0escribe the sequence o1 messaes that are require# in Mobile $P)A so that MN an# CN can continue to communicate! $nclu#e both the user #ata messaes an# the Mobile $P control messaes! Now2 consi#er the case where CN mo)es to 1orein network , while MN is still in the 1orein network A! Can CN an# MN still communicateK ?0oes Mobile $P su++ort both en#+oints mo)inK@ Show the messae 1low to in#icate how it will succee# or 1all in this case! ?(I@ LA16FM'; 200@M 7! EE+lain o+timiFation in mobile $P in #etail! V(IW LA16FM'; 20$0M A! EE+lain $P)I +rotocol in #etail! V(IW LA16FM'; 20$0M <! 0iscuss in #etail about the $$P enca+sulation technique!?(&@! I! 0iscuss how o+timiFation is achie)e# in mobile $PK?I@ LN,<FD/0 200?M :! 0iscuss in #etail about the 0SR routin +rotocol use# in a#hoc networksK?(I@ LN,<FD/0 200?M %! S+eci1y the ine11iciencies o1 mobile $P rear#in #ata 1orwar#in 1rom a corres+on#ent no#e to a mobile no#e! State the eneral +roblems o1 mobile $P rear#in security an# su++ort o1 Juality o1 ser)iceK?(I@ LN,<FD/0 200@M CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG AA H! With a suitable eEam+le com+are the beha)iour o1 0S0D an# 0SR alorithms with their routin table or cache contentsK?(I@! LN,<FD/0 200@M (&! ?i@ State the requirements o1 WAP! EE+lain its architectural com+onents! ?%@ LNOVFDEC 20$$M ?ii@ EE+lain WM" an# WM" scri+ts with an eEam+le! ?%@ LNOVFDEC 20$$M ((! ?i@ What is W-PK 0iscuss about its classes! ?%@ LNOVFDEC 20$$M ?ii@ EE+lain the architecture o1 W-A! ?%@ LNOVFDEC 20$$M ('! ?i@ EE+lain the mechanism o1 -CP that in1luence the e11iciency in mobile en)ironment!?%@ LMAYFGUNE20$2M ?ii@ EE+lain the o+eration o1 mobile -CPK LMAYFGUNE20$2M (7! ?i@ Why has a scri+tin lanuae been a##e# to WM"K *ow can this lanuae hel+ sa)in ban#wi#th an# re#ucin #elayK LMAYFGUNE20$2M ?ii@ Which W-P class re1lects the ty+ical web access bestK *ow is unnecessary o)erhea# a)oi#e# when usin WSP on to+ o1 this class o1 web browsinK ?%@ LMAYFGUNE20$2M (A! What is the nee# 1or snoo+in -CPK EE+lain its +rocessin with its a#)antaes an# #isa#)antaes! LNOVFDEC 20$2M (<! Write notes on wireless transaction +rotocol! LNOVFDEC 20$2M UNIT V PART A (! *ow an# why #oes $ -CP isolate +roblems on the wireless linkK What are the main #rawbacks o1 this solutionK LA16FM'; 200@M '! Mention two WAP ser)ice +ro)i#ers! Fin# two cell +hones su++ortin WAP an# i#entity which WAP )ersion they su++ort! LA16FM'; 200@M 7! What is the #i11erence between -CP an# B0PLA16FM'; 20$0M CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG A< A! Mention any salient 1eatures o1 WAP! LA16FM'; 20$0M <! Why the -CP +rotocols use# in wire# networks cannot be as such use# in wireless networksK LN,<FD/0 200?M I! 0iscuss the +roblems o1 a 1ile system in mobile en)ironmentK LN,<FD/0 200?M :! Can the +roblems usin -CP 1or mobile communication be sol)e# by re+lacin -CP with snoo+in -CPK 4usti1y your answer! LN,<FD/0 200@M %! S+eci1y the 1iel#s o1 minimal enca+sulation metho# in mobile network layer! LN,<FD/0 200@M H! What is Per)asi)e Com+utinK LNOVFDEC 20$$M (&! What are the )arious issues relate# to #e)ice manaement in +er)asi)e com+utinK LNOVFDEC 20$$M ((! What is meant by +er)asi)e com+utinK *ow is it #oneK LMAYFGUNE20$2M ('! What makes #e)ice connecti)ity +ossible in +er)asi)e com+utinK LMAYFGUNE20$2M (7! What are the key +arts o1 the har#ware o1 +er)asi)e technoloiesK LNOVFDEC 20$2M (A! *ow #oes biometric authentication work in +er)asi)e com+utinK LNOVFDEC 20$2M PART B (! As a trans+ort layer +rotocol2 -CP uses a win#ow mechanism to eEercise 1low control o)er the best e11ort $P in the internet! Flow control is eEercise# by the e#e router base# on conestion status encountere# in the core routers between the -CP sen#er an# the -CP recei)er! ?i@ 0escribe the o+eration o1 the win#ow 1low control mechanism! ?%@ LA16FM'; 200@M CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG AI '! AC;s 1rom the -CP recei)er are the basis that the -CP sen#er uses to a#Qust the sen#in win#ow siFe! 0escribe an# #iscuss how AC;s ?%@ LA16FM'; 200@M 7! S+eci1y the enhancements ma#e to the basic client ser)er architecture o1 the web to suit a mobile wireless userK ,rie1ly #iscuss the main oals o1 WAP! EE+lain the layers o1 WAP +rotocol use# to achie)e the 1ollowin8 A client wants to ha)e a share# state with the ser)er 1or trans1errin the content! ?(I@ LA16FM'; 200@M A! 0iscuss the role o1 WWW in su++ort 1or mobility!V(IW LA16FM'; 20$0M <! EE+lain the 1ollowin '% $n#irect -CP VIW -% Snoo+in -CPVIW 0% Per1ormance enhancin +roEiesVAW LA16FM'; 20$0M I! 0iscuss in #etail about the classical in#irect -CP an# snoo+in -CP!?(I@ LN,<FD/0 200?M :! 0iscuss in #etail about the com+onents an# inter1ace o1 the WAP architecture!?(I@ LN,<FD/0 200?M %! Com+are snoo+in -CP with Mobile -CP with eEam+le network scenarios!?%@ H! *ow an# why #oes $.-CP isolate +roblems on wireless linkK What are the main #rawbacks o1 this solutionK?%@ LN,<FD/0 200@M (&! EE+lain in #etail about the architecture o1 WAPK?(I@ LN,<FD/0 200@M ((! ?i@ 0escribe the )arious har#ware com+onents in)ol)e# in +er)asi)e com+utin #e)ices! ?%@ LNOVFDEC 20$$M CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG A: ?ii@ EE+lain how a +er)asi)e web a++lication can be secure# usin an XAuthentication ProEyL! ?%@ LNOVFDEC 20$$M ('! ?i@ What are the a++lications o1 +er)asi)e com+utinK 0iscuss any two o1 them! ?%@ LNOVFDEC 20$$M ?ii@ EE+lain how +er)asi)e web a++lications can be accesse# )ia WAP!?%@ LNOVFDEC 20$$M (7! ?i@ EE+lain the o+eratin system issues relate# to miniature #e)ices?%@ LMAYFGUNE20$2M ?ii@ What are the #esin an# im+lementation issues in #e)ice connecti)ity as+ect o1 +er)asi)e com+utinK EE+lain! ?%@ LMAYFGUNE20$2M (A! EE+lain the )arious so1t sur1ace an# semi.so1t.sur1ace base# #is+lay systems an# technoloies! ?(I@ LMAYFGUNE20$2M (<! *ow is security in +er)asi)e com+utin establishe#K EE+lain them in #etail! LNOVFDEC 20$2M (I! Write short notes on the base# authentication )ia the $nternet! LNOVFDEC 20$2M CS'A&' M3,$"E AN0 PERDAS$DE C3MPB-$NG A%