Jan Yap Resume
Jan Yap Resume
Jan Yap Resume
Address: Door 2 Block 1 Lot 8 & 9 Bacaca Road, El Rio Vista Village, Davao City
Contact No.: + 6392 !"9 8## Email: $a%daryl&ya'(ya)oo*co+*a,
OBJECTIVE: -ec)%ical .,''ort
A"e/ 22
e#/ 0ale
Relations$ip tat%s/ .i%gle
Reli"io%s Vie&s/ Ro+a% Cat)olic
-E.D1 Co+',ter 2ard3are .ervici%g 4C55 6 Esti+ated co+'letio% 7cto8er 21!
945VER.5-: 7; -2E 5001C9L1-E C74CE<-574
;r*, .elga .t*, Ba%kero)a%, Davao City
Bac)elor o= .cie%ce i% 5%=or+atio% -ec)%ology
.'eciali>ed i% Co+',ter 4et3orks
?rad,ated .: 213@21!
Dece+8er 21 6 Dece+8er 211
Cas)ier A -ec)%icia% i% Be8rock> 5%ter%et Ca=C
Bork Descri'tio%/
5%stalli%g a%d 9'dati%g ga+es a%d so=t3are
Co+',ter +ai%te%a%ce A re'rogra+
-ro,8les)oot %et3ork 'ro8le+s
0ay 213 6 7cto8er 213 D3#6 2o,rsE
7% t)e Fo8 -rai%i%g 6 Davao 0edical .c)ool ;o,%datio% 5%c*
Bork Descri'tio%/
-ec)%ical .,''ort
Develo'ed 1l,+%i <ro=ili%g .yste+ ,si%g CG
Develo'ed Be8@8ased <er=or+a%ce Eval,atio% .yste+
0ay 21! 6 1,g,st 21!
-ec)%ical .,''ort
21<7. 5%c*
Bork Descri'tio%/
5%stalli%g, +o%itori%g a%d +ai%tai%i%g <7. syste+s a%d %et3ork
-ro,8les)ooti%g syste+ a%d %et3ork 'ro8le+s a%d diag%osi%g a%d solvi%g
)ard3are or so=t3are =a,lts*
Co++,%icate sta== or clie%ts t)ro,g) a series o= actio%s, eit)er =ace to =ace, over
t)e tele')o%e, e+ail or via re+ote co%%ectio% to )el' set ,' syste+s or resolve
iss,es 3it)i% +i%i+,+ ti+e give%
Ca% set ,' a%d co%=ig,re 2o+e A .+all B,si%ess 4et3ork*
Ca% tro,8les)oot )o+e %et3orks D3ired a%d 3irelessE, )ard3are =a,lts a%d ot)er
%et3orki%g tec)%ologies*
Ca% -ro,8les)oot a%d Re'air Co+',ter 3it) Bi%do3s H<, Vista a%d " a%d
a8ove <lat=or+s to t)e registry level*
Ca% researc) a%d a''ly latest sol,tio% strategies to re'air <Cs*
Ca% set,' a%d co%=ig,re all 'eri')eral eI,i'+e%t a%d 'ri%ter*
<ro=icie%t i% i%stalli%g .o=t3are a%d related a''licatio%s %ecessary to r,% t)e
Cisco Certi,ied Net&or- Associate E#ploration . Net&or- /%ndamentals
Cisco Certi,ied Net&or- Associate E#ploration . Ro%tin" Protocols and Concepts
5%str,ctor/ 0s* .)e%%a R)ea 1* 0ara%g,it, 05-
ap B%siness One
5%str,ctor/ 0s* Jristi%e 0ae 1dlao%, 05-
De0eloped a &e1 1ased Election +ana"ement ystem
9%iversity o= t)e 5++ac,late Co%ce'tio% @ Co+elec
1dviser/ 0r* ;ra%cis Rey <adao, 050
De0eloped a (e121ased 3eo"rap$ical In,ormation ystem and /re4%ent Pattern
Analy5er ,or P%1lic *ealt$ Dataset.
9%iversity o= t)e 5++ac,late Co%ce'tio%
1dviser/ 0r* ;ra%cis Rey <adao, 050
Comp%ter ec%rity eminar April 67 89:;
Ne#t 3eneration (I/I IEEE <98.::ac J%ly 8=7 89:;
Dirk Da+aso 1* Caso+o 555
Reso,rce .'eaker
<,%ct,al 2a8it,ally arrives o% ti+e*
5%ter'erso%al Ca% get alo%g 3ell 3it) ot)er 'eo'le a%d
acce'ts s,'ervisio%*
<atie%t <ossesses tolera%ce to distress i% order to
ac)ieve goals*
7'e%@+i%ded Billi%g to acce't co%str,ctive criticis+ a%d
+ake %ecessary c)a%ges to i+'rove sel=*
Versatile Billi%g to try %e3 t)i%gs a%d ca% ada't to
c)a%ges easily*
1tte%tio% to Detail Co%cer%ed t)at every as'ect o= 3ork is
do%e 3it) I,ality so t)at t)e o,tco+es
8eco+es desira8le*
2ard3orki%g 0akes certai% t)at t)e give% tasks 3ere
do%e 3it) o,t+ost e==ort a%d
<lat=or+/ 0icroso=t Bi%do3s, Li%,K
;a+iliar 3it)/ 0ac 7.
La%g,ages/ <2<, 2t+l, C.., Fava.cri't, C a%d C++
Data8ase .yste+/ .LL .erver, 0y.LL
-ools/ 1do8e <)otos)o', .a' B,si%ess 7%e, 0icroso=t Bord,
0icroso=t EKcel, 0icroso=t <o3er<oi%t, 0icroso=t Visio*
+r. E#ander T. Barrios7 +IT7 +I+
DE14 6 5-E <rogra+
9%iversity o= t)e 5++ac,late Co%ce'tio%
Co%tact 4o* D82E 221@89
+r. /rancis Rey /. Padao7 +I+
;ac,lty 6 5-E <rogra+
9%iversity o= t)e 5++ac,late Co%ce'tio%
Co%tact 4o* +6392931132!!
+r. Danny . Dionaldo. +PD
2,+a% Reso,rce 7==icer
Davao 0edical .c)ool ;o,%datio% 5%c*
D82E 226@23!!
+r. A1d%lla$ !atip
73%er o= Be8rock> 5%ter%et Ca=C
Co%tact 4o* +639283#!132
+s. An"ela Viernes
2,+a% Reso,rce 7==icer 21<7. 5%c*
Co%tact 4o* 28#@991"