The harmonious aspects between Mars and Uranus greatly increase energy, vigor, decisiveness, and willpower. They lend physical robustness and capacity for hard work. However, if other planets form discordant aspects, these strengths can lead to disaster without judgment and sense. Cross aspects can also result in high nervous tension and being overwrought. Examples are given of individuals with Mars-Uranus trines who suffered heart issues or fought poverty and illness due to other challenging aspects. In general, good Mars-Uranus aspects bestow qualities useful in difficult situations, but the rest of the natal chart must also be supportive.
The harmonious aspects between Mars and Uranus greatly increase energy, vigor, decisiveness, and willpower. They lend physical robustness and capacity for hard work. However, if other planets form discordant aspects, these strengths can lead to disaster without judgment and sense. Cross aspects can also result in high nervous tension and being overwrought. Examples are given of individuals with Mars-Uranus trines who suffered heart issues or fought poverty and illness due to other challenging aspects. In general, good Mars-Uranus aspects bestow qualities useful in difficult situations, but the rest of the natal chart must also be supportive.
The harmonious aspects between Mars and Uranus greatly increase energy, vigor, decisiveness, and willpower. They lend physical robustness and capacity for hard work. However, if other planets form discordant aspects, these strengths can lead to disaster without judgment and sense. Cross aspects can also result in high nervous tension and being overwrought. Examples are given of individuals with Mars-Uranus trines who suffered heart issues or fought poverty and illness due to other challenging aspects. In general, good Mars-Uranus aspects bestow qualities useful in difficult situations, but the rest of the natal chart must also be supportive.
The harmonious aspects between Mars and Uranus greatly increase energy, vigor, decisiveness, and willpower. They lend physical robustness and capacity for hard work. However, if other planets form discordant aspects, these strengths can lead to disaster without judgment and sense. Cross aspects can also result in high nervous tension and being overwrought. Examples are given of individuals with Mars-Uranus trines who suffered heart issues or fought poverty and illness due to other challenging aspects. In general, good Mars-Uranus aspects bestow qualities useful in difficult situations, but the rest of the natal chart must also be supportive.
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The contacts between these planets are of an important character, producing some of the most marked results of any aspects. They are valuable, and yet, unless the planets are well placed by sign and have no other aspects of a discordant kind, they may be somewhat critical, even when they are technically of a benefic nature. They greatly add to the energy, vigour, decision and will-power of the native, who is very rarely of a milk-and-water or nondescript character. He will as a rule know his own mind excellently well, and much will depend on the rest of the map, for, unless this shows sense and judgment, the strength of Mars-Uranus may lead to disaster because of its very strength and courage. It tends to give physical robustness, the ability to stand hard conditions, and the capacity for hard work, but even thus, cross aspects from other bodies may result in high nervous tension and an overwrought condition, the will, as it were, tearing the body asunder. In one case known to me there is a Trine between Mars (Taurus) and Uranus (Virgo) with a cross aspect to the latter from the Sun (Sagittarius). Here the heart has suffered, as the outcome of nervous strain, and the native is almost an invalid. In another case, with the same Trine from the same signs, but with Sun and Saturn in Square to Uranus from Gemini, there is indomitable courage, but it is spent in an uphill fight with poverty and sickness. In the former case the Sun, having the Trine of Saturn, indicated affluent conditions, but for which the native would probably have collapsed altogether. It may be said that any ill aspect to this combination will occasion a greater or less degree of nerve-tension. This tension seems to externalize itself frequently in the form of accidents or assault. Even among those who possessed good aspects between these planets this is sometimes exemplified. For instance, Queen Victoria and King Edward VII both had them, but in each case there were attempts on the life, which may in part be ascribed to these positions. Wallenstein was a great leader, with that personal fascination that goes with good aspects of Uranus, but he was assassinated. Sometimes the attack takes the form of slander. But as a rule grave danger need not be anticipated from the good aspects, and on the other hand they bestow excellent qualities, particularly for those who are called on to deal with difficult,
arduous or perilous conditions. Only if the rest of the map is weak or violent does the Mars-Uranus Trine or Sextile seem to be involved in the general crisis.