App D Painting Specifications
App D Painting Specifications
App D Painting Specifications
This specification covers the minimum requirements for the selection of paint
systems, the purchase of material, surface preparation, and the application of
coatings for pressure vessels, heat exchangers, mechanical equipment, and
structural steel which are fabricated and/or erected either in a vendors shop or in
the field.
1.1. Section 9.0 of this Appendix contains a Paint Schedule which
summarizes coating requirements.
1.4. Paint for buildings, concrete, or masonry is outside the scope of this
1.5. This specification does not apply to items that are purchased with a
manufacturers standard coating unless provisions have been made
otherwise in the purchase order.
3.1. No material substitutions will be allowed without written approval from
County (Project Advisors).
3.2. Paint and coating materials shall be delivered in unbroken, original
packages leaving the manufacturers name and material designation. All
materials shall be applied in accordance with the individual manufacturers
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4.1. The surfaces to be coated will generally exist in one of the following
4.1.1 Bare surfaces which require cleaning, surface preparation and
4.1.2 Shop prepared and coated surfaces which have been damaged
and require spot surface preparation and coating.
Items to be painted include, but are not limited to, the following:
4.2.1 All un-insulated carbon steel and low alloy piping, pressure vessels,
heat exchangers, storage tanks, drums, towers, etc.
4.2.2. All insulated carbon steel and low alloy piping, pressure vessels,
heat exchangers, storage tanks, drums, towers, etc., with operating
temperatures of 50OF to 250OF (prime coat only).
4.2.3. Heaters, boilers, ducts and stacks.
4.2.4 All structural steel, except that which is galvanized.
4.2.5 Pumps, compressors and other machinery and equipment,
including factory painted items, that are not properly finished.
4.2.6 Fire proofed carbon steel surfaces (only prime coat is required).
4.3 Certain equipment (pumps, compressors, motors, instruments, electrical
items, etc.) that are supplied with manufacturers standard finish paint will not
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Solvent Cleaning
Hand Tool Cleaning
Power Tool Cleaning
White Metal Blast Cleaning
Commercial Blast Cleaning
Near White Blast Cleaning
5.2. Surfaces which have been cleaned and prepared for coating shall
receive the first or prime coat the same day and, in all cases, before the
cleaned surface shows oxidation or is subjected to contamination. Areas
developing rust before being primed shall be recleaned.
5.3. All surfaces to be coated shall be free of all foreign matter such as mill
scale, rust, dirt, grease, oil and other deleterious substances.
5.4. Bare steel surfaces shall be solvent-washed as required to assure an
oil and grease free surface in accordance with the Structural Steel Painting
Council Specification, SSPC-SP1. Final wiping shall be done with clean rags
and solvent so as to leave no oil residue.
5.5. Steel surfaces of unprimed steel shall be cleaned to bare metal by an
approved surface blasting process which will produce a finish conforming to
SSPC-SP5, SSPC-SP6, or SSPC-SP10, as required for the primer material
5.6. Still surfaces that cannot be cleaned by blasting as specifically
specified shall be cleaned to bare metal by wire brushing or other mechanical
means conforming to SSPC-SP3 or SSPC-SP2.
5.7. Primed surfaces shall be cleaned of dirt, grease, oil and foreign
material. When primed surfaces have been subjected to welding, all slag
deposits, welding fume deposits and oxides formed by welding shall be
removed for a distance of six inches from the weld area by sandblasting, win
brushing of other mechanical means conforming to SSPC-SP2 or SSPC-SP3.
This procedure also applies to the repair of surfaces which have been shop
primed and damaged during shipment or construction.
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All work shall be performed with good clean brushes, approved rollers
or approved spraying equipment, which will produce a finished surface free
from drops, ridges, waves, laps, and brush marks. Suitable air filters and
traps shall be installed on blasting and spraying to equipment to remove
moisture and oil from the compressed air.
6.2. Whenever possible, surfaces which are inaccessible after erection
shall be treated, primed and painted prior to erection.
6.3. Paint shall be applied only when the air temperature is above 40OF,
less than 100OF, and the relative humidity is less than 85%. Priming shall be
discontinued whenever the temperature is expect to drop to 32OF before the
primer has dried. Paint shall not be applied to a surface that is at a
temperature which will cause blistering porosity, or otherwise will be
detrimental to the life of the paint. Moisture cure paints and primers may be
applied per manufacturers instructions.
6.4. Paint or coating materials shall not be applied in damp or foggy
weather, when it is raining or snowing or under any conditions that will result
in condensation on the surface to be painted.
6.5. Finish coats shall not be applied to surfaces on which the prime is
scratched until such damaged area has been cleaned and primed.
6.6. Each coat of paint shall be in a proper state of cure or dryness before
the application of the succeeding cost.
6.7. Whenever bare metal is exposed during cleaning of previously painted
steel, a prime coast shall be applied to the exposed area before proceeding
with the finish coat.
6.8. The paint manufacturers recommendations for mixing, thinning
handling, and applying their products are incorporated into and made a part of
this specification.
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6.9. The minimum dry film thickness in mils for each primer and paint coat
shall be as specified in Section 9.0 of this Appendix. Dry film thickness will be
measured with a calibrated thickness gauge. For steel surfaces, the
minimum dry film thickness for the paint system, comprising the primer finish
coats, shall be 5.0 mils, unless otherwise specified. All measurements taken
shall be according to SSPC-PA 2TBT.
6.10. To secure a satisfactory thickness of primer, rivet heads, bolt heads,
nuts, all edges, corners and crevices shall be striped with priming paint by
brush or a single pass spray before the surfaces receive the prime coat of
paint. Such striping shall extend one inch from all edges.
7.1. Pinholes, skips, and areas with less than specified dry film thickness
shall be touched up or recoated.
7.2. Unacceptable runs, sags, dry over-spray, orange peel, and embedded
dust shall be removed by sanding or blasting. The surface shall be blown
with compressed air and vacuumed or wiped clean prior to being touched up
or recoated.
7.3. Coatings that are damaged, blistered, cracked, peeling, or delaminated
shall be removed to the bare substrate and the surface prepared per
specification. Areas less than thirty (30) square inches may be prepared by
power tools. Dust and loose particles shall be removed by compressed air
and vacuumed or wiped clean prior to being recoated.
7.4. The paint subcontractor in the field shall be responsible for touch-up
and repair of all shop primed items. All surfaces shall be properly cleaned
and primed before the finished coat is applied.
8.1. The dry film thickness shall be verified by measuring with a magnetic
gauge in accordance with SSPC-PA2.
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8.2.4. Runs, sags and over 150 percent of maximum or under 90 percent
of the minimum specified dry film thickness.
8.2.5. Softness or tackiness
8.3. Each coat shall be examined before recoating to verify that the surface
is clean, dry and free of contaminants.
8.4. The color of the finish coat shall be verified as correct by comparison
with an accepted color sample.
The finished coating shall be the specified total dry film thickness and
shall be uniform in appearance and free of shadows.
Paint System
For bare surfaces, including pipe, valves, fittings, structural steel:
Top Coat:
Wasser MC-CR
3.0-5.0 mils DFT
Paint System
All surfaces:
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