Iso 18436
Iso 18436
Iso 18436
vibration analysis
training from SKF
Setting the world standard for reliability instruction
Is your vibration analysis world-class?
No matter how methodically your team collects
and analyses vibration data, if your methods do
not conform to international standards, then you
are not doing all you can to optimise plant performance. In todays increasingly competitive, global
business environment, ISO standards are rightly
recognised as de facto standards for quality. The
companies that employ them are increasing their
competitive edge, both in perception, and in reality.
Making sure your team is collecting and analysing
data according to ISO standards will help ensure
your condition monitoring pays multiple dividends.
SKF can help make it happen.
Suitable for:
Suitable for:
Personnel wishing to achieve PCN certification in vibration
analysis category 1. Enabling qualification to perform singlechannel machinery vibration measurements according to
established procedures.
Course objectives:
Operate portable instrumentation on pre-assigned or
pre-programmed routes
Acquire readings from permanently installed instrumentation
Input results into a database and download sampling
routes from a computer
Conduct testing under steady-state operating conditions
following predefined procedures
Compare overall or single value vibration measurements
against pre-established alert settings
Verify integrity of collected data; prevent or control poor data
Evaluate and report test results in accordance with
instructions; highlight areas for further investigation
Course content:
Principles of vibration
Data acquisition
Signal processing
Condition monitoring
Course objectives:
Select the appropriate machinery vibration measurement
Set-up instruments for basic resolution of amplitude,
frequency and time
Perform basic vibration analysis of machinery and components
such as shafts, bearings, gears, fans, pumps and motors using
spectrum analysis
Maintain a database of results and trends
Perform basic (single channel) impact tests to determine
natural frequencies
Classify, interpret and evaluate the test results
(including acceptance tests) in accordance with applicable
specifications and standards
Recommend corrective actions
Course content:
Category 1 and additional topics as follows:
Corrective action
Equipment testing and diagnostics
Vibration control
Reporting and documentation
Fault severity determination
Fault analysis
Equipment knowledge
Acceptance testing
Reference standards