Einstein First Paper PDF
Einstein First Paper PDF
Einstein First Paper PDF
Albert Einstein always maintained that the trend of thinking that ultimately led
to his work Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter K
orper (On the Electrodynamics of
Moving Bodies)1 had already begun when he was an adolescent young man. In
conversations and interviews at various times, several people sought to find out
from Einstein himself about his intellectual and scientific development in order to
fix the chronology of the conception, gestation and birth of the Special Theory of
Relativity. We know very little about Einstein as a boy and young scholar other
than what he has himself mentioned in scattered writings or told his biographers
and interviewers.
Gerald Holton, in his article Influences on Einsteins Early Work in Relativity Theory, reported on his search in documents, diaries, notebooks, correspondence, and unpublished manuscripts in the Einstein archives at Princeton and other
source materials for any indications relating to Einsteins 1905 paper on relativity,
* During the summer semester in June 1970, I gave a series of lectures at the International Solvay
Institutes of the Universit
e libre de Bruxelles on the historical development of the quantum and
relativity theories. One of my auditors was a young man, Jean Ferrard, whom Professor Jean
Pelseneer introduced me to as the grandson of Madame Suzanne Koch-Gottschalk, the daughter
of C
asar Koch and thus Einsteins cousin. Monsieur Ferrard arranged my meeting with Madame
Suzanne Koch-Gottschalk, during which she told me that she had a box of papers in which there
might be some Einstein documents and if I would help her in sorting them out. I was very excited
by this opportunity, and went through the papers in the box; contained in it were Einsteins
essay, discussed here, and the covering letter to his uncle. I told Madame Suzanne Gottschalk
about the importance of these documents, and asked her permission to publish them, which she
readily granted. I wrote this article and made copies of the Einstein documents I had found in
the Gottschalk family box and personally gave them to Miss Helen Dukas in Princeton in May
1970; she and Otto Nathan, executor of the Einstein Estate, gave me permission to publish my
article. After completing this essay, I sent a preprint of it to Freeman Dyson (as I did of all my
papers for his comments); he replied to me at once, and said among other things: This paper
is like the discovery of Linear B by Michael Ventris, and shows how humble are the origins of
modern science. It is an important find; publish it immediately! Freeman. It was published in
Physikalische Bl
atter 27, 385 (1971) and as Report No. CPT-82; AEC-31, January 8, 1971, of the
Center for Particle Theory, The University of Texas at Austin. I have included this essay in this
volume because of its historical interest.
The introduction to Einsteins essay on The Investigation of the State of Aether in Magnetic
Fields, which he wrote at the age of 15 or 16 and sent to his uncle C
asar Koch with a covering
presented photocopies of these documents to Miss Helen Dukas in May 1970 for the Einstein
Archives in Princeton. I am grateful to Miss Dukas and the Executor of the Estate of Albert
Einstein, Dr. Otto Nathan, for permission to publish these items.
moment however that he came to question the customary concept of time, it took
him only five weeks to write his paper on relativity. . . .11
On 4 February 1950, in the first of several visits that he made to Einstein in
Princeton during the period 19501954, R.S. Shankland asked Einstein how long
he had worked on the Special Theory of Relativity before 1905. Einstein told him
that he had started on the problem at the age of 16, already as a student when he
could devote only part of his time to it, and worked on it for ten years. He made
many fruitless attempts to develop a theory consistent with the experimental facts,
but they had to be abandoned, until it came to me that time was suspect!12
Einstein, in his conversation with Shankland, commented at length on the nature
of mental processes, and emphasized that our minds do not seem to move step by
step to the solution of a problem; rather, they take a devious route. It is only
at the last that order seems at all possible in a problem, said Eintein.13 Of a
later interview on 24 October 1952, Shankland reports, I asked Professor Einstein
about the three famous 1905 papers [Annalen der Physik, 17, 132, 549, 891 (1905)]
and how they all appeared to come at once. He told me that the work on special
relativity had been his life for over seven years and that this was the main thing.
However, he quickly added that the photoelectric effect paper was also the result
of five years pondering and attempts to explain Plancks quantum in more specific
terms. He gave me the distinct impression that the work on Brownian motion was
a much easier job. A simple way to explain this came to me, and I sent it off. 14
So again it was relativity, the problem of the electrodynamics of moving bodies,
that went farthest back in his memory. Not only did Einstein have curiosity about
the workings of nature, he had also acquired some knowledge of the essentials of
physics and mathematics quite early in school. His remarks indicate that, even as
a boy of sixteen, he had recognized the intellectual challenge of some fundamental
problems of physics.15
Excitement about natural phenomena had come to Einstein early. At the age of
4 or 5, he had received a compass from his father to play with. The sense of wonder,
of a secret power behind the movement of the needle, which he experienced as a
child remained a deep and lasting memory with him.16 The various business crises of
his father, which affected the fortunes of the family, did not destroy the atmosphere
of free thought, experience, and sense of mystery about nature in which Einstein
grew up. In 1889, at the age of 10 Albert Einstein entered the Luitpold Gymnasium
in Munich. His work at the Gymnasium was a mechanical routine; but still, at the
age of 12, he experienced the excitement and beauty of geometry when he came
across an old textbook on Euclidean plane geometry at the school.
Of his boyhood studies, Einstein recalled in his autobiographical notes: At
the age of 1216 I familiarized myself with the elements of mathematics together
with the principles of differential and integral calculus. In doing so I had the good
fortune of hitting up books which were not too particular in their logical rigour, but
which made up for this by permitting the main thoughts to stand out clearly and
synoptically. This occupation was, on the whole, truly fascinating; climaxes were
reached whose impression could easily compete with that of elementary geometry
the basic idea of analytical geometry, the infinite series, the concepts of differential
and integral. I also had the good fortune to know the essential results and methods
of the entire field of the natural sciences in an excellent popular exposition, which
limited itself almost throughout to qualitative aspets ([Aaron] Bernsteins Peoples
Books on Natural Science, a work of 5 or 6 volumes), a work which I read with
breathless attention. I had also already studied some theoretical physics when,
at the age of 17, I entered the Polytechnic Institute of Z
urich as a student of
mathematics and physics.17 Einstein also recalled that at the age of 13 I read with
enthusiasm Ludwig B
uchners Force and Matter, a book which I later found to be
rather childish in its ingenuous realism. 18
On account of business difficulties his father left Munich in 1894 for Milan, but
Einstein stayed on in a pension to complete his studies at school. He found the
mechanical routine of his academic life at the Gymnasium intolerable, and a few
months later he joined his parents in Milan. He had left the unpleasant rigors and
discipline of the German gymnasium, but had also left the school in Munich without
a diploma. Einstein was fifteen years old.
Einstein spent a year with his parents in Milan, and during this time thought
about pursuing higher education in theoretical physics. Having no diploma from
the Gymnasium, he thought of gaining admission to the Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology in Zurich by taking the entrance examination. Later on, he recalled:
As a sixteen-year-old I came to Zurich from Italy in 1895, after I had spent one
year without school and teachers in Milan with my parents. My aim was to gain admission to the Polytechnic, but it was not clear to me how I should attain this, I was
a self-willed but modest young man, who had obtained his fragmentary knowledge
of the relevant fundamentals [mainly] by self-study. Avid for deeper understanding, but not very gifted in being receptive, studies did not appear to me to be an
easy task. I appeared for the entrance examination of the engineering department
with a deep-seated feeling of insecurity. Even though the examiners were patient
and understanding, the examination painfully revealed to me the gaps in my earlier
training. I thought it was only right that I failed. It was a comfort, however, that
the physicist H.F. Weber informed me that I could attend his lectures if I stayed
in Zurich. The director, Professor Albin Herzog, however, recommended me to the
Cantonal School in Aarau, from where after one years study I was graduated. On
account of its liberal spirit and genuine sincerity, and teachers who did not lean
on external authority of any kind, this school has left on me an unforgettable impression. Compared to the six years of schooling in an authoritatively run German
gymnasium I became intensely aware of how much education leading to independent
activity and individual responsibility is to be preferred to the education which relies
on drill, external authority, and ambition. Real democracy is not an empty illusion.
During this year in Aarau came to me the question: If one follows a light beam
with the speed of light, then one would obtain a time-indepedent wave field. However,
such a thing does not exist! This was the first childish thought-experiment which had
something to do with the Special Theory of Relativity. Invention is not the result
of logical thinking, even though the final result has to be formulated in a logical
manner.19 (My italics.)
Einstein tried to imagine what he would observe if he were to travel through
space with the same velocity as a beam of light. According to the usual idea
of relative motion, it would seem that the beam of light would then appear as a
spatially oscillating static electromagnetic field. But such a concept was unknown to
physics and at variance with Maxwells theory. Einstein began to suspect that the
laws of physics, including those concerning the propagation of light, must remain
the same for all observers however fast they move relative to one another.20
When Wertheimer asked Einstein if already at that time he had some idea of
the invariance of the velocity of light for all observers in uniform motion, Einstein
replied, No, it was just a curiosity. That the velocity of light could differ depending
on the movement of the observer was somehow characterized by doubt. Later
developments increased that doubt.21
Says Wertheimer: Light did not seem to answer when one put such questions.
Also light, just as mechanical processes, seemed to know nothing of a state of
absolute movement or of absolute rest. This was interesting, exciting.
Light was to Einstein something very fundamental. At the time of his studies
at the Gymnasium [Aarau], the aether was no longer being thought of as something
mechanical, but as the mere carrier of electrical phenomena.
Einsteins essay on the state of the aether in magnetic fields, presented in the
following, refers to his familiarity with the experiments, and deals rather vaguely
with the connection between the aether and electromagnetic phenomena. In his
essay, presented here, Einstein proposed a method for detecting elastic deformations
of the aether by sending light rays into the vicinity of the current-carrying wire.
In his essay, Einstein raised the following main questions: (i) How does a magnetic
field, which is generated when a current is turned on, affect the surrounding aether?
(ii) How does this magnetic field, in turn, affect the current itself? Einstein believed
in the existence of an aether at that time, and regarded it as an elastic medium; he
wondered in particular how the three components of elasticity act on the velocity
of the aether wave which is generated when the currrent is turned on. His main
conclusion was that Above all, it ought to be [experimentally] shown that there
exists a passive resistance to the electric currents ability for generating a magnetic
field; [this resistance] is proportional to the length of the wire and independent
of the cross section and the material of the conductor. Thus the young Einstein
independently discovered the qualitative properties of self-induction, and it seems
clear that Einstein was not yet familiar with the earlier work on this phenomenon,
though at that time he knew that light is an electromagnetic phenomenon but was
not yet familiar with Maxwells theory.21a
The problems he thought about at Aarau clearly occurred to him after writing
this essay. It is quite possible that sometime during his stay in Munich, Milan,
Aarau or Zurich (that is, during the period 18941900), or even perhaps in Berne
during 19001905, F
oppls book4 (to which Holton2 attaches great importance as
a possible influence on Einsteins early work on relativity theory) fell into Einsteins hands. It is important to emphasize, however, that Einstein does mention
the wonderful experiments of Hertz in his essay, and he continued to mention
Hertz among his unforgotten teachers like Helmholtz, Maxwell, Boltzmann, and
Lorentz.22 Whatever the real influences might have been on the genesis of Einsteins
1905 paper,23 the following bits of Einsteiniana are the earliest available record of
Einsteins intellectual adventure from his own hand, and they have therefore some
historical interest.
Letter to C
asar Koch
My dear Uncle:
I am really very happy that you are still interested in the little things I am doing
and working on, even though we could not see each other for a long time and I am
such a terribly lazy correspondent. I always hesitated to send you this [attached]
note; because it deals with a very special topic, and besides it is still rather naive
and imperfect, as is to be expected from a young fellow like myself. I shall not be
offended at all if you dont read the stuff; but you must recognize it at least as a
modest atttempt to overcome the laziness in writing which I have inherited from
both of my dear parents. . . .
As you probably already know, I am now expected to go to the Polytechnic in
Zurich. However, it presents serious difficulties because I ought to be at least two
years older for that. We shall write to you in the next letter what happens in this
Warm greetings to dear aunt and your lovely children,
from your
maternal uncle; sometimes in letters and addresses the name has been spelled with the
French accent as Cesar. (My translation of the letter.)
the months he spent as a refugee from Germany at Le Coq sur Mer near Ostende
before his final departure from Europe to the United States. Later on, affectionate
correspondence between Einstein, his wife Elsa, his sister Maja, and the Koch family
was maintained.
I am grateful to Madame Suzanne Gottschalk, daughter of C
asar Koch, for conversations about Einstein and her family, and for showing me numerous letters and
I have not been able to discover the identity of the person who showed Einstein
these documents in 1950. Neither the owners of the documents nor Miss Helen Dukas,
Einsteins former secretary, have any recollection of who this person was, nor could
they offer any reasonable guess about his identity.
The choice of the E.T.H. in Zurich for Einsteins higher studies was made by his father
Hermann and uncle Jakob Einstein. The two brothers at one time had founded a small
engineering factory for making dynamos, measuring instruments and arc lamps, and
Einsteins initial plan was to study engineering in Zurich.
Max Wertheimer, Productive Thinking, edited by Michael Wertheimer, Enlarged Edition 1959, Harper & Row Publishers, New York and Evanston, p. 213.
In 1905 Einstein continued the theme of his relativity paper by discussing the dependence of the inertia of a body on its energy (Annalen der Physik, ser. 4, vol. 18,
pp. 639641). In 1907 Einstein wrote on the possibility of a new test of the principle of relativity (Annalen der Physik, ser. 4, vol. 23, pp. 197198), the inertia of
energy as a consequence of the relativity principle (Annalen der Physik, ser. 4, vol. 23,
pp. 371384), and Relativit
atsprinzip und die aus demselben gezogenen Folgerungen
(Jahrbuch der Radioaktivit
at, vol. 4, pp. 411462, and vol. 5, pp. 9899). In the last
paper he explicitly stated the equivalence of inertial and gravitational mass, and gave
the famous equation for mass in terms of energy. Einstein returned to the ideas of this
paper in 1911 when he wrote on the influence of gravity on light (Annalen der Physik,
ser. 4, vol. 35, pp. 898908). The theme of relativity and gravitation was taken up in
1912, with papers on the velocity of light in a gravitational field (Annalen der Physik,
ser. 4, vol. 38, pp. 355369), the theory of a static gravitational field (Annalen der
Physik, ser. 4, vol. 38, pp. 443458), and replies to remarks of M. Abraham in short
notes (Annalen der Physik, ser. 4, vol. 8, pp. 10591064; vol. 39, p. 704). A major summing up of the ideas expressed in these papers and approaches to the general theory
of relativity and gravitation were made with Marcel Grossmann in Entwurf einer Verallgemeinerten Relativit
atstheorie und eine Theorie der Gravitation (Zeitschrift f
Mathematik and Physik, vol. 62, pp. 225261). Einstein presented a lecture on the physical foundations of the new theory of gravitation in an address to the Naturforschende
Gesellschaft, Zurich, 9 September 1913 (Vierteljahrsschrift, vol. 58, pp. 284290), and
continued the theme two weeks later in a lecture at the 85th Versammlung Deutscher
Naturforscher in Vienna on 21 September 1913. In 1914, Einstein wrote on the formal
foundations of general relativity theory (Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie
der Wissenschaften, part 2, pp. 10301085, 1914), gave several lectures on the problem
of gravitation and relativity, and published a paper with M. Grossmann on the general
convariance properties of the field equations of the theory of gravitation (Zeitschrift
ur Mathematik und Physik, vol. 63, pp. 215225). Einstein continued to write on general relativity during the year 1915, and published new ideas on the application of the
theory of astronomy; he also explained the perihelion motion of mercury on the basis
of the general theory. Then in 1916 his great paper on the complete general theory
of relativity was published: Grundlage der allgemeinen Relativit
ats-theorie (Annalen
der Physik, ser. 4, vol. 49, pp. 769822). In an important sense this was the culmination
of the intellectual adventure on which Einstein had started since the time he wrote to
his uncle C
asar Koch in 1894 or 1895.
Max Wertheimer, ibid., p. 214.
R.S. Shankland, Conversations with Albert Einstein, American Journal of Physics,
vol. 31, pp. 4757, 1963, p. 48.
R.S. Shankland, ibid., p. 48.
R.S. Shankland, ibid., p. 56.
Apart from questions concerning light and the electrodynamics of moving bodies, Einstein went to Aarau with the [then much debated] questions concerning the palpability
[Greifbarkeit] of ether and of atoms in mind. (For the quotation from Besso in this
remark, see Holton, ibid., p. 63.)
Autobiographical notes by Albert Einstein in Albert Einstein, PhilosopherScientist,
edited by Paul Arthur Schilpp (originally in Library of Living Philosophers, 1949),
Harper Torchbooks Science Library, New York, 1959, p. 9.
Autobiographical notes by Albert Einstein, ibid., p. 15.
Carl Seelig, Albert Einstein, Staples Press, London, 1956, p. 12.
Albert Einstein, Autobiographische Skizze; perhaps one of the last writings of Einstein (written in March 1955), was published in Fall 1955 in Schweizerische Hochschulzeitung, Festnummer 18551955, on the occasion of the centennial jubilee of the
E.T.H. in Zurich. In this autobiographical sketch, Einstein recalled some touching
memories of his life in Switzerland. This sketch was included in Helle Zeit Dunkle Zeit, In Memoriam Albert Einstein, edited by Carl Seelig, Europa Verlag, Zurich,
1956, pp. 917. See pp. 910 for the quotation.
Einstein: The Man and His Achievement, a series of broadcasts on the BBC Third
Programme, edited by G.J. Whitrow, BBC, London, 1967.
Max Wertheimer, ibid., p. 215.
A. Pais, Subtle is the Lord, Oxford University Press, 1982, p. 131.
Louis Kollross, Albert Einstein en SuisseSouvenirs, in Funfzig Jahre Relativit
atstheorie (Bern, 1116 July 1955), Helvetica Physica Acta, Supplementum IV, 1956,
see pp. 274275; also published as Erinnerungen eines Kommilitonen in Helle Zeit
Dunkle Zeit, ibid., see p. 22.
In an undated letter, probably sometime after 6 March 1905, Einstein wrote to his
friend Conrad Habicht in Schiers; But why have you not yet sent me your thesis? Dont
you know, you wretch, that I should be one of the few fellows who would read it with
interest and pleasure? I can promise you in return four works, the first of which I shall
soon be able to send you as I am getting some free copies. It deals with the radiation
and energy characteristics of light and is very revolutionary, as you will see if you send
me your work in advance. The second study is a determination of the true atomic
dimensions from the diffusion and inner friction of diluted liquid solutions of neutral
matter. The third proves that on the premise of the molecular theory of induction,
particles of the size 1/1000 mm., when suspended in liquid, must execute a perceptible
irregular movement which is generated by the movement of heat. Movements of small,
lifeless, suspended particles have in fact been examined by physiologists and these
movements have been called by them the Brownian movement. The fourth study is
still a mere concept: the electrodynamics of moving bodies by the use of a modification
of the theory of space and time. The purely cinematic part of this work will undoubtedly
interest you. (My italics.)
The fourth study, to which Einstein refers, was his paper on the Special Theory
of Relativity. It was completed in Berne in June 1905, and received by the editor of
Annalen der Physik on 30 June 1905. It is indeed quite remarkable that even at this late
date (sometime after 6 March 1905), Einstein refers to his study as still a mere concept. This concept, however, had now been growing within him for almost ten years.
On March 11, 1952, Albert Einstein wrote to Carl Seelig: Between the conception
of the idea of this special relativity theory and the completion of the corresponding
publication, there elapsed five or six weeks. But [he added rather cryptically] it would
be hardly correct to consider this as a birthdate, because earlier the arguments and
building blocks were being prepared over a period of years, although without bringing
about the fundamental decision. (See Ref. 2, p. 60.) Michele Besso, Einsteins friend
and colleague at the Patent Office in Berne, was party to the fundamental decision,
the final progress of Einsteins conception, and its publication. In concluding his paper, Einstein wrote, I wish to say that in working at the problem dealt with here, I
have had the loyal assistance of my friend and colleague M. Besso, and I am indebted
to him for several valuable suggestions.
von Deinem
die Untersuchung des Aetherzustandes im magnetischen Felde
Nachfolgende Zeilen sind der erste bescheidene Ausdruck einiger einfacher Gedanken
ber dies schwierige Thema. Mit schwerem Herzen dr
ange ich dieselben in einen
Aufsatz zusammen, der eher wie ein Programm als wie eine Abhandlung aussieht.
Weil es mir aber vollst
andig an Material fehlte, um tiefer in die Sache eindringen zu
onnen, als es das blosse Nachdenken gestattete, so bitte ich, mir diesen Umstand
nicht als Oberflachlichkeit auszulegen. Moge die Nachsicht des geneigten Lesers den
bescheidnen Gef
uhlen entsprechen, mit denen ich ihm diese Zeilen u
Der elektrische Strom setzt bei seinem Entstehen den umliegenden Ather
irgend eine, bisher ihrem Wesen nach noch nicht sicher bestimmte, momentane Bewegung. Trotz Fortdauer der Ursache dieser Bewegung, n
amlich des elektrischen
Stroms, h
ort die Bewegung auf, der Ather verbleibt in einem potentiellen Zustande
und bildet ein magnetisches Feld. Dass das magnetische Feld ein potentieller Zustand sei, beweisst der permanente Magnet, da das Gesetz von der Erhaltung der
Energie hier die Moglichkeit eines Bewegungszustandes ausschliesst. Die Bewe
gung des Athers,
welche durch einen elektrischen Strom bewirkt wird, wird so lange
dauern, bis die wirkenden motorischen Kr
afte durch aquivalente passive Krafte kom
pensiert werden, welche von der durch die Bewegung des Athers
selbst erzeugten
Deformationen herr
Die wunderbaren Versuche von Hertz haben die dynamische Natur dieser Erscheinungen, die Fortpflanzung im Raume, sowie die qualitative Identitat dieser
Bewegungen mit Licht und W
arme aufs genialste beleuchtet. Ich glaube nun,
dass es f
ur die Erkenntnis der elektromagnetischen Erscheinungen von Wichtigkeit
are, auch die potentiellen Zust
ande des Athers
in magnetischen Feldern aller Art
einer umfassenden experimentellen Betrachtung zu unterziehen, oder mit anderen
Worten, die elastischen Deformationen und die wirkenden deformierenden Krafte
zu messen.
aften zu bewegenden Athermassen.
Da jedoch die durch die elastischen Deformationen hervorgerufenen Ver
anderungen der Dichte meist nur unbedeutend sind, so
wird man sie auch in diesem Falle wahrscheinlich vernachlassigen d
urfen. Man wird
also mit grosser Ann
aherung sagen k
onnen: Die Quadratwurzel aus dem Verh
der Ver
anderung der Fortpflanzungsgeschwindigkeit (Wellenlange) ist gleich dem
altnis der Ver
anderung der elastischen Kraft.
Was f
ur eine Art von Atherwellen,
ob Licht oder elektrodynamische, und was f
eine Methode der Messung der Wellenl
aange f
ur die Untersuchung des magnetischen
Feldes am geeignetsten sei, wage ich nicht zu entscheiden; im Prinzip ist es ja
schliesslich gleich.
anderung der Dichte des bewegten Athers
zu suchen.