Money Mindset

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The key takeaways are that we all have subconscious money mindsets influenced by our past experiences, and completing a 21 day process of shifting behaviors and attitudes can help permanently change one's mindset to be more prosperous.

The 21 day process is designed to work on inner levels to help make a permanent change to one's 'inner tape' - the subconscious beliefs about money. By gradually shifting thoughts and actions over 21 days, it aims to birth a new abundant, prosperous identity.

The book mentions that our past programming from what we heard and modeled as young children, or what was passed down from our ancestry, can influence our choices and decisions when it comes to money in negative ways like struggle, lack of success, or always feeling stretched. This programming forms a 'blueprint' buried in our subconscious minds.


Days to Shift Your Money Mindset

And Transform Your Business
By Kaya Singer

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Kaya Singer 2013


Have you ever wondered why some people seem to make money
easily, while others seem to always be in financial struggle? Some
people seem to make the correct decisions and meet the right
people and others make poor choices and hang-out with people
who are also struggling.

In fact, you have a deeply ingrained psychological and emotional
blueprint that effects how you relate to money and abundance.
Its buried in your subconscious mind and it influences your
choices and decisions. It comes from your past programming of
things you heard and modeled from when you were a very young
child or passed onto you from your lineage.

This isn't good or bad but it can help you to understand why some
people seem to have their path paved with gold and others
struggle and seem to lack the secrets to financial success.

Are some people destined to be wealthy and others
impoverished? No. You had no control over this blueprint. It
came from your ancestry or responses to situations that
happened in early childhood.

However, you certainly have a choice of how you respond to
those situations and how you want to be now that you are grown
up and are running your own business.

Money Self-assessment

Check the box on the list below that best describes how it is for
you regarding money and abundance attitude in your life and how
you run your business. Its important to be honest about how it
really is for you right now, not how you want it to be.

___I am very wealthy and have complete financial freedom.
___I am rich and have my money invested wisely.
___I am very well off and certainly feel abundant.
___I am comfortable and have an easy lifestyle.
___I am stretched but usually manage to get by.
___I am struggling financially and worry too much.
___I am feeling a great lack of resources and am depressed.
___I am very poor and just barely scraping by.
___I am destitute and either homeless or close to it.

Now answer these three questions.

1. Do you feel discouraged about your answer?

2. Do you wish you could have checked a box higher on the list?

3. Have you tried to move up the list but keep getting pushed
back down?

If you answered yes to any of these three questions you probably
want to change your money mindset. The good news is that it is
possible to make this change. It will take a commitment to change
your behaviors, attitudes and focus. Are you ready and willing?

Your subconscious stores your beliefs. Maybe youve said positive
affirmations about prosperity every day, written them down and
then nothing changed. This is because your subconscious mind
was still holding onto your past inner tapes that included limiting

Often people have two belief tapes' running at once: an outer
tape and an inner tape. These two tapes might be struggling with

each other. Outwardly you might appear positive, happy and

peaceful. However, your inner tape might have a track of worry
and self- doubt.

The inner tape is way more powerful and can sabotage anything
you are doing outwardly. This 21 day process will work on the
inner levels to help make a permanent change on your inner tape.

Its important to learn smart, sound business practices and to
learn about money management, however until you make this
change on the inside it will feel like moving a mountain to shift to
a higher number on that list.

Why 21 days?

Many experts say it takes at least 21 days of a new behavior to
successfully make a transformational change. Dr Maxwell Maltz, a
Plastic Surgeon, who wrote the bestseller Psycho-Cybernetics,
noticed that it took 21 days for amputees to cease feeling
phantom sensations in their amputated limb. He then further
observed that it took 21 days to create any new habit.

Since then, the 21-Day Habit idea has become an accepted part of
transformation programs and this book is based on that concept.
If you are in the habit of stressing about money, worrying that you
won't have enough or feel hopeless in general, then this is an
opportunity to develop new ways of being that support a
prosperity lifestyle and ultimately can change your blueprint for

It takes 21 days to totally eliminate a bad habit and
incorporate a positive habit as a new belief. But whats 21
days when the result will be having everything youve ever

~Mark Victor Hansen, author Chicken Soup for the Soul.

The Money Mindset Shift

Are you ready to go forward and face the challenge of shifting
your inner tape? I know its hard to change a habit that has been
with you for your whole life.

All of your attitudes and beliefs are wrapped up in your habits so
the change needs to occur on every level of your being. Some
areas that need to change are not immediately visible but in fact
your money mindset affects the whole way you live your life and
run your business, every decision you make and every response
you have to every situation.

You have to be willing to shed your old skin just like a snake does.
The difference is that snakes have no choice, it just happens. You
have a conscious choice, which involves changes on every level.

The Money Mindset Program has the 21 days all set out for you to
follow. Are you ready? If you answered yes then sign on the line
below. Signing this statement is the beginning of the process and
it will confirm your commitment.

I am ready to Take The 21 Day Money Mindset Program. I am
committed to do whatever it takes to change my money

Signature________________________________ Date _________
How to use this book

Print out all 21 pages. By holding the papers in your hands it adds
the tactile sensations to your learning. You can easily keep the
paper by your bed or carry it with you in your briefcase.

You can write notes on the margins. You can put them on your
fridge or keep them inside your daily planner. If you keep them
only on your computer it limits the possibilities.

You can put the pages on your iPad and for 21 days have the new
page appear all day as your screen saver.

Read one page each day for 21 days. Each day you will be asked to
do a simple task for that day. When you read your page in the
morning you will have all day to focus on this intention.

If you read the page in the evening then you can breathe it in
before bed and put it into action the next day. I encourage you to
read each page in the morning and again in the evening. This will
double the power of each suggestion.

At the end of each page is an affirmation for that day. For added
benefit repeat this affirmation throughout the day.

Old habits are sometimes very tenacious so you might "forget" to
read your daily message. The process works optimally if you keep
up with the challenge each day, however if you accidentally do
miss a day make sure get back on track right away. Reading it and
following the suggestions each day is what will make the process

I suggest you begin a journal of your 21-day experience. No need
to run out and get a special book. It is ok to use a yellow pad or
plain white paper. Use whatever works for you.

Write down a few notes about each of the 21 days.

What was your experience doing the process for that day? What
did you notice? At the end you can re-read all of your notes and
acknowledge your transformation.

Your success in this program ultimately begins and ends with you.
This book provides you with the simple and effective tools. Your
own attitudes will determine the end result.

How do you replace and transform your complete belief systems
with a new money mindset? Its similar to anything else you want
to accomplish; you begin at the beginning.

Wishing you a fun and easy transition to your new money

Day One

Giving gratitude is the most powerful way to make a shift on a
deep molecular level.

Right now take a minute and close your eyes. Put your hand on
your heart and acknowledge everything and everyone you are
grateful for. Fill in the blank below over and over until nothing
else comes up.

You might be grateful to someone who you have been angry with.
That's ok. In fact being able to appreciate that person in spite of
the anger is part of the process of change.

I am grateful for

Stand up and say it aloud. I am grateful for

If you are down to your last five bucks in your bank account, be
grateful for those five dollars. The gratitude will allow it to grow.

Now notice how you feel. Breathe in that feeling and keep it with
you as you move though your day. Repeat this process in the
morning before you get out of bed and again at night before you
fall asleep. This will begin to erase the vibration of your inner
tapes and record a new positive vibration.

I give gratitude for my perfect life and to everyone in it.

Day Two

Do you believe you have the power to change at the core of your
being? Or do you see yourself as someone who is disabled or

Owning your personal power is essential to making the big shift
you desire. Here is an easy exercise to help you grow your power.
Once your power is larger it is easier to step into a new way of

Close your eyes and put your hands on your solar plexus, which is
right above your navel. Feel inside at that place which is where
your personal power resides. Do you feel or sense a big fire of
energy burning or do you have trouble finding any light in that

Keeping your eyes closed, recall a time you felt really empowered
and remember how you felt. Imagine that empowered feeling as a

What you want is to see a bright light that is strong enough to
energize yourself to move forward and empower your prosperity.
If the light is dim or dark, close your eyes and imagine igniting a
small but strong light in your solar plexus. It might begin to look
like a candle in a dark cave.

This is your personal power and will keep burning and giving you
the needed energy to stay on track.

Throughout your day take a moment, close your eyes and
imagine, see or feel the light in your solar plexus. Breath deeply

into that area of your body and on the exhale, watch it or feel it
burn brighter and stronger.

Anytime you get off track or feel disconnected to your power
remember that all you have to do is re-light it and breathe. This is
also an excellent exercise to do before an important meeting or
presentation, as it will rekindle your power.

My power is allowing me to change my money mindset.

Day Three

Begin your day by giving gratitude and then notice your inner
power light burning. What do you really want?

Most people know what they don't want. You don't want to have
debts. You don't want to be poor. You can't afford this. You can't
have that. On and on all day long. Sound familiar? All that does is
give energy to what you don't want.

Creation begins from an idea, a thought and a picture. Today, say
and picture exactly what you want.

For example:
"I want a new office."
"I want $15,000 in sales this week."
"I want to hire an assistant.

Be specific and see a picture of it in your mind. The more details
you can give the better. Where, when, how will it look? Visualize
colors, textures and smells.

Find a magazine picture of your perfect office. Tape it to the wall
in front of your desk. Write yourself a $15,000 check. Create the
job description.

This is your task for today.
1. Get clear about what you want.
2. Describe it in detail and be specific.
3. Find a picture of it and put it where you will see it every day.

4. Sit and close your eyes and visualize it throughout the day.
Visualization is powerful and will help to change your inner tape.

As you go through the day notice your tendency to say what you
don't want. Catch yourself, and close your eyes and do your

I clearly visualize my new prosperity mindset.

Day Four

Take a moment to re-state what you wanted yesterday, including
the details and timeline. Wouldn't it be wonderful and magic if
this were all you had to do to manifest your desire?

Knowing what you want, visualizing and planting the right seed is
an important first step, but what you do after is equally
important. It is about using your power to really fertilize that seed
so it grows. Growing your money mindset is exciting, and taking
right action is an integral part of the process.

Yesterday you named what you want. Today its important to
know how and who. How is the action? Right action is like
fertilizer in growing your prosperity seed. The who is your witness.

Let's imagine you said you wanted $15,000 in sales this week.
Maybe you think that if your mind and heart were pure this would
happen without you doing anything. It can seem like this when
you change your thoughts and then amazing things happen, but if
you put it in slow motion you would realize that your thoughts
compelled you to operate in a different way and you took right
action without being aware.

Imagine how much more powerful it could be if you were totally
conscious of what you were doing.

Today, with your what in mind, think of three powerful actions
you will take to fertilize your vision from yesterday.

Name one person who you will share this with today. Pick a
positive and supportive person, someone who won't question you
but will say, Good for you, go for it!" Pick someone you know is
available to talk to today for at least five minutes. Write this
person's name below.

My witness is___________________________________

I am taking right action to manifest my vision.

Day Five

Its a beautiful day and wonderful to be alive! Maybe youre
thinking, "Well, I don't feel that way. It's ok for you."

If you focus on problems then you will have more problems to
focus on.

A couple days ago you decided what you wanted. You wrote it
down, you said it out loud, yesterday you told someone what you
are going to do and now you need to believe it. You have total
control of your thoughts. Don't allow your thoughts to control
you. You can control your state of mind, and in fact this is one
important key to making permanent change.

Think about something or someone that makes you feel really
good. Peter Pan called this his "happy thought," and it allowed
him to fly. It doesn't matter what it is as long as it generates good
feelings. For a few moments just soak up those good feelings and
notice what happens. It isnt possible to feel good and be negative
at the same time.

Decide to feel good all day regardless of the situation. If someone
says, "How are you?" answer, "I feel great." Your perspective will
shift and your energy will change. Positive energy attracts positive
things to you, whereas negative energy repels and also attracts
negative situations. You are a magnet so you might as well be a
magnet for positive energy.

Whether you are talking to customers, tele-marketers,
salespeople, or the garbage collector, be positive and up beat. It
is time to be a magnet for prosperity. Today, be positive all day
regardless of the situation. At the end of the day write a few

words in your journal. Writing helps to embed the energy into

your being at another level.

Prosperity is not all about money; but it is all about attitude.

I always have a positive attitude regardless of the situation.

Day Six

Today is all about money! "Finally!" you are probably thinking.
When you think prosperity you think money. Do you know that
many of the wealthiest people in the world are also the biggest
philanthropists? You might be thinking, Well sure, they have a
lot of money to give away and if I could, I would as well."

Giving actually has nothing to do with the amount of money you
have. It has to do with the feeling of prosperity. The most
prosperous people began giving when they had very little in their
own pocket.

When you give, there is an energy shift in your core. Giving makes
you feel open and abundant and then opens the channels in your
own being. When you say, "I can't afford it," it makes you feel
tight, constricted and poor. When you give even a little, you begin
to see yourself as someone who has enough to give.

Today put a give jar on your desk, and put some money into it.
Some people put in 5% of their income. You can also add pocket
change everyday. Whatever amount you begin with doesn't
matter as long as you do it everyday from now on.

At the end of the week, give it away to a worthy cause. Its your
choice what to do with it. I buy meal coupons for homeless
people. When I see someone on a street corner with a sign, I stop
and give away one of my coupons.

I have a friend who gives away 10% of his income.
Last year he paid college tuition for a student from Africa. Real
prosperity is measured not by how much you can buy, but on how
much you can give. Set-up your giving jar today. Write "Giving Jar"

on it in big letters and each time you put money into your jar give
gratitude for being able to help someone.

I give money each and every day.

Day Seven

Most people pay themselves last. Money goes in and money goes
out in order to pay bills, rent, and other necessities.

Sound familiar? Necessities can eat up all of your income and
make you feel very un-prosperous!

Its important to pay yourself first. Today. Create another jar
called Prosperity. The money that goes in this jar is only to be
used for investing in your financial freedom. I put 10% of all my
income into this jar and then transfer it into a special bank
account each week. This money is not to be used for emergencies
like car repairs or a new hot water heater. It's not a savings
account. It's an investment account, which is very different.
Investments are real estate, stocks, or a new business venture.

It doesn't matter how much you put it this jar. When I began
doing this I didn't think I had enough to amount to any
investment, but I created a sub- account at my bank and kept
adding as much as I was able. In 18 months I had over $2,000. It
was like magic. Suddenly, I had the closing costs to buy a house
with a 100% mortgage. In one year my house appreciated over
$30,000. So I earned $30,000 that year and it all began from
making a prosperity jar and adding money to it every week.

So, pay yourself first. Any amount. Begin this process today by
finding a jar and label it "Prosperity Fund." Watch your prosperity
increase each month as your account grows and you begin to
invest in yourself. It is magic.

I always receive by paying myself first.
Day Eight


How do you add value to other people's lives? You may be so
focused on your struggle that you are not fully acknowledging
your value in the world. Everyone has something to offer and an
important key to creating more prosperity is to acknowledge how
you are helping other people every day.

Today, be aware of what you do that has a positive effect on
someone else. In order to shift your prosperity mindset you need
to acknowledge that what you are doing is making a difference

At the end of the day, think through your day and write down
three ways you have added value to other people.


Giving value needs to begin with your mind-set. Prosperous
people feel abundant in their minds first and then enjoy giving,
helping people and making a difference. It might seem small to
you but to the person on the receiving end, it can be very

Begin now with valuing your contribution to the world.

Everyday I give value to other people's lives.

Day Nine

Do you believe that you were born with the same intrinsic value
and worth, as others who may be seem more prosperous?

Remember yourself as a newborn baby just coming into this
world. Imagine if you cannot actually remember. You will have an
energetic sense of your birth, as your being stores every
experience youve had. You began pure and full of love and
opportunity. This is your natural entitlement that can never be
taken from you regardless of what may have happened later.

Unconditional self-worth is not dependent upon what you do,
what you have, or what anyone thinks about you. It is not
dependent on who your parents are or what they told you. It is
not dependent on any trauma you have experienced.

Put your focus on yourself as a newborn, no problems, and no
issues. You as a little baby had a higher purpose for being here in
spite of the obstacles. This is your entitlement for being alive.

If you have ever thought you weren't good enough or perfect
enough, those ideas are part of your old picture and its now time
to allow them to dissolve. So let go of what you did or didn't do in
your life up until now. Let go of whoever might have wronged you
or didn't fully appreciate your true worth.

On a piece of blank paper write down the words: Old Self-worth
Beliefs. Make a list of what beliefs you have held on to. Write
them all down. Take that paper and light a match to it and watch
that old mindset dissolve into ashes. Take the ashes and plant
them in the soil in your garden. Plant a flower on that spot and
watch your ashes grow into something new and beautiful.

Be at peace with the pureness of your soul, your entitlement, as
that is the place where your prosperity lives.

I have unconditional self-worth now.

Day Ten

Money mindset is about opening up an abundant channel or flow.
There is no shortage of wealth and abundance in the world. The
shortage is only in your own mind and that in turn, affects your

In order to increase the flow, it's important to look at what's
blocking it. Your own unresolved emotional baggage can act like a
plug in the pipeline. One thing that can create this block is holding
on to past resentments or unfinished issues.

You may already know this, and are still holding on to something
from the past; some wrong that was done to you, self-blame or
guilt. Maybe there is someone you are still directing anger

Close your eyes and ask yourself to think of one unfinished issue
that comes to mind that may be creating a block. It might seem
small but could be having a big effect. Just listen and see what
comes up. Usually its the first thing that comes to you. With that
issue in mind do the following:

Take a deep breath and breathe in forgiveness for this issue and
for everything and everyone involved as well. As you exhale, feel
the channel of prosperity open wider. Do this three times and
notice, feel or imagine the channel getting bigger and the flow
becoming stronger. Holding onto old issues only keeps your
prosperity channel blocked; so just let it all go with forgiveness.

I forgive everyone and I unblock the flow of prosperity.

Day Eleven

Mother Nature has created the most beautiful examples of
prosperity right in your own backyard. Whether it be trees or
flowers, find something that is growing large, profusely and
beautiful. If its in the cold of winter, look for evergreen trees.

Find a park or a sanctuary by a creek and just sit and breath in the
magic of the plant kingdom. All these abundant living things
began from one small seed.

No one ever told a tree it couldn't grow big and no one ever told a
flower it couldn't bloom. Flowers and trees are inherently
prosperous. They only need the sun, soil and water to turn their
seed into a large beautiful plant.

Sit next to a tree or other plant today and meditate with it. Do this
in your own way. Ask it to share its prosperity secrets with you. Be
quiet and listen. Once you hear the message, breath it in, give
thanks and feel the blessing of the natural forces working through
you. If you don't hear a message just acknowledge the feeling
and state of being.

Take this bit of wisdom one step further. Buy a packet of flower
seeds. Keeping your message in mind, plant your seeds in a pot
with good soil, and place it in a sunny spot. Everyday talk to the
seeds and gives thanks for the message you received, knowing
that as the seed sprouts and grows, so does your prosperity.

The seeds of prosperity are growing within my being.

Day Twelve

In order to adopt a new prosperity mind-set its important to
make space for it to live. This might sound a bit strange, but every
part of your life is now reflecting your old mind-set.

Look at your work and office environment through the eyes of a
wealthy visitor. Notice what feels good, healthy and abundant and
what feels shabby, meager and needs to be cleared or changed.

Notice your home office and take note of any clutter, or old,
broken or unused objects that are no longer of any use. Look for
dust collectors. How do you feel being in your space?

Maybe your house is nice but there are old papers stacked
somewhere or things that need to be cleared out.

Clearing your space changes the energy and can open up room for
prosperity to come in. Have you ever noticed of the change in
energy after you sweep the floors in your house? Just removing
the dust and grit on the floors makes a big difference.

Today clear some space in your business space and office.
Remove clutter and get rid of something that needs to go. After
you finish, notice the openness you have created for the
prosperity and abundance to move in.

Your new money blueprint needs to have a space to grow. Until
you let go of what youre holding on to there will be no room for
the new.

I have space in my life for prosperity.

Day Thirteen

Today's message is all about being present in a way that reflects
your prosperity. You might think it doesn't matter, but in fact it
does. Why do you think expensive products are offered in fancy

As you go through your day today, notice the people you see as
you move through your world; people in stores, on the train, at
the bank, wherever you are today. Notice how quickly you feel
attracted or repelled by how someone is dressed. When I see a
woman with a gorgeous coat I often speak to her and say, "great
coat." This can begin an interaction. If I see someone with an old,
dirty coat with stains I have a very different reaction. Certainly, if
that person smiles I will overcome my first reaction.

When you receive a gift, isn't it wonderful when its wrapped in
beautiful paper?

Today, when you are out and about, notice people and how they
are presented. Who looks prosperous and why. What can you do
with your own presentation to begin to emanate prosperity?
Shine your shoes, wear cleanly pressed clothes and pay attention
to how you speak.

Transformation can begin with just one small shift. When you
change your presentation it will begin to change how you feel
about yourself inside and that will have a chain reaction in how
you act and talk to people on the outside.

I always present myself as a prosperous person.

Day Fourteen

Your mind has the power to move mountains and the ability to
create whatever it can imagine.

Training your mind to focus on what you want is a skill that will
allow you to create and then manifest your vision. Often people
let their minds attach itself to a myriad of fears or scenarios that
are not what you want.

When you keep your focus on what you want, all kinds of events,
people or situations will rearrange around your focus.

Begin this day with one focus. One short thought that feels
positive, powerful and in the present; something you want to
keep your sharp focus on.

Stand up and say this thought out loud three times. Spend the
whole day with that one thought. Write it on a card and put it in
your pocket. Put it on your desk, on your car dashboard and say it
aloud in the shower. Share this thought with at least three people.
Send it in an e-mail to your group. Post is on social media.

Say it as the last thing before you go to sleep and the first thing
when you wake up. Notice what happens.

My mind is sharp, focused and clear.

Day Fifteen

What does it mean to expand? It means to "grow bigger."

Everyone identifies in some way with what they believe they can
accomplish. This is your place of comfort. If you are used to
struggling or getting by, then struggle is your comfort level even if
you don't like it.

You know your own place of comfort and safety and most likely
this is not the place where your new prosperity lives.

Your prosperity lives in a much more expansive and more affluent
space, and it just might be that you shy away from this space, as it
doesn't feel like home to you.

In order to live with new prosperity, its important to expand into
this new home, this new identity of yourself that allows you to set
your sights higher.

I am wondering what your new identity looks like; your new
home. Are you ready to expand and to own your new identity?

What ways do you keep yourself small?
What are three ways you can expand in your life as it is right now?
1. ____________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________
As you move through your day look for opportunities to move
into this new bigger space, have bigger intentions, take risks and
go for it.

I easily move into my expansive prosperity space.

Day Sixteen

Do you have a money success team? This is a special group of
people who you choose specifically to fit this purpose. Your team
may be people who are already your friends, but more likely they
will be new people who you intentionally seek out because they
will support your intentions and prosperity success goals.

As a successful person you need to be surrounded by supportive
people who see more in you than you see in yourself. These are
people who you can count on to constantly and absolutely see
you in your new prosperity identity.

Take a moment and name any people who are already part of
your team. What do they bring to you? Make sure you formally
ask them to be in this role and a part of your team.

Now think about who else you want on your team. You may know
the kind of people you want but havent met them yet. Write
down all the characteristics you are looking for and begin to put
out your antennas.

Maybe you do know someone, but are afraid to ask. Push through
your fear today. They will benefit as well, so go for it.

As your team grows give acknowledgement and appreciation to
each person as this will build intimacy and trust that will go a long

I have a strong, supportive money team.

Day Seventeen

One important component to realizing prosperity is to
acknowledge your unique purpose. Your purpose is what propels
you forward, what gives meaning to your life and what you do in
the world.

Everyone has one, and its important to not confuse your purpose
with the vehicle for actualizing it.

Oprah's purpose is to be a teacher and missionary.
Donald Trump's was to change the skyline of New York.
Martin Luther Kings was to be in service to others.

Some people say that as human beings we are unique, in that we
can choose our purpose, however I think it is about being aware
of your dharma, or your reason for being here. People who dont
acknowledge their purpose are never totally happy and are never
able to obtain the level of success they want.

How you express this purpose is one of the keys to prosperity.
Knowing your purpose is only half the equation. The other half is
in knowing how to use it as a catalyst in your work in the world.

The first step is to acknowledge your purpose.

The second step is to know what the world needs from you and
how you can actualize it.

The third step is to write it down and hang it on your wall.

I know my purpose and what the world needs from me.

Day Eighteen
Alone Time

Yesterday you focused on your life purpose. Maybe you are not
clear about what it is. Maybe you know what it is but youre not
sure that the world needs what you have to offer. If you struggle
financially or are stressed about money, your energy is always
siphoned off in that direction. Its essential to know your purpose
and to know what to do to express it. If you have that aligned, the
prosperity will come with it.

If you are confused, the best remedy is to spend time in a
personal retreat somewhere that is uncluttered and will allow you
to hear the messages you seek. If you do know your purpose and
want to really settle into it, the alone time is essential as well.
Here are a few suggestions.

1. Go away to a retreat center somewhere beautiful and
peaceful so you can quiet your mind and listen.
2. Sit on the beach and allow the ocean to bring peace to your
3. Go for a hike in the mountains or visit a natural hot springs
and ask for the nature spirits to help you.
If you cannot go away immediately, find a sanctuary near where
you live and spend time there. While you spend time alone, really
meditate on your purpose and what you need to fulfill it.

Personal retreat is essential to a life of prosperity and abundance.
Today plan your retreat, even if it is on a Saturday afternoon by
the river.

I give myself alone time to hear and listen.

Day Nineteen

Prosperity lives in an atmosphere of lightness and freedom.
Life can feel a bit too serious and heavy sometimes. Prosperity is
like a free child. It flows and has boundless energy. There is no
shortage and no problems with prosperity. Its available for all
who want some. Prosperity is like Santa Claus and can be
everywhere at once and will visit anyone who believes.

Laughter is a wonderful way to open the channels to your
freedom. Real laughter is that deep belly laugh where you laugh
so much you cry.

When was the last time you really let yourself laugh? If you don't
laugh, it means you are constricted and controlled. Laughter
allows you to let go of your control so you can accept the new.

Rent a really funny movie.
Get together with friends and tell funny stories.
Play board games, Frisbee or charades.

Be funny, be prosperous, and be free!

I live a life of laughter, freedom and lightness.

Day Twenty

Walking into a new life is exciting and hopeful. Theres energy of
promise that keeps you moving forward. It takes tenacity to stick
with it when challenges arise.

A few committed people will carry on and stay focused regardless
of the obstacles. Its that kind of tenacity that breeds success.
Changing your prosperity mindset requires this kind of stick-to-it-

Be one of those few people who don't give up on your goals.
Complete what you start and take pride in all the changes youre
making. Success can be just around the corner and staying with it
is like a fire walk. If you stop your feet will get burned. Keep
walking with clarity of purpose stay focused on your goal. Nurture

Today as you go through your day, focus on being persistent and
determined in everything you do. Give gratitude, keep a positive
attitude, stretch and expand in your choices, present yourself as a
prosperous person and tell at least one person what your goal is.

I am tenacious in my commitment to change my money mindset.

Day Twenty-one

Congratulations! You have followed through on your
commitment to permanently change your money mindset.
Youve gradually moved through the cycle shown below and have
shifted in very small steps. Remember that the circle is actually a
spiral of re-birth. You are birthing yourself into a new abundant,
prosperous identity.

So don't stop now, begin at the beginning again with day one and
youll be on the second level of the circle. Each round takes you
deeper into your new mindset.

I welcome the birth of my new money mindset.

Money Mindset in 21 Days

I give gratitude for my perfect life and for everyone in it.

My power is helping me to change my money mindset.

I clearly visualize my new prosperity mindset.

I am taking right action to manifest my vision.

I have a positive attitude regardless of the situation.

I give money to a worthy cause or person each and every day.

I always receive and pay myself first.

Everyday I give value to other people's lives.

I have unconditional self-worth now.

I forgive everyone and I unblock the flow of prosperity.

The seeds of prosperity are growing within my being.

I have space in my life for prosperity.

I always present myself as a prosperous person.

My mind is sharp, focused and clear.

I easily move into my expansive prosperity space.

I have a strong, supportive money team.

I know my purpose and what the world needs from me.

I give myself alone time to hear and listen.

I live a life of laughter, freedom and lightness.

I am tenacious in my commitment to change my money mindset.

I welcome the birth of my new money mindset.

The end is the beginning

What can you do now that you have completed the 21 days?

This is only the beginning of your change and transformation into
a new life of prosperity. Here are a few ideas of what you can do
next to keep this new mindset energized and growing.

1. Keep this book nearby and repeat the entire 21 days every
three months. Notice how your experience is different and your
responses evolve.

2. Organize a prosperity group where you can share your new
awareness with others.

3. Get my workbook, Clear Your Focus Grow Your Business,
Chapter 5 is called, Your Money Map, and will help you move to
that next level on the chart as you plan your business success.

4. Subscribe to my free Awake Biz Tips and receive my free report,
5 Steps to Walking Your Wise Woman into the World of Money.
Plus you will hear about my free monthly tele-classes.

5. Talk to me about how you can grow a more prosperous

Best wishes for your success.

Kaya Singer 2013 all rights reserved

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