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1742-6596 214 1 012036 Mareze
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2010 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 214 012036
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1. Introduction
Due to the general simplicity and low cost of photoacoustic devices, this measurement technique has
received more attention in recent years. There exists a broad range of application for these devices,
mainly photoacoustic spectroscopy for fluids and solids to be used in, e.g., environmental, biological
or medical applications [1,2,3].
Despite the general simplicity of these devices, there are still some noise issues to be solved when
measuring very small gas concentrations [4]. These issues include environmental noise as well as
background signaling from the windows and cell walls [2,4]. Both windows and walls absorb heat and
thus add to the signal induced by absorption in the gas. An important factor in optimizing both the
signal amplitude and the signal to background ratio is the geometric design of the cell. It has been
found that the acoustic pressure amplitude decreases when the total cell volume increases [4], while
the window background signal decreases when the buffer diameter increases [2]. To find the desired
geometry properties, a mathematical model for simulating the cell behavior is employed.
There exist various mathematical models for these cells, the most common being the transmissionline (TL) model [2,4] and the direct solution of the monofrequency wave equation, i.e., the Helmholtz
equation [3,5,6]. The TL model is based on the Helmholtz equation and basically assumes separability
or constant cross-section albeit small changes in the cross section can be handled.The direct numerical
solution does not require separability, however, this method is computationally more demanding. Both
models only allow boundary conditions to be imposed on the pressure which might be a problem when
the coupling from fluid to solid materials is to be modelled. So far it has been assumed that the
coupling is dominated by the temperature and that this can be approximated as a thermal piston in the
fluid [1,7,8], while it has been shown that both pressure and temperature couplings can be
important[9]. In this work, a more general model, including both pressure and temperature explicitly,
is presented and solved for a photoacoustic cell consisting of a resonator and two buffer volumes.
With this model the ratio between the resonator and buffer diameters to obtain resonance is
investigated. This is then used to find out which parameters are of main importance in obtaining larger
acoustic pressure amplitude at resonance; the total cell volume or the resonator diameter. It has been
suggested that the total cell volume is the important part [4].
2. Theory
The fundamental equations for acoustics including heat and viscous losses read[10]
where the quantities
denote density, particle velocity, pressure, temperature,
entropy, Gaussian spreading, the coefficient of shear viscosity, the coefficient of bulk viscosity, and
the distance from the z-axis in the cylinders, respectively. The changes in quantities with respect to
equilibrium values are denoted as follows
where the equilibrium values are denoted by a subscript zero. In the former equations only first order
terms of viscosity and heat conductivity are taken into account and furthermore it is assumed that there
is no background flow. The function is the heat input function given by the laser beam and is
modeled as a Gaussian beam that is aligned to the z-axis of the photoacoustic chamber, thus there will
be no azimuthal excitation. Here only the time varying part of the heat input is taken into account.
When combining equations (1) and (2) and rewriting equation (3), using the thermodynamic
, where
is the heat capacity at constant pressure and is
the ratio of specific heats, we obtain a set of coupled differential equations in and , namely
The boundary conditions for these equations have to be specified for both
where the pressure condition is based on the assumption that the acoustic impedance of the cell
material is much higher than the acoustic impedance for the inside gas, and the temperature condition
is based on the assumption that the cell material has a much higher heat conductivity than the inside
gas and as such suppresses any temperature fluctuations on the boundary. The solutions are expected
to be time harmonic with angular frequency , so
. The equations (9) and (10) are solved
numerically using finite element analysis. The finite element tool we employ is Comsol Multiphysics
3.5 and volumetric sweeps have been run on a single input frequency. The modelled geometry can be
seen in Figure 1. It was found that a frequency of 1660Hz is a convenient choice for obtaining
resonance in the given geometry intervals. For comparison purpose, equations (9) and (10) can be
to one differential equation in pressure (by taking the zero order of (10) and
linearized in
inserting into (9)). This gives the inhomogeneous Helmholtz equation
Since the latter equation is an equation in acoustic pressure only, no explicit boundary conditions for
the temperature can be specified here. The boundary condition for pressure remains the same as in
equation (11).
Figure 1. Geometry of the modeled cell. The microphone position is indicated by the gray line in the middle
of the cell. Here L=0.2m,
2.1. Results
The position of the different resonance peaks can be seen in Figures 2 and 4 for solutions of equations
(9)+(10) and (12), respectively. The corresponding total cell volume for resonance at 1660Hz can be
seen in Figures 3 and 5.
Figure 2. Buffer radii for resonance at different resonator radii. Note that the resonance peak for the smallest
resonator radius is the most powerful
Figure 3. The total cell volume for the different resonator radii seen on Figure 1. It can be seen that the total
volume at resonator radius 7mm is larger than that of resonator radius 8.2mm. On the other hand, the
resonance for 7mm is more powerful than for 8.2mm, as seen on Figure 1.
Figures 2 and 3 reveal that, contrary to previous assumptions, an increase in the total cell volume
does not necessarily mean a decrease in pressure amplitude at the microphone position. Figures 4 and
5 show that the resonance ratios are shifted slightly and that the inhomogeneous Helmholtz peaks are
somewhat larger (wider) than the peaks for equations (9) and (10).
3. Conclusions
Using a general model, including pressure and temperature explicitly, we analyzed the behavior of a
cylindrical photoacoustic cell with two buffer volumes. We found, in contrast to previous assumptions,
that the pressure amplitude does not necessarily decrease when to total cell volume increases.
Apparently, for a sufficiently small resonator diameter, the resonator volume is the determining factor.
This means that if the resonator diameter is small enough, one can increase the diameter of the buffer
volumes significantly, thus increasing the filter function of the buffers.
We also compared the inhomogeneous Helmholtz-equation model with our model and find that the
imposed boundary conditions are rather important. There are two consequences of using the
inhomogeneous Helmholtz equation, the first being a shift in resonances and the second being the
neglection of thermal losses due to temperature boundary conditions. It should be noted, that this
model does not take into account viscous losses arising from the boundary, however, it takes into
account volumetric viscous losses. The use of this model is a first step to model a full system
consisting of heat absorption in solids and in fluids, where both pressure (stress) and temperature
distributions are coupled.
4. Acknowledgements
Financial support from the Danish High Technology Fund is gratefully acknowledged.
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[2] F.H.C. Bijnen, J. Reuss and F.J.M. Harren, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 67, 2914 (1996)
[3] B.T. Cox, S. Kara, S.R. Arridge, and P.C. Beard, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 121(6), 3453(2007)
[4] A. Miklos, P. Hess, and Z. Boszoki, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 72, 1937 (2001)
[5] B.T. Cox and P.C. Beard, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 117(6), 3616 (2005)
[6] G.J. Diebold and P.J. Westerveld, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 84(6), 2245 (1988)
[7] A. Rosencwaig and A. Gersho, Journal of Applied Physics 47(1), 64 (1976)
[8] A.C. Tam, Reviews of Modern Physics 58(2), 381(1986)
[9] F.A. McDonald and G.C. Wetsel, Journal of Applied Physics 9(4), 2313 (1978)
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