Hix News 201501

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Thank you for the card, and for thinking of me. It was much
appreciated. Hope all is going well for you Bob
Eileen Oxenholm Baxter 1961

Robert Whitey Otten


Bonnie Wilbur Connelly


Tony Genovese

Lorraine Roby

Les Coles

Happy Birthday!

Bill Stahley 1946

Noel Horowitz Heinz 1958
Kathleen Donovan Agiesta 1958
Dave Laney 1960
Ellen Finkelstein 1981

Bob & Mary Siegel 1962

Arnie & Annie

Hi Bob & HixNews Gang! Thanks to you and the gang at
HixNews for the very thoughtful anniversary card.
Lorrie and I greatly appreciate it. Love the newsletter.
You guys are doing a great job.
Charles and Lorrie Brooks 1965

To Bob and the gangat HixNews

You are always so thoughtful when it comes to sending cards. I can't
imagine the amount of time you put in to keep us all connected to
HHS. Thanks for the birthday card and everything you do for us!
Arnie Fox 1964

Thank you for the card, and for
thinking of me. It was much
appreciated. Please change
Whitlock back to DiBlasi...Thanks
Linda Frimmer DiBlasi 1958

Thank you for the card, and for

thinking of me. It was much
appreciated. It is a rainy dark day
today so the flowers were a nice
pick me up.
Ann Cassese Costantino 1961

Larry Obracanik 1961

Kathy Cookie Koziuk

Hannaman 1960

Just a note to thank you for my birthday card.

Still holding at "39!" (LOL)
Loretta McMahon McLaughlin 1966

Dear HixNews
Thank you so much for my beautiful
birthday card!
Ginny Wills Wyer 1963

Bob and the ga

ng at HixNews
Thanks for tim
e and effort y'a
put into the new
sletter. And tha
you for the birth
Jim Wise 1958 ay wishes.

Dear HixNews
I have tried to sign up Marlene Schoenberg O' Neill
to receive the HixNews 3 times andshe still never
received it. Could you please addher to your mailing
Sherry Mallen Cauley
Dear Editor,
I am tired of columnists and reporters such as
Martin Evers (The New War Vets, Newsday, Tuesday,
November 11, 2014) referring to Veteran of Foreign
Wars and American Legion Halls as beer and
smoke-filled veterans halls, once safe havens for
vets stateside, but now aging relics from another
era. There is no question that these two organizations face many obstacles in recruiting our newest
veterans, but it is an insult to those who served in
the past wars to refer to them as a group of over
60 year olds hunched over beer at those American
Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars posts. Our
younger veterans, male and female, are facing
many of the same challenges we older veterans
faced, but with a lot less support from our government. The scandals at the VA, veteran unemployment, and homeless veterans can attest to that.
The VFW and American Legion are the two largest
veteran organizations that have advocated for
more education, opportunity, and especially
health care for our newest generation of veterans.
Yet individuals such as Martin Evers continue to
bash and insult our older
veterans at every opportunity.
Maybe, someday, a reporter or
columnist will write something positive about the
accomplishments and
support that the Veterans of
Foreign Wars and American
Legion has given to our
newest group of veterans.
William G. Walden
Commander, Hicksville Veterans of Foreign Wars
William M. Gouse Jr. Post 3211
320 South Broadway
Hicksville, NY 11801

Marlene Schoenberg ONeill

Sherry Mallen Cauley

We don't send out the newsletter via the email you
receive each month. The newsletter is always available
on line at http://hixnews.com
Have Marlene copy the above hyperlink to Word
Document and save it as a file. Then she can access the
document and click on the hyperlink or copy and paste
to the browser if not
clickable andthe
newsletter will appear.
Let me know.
love yah Bob

A note sent to Jim Bosse

Who is the guy on the right in the photo? Thanks.

Buffalo Bob Casale
Hi Bob
He was our drummer, Dave Boglioli. We ended up taking second place in
this state competition. The Rocking Angels took first.
Thanks! I'm working on a Power Point presentation of the Mega Reunion in 2000 and the
second in 2007. Did you attend either of those? Lotsa people at both. I'm using some old
pictures within the context of the presentation as Flashbacks. The picture of the Lost
Souls will be included. It was interesting to see a picture of Howie Blauvelt. My old buddy
Paul Korman did a sketch on him. Paul was in a band way back when and started his
own band about 10-11 years ago. Click the hyperlink at the end of the sketch below and
watch some of their music. Paul plays a mean bass guitar. Thanks again. Bob

This is a tribute to Hicksvilles Unsung Hero

Being a teenager growing up in Hicksville in the sixties was a truly, unforgettable experience. You could stand on the corner
and marvel at the sound of basement bands doing their thing. Most of us, and me included, were Wannabe rock and roll stars.
Our affiliations at the time were limited but there always was a group that was the leader of the pack. One such band was the
Commandoes. The leader of that pack was Howie Blauvelt and his group of young, teenage musicians were way ahead of
surrounding bands. They were so good, they won the Nassau County Battle of the Bands and made a guest appearance at the
New York Worlds Fair.
Unique talent has a way of circumventing the average and such a talent was Howie Blauvelt. His musical career began in
Hicksville but took a road most only envision while asleep and dreaming. His musical ability and command of playing bass was
unparalleled and it was his vision of something great that culminated in the formation of the Hassles. Many watched with envy
when Howie performed and time spent watching his performance was infectious.
The Hassles were a rock group in the 1960s, most notable for recording the first releases to feature Billy Joel. The group
released two full-length albums and a number of singles. They were very established and played various hot spots in the metro
New York area; The Eye in the Hamptons and Steve Pauls Scene in the city.
The original line-up of the group was John Dizek (vocals), Billy Joel (Keyboards), Jon Small (drums), Howie Blauvelt (bass) and
Richard McKenner (guitar). Dizek left some time after their first album, at which point Joel took over on vocal duties. Joel and
Small eventually formed Attila while Blauvelt later joined Ram Jam. The group toured our great country and published two
albums and had two hit singles.
Spending time on the road comes with many penalties. Its a tough life being away from family and that is one major
reason why the Hassles disbanded in 1968. Howie persevered and went on to play with many top-notch musicians and
performers such as Billy Joel and Ram Jam. His untimely death on October 25, 1993 ended the tribute to our unsung hero.
To this day, I drive past the Hicksville Middle School and reminisce. I can still hear the percussive bass riffs pounding through
the gymnasium doors. On the other side of the doors is Howie just doing his thing.
His life of music really began when he was playing on Friday nights for the Junior High dances in the 60s. Is there someone
out there who had the same pleasure I had from seeing Howie perform? Im certain they will understand what Im saying!!!
Howie is certainly missed by me and all those who watched with awe when he was on stage. He is missed by many but not
forgotten. Howie had all the notes of life tucked away and its our loss that we never heard them all.
Paul Coney Island Korman
Coney and I have been friends for years. We used to get together on Sunday mornings and have our own doo wop shop.
We would play many songs from the Motown era and Paul always expressed a desire to create his own band that would
highlight the Motown sound. Might I say that dream became a reality. Paul is the founder and bassist for Dr. Ks Motown
Review. They are a class act that performs on the island and in the metro area. Check them out at:
This is one venue you wont want to miss.
Buffalo Bob Casale

Hi Guys
Im looking for a link to a
video made by maybe my
guidance counselor and a lot
of my 62 classmates showing
what the well dressed student
wears. Do you have that link?
Another video has been
going around showing what
the hoods wore, so Id like to
find this other video as an
Kim Allen

Editor NoteThis is the only thing I could find

Dear HixNews,
Hi I saw the HixNews in memoriam class of 1960
and saw a number of people whose names & faces I
remember very well. I was shocked and deeply
saddened to see so many of my former friends who
have passed away so early in life. I have a difficult
time coming to grips with myself
since they were only 2 years behind me. Today I'm a
few months away from my 75th birthday. I still race
on national level in track 200 and 400 meters both
indoor and outdoor. I hope this gets to many of my
old friends. You and the other editors are doing a
wonderful job keeping Hicksville former students in
the loop.
Ted (Teddy) Greve 1958

Hyperlink to Hicksville High School Dress Code Video


For the

Class of 1965 50 Year Reunion

Registration Form
click on the link below:

mail to: elawrlaw@sbcglobal.net

I'm not sure who this will reach. I

wanted to write to the editors of Hix
newsletter but the link took me to a
Gmail sign in, so I wasn't sure what to
do. I want to send these pictures to
the editors.
My Dad lived in Hicksville from the
time he was born in Oct 1908. The
picture in front of Nicholai school
must have been taken when he was
about 10?

The Mt. Vernon picture was their school trip to

Washington DC I would imagine. April 1927.

The ring is his Hicksville High

School ring or so he told me.

The letter opener must

have been a 25 year
promotion for Hicksville

My dad's family owned Schwartz Furniture which was

next to the church on Broadway. My dad was
Charles Schwartz. He passed away in July of 2007 at the
age of 98-1/2. As a child, his family lived in a house on
Duffy Ave that was taken over by the town and knocked
down to make a parking lot for the new train station
when it was elevated. I thought the newsletter might
like to use these pictures in one of their printings.
Also, I was wondering if Hicksville has some sort of
historical society that might be interested in these
pictures and or items in the future. If this is not your
area, please have an editor email me back with any
Thank you, Janice (Schwartz) Block, Class of '68

Editors Note... Janice, Im sure the Gregory Museum in Hicksville would appreciate these photos and historical

items. You should contact Rich Althaus, Museum President at (516) 822-7505. Rich is also a member of the
Hicksville Historical Society and can give you more information about that organization.
Elliot Gorlin, Editor

Dear Classmates,
I spend a great deal of time scanning and downloading photos from various yearbooks for the
newsletter. Over the years, I've been able to accumulate yearbooks from the following years...
1951-1952-1953-1959-1960-1961-1962-1963-1964-1965 and 1966. Because I have these yearbooks,
I'm able to put a face to a name. However, we have classmates from 1936 through 2005 who are on
our mailing list. Thus, I'm looking for more yearbooks so I can scan more pictures that are clear and
quite legible. If anyone has an extra yearbook in the closet or if you want to contribute the one you
book from you and you will be reimbursed for any postage that is needed to complete the transaction.
I'll take anything from 1967 through 2013.
Let me know.

Bob are you still looking for a '58 yearbook and where do I send it?
Bob Oehler, 1960

Yes!!! Would love to have a 1958 yearbook. Send it to:
Robert Casale
335 Patton Court
Martinez, GA 30907
Buffalo Bob Casale

Hi Bob,
I see in the latest issue of
the Alumni Bulletin, you
were kind enough to list
my query asking for leads
regarding Bruce Sollod.
Please continue to do so
with each forthcoming
issue. If I receive word from
someone, then I will let you
know. Thank you so much.
Dennis Listort 1964

Below is the note that appeared in the

November issue:

Hi Bob,
I'm trying to track down newspaper articles, police
reports, etc., regarding the train accident which
caused the death of Bruce Sollod on May 4, 1962.
Keith Thomas, Jimmy Kansas and I were with
Bruce at that time. Can you lead me to sources, links,
etc., that might have information? Thank you.tt
Dennis Listort 1964

Editors Note:
Mitch Egan from the class of 1960 has changed
his email address. Anyone wishing to contact
Mitch, please send a note to
editors@hixnews.com and we will make the
Phil Fulco from the class of 1957 has changed
his email address. Anyone wishing to contact
Phil, please send a note to editors@hixnews.com
and we will make the contact.

Dear HixNews
Hi. This is really meant for Bob Casale, but I couldnt find
his email address. You can either forward this to him, or
include it in the section of the newsletter where he
responds to queries and comments:
I really enjoyed watching Part 1 of Hicksville, L.I. then
and Now, but I have some queries:
1. Why is the St. Ignatius Church featured so prominently
and frequently throughout the video? Is it because the
majority of Hicksville High pupils were Catholics? Even if
thats so, it would be nice to see evidence of other faiths
which Im sure mustve existed at least by the mid-50se.g. There were friends of mine who were Lutheran and
who Im sure attended a Lutheran Church pre-1960. And
were there no synagogues in Hicksville by the late
1950s? I had several Jewish friends at HHS. Admittedly,
I havent seen Part 2, yet, so maybe that will address
some of these questions.
2. The video shows (all too briefly), a shot of a Valentine
Hicks our namesake as it says. Since I am ALWAYS
teased by non-New Yorkers in the US and England about
our name HicksvilleI usually refer vaguely that it has
something to do with a Mr Hicks, one of the towns
founders. I would really like to
say more! Is Valentine Hicks the
founder of Hicksville? Or what
role did he play? Is the one that
the town is named after? More
info, please....
These are not meant as criticisms,
just some responses from an
interested viewer. I will soon try
to find and watch Part 2.
All the best,
Lois Chaber (London, England)
You can view the video complete if you use the following
Hicksville New York Then and Now (8,784 Views)
Because you addressed the note to editors@hixnews.com
it is sent to all the editors. I received a copy automatically.
St. Ignatius church is a historical landmark. The cornerstone for the church was laid in 1859. The church has been
in existence for 155 years. Everyone who lives or lived in
Hicksville knows where it is located. For that reason the
frames of the video reference St. Ignatiusto allow the
viewersto get a true perspective of what they are looking
at. Most can then visualize in their own minds what the
picture is showing.I realize there were other churches and
synagogues in the area but this video has nothing to do
with religion. It's a tour of Hicksville. You are the first and

only person to mention religion. No...this was just intended

to give those whoare interested an insight into early
Hicksville andthe changes that have occurred over the
years.Two things the editors don't get involved in...Religion
and Politics.
The Colonial Homes magazines stacked near the fireplace
take on extra meaning in the home of Esther Hicks Emory of
Westbury. Mrs. Emory's relatives not only lived in colonial
houses, but they built them, as well. The 90-year-old Mrs.
Emory is a descendent of the Hicks family, in whose honor
Hicksville was named.
No Hicks ever lived in Hicksville, Mrs. Emory says. The
community was named in the 1800's by the Long Island
Rail Road for its president at the time, Valentine Hicks.
When service was extended into Nassau County, the last
station was dubbed Hicksville.
Mr. Hicks actually lived a few miles away in Jericho, in a
house that is now the Maine Maid Inn. Fortunately the
railroad stopped naming towns after presidents, or Long
Islanders might be habitating in Hoppeville.
Hickses had lived on Long Island long before the railroad
named a town after them. And they were not alone. With a
history dating from the 1600's Long Island has no shortage
of historical families.
Warm Regards
Buffalo Bob Casale
Hi Bob:
Thanks for your very complete answers. I just now tried
to access the link you sent me, and I got a screen that
said: This video is not available in your country. Sorry
about that Weird !!!! I had no problem accessing the
original part 1 Then & Now; can you possibly try sending
me a simple link to the part 2 alone and maybe that will
work. Otherwise, I will try to Google it.
As for religion in Hicksville, I didnt realise St Ignatius was
(as you imply) the oldest church in the town. I wasnt
concerned about religious discrimination, merely interested in when and where other places of worship
(besides the Methodist church, which was mentioned
briefly) sprung upas a matter of historical interestpossibly persons watching the video might think that
only one church had ever been built.
Thanks very much for the info about the Hicks family on
Long Island and the true story about the origin of
Hicksvilles name! I never knew that....had only the
vaguest notion of some person named Hicks. Very
helpful information.
Editors Note... Maybe I should investigate and do a video
about places of worship in Hicksville... anyone second

Hi Bob,
I just saw the video you
produced from the Class of
1964 Reunion. You did an
amazing job and I for one
truly appreciate all the time
and effort that you put into
it. I would love to pay you for
a copy of it. Please advise me of
the cost and I will gladly send you a
check. Enjoy your holidays!
I'll burn a copy for you. It costs me about 5
bucks. Hopefully Ill get it into the mail today.
love yah bob
Hi Bob,
You are a doll..... thanks so much! Please send me your
mailing address again so that I can send you a check for
the disc and the shipping & handling cost. I really
appreciate your talent, time & effort. Have a "Happy

I'm working the photos from the
50 year reunion. I have a photo of you
and I assume your wife. The roster for
the reunion says Gerri Alfani and
Iris Ross Alfani. I found a photo in the
1964 yearbook of Sharon Ross.
Is Sharon also Iris??? Please advise...
Buffalo Bob Casale

Dear Bob,
Terrific Job! Loved the reunion video.
Just wish the music had been more
Pat Bowdridge Brimm 1964
P.S. a suggestion for the newsletter...
something to keep the smart retirees busy
(Not Me!) How many are still
married; How many divorced;
Where does everyone live???
Florida, New York, Arizona,
Georgia or perhaps on the
West Coast?

Not enough has been written about

the great job John Maniec and his fellow volunteers
did in organizing the Class of 64 reunion. Finding the members of our class seemed to be as difficult as herding cats. We had a
good turnout but with a class of over 800 students it is a shame that
we couldnt get a 25% response. It was a well organized event and it was
great to see old friends. It certainly was a trip down memory lane. The list
of classmates that have passed was a sobering reality of times passage.
On a lighter note my friend Chuck Schuster has graciously volunteered to organize the 75th reunion for those who live into their
90s (way to go Chuck). To those persons contributing to
the video of the event BRAVO for a job well
done. Larry Senn 1964

Hi Bob,
Yes that is a picture of me Gerry Alfani and my wife
Iris Ross-Alfani. No she is NOT Sharon Ross.
Thanks for all your work.
Gerry Alfani 1964

Jane Rubenstein
As many of you know, Jane Rubinstein, Class of 1970, is currently
serving as Ms Senior New York. In that role, she competed in October
in the National Pageant held in Atlantic City. Alas, Jane didn't take
home the crown, though she won the hearts of everyone she met.
The following are her thoughts at the end of the competition.

"Thank You cannot begin to express my heartfelt emotion and gratitude

to the people that count in my life! Thank you to my boys Jack, Aaron and
Glenn, who were THE Best part of my National Pageant experience for
their endless love and support and for truly making me their number 1
Queen everyday in every way. Thank you to my brothers and sister-in-law,
and nephews and cousins, who drove hours to give me love, and support.
Thank you to Justin Schaffner, and Natashia Skorikova, and my Dance
With Me Family, who took a non-dancer and with their love, time, and talent, made me look like a dancer.
Thank you to my Ms. New York Senior
America Family who makes me feel like a
superstar and appreciates me more than
any people ever have. Your love, support
and approval continue to overwhelm me
and make me the proudest N.Y. Queen
I could be. I didn't make the top ten, but
I am the top in the life of all the
afore-mentioned people. What more
could anyone hope for!! I am proud of
all that I did at the pageant and who
I was there to represent, my New York
Senior America organization and my
favorite state, New York! Thank you to
all the amazing well wishes from
everyone out there! I am forever grateful
for what matters most in life!"
Jane continues her reign with constant
appearances supporting and
enhancing the lives of seniors. She has
the energy of a teen athlete,but with
a wise and giving soul. Congratulations
Jane, you're a winner just being

Hi Bob and/or Henry,

It's a small world. I met a Hicksville
High alumnus while waiting to be
seated at a restaurant in Daytona,
Florida who mentioned your website. Thanks for the
news and updates. Really enjoyed seeing names of old
friends. Would love to be listed.
Rose Dinora Schweitzer Class of 1959
You graduated with my sister Eileen Casale in 1959. Eileen is living in Las Vegas and her husband,
James Mahan, is a FederalCourt Judge who was appointed back in the Bush era. Who did you meet
at the restaurant??? Let me know. Henry Lichtenstein from your class will get your listed and will respond. He
takes care of the master Google list. love yah bob
Hi Bob,
It was so funny how we met Ron Zeier, Class of 1963. While waiting to be seated for dinner, our group
began sharing home towns with another group. Most of us were from LI but when Ron said he, too, was
from Hicksville, I truly thought he was joking. Turns out he lived just across Jerusalem and next door to
the Anselmo family who were close family friends. Such a small world. My husband, Herb, and I live in
plantation Bay in Ormond Beach, Fl. As snowbirds we return to the Jersey shore for the summer. We spent
most of our married life in Wading River. Both of us retired from the Rocky Point School District. Herb was
a high school guidance counselor and I ended my career as the high school librarian. Send my best to
your sister. Are you still on L. I.? Stay well.
Love, Rose
I was married to Joyce Gabrielsen. We both were class of 1961. We got divorced
a long time ago. She moved from Bethpage to Augusta, Georgia because she
wanted to be close to our daughter Dawn who was living there. I was working in
Hicksville at Liberty Plumbing & Heating Supply. Retired in 2008. Joyce was
diagnosed with early onset Alzheimers in 2005. Dawn was keeping an eye on
Joyce as her situation grew worse. In 2008, Dawn was getting a divorce and
needed to get a job. What to do with Joyce? Dawn explained her dilemma and I
made a decision to leave New York and move down to Augusta. I moved in with
Joyce and was her full time caregiver. She passed away in September of 2013. That's why I'm here and glad
about it. So much less stress than being in New York. The weather is so much better and I love the heat. Glad
you are well. Going back up east during the summer is not as frightful as it would be living through the nasty
winters. Glad to be away from all that crap. Will send regards to Eileen. love yah bob

Left: Jim Eileen and James

Right: James was part of the Hell's
Kitchen crew shown with Gordon

Dear Classmate...
You asked to be included on the master list of the Hicksville High School
Newsletter. You submitted an email address but no name was ever posted.
Can you please send us your name and indicate also when you graduated so we can
add it to the roster. And your maiden name if married.
Buffalo Bob Casale, Editor
p.s. I did a reverse email search and found the name Ron W. Smith. I went to Classmates and saw that Ron Smith
to Fork Lane School

Dear HixNews
My old email address was (concealed). Please cancel that address and use my new one:
(concealed). You already have me in your system: DOB 3/6/54USN 1973 to 1977. Home: Colorado
I attended Fork Lane Elementary School and Hicksville Junior High before moving to Colorado.
Please let me know if you need more information to modify my record. Thank you.
Ron W. Smith

What high school in Colorado did you graduate from???

Thanks. buffalo bob casale

Bob, Cherry Creek High School, Greenwood Village, CO

Nick Ca elcome to
ruso, C
lass of

Editors Note Should you need to contact Ron, please send an email to editors@hixnews.com

Joanne Jakobi

James M. Surless

Dear HixNews
Please add my wife. Joanne Jakobi
Class of 1961 to members list. Her
email address is (concealed).
Thank You
James M. Surless
Fire Safety Manager
Queens Borough Public Library
I enjoy the newsletter very much and
look forward to reading it when
I receive it.

Editor note Hi Joanne Jakobi Surless. Your husband, James Surless, requested that
we add you to our membership. Welcome to HixNews. Best, Henry
Dear HixNews
Please add me to the
new readers list.
Robert Karman
Class of 1971
Holy Trinity High School

Hix News,
I would like to contact
Tom Kramer from the class of 1960.
Thank you
Hank Landau, Class of 1960
Editors Note: Hi Hank, Your request has been
added to the list.
Tom Kramer

Hank Landau

I noticed that a number of people are looking for Ronnie (Klein) Witlin, Frances G. Kosinski and
Susan Weber-Fishkin (all class of 1969). All three of these grads are easily accessible on Facebook. Always a good
thing to try before asking for help!
Judith Karish Rycar (1969)
Hi Judith,
It is surprising that many folks don't use Facebook or any of the social media sites! I found
that out when planning our Class of 1963 50-Year Reunion last year. We are glad that HixNews
helps bring alumni together. Thanks for your note and thanks also for being a HixNews reader.
On behalf of the editors, I wish you a joyous holiday season!
Elliot Gorlin
Class of 1963
Editor, HixNews

Hi Judith,
Actually, no one on our list is looking for those people. They are some of the people who
are looking for other people. This is a common mistake people make: the "lookers" are in
column "C". The people being looked forare in column "B" But you suggestion about FB is
a good one.
Best, Henry

ould be
checks sh
Dear Alumni
made out
l Project It is only fitting that with Veterans Day 2014 arriving on November 11 that
Vietnam E to:
we announce that we have finally received our Hicksville Vietnam Era
and maile
Memorial Project tax exemption. It was the final hurdle that needed to be
ra Memoria
overcome for the project to proceed. Thanks to the tireless efforts of Joe
Hicksville m Walden
Carfora and Ken Strafer we can now begin to bring the memorial to life.
c/o Williat 9th Street
The Hicksville Vietnam Era Memorial will be located at the Hicksville
NY 1172
Middle Schools Veterans Memorial Park. On Memorial Day 1990,
Deer Park, l generousity will be
through the efforts of the veterans organizations of Hicksville, the
park was officially named Veterans Memorial Park and a plaque was

installed designating it so. Today, there are monuments recognizing the

sacrifices of Hicksville residents from WWI to the present day conflicts in the Middle East. The
Hicksville Vietnam Era Memorial honoring the over 1800 men and women from Hicksville who served during the
Vietnam War will be located between the WWI and WWII monuments. All Memorial Day and Veterans Day ceremonies are held at the park.
Semper Fi
Bill Walden
Cmdr., Hicksville VFW Post

Official naming of the park in 1990. Pictured left to right:

Town of Oyster Bay Officials Tom Clark, Angelo Delgatto,
VFW Past Post Commander Conrad Steers (1982-1983) and
VFW Past Post Commander George Walden (1957-1958)

The World War II Monument on Veterans Day, 2013

The plaque as it sits today

A note to Joe Carfora:

What is the budget for this project?
Ed Osborne
Sorry for the delayed response. My laptop has crashed and I'm
struggling right now with my wife's iPad. Our budget is $25,000
which we think will include enough for a maintenance reserve to
take care of the memorial over the years. Any funds left over once
the reserve is set aside will be donated on behalf of all Hicksville
alumni to a worthy Veterans charity.
Please forward any donation you care to give directly to Bill
Much thanks.
Thanks for the information. I will send $1000 to Bill and add
more if the project needs more.
That's very generous of you, Ed and we certainly appreciate it.
Thanks very much!
Your update information has been entered. First, congratulations on getting your tax exempt status. Having been through
this for another organization, I realize the hoops that have to
be jumped through. I presume that I'll be getting some
content from Bill Walden before "press time" on Friday.
Thanks, Roger. It was a real team effort! Bob Casale already has
Bill Waldens content for the 11/1 Home Page, so by copy Im
asking him to make sure he gets it to you.
Great news about the tax exempt status. I forwarded a copy of
the advisory e-mail to 25 alumni in my address book from the
classes of '48, '49 & '50. Hope it gets someresponse!

Dr. Carl Bonuso, Hicksville Superintendent of Schools and Bill Walden

A note to Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Carl Bonuso:

Dear Dr. Bonuso,

I enjoyed spending time with you at Nolan Mingst's Eagle Scout
Court of Honor on Saturday. As per our conversation, I am
forwarding you the link to the Hicksville High Schoolnewsletter that
is published monthly by Hicksville High alumni. There are a couple
of videos attached in the newsletter about Hicksville High's
veterans. Also, an article regarding the Vietnam Era Memorial.
Also, you will find a number of letters from the class of '64 who
recently held their 50th reunion. They raved about High School
Principal Williams and how gracious and hospitable he was towards
the alumni. That is a tremendous turnaround from years past.
I know you have a busy schedule, but I wanted to let you see that
thereare large numbers of Hicksville graduateswho still maintain
their ties to Hicksville, myself included. Look forward to seeing you
on Veterans Day.
Semper Fidelis
Bill Walden

rendering of the
Vietnam Era
Memorial Center
Stone Plaque

In the December issue of Hix News, Bill Ramos informed us of the passing of
his sister, Theresa. The photograph accompanying that announcement was
incorrect. Our contact, who scans photographs for us from the 1973 yearbook,
sent us the picture appearing with Theresas name. However, the photo in the
yearbook was not correct. Bill was able to find a photograph of Theresa which
appears to the right. We sincerely apologize for the error.
Theresa Ramos
Arlene Osinski was a member of the class of 1963.
She passed many years ago...in case you didn't have
that information
Pat Bowdridge Brimm 1964

Arlene Osinski

Pat Bowdridge Brimm

Please add my sister

Carol Ann Heck to the
Class of 1961 In Memoriam
list. She passed in April of
Fred Heck

Carol Ann Heck

I noticed Kathy Phalen's name was not on the list of
1967 classmates who have passed.Ibelieveshe died
in 1968. My friends didn't tell meat the time
because I was expecting. What asmart andbeautiful
young woman. She was funny and very down to
Joyce Thorburn Jurgensen 1967

Cathy E. Phelan

Joyce Thorburn Jurgensen

Do you know her married name? I can search obits but

they always use married names, not maiden names.
love yah Bob
I don't believe she ever married. It was only a year
after graduation. I looked her up in my yearbook her
name isspelled Cathy E. Phelan.
Added Kathy Phalen to In Memoriam. We add names
that are reported to us so the list is almost certainly
incomplete. Thanks for letting us know.
Roger Whitaker, webmaster for hixnews.com

Hey everyone,
Sadly many of my 1983 classmates are no longer with us. I wanted to provide you with a list of those that
I'm aware of along with some obituaries that I found. I'd love for them tobe included in your next in
memoriam list. Thank you.
Patricia SpaceySantaniello,of Hicksville, died on Oct. 8, 1999. Wife of Vincent. Daughter of Irma Spacey.
Sister of Ronald, Joseph and Eugene. Sister-in-law of Lisa and Marysue Spacey, Lucretia, Ralph Jr. and
Peggy Santaniello. Daughter-in-law of Ralph Santaniello Sr. Aunt of Marissa, Ronald Jr. and Joseph.
Arrangements were made by the Vernon C. Wagner Funeral Home, Hicksville. Mass at St. Ignatius Loyola
RC Church. Interment Holy Rood Cemetery.
John Larkin died on October 16, 1982. He was killed by a drunk driver.
Barbara Esposito Ryan died in April, 2010 along with her daughter Joanna.
Anthony Spinosa died on January 14, 2010.
Mike Berrios died while we were in high school.
Additionally, from the class of 82, we lost Evan Golub and Pete Franco.
I submitted this list about four years ago but I still don't see the names on the in memoriam section of
your website. Anything you can do would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Alice Freeman Prota 1983
Editors Note Also added for the class of 1983 is Danny Burke.
Sorry about that...my bad. I have the names listed in my personal file and I might have neglected to forward
the list you sent way back when to Roger for him to add to the In Memoriam list of the newsletter.
Now the tough part. Do you have a yearbook and can you scan photos of your classmates who have passed
then email them to me???
Let me know, please and I apologize for my oversight.
Buffalo Bob Casale
Please don't apologize! I'm grateful for all you do with the newsletter. I will scan and send the photos as
soon as I can. Thank you!

Long Island Motor Parkway, the first limited-access roadway in America, ran 48 miles
from Queens to Ronkonkoma in Suffolk County, Long Island. If you look carefully at the
background, you can see the skyline of New York City. See how desolate Queens was then
nothing but open land.

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