Foundations in Expansive Soils
Foundations in Expansive Soils
Foundations in Expansive Soils
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Reprints or republications of this manual should include a credit substantially as
follows: Department of the Army USA, Technical Manual TM 5-818-7, Foundations in Expansive Soils, 1 September 1983.
If the reprint or republication includes copyrighted material, the credit should
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Purpose, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Background, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Causes and patterns of heave .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Elements of design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Site selection, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hazard maps, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Scope, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Surface examination... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Subsurface exploration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Groundwater . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Identification of swelling soils... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Testing procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Application of heave predictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Factors influencing heave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Direction of soil movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Potential total vertical heave.., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Potential differential heave...,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Heave with time, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Basic considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Shallow individual or continuous footings . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Reinforced slab-on-grade foundations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Deep foundations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Preparation for construction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Drainage techniques, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Stabilization techniques. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Minimization of foundation problems from construction . . .
Stiffened slab foundations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Drilled shaft foundations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Basic considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Evaluation of information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Stiffened slab foundations,.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Drilled shaft foundations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
REFERENCES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FRAME AND WALL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TM 5-818-7
1-1. Purpose
TM 5-818-7
piration of moisture from heavy vegetation into the atmosphere. Figure 1-2 schematically illustrates some
commonly observed exterior cracks in brick walls from
doming or edgedown patterns of heave. The pattern of
heave generally causes the external walls in the superstructure to lean outward, resulting in horizontal,
vertical, and diagonal fractures with larger cracks
near the top. The roof tends to restrain the rotation
from vertical differential movements leading to additional horizontal fractures near the roofline at the top
of the wall. Semiarid, hot, and dry climates and deep
water tables can be more conducive to severe and progressive foundation soil heaves if water become available.
(2) Cyclic heave. A cyclic expansion-contraction
related to drainage and the frequency and amount of
rainfall and evapotranspiration may be superimposed
on long-term heave near the perimeter of the structure. Localized heaving may occur near water leaks or
ponded areas. Downwarping from soil shrinkage (fig.
1-2) may develop beneath the perimeter during hot,
dry periods or from the desiccating influence of trees
and vegetation located adjacent to the structure. These
edge effects may extend inward as much as 8 to 10
feet. They become less significant on well-drained
land. Heavy rain periods may cause pending adjacent
to the structure with edge lift (fig. 1-3) and reversal of
the downwarping.
(3) Edge heave. Damaging edge or dish-shaped
heaving (fig. 1-3) of portions of the perimeter maybe
observed relatively soon after construction, particularly in semiarid climates on construction sites with
preconstruction vegetation and lack of topographic relief. The removal of vegetation leads to an increase in
soil moisture, while the absence of topographic relief
leads to ponding (table 1-1). A dish-shaped pattern can
also occur beneath foundations because of consolidation, drying out of surface soil from heat sources, or
sometimes lowering of the water table. Changes in the
water table level in uniform soils beneath uniformly
loaded structures may not contribute to differential
heave. However, structures on a deep foundation, such
as drilled shafts with a slab-on-grade, can be adversely
affected by a changing water table or changes in soil
moisture if the slab is not isolated from the perimeter
grade beams and if internal walls and equipment are
not designed to accommodate the slab movement.
(4) Lateral movement. Lateral movement may affect the integrity of the structure.
(a) Lateral thrust of expansive soil with a horizontal force up to the passive earth pressure can cause
bulging and fracture of basement walls. Basement
walls and walls supporting buildings usually cannot
tolerate the same amount of movement as free-standing retaining walls. Consequently, such walls must be
designed to a higher degree of stability.
the structure are simply supported on-grade or attached to the structure, they can contribute to future
maintenance problems.
(2) Potential problems that could eventually affect the performance of the structure are best determined during the predesign and preliminary design
phases when compromises can be made between the
structural, architectural, mechanical, and other aspects of the design without disrupting the design process. Changes during the detailed design phase or during construction will probably delay construction and
pose economic disadvantages.
TM 5-818-7
sites is the experience gained from previous construction and observation of successful or unsuccessful past
performance. Local builders should be consulted to obtain their experience in areas near the site. Existing
structures should be observed to provide hints of problem soil areas.
(b) The soil moisture may tend to be much closer
to an equilibrium profile than that of an undeveloped
site. Differential movement may not be a problem because previous irrigation, leaking underground water
lines, and previous foundations on the site may have
stabilized the soil moisture toward an equilibrium profile. Significant differential movement, however, is
still possible if new construction leads to changes in
soil moisture. For example, trees or shrubs planted too
close to the structure or trees removed from the site,
change in the previous irrigation pattern following
construction, lack of adequate drainage from the structure, and improper maintenance of drainage provisions may lead to localized changes in soil moisture
and differential heave. Edge movement of slab-ongrade foundations from seasonal changes in climate
may continue to be a problem and should be minimized
as discussed in chapter 7.
(3) Sidehill or sloped sites. Structures constructed on sites in which the topography relief is greater
than 5 degrees (9 percent gradient) may sustain damage from downhill creep of expansive clay surface soil.
Sidehill sites and sites requiring split-level construction can, therefore, be expected to complicate the design. See chapter 7 for details on minimization of foundation soil movement.
b. Soil surveys, Among the best methods available
for qualitatively recognizing the extent of the swelling
soil problem for the selected site is a careful examination of all available documented evidence on soil conditions near the vicinity of the site. Local geological records and publications and federal, state, and institutional surveys provide good sources of information on
subsurface soil features. Hazard maps described in
paragraph 2-2 document surveys available for estimating the extent of swelling soil problem areas.
TM 5-818-7
due to expansive materials. The stratigraphy and mineralogy are key elements in the classification.
(1) Classification. The soils are classified into
categories of High, Medium, Low, and Nonexpansive
as shown in figure 2-1. The distribution of expansive
materials is categorized by the geologic unit on the basis of the degree of expansiveness that relates to the
expected presence of montmorillonite and the frequency of occurrence that relates to the amount of clay
or shale. The amount refers most significantly to the
vertical thickness of the geologic unit, but the areal extent was also considered in the classification. The
premises in table 2-1 guide the categorization of soils.
(2) Physiographic provinces. Table 2-2 summarizes the potentially expansive geologic units on the basis of the 20 first-order physiographic provinces. Figure 2-1 shows the locations of the physiographic provinces.
b. Other maps.
(1) Area map of susceptible soil expansion problems. A hazard map was developed by M, W. Witczak
Soils containing some clay with the clay consisting mostly of kaolinite and/or other low swelling
clay minerals (COLE <3 percent).
TM 5-818-7
3-1. Scope
The field study is used to determine the presence, extent, and nature of expansive soil and groundwater
conditions. The two major phases of field exploration
are surface examination and subsurface exploration.
The surface examination is conducted first since the
results help to determine the extent of the subsurface
exploration. In situ tests may also be helpful, particularly if a deep foundation, such as drilled shafts, is to
be used.
3-2. Surface examination
a. Site history. A study of the site history may reveal considerable qualitative data on the probable future behavior of the foundation soils. Maps of the proposed construction site should be examined to obtain
information on wooded areas, ponds and depressions,
water-courses, and existence of earlier buildings. Surface features, such as wooded areas, bushes, and other
deep-rooted vegetation in expansive soil areas, indicate potential heave from accumulation of moisture
following elimination of these sources of evapotranspiration. The growth of mesquite trees, such as found
in Texas, and other small trees may indicate subsurface soil with a high affinity for moisture, a characteristic of expansive soil. Ponds and depressions are often
filled with clayey, expansive sediments accumulated
from runoff. The existence of earlier structures on or
near the construction site has probably modified the
soil moisture profile and will influence the potential
for future heave beneath new structures.
b. Field reconnaissance. A thorough visual examina-
tion of the site by the geotechnical engineer is necessary (table 3-1). More extensive subsurface exploration is indicated if a potential for swelling soil is evident from damages observed in nearby structures. The
extent of desiccation cracks, plasticity, slickensides,
and textures of the surface soil can provide a relative
indication of the potential for damaging swell.
(1) Cracking in nearby structures. The appearance
of cracking in nearby structures should be especially
noted. The condition of on-site stucco facing, joints of
brick and stone structures, and interior plaster walls
can be a fair indication of the possible degree of swelling that has occurred. The differential heave that may
occur in the foundation soil beneath the proposed
structure. however, is not necessarily equal to the dif-
ferential heave of earlier or nearby structures. Differential heave depends on conditions such as variation of
soils beneath the structure, load distribution on the
foundation, foundation depth, and changes in groundwater since construction of the earlier structures.
(2) Soil gilgai. The surface soil at the site should
also be examined for gilgai. Soil gilgai are surface
mounds that form at locations where the subsurface
soil has a greater percentage of plastic fines and is
thus more expansive than the surface soil. Gilgai begin
to form at locations where vertical cracks penetrate
into the subsurface soil. Surface water enters and
swelling takes place around the cracks leaving fractured zones where plastic flow occurs. These mounds
usually have a higher pH than the adjacent low areas
or depressions and may indicate subsurface soil that
had extruded up the fractures.
(3) Site access and mobility. Indicators of site access and mobility (table 3-1) may also influence behavior of the completed structure. For example, nearby
water and sewer lines may alter the natural moisture
environment. Flat land with poor surface drainage, as
indicated by ponded water, may aggravate differential
heave of the completed structure if drainage is not corrected during construction. Construction on land with
slopes greater than 5 degrees may lead to structural
damage from creep of expansive clay surface soils.
Trees located within a distance of the proposed structure of 1 to 1.5 times the height of mature trees may
lead to shrinkage beneath the structure, particularly
during droughts.
c. Local design and construction experience. Local
the relatively undisturbed samples that provide minimal disturbance suitable for certain laboratory soil
tests may be obtained by the methods described in table 3-2. Drilling equipment should be well maintained
during sampling to avoid equipment failures, which
cause delays and can contribute to sample disturbance.
TM 5-818-7
stored in the sampling tube cannot be scraped to remove soil contaminated by water that may have penetrated into the perimeter of the sample during sampling. The sample may also later adhere to the tube
wall because of rust. If samples are stored in tubes, the
tubes should be brass or lacquered inside to inhibit corrosion. An expanding packer with a rubber O-ring in
both ends of the tube should be used to minimize moisture loss. The following procedures should be followed
in the care and storage of extruded samples.
(a) Expansive soil samples that are to be extrubed and stored should be removed from the sampling tubes immediately after sampling and thoroughly sealed to minimize further stress relief and moisture
loss. The sample should be extruded from the sampling
tube in the same direction when sampled to minimize
further sample disturbance.
(b) Samples extruded from tubes that were obtained with slurry drilling techniques should be wiped
clean to remove drilling fluid adhering to the surface
of the sample prior to sealing in the storage containers. An outer layer of 1/8 to 1/4 inch should be
trimmed from the cylindrical surface of the samples so
that moisture from the slurry will not penetrate into
the sample and alter the soil swelling potential and
strength. Trimming will also remove some disturbance
at the perimeter due to sidewall friction. The outer
perimeter of the soil sample should also be trimmed
away during preparation of specimens for laboratory
(c) Containers for storage of extruded samples
may be either cardboard or metal and should be
approximately 1 inch greater in diameter and 1.5 to 2
inches greater in length than the sample to be encased.
Three-ply, wax-coated cardboard tubes with metal bottoms are available in various diameters and lengths
and may be cut to desired lengths.
(d) Soil samples preserved in cardboard tubes
should be completely sealed in wax. The wax and cardboard containers provide an excellent seal against
moisture loss and give sufficient confinement to minimize stress relief and particle reorientation. A good
wax for sealing expansive soils consists of a 1 to 1 mixture of paraffin and microcrystalline wax or 100 percent beeswax. These mixtures adequately seal the sample and do not become brittle when cold. The temperature of the wax should be approximately 20 degrees
Fahrenheit above the melting point when applied to
the soil sample, since wax that is too hot will penetrate
pores and cracks in the sample and render it useless, as
well as dry the sample. Aluminum foil or plastic wrap
may be placed around the sample to prevent penetration of molten wax into open fissures. A small amount
of wax (about 0.5-inch thickness) should be placed in
the bottom of the tube and allowed to partly congeal.
The sample should subsequently be placed in the tube,
4-1. Identification of swelling soils
Soils susceptible to swelling can be identified by classification tests. These identification procedures were developed by correlations of classification test results
with results of one-dimensional swell tests performed
in consolidometers on undisturbed and compacted soil
specimens. Classification data most useful for identifying the relative swell potential include the liquid
limit (LL), the plasticity index (PI), the COLE (para
chemical tests. Several of the more simple and successful methods recommended for identifying swelling soil
from classification tests described below were developed from selected soils and locations combined with
the results of limited field observations of heave.
These procedures assume certain environmental conditions for surcharge pressure (e.g., 1 pound per square
inch) and changes in moisture from the initial water
content (e.g., to saturation or zero final pore water
AH =
PE =
levels, respectively, of potential expansiveness, defined in figure 4-1 as functions of the PI and the mi-
TM 5-818-7
(5-8) discussed in paragraph 5-4e. The confining preslittle is known about swell behavior or groundwater
conditions, an appropriate swell testis given in (a) and
(b) below.
(a) An initial loading pressure, simulating field
initial (preconstruction) vertical pressure &, should be
applied to determine the initial void ratio e., point 1 of
(i.e., the lowest possible load) prior to adding distilled
water, point 2. The specimen is allowed to expand at
the seating pressure until primary swell is complete,
point 3, before applying the consolidation pressures.
(b) The swell test of figure 4-2 can eliminate
the need for additional tests when behavior is different than that anticipated (e.g., the specimen consolidates rather than swells following addition of water at
loading pressures greater than the seating pressure).
The void ratio-log pressure curve for final effective
pressures, varying from the seating to the maximum
applied pressure, can be used to determine heave or
settlements will occur for final effective pressures ex-
TM 5-818-7
TM 5-818-7
5-1. Application of heave predictions
Table 5-1 describes factors that significantly influence the magnitude and rate of foundation movement.
The difficulty of predicting potential heave is complicated beyond these factors by the effect of the type
and geometry of foundation, depth of footing, and distribution of load exerted by the footing on the magnitude of the swelling of expansive foundation soil.
Additional problems include estimating the exact location that swelling soils will heave or the point source
of water seeping into the swelling soil and the final or
equilibrium moisture profile in the areas of heaving
TM 5-818-7
in figure 5-1, assumes that the in situ pore water preschange and heave
foot at any depth X in feet within the active zone. Although a pore water pressure profile of zero is not in
equilibrium, this profile is considered realistic for
most practical cases and includes residences and buildings exposed to watering of perimeter vegetation and
possible leaking underground water and sewer lines.
Water may also condense in a layer of permeable subgrade soil beneath foundation slabs by transfer of
water vapor from air flowing through the cooler subgrade. The accumulated water may penetrate into
underlying expansive soil unless drained or protected
by a moisture barrier. This profile should be used if
other information on the equilibrium pore water pressure profile is not available.
(b) Hydrostatic I. The hydrostatic I profile,
Method 2 in figure 5-la, assumes that the pore water
pressure becomes more negative with increasing vertical distance above the groundwater level in proportion
to the unit weight of water
cubic foot).
This profile is believed to be more realistic beneath
highways and pavements where drainage is good,
pending of surface water is avoided, and leaking underground water lines are not present. This assumption will lead to smaller predictions of heave than the
saturated profile of Method 1.
(c) Hydrostatic II. This profile, Method 3 in fig
ure 5-lb, is similar to the hydrostatic I profile except
that a shallow water table does not exist. The negative
pore water pressure of this profile also becomes more
negative with increasing vertical distance above the
TM 5-818-7
weight of water
(d) Example application. Figure 5-2 illustrates
how the saturated (Method 1) and hydrostatic II
(Method 3) profiles appear for a suction profile without a shallow water table at a sampling site near
Hayes, Kansas. The initial in situ soil suction or negative pore water pressure was calculated from the given
natural soil suction without confining pressure To by
TM 5-818-7
calculations require a measure or estimate of both seasonal wet and dry pore water pressure or suction profiles. It should be noted from figure 5-lb that perimeter cyclic movement from extremes in climatic
changes can exceed the long-term heave beneath the
center of a structure.
(1) Soil-slab displacements. A slab constructed on
the ground surface of a wet site may in time lead to
downwarping at the edges after a long drought or
growth of a large tree near the structure (fig. 5-3a).
Edge uplift may occur following construction on an
initially dry site (fig. 5-3b). The AH in figure 5-3 is
representative of the maximum differential vertical
heave beneath the slab, excluding effects of restraint
from the slab stiffness, but does consider the slab
(2) Edge distance. The edge lift-off distance e of
lightly loaded thin slabs at the ground surface often
varies from 2 to 6 feet but can reach 8 to 10 feet.
(3) Deflection/length ratio. The deflection/length
ratio of the slab is A/L, where A is the slab deflection
and L is the slab length. The angular deflection/span
thickness of expansive soil layer, feet
swell index, slope of the curve between
points 3 and 4, figure 4-2
swell pressure, tons per square foot
final vertical effective pressure, tons per
square foot
The final effective pressure is given by
4-2. A simple hand method and an example of predicting potential total vertical heave from consolidometer
swell tests assuming a saturated equilibrium profile,
equation (5-3), are given in TM 5-818-1 and in figure
5-4. However, hand calculations of potential heave
can become laborious, particularly in heterogeneous
profiles in which a variety of loading conditions need
to be evaluated for several different designs,
(2) Computer applications. Predictions of potential total heave or settlement can be made quickly with
the assistance of the computer program HEAVE available at the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways
Experiment Station. The program HEAVE is applicable to slab, long continuous, and circular shaft foundations. This program considers effects of loading and
soil overburden pressures on volume changes, heterogeneous soils, and saturated or hydrostatic equilibrium moisture profiles (equations (5-3) to (5-5)). Results
of HEAVE using the saturated profile, equation (5-3),
are comparable with results of manual computations
described in figure 5-4.
5-5. Potential differential heave
Differential heave results from edge effects beneath a
finite covered area, drainage patterns, lateral variations in thickness of the expansive foundation soil, and
effects of occupancy. The shape and geometry of the
structure also result in differential heave. Examples of
effects of occupancy include broken or leaking water
and sewer lines, watering of vegetation, and ponding
adjacent to the structure. Other causes of differential
heave include differences in the distribution of load
and the size of footings.
a. Unpredictability of variables. Reliable predictions of future potential differential heave are often
not possible because of many unpredictable variables
that include: future availability of moisture from
rainfall and other sources, uncertainty of the exact locations of heaving areas, and effects of human occupancy.
b. Magnitude of differential heave.
6-1. Basic considerations
a. Planning. Swelling of expansive foundation soils
should be considered during the preliminary design
phase and the level of structural cracking that will be
acceptable to the user should be determined at this
(1) The foundation of the structure should be designed to eliminate unacceptable foundation and structural distress. The selected foundation should also be
compatible with available building materials, construction skills, and construction equipment.
(2) The foundation should be designed and constructed to maintain or promote constant moisture in
the foundation soils. For example, the foundation
should be constructed following the wet season if possible. Drainage should be provided to eliminate ponded
water. Excavations should be protected from drying.
Chapter 7 describes the methods of minimizing soil
b. Bearing capacity. Foundation loading pressures
should exceed the soil swell pressures, if practical, but
should be sufficiently less than the bearing capacity to
maintain foundation displacements within tolerable
amounts, Present theoretical concepts and empirical
correlations permit reasonably reliable predictions of
ultimate capacity, but not differential movement of
the foundation. Factors of safety (FS) are therefore applied to the ultimate bearing capacity to determine
safe or allowable working loads consistent with tolerable settlements. Further details on bearing capacity
are presented in TM 5-818-1.
c. Foundation systems. An appropriate foundation
should economically contribute to satisfying the functional requirements of the structure and minimize differential movement of the various parts of the structure that could cause damages. The foundation should
be designed to transmit no more than the maximum
tolerable distortion to the superstructure. The amount
of distortion that can be tolerated depends on the design and purpose of the structure. Table 6-1 illustrates
foundation systems for different ranges of differential
ing soil, rock, or sand. Pervious sand strata may provide a path for moisture flow into nearby swelling soil.
(1) Shallow individual or continuous footings.
Shallow individual or long continuous footings are often used in low swelling soil areas where the predicted
footing angular deflection/span length ratios are on
the order of 1/600 to 1/1000 or 0.5 inch or less of
(2) Stiffened mats (slabs). Stiffened mat foundations are applicable in swelling soil areas where predicted differential movement AH may reach 4 inches.
The stiffening beams of these mats significantly reduce differential distortion. The range provided in table 6-1 for beam dimensions and spacings of stiffened
slabs for light structures normally provides an adequate design.
(3) Deep foundations. A pile or beam on a drilled
shaft foundation is applicable to a large range of foundation soil conditions and tends to eliminate effects of
heaving soil if properly designed and constructed (para
6-4). The type of superstructure and the differential
soil movement are usually not limited with properly
designed deep foundations. These foundations should
lead to shaft deflection/spacing ratios of less than
d. Superstructure systems. The superstructure
should flex or deform compatibly with the foundation
such that the structure continues to perform its functions, contributes aesthetically to the environment,
and requires only minor maintenance. Frame construction, open floor plans, and truss roofs tend to minimize
damage from differential movement. Load bearing
walls tend to be more susceptible to damage from
shear than the relatively flexible frame construction.
Wood overhead beams of truss roof systems provide
structural tension members and minimize lateral
thrust on walls. Table 6-2 illustrates the relative flexibility provided by various superstructure systems.
(1) Tolerable angular deflection/length ratios. The
ability of a structure to tolerate deformation depends
on the brittleness of the building materials, length to
height ratio, relative stiffness of the structure in shear
and bending, and mode of deformation whether heave
(dome-shaped, fig. 1-2) or settlement (dish-shaped, fig.
that can be tolerated, therefore, varies considerably
PI = 25
PI 5 0
PI =40
TM 5-818-7
TM 5-818-7
the expansive or unstable soil extends nearly continuously from the ground surface to depths that exclude
economical drilled shaft foundations. This mat is suitable for resisting subsoil heave from the wetting of
deep desiccated soil, a changing water table, laterally
discontinuous soil profiles, and downhill creep, which
results from the combination of swelling soils and the
presence of slopes greater than 5 degrees. A thick, reinforced mat is suitable for large, heavy structures.
The rigidity of thick mats minimizes distortion of the
superstructure from both horizontal and vertical
movements of the foundation soil.
(1) Effects of stiffening beams. Concrete slabs
without internal stiffening beams are much more susceptible to distortion or doming from heaving soil.
Stiffening beams and the action of the attached superstructure with the mat as an indeterminate structure
increase foundation stiffness and reduce differential
movement. Edge stiffening beams beneath reinforced
concrete slabs can also lessen soil moisture loss and reduce differential movement beneath the slab. However, the actual vertical soil pressures acting on stiffened slabs can become very nonuniform and cause localized consolidation of the foundation soil.
(2) Placement of nonswelling layer. Placement of
a nonswelling, 6-inch-(or more) thick layer of (preferably) impervious soil on top of the original ground surface before construction of lightly loaded slabs is recommended to increase the surcharge load on the
foundation soil, slightly reduce differential heave, and
permit the grading of a slope around the structure
leading down and away from it. This grading improves
drainage and minimizes the possibility that the layer
(if pervious) could be a conduit for moisture flow into
desiccated foundation expansive soils. The layer
should have some apparent cohesion to facilitate
trench construction for the stiffening beams.
b. Design of thin slabs for light structures. Stiffened slabs may be either conventionally reinforced or
posttensioned. The mat may be inverted (stiffening
beams on top of the slab) in cases where bearing capacity of the surface soil is inadequate or a supported first
floor is required. The Department of Housing and Urban Development, Region IV, San Antonio Area Office, has documented a series of successful conventionally reinforced and posttensioned slabs for the
southern central states. Successful local practice
should be consulted to help determine suitable designs.
(1) Conventionally reinforced. The conventional
reinforced concrete waffle type mat (table 6-1), which
is used for light structures, consists of 4- to 5-inchthick concrete slab. This slab contains temperature
steel and is stiffened with doubly reinforced concrete
crossbeams. Figure 6-5 illustrates an engineered rebar
slab built in Little Rock, Arkansas. Appendix C provides details of drawings of reinforced and stiffened
thin mats. The 4-inch slab transmits the self-weight
and first floor loading forces to the beams, which resist the moments and shears caused by differential
heave of the expansive soil. Exterior walls, roof, and
internal concentrated loads bear directly on the stiffening beams. Clearance between beams should be limited to 400 square feet or less. Beam spacings may be
varied between the limits shown in table 6-1 to allow
for concentrated and wall loads. Beam widths vary
from 8 to 12 or 13 inches but are often limited to a
minimum of 10 inches.
(a) Concrete and reinforcement. Concrete compressive strength f c should be at least 2500 psi and
preferably 3000 psi. Construction joints should be
placed at intervals of less than 150 ft and cold joints
less than 65 ft. About 0.5 percent reinforcing steel
should be used in the mat to resist shrinkage and temperature effects.
(b) Preliminary design, The three designs for reinforced and stiffened thin mats presented in table
6-1 differ in the beam depth and spacing depending
ings for each of the light, medium, and heavy slabs are
- -
Figure 6-6. Post-tensioned slab in Lubbock, Texas, for single-family, single-story, minimally loaded frame residence.
dure should provide adequate resistance to shear, moment, and deflections from the structural loading
forces, while overdesign is minimized. An economically competitive procedure that builds on the early work
of the Building Research Advisory Board of the National Academy of Sciences is that developed for the
Post-Tensioning Institute (PTI).
(a) The PTI procedure is applicable to both con-
cedure are the compressive strength of concrete; allowable tensile and compressive stresses in concrete; type,
grade, and strength of the prestressing steel; grade
and strength of the mild steel reinforcement; and slab
subgrade friction coefficient, The amount of reinforcing steel recommended by this procedure should be
considered a minimum. The slab-subgrade coefficient
of friction should be 0.75 for concrete cast on polyethylene membranes and 1.00 if cast on-grade.
This ratio may be as large as 1/360 for center heave
criterion is recommended by the PTI because edge lift
is usually much less than center lift deflections and the
stems of the beams resisting the positive bending moment may be unreinforced.
c. Design of thick mats. The state of the art for estimating spatial variations in soil pressures on thick
mats is often not adequate. These mats tend to be
heavily overdesigned because of the uncertainty in the
loading and the relatively small extra investment of
some overdesign.
(1) Description. Concrete mats for heavy structures tend to be 3 feet or more in thickness with a continuous two-way reinforcement top and bottom. An 8foot-thick mat supporting a 52-story structure in
Houston, Texas, contains about 0.5 percent steel,
while the 3-foot-thick mat of the Wilford Hall Hospital
complex at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas also contains about 0.5 percent steel. The area of steel is 0.5
percent of the total area of the concrete distributed
equally each way both top and bottom. The steel is
overlapped near the concentrated loads, and a 3-inch
cover is provided over the steel. The depth of the excavation that the mats are placed in to achieve bearing
capacity and tolerable settlements eliminates seasonal
edge effects such that the edge lift-off distance is not
(2) Procedure. The thick mat is designed to determine the shear, moment, and deflection behavior
using conventional practice, then modified to accommodate swell pressures and differential heave caused
by swelling soils. The analyses are usually performed
by the structural engineer with input on allowable soil
bearing pressures, uplift pressures (hydrostatic and
swell pressures from expansive soils) and estimates of
potential edge heave/shrinkage and center heave from
the foundation engineer. Computer programs are commonly used to determine the shear, moments, and deflections of the thick mat.
(a) Structural solutions. The structural solution
may be initiated with an estimate of the thickness of a
spread footing that resists punching shear and
bending moments for a given column load, concrete
compressive strength, and soil bearing capacity. Following an estimation of the initial thickness, hand
solutions of mat foundations for limited application
based on theory of beams on elastic foundations are
available from NAVFAC DM-7. More versatile solutions are available from computer programs based on
theory of beams on elastic foundations such as
BMCOL 2, which is available at the U.S. Army Corps
of Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, and finite element analysis.
(b) Foundation soil/structure solutions. The
ratios exceed 1/250, Mat foundations under such conditions may tilt excessively leading to intolerable distortion or cracking.
TM 5-018-7
TM 5-818-7
angle of internal friction. The effective cohesion is assumed zero in practical applications and eliminated
from equation (6-4). Most of the available field data
be independent of soil strength. Also, the in situ reduction factor may appear greater than one depending on
the mechanism of load transfer. For example, the
shaft load may be transferred over some thickness of
soil such that the effective diameter of the shaft is
greater than the shaft diameter D,. The reduction factor concept, although commonly used, is not fully
faces of shaft foundations when wetting of surrounding expansive soil occurs. Side friction resulting in uplift forces should be assumed to act along the entire
depth of the active zone since wetting of swelling soil
causes volumetric expansion and increased pressure
against the shaft. As the shaft tends to be pulled upward, tensile stresses and possible fracture of concrete
in the shaft are induced, as well as possible upward displacement of the entire shaft.
(a) The tension force T (a negative quantity)
may be estimated by
includes the weight of the shaft. Limited observations
b Thickness
TM 5-818-7
7-1. Preparation for construction
The foundation should always be provided with adequate drainage, and the soil properly prepared to minimize changes in soil moisture and differential movement.
a. Removal of vegetation. Existing trees and other
heavy vegetation should be removed. New plantings of
like items installed during postconstruction landscaping should not be located within a distance away from
the structure ranging from 1 to 1.5 times the height of
the mature tree.
b. Leveling of site. Natural soil fills compacted at
the natural water content and the natural density of
the in situ adjacent soil minimize differential movement between cut and fill areas of sloping ground,
trenches, or holes caused by removal of vegetation.
The volume of cut portions should be kept to a minimum. Cut areas reduce the overburden pressure on
underlying swelling soil and lead to time-dependent
c. Excavation.
(1) Construction in new excavations (within a few
years of excavating) without replacement of a surcharge pressure equal to the original soil overburden
pressure should be avoided where possible because the
reduction in effective stress leads to an instantaneous
elastic rebound plus a time-dependent heave. The reduction in overburden pressure results in a reduction
of the pore water pressure in soil beneath the excavation. These pore pressures tend to increase with time
toward the original or equilibrium pore pressure profile consistent with that of the surrounding soil and
can cause heave.
(2) Ground surfaces of new excavations, such as
for basements and thick mat foundations, should be
immediately coated with sprayed asphalt or other sealing compounds to prevent drying of or the seepage of
ponded water into the foundation soil during construction (fig. 7-1). Rapid-cure RC 70 or medium-cure MC
30 cutback asphalts are often used as sealing compounds, which penetrate into the soil following compaction of the surface soil and cure relatively quickly.
TM 5-018-7
(6) Uniform limited watering around the structure during droughts to replace lost moisture.
c. Moisture barriers. The purpose of moisture barriers is to promote uniform soil moisture beneath the
foundation by minimizing the loss or gain of moisture
through the membrane and thus reducing cyclic edge
movement, Moisture may still increase beneath or
within areas surrounded by the moisture barriers leading to a steady but uniform heave of the foundation or
(1) Types of barriers. These barriers consist of
horizontal and vertical plastic and asphalt membranes
and granular materials. Concrete is an ineffective
moisture barrier. Longlasting membranes include
chlorinated polyethylene sheets, preferably placed
over a layer of catalytically blown or sprayed asphalt.
All joints, seams, and punctures should be sealed by
plastic cements or concrete/asphalt joint sealants.
ASTM D 2521 (Part 15) describes use of asphalt in
canal, ditch, and pond linings (app A).
(2) Horizontal.
(a) An impervious membrane on the ground surface in a crawl space where rainfall does not enter may
help reduce shrinkage in clayey foundation soils with
deep groundwater levels by minimizing evaporation
from the soil. A vapor barrier should not be placed in
ventilated crawl spaces if there is a shallow water table or if site drainage is poor because heave maybe aggravated in these cases. Figure 7-2 illustrates a useful
application of horizontal membranes,
(b) Other applications include the use of horizontal moisture barriers around the perimeter of structures to reduce lateral variations in moisture changes
and differential heave in the foundation soil. Plastic or
other thin membranes around the perimeter should be
protected from the environment by a 6- to 12-inchthick layer of earth.
(c) A disadvantage of these barriers is that they
are not necessarily reliable and may be detrimental in
some cases. For example, most fabrics and plastic
membranes tend to deteriorate with time. Undetected
(and hence unrepaired) punctures that allow water to
get in, but not to get out, commonly occur in handling
on placement. Punctures may also occur during planting of vegetation. If the barrier is a concrete slab, the
concrete may act as a wick and pull water out of the
(3) Vertical.
(a) Plumbing or utility trenches passing
through the barrier may contribute to soil moisture beneath the foundation.
(b) The vertical barrier (fig. 7-3) should extend
to the depth of the active zone and should be placed a
minimum of 3 feet from the foundation to simplify
construction and to avoid disturbance of the foundation soil. The barrier may not be practical in prevent-
the natural in situ soil through the backfill to the basement and retaining walls.
(b) Lime treatment may be used to stabilize a 6to 12-inch layer of natural expansive soil compacted on
the surface of the construction site to provide a positive slope for runoff of water from the structure and a
layer to reduce differential heave beneath the floor
(c) Lime treatment may be applied to minimize
downhill soil creep of slopes greater than 5 degrees (9
percent) by increasing the stiffness and strength of the
soil mass through filling fractures in the surface soils.
If lime slurry pressure injection (LPSI) can cause a
lime slurry to penetrate the fissures in the soil mass to
a sufficient depth (usually 8 to 10 feet), then the limefilled seams will help control the soil water content, reduce volumetric changes, and increase the soil
strength. However, LSPI will probably not be satisfactory in an expansive clay soil that does not contain an
extensive network of fissures because the lime will not
penetrate into the relatively impervious soil to any appreciable distance from the injection hole to form a
continuous lime seam moisture barrier.
(d) LSPI may be useful for minimization of
movement of fissured foundation expansive soils down
to the depth of the active zone for heave or at least 10
ft. The lime slurry is pressure injected on 3- to 5-foot
center to depths of 10 to 16 feet around the perimeter
of the structure 3 to 5 feet from the structure.
(2) Soil mixture preparation. Lime should be thoroughly and intimately mixed into the soil to a sufficient depth to be effective. For stabilization of expansive clay soils for foundations of structures, mixing
should be done down to depths of active zone for
heave. In practice, mixing with lime is rarely done
deeper than 1 to 2 feet. Therefore, lime treatment is
normally not useful for foundations on expansive soil
except in the above applications. Moreover, poor mixing may cause the soil to break up into clods from normal exposure to the seasonal wetting/drying cycles.
The overall soil permeability is increased and provides
paths for moisture flow that require rapid drainage
from this soil. Lime treatment should be performed by
experienced personnel.
(3) Lime modification optimum content (LMO).
The LMO corresponds to the percent of lime that maximizes the reduction in the soil plasticity or the PI. The
reduction in plasticity also effectively minimizes the
volume change behavior from changes in water content and increases the soil shear strength.
(a) A decision to use lime should depend on the
degree of soil stabilization caused by the lime. Lime
TM 5-818-7
8-1. Minimization of foundation problems from construction
Many problems and substandard performance of foundations observed in structures on expansive soils occur
from poor quality control and faulty construction practice. Much of the construction equipment and procedures that are used depends on the foundation soil
characteristics and soil profiles. Careful inspection
during construction is necessary to ensure that the
structure is built according to the specifications.
TM 5-818-7
TM 5-818-7
aggregate size of one third of the rebar spacing are recommended to facilitate flow of concrete through the
reinforcement cage and to eliminate cavities in the
shaft. Care should be exercised while placing the concrete to ensure the following:
(1) Continuity while pulling the casing.
9-1. Basic considerations
Remedial work for damaged structures is usually difficult to determine because the cause of the problem
(e.g., location of source or loss of soil moisture, and
swelling or settling/shrinking soil) may not be readily
apparent, A plan to fix the problem is often difficult to
execute, and the work may have to be repeated because
of failure to isolate the cause of the moisture changes
in the foundation soil, An effective remedial procedure
may not be found until several attempts have been
made to eliminate the differential movement. Requirements for minimizing moisture changes (chap. 7) are
therefore essential. The foundation should have sufficient capacity to maintain all distortion within tolerable limits acceptable to the superstructure. This distortion occurs from differential heave for the most severe
climates and changes in the field environment.
a. Specialized effort. Investigation and repair are
therefore specialized procedures that usually require
much expertise and experience. Cost of repair work
can easily exceed the original cost of the foundation.
The amount of damage that requires repair also depends on the attitudes of the owner and occupants to
tolerate distortion as well as damage that actually impairs the usefulness and safety of the structure.
TM 5-818-7
until all parts of the foundation are at the same elevation. If a heaved area is lowered to the same elevation
as the rest of the foundation, such as to repair a mushroomed or dome-shaped heave pattern, the slab is first
supported before digging out the soil to prevent the
slab from creeping down on the work crew during the
digging. Attempts at leveling dome-shaped distortion
by raising the perimeter may be unsuccessful because
mudjacking usually causes the entire slab to rise.
9-4. Drilled shaft foundations
Most damage to structures with shaft foundations consists of fractured slabs-on-grade. The shaft may contribute to the damage caused by migration of moisture
down the shaft/soil interface into swelling soil beneath
the shaft footing. The fracture pattern of open cracks
in the floor slab parallel to and several feet from the
wall often shows that the slab had not been free to
move near the walls. Damage to drilled shafts is often
caused by upward movement of the shaft from swelling soil beneath its base and by uplift forces on the
shaft perimeter from adjacent swelling soil.
ments and a program to control soil moisture around
the perimeter of the foundation are recommended
(chap 7).
removal of the slab and underlying wet soil, replacement with nonswelling soil, and placement of a new
slab isolated from the perimeter walls. Repair of
drilled shafts consists of cutting down the top of the
shaft and releveling the foundation. The tops of the
drilled shafts are cut to the elevation of the top of the
lowest shaft where possible.
Moisture stabilization
(maintenance of
constant moisture
whether at high or
low levels)
Remove natural swelling soil and recompact with impervious, nonswelling backfill; install vertical and/or horizontal membranes
around the perimeter; locate deep-rooted vegetation outside of
moisture barriers; avoid automatic sprinkling systems in areas
protected with moisture barriers; provide a constant source of
moisture if a combination of swelling/shrinking soils is occurring; thoroughly mix 4 to 8 percent lime into soil to reduce
potential for swell or pressure-inject line slurry around
the perimeter of the structure.
Free slabs from foundation by cutting along foundation walls; provide slip joints in interior walls and door frames; reinforce masonry and concrete block walls with horizontal and vertical tie
bars or reinforced concrete beams; provide fanlights over doors
extended to the ceiling.
TM 5-818-7
Table 9-1. Remedial MeasuresContinued
Continuous wall
Provide voids beneath portions of wall foundation; posttension; reinforce with horizontal and vertical tie bars or reinforced concrete
Reinforced and
stiffened slab-ongrade adjustments
TM 5-818-7
Technical Manuals
TM 5-818-1
TM 5-818-7
B-1. Introduction
Soil suction is a quantity that can be used to characterize the effect of moisture on volume, and it is a measure of the energy or stress that holds the soil water in
the pores or a measure of the pulling stress exerted on
the pore water by the soil mass. The total soil suction
is expressed as a positive quantity and is defined as the
to the geometrical configuration of the soil and structure, capillary tension in the pore water, and water
sorption forces of the clay particles. This suction is also pressure-dependent and assumed to be related to
matrix soil suction, tons per square foot
compressibility factor, dimensionless
total mean normal confining pressure,
tons per square foot
ratio of total horizontal to vertical stress
in situ
total vertical pressure, tons per square
The exponent
out confining pressure except atmospheric pressure.
Experimental results show that the in situ matrix sucity factor is determined by the procedure in paragraph
by the concentration of soluble salts in the pore water,
and it is pressure-independent. The effect of the osmotic suction on swell is not well known, but an osmotic effect may be observed if the concentration of soluble salts in the pore water differs from that of the externally available water. For example, swell may occur
in the specimen if the external water contains less
soluble salts than the pore water. The effect of the osmotic suction on swell behavior is assumed small compared with the effect of the matrix suction. The osmotic suction should not significantly affect heave if the
salt concentration is not altered.
TM 5-818-7
Table B-1. Calibration Salt Solutions
Suction, tsf
for cited molality of sodium chloride solution
measured by the psychrometer and the relative humidity in the soil specimen depends on the volume and initial relative humidity in the container. Equilibrium
time may require up to 7 days, but may be reduced to 2
or 3 days by repeated testing of soils with similar suctions.
(c) After equilibrium is attained, the microvoltmeter is set on the 10- or 30-microvolt range and
zeroed by using a zeroing suppression or offset control.
The cooling current of approximately 8 millimeters is
applied for 15 seconds and then switched to the microvoltmeter circuit using the switch of item 6 in figure
B-2, The maximum reading on the microvoltmeter is
recorded. The cooling currents and times should be
identical to those used to determine the calibration
(d) The readings can be taken at room temperature, preferably from 20 to 25 degrees Centigrade, and
corrected to a temperature of 25 degrees Centigrade
by the equation
microvolt at 25 degrees Centigrade
microvolt at t degrees Centigrade
Placement of the apparatus in a constant temperature
room will increase the accuracy of the readings.
(3) Calibration, The psychrometer are calibrated
by placing approximately 50 millilitres of the salt solutions of known molality (table B-1) in the metal containers and following the procedure in b(2) above to determine the microvolt output. Equilibration time may
be reduced to 2 or 3 days by surrounding the psychrometer with filter paper soaked with solution. The
suctions given for the known modalities are plotted
versus the microvolt output for a temperature of 25
degrees Centigrade. The calibration curves of 12 commercial psychrometer using the equipment of figure
B-1 were within 5 percent and could be expressed by
the equation
foot. The calibration curves using other equipment
may be somewhat different.
c. Filter paper technique. This method involves en-
closing filter paper with a soil specimen in an airtight
container until complete moisture equilibrium is
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(0.93) (2.79)
(100) (0,046)
= 0.564
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TM 5-818-7
Figures C-1 through C-10 illustrate types of construction for expansive foundation soils. These figures were taken from U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Construction Engineering and Research Laboratory Technical Report M-81. The figures show practical wall ties to concrete and steel beams, wall connections with
control joints, details of interior partitions, bar joist first floor framing with grade
beams, and stiffened mat foundations.
TM 5-810-7
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TM 5-818-7
TM 5-818-7
TM 5-818-7
. Official:
Major General, United States Army
The Adjutant General
To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-34B, requirements for TM
5-800 Series: Engineering and Design for Real Property Facilities,