Advanced Well Stimulation Technologies
Advanced Well Stimulation Technologies
Advanced Well Stimulation Technologies
Advanced Well
Stimulation Technologies
Authored by
James Houseworth (LBNL)
This section provides background information on the currently available well-treatment
technologies for increasing the rate of oil flow from the reservoir to the well. This type of
treatment is called well stimulation and is used for situations where the natural reservoir
flow characteristics are not favorable and need to be improved for effective oil recovery.
The review covers the materials and methods used to perform the three commonly used
well stimulation methods: (1) hydraulic fracturing, (2) acid fracturing, and (3) matrix
acidizing. In addition this section reviews the materials and methods used to perform well
drilling, construction, and completion which also play a role in well stimulation. The main
points identified here that are used in subsequent sections to help understand the
application of well stimulation technologies for oil production in California are:
(1) The design of a hydraulic fracture is a function of reservoir flow and mechanical
characteristics. Reservoirs that have relatively better flow characteristics (within the
range of these characteristics where well stimulation is needed) and are relatively weak
mechanically tend to require less intensive fracturing, which leads to a relatively smaller
volume of fracture fluid used. Reservoirs that have relatively poor flow characteristics and
are relatively strong mechanically tend to require more intensive fracturing, which leads
to a relatively larger volume of fracture fluid used.
(2) Acid fracturing is commonly limited in application to carbonate reservoirs, i.e., those
rich in limestone and dolomite. This is significant because Californias oil resources are
primarily found in silica-rich rock rather than carbonate rock.
(3) Matrix acidizing for silica-rich reservoirs typically has a very limited penetration
distance from the well into the reservoir. Therefore matrix acidizing in silica-rich rock has
a limited effect on larger-scale reservoir flow characteristics, with the possible exception of
reservoirs where natural fracture flow paths are effective in which acidizing may open up
natural fractures by dissolving plugging material.
The term stimulation with respect to petroleum production refers to a range of activities
used to increase the production of oil from petroleum reservoirs (a body of rock containing
oil in pore spaces or natural fractures) by increasing the permeability of the materials
through which oil flows to the well. There are two distinct situations that lead to the use
of stimulation technologies. The first is damage induced by well drilling and construction
and through oil production operations (Economides, Hill, Ehlig-Economides, and Zhu,
2013). Damage may occur in the form of blockage of perforations in the well casing
through which oil flows, e.g., by scale formation (mineral precipitation) or sand production
from the reservoir into the well (Ghalambor and Economides, 2002). Damage can also
occur to the rock in the immediate vicinity of the well as a result of mechanical disturbances
and chemical interaction with the fluids (drilling mud) used during the drilling of the
well bore. For example pores may be plugged as a result of drilling mud plugging the rock
pores, migration of fine particles in the rock, or swelling of clays in the rock (Ghalambor
and Economides, 2002). Mechanical damage in the form of crushing and compaction of
the rock may occur as a result of creating the perforations through the casing, a process
carried out by literally shooting a projectile through the steel casing to punch holes to
connect the well to the reservoir (Ghalambor and Economides, 2002). Techniques to
correct these adverse impacts of well construction by clearing blockages in the well, or
restoring the permeability of the rock, are termed well stimulation.
The term stimulation also refers to the use of techniques to enhance the natural
permeability of the undisturbed rock containing the reservoir (a rock formation) to the
point that it can provide economic rates of oil production (permeability is the ability of
the rocks to conduct fluid including oil or water). In this event, stimulation technologies
may be applied that increase reservoir permeability sufficiently to allow enhanced rates of
oil production. This stimulation is also on occasion termed well stimulation, but is perhaps
more precisely called reservoir stimulation (Economides et al., 2013). However throughout
the remainder of this report, the focus will be on stimulation technologies whose purpose
is to increase reservoir permeability, and these technologies will be referred to by the term
well stimulation (WST), or simply stimulation. This is in accord with the definition of well
stimulation in section 3157 of Division 3 of Chapter 1 of the California Public Resources Code.
This report section presents a review of stimulation technologies for increasing reservoir
permeability. This section does not review stimulation technologies used to repair damage
induced by well drilling and oil production.
2.1 The Purpose of Stimulation Technologies
As described above the production of oil from a reservoir depends on reservoir permeability,
but it is also a function of the thickness of the reservoir, viscosity of the oil produced, well
radius, and other factors. As a result, an exact permeability threshold for the use of WST
does not exist (Holditch, 2006). However, the likelihood that well stimulation is needed
to economically produce oil increases as the reservoir permeability falls below 1 millidarcy
(md) (9.87 x 10-16 m2 or 1.06 x 10-14 ft2)(e.g., King, 2012).
An oil reservoir is typically classified as unconventional if well stimulation is required for
economical production. Guidelines concerning the classification of petroleum resources
(World Petroleum Council, 2011) categorize a reservoir as unconventional if it is spatially
extensive and yet not significantly affected by natural flow processes. The oil in the
Bakken play in North Dakota is an example of such an accumulation. A different and
quantitative definition proposed by Cander (2012) is shown in Figure 2-1, in which the
permeability of the reservoir and viscosity of the oil are used to define conventional and
unconventional. This definition is a more useful guide to the conditions amenable to well
stimulation, in part because it does not include the geographic aspect (large area) of
the first definition.
There are three main WST: hydraulic fracturing either utilizing proppant (traditional
hydraulic fracturing) or acid (also known as acid fracturing) and matrix acidizing.
(Economides and Nolte, 2000). Because these methods do not reduce oil viscosity, they
are primarily targeted at tight (low permeability) rock formations containing gas or
lower-viscosity oil, although they may be used in combination with thermal stimulation
for heavy oil.
The main technologies currently used for the production of most unconventional reservoirs
are horizontal drilling combined with some form of hydraulic fracturing (McDaniel and
Rispler, 2009). Because of this close association, horizontal wells are also discussed in
this report. Relatively simple geologic systems have nearly horizontal deposition and layer
boundaries and typically have much longer dimensions along the direction of bedding as
compared with the dimension perpendicular to bedding. Horizontal drilling allows a well
to access the reservoir over a longer distance than could be achieved with a traditional
vertical well. An example of horizontal and vertical wells is shown in Figure 2-2 for the
Eagle Ford play in Texas, which consists of a calcium-carbonate rich mudstone called a
marl. In this case, the horizontal well intercepts about 5,000 m (16,400 ft) of reservoir as
compared with about 80 m (262 ft) by the vertical well.
Figure 2-2. Example of horizontal and vertical wells in the Eagle Ford play
(stratigraphy from Cardneaux (2012))
Hydraulic fracturing induces fractures by injecting fluid into the well until the pressure
exceeds the threshold for fracturing. The induced fractures emanate from the well into
the reservoir and provide a high-permeability pathway from the formation to the well, as
shown on Figure 2-3. One of the goals of the fracturing operation is to only fracture rock
within the target reservoir. After fracturing, a fine granular material (e.g., sand) known
as a proppant,, is introduced into the fractures to prevent the natural overburden stress
(compressive) from closing the fractures after the injection pressure is removed. The
creation of a highly permeable fracture network connecting the reservoir to the well
significantly reduces the average distance that oil must migrate through the low-permeability
reservoir rock in order to reach the well. Another variation of hydraulic fracturing is called
acid fracturing, where acid is injected instead of proppant. The acid etches channels into
the fracture surfaces which then prevents the natural overburden stress from closing the
fractures and allows fluid flow pathways to remain along the fractures even after the
injection pressure is removed.
Matrix acidizing involves injecting acidic fluids at pressures below the fracture pressure,
such that the acid dissolves acid-soluble minerals in the rock matrix. The end result is
enhanced flow pathways through the rock matrix. By comparison, however, the penetration
into the formation of enhanced permeability caused by matrix acidizing is not typically
as extensive as it is after hydraulic fracturing with proppant or acid. The two important
exceptions in carbonate reservoirs are the creation of more deeply penetrating channels,
known as wormholes, and deeper acid penetration into more permeable fractures of
naturally fractured reservoirs (Economides et al., 2013).
Well drilling and construction, hydraulic fracturing, and matrix acidizing are discussed
in more detail below.
2.2 Well Drilling and Construction
Well drilling, construction, and completion are necessary steps for conducting production
operations from the vast majority of hydrocarbon reservoirs (some shallow hydrocarbon
deposits, such as oil sands, can be mined from the surface). Well construction involves
the installation of well casing and cement that seals the annular space between the casing
and the formation as drilling proceeds. Well casing and cement provide the main barriers
against contamination of groundwater by native (e.g., deeper and more saline
groundwater), injected, or produced fluids during well operation
Well completion following construction configures and optimizes the well for hydrocarbon
production. Completion includes (as needed) sand control, perforation of the production
casing, and installation of production tubing. As mentioned above, completion can also
include well stimulation to remove formation damage caused by drilling, construction,
and other completion activities.
2.2.1 Vertical Wells
Until the 1980s, the vast majority of oil wells were drilled as vertical wells (US Energy
Information Administration (EIA), 1993). Although the use of horizontal-well technology
has steadily increased since that time, vertical wells are still being drilled for oil production.
(Horizontal wells, discussed in Section 2.2.2, are an important technological development
for production from unconventional reservoirs.)
Nearly all oil wells (vertical or horizontal) are drilled using the rotary drilling method
(Culver, 1998; Macini, 2005). The first major oil discovery using rotary drilling was made
at Spindletop near Beaumont, Texas, in 1901 (Geehan and McKee, 1989). There are a
number of other methods used to drill wells in general, but most of these alternative
methods are used for wells less than 600 m deep (ASTM, 2014) and therefore are not
suitable for most oil wells, which average over 1,500 m deep in the US (US EIA, 2014).
52 Rotary Drilling Process and Drilling Muds for Onshore Oil Wells
The rotary drilling process is conducted from a drilling rig at the ground surface. The drill
bit and other components, such as weights called drill collars, make up the bottom-hole
assembly that is connected to the first section of drill pipe, and then is put in place below
the drilling rig floor to begin. The drill pipe is connected to a square or hexagonal pipe
called the kelly. The kelly is turned by a motor via the rotary table in the floor of the
drilling rig and a kelly bushing that connects to the kelly. Alternatively, a newer system
known as top drive can be mounted to the rig derrick that turns the drill pipe (Macini,
2005). In either case, the rotational coupling with the drill string (collectively the drill
pipe and bit) permits vertical movements such that the desired downward force can be
applied to the drill bit while it is rotating. (More recent technology has led to the
development of downhole motors which drive rotation of the drill bit; therefore, rotation
of the drill pipe is not required. This technology is particularly important for directional
drilling and will be discussed further in Section 2.2.2.) When the hole has been drilled
deep enough to hold the bottom-hole assembly and drill pipe, another section of pipe is
added and the process is repeated.
Figure 2-4. Drilling mud circulation system. Arrows indicate mud flow direction
(modified from Macini (2005) and Oil Spill Solutions (2014))
As drilling proceeds, the bit is supplied with drilling mud, which is denser and more
viscous than water, through a nonrotating hose that connects to the top of the kelly
through a connection called a swivel. Drilling mud flows down the drill string and exits
through ports on the face of the drill bit. This action flushes drill cuttings away from the
drilling face and up the annulus between the drill pipe and the borehole wall or casing
pipe. The circulating mud exits the annulus and is recycled back to the well after the
cuttings have been separated from the mud (Varhaug, 2011). Figure 2-4 shows the
components of the drilling mud circulation system.
Drilling muds have several important functions. As mentioned previously, the mud
continuously cleans the cuttings off the bit face and transports them out of the hole.
In the same vein, the mud limits the rate at which cuttings settle in the borehole annulus,
so that the drill bit is not quickly buried by cuttings whenever the mud flow is temporarily
stopped. The mud also serves to lubricate and cool the drill bit. Finally, the mud provides
hydraulic pressure to help stabilize the borehole walls and control native fluid pressures
in the rock, to prevent an uncontrolled release (blowout) of these fluids through the
borehole. The energy of the flowing drilling mud also drives the bit rotation when a
downhole motor is used.
There are three basic types of drilling muds: (1) aqueous-based mud; (2) hydrocarbon-based
mud; and (3) gas, aerated, or foam muds (Khodja, Khodja-Saber, Canselier, Cohaut, and
Bergaya, 2013), in which the classification is based on the predominant fluid in the mud.
One of the critical factors that influences the choice of mud used is the clay content of
shale encountered by the borehole. Shales make up about 75% of drilled formations, and
about 70% of borehole problems can be associated with shale instability (Lal, 1999). Clay
hydration caused by water-based muds often lead to reduced rock strength and instability
in the borehole. This can result in a variety of problems, including borehole collapse, tight
borehole, stuck pipe, poor borehole cleaning, borehole washout, plastic flow, fracturing,
and lost circulation and well control (Lal, 1999). Furthermore, borehole wash-out in
the shale sections can result in problems for cementing the casing in these sections and
impedes the ability to isolate zones and control leakage along the well outside the casing
(Brufatto et al., 2003; Chemerinski and Robinson, 1995). Because of these issues
surrounding interaction of water with shale, oil-based muds are considered more suitable
for drilling through shale. However, because of environmental issues associated with the
use and disposal of drilling muds, more suitable water-based muds for drilling through
shale continue to be developed (Deville et al., 2011). Another strategy used to minimize
the environmental effects of drilling muds is to use water initially to penetrate the
freshwater aquifer zone, then progress to more complex, water-based inhibitive muds,
and then to oil-based muds at greater depth (Williamson, 2013). Well Casing and Cementing
Wells are secured at discrete intervals as the borehole is being drilled by installing a steel
pipe with diameter slightly smaller than the borehole diameter. This pipe, termed casing,
is then fixed in place by filling the annulus between the pipe and the borehole wall with
cement. After installing the casing, the pathway for fluid movement along the borehole is
restricted to the circular interior of the casing. The casing provides mechanical support to
prevent borehole collapse and hydraulically isolates flow inside the casing from the rock
formations around the well. Furthermore, the casing, in combination with the cement,
impedes fluid movement along the borehole outside the casing between the different
formations encountered, as well as to the ground surface. This function is referred to as
zonal isolation (Nelson, 2012; Bellabarba et al., 2008).
Figure 2-5. Schematic cross section of well casing and cement configuration. Casing extends
above ground surface for connection to wellhead. (Redrawn and modified from API, 2009)
Zonal isolation is accomplished by filling the annulus between the casing and the formation
with cement, which bonds the casing to the formation. There are different types of cements
that are used depending on conditions of depth, temperature, pressure, and chemical
environment (Lyons and Plisga, 2005). Cement placement and curing processes have to
address numerous factors for the cement to be an effective barrier to fluid movement
behind the casing (American Petroleum Institute (API), 2010). After placement and
curing of the cement, API guidelines recommend that each section of cemented casing
is pressure tested to ensure that the cement is capable of withstanding the pressures to be
used during well operations (API, 2009 and 2010). Furthermore, wireline logging tools
should be run after the cement job to verify that the well is correctly cemented and there
are no hydraulic leakage paths. This is accomplished using acoustic tools (sonic and
ultrasonic) that can determine the quality of the cement bond and can detect channels
(API, 2009; Griffith et al., 1992).
The first casing to be installed is called the conductor casing (essentially a pipe with
diameter larger than any of the other casings in the well), shown in Figure 2-5. This
casing prevents the typically weak surficial materials from collapsing into the drill hole.
The conductor casing is either driven into the ground by a pile driver or placed in the hole
after drilling (API, 2009). The length of the conductor casing is normally 30 to 50 m (98.4
to 164 ft) (Macini, 2005), but generally less than 91 m (299 ft) in length (Burdylo and
Birch, 1990). If the conductor pipe is not cemented, it is not strictly considered as part
of the well casing (Macini, 2005).
The next casing installed is called the surface casing. The purpose of the surface casing is
to protect freshwater aquifers from drilling mud and fluids produced during the life of the
well, and to isolate these zones from overlying and underlying strata. The surface casing
is necessarily smaller in diameter than the conductor casing and is typically about 91 m
(299 ft), but can extend farther up to about 305 m (1,000 ft) in depth (King, 2012). Once
the target depth for the surface casing is reached, the surface casing is inserted into the
borehole and the annulus between the casing and the borehole wall and conductor casing
are cemented. The casing extends from the bottom of the hole to the ground surface.
The surface casing (or conductor casing if it is cemented) is used to anchor the wellhead,
which provides the interface between the well and equipment attached to the wellhead
above the ground surface. During drilling operations, an operational and safety valve
system called a blowout preventer is attached to the wellhead. After drilling is complete,
the blowout preventer is replaced by a different valve system called a Christmas tree,
which is used for production operations (Macini, 2005).
Drilling then proceeds until the next casing, which could be the production casing or an
intermediate casing (needed for deeper wells). In either situation, the next section of
casing is assembled and inserted into the borehole, and the annulus is cemented. The
production casing is the last section of casing that either enters the reservoir (if the
production is to be done through an open hole) or extends throughout the production
interval of the borehole. In some instances, a production liner is used that does not extend
the full length of the hole. Instead, the liner hangs off the base of and is sealed to the
intermediate casing and is not always cemented.
The casing is subject to hydraulic and mechanical stress, including axial tension caused
by its own weight as well as dynamic stresses caused by installation and operational
activities, external fluid pressures from the formation during cementing operations, and
internal fluid pressure during drilling and operations. Thermal stresses are also present.
These stresses need to be taken into account when selecting casing type and size (Lyons
and Plisga, 2005). For systems that will be used for hydraulic fracturing, the high levels of
fluid pressure imposed also need to be taken into account for casing selection (API, 2009).
Cementing the annulus of the casing is essential for control of leakage along the well
outside the casing. After a casing segment has been put into the borehole, cement is
injected to displace the drilling mud. Oilfield cements are calcium silicate type (Portland)
cements containing additives depending on well depth, temperature, and pressure
conditions, borehole rock characteristics, and chemical environment (Economides,
Watters, and Dunn-Norman, 1998).
Additives are used for a variety of reasons, including altering the curing time, controlling
water loss and solids/water separation, and preventing gas migrationamong other
things. Water loss and curing reactions that result in shrinkage cracking have been
identified as significant factors leading to leakage behind the casing (Dusseault et al.,
2000). Various polymers are typically used to prevent water loss (Economides et al.,
1998), and magnesium oxide is used to cause an expansion of the cement upon curing
(Joy, 2011). The ability of the cement to withstand stresses and borehole flexure without
fracturing is increased by the addition of elastomeric fibers such as polypropylene
(Sounthararajan, Thirumurugan, and Sivakumar, 2013; Shahriar, 2011).
After the desired volume of cement has been introduced to the well, drilling mud is again
added to continue driving the cement through the well. When the cement reaches the
bottom of the hole, the cement continues to displace the mud ahead of it upward along
the outside annulus of the casing. The injection ends when the cement fills the annulus to
the top of the casing. Deep intermediate or production casings may not be cemented to the
top of the casing. This is because the high fluid pressure associated with the dense cement
slurry over these longer intervals can fracture the formation (King, 2012). Once the
cement sets, the residual cement and any remaining items from the cement operation that
are at the bottom of the hole are drilled out to continuing deepening the borehole.
A simple schematic of the casing and cement configuration is shown in Figure 2-5.
A number of problems can occur that lead to incomplete cementing around the casing.
These include mixing of the cement and the drilling mud, poor displacement of the drilling
mud by the cement, off-center casing that contacts the borehole wall, and gas migration
through the cement prior to setting (American Petroleum Institute, 2010; King, 2012).
Any of these could lead to incomplete cement behind the casing and the potential for
leakage along the casing. To avoid mixing between the cement and the drilling mud, a
chemical washer is injected ahead of the cement to help clean out the drilling mud and
provide a fluid gap between the cement and the drilling mud. Wiper plugs are placed just
in front of and behind the cement slug that is injected, also to prevent cement contamination
by the drilling mud (Nelson, 2012). Casing centralizers are used to position the casing in
the middle of the borehole to avoid trapping mud between the casing and the borehole
wall (leading to mud channels in the cement). Additives are used to reduce cement
shrinkage and permeability during setting, and to accelerate setting times, to avoid gas
migration problems in the cement (Bonett and Pafitis, 1996).
Leakage along wells is considered the most likely route for injected fracturing fluids or
reservoir fluids to migrate into overlying strata (King, 2012). Both casing and cement
design need to account for any operational pressures and chemical environments that may
occur during well stimulation. If the design is not adequate, leakage can result. Leakage
along wells as a potential contamination pathway is described in Section 5.1.3.
2.2.2 Directional Drilling and Horizontal Wells
Directional drilling was initially developed in the late 1920s and 1930s (Gleason, 1934;
Kashikar, 2005). Directional drilling refers to well construction with at least one section
that has a curved axis. A horizontal well is a special case of a directional well in which the
well axis is curved by 90 degrees from the vertical followed by a straight horizontal
section, also referred to as a lateral. The technology required several improvements before
it started to be utilized the 1970s; its application became widespread by the 1990s
(Williams, 2004). By the end of 2012, 63% of wells drilled in the U.S. were horizontal,
11% were directional, and only 26% were vertical (Amer et al., 2013). Drilling Process and Drilling Muds
The operations discussed for vertical wells generally apply to the initial phases of drilling a
well that will include intentionally curved deeper sections. Directional drilling begins at a
kick-off point after the initial vertical section is drilled. One of the first methods developed
for establishing a deviation in direction used a mechanical device known as a whipstock,
which is a wedge-shaped tool placed in the bottom of the hole that forces the drill to
deviate from the vertical direction (Giacca, 2005). A major improvement in directional
drilling was the development of steerable systems that use a downhole motor, in which
the energy of the drilling fluid can be used to drive bit rotation. The steerable system
eliminates the need for a whipstock for directional or horizontal wells. In this system, the
direction of the drill bit is bent slightly relative to the drill string axis. Drilling by rotating
the drill string causes the bit to drill in a straight line aligned with the drill string. By
setting the drill string at a fixed angle and turning the bit through the energy of the drilling
mud flow, the angle between the bit and the drill pipe can be maintained. The bit is rotated
using the positive-displacement motor and drills ahead at the angle set by the position of
the drill string, which does not rotate, and slides behind the bit. This method creates a
somewhat tortuous borehole when drilling curved sections, making drilling more difficult,
as well as greater difficulty in formation evaluation and running casing (Williams, 2004).
The latest technology, called rotary steerable drilling, allows for continuous drill-string
rotation in curving and straight sections. Changes in direction are imposed by either a
point-the-bit system similar to the bent steerable system just discussed, or a push-the-bit
system in which pressure is applied by pushing against the borehole wall (Downton et
al., 2000). The key difference is that the rotary steerable system mechanics allow
continuous rotation of the drill string and produces much smoother and less tortuous
curved boreholes. The greatest advantage of a rotary steerable system is that continuous
rotation reduces the friction between the drill string and the formation, allowing better
transfer of weight to the bit. Sliding (i.e., no rotation) results in less weight on bit and
much slower drilling. Control of the drilling direction is done from the surface by sending
signals to steering actuators at the drill bit through a series of pressure pulses in the
drilling mud (Giacca, 2005), a process referred to as mud pulse telemetry (MPT)
(Downton et al., 2000).
In addition to development of improved directional control (inclination and azimuth)
and borehole quality, there has been the development of methods to measure the local
temperature and pressure conditions, as well as the orientation and motion of the drill
bit. This measurement technique is referred to as measurement while drilling (MWD),
and the information is transmitted to the surface using MPT (Downton et al., 2000; Amer
et al., 2013). Thus, the conditions and path of the drill bit is known in real time to help
control the drilling process. More recently, sophisticated technology to perform formation
evaluation measurements, such as resistivity, gamma ray, sonic, and magnetic resonance
measurements, have been integrated into the drilling process and may also be received in
real time through MPT (Amer et al., 2013). For drilling in shales, the inclination, azimuth,
and gamma ray activity are the most critical data. The information on borehole trajectory
and changes in the formation allow for geosteering, in which directional drilling is
actively controlled using real-time data to properly position the borehole relative to
the target formation.
The various drilling muds discussed for drilling of vertical wells are also used for directional
drilling. The demands of high-angle and horizontal drilling, and extensive drilling path
lengths through shales for unconventional reservoirs, result in greater use of oil-based
drilling muds. However, alternative water-based muds for these conditions are being
developed because of the greater environmental risks and costs associated with oil-based
muds. Success using water-based muds requires development of custom formulations
based on the specific reservoir rock and conditions to be encountered (Deville et al., 2011).
Directional wells can be drilled with long, medium, or short radius curves. The longer-radius
wells are typically used when the objective is extended horizontal reach (thousands of
meters), while medium and short radius wells are used when a shorter horizontal leg
(~1,000 m for medium radius and up to 300 m for short radius) is needed, and/or when
highly accurate placement is necessary (Giacca, 2005). Directional drilling also allows for
the construction of multilateral wells where a single vertical bore is used to kick off one or
more lateral legs from a cased hole (Fraija et al., 2002; Bosworth et al., 1998). The lateral
leg is initiated using a whipstock and a milling assembly to cut a well lateral from a cased
hole (Fraija et al., 2002; Bosworth et al., 1998). The advances in directional drilling
technology discussed here have also led to greater capabilities in terms of well depth and
lateral drilling distances. Horizontal wells have been drilled to lateral distances in excess
of 10 km (32,800 ft) (Sonowal et al., 2009). True vertical well depths up to about 7 km
(23,000 ft) have been achieved for horizontal wells with lateral reach up to about 3 km
(9,840 ft) (Agbaji, 2009; Bakke, 2012).
An acid preflush is sometimes used prior to injection of the pad. For instance, Halliburtons
(2014) fracture-fluid-composition disclosure indicates it is used in about half of their
specific formulations (DOE, 2009). The acid preflush may be needed to remove scale, help
clean drilling mud and casing cement from perforations, and to weaken the rock to help
initiate a fracture (King, 2010; Halliburton, 2014; DOE, 2009). Prior to injecting the acid,
corrosion inhibitor, at a level of 0.2 to 0.5% by mass, is added to the fluid to prevent acid
corrosion of steel components, such as the casing (DOE, 2009; King, 2010). The pre-flush
acid concentrations range from 7.5 to 15% HCl, and volumes range from 0.946 to 26.5
m3 (33.4 to 936 ft3 or 250 to 7,000 gallons) per stage (Halliburton, 2014) injected at a
relatively low rate below the fracture pressure.
In the following sections, aspects of hydraulic fracture geomechanics and the attributes
of hydraulic fracture fluids and proppants are presented. In addition, the alternative to
proppant use for carbonate reservoirs, called acid fracturing, is discussed further.
Following these discussions of the physical mechanisms and materials involved, various
engineering alternatives for completion and isolation of the stages and information on the
phases of the fracturing process are discussed.
2.3.1 Hydraulic Fracture Geomechanics, Fracture Geometry, and the Role of Natural
Fractures and Faults
Fluid pumped into deep underground rocks at sufficient pressure will cause the rock to
break or fracture. The technical description of conditions that result in such hydraulic
fractures is this: fractures are formed when fluid pressure exceeds the existing minimum
rock compressive stress by an amount that exceeds the tensile strength of the rock
(Thiercelin and Roegiers, 2000). The operator cannot easily control the orientation of the
hydraulic fractures. Rather, it is the stress conditions in the rock that will determine the
orientation. Rocks at depth experience different amounts of compression in different
directions. Because the compressive stress in rock often varies with direction, the hydraulic
fracture will preferentially push open against the least compressive stress for a rock with
the same strength in all directions (Economides et al., 2013). Therefore, the fracture
plane develops in the direction perpendicular to the minimum compressive stress, as
shown on Figure 2-6.
Figure 2-6. Fracture patterns for different orientations of the borehole relative to principal
compressive stresses: (a) fractures open in the direction of the minimum principal stress,
(b) effects of horizontal well alignment with maximum and minimum horizontal
principal stresses (Rahim et al., 2012)
If the compressive stress in the rock were the same in all directions (or nearly so), then
the orientation of the fracture would tend to be random. In addition to stress orientation,
rock strength varies and fracture geometry also depends on the variation in rock strength
in different directions.
Typically, conditions underground favor hydraulic fractures that are vertical. (Vertical
fractures result because most rocks at depth experience greater vertical stress than
horizontal stress.) Consequently, the question of the vertical fracture height growth is
important when considering the potential migration of fracture fluid or other reservoir
fluids out of the typically very low-permeability target oil reservoir. Thousands of
microseismic measurements have been conducted in the Barnett, Woodford, Marcellus,
and Eagle Ford shales to characterize hydraulic fractures. Fracture heights have been
investigated over a range of reservoir depths from 1,220 to 4,270 m (4,000 to 14,000
ft) deep, and found that the tallest fractures formed in deeper sections. However, typical
fracture heights are in the range of tens to hundreds of feet (Fisher and Warpinski, 2012).
The maximum recorded fracture height from these reservoirs and the Niobrara shale was
found to be 588 m (1,930 ft) (Davies et al., 2012) (see also Section The statistics
of fracture height from these measurements show that the probability of exceeding 350
m (1,150 ft) is about 1% (Davies et al., 2012). Fracture height is limited by a number
of mechanisms, including variability of in situ stress, material property contrasts, weak
interfaces between layers, and the volume of fracture fluid required to generate extremely
large fracture heights (Fisher and Warpinski, 2012). Finally, the minimum stress at shallow
depths (305 to 610 m or 1,000 to 2,000 ft) is typically in the vertical direction, which
contrasts with the typical minimum stress being horizontal at greater depth. This stress
condition favors a horizontal fracture orientation, which tends to prevent vertical fracture
growth from deeper into shallower depths (Fisher and Warpinski, 2012). Interaction of
hydraulic fracture fluids with faults may also affect fracture height growth. Simulations
of hydraulic-fracturing-induced fault reactivation were conducted by Rutqvist et al.
(2013), who found fault rupture lengths to be less than 100 m (328 ft). Consequently,
in general fault reactivation does not create permeable pathways far beyond the target
reservoir (Flewelling et al., 2013). A fracture design that incorporates these factors into
the selection of operational variables (pressure, injection rate, fluid type, etc.) for the
hydraulic fracture means that fracture height is controllable to a reasonable degree.
Hydraulic fracture development is also affected by neighboring wells, which may undergo
hydraulic fracture treatment at the same or at different times. This typically involves
multiple parallel horizontal wells that are separated by 457 m (1,500 ft) or less (King,
2010). The fracturing can be carried out simultaneously or in sequence. The idea is to
use the change in stress created by neighboring wells and stimulation treatments to alter
fracturing directions and increase complexity in the fractures created. Differences in the
effects of simultaneous and sequential fracturing are not large (King, 2010).
Fracture geometry also depends on other factors not related to rock mechanics per se, in
particular on the magnitude of the stimulation pressure and the fracturing fluid viscosity.
These are discussed in Section 2.3.2, where fracture fluids and operations are presented.
2.3.2 Hydraulic Fracture Fluids and their Effects on Fracture Geometry
The design of a hydraulic fracture requires specification of the type of hydraulic fracture
fluid. While there are many additives used in hydraulic fracture fluids, most of these are
used to mitigate adverse chemical and biological processes. The main property of hydraulic
fracturing fluids that influence the mechanics of fracture generation is the viscosity.1 Both
laboratory and field data indicate that low-viscosity fracture fluids tend to create complex
fractures with large fracture-matrix area and narrow fracture aperturesas compared
with higher viscosity fracture fluids, which tend to create simpler fractures with low
fracture-matrix area and wide fracture apertures (Cipolla et al., 2010).
The lowest viscosity fracturing fluid is slickwater, which contains a friction-reducing
additive (typically polyacrylamide) and has a viscosity on the order of 0.004 Pa-s (4 cp
or 8.36 x 10-5 lbf-s/ft2) (about 4 times that of pure water) (Kostenuk and Browne, 2010).
Gelled fracture fluids generally use guar gum or cellulose polymers to increase viscosity
(King, 2012). Further increases in viscosity can be achieved by adding a cross-linking
Viscosity is a fluid property that quantifies resistance to fluid flow. It takes little effort to stir a cup of water
(viscosity ~ 1 centipoise (cp)), noticeably more effort to stir a cup of olive oil (viscosity ~ 100 cp), and significantly
more effort to stir a cup of honey (viscosity ~ 10,000 cp).
agent to the gel that is typically a metal ion, such as in boric acid or zirconium chelates
(Lei and Clark, 2004). The cross-linking binds the gels polymer molecules into larger
molecules and that causes an increase in the solution viscosity. Linear gels have viscosities
about 10 times that of slickwater, and cross-linked gels have viscosities that are on the
order of 100 to 1000 times larger (Montgomery, 2013). Fracture fluids energized using
nitrogen and surfactant with linear gels (to create foams) lead to increased viscosity of the
energized fluid over the linear gel, and the viscosity of energized cross-linked gels increase
by factors of 3 to 10 over those not using a cross-linking agent (Ribeiro and Sharma, 2012;
Harris and Heath, 1996). The type of fracture fluid also affects the ability to emplace
proppant (see Section 2.3.3). In particular, cross-linked gels are better for transporting
proppant than slickwater (Lebas et al., 2013). The effective viscosity is also influenced
by the proppant concentration (Montgomery, 2013).
In general fracture length and fracture-network complexity decrease as the viscosity of the
fracturing fluid increases as illustrated on Figure 2-7 (Cipolla, Warpinski, and Mayerhofer,
2010; Rickman, Mullen, Petre, Grieser, and Kundert, 2008). Fracture lengths also increase
with the volume of injected fracture fluid. Flewelling et al. (2013) found that fracture
length could be represented as approximately proportional to fracture height with a
proportionality factor that ranged from 0.5 to 1. Fracture apertures (or widths) are on the
order of a few tenths of an inch (Barree et al., 2005; Bazan, Lattibeaudiere, and Palisch,
2012) and tend to increase with viscosity, rate, and volume of the fluid injected
(Economides et al., 2013).
The type of fluid used depends on the properties of the reservoir rock, specifically the rock
permeability and brittleness (Cipolla et al., 2010; Rickman et al., 2008). Formations with
higher intrinsic permeability (but still low enough to warrant hydraulic fracturing) are
generally stimulated using a higher-viscosity fracture fluid to create a simpler and wider
fracture (Cipolla et al., 2010). The rationale for this selection is that the fracture is needed
mainly to help move the fluids as they converge closer to the well, but are able to flow
adequately to the fracture farther out in the formation. As reservoir permeability decreases,
the resistance to fluid movement through the unfractured portion of the formation increases.
Therefore, a denser fracture pattern (narrower spacing between the fractures) is needed
to minimize the distance that reservoir fluids must flow in the rock matrix to enter the
hydraulically induced fractures (Economides et al., 2013). This leads to the use of
lower-viscosity fracturing fluids to create more dense (and complex) fracture networks.
The choice of fracture fluid also depends on rock brittleness (Rickman et al., 2008).
Wider fracture apertures are needed as rock brittleness decreases (or as ductility
increases) because of the greater difficulty maintaining fracture permeability after
pressure is withdrawn (Rickman et al., 2008). Therefore, rock permeability and brittleness
both influence the choice of fracturing fluid. Stimulation of natural fractures is also
thought to be critical for effective hydraulic fracture treatment in very low permeability
shales (Warpinski, Mayerhofer, Vincent, Cippola, and Lolon, 2009; Cramer, 2008; Fisher
et al., 2005). Although these characteristics may lead to conflicting requirements for the
fracturing fluid, permeability is often found to be lower in brittle rocks and higher in
ductile rocks (Economides et al., 2013), and natural fractures are usually more prevalent
in brittle rock as compared to ductile rock. Natural fractures in shales can be sealed by
secondary minerals. Such fractures do not have much influence on the natural
permeability, although in some cases can preferentially reactivate during hydraulic
fracturing (Gale and Holder, 2010).
The general trends in fracture fluid types, fluid volumes used, and fracture complexity
as a function of rock properties are shown in Figure 2-8. This figure shows that hydraulic
fracturing in ductile, relatively higher permeability reservoir rock having low natural
fracture density tends to receive a hydraulic fracture treatment using a viscous cross-linked
gel with a relatively low volume of fluid injected but a large concentration and total mass
of proppant. The fracture response in this case tends to produce a simple single fracture
from the well into the rock that has a relatively large aperture filled with proppant. As
rock brittleness and degree of natural fracturing increase, and as permeability decreases,
hydraulic fracturing treatments tend to use a higher-volume, lower viscosity fracture fluid
that carries less proppant. The response of the rock to this fracture treatment is to create
more complex fracture networks in which the fractures have relatively narrower apertures
and a more asymmetric cross-section in the vertical direction as a result of limited
proppant penetration. In short, ductile and more permeable rocks usually receive gel
fracture treatments while more brittle, lower permeability rocks with existing fractures
are more amenable to slickwater fracturing.
Figure 2-8. General trends in rock characteristics, hydraulic fracture treatment applied,
and hydraulic fracture response (modified from Rickman et al. (2008)).
Fracture fluids may contain several other additives in addition to those already identified.
These include biocides, corrosion inhibitors, clay stabilizers, and polymer breakers
(Kaufman et al., 2008). Example concentrations for slickwater and gelled fracture fluids
are given in 2- 9.
A summary of the various types of additives is given in Table 2-1. In some cases, acids
are injected as a separate pre-flush before injection of the hydraulic fracture pad in order
to clean out the casing perforations, help clean out the pores near the well, and dissolve
minerals, to aid in initiating fractures in the rock (DOE, 2009). More detailed descriptions
of the chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing fluids are given in Section
Recycling of fracture fluid is one way to reduce the amount of water required for hydraulic
fracturing. The principal issue involved is that recycled fracturing fluid develops high
concentrations of dissolved salts that become highly saline brines. One approach has been
the development of more salt-tolerant additives, such as polymers used for slickwater
friction reducers (Paktinat et al., 2011). Other processes are also being developed to aid
in the reuse of fracturing fluids (Ely et al., 2011).
Additive Type
Description of Purpose
Examples of Chemicals
Bactericide / Biocide
/ Antibacterial Agent
Gluteraldehyde; 2,2-dibromo-3nitrilopropionamide
Buffer / pH Adjusting
Sodium or potassium
carbonate; acetic acid
Clay Stabilizer /
Control /KCl
Corrosion Inhibitor
(including Oxygen
Friction Reducer
Gelling Agent
Iron Control
Citric acid
Scale Inhibitor
Methanol; isopropanol;
ethoxylated alcohol
Alternative fracture fluids are also under investigation. Some of the purposes of alternative
fluids are to reduce water use and to reduce formation-damage effects sometimes caused
by aqueous fracture fluids and by additives such as gels. These alternatives include
supercritical2 CO2 and supercritical CO2-nitrogen mixtures, CO2 foam, nitrogen, liquid
propane (LPG), and explosive propellant systems (EPS) (Rogala et al., 2013). These
systems generally eliminate or greatly reduce the amount of water involved in fracturing,
with attendant benefits according to Rogala et al. (2013) of elimination or reduction of
Formation-damage effects associated with water sensitivity;
Formation damage associated with water and chemical (particularly gels)
remaining in the reservoir;
Chemical additives and their environmental effects; and
Flowback waste water disposal.
Despite the advantages from a water perspective, there are several disadvantages
according to Rogala et al. (2013), including,
Transport and handling of pressurized CO2 with potential for leakage into
the atmosphere;
Relative difficulty to transport proppant in the fracture, particularly for nitrogen;
Added problems working with surface pressures/increased injection pressures
for CO2, nitrogen, foams and LPG;
Risk of explosion with LPG;
Greater cost except for EPS; and
Lower fracture lengths for EPS (10 to 50 m).
2.3.3 Proppants
After injecting the hydraulic fracture pad, the proppant is injected in with the hydraulic
fracture fluid. As mentioned, proppants are a solid granular material, such as sand, that
act to keep the fractures from closing after hydraulic fracture fluid pressure is released.
Proppant size and size distribution are key factors affecting the permeability of
proppant-filled fractures. Larger, more uniformly sized proppants result in the greatest
permeability. Proppant grain sizes generally lie in the range of 10-4 to 2 x 10-3 m
(3.28 x 10-4 to 6.56 x 10-3 ft) in diameter (Horiba Scientific, 2014).
Supercritical CO2 exists when the temperature and pressure are above the critical temperature (31 C, 88 F)
and critical pressure (7.4 MPa, 1070 psi). Supercritical CO2 is a fluid that has properties between those of a
gas and a liquid.
In addition to these characteristics, the transportability and strength of the proppant also
affect the ultimate fracture permeability. The ability of the proppant to be transported by
a given fracture fluid depends in part on the proppant size and density. Greater
transportability is desirable because it allows for delivery of proppant deep into the
formation fractures. Proppants that are smaller and have a lower density are more easily
transported (Economides et al., 2013).
Proppant strength is also important. If the closure stress of the fracture exceeds the
compressive strength of the proppant, the proppant grains will be crushed. This reduces
the effective proppant size and thus the permeability of the fracture.
The most common proppant is natural sand that has been sieved to a uniform size class
(Beckwith, 2011). A number of alternative synthetic proppants have been used as well,
including sintered bauxite and ceramics. Ceramic and bauxite proppants can be
manufactured to have different mass densities and compressive strengths, and the size
and shape can be tightly controlled to produce highly uniform grains (Lyle, 2011).
Various types of resin coatings have also been used with all types of proppants, including
sand (Beckwith, 2011). Resin coatings can be pre-cured or curable on the fly. Pre-cured
resin coatings are used to improve proppant strength and to prevent movement of broken
proppant fines. Cureable resin coatings are intended to bond proppant together after
placement to help prevent proppant flowback during the flowback phase of the fracturing
process and during hydrocarbon production (Beckwith, 2011).
The transport of proppant also impacts the choice of hydraulic fracture fluids.
Lower-viscosity fluids are not as capable of delivering proppants and generally are used
with lower proppant concentrations during the proppant-injection phase of the operations.
Higher proppant settling in lower viscosity fluids will tend to deposit proppant in the
lower parts of the fracture as compared with higher viscosity fluids (Cipolla et al., 2010).
This is indicated schematically on the right-hand side of Figure 2-8. Furthermore,
proppant delivery is more problematic in the more complex fracture networks created by
lower-viscosity fracture fluids. Therefore, lower-viscosity fracture fluids are sometimes
replaced after injection of the pad with high-viscosity fluids to more effectively deliver
proppant. The use of two or more different fracture fluids during the same fracturing
event is called a hybrid treatment. Slickwater fracture treatments may only deliver a
sparse amount of proppant, resulting in conductivity dominated by the unpropped fracture
conductivity (Cipolla et al., 2010). The success of such a treatment may hinge on other
factors such as the rock compressive stress varying with direction and the presence of
natural fractures being self-propped as a result of shearing of the fracture surfaces
(Cipolla et al., 2010).
2.3.4 Acid Fracturing
An alternative to the use of proppant to maintain fracture conductivity is to inject
hydrochloric acid under fracture pressures. This method is called acid fracturing and is
only applicable to strongly reactive carbonate reservoir rock types. The acid etches the
faces of the fracture surfaces. The presence of the etched channels allows fractures to
remain permeable even after the fracture-fluid pressure is removed and compressive rock
stress causes the fractures to close (Economides et al., 2013). Acid fracturing is sometimes
preferred in carbonate reservoirs because of the relatively high degree of natural fractures
generally present and the difficulties of placing proppant because of fluid leak-off into
the natural fracture system. Acid fractures generally result in relatively short fractures as
compared with fractures secured with proppant; therefore, it is generally more successful
in higher-permeability formations (Economides et al., 2013).
2.3.5 Completions and Multistage Hydraulic Fracturing
As mentioned, multistage hydraulic fracturing refers to the application of the hydraulic
fracturing process to multiple, hydraulically isolated intervals along the production interval
of the well. Fracturing of a wells entire production interval at once can result in an
uneven distribution of fractures. Slight variations in rock strength result in the fracturing
fluid flow focused on the weakest rock along the well. The multistage fracturing process
allows for greater control over where fractures are generated and produces a more
uniform distribution of fractures along the production interval.
The conduct of multistage hydraulic fracturing requires that the completion used in the
production interval is capable of stage isolation. The two most common completions used
for multistage hydraulic fracturing are cemented liner and uncemented liner (Snyder and
Seale, 2011). The cemented liner involves installation of the liner and cementing the
annulus following the process discussed in Section For the cemented liner, the
cement isolates the annulus between the liner and the rock for multistage hydraulic
fracturing. An uncemented liner is called an open-hole completion because of the open
annulus outside the liner. However, isolation along the annulus for multi-stage fracturing
can still be obtained through the use of a series of hydraulically set mechanical packers
that are attached to the outside of the liner (Snyder and Seale, 2011). McDaniel and
Rispler (2009) presents a discussion of a wider array of completion configurations for
horizontal wells stimulated by hydraulic fracturing.
Multistage stimulation starts at the far end of the production interval first. For blank
(unperforated) liners, openings in the liner for communication with the rock are generated
using a perforating gun. This device sets off a set of shaped charges. Each shaped charge
shoots a fast-moving jet of metal particles that makes a hole (perforation) that penetrates
the casing, casing cement, and a short distance (~ 0.4 to 0.9 m or 1.31 to 2.95 ft) into
the rock formation (Bell and Cuthill, 2008; Brady and Grace, 2013; Renpu, 2008). The
process of multistage hydraulic fracturing using a perforating gun, called plug and perf,
provides the greatest control on placement of fractures. Beginning at the far end of the
production interval where a set of perforations are opened, the fracture fluid (pad and
fracturing fluid/proppant mixture) is injected and fractures the rock. Then a bridge plug
is set that seals off the perforated and fractured segment from the remainder of the
production interval. The next set of perforations is then opened and fractured. This is
repeated along the entire production interval (Snyder and Seale, 2011). After all stages
have been fractured, the bridge plugs are drilled out to conduct flowback and oil production.
Perforation patterns are typically shot in clusters separated by 10.7 to 22.9 m (35 to 75 ft)
or more (King, 2010). Each cluster is 0.305 to 0.71 m (1 to 2 ft) in length with about 20
perforations per meter (6 perforations per foot). The idea of a cluster is to initiate one
main fracture from each cluster; the multiple perforations within a cluster help to find the
easiest fracture initiation point. With the narrow spacing between perforations in a cluster,
only one fracture will grow, because of the effects of the fracture on the local stress field
that tend to suppress any other fractures trying to emerge from the cluster (King, 2010).
For a typical stage interval of 61 or 91.4 m (200 or 300 ft), this results in about 4 to 7
clusters per stage. The plug and perf and sliding sleeve completions for a horizontal lateral
are shown in Figure 2-10.
Figure 2-10. Horizontal well completion. a) plug and perf ; b) sliding sleeve
(source: Allison (2012))
Open-hole completions can also be accomplished using a sliding-sleeve liner which has
pre-set ports that can be opened by size-specific actuator balls (Snyder and Seale, 2011).
Multistage fracturing is conducted by dropping a series of actuator balls for each fracturing
stage that simultaneously opens the pre-set ports in the uncemented liner and also seals
off the far end of the production interval. After performing the fracturing operation, the
next actuator ball is dropped and the next section is fractured. This is repeated along the
entire production interval (Snyder and Seale, 2011). The actuator balls, which act like
check valves, are recovered during the flowback phase after all stages have been fractured.
Even more complex sliding sleeve liners can be used in which each sliding sleeve can be
individually opened or closed from the surface through remote hydraulic actuators.
2.3.6 Fracturing Fluid Flowback
As mentioned, flowback is the fourth phase of a hydraulic fracturing operation. The
flowback rates are typically high, 0.00795 to 0.0159 m3/s, equivalent to 3 to 6 oil barrels
per minute (bbl/min) initially because of the high-pressure charge just delivered to the
reservoir. However, these rates typically decrease quickly to less than 0.00265 m3/s (1
bbl/min) after 24 hours, and to 0.0002 to 0.002 m3/s (100 to 1,000 bbl/day or 4,600 to
46,000 gallons/day) after 2 or 3 weeks (King, 2012).
Natural formation brines get mixed with the recovered fracturing fluid and affect the
composition of the flowback fluid. The natural formation waters of petroleum reservoirs
often contain high levels of dissolved solids, organic components from contact with in situ
hydrocarbons, and frequently higher levels of naturally occurring radioactive materials
(NORM). The concentrations of dissolved solids, organics, and radioactive materials
can be high because of dissolution of these constituents into the formation water during
prolonged contact with rock and hydrocarbon (Guerra, Dahm, and Dundorf, 2011;
Zielinski and Otton, 1999). These aspects are discussed in greater detail in Section
Very few well-documented cases of detailed flowback rates and composition have been
found. One of the more detailed analyses of flowback rates and composition that has
been identified is for the Marcellus shale in Pennsylvania, an unconventional gas resource
(Hayes, 2009). The flowback rate and total dissolved solids concentration for a particular
case are shown in Figure 2-11. The input fracturing-fluid total-dissolved-solids composition
ranges from 221 to 27,800 ppm, where higher levels may be due to recycling of fracturing
fluid. The rapid increase in total dissolved solids during flowback indicates that a
substantial amount of formation brine is mixing with fracturing fluid in the flowback
stream after a few days of flowback (Haluszczak, Rose, and Kump, 2013). Another
mechanism that can increase the salinity of the flowback is the dissolution of salt or
other minerals from the formation into the fracturing fluid (Blauch, Myers, Moore,
Lipinski, and Houston, 2009). See Section for further discussion.
Figure 2-11. Example of flowback rates and totals dissolved solids composition
from the Marcellus shale (source: Hayes, 2009).
2.3.7 Hydraulic Fracturing Process: Examples from the Bakken and Eagle Ford Plays
This discussion of the different phases of the hydraulic fracturing process will include
examples of fracturing conducted in the Bakken and Eagle Ford plays. These
unconventional reservoirs are considered analogous to shale reservoirs in Californias
Monterey Formation (described in detail in Section 4) because they compare favorably
in terms of total organic content, depth, porosity, and permeability. However, there are
significant differences in terms of depositional age, extent of natural fracturing, tendency
towards great thickness, multiple lithofacies, tectonic activity, and folding (Beckwith,
2013). Section 3 discusses differences between hydraulic fracturing operations as currently
implemented in California with hydraulic fracturing for unconventional shale reservoirs
such as the Bakken and Eagle Ford.
As mentioned, the Bakken play is located in the Williston Basin in North Dakota, Montana,
and Canada (Pearson et al., 2013). The upper and lower members of the Bakken are
shales that are source rocks for oil. The middle member is the most frequent production
target: It is a silty sandstone to silty dolomite, with permeability in the range of 0.1 md
(9.87 x 10-17 m2 or 1.06 x 10-15 ft2), and in North Dakota is found at depths of about 3,050
m (10,000 ft) (Pearson et al., 2013; Wiley, Barree, Eberhard, and Lantz, 2004). Production
wells in the Bakken shale are typically horizontal wells with long laterals ranging from
2,290 to 2,900 m (7,500 to 9,500 ft) and use open-hole (uncemented) blank or sliding
sleeve liners in the production interval (Pearson et al., 2013). A comparison of fracture
fluid volumes used within the middle Bakken member, shown in Table 2-2, found that
slickwater fracture operations used about three times more fluid per length of lateral
than wells using a hybrid method, and about four times more than wells employing a
cross-linked gel (Pearson et al., 2013). This is in accord with the relationship between
fracturing fluid type and volume shown on Figure 2-8.
Table 2-2. Variations in fluid volume and proppant use with treatment type
(Pearson et al., 2013)
Treatment type
Average number
of stages
Average stage
spacing (m (ft))
84.4 (277)
13.2 (25.3)
613 (412)
112.2 (368)
3.91 (7.5)
420 (282)
Cross-linked gel
103.3 (339)
3.44 (6.6)
570 (383)
The Eagle Ford play is composed of interbedded calcareous shale and calcisiltite (a rock
consisting of fine-grained calcareous detritus), and massive calcareous shale or mudstone
(Smith, 1981). The Eagle Ford play ranges in depth from 762 to 4,270 m (2,500 feet to
14,000 ft). Different parts of the play produce either oil and liquid-rich hydrocarbons or
mainly gas (Stegent et al., 2010). The permeability of the Eagle Ford ranges from 1 to 800
nanodarcies (nd, which is 10-9 darcies) (9.87 x 10-22 m2 to 7.9 x 10-19 m2 or 1.06 x 10-20
ft2 to 7.9 x 10-19 ft2). Production wells in the Eagle Ford more commonly used cemented
blank liners with plug and perf completions (Greenberg, 2012). In the example discussed
below, the horizontal well has a true vertical depth of 4,040 m (13,250 ft) with a
lateral length of 1,160 m (3,800 ft), and produces at a high liquid/gas ratio (Stegent
et al., 2010).
While acid preflush treatments have not been identified in examples from the Bakken
play, Stegent et al. (2010) reported the use of 19.1 m3 (674 ft3 or 5,040 gallons) of 15%
HCl for several Eagle Ford play horizontal wells prior to injecting fracture fluids for each
stage. Examples from the Bakken and Eagle Ford use pad volumes that are about 20% to
30% of the total fluid injected (Wiley et al., 2004; Stegent et al., 2010). In the case of the
Eagle Ford example, a hybrid fracture fluid scheme is used in which a linear gel alternating
with a cross-linked gel is used as the pad and a cross-linked gel is used to carry proppant
(Stegent et al., 2010). Furthermore, alternating injections of proppant-laden fluid with the
pad fluids are used to transition to a final period of extended proppant injection. Pearson
et al. (2013) report on the use of slickwater, cross-linked gel, and hybrid fracturing fluids
for the Bakken shale. Hlidek and Rieb (2011) indicate an increase in the use of linear gel
pad and a cross-linked gel for proppant injection.
The proppant injection stage constitutes the bulk of the remaining fluid injected for
hydraulic fracturing. The final stage ends with a 37.9 m3 (10,000 gallons) or less overflush
of fracture fluid without proppant to clear proppant from the well and perforations.
The entire injection profiles for the example cases from the Bakken and Eagle Ford plays
are shown in Figures 2-12 and 2-13, respectively.
Figure 2-12. Slickwater fluid and ceramic proppant injection profile for the Bakken Shale
example (a) Cumulative fluid injection and injection rate; (b) Cumulative proppant injected
and proppant concentration (taken from Pearson et al., 2013, Figure 14).
Figure 2-13. Hybrid fluid and sand proppant injection profile for the Eagle Ford Shale example
(a) Cumulative fluid injection and injection rate [fluid type initially a linear gel followed by
15% HCl and then by alternating pulses of x-link gel and linear gel, x-link used exclusively
from 95 minutes to the end]; (b) Cumulative proppant injected and proppant concentration
[proppant mesh size 30/50 initially until 124 minutes and then 20/40 until the end]
(Stegent et al., 2010). Note: about 60% of the 20/40 sand was a resin-coated proppant
(Stegent et al., 2010).
In the case of the Bakken example, there were up to 30 stages per well for a 2,900-m
(9,500-ft) lateral. For the Eagle Ford example, a 1,160-m (3,800-ft) lateral was treated
with 11 stages. Therefore, the total fluid usage per well for the Bakken in this example is
about 29,900 m3 (1.06 x 106 ft3 or 7.9 million gallons), as compared to about 12,500 m3
(441,000 ft3 or 3.3 million gallons) for the Eagle Ford case.
Based on the number of stages and lateral lengths, the average stage lengths in the two
examples were about the same, with a length of 97 m (318 ft) for the Bakken and 105 m
(344 ft) for the Eagle Ford. So the volume of fracturing fluid per well length is a bit higher
in the Eagle Ford example (10.9 m3/m or 881 gallons/ft [gpf]) than the Bakken example
(10.2 m3/m or 824 gpf). The higher fluid volume for the Eagle Ford as compared with the
Bakken is consistent with the trend in Figure 2-8 given the lower permeability in the Eagle
Ford. However, the much higher permeability in the Bakken than the Eagle Ford suggests
there should be a larger difference in fracturing fluid volume. The small difference in
fluid volume may result from the choice of fracture fluid not following the trend for
permeability in Figure 2-8. The lower permeability of the Eagle Ford suggests that
slickwater would be more likely to be used in that play and a gelled fracture fluid in the
Bakken instead of the reverse, as was actually done. It may be that the difference in
brittleness between the Bakken and Eagle Ford is a more important control on fluid
selection than is permeability. These examples suggest the trends in Figure 2-8 may only
be true on average, and that individual cases may deviate substantially.
After fracture fluid injection, the well is produced to remove the fracture fluids (but not
the proppant). The flowback fluids are initially similar to the injected fracture fluids but
gradually are displaced until aqueous-phase fluid compositions are controlled by the
aqueous phase present in the reservoir, typically a higher-salinity fluid. The amount of
fracture-fluid recovery varies considerably for different reservoirs and generally ranges
between 5% and 50% of the injected volume (King, 2012). However, many of the
fracture-fluid additives are not recovered because of sorption or are perhaps recovered
as products of chemical reactions that occur in the reservoir. Polymers, biocides, and
acids react and degrade under in situ reservoir conditions, and surfactants are adsorbed
on rock surfaces.
2.4 Matrix Acidizing
Matrix acidizing is the oldest well stimulation method, with the first matrix acidizing
treatment performed on carbonate formations near Lima, Ohio in 1895 (Kalfayan, 2008).
Matrix acidizing may be distinguished from acid fracturing discussed in Section 2.3.4, in
that the acid solution is injected below the parting pressure of the formation; therefore,
hydraulic fractures are not created by matrix acidizing (Kalfayan, 2008).
The modern application of matrix acidizing is split into two broad categories: carbonate
acidizing and sandstone acidizing. Hydrochloric acid (HCl) is very effective at dissolving
carbonate minerals. For that reason, carbonate acidizing utilizes concentrated HCl
injected into the formation to create wormholes that bypass formation damage around the
well. However, because wormholes can penetrate up to 6.1 m (20 ft) from the wellbore,
carbonate acidizing may also be used to stimulate carbonate formations that do not have
significant formation damage around the well (Economides et al., 2013).
Volumes injected generally range from 0.124 to 3.1 m3/m (10 to 250 gpf) of treated
interval (Kalfayan, 2008). Injection rates are also important because of the reaction-rate
kinetics, both for mineral dissolution and precipitation, the transport times for the acid
to penetrate the formation, and because the injection pressure needs to remain below the
fracture pressure (Economides et al., 2013). High-volume, high-rate treatments are
typically limited to high-permeability, high-quartz content sands and fractured rock,
including shales.
Sandstone acidizing is normally used only when formation damage near the well is
impeding flow into the well. This is because penetration of a sandstone acidizing treatment
into the formation is generally limited to about 0.3 m (1 foot). The maximum benefit of
enhancing permeability in this limited region around the well for an undamaged formation
is only about 20% (Economides at al., 2013). However, there is much less known about
sandstone acidizing in siliceous reservoirs with permeable natural fractures, such as in
some parts of the Monterey Formation (Kalfayan, 2008). In these circumstances, sandstone
acidizing may be able to penetrate and remove natural or drilling-induced blockage in
fractures deeper into the formation (Rowe et al., 2004; Patton, Pits, Goeres, and Hertfelder,
2003; Kalfayan, 2008). Kalfayan (2008) indicates that HCl/HF acidizing in naturally
fractured siliceous rock uses high volumes > 1.24 m3/m (> 100 gpf). However, both low
volume 0.248 m3/m (20 gal/ft) and higher volume 3.1 m3/m (250 gal/ft) HCl/HF
treatments in fractured Monterey reservoirs have been reported (Patton, et al., 2003;
Rowe et al., 2004).
The post-treatment flush displaces any live acid from the well and may be done with
diesel, ammonium chloride solutions, and HCl (Economides et al., 2013). The volume of
the post-flush should at least be sufficient to displace acid from the wellbore. After the
injection phases are completed, the well is typically flowed back to recover spent-acidreaction products to minimize damage caused by precipitation. Sandstone Acidizing Fluid Composition
Similar to hydraulic fracturing fluids, a number of additives are generally included in the
acid treatment fluids. In particular, corrosion inhibitors and iron control agents are always
used. Corrosion inhibitors are needed to protect steel components in the well, such as the
casing and tubing. Iron control agents react with dissolved iron and other dissolved
metals to limit solids precipitation. Surfactants and mutual solvents are also often used,
but not in all cases. Surfactants are needed to enhance the removal of spent acid during
the backflow and to leave the formation in a water-wet condition (meaning water
adheres to the rock more strongly than oil). Mutual solvents have been found to be useful
in helping remove corrosion inhibitors that tend to adsorb onto rock and leave it in an
oil-wet condition (meaning oil adheres to the rock more strongly than oil, which reduces
oil production). Table 2-5 gives further information on these and other additives that are
used in some cases.
Additive type
Description of purpose
Examples of chemicals
phase used
Typical concentration
corrosion inhibitor
cationic polymers
all injection
0.1 2%
inhibit precipitation of
iron, prevention of sludge
acid (EDTA), erythorbic acid,
nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA),
citric acid
EDTA: 30-60*
erythorbic acid: 10100* NTA: 25-350*
citric acid: 25-200*
mutual solvent
antisludging agent
prevents formation of
sludge from acid and high
asphaltenic oils
clay stabilizer
Polyquaternary amines,
prevent migration of
non-clay fines
all phases
calcium carbonate
/ calcium sulfate
scale inhibitor
prevent formation of
calcium scale
phosphonates, sulfonates,
friction reducer
all injection
acetic acid
reduce precipitation of
acetic acid
HCl/HF phase
3% Diversion
Placement of acid is an important element for effective sandstone acidizing. This is
because the acid tends to flow into formation pathways that are most permeable. This is
problematic, because acidizing treatments are generally intended to contact and improve
the permeability of zones that are plugged and have a low permeability. Therefore,
methods to divert acidizing treatments away from permeable zones and into the
low-permeability zones are needed (Economides et al., 2013).
The main diversion methods are mechanical, including packer systems, ball sealants,
and coiled tubing, and chemical, including particulate diverters, foams, and gels. Direct
mechanical diversion is provided by packers which isolate the zones where the acid contacts
the formation. Packers are an effective but somewhat resource-intensive diversion method.
Ball sealers are also a mechanical diversion method that injects 0.0159 to 0.0318
m (0.0512 to 0.104 ft) diameter balls made of nylon, hard rubber, or bio-degradable
materials such as collagen, into the well (Kalfayan, 2008). The balls seat on and seal
perforations, preferentially closing perforations that are taking most of the flow, thereby
diverting flow to other perforations (Samuel and Sengul, 2003). The method requires high
pumping rates and perforations that are in good condition to be effective. Coiled tubing
is another mechanical diversion method. Coiled tubing is any continuously-milled tubular
product manufactured in lengths that require spooling onto a take-up reel and have
diameters ranging from 0.0191 to 0.102 m (0.0625 to 0.333 ft) (ICoTA, 2014). The
tubing is sent down the well to the location where treatment is desired, and the treatment
fluids are pumped through the tubing. The method is effective at delivering fluids at
locations needed, but can result in pump-rate limitations because of the small tubing
diameter, and the tubing can be damaged by acid corrosion causing leaks and tubing
failure (Kalfayan, 2008).
Particulate diverters are a chemical diversion technique that uses benzoic acid, which
precipitates into flakes or fines when the acid solution mixes with formation waters at
reservoir conditions. The particulates then plug off the more actively flowing zones, and
the acid treatment is diverted to locations where less of the diverting agent has been
deposited. Gels and foams are viscous diversion treatments that reduce flow into higher
permeability zones by the establishment of a bank of higher viscosity fluid in the region.
Gels are more reliable, but can lead to problems if they cannot be subsequently broken
and/or removed after the acidizing treatment (Kalfayan, 2008).
A final method that is applicable for high-rate injection schemes is known as maximum
pressure differential and injection rate (MAPDIR) (Paccaloni, 1995). A similar approach is
also used for carbonate acidizing (Economides et al., 2013). This method pumps the acid
treatments at the highest rate possible without exceeding the formation fracture pressure.
One of the advantages of this method is that diverting agents may not be needed. The
method is useful for treating long, damaged, naturally fractured intervals.
2.5 Main Findings
The main findings of this section that are used in subsequent sections that evaluate
hydraulic fracturing in California are the following:
(1) The design of a hydraulic fracture is a function of the reservoirs flow and mechanical
characteristics. Reservoirs that are more permeable (within the permeability range where
well stimulation is needed) and ductile tend to require less intensive fracturing. This leads
to the use of a more viscous gelled fracturing fluid and a relatively smaller fracture fluid
volume. Gelled fluids typically have more types and a higher total mass of chemical
additives than slickwater. Reservoirs that have relatively low permeability and are brittle
tend to require more intensive fracturing. This leads to the use of a less viscous slickwater
fluid and a relatively larger fluid volume injected.
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