Additives in Acidizing Fluids
Additives in Acidizing Fluids
Additives in Acidizing Fluids
15-1. Introduction and their interactions with fluids. Clay minerals are
important because of their large surface area and
Proper fluid selection is critical to the success of because the surface carries an electrical charge.
a matrix treatment. Figure 15-1 shows the types of Although relatively minor, some surface charge
damage that may occur and what types of treatment results from ionic substitution and structural imper-
would be required. The treatment may be a failure if fections. For instance, the substitution of Al3+ for
the proper additives are not used. The treating fluid Si4+ in tetrahedral sheets or Mg2+ or Fe2+ for Al3+ in
is designed to effectively remove or bypass the dam- octahedral sheets is the origin of negative charges in
age, whereas additives are used to prevent excessive the lattice of smectites. These are unaltered by
corrosion, prevent sludging and emulsions, prevent changes in the solutions that contact them.
iron precipitation, improve cleanup, improve cover- Silicon and aluminum oxides, the principle ingre-
age of the zone and prevent precipitation of reaction dients of sandstone and clays, exhibit amphoteric
products. Additives are also used in preflushes and behavior. Therefore, the surface charges of these
overflushes to stabilize clays and disperse paraffins minerals depend on the pH of the solutions in con-
and asphaltenes. The functions of some of the addi- tact with them. The surface charge changes from
tives are discussed briefly in this chapter. positive to negative as the pH increases. The point
Throughout this chapter references are made at which the surface charge is neutral is known as
to the interactions of additives with the formation. the point of zero charge (pzc). Table 15-1 provides
Schechter (1992) provided an excellent discussion the approximate values of the pzc for several com-
of the chemical properties of formation materials mon minerals.
Types of damage
Emulsions Wettability change Water block Scales Organic deposits Mixed organic/ Silts and clays
Mutual solvent ± Mutual solvent ± Aromatic solvents inorganic deposits Depend on
de-emulsifier water-wetting Carbonates Solvent in acid mineralogy
surfactant CaCO3 dispersion
High temperature (>250°F): Aqueous acetic acid
Low temperature (<250°F): HCl
FeCO3 – HCl + reducing/sequestering agents
Fe scales
Low to medium temperature (≤250°F) High temperature (>250°F) FeS – HCl + reducing + sequestering
Acid + solvent Nonaqueous acetic acid Fe2O3 – HCl + EDTA
Acid + surfactant FeCO3 – HCl + reducing/sequestering
NaCl – H2O, 1%–3% HCl
Mg(OH)2 – HCl
Ca(OH)2 – HCl
Thus, the way in which additives interact with the on the metal surfaces, along with the reduction of
reservoir actually depends on the pH. Under the con- hydrogen ions and formation of hydrogen at the
ditions normally associated with the matrix acidiza- cathodic sites.
tion of sandstones, the pH of the acid is less than the The equations for an anodic reaction (oxidation):
pzc of the reservoir constituents, which causes the
formation materials to behave as positively charged. Fe → Fe2+ + 2e–
It is important to keep this concept in mind. metallic iron ionic iron electrons
and a cathodic reaction (reduction):
– react with hydrogen sulfide (H2S) through the Organic 0.6 200 24
iron sulfide that may be present to form an insol- 1.0 250 10
uble precipitate such as arsenic sulfide 2.0 300 2
– poison refinery catalysts (such as platinum) Inorganic 0.4 200 24
– may liberate toxic arsine gas as a corrosion by- 1.2 250 24
product 2.0 300 12
– are difficult to mix and unsafe to handle. † Time required for 15% HCl to remove 0.05 lbm/ft2 of exposed metal area
• Organic corrosion inhibitors
Organic corrosion inhibitors are composed of polar
organic compounds capable of adsorbing onto the 15-2.7. Compatibility with other additives
metal surface, thereby establishing a protective film
that acts as a barrier between the metal and the acid Any additive that alters the tendency of the corrosion
solution. They usually serve as a cathodic polarizer inhibitor to adsorb will also change its effectiveness.
by limiting hydrogen ion mobility at cathodic sites. For example, surfactants added to acid for various
Organic inhibitors are composed of rather complex purposes may form micelles that solubilize the
compounds, with one or more polar groups made inhibitor, thereby decreasing the tendency for the
of sulfur, oxygen or nitrogen. inhibitor to adsorb on the metal surface. Inorganic
Some advantages of organic inhibitors are that salts and mutual solvents can also interfere with
they inhibitor adsorption. If possible, additives that reduce
• pressure
• presence of other additives such as surfactants.
Nonionic surfactants obtain their water solubility • Surface and interfacial tensions
by attaching the long hydrocarbon chain to a highly Rosen (1989) presented a good discussion of how
soluble molecule such as polyhydric alcohol or by surface and interfacial tensions are reduced by sur-
reacting it with ethylene oxide. Most of the com- factants. Figure 15-6 is a simplified diagram of the
pounds in this classification are esters, ethers and interface between two condensed phases. A mole-
ether-esters. The lipophilic group may be derived cule in the bulk of a liquid is surrounded by mole-
from natural oils and fats, petroleum oils or synthe- cules like itself and the forces are balanced. At the
sized hydrocarbons. The hydrophilic group is usually interface, however, the forces acting on the mole-
a polyhydric alcohol or an alkyd oxide polymer. cules in the two liquids are different from the
These surfactants are used as nonemulsifiers and forces acting on the molecules in the bulk liquids.
foaming agents. The terms Aaa and Abb in Fig. 15-6 represent the
interaction energy between molecules at the inter-
face and similar molecules in the bulk of the liquid
15-3.4. Amphoteric surfactants whereas Aab represents the interaction energy
Amphoteric surfactants have a hydrophilic group between dissimilar molecules at the interface.
that changes from cationic to nonionic to anionic The increase in potential energy of the mole-
with increasing pH. In other words, if the solution is cules at the interface compared with that of the
acidic, the amphoteric surfactant acts like a cationic molecules in the bulk liquid is simply Aaa – Aab
surfactant; if the solution is neutral, it acts like a and Abb – Aab. Therefore, the total increase in
nonionic surfactant; and if the solution is basic, it
acts like an anionic surfactant. These properties are Aaa Aab
derived from the two groups of opposite charge on
the surfactant head. The amphoterics are usually
either amine sulfonates or amine phosphates. The Liquid a
general formulas are as follows:
Amine sulfonates RNH—(CH2)xSO3H
Amine phosphates RNH—(CH2)yOPO3H Liquid b
Silicate particle
Oil-wet Water-wet
Lamellar micelle
• Micelle formation
15-3.7. Applications and types of surfactants
Surfactants can form micelles in liquids when pre- In recent years, the uses of surfactants have grown
sent above a specific concentration for each mole- quickly. This unique class of chemicals has found
cule, solvent and temperature. This concentration application in almost all phases of acidizing. A com-
is referred to as the critical micelle concentration prehensive review is beyond the scope of this chap-
(CMC). Below the CMC, many properties of the ter. However, a brief review follows.
system are concentration dependent. Some of these • De-emulsifiers
properties are surface tension, interfacial tension,
A de-emulsifier is used to break oil-water emul-
foam stability and emulsion tendencies. Figure
sions, which occur commonly. The action of a de-
15-9 shows examples of surfactant micelles.
emulsifier depends on how quickly it can concen-
• Dispersibility trate at the oil/water interface. The faster the con-
To separate a highly associated structure (e.g., centration at the interface, the more rapid will be
a sludge) into its particulate elements usually the rate of emulsion breaking. These surfactants
requires energy. If the dispersed phase is not in are usually oil-soluble chemicals that are blended
intimate contact with the continuous liquid phase, with other de-emulsifying surfactants to achieve a
then the energy transfer will not be very efficient. synergistic response.
A wetting surfactant that wets the dispersed phase • Nonemulsifiers
with the liquid phase greatly improves the dis-
These surfactants are added to well treating or
persibility. This is one aspect of aiding dispersion.
workover fluids to prevent emulsions. Chemical
15-5. Mutual solvents
Mutual solvents, as the name implies, are chemicals
R´NH2 that are mutually soluble in both hydrocarbons and
water. The most efficient mutual solvents are glycol
where R and R´ are hydrolyzable organic groups. ethers, a reaction product of alcohols and ethylene
As an additive to acid, organosilane hydrolyzes oxide. These chemicals are relatively safe and easy to
to form silanols, which have the following structure: use in the field. The preferred glycol ethers contain at
OH least a butyl or higher molecular weight group.
The use of mutual solvents in the acid stimulation
HO—Si—OH of a sandstone reservoir is a common practice.
Mutual solvents are used in acid solutions and over-
R´NH2 flushes to
The silanols react with each other and with silanol • aid in reducing water saturation around the well-
(Si–OH) sites present on siliceous mineral surfaces to bore by lowering the surface tension of the water
form covalent siloxane (Si–O–Si) bonds by a conden- to prevent water blocks
sation/polymerization reaction mechanism. The reac- • solubilize a portion of the water into a hydrocar-
tion of the silanols with one another and with the bon phase to reduce the water saturation
silanol sites on siliceous mineral surfaces forms a non- • aid in providing a water-wet formation to maintain
oil-wetting polysiloxane coating on siliceous mineral the best relative permeability to oil
surfaces. The length of the polysiloxane chain formed
by the hydrolysis of the organosilane, and the subse- • help to prevent insoluble fines from becoming oil-
quent condensation/polymerization of silanols, is not wet and stabilizing emulsions
known but is believed to be short. Acid, which cat- • help to maintain the required concentration of sur-
alyzes the initial hydrolysis of the organosilane, also factants and inhibitors in solution by reducing
retards the growth of polymer chains. adsorption of these materials
The mechanism by which the polysiloxane coating • help to dissolve both the adsorbed inhibitor and
stabilizes fines is different from the ion-exchange acid-insoluble residue (certain acid corrosion
mechanism by which other clay stabilizers work. inhibitors contain acid-insoluble residues that can
However, it is similar to the coating process pro- cause formation plugging and inhibitor adsorption
posed for fluoboric acid (Boyer and Wu, 1983). The on formation minerals and change the wettability)
polysiloxane coating binds clay and other siliceous • dissolve any oil on the formation pore surface
fines in place through covalent siloxane bonds. The
Citric acid–acetic acid Very effective at lower temperatures Even for the indicated amount, calcium Citric: 50
mixture citrate precipitates unless at least 2000-ppm Acetic: 87
Fe3+ is present in spent acid.
Lactic acid Little chance of calcium lactate Not very effective at temperatures above 190
precipitation if excessive quantities 100°F [40°C] (at 75°F [25°C])
are used
Acetic acid No problem from possible precipitation Effective only at temperatures at about 150°F 435
as calcium acetate
Gluconic acid Little chance of calcium gluconate Effective only at temperatures up to 150°F 350
Expensive on a cost-performance basis
Tetrasodium salt Large quantities may be used without More expensive to use than many other agents 296
of EDTA precipitation of calcium salt.
The major disadvantages of using alcohol in acid- However, in an alcoholic solution of HCl, a
izing fluids are as follows: reaction takes place that results in the formation
of the following organic chlorides:
• Effective concentration
CH3OH + HCl → CH3Cl + H2O
It takes a large amount of alcohol, 20% or more, to
methanol hydro- methyl
provide beneficial effects.
chloric acid chloride
• Cost
Replacing water with alcohol in the acidizing solu- isopropanol hydro- isopropyl
tion makes the treatment more expensive. chloric chloride