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DOI: 10.5958/2319-5886.2015.00034.

International Journal of Medical Research

Health Sciences

Volume 4 Issue 1
Received: 12 Nov 2014
Review article

Copyright @2014
ISSN: 2319-5886
Revised: 20 Dec 2014
Accepted: 28th Dec 2014


*Arun Tyagi1, Sharad Garudkar2, Gagare AG2, Amit Thopte3

Professor, 2Assistant Professor, 3Resident, Department of Medicine, Padmashree Dr. Vithalrao Vikhe Patil
Foundations Medical College and Hospital, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India
*Corresponding author email: aruntyagidr@gmail.com
Uncertainty is inherent to the medical profession. Medical profession incorporates science and the scientific
method with the art of being a physician. Every decision a clinician makes has some degree of uncertainty in it.
There are several factors which result in medical uncertainty during clinical practice, and this could arise from
physicians as well as patient factors, from test and treatment characteristics and practice environment. The
inability to come at a conclusion, despite a thorough and reasonable evaluation generates anxiety amongst patients
and physicians and the relationship between them may become strained and unproductive. Personal tolerance to
ambiguity and uncertainty also plays a significant role in medical students when it comes to career choice.
Medical Uncertainty may be technical, personal or conceptual. In the era of information overload and evidence
based medicine where guidelines, protocols and algorithms are available for every symptom complex and
disease, one would expect medical uncertainty to be less if not totally eliminated but that is actually not the case.
In fact, the protocols also threaten to depersonalize the relationship between the doctor and the patient. This
article reviews the underlying mechanisms, causes and effects of medical uncertainty and also some methods to
reduce uncertainty in todays clinical practice.
Keywords: Medical uncertainty, Evidence based medicine
People prefer certainty in their lives and like to avoid
risk and uncertainty. Everyone expects that
professional people, including doctors, will give clear
and unequivocal advice. However, medical science is
far from exact. Virtually every decision a clinician
makes has some degree of uncertainty in it. It is this
uncertainty that makes the medicine a science and an
art1. Medicine is a profession that incorporates
science and the scientific method with the art of being
a physician2. The medical schools and colleges teach
the science of medicine, but what the clinician
practices is the art of medicine. Hippocrates3
commented, Life is short, The Art long....experience
fallacious and judgment difficult. The only certainty

in medicine is uncertainty and the appropriate

response to uncertainty is Hippocratic humility.
The medical education traditionally revolves around
the art of meticulous history taking, critically
analyzing the signs and symptoms and organizing the
patients problems in a known category of disease.
Clinicianstry to come to a perfect diagnosis and are
disappointed when their approach fails to provide a
clear diagnosis despite availability of latest
investigations and evidence based medicine. All
clinicians soon come to realize that uncertainty
surrounds every aspect of medicine, from history
taking, interpreting the physical signs, selecting an
investigative procedure, sorting out the probabilities

Tyagi et al.,

Int J Med Res Health Sci. 2015;4(1):208-213

in the differential diagnosis and assessing the

outcome of a disorder.
In a study, it was observed that physicians used
expressions of uncertainty in 71% of the time6.
However; they may be oblivious of their uncertainty.
Different terms like intolerance to ambiguity, risk
averse and vagueness have been used in literature to
describe uncertainty in medical professionals7.
Budner8 introduced the term, intolerance of
ambiguity, as the tendency to perceive ambiguous
situation as sources of threat. Personal tolerance to
ambiguity and uncertainty also plays a significant
role in medical students when it comes to career
choice. Amongst medical students there is a higher
intolerance of uncertainty in students who ultimately
choose Anesthesia, Surgery, and Radiology as future
residency options as compared to medical students
who choose to go to Internal Medicine and
Types of medical uncertainty:
Three kinds of uncertainties have been identified10:
1) Technical uncertainty which occurs from
inadequate scientific data,
2) Personal uncertainty which arises from being
unaware of the patients wishes; the patient and
physicians personal preference and bias and
3) Conceptual uncertainty which arises from an
inability of applying abstract criteria to concrete
situations. While one could address the issue of
technical and personal uncertainty with more
experience and effort, the problem of conceptual
uncertainty is likely to continue, since this
indecisiveness or uncertainty is almost part of the
doctors personality.
Medical uncertainty in clinical practice: Human
illnesses usually involve an abnormality of a complex
biological system. The clinical expression of an
illness involves the multi dimension interactions of
the abnormalities of various self-regulated
physiological mechanisms with the patients
environment. This is further complicated by the
patients and physicians variability in expression and
understanding of the problem. Variation in physician
practice styles and organization characteristics(sites
of medical care)are also linked to uncertainty11.
Uncertainty arises when the physician must weigh
probabilities. Patients' low tolerance for uncertainty
presents an additional burden and a challenge for the

clinician12, 13. Most clinicians respond to resolving

uncertainty by action, and studies have revealed that
this behavior could lead to increased hospital
admissions and investigations14, 15.Itis therefore
important to learn to manage uncertainty. All
physicians experience uncertainty. What changes
with increased clinical experience is the tolerance of
The patient and physician encounter has been
described as the chain of uncertainty that involves
several links16. The several links in the chain include
factors like biological variability of the case,
uncertainty of the physician, the motives of the
consultation, the prejudice and preference of the
patient and the physician, medical errors, variability
in medical opinions, and the differing beliefs of the
patients and physicians. Uncertainty among medical
student stems from personal ignorance, limits of
available medical knowledge and an inability in
distinguishing between thetwo17. One could therefore
infer that in this era of information overload and
evidence based medicine medical uncertainty
should be less if not totally eliminated. Is that really
the case?
Information overload: All health care professionals
will acknowledge that there has been an information
explosion in the health services over the past few
decades. The huge amount of information is being
gathered in pursuit of knowledge and in the name of
the audit. The former provides the backbone of
evidence based medicine and the later facilitates
clinical governance18,19. Hardly anyone would
question the rationale behind the evidence based
medicine movement. Reliable information is
essential to both scientific advancement and process
management. This need for information has led to
such large quantities of evidence that clinicians need
assistance in choosing which evidence should
influence their practice. Properly collected and
handled research and audit information should
improve health service delivery20but there are limits
to the information, both in its comprehensiveness and
in its usefulness. In this era where everyone is busy
publishing papers (it is a mandatory requirement of
certain universities for passing exams and for
promotions) there are also questions concerning the
quality of information.

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Int J Med Res Health Sci. 2015;4(1):208-213

Clinical dilemma: The existence of an information

mountain provides a myth of certainty for the patient,
the public and for health care policy-makers. But
certainty is an illusion. However, much information
or evidence there is to hand, a decision still has to
be made and, at the point of making each decision,
there will always be some uncertainty. The guidelines
still leave the clinician the onus of making a decision.
The main advantage of following evidence based
medicine is that the clinician can pass the
responsibility of the management outcome to
protocols and guidelines. Protocols absolve the
clinician who follows the protocols, but the clinician
who does not follow protocols and algorithms may
become an easy target for criticism. The protocols
also threaten to depersonalize the relationship
between the doctor and the patient.
The placebo effect: A crucial function of the
clinician-patient relationship is that of containing the
patient's anxiety, much of which arises out of
depersonalisation of doctor-patient relationship
threatens to destroy the placebo effect in the process
of healing. The literature acknowledges that the
placebo effect can be considered a boon to therapy21.
Causes of medical uncertainty: The causes of
uncertainty are many, but the feeling of stress or
discomfort, it creates is a familiar constant, though it
may vary in intensity. Medical uncertainty is similar
to the experience of irresolution or indecision in
everyday life, but with additional responsibility for
the patient.
Uncertainty in Diagnosis and Treatment: Three
closely related problems make it difficult to
determine whether or not a patient actually has a
disease that needs to be diagnosed and treated.
The first problem is that the dividing line between
normal and abnormal is not as clear and as sharp
as the reading of medical textbooks suggests to a
medical student. The clues on which the diagnosis of
many diseases is based can be very difficult to see,
with errors in both directions (missing a disease and
finding a non-disease).
The second problem is that many diseases do not by
themselves cause pain, suffering, disability or threat
to life. They are considered diseases only because
they increase the chance of a disease developing in
the future (the risk factors). Obesity, prehypertension,

prediabetes and hyperuricemia and dozens of such

conditions fall in this category. This creates
uncertainty in the physicians and the patients mind
alike to treat or not to treat.
Thirdly, the criteria for management of diseases are
being continuously redefined in this era of evidence
based medicine. Dyslipidemia and hypertension are
classic examples. For management of hypertension,
the target blood pressure that was 120/80 mmHg as
per JNC 7 guidelines was revised to 140/90 mmHg
by JNC 8 in 2013.
Diagnosis: Physicians vary widely in their
application of clinical criteria, in their ability to elicit
history, observe signs, interpret test results and record
the observations. For example, only 53% of the
physicians were definite in diagnosing cyanosis in
patients with extremely low oxygen content. On the
other hand, 26% of physicians said cyanosis existed
in subjects with normal oxygen content22.
The errors occur even when physicians study hard
evidence like x-rays and electrocardiograms. A set of
1807 x-ray films, containing 30 positive and 1760
negative films were read independently by ten
physicians. As many as 32% of the positive films
were reported as normal, while 2% of negative films
were incorrectly reported as positive. When
individual readers read the same films on two
separate occasions, they disagreed with themselves
about 20% of the time23.
In another study, a test series of 100 tracings was
selected: half had been reported routinely to show
myocardial infarction, a quarter to be normal, and a
quarter to show various abnormalities other than
infarction. Nine experienced readers reported their
opinions of these electrocardiograms on two separate
occasions. They were allowed the choice of one of
three reports-normal, abnormal, or infarction.
Complete agreement was reached in only one-third of
the 100 tracings, majority agreement in half, but there
was considerable dispute about one tracing in five.
After the second reading, it was found that on
average, the readers disagreed with one in eight of
their original reports24.
Investigations & Procedures: For any patient
condition, there are dozens of procedures that can be
ordered, in any combination, at any time. The list of
procedures that can be included in a workup of chest
pain or hypertension span from simple history taking,

Tyagi et al.,

Int J Med Res Health Sci. 2015;4(1):208-213

blood tests, ECGs, X-rays, echocardiography, stress

test to thallium scan and coronary angiography. For
detection of colorectal cancer, a physician can choose
any combination of fecal occult blood tests, digital
examination, sigmoidoscopy, barium enema, and
colonoscopy or CECT abdomen. These are the
procedures for well-defined diseases. The problem is
augmented manifold if the clinician needs to select
the investigations to evaluate vague symptoms like
fatigue, body ache or headache.
Secondly, adding to the uncertainty of choosing a
procedure is the fact that the value of any procedure
depends on who performs it, on whom it is performed
and circumstances of its performances.
Outcomes: One of the important causes of medical
uncertainty is measuring the outcomes of medical
procedures conducted on the patients. The main
problem is the natural variation in the way people
respond to a medical procedure. If same operative
procedure was to be conducted on two identical
people who were identical in all respects, one may die
on the table and other may not. Therefore, because of
this natural variation we can only talk about
probabilities of various outcomes. Be its sensitivity or
specificity of a diagnostic test or outcome of a certain
Determining the management plan: Almost all
medical procedures have multiple outcomes- some
good and some bad. The expected reduction in
anginal chest pain and effort intolerance after a
coronary artery bypass surgery is accompanied by, in
fact preceded by, hospitalization, cutting open of
chest, pain, anxiety, financial expense and of course a
chance of operative or post-operative mortality. Even
the best doctor cannot guaranty a positive only
outcome. Since outcomes are multiple and risks are
involved, risks and benefits of a procedure have to be
weighed carefully regarding different modalities of
management of any medical condition. Uncertainty is
further added because the decisions about medical
procedures are typically made by the physicians on
behalf of their patients. And to do this the
communication skills of the physicians are of utmost
Communication Skills: The patients must be able
clearly understand the need, the risks, the benefits and
various outcomes of all the options available to them.
Inadequate communication skills could often result in
Tyagi et al.,

an inability to comprehend the patients concerns.

The common communication deficiencies have been
listed in Table 1.
Table 125: Common patient-physician communication
Not allowing patient to narrate the problem in his
own words and interrupting the patient early.
Inability to bring out all of the patients
Inability to appreciate patients anxieties and
Not assuring the patient that all his problems will be
Undermining the patients role in the decisionsmaking process.
Not ensuring that the patient has understood the
decision taken by the clinician on his/her behalf.
Factors affecting medical uncertainty-Numerous
patient andphysician factors could affect the clinical
decisions and resultin medical uncertainty (Table 2).
Table 225: Patient and physician factors causing
Patient Factors
Physician Factors
1. Vagueness in history
1. Poor communication
2. Wrong prioritizingof
2. Incorrect appraisal of
3. Patients subconscious
avoidance of risk
3. Physicians tolerance
associated with disease.
to uncertainty
4. Variabilityin
4. Inappropriate test
investigations results
5. Inconstant response to 5. Failure to apply
6. Availability to various
sources of information
Inability to assess the
on same topic
best evidence
7. Impact of society and
Effect of medical
organization and local
practice environment
8. Fear of litigation
Coping with uncertainty: Physicists have long
recognized the uncertainty principle26. Uncertainty,
like anxiety, cannot be killed. It can only be lived
with, controlled, or uncontrolled. The doctors need to
be educated into maturity and wisdom that they
require to be able to accompany people in times of
need, contain their own and their patients' anxieties
and facilitate healing and recovery in an uncertain
world27.The different techniques of dealing with
uncertainty include quantitative methods and
qualitative methods. Evidence-based medicine
Int J Med Res Health Sci. 2015;4(1):208-213

(EBM) has been described as a technique to combine

physicians clinical expertise with the use of the best
available evidence and incorporating the patients
personal values in coming to a management plan28.
Hewson and colleagues29 identified nine strategies
that they felt were effective in managing uncertainty
in primary care. The best techniques for minimizing
uncertainty include a combination of qualitative and
quantitative approach and the use of tacit reasoning30.
These include steps that incorporate the principles of
medical decision-making, risk assessment and
communication of uncertainty. Using this framework
and incorporating the strategies when discussing with
a patient with an uncertain diagnosis could improve
the quality of patient-physician communication and
reduce uncertainty to a large degree. These strategies
can be summarized as below:
1. Clinicianss hould make it clear to the patient that
they are willing to answer any questions about
their health.
2. Clinicians should acknowledge that there is a
tremendous information explosion and should
suggest valid sources of information including
valid web-sites.
3. Clinicians should be open-minded and admit
ignorance if they are unable to answer a question
but volunteer to find the answer.
4. They should listen sympathetically and explore
the apprehensions of the patients.
5. They should concede their own preference and
explain that to the patients.
6. They should nurture a sense of collaboration and
involve the patient equally in the decisionmaking process.
7. Clinicians should use a language which is easily
understood by the patient and also explain the
results using a method which is most meaningful
to the patient.
8. If there are more than one option on the medical
treatment, that should be explicitly informed to
the patient.
There are several factors which result in medical
uncertainty during clinical practice, and this could
arise from physicians as well as patient factors, from
test and treatment characteristics and practice
environment. By understanding the tenets of medical

uncertainty and practicing the well-established

techniques that have been outlined, physicians could
probably decrease their as well as patients stress and
anxiety especially while dealing with patients with
vague and/or serious illness. Finally, the modern day
doctor should also remember and apply the age old
doctrines of clinical medicine(1) Trust between the
doctor and the patient, (2) Honesty: the doctor should
be open about the limits of his/her own knowledge
and capabilities. Such openness is only possible when
the doctor trusts the patient, (3) Awareness: of the
complex processes behind medical uncertainty and
that the failure of some degree will remain the
doctors unavoidable companion throughout their
career and finally (4) Kindness and caring are the
prerequisites of clinical medicine.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: The Secretary General
and Deputy Director, PDVVPFs Medical College,
Conflict of Interest: Nil
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