Is Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory Inconsistent?
Is Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory Inconsistent?
Is Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory Inconsistent?
and similarly D2=(D1->D1), etc., linking these together with embeddingprojection pairs. If D was one of the examples of L-domains, having a
pair of elements with infinitely many minimal upper bounds, then one can
show (classically) that D-infinity has the cardinality of a model of
Zermelo set theory, so need not exist within such a model unless it also
satisfies Replacement.
These two ways of seeing Replacement have a common theme: we use N-indexed
or transfinite unions to unfold a free(ish) model of one logic within
a model of another.
Having seen this in the context of a messy domain-theoretic construction,
we may think in a more disciplined way about free models of the lambda
calculus, the topos axioms, etc. In fact, there is no difficulty in
constructing these models, as they are merely TERM ALGEBRAS. The problem
lies in proving that the term algebra has the universal (initiality)
property that qualifies it as "free":
Let S be the universe (the category of ZF-sets, for example)
and F the term algebra (internal to S) for the logic L.
Suppose that S itself is a model of L.
Then there is a unique interpretation functor []:F->S
that takes each syntactic operation of F (eg prod(a,b))
to the semantics ([a] x [b]) in S.
It is merely unique up to unique isomorphism if the L-structure in S is
defined by universal properties rather than being chosen.
This initiality property may also be expressed type-theoretically.
Per Martin-Lof [5] introduced objects with such a property, called UNIVERSES,
observing the analogy with Replacement. This point of view stresses that
the above property is a RECURSION SCHEME.
Let me explain how I came to realise that the existence of []:F->S depends,
in general, on Replacement.
There is an amazingly simple but incredibly powerful argument, due to
Peter Freyd and known variously as (Artin-Wraith) glu(e)ing, sconing,
the Freyd cover, logical relations and other names. It is based on some
very elementary categorical investigations of a certain comma category
involving F and S. This argument has been developed rather a long way
(the most recent paper that I know of is [6]), and we are pretty close
to having a purely categorical proof of the strong normalisation theorem
for lambda calculi that, unlike the syntactic proofs, is completely
generic with regard to the calculus in question.
Freyd originally showed that the terminal object (1) of the free topos (F)
is projective, and more generally the "global sections functor"
F(1,-) : F -> S preserves colimits. In particular, it preserves the
initial object (0), which is categorical jargon for saying that S proves
the consistency of F, because the S-set of F-morphisms 1->0 is the
initial (empty) S-set.
I found this suspicious, because the punch-line of Andre Joyal's 1973
(but as yet unpublished and unavailable) categorical proof of Godel's
incompleteness theorem is that such a functor F(1,-) : F -> S does *not*
preserve the initial object.
The more careful amongst categorists ought also to be suspicious when
L(infinity) |- false
L(n) |- false
for some n.
L(infinity) proves its OWN consistency,
contradicting Godel's theorem.
However, L(infinity) has a standard non-trivial interpretation
in Zermelo--Fraenkel set theory, which is therefore inconsistent.
[1] Paul Taylor, Intuitionistic Sets and Ordinals, JSL 61 (1996) 705-44
[2] Richard Montague, Fraenkel's Addition to the Axioms of Zermelo,