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Journal of Plant Biology, December 2005, 48(4) : 456-466

Altered Physiology in Trehalose-Producing Transgenic Tobacco

Plants: Enhanced Tolerance to Drought and Salinity Stresses
Sung-Soo Jun 1'2, Jin Young Yang 1, Hye Jin Choi 1, Na-Ryung Kim 3,
Min Chul Park 3, and Young-Nam Hong I *

1School of Biological Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-742, Korea

2School of General Education, Institute for Scientifically Able Youth, Kyungwon University,
Seoungnam 461-701, Korea
:~Department of Life Science, The Catholic University of Korea, Puchon420-743, Korea
Transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. var. SR1) plants that over-express the Escherichia coli trehalose-6-phosphate
synthase (TPS) gene (otsA) synthesized small amounts of trehalose (<400 pg gl leaf) while non-transformants produced
no detectable trehalose. Some transgenic plants expressing a high level of otsA exhibited stunted growth and morphologically altered leaves. We tested F2 homozygous plants devoid of phenotypic changes to determine their physiological
responses to dehydration and salinity stresses. All transgenic plants maintained better leaf turgidity under a limited water
supply or after treatment with polyethylene glycol (PEG). Furthermore, fresh weight was maintained at higher levels after
either treatment. The initial leaf water potential was higher in transgenic plants than non-transformants, but, in both
plant types, was decreased to a comparable degree following dehydration. When grown with 250 mM NaCI, transgenic
plants exhibited a significant delay in leaf withering and chlorosis, as well as more efficient seed germination. Our results
suggest that either trehalose or trehalose-6-phosphate can act as an osmoprotective molecule without maintaining water
potential, in contrast to other osmolytes. Furthermore, both appear to protect young embryos under unfavorable water
status to ensure subsequent germination.

Keywords: dehydration, salinity, stresstolerance, transgenictobacco, trehalose

Trehalose is widely distributed in nature, from bacteria to higher organisms, both plants and mammals.
It is a non-reducing disaccharide composed of two
glucose units linked by an o~(1 ~ 1) bond, and is synthesized by the sequential action of trehalose-6-phosphate synthase (TPS; EC and trehalose-6phosphate phosphatase (TPP; EC (Cabib
and Leloir, 1958; E[bein, 1974). Because of several
physical properties, e.g., high hydrophilicity, chemical inertness, and non-hygroscopic glass formation,
trehalose works as a protective molecule under various abiotic stresses, especially desiccation and high
temperatures, in organisms such as bacteria, yeast,
nematodes, fungi, and primitive plants (Thevelein,
1984; Larsen et al., 1987; Crowe et al., 1992, 1998;
Bianchi et al., 1993; Strom and Kaasen, 1993; de Virgi[io et al., 1994; Arg0elles, 2000). In higher plants,
however, its occurrence and role are dubious. Nevertheless, in the presence of validamycin A, an inhibitor of trehalase, small quantities of trehalose have

been detected in potato and tobacco (Goddijn et al.,

1997). Furthermore, endogenous production of trehalose, even in higher plants, has been implicated by
the identification of functional homologues for genes
involved in trehalose synthesis in 5elaginella and Arabidopsis, suggesting its functional role in higher plants
as well (Bl~zquez et al., 1998; Goddijn and Smeekens, 1998; Vogel et al., 1998; M0[ler et a[., 1999;
Zentella et al., 1999).
Engineered tobacco plants that express yeast TP5 or
Escherichia coli otsA show enhanced dehydration tolerance by retaining higher fresh weights and recovering after being air-dried (Holmstr6m et al., 1996;
Romero et al., 1997; Pilon-Smits et al., 1998). These
plants also exhibit some prominent physiological
changes, including stunted growth and morphological
alterations, in parallel with this enhanced tolerance
(Goddijn et al., 1997; Romero et al., 1997; PilonSmits et al., 1998). Similar results were also observed
in trehalose-producing transgenic rice plants without
accompanying stunted growth, extending its protective role to monocots (Garg et al., 2002; Jang et al.,

*Corresponding author; fax +82-2-872-6881


Trehalose-Producing Tobacco against Dehydration and Salinity

Nonetheless, most studies on improved water-stress
tolerance have merely tested changes in external
shape or fresh weight without examining the role of
trehalose in leaf water potential and status. In addition,
most research has been confined to the dehydration
response only, even though various environmental
stresses that also induce dehydration, such as
drought, salt, and chilling, have been assessed in rice
plants (Garg et al., 2002; Jang et al., 2003).
Therefore, the object of our current study was, first,
to re-evaluate the earlier data regarding drought stress
under physiologically more relevant conditions by
comparing the effects of dehydration when administered through air-drying, limits on water supply, and
treatment with PEG. Changes in leaf potential, as well
as the photosynthetic capacity of trehalose-producing tobacco plants, were examined, in parallel, to
diagnose the osmotic effect of trehalose. In addition,
we compared the growth and germination efficiency
of transgenic tobacco under salinity stress.


Water- and Salt-StressTreatments

Dehydration was induced by 1) withholding irrigation, 2) air-drying, or 3) immersing the roots of whole
plants in a Hoagland solution containing 10% (w/v)
PEG-6000. Polyethylene glycol was chosen for its
chemical inertness (Michel, 1970). Salt stress was
applied by supplementing 250 mM NaCI twice a
week during the irrigation of 4-week-old plants.
RNA Gel Blot Analysis

Total RNA was isolated according to the procedure

of Chomczynski and Sacchi (1987). RNA was separated on a 1% agarose gel containing 2.2 M formaldehyde, and transferred to a Hybond N membrane
(Amersham, USA) by the capillary method, using 10x
SSC as the transfer buffer. The membrane was hybridized with a 32P-labeled fragment in 6x SSC, 0.2%
(w/v) SDS, and 5 Denhardt's solution at 62~ The
entire coding region of otsA was used as a probe for
RNA gel blot analysis.


Determination of Trehalose Content
Plant Material and Growing Conditions

Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. var. SR1) plants

were grown on soil for three to four weeks in a
growth chamber maintained at 25-1~ with a 16-h
photoperiod, and under a light intensity of 150 ~mol
m2s -1

Trehalose was determined by HPLC, using Aminex

PIPX-87C (Bio-Rad, USA). Two large leaves were
removed from 4-week-old tobacco plants in the middle of their photoperiod. After they were de-ribbed,
their soluble sugars were extracted by boiling 1 g of
fresh tissue in 0.5 ml DW for 15 rain. The 20-1~Lsamples were then injected for HPLC analysis.

Plasmid Construct and Plant Transformation

The TP5 overexpressor was constructed as follows.

First, the coding region of the otsA gene (Kassen et al.,
1992) was obtained by PCR using Vent polymerase
(New England Biolabs, USA), with primers corresponding to its 5'- and 3'-ends with the Xbal and
EcoRl sites (5'-GCTCTAGACTATGAGTCG1TI~AGTCG3' and 5'-CGGAATI-CCTACGCAAGC1TI-GGAAAGG3'), respectively. Cloning was done into the pWP90
vector that contains a double 35S CaMV promoter
and a CaMV poly(A) terminator. The entire fragment was again cloned into the pBIN90 vector as a
plant expression cassette, using the Kpnl and 5all
sites. Transgenic tobacco plants were generated by
leaf-disc transformation (Horsch et al., 1985), and
were selected on an MS medium containing kanamycin. Homozygous plants from the F2 generation
were then used for subsequent physiological experiments.

Measurement of Leaf Water Potential

Leaf water potential was measured psychrometrically with an HR-33T Dewpoint Microvo[tmeter (Wescor, USA) in a C-52 sample chamber at room
temperature (Boyer and Knipling, 1965). Discs (0.7cm diam.) were placed in the chamber and allowed
to equilibrate for 15 min, then cooled for 45 s before
the voltage was recorded. Water potential was calculated from this voltage value and corrected for temperature.
Measurement of Photosynthesis

02 evolution and Chl fluorescence were measured

simultaneously from 3.5-cm-diameter leaf discs in a
Hansatech LD2 chamber (Kings Lynn, UK), using a
Clark type electrode and a Walz PAM Chl fluorometer (Effeltrich, Germany). Each disc was presumed to


Jun et al.

have an approximately equal Chl content when measured by a Ch[ meter (SPAD-502; Minolta, Japan), but
was then normalized to the control.

Germination Test
Tobacco seeds were surface-sterilized and imbibed
for 2 d in the refrigerator for stratification. To measure salinity tolerance, 100 seeds each were placed
on plates containing three layers of filter paper soaked
with 10 mL of various concentrations of NaCI solutions. Germination was defined as the emergence of
the radicle from the seed coat.

Generation of Trehalose-Producing Transgenic
Tobacco Plants
Through leaf-disc transformation, we generated
tobacco plants over-expressing the E. coil TP5 gene,
otsA. Transgenic plants were first identified by PCR,
then confirmed by northern hybridization. Levels of
otsA expression varied depending on the line. The
amount of trehalose detected in transgenic leaves,

J. Plant Biol. Vol. 48, No. 4, 2005

however, was not necessarily correlated with the
amount of otsA transcript, but ranged from 130 to
370 p,g g-1 fresh weight (Fig. 1). In contrast, no trehalose was detected in the leaves of non-transformants.
Interestingly, phenotypic alterations were more
related to the otsA expression level than was trehalose
content. For example, plants in Line 8, which exhibited the greatest otsA expression but the lowest
accumulation of trehalose, showed the most distinct
morphological changes at maturation. Schluepmann
et al. (2003) have also noted that the phenotypes of
transgenic Arabiclopsis expressing otsA depend upon
T6P content rather than treha[ose content. Therefore, we selected 4 out of 21 transgenic lines for subsequent experiments, based on our results from the
northern hybridization instead of the trehalose quantification. These included Lines 4 and 5 for weak
expression and Lines 6 and 8 for strong expression
(Fig. 1). Plants from Lines 4 and 5 showed no distinct
phenotypic changes throughout their life span, while
the changes in those from Lines 6 and 8 included
stunted growth and altered leaf morphology at the
maturation stage. After 5 to 6 weeks of growth, the
leaves became longer and narrower, manifesting a
lancet shape in the mature plants. Occasionally, some
leaves were severely irregular-shaped, with curls and
wrinkles. In addition, some transgenic plants had an
increased number of leaves with multiple vestigial
branches along the main stem. The generation time
for these transgenic plants nearly doubled, and was
accompanied by slower growth and retarded senescence (data not shown). However, because no such
phenotypic alterations were observed in 4-week-old
plants, we reserved these somewhat smaller specimens for physiological experiments.

Response to Water Stress

Figure1. Northern hybridization of otsA expression,and trehaloseamounts in leavesof transgenictobacco plants. Numbers indicatetransgeniclines. Data are mean values -- SEfor
4 measurements.NT, non-transformants;ND, not detected.

To re-evaluate the effectiveness of trehalose production in improving tolerance against water stress,
we placed our non-transformed and transgenic
tobacco plants under various water-deficit conditions. Non-transformant leaves showed apparent signs
of wilting beginning 3 d after irrigation was first withheld, while leaves of plants from Lines 6 and 8
remained turgid during that period. Leaves from Lines
4 and 5 appeared less turgid but without clear wilting. This difference became more prominent after 5
d without watering, with leaves from transgenic Lines
6 and 8 maintaining their turgidity while those of the
non-transformants, and even those of Lines 4 and 5,
showing evident wilting (Fig. 2A).

Trehalose-Producing Tobacco against Dehydration and Salinity


Figure 2. Increased tolerance to dehydration in trehalose-producing plants. Photographs of 4-week-old tobacco plants after 5 d
without water supply (A) and after PEG treatment for 3 h (B). Note the maintenance of leaf turgidity in transgenic plant from
Line 6 compared with withered leaves in non4ransformants (NT). Decrease in fresh weights of detached leaves (C) and whole
plants (D, E) after dehydration treatment. Water deficit was induced by air-clrying (C, D) or by immersing roots of whole plants
in 10% (w/v) PEG solution (E). Data are mean values +_ SE (n - 5).
The response was similar with our PEG treatment.
When dehydration was induced by 10% (w/v) PEG,
the trehalose-producing tobacco plants maintained
leaf turgidity better than the non-transformants. After
3 h of treatment, leaves from Lines 6 and 8 remained
firm while those of the non-transformants were
severely withered (Fig. 2B). Leaves from Lines 4 and 5
showed an intermediate response despite containing
at least as much trehalose as that measured from
Lines 6 and 8. Finally, when detached leaves were airdried, those of the non-transformants wilted faster
than the transgenic tissues. A similar trend was
observed with the whole plants (data not shown).
Interestingly, the degree of tolerance against dehydration was more related to the level of otsA expression than to trehalose content. This suggests that T6P,
not trehalose, acts as the protective molecule. Furthermore, when whole plantg were re-hydrated after
12 h of air-drying or 24 h of PEG treatment, all the
non-transformants failed to recover and eventually
died whereas most of the transgenic plants revived
and fully regained their turgidity (data not shown).

Changes in Fresh Weights and Leaf Water Potential after Dehydration

To compare water-retaining capabilities under dehydration, we monitored changes in fresh weight following the stress treatments. When detached leaves were
air-dried, the decrease in fi-esh weight after 10 h was
lower for transgenic plants than for the non-transformants, i.e., 11-13% reduction versus > 15% reduction
(Fig. 2C). For the whole plants, non-transformants lost
nearly 60% of their fresh weight compared with a loss
of only 40 to 50% for the transgenics (Fig. 2D). Treatment with 10% PEG yielded similar results, with nontransformants losing about 28% of their fresh weight
after 10 h. In contrast, all transgenic fresh weights,
except for plants from Line 5, were only about 20%
lower (Fig. 2E). For those from Line 5, fresh weight
losses were nearly as much as those recorded for the
air-dried non-transformants, even though these transgenics had the lowest level of TP5 expression among
all transformed plants (Fig. 2E).
We measured changes in leaf water potential to


Jun et al.

J. Plant Biol. Vol. 48, No. 4, 2005

PEG) were linear and time-dependent (Fig. 3A and
B). Furthermore, leaf water potential declined to a
comparable degree in both the non-transformants
and the transgenics. Although these values varied
somewhat because of the difficult nature in measuring the water status, similar trends were noted in
three separate experiments. Our results indicated that
trehalose may not have acted as an osmolyte to maintain constant leaf water potentials under dehydration. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the amount
of trehalose accumulated in the leaves (<400 rag)
was too small to be effective as an osmolyte (Fig. 1 ).
HPLC analysis revealed no significant increases in
soluble sugar content from the leaves of transgenic
plants (data not shown). Nevertheless, trehalose production appeared to induce an increase in leaf water
potential by improving the retention of cellular water.
Alternatively, T6P may have acted indirectly to maintain this cellular water content.
Because our leaf water potential data were somewhat variable, we used calculations of photosynthetic
capacities in leaves following PEG treatment as an
additional means for monitoring changes in potential.
When accompanied by lowered leaf water potential,
dehydration reduces the photosynthetic activity of
chloroplasts (Boyer and Bowen, 1970; Mohanty and
Boyer, 1976; Lee et al., 1998). Here, the maximal
photosynthetic rate of 02 evolution (Pmax) in both
non-transformants and transgenics was almost linearly decreased, by about 60%, after 2 h of PEG
treatment (Table 1). Even when the plants were dehydrated by curtailing their irrigation, the changes in
Pmax were almost identical to those seen with PEG
(data not shown). However, Chl fluorescence parameters (Fo and Fv/Fm) did not change for any of the
plants (Table 1),. Therefore, the photosynthetic data
support our conclusion that leaf water potential after
dehydration decreases in all transgenic plants to a
degree comparable to l~hat measured in the nontransformants. Furthermore, the production of neither trehalose nor T6P can rescue the inhibition of
photosynthesis because of lowered leaf water poten-

Figure 3. Changes in leaf water potential after air-drying (A)

or PEG treatment (B) of whole plants. Note that initial leaf
water potential in transgenic plants remains higher than in
non-transformants. Data are mean values SE (n = 4).
explore the possibility that trehalose works as an
osmolyte. The initial values measured in all the transgenic lines were at least equal to those determined
for the non-transformant leaves. However, decreases
that were induced by dehydration (via air-drying or

Table l. Changes in Pmax (retool m-2 s 1) of 02 evolution and maximal photochemical efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm) after
dehydration, which was induced by PEG treatment for 2 h.







8.41 + 1.51
7.55 _+0.68
10.07 _+1.01
3.25 _+0.29
2.55 + 0.34
4.12 + 0.57
*Data presented are mean values_+SDfor 3 to 5 measurements. Standard deviations for Fv/Fm are not shown, but are lessthan

Trehalose-Producing Tobacco against Dehydration and Salinity


Figure 4. Increased tolerance to salinity in transgenic plants. A) Photographs are of non-transformant (NT) and transgenic
tobacco plants grown with or without the supplementation of 250 mM NaCI. Top row shows tobacco plants grown without
salinity stress; bottom row, those under salinity stressfor 20 d. Note the smaller size of plants after sustainedgrowth under salinity, although extensive chlorosis and necrosisoccurred only in leavesof non-transformants. B) Changes in Chl content in leaves
after sustained growth under 250mM NaCI. Chl content was measured with Minolta Chl meter. Data are mean values _+ SE (n
= 3).
tial, thereby proving that neither of them functions as
an osmo[yte.

Growth under Salt Stress

Dehydration is often imposed by high salinity.
Therefore, to test their tolerance against salt stress, 4week-old plants initially reared in the absence of salt
were allowed to grow continuously under irrigation
supplemented with 250 mM NaCI. Growth was
apparently inhibited in all plant lines (compare upper
and lower panels of Fig. 4A). The negative effects of
salinity, including wilting, bleaching, and necrosis of
leaves, was initiated significantly earlier in non-transformants, i.e., by Day 10, while the growth of the
transgenic plants appeared normal. After 3 weeks of
NaCI treatment, the non-transformant leaves manifested extensive chlorosis and necrosis while the
leaves from transgenic Lines 6 and 8 were just beginning to show slight bleaching (Fig. 4A). Transgenics
that expressed low levels of TPS (Lines 4 and 5) were
less tolerant of the salt treatment than those of Lines 6
and 8, but were still better than the non-transformants (data not shown). Therefore, over-expression
of otsA confers increased tolerance against salt stress,
and its protective effect seems to be correlated with
the TPSexpression level rather than trehalose content.

Changes in Chl Content and PSII Function after

Salt Stress
Because leaf-bleaching was associated with the

NaCI treatment, we monitored changes in Chl contents in leaves with no apparent damage or necrosis.
Chlorophyll content in the leaves of non-transformants was maintained for 5 d after the salt treatment, but sharply declined by about 40% on Day 15
despite there being no apparent damage or chlorosis
(Fig. 4B). In contrast, no significant reduction in Chl
content was observed in the transgenic plants of Lines
6 and 8 (Fig. 4B). However, those that expressed low
TPS levels (Lines 4 and 5) were less efficient in maintaining their leaf Chl content (data not shown). Thus,
trehalose or T6P appears to protect the thylakoid
membranes by delaying the chlorosis normally
induced by high salinity.
As additional parameters for thylakoidal integrity,
we monitored initial Chl fluorescence (Fo) and the
maximal photochemical efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm),
both of which are often used to assess PSII function
(Renger and Schreiber, 1986). After salt treatment for
up to 20 d, the Fv/Fm and Fo values did not change
significantly for either non-transformants or transgenic plants, indicating that NaCI causes no substantial decline in PSII function (data not shown).

Changes in Germination Efficiency after Salt Stress

Germination is either blocked or delayed under
unfavorable conditions because environmental stresses,
such as high salinity or temperature, often lead to
embryo mortality. Therefore, to test whether the protective effect of trehalose extends to the embryos, we
monitored germination efficiency under various salt


Jun et al.

Figure 5. Germination efficiency in presence of NaCI. After

imbibition, seeds were allowed to germinate on filter paper
soaked with NaCI solution. After 5 d of incubation under
same growing conditions, seeds were considered germinated when radicles were exposed. Each treatment had 3
plates with 100 seeds each. Experiments were repeated
three times. Data are mean values _+ SE (n = 3).
concentrations. Treatment with up to 100 mM NaC[
did not negatively affect the germination for any of
our tested lines, but a concentration of 250 mM NaG
was sufficient to completely block the germination of
non-transformant seeds. That same concentration
resulted in germination rates of about 10% for seeds
from Lines 4 and 5, and 50% for those from Lines 6
and 8 (Fig. 5). At that level, survival was greater than
10% for seedlings produced from gemlinants of Lines
6 and 8 (data not shown). Finally, in the presence of
500 mM NaCI, all seed lines failed to germinate.
Therefore, germination efficiency under saline conditions also seems to be correlated with the TP5 expression level, a result that implies that trehalose or T6P
may help to maintain the ionic balance in developing
young embryos to alleviate the toxic effect of NaCI in
addition to the osmoprotective effect.

Morphological Features of Trehalose-Producing
Tobacco Plants
The identification of two functional homologs of

J. Plant Biol. Vol. 48, No. 4, 2005

trehalose (TPS and TPP) in Arabidopsis strongly supports the idea of its existence and synthesis in higher
plants, at [east in that species (B[~zquez et a[., 1998;
Vogel et al., 1998). [n a separate study, we also identified another functional Arabidopsis TP5 homologue
(AtTPS4), strengthening the functional importance of
trehalose (unpublished data). Furthermore, albeit very
small quantities of trehalose have been detected in
tobacco leaves, potato microtubers, and Arabidopsis
plants in the presence of validamycin A, a specific
inhibitor for trehalase (Goddijn eta[., 1997; Vogel et
al., 2001). Therefore, it is probable that trehalose is a
natural ingredient in higher plants, even if its role
there is still unclear.
Trehalose functions as a stress protectant against
dehydration, salinity, and heat in bacteria, yeast, nematodes, and resurrection plants (Giaever et al.,
1988; Serrano, 1996; Arg~elles, 2000). Trehaloseproducing transgenic human cells, tobacco, and rice
also show enhanced tolerance against water stress
and salt (Holmstr6m et al., 1996; Romero et al.,
1997; Pilon-Smits eta[., 1998; Guo et al., 2000; Jun
et al., 2001 ; Garg et al., 2002; Jang et al., 2003). Trehalose is usually synthesized in two steps, requiring
the action of both TPS and TPP. However, the
amount of trehalose synthesized in the presence of
TPS alone is comparable to that synthesized with
both TPS and TPP in transgenic tobacco (Goddijn et
al., 1997). Notably, trehalose contents in our transgenic tobacco leaves were not proportional to
the expression level of the inserted E. coli otsA. For
example, plants from Line 8, with the most otsA
expression, accumulated the least trehalose while
those in Line 5 accumulated the greatest amount
despite having the lowest level of otsA transcript.
The degree of phenotypic alterations by our transgenic plants depended on the level of otsA expression, but not on trehalose content. Lines with low
expression (4 and 5) maintained a normal phenotype
throughout their life span, whereas those with high
expression (Lines 6 and 8) exhibited various morphological features not observed in the non-transformants, including an altered leaf shape and abnormal
branching patterns at the maturation stage. These
plants typically showed retarded growth but longer
survival, with delayed senescence and full fertility.
Size differences were evident from the early stage on,
while changes in leaf shape became apparent when
plants were about 8 weeks old. Leaves gradually
became thicker, but also narrower and longer, taking
a lancet form. In addition, some transgenic plants had
more leaves and vestigial branches. These phenotypic

Trehalose-Producing Tobacco against Dehydration and Salinity

alterations were fairly similar to those described in
earlier reports (Goddijn et al., 1997; Romero et al.,
1997). It appears that trehalose may act as a regulatory molecule that affects not only leaf development
but also the senescing process, which coincides with
a previously suggested role as a signaling molecule
(Goddijn and Smeekens, 1998; MCiIler et al., 1999).
However, in our own study, the severity of those phenotypic changes was closely related to otsA expression level rather than trehalose content. Therefore,
the altered phenotype was more dependent on TP5
than trehalose.
T6P, rather than trehalose, has previously been
credited with various biological activities in Arabidopsis (Schluepmann et al., 2003, 2004). Although we
failed to quantify T6P in our study, probably due to its
presence in only minute quantities and the low sensitivity of our assay procedure, it is likely that its content
is more directly correlated with TPS expression than
the trehalose content, thus supporting earlier statements that T6P is more responsible for phenotypic
alterations. However, the fact that T6P has not been
detected in other otsA tobacco plants (Goddijn et al.,
1997) and that the growth of transformed potato
plants is stunted even in the presence of a bifunctional fusion enzyme (Jang et aI., 2003), which presumably depleted T6P, do not preclude the possibility
that trehalose, rather than T6P, is the effective molecule.

Enhanced Tolerance to Dehydration

Trehalose is dramatically effective in protecting bacteria, yeasts, nematodes, human cells, and resurrection plants against dehydration (Giaever et al., 1988;
Drennan et al., 1993; Arg0elles, 2000; Guo et al.,
2000). However, transgenic tobacco and rice plants
engineered to produce trehalose show variable
degrees of tolerance to water stress (HolmstrOm et al.,
1996; Romero eta]., 1997; Pilon-Smits et al., 1998;
Jun et al., 2001 ; Garg et al., 2002; Jang et al., 2003).
In our experiments, all transformants apparently
exhibited enhanced tolerance, maintaining their leaf
turgidity regardless of the type of treatment applied.
The particular degree of tolerance was correlated
with the expression level of otsA, with higher tolerance exhibited in lines with greater expression. Our
results imply that T6P is the effective molecule, contrap/to those from other studies where increased tolerance depends on treha[ose content (Garg et al.,
2002; Jang et al., 2003). However, the amount of trehalose accumulated in any transgenic leaves (<400


~ag) was not sufficient to act as an osmolyte, and,

according to our HPLC data, no major changes in
other soluble sugars could account for this osmoprotective response. Earlier research has also shown that
increases in the soluble sugars from trehalose-producing plants are not adequate for them to function as
osmolytes (Romero et al., 1997; Pilon-Smits et al.,
1998). Therefore, regardless of which one is indeed
the effective molecule, neither T6P nor trehalose
seems to directly exert protection as an osmolyte.
To further explore the osmoprotective effect of trehalose, we monitored changes in leaf water potential. Before dehydration was induced, the water
potential for transgenic plants, especially Lines 5 and
6, was higher than that of the non-transformants, and
was evidenced by their thicker leaves. This differs
from observations by Pi[on-Smits et al. (1998), who
found significantly lower initial osmotic potentials in
otsA plants due to a higher level of soluble sugars.
However, that increased sugar amount was too little
to explain the difference in osmotic potentials (>0.5
MPa). How trehalose or T6P can elevate leaf water
potential is still unclear, but their presence seems to
aid in maintaining higher cellular water content,
thereby increasing leaf water potential rather than
decreasing it. It is possible that trehalose retards the
export of water from the cells by preserving the properties of the hydrated membrane (Singer and
Lindquist, 1998). In our study, the onset of dehydration resulted in similar decreases in water potential for
both non-transformanLs and transgenic plants. This
suggests that enhanced tolerance to water stress in
transgenic plants via trehalose production is not by its
action as an osmolyte, but because of something else.
Although trehalose may initially elevate leaf water
potential by increasing the cellular water content, it
fails to maintain a high potential during the waterstress period.
To confirm the validity of our water potential data,
we also measured photosynthetic activity after the
dehydration treatments. Photosynthesis is directly and
negatively affected by water stress because of the
decline in leaf water potential (Boyer and Bowen,
1970; Mohanty and Boyer, 1976; Lee et al., 1998).
Our trehalose-producing transgenic plants should
have maintained higher activities if trehalose were
able to sustain greater potentials. However, because
those values decreased similarly in both non-transformed and transgenic plants after PEG treatment, the
Pmax of 02 evolution declined to a comparable
degree in both plant types, as expected. Likewise, the
Chl fluorescence parameters (Fo and Fv/Fm), did not


Jun et al.

change significantly after PEG treatment in any of our

plants due to the negligible effect of water stress on
PSII function. Nevertheless, our results further support
the conclusion that the production of trehalose or
T6P does not prevent the decrease in leaf water
potential normally imposed by dehydration.
Enhanced Tolerance to Salt Stress

Salt stress usually evokes dehydration. Consequently,

transgenic plants that over-produce osmolytes such as
glycinebetaine, mannitol, proline, or fructan show
enhanced tolerance (Tarczynski et al., 1993; Kishor et
al., 1995; Pilon-Smits et al., 1995; Hayashi et al.,
1997). The same is true for trehalose-producing transgenic rice (Garg et al., 2002; Jang eta[., 2003). Here,
we tested salt tolerance by continuously irrigating
transgenic plants with 250 mM NaCI. As with the
dehydration treatments, our transgenics were less
negatively affected by wilting and necrosis. In addition, leaf Chl content was only slightly reduced in the
transgenics, compared with the sharp decline measured in the non-transformants. The degree of tolerance against salinity also depended upon the otsA
expression level, indicating that T6P was the protective molecule. These results demonstrate the membrane-stabilizing effect of trehalose or T6P because
high salt normally destabilizes the thylakoid membrane structure by affecting the water-splitting complex, leading to Ch[-b[eaching. To confirm this, we
monitored changes in Chl fluorescence, but found
that PS[I function was not significantly affected by
salinity, with few changes measured in Fo or Fv/Fm.
As an additional criterion for salt tolerance, we
tested germination efficiency under salinity. As
expected, the germination of non-transformant seeds
was completely blocked in the presence of 250 mM
NaCI while, under the same conditions, that of the
transgenic seeds was partially rescued. Furthermore,
most germinated seedlings of the non-transformants
did not survive while some from the transgenic lines
did. Therefore, trehalose or T6P appears to protect
embryos from excessive salt. The germination efficiency under saline stress was dependent upon the
expression level of otsA, as was also observed with
our dehydration treatments. In trehalose-producing
rice leaves, the ion balance is maintained by effluxing
Na + when 100 mM NaCI is supplemented (Garg et
al., 2002). Therefore, in addition to membrane stabilization, the maintenance of this balance may be
essential to the survival of embryos under salt stress,
and a high amount of trehalose or T6P may be a pre-

J. Plant Biol. Vol. 48, No. 4, 2005

requisite for this.
Trehalose and T6P: Signaling Molecules or Multiple Stress Protectants?

We have demonstrated that otsA over-expressing

tobacco plants exhibit increased tolerance to drought,
salt, and heat stresses, but not to chilling stress
(unpublished data). Moreover, we have found that
AtTP51, a functional homo[ogue of TPS in Arabidopsis,
is up-regulated by various abiotic stresses, including
drought, salt, and heat (unpublished data). Although it
is not conclusive whether trehalose or T6P is the acting molecule for this protection, we favor trehalose
for the following reasons. First, senescence was significantly delayed in our otsA over-expressing plants due
to the membrane-stabilizing effect of trehalose
(unpublished data). Second, PSII was better protected
in trehalose-producing plants after heat treatment at
45~ in the dark (unpublished data). All of these
results indicate that the thylakoid membranes in the
chloroplasts are apparently protected by the cytoplasmic production of trehalose. Finally, trehalose production in the chloroplasts is equally effective as in the
cytosol in conferring tolerance against dehydration
and salt stresses (Garg et al., 2002). Trehalose is likely
to move across the chloroplast membrane more easily
than T6P.
If we conclude that trehalose is indeed the effective
molecule, it is very likely that this disaccharide acts as
a multiple stress protectant in higher plants as it does
in microorganisms. Trehalose stabilizes the membrane
structure to enable tolerance against heat or salinity,
in addition to its osmoprotective properties (Crowe et
al., 1984; Iwahashi et al., 1995; Singer and Lindquist,
1998). However, the different natures of the stresses
applied here make it difficult for us to regard it as a
simple stress protectant, thereby suggesting it as a regulatory molecule in the signaling network of various
abiotic stresses. T6P levels are positively correlated
with stress responsive genes in Arabidopsis, as demonstrated by microarray studies (Schluepmann et
al., 2003, 2004). Nevertheless, the correlation between
the degree of tolerance and TP5 expression level or
trehalose content implies that it may be working
directly as a multiple stress protectant. In addition, the
modulation of AtTP51 under abiotic stresses, as seen
in our own study, suggests that treha]ose production is
closely related to stress responses. Therefore, although
we cannot exclude the possibility of trehalose acting
as a signaling molecule, as has been postulated by
Goddijn and Smeekens (1998) and Mtiller et al.

Trehalose-Producing Tobacco against Dehydration and Salinity

(1999), we believe that trehalose may function simply
as a multiple stress protectant. Because the nature of
that protection may depend upon the given stress, its
elucidation requires further investigation. In contrast,
T6P, appears to be involved primarily in the regulation
of various developmental processes.

We are grateful to Prof. Chong Wook Park at Seoul
National University for the use of HPLC equipment.
This work was supported by a grant from the Korea
Research Foundation (KRF2001-015-DP0481 ) and, in
part, by research funding from the Catholic University
of Korea, Pucheon (2004). We also appreciate the
financial support from the BK21 Program.
Received October 7, 2005; accepted November 21, 2005.

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