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Volcanic Eruption
Learner's Module in Science 9
Quarter 3 Module 2. Week 2

De a e Ed ca C d e a Ad a e Re

Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet, Philippines 2600

Published by
DepEd CAR Regional Office
Curriculum and Learning Management Division
Learning Resource Management and Development System


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What I Need to Know
The Philippines is located along the Pacific Ring of Fire. As a result, it is a
home to many volcanoes.

According to the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology

(PHIVOLCS), our country is an ideal site for any volcanic activity. It is therefore,
important for us to know how this natural phenomenon happens to reduce the risks
and effects it may cause.

In this module, you are expected to:

1. identify the primary factors affecting the volcan e eruptive style;
2. determine the different types of volcanic eruption; and
3. explain what happens when volcanoes erupt.

What I Know
Pre Assessment
I. Multiple Choice. Direction: Read and analyze the following questions then
choose the letter of your correct answer. Write your answers in your answer sheet.

1. Which occurs when magma is released from a volcano?

A. volcano C. a a e e a e
B. volcanic eruption D. inactive volcano

2. What prope e ae a e a d ?
A. lava B. magma C. volcano D. viscosity

3. It is a steam-driven eruption as the hot rocks come in contact with water.

A. phreatic B. Plinian C. Strombolian D. Vulcanian

4. It is characterized by tall eruption columns that reach up to 20 km high with

pyroclastic flow and ashfall.
A. phreatic B. Plinian C. Strombolian D. Vulcanian

5. It refers to excessively explosive type of eruption of gas and pyroclastic, just

like our Pinatubo Volcano in Zambales.
A. Phreatic B. Plinian C. Strombolian D. Vulcanian

6. It is a periodic weak to violent eruption characterized by fountain lava, just like the
Irazu Volcano in Costa Rica.
A. phreatic B. Plinian C. Strombolian D. Vulcanian

7. Which of the following event is not associated with volcanic eruption?

A. Floods B. Earthquakes C. Landslides D. COVID-19

II. True or False. Direction: Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and
write the word FALSE if the statement is wrong.

8. Earthquakes, landslides and flooding from volcanoes melting surrounding glaciers

are some events associated with eruption.
9. Volcanic eruptions have negative effect only to society.
10. Exploding volcanoes also lead to mud slides (called lahars) and tsunami.
11. Hot gases and rock are called viscosity.
12. Volcanic eruptions also affect people positively.
13. Volcanoes spew hot, dangerous gases, ash, lava, and rock that are powerfully
14. The most common volcanic gas is water vapor, followed by carbon dioxide and
sulfur dioxide.
15. Increase in the frequency of volcanic quakes with rumbling sounds is a sign that
a volcano is ac e.

Wha In
Volcanoes are an impressive force of nature. Physically, they dominate the
landscape, and have a ac e e a a e e a .W e e
are actively erupting, they are an extremely dangerous and destructive force. But
when they are passive, the soil they enrich can become very fertile, leading to
settlements and cities being built nearby.
In your previous lesson, you learned the classification of volcano. It is either
ac e or inactive.

Wha Ne
Direction: Read the following news article.

Philippines warns of 'explosive eruption' after Taal Volcano spews ash near
By Jinky Jorgio, Jessie Yeung and Alaa Elassar, CNN. Updated 1223 GMT (2023
HKT) January 14, 2020

Manila, Philippines (CNN) Philippine authorities have urged a "total evacuation" of

nearly a million people near the capital Manila, after a volcano spewed ash up to
nine miles (14 kilometers) into the air Sunday prompting warnings of a possible
"explosive eruption."

The Taal Volcano, about 37 miles (60 kilometers) south of the capital Manila on the
island of Luzon, is one of the country's most active. Images from the scene on

Monday showed streams of lava beginning to gush out the volcanic vent, the sky
above is still thick and dark with ash and steam.
The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) has raised the
alert level to four, meaning an "explosive eruption" could happen in the coming hours
or days. Its highest alert level is five, indicating an eruption is taking place.

Activity: Brainstorming. Direction: Write ideas related to Taal volcano eruption

basing from the article you read.


What Is It
What is volcanic eruption?
A volcanic eruption occurs when magma is released from a volcano. Volcanic
eruptions can be quite calm and effusive, or they can be explosive. Effusive
eruptions produce lava flows, while explosive eruptions produce ash and pyroclastic
density currents.

Primary fac o affec ing he olcanoe e pi e le

T e a a T e a a chemical The amount of dissolved

temperature composition gases contained in the

T e e ac ca a ec e a a c d ee a . Viscosity is the
property e ae a e a ce . I a de c bed a e d

thickness and stickiness. The more viscous and thicker the material is, the greater is
its resistance to flow. For instance, syrup is more viscous than water.
How does the temperature of magma affect its viscosity?
The viscosity of magma decreases with temperature. The higher the
temperature of magma is, the lower is its viscosity. As lava flows, it cools and begins
to harden, its ability to flow decreases and eventually it stops.
How does the composition of magma affect its viscosity?

Magmas with high silica content are more viscous than those with low silica
content as shown in Figure 1. The magma that contains less silica is relatively fluid
and travels far before solidifying.

Fig.1. Viscosity of magma in different conditions (Source: Project EASE Module 12)

Types of volcanic eruptions

Volcanoes erupt differently. They are generally classified as wet or dry depending on
e a a a e c e . V ca e a e de c bed according to the style of
eruption as follows:
a. Phreatic or hydrothermal is a steam-driven eruption as the hot rocks come
in contact with water. It is short lived, characterized by ash columns but may
be an onset of a larger eruption.

Schematic diagram of hydro-volcanic eruption of Mt. Ontake in September 2014

b. Phreatomagmatic is a violent eruption due to the contact between water and magma.
As a result, a large column of very fine ash and high-speed and sideway emission of
pyroclastic called base surges are observed

Photo Source:

c. Strombolian- a periodic weak to violent eruption characterized by fountain

lava, just like the Irazu Volcano in Costa Rica.

Photo source:

d. Vulcanian characterized by tall eruption columns that reach up to 20 km
high with pyroclastic flow and ashfall tephra like that of Paricutin Volcano in

Photo source:

e. Plinian excessively explosive type of eruption of gas and pyroclastic, just

like our Pinatubo Volcano in Zambales. Plinian eruptions are characterized by
both the extrusion of high-viscosity lava flows and the violent explosion of
released gases that blast huge quantities of ash, cinders, bombs, and blocks

What happens when a volcano erupts?

1. Flowing hot lava can incinerate, bury and bulldoze things in its path but at least
is usually moving slowly enough for humans to get out of its way.
2. When a volcano explodes things get a lot more spectacular-and risky.
3. F a a ee a a d c (ca ed ca c e ) a
tumble down the slopes- this is what buried the city of Pompeii when Mount
Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD.
4. T e e a ca c b b ade c a ca e e a d a
eruption cloud made of ash and gas that shoots up into the air. Exploding
volcanoes also lead to mud slides (called lahars) and tsunami.

5. Earthquakes, landslides and flooding from volcanoes melting surrounding
glaciers are some events associated with eruption.

Major health threats from a volcanic eruption

Volcanoes spew hot, dangerous gases, ash, lava, and rock that are
powerfully destructive. People have died from volcanic blasts. The most common
cause of death from a volcano is suffocation.

Volcanic eruptions can result in additional threats to health, such as floods,

mudslides, power outages, drinking water contamination, and wildfires. Health
concerns after a volcanic eruption include infectious disease, respiratory illness,
burns, injuries from falls, and vehicle accidents related to the slippery, hazy
conditions caused by ash. When warnings are heeded, the chances of adverse
health effects from a volcanic eruption are very low.

How do volcanic eruptions affect society?

Volcanic eruption is often associated with negative effects. It can cause loss
of lives and properties. As the lava flows or pyroclastic materials are ejected in the
air, they can destroy anything in their way. Actually, it has a good and a bad side.
For example, the eruption of Pinatubo in 1991, one of the longest volcanic eruptions,
a ca ed e dec ea e e Ea ace e e a e a ea .
The strong winds during its eruption spread the aerosol particles from the plume
around e be. T e e a a ea ab e c e Ea ace a
period of almost two years.

How do volcanic eruptions affect people positively?

It might sound counter intuitive, but volcanic eruptions can sometimes

beneficial. For example, the eruption of Pinatubo Volcano has created spectacular
scenery in its wake. Likewise, the eruption of Musuan Volcano in Bukidnon has
produced very rich soils for farming years after its eruption in 1867. People also
became creative by making earthenware out of the ash fall from the Pinatubo
Volcano eruption.

How do volcanic eruptions affect travels?

1.Flying into volcanic ash clouds can also be a major hazard for air travel.

2. Aircraft engines are so hot they melt the ash back into fragments of magma that
clog up the exit vents.

3. Aircraft carry radar that detect volcanic ash clouds and advisory centers around
the world use satellites to track the ash clouds and provide warnings to planes.

4. Engines on the ground can also be affected by volcanic ash.

Wha Mo e
Activity 1. Who am I? Direction: Identify the factor affecting the volcano eruptive
style based on its description. Choose your answer from the choices given below.

the magma's

viscosity ________________________
of magma
1.______________ the 3._________________
Gas The magma
________________ Volcanoes that contains __________________
________________ in magma ' eruptive less silica is
_ tends to style fluid and
increase its travels
ability to before
flow. solidifying.

Assessment 1. Truth or Bluff. Direction: Read carefully the following statements then
write Truth if the statement is correct, and Bluff if the statement is false.

_____1. Volcanic eruption occurs when magma is released from a volcano.

_____2. V c e e e ae a -resistance to flow.
_____3. The higher the temperature of magma is, the higher its viscosity is.
_____4. Magmas with high silica content are more viscous than those with low silica
_____5. In near-surface environments, the loss of gases makes more viscous, forming
a dome or a columnar.

Activity 2: Describing Taal Volcano Eruption. Direction: Describe what happened
during the eruption of Taal Volcano on January 14, 2020. Complete the following
sentence below.

Images from the scene on Monday showed______________________________


Assessment 2: Fill in the blanks. Direction: Read the following and complete the
sentences. Choose your answers from the options inside the box.

landslides Hot lava ca c b b hot gas explodes

What happens when a volcano erupts?

1._______________ can incinerate, bury and bulldoze things in its path but at
least is usually moving slowly enough for humans to get out of its way.

2. But when a volcano _____________ things get a lot more spectacular-and


3. For a a ee __________ and rock (called pyroclastic flows or surges)

that tumble down the slopes

4. Then e e a _______________ made of rock that can fly out of the vent
and an eruption cloud made of ash and gas that shoots up into the air.

5. Earthquakes, ______________ and flooding from volcanoes melting

surrounding glaciers are some events associated with eruption.

What I Have Learned
Direction: Study the concept map below and enumerate three major health threats
of volcanic eruptions, three effects to society and three effects to travel.


Primary Factors Types of Effects of Volcanic

Volcanic Signs of an Impending
Affecting Eruption
Eruptions Volcanic Eruption
Volcanoes Eruptive
Phreatic/ Increase in the Major health
Hydrothermal frequency of threats
The magma's volcanic quakes &
temperature. Phreatomagmatic steaming activity. Effect to
Strombolian Ground swells
Its chemical
composition. Effect to travels
Vulcanian Landslides &
The amount
of dissolved Plinian
gasses it Drying up of
contains. springs/wells &
vegetation around
the volcano.

Development of new
thermal areas.

ACTIVITY: Concept Mapping

Effects of volcanic eruptions

Health threats Effects to society Effects to travel

1. 1.

2. 2. 2.

3. 3. 3.

What I Can Do
Activity: Safety Precautions. Direction: Draw and explain safety precautions
either before, during or after volcanic eruption.

Rubric for the illustration

Criteria Excellent Good Poor

Presentation Ideas are well Ideas are Some ideas are
of ideas in the presented in the presented. The presented in
Illustration illustration. The illustration is the illustration.
illustration is clearly explained. The
explained. explanation is
(7 points) vague.

7 6 5
Mechanics There is no error in There are two There are three
and Grammar the explanation in (2) errors in any (3) errors in any
any of the following: of the following: of the following:
(3 points) spelling, spelling, spelling,
punctuation marks, punctuation punctuation
capitalization, marks, marks,
sentence structure capitalization, capitalization,
or grammar sentence sentence
structure or structure or
grammar grammar

3 2 1

Post Assessment
Summative Assessment
Direction: Read the following questions then choose the letter your correct answer.
Write the letter of your answer in your answer sheets.

1. Which of the following statement is not a sign of an impending volcanic eruption?

A. Development of new thermal
B. Drying up of springs
C. Crater glow due to the presence of magma at or near the crater
D. Did not erupt for the last 10,000 years
2. Which of the following factors that affects the viscosity of the magma?
A. the amount of dissolved gases it contains C. e a a e ea e
B. its chemical composition. D. viscosity

3. Which of the following factors that affects high silica content?

A. The amount of dissolved gases it contains. C. e a a e ea e
B. its chemical composition D. viscosity

4. Which of the following factors affects the dissolution of gas to increase its ability to
A. The amount of gases it contains C. e a a e e a e
B. its chemical composition D. viscosity

5. It refers to a type of volcanic eruptions that is periodic weak to violent eruption

characterized by fountain lava?
A. Plinian B. Vulcanian C. Strombolian D. Phreatomagmatic
6. It refers to excessively explosive type of eruption of gas and pyroclastic?
A. Plinian B. Vulcanian C. Strombolian D. Phreatomagmatic

7. What activity of a volcano that can incinerate, bury and bulldoze things in its path
but at least is usually moving slowly enough for humans to get out of its way.
A. Landslides B. Volcanic bombs C. hot lava D. explodes

8. When things get a lot more spectacular-and risky. What will happen to the
A. Landslides B. Volcanic bombs C. hot lava D. explodes

9. What causes the rock called pyroclastic flows or surges that tumble down the
slopes, which buried the City of Pompeii when Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD.
A. Landslides B. hot gas C. volcanic bombs D. explodes

10. What causes the rock to fly out of the vent, cloud made of ash, and gas that
shoots up into the air?
A. Landslides B. hot gas C. volcanic bombs D. explodes

11-15. TRUE OR FALSE. Write the word True if the statement is correct and False
if the statement is wrong.

11. The most common cause of death from a volcano is suffocation.

12. Volcanic eruptions cause loss of lives only.
13. The eruption of Musuan Volcano in Bukidnon has produced very rich soils for
farming years after its eruption in 1867.
14. Volcanic e d a ec a e .
15. Exposure to volcanic ash can be harmful.

Additional Activities

Activity: Explain Me. Direction: Read the following situations that effects volcanic
eruptions to environment, then explain in 3-5 sentences.

Situations: According to Professor Einsten, he says that sulfur dioxide contributes to

acid rain and volcanic emissions, and also affect the weather and climate, while
carbon dioxide has a warming and cooling effect, due to volcanic eruptions. (5

What I Know: Pre Assessment
1. B 6. C 11. False
2. D 7. D 12 . True
3. A 8. True 13. False
4. D 9. False 14. True
5. B 10. True 15. False
Wha Ne
1.Accept varied answers related to the article
2. Possible answers
W a e: Activity 1
1.the amount of gas contained in the magma
2. T e a a e e a e
3. T e a a c e ca c
W a M e W a M e W a M e: Assessment 2
Assessment 1: Truth or Bluff Activity 2: Match Me Answer varies
1. Truth 1. C
2. Bluff 2. A
3. Bluff 3. B
4. Truth 4. E
5. Truth 5. D
W a M e W a M e
Activity 2: Describing Taal Volcano Eruption Assessment 2:Fill in the blanks
Images from the scene on Monday showed 1. Hot lava
gush out the volcanic vent, the sky above is 2. explodes
still thick and dark with ash and steam 3. hot gas
4. ca c b b
5. landslides
What I have learned: Answers may vary What I can Do: Answers may vary
Post Test
1. D 6.A 11. True
2. C 7.C 12. False
3. B 8.D 13. True
4. A 9.B 14. False
5. C 10.C 15. True
Answer Key

Alvarez, Liza et. al. Science 9 Learners Module. Philippines: Department of

Education, 2014.


C E c c ed a & Fac -Index,A Tribute New Media/Education

(BSL Geography Glossary - Volcanic Eruption - definition n.d.) eruption.html.

Jorgio,Jinky; Yeung,Jessie;Elassar, Alaa.2020.CNN World.Acessed January 27,


Sano, Yuji et. al.2015.Ten-year helium anomaly prior to the 2014 Mt. Ontake
eruption.August 19. Accessed January 28, 2021.

Williams, Matt. 2016. Universe Today. September 16. Accessed January 27, 2021.


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