Luciferianism History
Luciferianism History
Luciferianism History
General beliefs
Contrary to popular
misconceptions, Luciferianism does
not support violence or amoral
practices. Luciferians strongly
believe in equality, moral
excellence, honesty and integrity.
They support the moral and
intellectual development of
children in particular, and the
protection of the natural world.
Both the arts and sciences are
crucial to human development, and
artistic creativity is cherished and
encouraged as much as scientific
inquiry. Rather than focusing on
"what comes next", Luciferians feel
that humans should be focused on
this life and how to make the most
paramount. In whatever
incarnation Lucifer is viewed,
whether theistic or atheistic,
whether thought of as Prometheus
defying the gods to bring fire to
mankind, or Satan giving Eve the
apple, allowing humans to think for
themselves and to move beyond
their childlike beginnings, he is a
representation of ultimate
knowledge and exploration:
humanitys savior and a champion
for continuing personal growth.
Theistic Luciferianism, Some
Luciferians believe in Lucifer as an
actual deity, not to be worshipped
as the Judeo-Christian God but to
be revered and followed as a
teacher and friend, as a rescuer or
guiding spirit, or even the one true