RT Technique
RT Technique
RT Technique
The flaws present in butt welds of the tube having OD of size maximum 88mm are evaluated in Radio graphic testing through radio graphs
taken with minimum two exposures made at right angles by using Double wall Double Image Technique (DWDI).The penetrameters that are
usually employed to determine the sensitivity of the radiographs are either ASTM Hole or ASTM/Din wire type and they have been kept
either the top of the tube Source side or Film side. But penetrameter images on the radiographs are not true representative for evaluating
flaw size, orientation and location. This new RT technique helps one to evaluate exact nature of the flaw in all aspects including the study
of the images taken in any possible direction of exposure
In the past 50 years the radiography has become one of
the major non-destructive testing techniques in industry.
Conventional radiography is the mostly employed for
industrial products, as it is reliable on getting the absolute
image of the flaws present in the material. X-ray or GAMMA
radiography is considered as the most suitable technique for
the visual detection of flaws as it provides two-dimensional
recordable images and helpful much in the evaluation of
discontinuities. Different RT techniques are being employed
to detect the location and size of the defects/discontinuities
in the test materials. But, the conventional radiographic
system suffers from several drawbacks on the evaluation of
image formation and the resultant image quality. In fact, the
radiographic image presents many interpretation problems to
the inspector who evaluates the film.
Though RT produces visual image of the flaw on the
recording medium, the sensitivity and resolution of flaws at
different depths could not be accurately determined through
New RT technique
To eliminate the above difficulty, a new RT Technique is
developed as described below.