45.1739 1740 : SArfaraz Khan the grandson of Murshid Quli deputy Governor
Ali VArdhi Khan.
46.1740 1756 : Ali VArdhi Khan Bengal
47.1740-61 : Peshwa BAlaji Baji rao.
48.1746 Battle of SAnthome (Dupleix vs. English, Anwaruddin)
49.1749 Sahoo dies. RAmraj ( grandson of Tarabai) made ruler.
50.1751- Peshwa deposed Ramraj and himself became Chatrapati and Hyndava
Dharmo Dhrak head of confederacy
51.1751- SAlabat Jung gave Northern Circars to French.
52.1751- Battle of Arini Dupleix suspended, CHanda Sahab dies in battle.
53.1754 Treaty of Pondicherry
54.1756 63 : Third Battle of Carnatic.
55.1756-57 : Sirajuddaula
56.1756 Entered Kolkata renamed it Ali nagar.
57.20th June 1756 Blach Hole tragedy George Howell
58.1756 December Madras Government sent Admiral Watson and Col.Robert
Clive in support of the defeated Britsh.
59.1757-1813 : ist stage of colonialism-mercantile capitalism.
60.1757 Ali Nagar treaty
61.March 1757 Clives conspiracy
62.June 23, 1757 Battle of Plassey
63.1757 Battle of Chandurthi Ford vs. Bussy.
64.June 22, 1760 : WAndiwash Battle Laly vs. Coote.
65.1759 Battle of BEdara Engllish and Dutch.
66.1759 Shah Alam II, Jean Stuart Law, Zamindar Pehlwan Singh vs. English.
English victorious.
67.1760 Mir Jafar removed
68.1760 -64 : Mir Qasim
69.Jan 1761 Third Battle of Panipat.
70.1761- 1771 : CHatrapati MAdhav rao IV, received Joseph Mastyne Delegation.
71.1764 Paris treaty.
72.1764- Mir Qasim abolished custom duties for all the mechants including
73.2nd October 1764 Batlle of Buxar.
74.1764 -65 : Mir JAfar, nawab of Bengal.
75.1765 Treaty of Allahabad.
76.1765 1772 : Nazimuddaulah last Nawab of Bengal; Dual Government.
77.1767- 69 : First Mysore War
78.1771 72 : MAdhav Rao IV killed by BHonsle
79.1774 Treaty of Varanasi Shujaddaula and Warren hastings Rohilkhand
added to Ayodhya.
80.1775 Surat treaty with Gov. of Bombay General Goddard (Bhonsle)
81.1777 Mir Qasim died in Delhi.
82.1777 Nana Phadnives signed Purandhar treaty with Gov.Gen Warren
83.1779 English attack MAhe form where Haider imports war technology.
84.1779 II Mysore war.
85.1779 82 : Anglo Maratha War I
86.1780 1839 : RAnjit Singh
87.1782 Salbai treaty.
1839 1st Political Party Dwarakanath Tagore Bengal Landholders
1840 Parmahans MAndali, Bombay. Gopal Hari Deshmukh, known
popularly as Lokhitawadi, who wrote in Marathi, made rationalistic attacks
against Hinduism.
1840 Hardinge introduced Forest laws.
1843 Brahmo SAmaj Devendranath Tagore.
1866 Brahmo Samaj Keshub Chandra Sen
Worship of one God, teachings of Vedas, Upanishads ( even though they
are repudiated by Brahmo SAmaj)
Denied the need for a priestly class
Opposed to the Brahmanical system
1878 Saddharmo Brahmo Samaj Anand Mohan, S.S.Chipulankar.
1845 1846 : First Anglo Sikh war.
1846 Lahore treaty
1848 Satara occupied.
1851 Rehnumai Mazdayasan Sabha or Religious Reform Association
started by Naoroji Furdonji, Dadabhai Naoroji, S.S.Bengalee and others.
1852 Steamers
1853 Railways
1854 Posts and telegraphs
1856 Bal Gangadhar born.
Graduation from Bombay University.
1880s New English Schools (fergussen College)
Maharatta, Kesari (edited it from 1889)
1893 using GAnpati festical
1895 Shivaji festival
1897 18 months rigorous imprisonment.
1856- Nawab Wazid Ali suspended by Goc.Gen Dalhousie on the
grounds of maladministration.
1857 Underground cable network.
1857 result for Muslims Almost 27000 Muslims hanged.
1860 Levy of Income started
1861 Indian Councils Act, Indian Judiciary Act, Inidian Executive Act.
1863 Muhammedan Literary society, Abdool Lateef, Kolkata
encouraged upper and middle class Muslims to take to Western Education.
1866 East India Association, London. DAdabai Nauroji. (1825 Indias
first economic thinker, thrice elected as President of Indian National
Congress). 1881 an everlasting, increasing and everyday increasing foreign
invasion..utterly thoroughly destroying the country. Pray Strike on the
back but dont strike on the belly. He starves in peace and perishes in peace,
with law and order.
1867 Prarthna SAmaj Atmaram Pandurang, Bombay.
Preached worship of one God
Tried to free religion of caste orthodoxy and priestly domination.
R.G.Bhandarkar famous Sanskrit scholar and Historian
1904 Indian Universities Act, Official secrets act.
1904 V.D.SAvarkar organized Abhinava Bharat a secret society of
1905 Russo Japanese war
1905 Demand for self-government by Gokahle; 1906 same demand
by Nauroji.
1905 Bengal Partition
20 June Curzon gave the order.
6 Dec 1904 Risley Home secretary, Bengal united is a power. Bengal
divided will pull in several different ways.
Anti partition movement early stages moderates Surendranath
Banerjee, Krishna Kumar Mitra.
1905 Partition criticized by Gopal Krishna Gokhale in Congress session
7 Aug 1905 anti partition movement initiated massive demonstration
against the partition was organized in the Town Hall in Calcutta.
16 Ocotber partition took effect day of national mourning in Bengal.
Ceremony of Raksha Bandhan.
Ananda Mohan Bose laid the foundation of a Federation Hall to mark the
indestructible unity of Bengal.
Swadeshi and Boycott.
Atmasakthi self reliance
Acharya P.c.Ray Bharatiya Chemical Swadeshi stores.
Passive resistance along with Swadeshi and Boycott.
Aurobindo Ghose To make the administration under present conditions
impossible., Political Freedom is the life breath of a nation.
Failed to reach the real masses of the country.
RAjani Kant Sen, Syed Abu mohammed, Mukund das poets and song
April 1906 police assault on the peaceful delegates of the Bengal
Provincial Conference at Barisal.
15 Aug 1906 National council of Education set up.
1907 Lala Lajpat rai and Ajit Singh had been deported following riots in
the canal colonies of Punjab.
December 1907 attempt made on life of Lieutenant Governor of Bengal
April 1908 Khudiram Bose and Prafulla Chaki threw a bomb at a carriage
which they believed was occupied by Kingsford, the unpopular Jugje at
Muzzarfarpur. Prafulla Chaki shot himself dead while Khudiram bose was
tried and hanged.
December 1908 nine Bengal leaders including Krishna Kumar Mitra and
Ashwini Kumar Dutt were deported.
1908 Tilak given a term of 6 years imprisonment.
National college with Aurobindo as principal.
Chidaram Pillai in Madras and Gadicharla Harsarvottam Rao and others in
Andhra Pradeshwere put behind bars.
Participation of women in movement.
Muslim leaders
1918 women marched in political processions, picketed shops, selling
foreign cloth and liquor etc.
1919 Government of India Act
41 nominated members in a total strength of 144.
Upper house Council of states 26 nominated and 34 elected members.
In 1920 the total number of voters was 909,874 for the lower house and
17,364 for the upper house.
March 1919 Rowlatt Act formed though every single Inida member
of the Central legislative council opposed it. The Act would enable the
Government to suspend the right of habeas corpus.
1919 Gandhian Era.
2 October 1869 birth of Gandhi.
South Africa experience Indians in South Africa denied the right to vote.
Had to register and pay the poll tax. Could not reside exept in prescribed
locations which were insanitary and congested. The Asians as also the
Africans could not stay out of doors after nor could they use
1893 1914 : Gandhis struggle in South Africa.
Where there is only a choice between cowardice and violence, I would
advise violence.
HE would not separate thought and practice, beleief and action.
1915 returned to India age 46.
1916 Sabarmathi ashram.
1917 Champaran Bihar
Peasants compelled to grow indigo in 3/20 th of their land and sell it at
prices fixed by the planters. (1859 61 : similar problem in Bengal
peasents had won freedom from planters)
Accompanied by Babu Rajendra, MAhzar-ul-Haq, J.B.Kripalani, Narahari
Parekh and MAhadev Desai.
Committee of enquiry formed with Gandhi as a member, difficulties of
peasants reduced.
1918 Ahmedabad mill Strike
Procured 35% increase in wages for the mill workers.
1918 Kheda Satyagraha
Crops failed in Kheda District in GUjarath.
Struggle withdrawn when it was learnt that the government ad issued
nstructions that revenue should be recovered only from those peasents
who could afford to pay.
Sardar Patel one of the followers who joined Gandhi.
1919 Gandhi founded the Satyagraha Sabha whose members took an
oath to disobey the act and court imprisonment.
6 April gave a call for a mighty hartal.
13 April 1919 Saifuddin Kitchlew and Dr.Satyapal arrested, people
gathered to show protest, massacred by General Dyer.
Thrace taken away from Turkey in spite of promises (made by Lloyd
George the British Premier) that said otherwise.
1922 Bihar and Orissa village Administration Act.
1923 elections Swarajists won an absolute majority in the central
provinces Council and constitutes the single largest party in Bengal and some
other provinces.
1923 Bombay Local Boards Act.
1923 Calcutta Municipal Act
1923 Bombay Primary Education Act.
1923 Madras State Aid to Industries Act.
1926 Madras Religious Endowment Act.
1927 All India Womens conference was founded.
1930 Ahrar movement Maulana Mohmad ali, Hakim Ajmal Khan,
Hasan Imam, Maulana Zafar Ali Khan and mazhar ul- haq.
1931 Karachi session of Congress Socialism declared as goal.
1932 Pak idea 1st figured in RTC led by permanent Vice Chairman of
ML, Asaf Ali ( Green Book ideology)
1932 CDM called off.
1933 British Parliament published white paper based on RTC talks,
basis for 1935 Act.
1934 Wardha session CWC session decision to go for land reforms.
1934 All India Mill Workers agitation
1937 - Elections
1937 Several women became miisters or parliamentary secretaries in
the popular ministers.
1938 Allahabad session of ML supported idea of Pakistan.
1939 Violent communism phaseenure as Congress President,
youngest as well.
1940 -46 : Maulana Azad longest
21 March 1940 Lahore session of ML passed resolution demanding
Pak on basis of 2-Nation Theory.
August 1940 set of proposals August offer Gov.Gen Linlithgow.
August 1942 Bombay session Quit India resolution
Praja Sarkar in Baliya district of UP Chintu Pandey
MOnghyer Sarat Chandra
Nana Patel _ SAtara
1944 June C.R.Formula
1945 U.K.Elections Climont Atlee came to power (Labour Party)
1945 elections India
1946 Bombay riots last protest Kochin, Kandla and Karachi
1946 Jan PM Atlee announced an all Party delegation would visit India
1946FEb All Prty Delegation visited India and recommended
transfer of power.
1946 Cabinet mission A.V.Alexander (Chairman, Labor), Pethick
Lawrence(Labor), Cripps Stafford Conservative., came in May 1946,
announced recommendations in June 1946.
16 August 1946 Direct Action Day.
Sptember 13, 1948 Union Government conducted police action under
Operation Polo led by J.N.Choudary.
September 18, 1948 Mir Osman surrendered
1955 The Hindu Marriage act.
1956 The Hindu succession act.
British administration took away judicial functions of caste panchayats.
Social conference
Jyotibha Pule was the first to open several schools for girls of the
lower castes
Dr.B.R.Ambedkar All India Scheduled Castes federation. Several other
leaders All India Depressed Classes Association.
Kerala Sri Narayan Guru One religion, one caste and one God for