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(EDITORIAL Peete bectpound and Doomson’" hs. For he at ine couple st pages The ace 4 Tne of Bl? swe hope i pode plenty of nd Tor hough So harks Wout ose who have writen Kesp tem come arcs, and to some dopes pat to of he Talim Sckgroumd ar cmmecte ote tpi of The Empires poy Tm Extn & Ryan Wisma ok atthe Tbs of Get relevan tos edem Empre docs provid Tim Baers repulrcoluna The Conesponient hs own dicuson on cut, Joy MacGregor po somesch background tis ise, looing oh Felix Er plaming on reviewing alte latest peut om ‘Th Blak Libary next te han so Bon announced that he) ined ropi ale od nove: Ths 2 Selo developmen some cues aya) thc lok af gee Hoptly next cs wl be ot more lage RPC comenson Hone ins year eae, tren’ ing However don arm 1 bee Eood aya acing se il ony panne ie Suge the ame Vee Geneon il erasing, Th it wile inresng to make sme compersons Sale Ideal ef to ng any poole ino games (pei cre, someting RPG convention re The framing wee months are very important or Tra fog tin now sd iw sem eye dy toler Reb (or Rel, novene sel sure Yt) of Sore hs ben promised fra Geneon reese preceded Byte a! pr of Deomtoncs and followed by he Dwar Sourcebook Ill se pens hn itis these releases will be scrutinised carefully by the WFRP_ bat then why shoulda tay bs: We have wated 0 long fo hn tat we supect something sper Peay We at fue to be Sopot mo mater wit However, benoe ton usta colton of spe —=——SS Afr thse rless thee does curently sem 10 (HT eee ns oe tae anything solid in the pipeline as yet. It is vitally important ‘ideas. Still it could be worse. Those in the east had proved themselves: ‘that Hogshead do not ease off and continue to ends. However, storms ravished the land, although he was protected by the crater. Peel Gal ea wea Wr lss Gotane tara than than, wile amble Le em dsp ha! He sige = a ely come Aerrespondece Midleser England dior Sod Fody Jahn Keane Asoc Editors: Matin Olver & Mel Taio Joes ‘Addons Proofing Steve Gee Cover Rap Hoey ‘Ouran nthe USA: Spencer Wallace Meseatons! Sohn ae None ES itiey M San AY vee cme Ober teen SUBMISSIONS Seca femos ipod tne plese op tnt cemind us Fale orp spl symgom of he chai ee ‘the Warpoge rnin, you tak he tie with subi, we wl he the ine respond. ow? "Ncurchapytoresvesubmistonsy ot rei Anse soul in RTF (Rich Tet Forma or MS Wor Art Sobmisons ‘Weare away looking for ais, You mt ave a ndersaning ofthe “Warne euch nen ‘broad rngzof spin sour curently) but we archapytolook tall Kindo wor, wb Sour pei is map, cartes, porta oF anything ee. Just nnd ws pre you thinks Tnloded in Wastone and ume example of ny oter work you have done lene retro wd ‘ign, bat oly copie we re not okig fr new monsters care sills, gods te (Tat a you tae emai god se ‘n) Weare looking for arises tht expand he word of Warhammer ling he ap tha ae se. a lok thw the game played caning nes rent pane arvetreed in scing developed Hfyou cial hades snp of ene har wo you've compote ‘eine hs woul be anf ut fn eeih. euler Aries ‘Geek wh lt wo kere nono ca wit Should be wed Comme dice: We ae ays looking or rics whee yo put on our oi of view on para skye Cano Bie encounter and avers etn. Dee’ cae rater poi ny en Scenario Ful gh de antes We ae epi need nner ta do lose hos ‘hestry. Ai of goblins with +1 swords ll oul wil poe the adage it "he ee’ ral po mh (hunt word” Shr trie Sot flyin te Wuhan Wor. Sa ulin as Som The Article List following on thelist atthe moment Carer Ax mentioned in ese 10. No Rew oes, i ese Ot clare an hac fr he areIssue 17 6 iN Pry REPORTS FROM THE HEART OF CORRUPTION the on-line Bergsburg worthy statement, bt inevitably. for ributions to interaet without some degree of control The Correspondent ‘Ove regular columaist takes a look at Imperial Law. “At some poin 1 their adventuring ae likely o find themselves proceedings: most likely as The Nine Tribes The Empire at the time of Sigmar. Lor ae CCl How to address your betters, Some essential material for those with the Etiquette skill. The ranks and titles of the Old World nobility is a confusing subject.” Eto ken ne 19 JA 1 Took at the vou 3 ‘Sometimes the level of grovellin reaches the point of being nauseating oer wih she Rumble coin Part two takes us iato The Old City among 4 other places on 4 Although the keep is part of the Old City . wall, it dominates the atmosphere ofthe Hi distiet. goes Reviewed: The Professionals ay |A look at how to incorprate Bodie & Doyle AUS. ©) into your WERP game, Sorry that wis + lie axe ix ‘A Took at some games magazines. If ths is not sey exactly what i the point of Tn the Name of Love ‘A abort scensio, En to do anything, i i rollREVIEWS Last issue I reviewed a number of resources available on-line for use in WERP. A unique ‘one, in its execution, is ‘The Bergsbury Project Which aims to develop the town of Bergsburg by allowing anyone to submit locations, seenarios and personalities. By allowing all submissions, plans of this nature encourage @ wide variety of ideas, many just one-off Thus writers are encouraged to contribute. without ever going down the line of attempting to create a full sourcebook. The structure ofthis kind of project attracts those who would not otherwise be tempted to put pen to paper. However, such an undertaking comes with inherent dangers. The problem is that without any contro, focus or consistency a project could go off the rails The organisers state in their introduction, "we want a breathing, living city where things depend on each other”. This isa worthy statement, but inevitably for the different contributions to interact without conflicting you need some degree of control and maintenance, The organisers have set out to counter potential problems by providing solid guidance for perspective contributors. They have ‘outlined the history of the town, giving an overview of what makes it intresting. Assistance on submissions and an outline of how the submission process works is also included: all ofthis seems to be a sensible attempt to make things easier for contributors. Reading this Aid gives a real sense that they are really trying to make this a playable city source, Part of this guide contains the weleome advice that they are trying to avoid huge conspiracies and Chaos cultists in every house The Project itself available as a website maintained by Luke “Twigger, one ofthe Project co-ordinators. He has done an excellent {job of putting ital together. The site itself s simple and clean, ‘although not always as easy to navigate as it could be. A welcome Peet feature is the ability to download the whole project as a compressed file if required, Bergsburg (originally known as Virtualdorf) was chosen as the basis for the project as there were no references to it outside a ‘gazetteer entry in The Middenheim Sourcebook. This allowed the city to be developed in any direction, Standing as the capital of Hochland, it was built on the site ofa holy waterfall associated with ‘Shallya, In addition to the crowds of pilgrims, prospectors have flocked tothe town in recent years after the discovery of gold inthe nearby Middle Mountains. The cult of Shallya provides a powerful influence here, but its the Council of Five who rule. The Council is also the name of the Bergsburg project's five co-ordinators. ‘The background is supported with a number of maps of the town and surrounding area which provide an essential visual guide to the city. Although the project isa couple of years old, the amount ‘of material here is relatively small. However, the quality is generally high. Each entry begins with raw details listing the ttle, author, and the history ofthe submission, saying when it was added to the project and if it has undergone any changes. The main part of the {description Finishes with links to other submissions. This is where ‘Bergsberg really seems to be heading in the right direction. Such Tinks make the background come alive, ensuring no submission stands alone. It also means there ae plenty of ideas for thers 10 work with, If this can be carried through, Bergsberg will become a ‘coherent and effective environment, Among the current submissions are thre temples, a detailed ‘description of a noble family, some traders, numerous NPCs and various other elements you would expect to find in a Warhammer city. The best ofthese are the Tiegel Theatre the Shrine of Ranald ‘and the Temples of Sigmar and Ulric. There are plenty of nice ideas, many showing what can be done without resorting to Chaos- fuelled plots. | also liked the shor story, Kasper’ Gift, although its link to Bergsburg is tenuous. The most effective submiss those that tie in to the background of the ci ‘make the location of charaeter unique. ‘On the downside, a couple of the submissions feel a ‘unfinished and shoulda’t have been allowed in without further development. A stronger editorial hand would have benefited some ‘of the submissions which tend to waffle a litle. Tightening the work ‘up at this stage ean only strengthen the project later on, There is also a tendency to fully detail every NPC, including giving them profiles. This isn't necessary, and just takes up additional space. ‘Although the links between submissions do make the ity come alive, there is not enough material to judge how affective this will be, although the current groundwork is strong. One element ofthe project that is lacking, though, are scenarios. It will be scenarios that will relly pull things together and allow the different parts of the city to interact. Hopefully, once GMs start using the project these will naturally become available. As it stands, the Bergsbung project has the foundation to be a strong and effective resource for WFRP GMs. Ifthe Council of ‘guaranteed. Is lack of recent development shows that this isa real danger. Whatever happens look forward to secing how it evolves The Bergsberg Project can be found at; www html ee Warpstone - Issue SeventeenSLA Industries Published by Nightfall Games/Hogshead Publishing Reviewed by Martin Oliver ws 610 sears ago the universe wes ov war: Raves tore eachother arti an epic sre kos as the Conflict Wars. Only one person had the vision toed it oll Me Saver. strange. chery ited businessman sho sol eupons and Blogenetc oldies, ad who eventual rong about peace Br tring hese same wecpons on thelr new masters the wake ofthe desrction. he founded SLA industries ~ a company that owns everthing worth mentioning Dhe company tha rues oppress all opposition. The company yon work for, Weeome t the World of Progress. SLA Industries is a dark and brooding game, set on Mot the planet that ties at the hear ofthe World of Progress. I's a grim, uncaring place, where TV actos the unemployed mases whist SLA's foes srugee to kesp control (Characters are Operatives. the agents contacted by SLA to do whatever needs doing = Fem polling the sewers to primetime publicity appearances, Death fsa spectator spc, ada price wort paying for Yur fille minutes of fame Operatives are the privileged few. They're highly trained highly pak. and in the limelight. Most are human, but there's aso Frothers (rug-crzed
follows the same rules, Titles ae aligned in order of importance, but again this Inperson: My Lord Duke, Your Grace ‘may not be tue in al cases. A Baron in one area may be above a Margave it Duchess nother. To further canis matters one Baron may be higher ranked than wane ee One es ae lee another Baron. But to ignore these complications it isk a serious faun-pas Inperon: Madam, Your Grace and that has been known to put one's very life at risk Eldest Son “Takes tite of Baron ‘Where
. of
i used, replace these as appropriate. For example Earl Riegheim of Andelsdor would be addressed 38 Qher sons Lord Andelsdort Writer: Lodforemame> Inperson: My Lord, Your Lordship Emperor ame Writer: is Imperial Majest cmghers inpenom rtepatal akon Writer Lady
hn Inperson: Madam, Your Ladyship Wiiten: — Inperson: Your Royal Highness a Marg Princess ‘Writer “The Most Honourable Lord
‘Writen Her imperial Highness Princes
Inperon: My Lond, Lord place name>, Margus place name> Inperson: Madam, Your Royal Highness 5 Marchioness Marquise Wir Ly
Inperon: Your Ladyship, Lady
, Marguse
Waren: The Honourable forename Dangers Weiten: Lady
Inpemon: Yourish Counts (For Viscoust simply replace Couat with Viscount) Cont Waite: The Righ Honourable the Count of place name> Inperon: My Low, Yur Lordship Lord place name>, Count placename Comress Writen: The Righ Honourable the Couns of
Inperon: Madam Your Ladssip, Lady “place name>, Countess
Eldest Son “Takes tite of Haron Other some Writer: The Honourable
Inpeson: Sir Daanghers Writer Lady «forename
Inperson: Madam, Your Ladyship Earls Earl Writer My Lord a Inperson: Lon, Lord
, Earl
Warpstone - Issue Seventeen 17Couness Writen In person: Sons Wrinen: Daughters ‘Writer: Margrave Boron Wiiten: In person: Baroness Writen: In person: Sons Writer In person: Daanghers ‘Writer: In person: Barons Baron Write: In person: Baroness In person: Lady
Your Ladyship, Lady
‘The Honourable forename “The Honourable
“The Most Honourable Lord
‘My Lord, Yout Lordship ‘The Most Honourable Lady
Madam, Your Ladyship “The Honourable
sir “The Honourable
(if unmaried) ‘The Honourable Frau
(if maried) Madame ‘The Right Honourable Lord
‘My Lond, Your Lordship, Baron
The Right Honourable Lady
WALKYRIED Sons Writer “The Honourable
Inperson: Sir Daughters Writen: “The Honourable
(if unmarried) ‘The Honourable Fras
(if maried) Inperson: Madame Kaight/Baronet Knight Writen: i
In person: forename> Lady Wrinen: Lady
Inperion: Your Ladyship Sons Writer: The Honourableforename> Daughters ‘Write: Lady
Inperson: Your Ladyship Notes Remember, rules of City States are Grand Dukes or Grats. Heirs to Baroies are known as Baronets, ad eis to Prinepalities known as Crown Prince. The tule of the League of Ostrmark is known ax Chancellor. Hopefully the above ist cana some realism and it spice o any WFRP campaign Ian be kept as a GM reference and to PCs with the Etiquette ski Other characters may need to make Intelligence o Fellowship tests remember th coret form of addres in any speci situation. with apliable ‘modifiers as devised bythe GM The above information may not correlate historialy to the various ranks and tiles It also a mitre ofits from time period and counts lowevet this eto itn with the confising nature of Imperial nobility Warpstone - Issue SeventeenBLUE BLOOD ON THE CARPET Nobility in The Empire by N. Arne Dam and Alfred Nusez Jr. ‘Look at the flthy beggars. If not for our ‘magnanimous rae they'd be lite Bete than the “Gnimats they raise.” ~ ReiKlander Baron von ‘versal on hie way 10 the Groat Mar aginst (Chaos 2302 1¢ In peer Now th Noble carers were (eintoduced into WFRP alongwith the silat othe seca. carcors Moreover the atl pridetsom: background {information the reasons wh a nable would became an adventurer, and the manner in which a successful ‘venture may terion advance within the nobility “The purpose ofthis article is to provide more Warpstone ~ Issue Seventeen {information on he noble class The ate wll ook at, ‘mons oho hinge How aperson seve io nb. ‘what happens when a noble line des out how nobles ‘mary for advantage, and how the success ofa House dependent upon the capabilites ofthe patriarch, These ‘en shoul provide a ameswrk for GMsto rete more
rclessthan compton inthis Not that Barons ‘ane the val of Count of Duke who nts the ‘vasa ofthe provincial rl ‘A numberof landed nabs have propery in ation to their primary holdings some’ nother Impetal proviness. An example of this is the village of Kammcndun, whichis oat in Midnland whore the RiverSchaunflas ctr the Schadensump. The mini an ishing village sone ofthe Impoilpssesios of Gra Boris Tobringe, ven though Hone hundred and tenmiks west of Middnicim, Infact. many ofthe more powerful pera able families wn props noth 19(Ole Word domains (Betoun, Wasteland, Kise a the Border Princes are the mos likely) asa eslt of ‘maringe, inheritances and varius ote meas, “The lowest rank of nobility (the one detailed in the ERP Rulebook ashe Noble carer and Apocrypha Noe 1s Noble-Rank 1) encompass thse witoutladortewly élevated to the satus of nobly. These include those "siting thir inheritance and thos who are exlided om land owning for whatever reas, Since the time of Emperor Magnus the Pious, the ruber of young nobles efoto hei fail inberiance {al ehilren save the eldest son, in most case) as ined: Many ofthese lndes nobles lock olay carces in heir pursuit of fae and Fore. Sore also hope to carve out land oftheir own, most i the nonher wildemess (north ofthe Midle Mountains) stem marches (Osland along the Kislevite frontier, (Ostermark, Sylvania, and the outlying portions of ‘Arana, and near the Imperial enelaves Of Akendoe ‘nd Mortosholm in he Borde Pines, ‘Otheruranded nobles ar enteingthe mercantile ade ininceasing numbers in hope of entinung he iex le to which they've become acantmed. Its also a means for these nobles wo regain some infoence dios we ‘ofmoney an provide anunland noble witha rom higher leven of obit but unwive disbursement can leave them bankrupt ad atthe moreyof thee enemies “soot a them al proud and fla" themseves. {hetnot acne othem ha ever done thing nthe lives: Go ow I wish wa or one anonsmous Midenlander peasant 1H You Cannot Bet Then, Join Then ‘What now pases 3 led mobility ad it antecedents well before th time of Sigma In fc sone ofthe ancient tribes including Sigmar’, scmod havc had hrediay ‘his, Others elected thei leaders based upon sil ard ‘reumstane In ines of peace and prosper a ede With mediating sills would be more honeiial to the tribe. When war came, those skilled at ars withthe ilies to Tend men and defet tribal enemies were prefers 'As the teibes grew in size, strong lea! leaders established themslves as enforcers ofthe ible: Wand peace Inexchangc ofthe martial peosetion they would demand tithe fom tee fellow peasants. With Sigmar's ascendaney as Emperor, the tribal leaders became provincial ar Furthermore, the lea leaders serving these rr likewise ensured tei position (as ‘wll tht fr thir descendants) and thts joined the hereditary chief in Founding the ancient families oF bility, the o-called Ord By the ine of Emperor Sigismund Il the Congucr, many ofthe noble families of The Empice hd been fi “xablishe. Its bee to Be around this time tha tbe First nobles were granted presen day lesty thr eg lords (8. Imperial records show that Sigismund I levatedscveral ofthe noble wares that campaigned ‘with him to Barons) Sine each Flector maintained the ‘ighto appoint nobles and award the ites bythe end ‘ofthe first millenium their use had become the ter ‘mess we know today ‘ow yarsalr Sigismund I's death fed betwen ‘Baron von Manstcn of Marburg nd Baron Von Spec of ‘Kemprbad led othe ater’ death Emperor Sie the Lavgiver faced competing claims of Baron von “Mansi and Baroness von Schiester of Auerwald for hie land and wealth He decided on thi candidate “Marsal Heinz Gderan,aoyl general who served his father and himself. In clevaing his choice, Emperor Sgt ised the Imperial Fit of 25 1C ‘Should a Flef become vacant: whether by imisdeed, misortne. or death: as decreed bs Sigmar, Ulric, and Mirr, the Elector of the 20 The Forms Have to be Kept! - Roleplaying a Noble By Roderic d'Arcon and Alfred Nufez Jr. ‘When roleplaying a Noble, player should always keep in mind thatthe mindset of Nobis coneierbly
‘mater what the source. Crafty and eteatve PCs need 9 be careful thre aresvct laws govemingth egiimacy ofthe proof required to suppor a claim. Those who arclesly sit he laws, an ate no thomsels noble ‘may face sme hash penaltics. nthe nd the PCs ay Team the te depth ofa oble's loyalty to thse they empl. A Bich Barard Baron Ouo von Braun is dying. caving no legal is ‘The Barony is prosperous, and the lige-ord seems pleased to fake it back for himel. However poor ard horus band called Eich Humperdinck approaches th PCs aiming ob the Margave's bstardson The Barc ‘knows ofa basta chil: but be as never sent and his ‘oldmistrow ilong dead However, Erich lis tha the Ryan mide who delivered himcan ponent, nd he wants the PCs oasis and pros hi fromthe Tegevon's assassins, Since the ige lord's pans wll slop at nothing climate Eich, any and esti arch ofthe countryside forthe midwife is nsexsry ollwod by ting the nocesary declarations before the Baron dics they sucecod (and Erich honours the agement) the reward is caonmots, Margoende [An Aldert lawyer named Frederick Langnse contacts fone of the PCs via courier Herr Langnase has boon ‘commissioned by the von Eschtal estate to find & Ascendant fom branch of her aly ht moved the Reiklnd some sity years before Apparent. the ok Baron is dying and doce’ have any posible bts lake over the prosperous esate in western Osan, ‘Through months of research, Herr Langnase has uncovered the ft that ome ofthe PC (to thom the Inuer beara pang resemblance with heme colour Jai eyes, atures and build) actualy the oly Fly ‘sation whom he Baron maybe wiling to econ his ie Herr Langnise fis aang fr a meting 0 take place within few days and gives the PC lt, which details the time and date ofthe mein. Faily Basincs requires Herr Langnase to be elsewhere “Ther ise sl ui hat he yer wll mo iv he mosting fs not withthe Baron. Here Langa is toon mangusraing asa member ofthe won Eschetal faly fora umber of mans: A very srs crim in ‘the Imperial capital Hert Langrase recy eared fom rsiable sources that ischarade hasbeen uncovered He fadonly ew dysto find ike scapegoat upon hoe he ould ame his illegal sets before heist mest ‘magistrate fom Ostland to anange for his surende. Fare to make this mating would cose the ance ‘of an Inprilaret warrant, The Osler hay never tet eer Langan, but ds hava gona description ‘ofthe criminal (and the PC in question. The sk the PC's companions should Be obvious, anes they would rather sc hci comrade convict of anthers rm, “It is my di to do as I please.” Warpstone - Issue Seventeen The Von Bildhofens In the Madden sourcebook ome fina family tree ofthe hoses of von Bilder an Tring without {any ext to support nf, ome could conclude fram {his limited information that the von Biidofons edo leas than tre Electoral Province a he same ime, oe of them regu as Emperor form less than 8 years ‘Given that "Pomer behind he Throne scenario provides ‘PCé with thei first opportuni io inerct with he High Soviet of Middenhetm, more information of ts rlere and theres other noble fois clearly needed. Ththe ls part ofthe etic, we atempt to acon for ‘the evens that Ted 10 thereof he vo Bidens aa ‘heir “sougale™ to maimain heir position In th itary ofthe Collegium Theologica one ca find sninvaluablctome for those rescrching the members of the extaordinary House of von Bildhofen. Dring the first half ofthe 24 comury the Ieading members ofthe family went from an anonymous fe at the eur ofthe Sticlnd Grand Count tothe thrones of Reiland, Middcland, Midenhein andthe very Empireo Sigmar Divi The von Bildhofen family traces its oot back to the mths of Sigmar himself The fist document showing the name ae from the sith century whore one Latha ‘von Bildhofen played a lading role in the Grand Conquest of Emperor Sigismund Apparel. wasat ihe oceason a te fea tte fay Nas app, Bare "The next significant event in the history ofthe von Bildofon isthe Age of Was In 1215 I Friedrich Yon Bildhoten was appointed Count of Saxburginrecoiton ‘of is loyal sistance to the Grand Count of Stand in the war gaia Talabecland, Fritch the st person
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
Gilbert King
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (273)
Yes Please
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Yes Please
Amy Poehler
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (1961)
The Outsider: A Novel
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The Outsider: A Novel
Stephen King
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (1956)
The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
Garth Stein
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (4264)
Warhammer Fantasy Battles 1st Edition
52 pages
Warhammer Fantasy Battles 1st Edition
José Enrique V. R.
100% (7)
The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
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The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
Thomas L. Friedman
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (2283)
The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction)
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The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction)
Viet Thanh Nguyen
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (125)
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Betty Smith
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (1934)
Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
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Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
Doris Kearns Goodwin
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
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A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
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A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
Dave Eggers
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
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The Woman in Cabin 10
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The Woman in Cabin 10
Ruth Ware
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (2618)
Wolf Hall: A Novel
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Wolf Hall: A Novel
Hilary Mantel
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
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On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
Naomi Klein
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
Jay Sekulow
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
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Fear: Trump in the White House
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Fear: Trump in the White House
Bob Woodward
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
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Manhattan Beach: A Novel
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Manhattan Beach: A Novel
Jennifer Egan
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Warhammer Fantasy Battles 1st Ed
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Warhammer Fantasy Battles 1st Ed
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100% (2)
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The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
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John Adams
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John Adams
David McCullough
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The Light Between Oceans: A Novel
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The Light Between Oceans: A Novel
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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
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4 pages
Tell Me What You Want Done, and I Will Try It, If I Have To Walk From Here To The East of East and Fight The Wild Were-Worms in The Last Desert
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Little Women
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Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
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