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PEAZINE FOR WARHAMMER FANTASY ROLEPLAY Sr : Mux st oe ng 9 mn 771465 Kee0016" |EDITORIAL By John Foody After our promised break in service we return once more, ready to take on the world. The Old World anyway. We haven't been idle however, sailing around the world on money embezzled from ‘Warpstone Incorporated. We were hard at work getting Corrupting Influence: The Best of Warpstone finished. We are very pleased with the results and the feedback we have received suggests that you are too, We hope it will help attract some new readers to Warpstone, and maybe even WERP. We have had @ number of comments recently calling for more background. So, alongside our continuing Talabheim series, we bring comprehensive coverage on the Sea of Claws. This is in addition to the usual mix of articles. Again, we do feel we have been squeezing articles in, From next issue we are Jooking at increasing our page count ~ but we shall see. As always, the feedback we do receive, and there is never enough, is always useful. For this reason we have decided to undertake another readers survey. We hope you'll take the time to complete it. Afler much water under the magic bridge, we are happy to say that we can finally bring you a review of Realms of Sorcery. As you'll see my thoughts on this long awaited book are mixed. Have a read of the review, and then let us know what you think, If we get enough, we'll publish next issue. The next release from Hogshead is due to be the Dwarf sourcebook by regular Warpstone contributor Alfred Nufiez Jr Over the next couple of issues we'll be bringing you some additional background on the dwarfs, some by Alfred himself. We'll also be doing the same for Realms of Sorcery, filing in some of the gaps left by the book. Our second review, is of the unofficial supplement A Private War, self published by our regular columnist Tim Eccles. Although I usually review all new WFRP products for Warpstone, | have refrained from doing so here. Our reviews have to be, and be seen to be, completely fair. Thus we asked someone independent to do this one, The same will go for all other products where we have had some input, With the Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter movies doing big business, it seems fantasy is everywhere at the moment. Games Workshop have had huge success with their Lord of the Rings game. However, so far it seems as if RPGs are gaining little from this raising of the genre’s profile. There seems to be no ‘way to attract new blood to the RPG hobby in any large numbers. Wizards of the Coast's D20 revolution already seems to have largely died. So although there are enough players to keep roleplaying going for some time, it seems there is no way to pry the coffin lid off. So, on that sombre note, I'll with the rest of the issue. Ema warpstoneabgfotcom bios Associate Bios: Jobe Fody & John Keane =.
t an blame me if 0 find ourself wndering tdensidt on your own aie dark Fur rom a Rslo stout A female one? You do realise they're poisons don ou? Six months i wil take. Fy percent upfrom. Jakob was bor into a middleclass family, hat of an ats who saved enough money to sn him 12 some fine academic schools. Jakob soon Icared he was bul an average student, but discovered ie ‘outside ofthe academie world when some of his colleagues immersed him in the seeder discs of Talabim, Here he found himself at home. His ties were soon neglected as he became interested in ‘eamblin. drinking. and carousing inthe watering oles of EMenstadt. Jakob soon found a way to put bis ne skis ose for personal gain; individuals entering Eldentat found themselves in an alien and oflen needed hep in various ways. Whether he is escorting someone or finding an thei always trying to make a copper. Ifyou need anything an item o a service. or need to get somewhere Jakob is your man, Despite or perhaps because of his streetwise owledge, Jakob has had few brushes with the Vor. eis too well connected to be completely ignored. and actually occasionally valuable to the Zyaganov [Nevertheless hei een sa potential trea and his in fact Been worked vera few times fo geting too close to things best let undiscovered. How much e relly nv s open to debate, but the Vory do rot take chances, Jab is extremely sway he projects an air of leadership and ama and slily built, and white not extremely charismatic inthe “sick” sot of ity. He is home on the street and in refined environment. Most of imeliget and educated man, equally at lhe is resourceful and an opportunist. He hasa thing for tomatoes (widely considered to bean aphrodisiae in the Old Woe), which he eas ‘Yekaterin is 8 woman of twenty-four (though she looks to be about thirty). of mid resolute bearing. Her ase is somewhat lage ee skin is ruddy but lacking in blemishes. and she is fll- Figured. She isan independent and strong woman, and {sin no harry to enter into another relationship witha rman, Her exhosband sill cares for ber well-being andoften hasagentskecping a watch out for her safety Sheloves.and loved by. he local people. Ma contact is needed inthe distil. Lady Vekaterina iss good place to star I she ean be convinced of the worth of {request she will do what she ea o Bel (Games Field ‘Auble-stewn patch of weed the games fed was ‘nce a residential block, Burnt down in fire decades ago and never rebuilt s now acente of activity for the distiet, hosting firs and athletic competitions Some of the more popular activities are distinctly Kislevite,inclading ‘Swaika: Contestants pitch an iron bol, the head of ‘which might weigh several pounds, within the centre ‘ofan ironing ied tthe ground. player who mises the cenre pases the bolt onto the next contestant his score being the number of successes he achieved Boxing: Known as kulatchnoi boy by Kisevtes. It iter rom Imperial boxing in thatthe fighters often wear loves blood is rey dawn (the im isto stu, rot baer into unconsciousness). and matches olen Feature “teams” of individuals, Board Game: Kislevites are fond ofthis contest. in hich a ong hoards balanced over og. Two people stand on opposite ends of the boar taking turns jumping in the air and attempting to throw the ether foffasa result ofthe impact. The losers the individual ‘sho falls of fis Giese Fighting: Kislevites train geese to fight vo the death and wager large sums onthe outcome. E Carton 6 Law ' ‘Arme Legh |} The misappropriation of the arms of a noble Rout vecemoscacn pain Fd [ ‘nei Pecherska Lavra (Monastery of the Cores") The Kislevites of Talabheim have, toa great exten, hung on to thei belief in the Od Way, despite ‘ensorshipand occasional persecution bythe Imperial ergy. Worship of Tal and Ryan conjunction with ' supersitous reverence of the Ancient Spits, has ‘gone underground... ierally. The Monastry of Caves fs exactly as the name implies: fully faneto ‘monastery located within he cave network under Talabhcim, “There ate several entrances to the cave network. all concealed from the prying eyesofnon-Kslevites. One is Tocated in a well safl, accessed through a rung Inder Another looks like ny ober enement building ance, yet the locked door opens to staircase ‘descending into darkness, Finding an entrance. however, is only half the challenge. Finding the monastery within the network of eaves i even more ficult, as the locaton isa eareflly guarded secret. There is no map. nor writen instctions, to mark the sways its knowledge passed on from generation 19 encration. entrenched in memory The monastery itself a small complex of natural caves (rare in Talubheim), consisting of several ‘meditation chambers and monks" quarters a8 well as a Tibrary of rate (and to Imperial eyes, hettical) Scholarship. in addition to the shrine itself. An Cindrground prof, waters fom the pools electing rily from off the high eeiing. the shine litle resembles a formal place of worship. Smoke fr ‘umerostorches and incense bumer clot the sison, while numerous stalagmites and stalactites cast erie shadows across the room. Only on important occasions do the monks hold formal ceremonies in most cases they leave the worshippers to speak with their gods on an individual basi. Kislevite PCs who wish 10 commune may be led ere (blindfolded) i they have bined someone who knows the lotion. “The Eldeastadt Poblic Bathe Kislevites bathe more regulary than most Old Worlders. and do so publily in large communal bathhowses. This practioe offends many Old World observers. who find it uncivilized (and perhaps the sign of Slaansshi influence... When the city was ‘young. tp tothe Spin as undertaken by many fas it was atsociated with healing and wellbeing Something that has now been lost. Years later, fongoten noble bul «building around it venta the ity surrounded it The Public Bath isa large, stone building housing a ast deep pool, large enough 10 accommodate 860 dozen bathers with ease. There als smal sauna room. a favourite spot in which to condoct business ‘Atendants are aailable to give massages oft cover the bathe wih ils. Males and females bath together. shamelessly. Tired characters wil fel reese afer short time her The Nag’s Head ‘Theentance to this “speakeasy” islocated inthe ack room of a labourers tavern. A bounce i located in ‘his oom. and ules aninsitation or passwords given without hesitation e pretends to know noting. Ihe is satisfied the patrons are epithe raps.a code on the secret door, and a doorman wil usher them in. The door ise is extremely wel hidden, and reinforced within (T4, WIS). The characters will be led down a Staircase ino acoatroom, where they are searched for ‘weapons. Once all weapons are confiscated they be allowed wo ene. The aver itself is dark, smoky, and ity. Broken ‘mugs empty bots, and supefed patrons iter the‘sabishnentsasthey are smugled past ta collectors ‘oF stolen, The backroom i lightly less run-down fn sa favourite aut for those in he mide rags ‘ofthe Voryhirarchy. All manners of vice (gambling. «drugs. companionship, ete) ean be locate here as well gal busines transactions are performed her al the time dew the secur and privacy Moles onthe waich will often wan the owner in advance ifthe authorities are planing a rid, and bought off magistrates can easily be convinced to return any confiscated goods. Sil, two seret doors Fave been bul wo allow for quick escapes foe those in the know. This tavern boasts @ host of interesting, and completely unsavoury. patrons. A few regulars. however, stand out from amongst the crowd of scum and villainy, Isabela Badajo. singer from Estalia ‘whose tar is fading. performs here on many aight. Her voice is no longer noteworthy, but her exotic beauty makes her a crowd favourite, She travels extensively. performing at inns taverns. and any Function that may increase her exposure and lead io 8 ‘carer revival. She alas relums fo the regular work at The Nag's Head when these attempts fail. Hee relationships” with the eliencle make her a good sourve of information onthe Tala underworld Titan. the mighty pith from the Southland spends a great deal of time here awaiting new rcs, Vari Zyugano the lea co-ordinator, has ‘wed many times to hice him permanently. but having spent much of his adult life asa slave, Tata has no ‘ish wo exchange one form of servitude for another He isa violent and moods individ is appearance ismade still ore striking by the how itual tatoos ‘which cover his bod and the migh aided scimitar (UI Khomo Ra) he cls. In charge of The Nag’ Head is Mata Zyuganow Thisspoil daughter ofthe rime-bossattends to mach ofthe day-to-day correspondence between her father tnd his clients, She has recived the finest education available (having atended the Collegium Theogica) tnd is this much more refined and worldly than her isals very atactive (obviously inheriting is even more cold and rates than hee trap for sh father. She is an exper: with poisons tol her Father frowns yon be phyial fete \ Canton 6 Law | Eset Sher the plying o te sek but and boris h ne. he fees, i Tacks the impact of / j banned for commoners, unless specifically 5 waned perisson by amember ofa recognised noble house of Talabheim or ved bythe can, but this ean be { Duke, Emperor Talgris XI notoriously J Toate the sound ofthe sackbut and hada} f dccp-seated aversion to the repetive beats of) \ } the tabor= this ismolble as ne ofthe few | Tas tht he forced through the Posraus | FF oghtibery and cerion of pers I J sbould be ted that egal sackbut and taboe {partis are not uk nthe wilder pat of || L ldenstadt FOR YOUR OWN PROTECTION ‘The Vory: Kislew’s & Talsbheim's Main Criminal Group When discussing organised crime in Ksly, the Vory are inevitably mentioned, a they are by fr the most poverfl nd cohesive criminal institation at work in Due to the heayy Kislevite influence on inevitably their influence has spread here They act as-a provider of protection to various segments of Kislevite society, a8 well as provi other essemtial services to its criminalclements. This article analyses the nature ofthe Vry (othe Kslevian “Mafiyaas they could be fil called and is place within soviet). At the moment their influence is tsnerlly confined tothe Kislevite ghetto, but this i nly seen asa short-term situation, The Vor area nie brand of organised crime grogp known a¢"Co-ordiators” for “Thieves-in-law” (Vory-v Zakone). “Co-ordinators” are the lito the criminal word nsurng the stability ofthe eriminal system by ‘o-erinaing the various elements ofthe ‘timinal world. While heading criminal r0ups in thir own ight, co-ordinators alo provide services to other cements ‘ofthe criminal world. These elements can ‘roa be categorised as Gangs. Pseudo Businesses. Corrupt Government Oficial. and Sate Embezzles, Gangs: The Vory help gangs to divide spheres of influence themssives, find ne markets, and provide protection from the lave through their contacts with co officials tangs and from the bureaucracy {again through their cortupt government contact) Corrupt Officials: The Vory supply them with criminals who have disobeyed them Tor ae ‘maintaining the illusion that they ae in fat doing thee jb Siate Eimberze e through their corrupt officials. and a means of Aisposing of thei loot through the gangs. While they may dabble in many enterprises. supplying _rosstion is ther coe businese Organised crime also Seeks io monopole the affic of illegal commodities, be itdrugs. saves. oe whatever The Kiley Mariya no different, except the commodity it seeks 10 monopole is protection serves. Even the most38 ers: Racketcer,ex-Solir,ex-Footpad Alignment: Newel ‘Skill: Disarm, Disguise Silent Move Urban Dovge Blow, Secret Language- Thieves Tengu, Excellent Vision, Strike to Sto, Lack, Specialist Wespon-Fis, Read/Write, Silent Move Rural. Scale Shoct Surface, Bribery. Secret Language Battle Tongue, Steet Fighting. Strike Mighty Blow Possessions: Mail Shirt, sword, 2-12 bay guards (exsoldiers) Quotes: “No, we wait. Swe they're encroaching on our smuggling int Talagra. bt we can ‘afford a fee losses Give it a month and Rol tll make his move ax well Then we wil clear up the mes “Look at me when I peak ro yo Ivan and sop lubbing 1 get my men to make it quick. Your Ihave brovght i ypon yourself when you betrayed ‘me. When we took your miserable gambling den ‘over: dn we let you hep haf of te profs and ‘carry om running i? Bat you got pred, and you leno what happens to those with that particular vice Don) we, fran (On the cusp of his ict year, Yuri always looks slovenly and disheelld, always in search of the next woman and drink. Hei completly incapable of despair and can be read like a book - everything shows oa his fice. His soldier's physique is starting to sagas age creeps upon him, ‘Yuri was hom into ard fe of brutality and poverty He responded by fighting his way out of and fighting hard! Joining 9 strest yang he fought and brawled his way to the top. son moving into other tea of erie. However he made enemies and was Brought down. The jalge {ve him # choice: yeas in prison (serving time alongside pad ills. none of whom would tespect his desire for power and contol) o service inthe army, salsing some teastrien problems on the border He chose the later, survived the powerful slaver’s guild has to deal with negligent business partners and the Vory isthe appara that ensues hat bo patios cont theese fly Their role as judge and intermediary ofthe criminal wold isa valed service in the Kislevite underwoed 'No mechanism exist in other parts of the Old Work where a pickpocket gang could go for judgement it ‘one ofits members was kidnapped by ang of slaves ‘oF where rival smugglers can ten to resolve issues ‘without resorting to violence The ability to make credible threats is crcl. The ‘ory must be abe init punishment on individuals (from foxpais o corrupt boyars) and upon groups {froma counterfeiting operation toa slave auld) and ‘Merefre the violent resources available to them must ‘be reac than the combine ion! resources of he partis it poets. Therefore. the five co-ordinators in islev (keep ining there ae dozens of the eiinal ‘carpaign, and boned his si and leadership He also ‘developed an abiding hatred of ‘Chaos. When his ime was done the returned home under the blessing of he Kislevite Vary Tate man such as Yuri ‘Zyaganov can ese fom peasant Sock o become one of the most powerfl individuals in all of Talabsim is peoot enough that humans ae ited in what they an achieve not by thee social ‘lass but merely hy thee Ambitions, Unfortunately, his is shout the only postive thing that am be said of the man known as ihe litle hood He ico, professional eriminal: ruthless and vindictive when needs be, Patient and forgiving when he sees advantage in it, but always planing several steps in advance He sce himself as criminal with ode of honour. typeof Robin Hood. Zyuganow fels he brings order to the ermal work replacing lnwlessness and promoting stability in these Ail times He thas Fels the state should ecognse his futhority AK the very leas they should resagnise his ing out Servants of chaos, a tsk at which he as proven more saccesfl ia than many of the Imperial security forces ‘Yuri would be just another Vor it were not for ‘one thing - vision, Whereas cies have traditionally ‘been divided into areas of influence by the Voy. ‘Zyuganoy saw no reason why ths must beso. ANce lan eoup put him in charge of one of the Eldenstadt gangs thee as no turning tack. Employing former army comrades as ane ‘nit to suppor his fotpads he easily vere. ated, theatre, or sled his vas into accepted subservient positions within his empire. As groups) can muster a lage group of enforcers. ‘Of course none of this comes cheap. The Yor Zao leech of of eriminals, just a ther eviminals, such as pickpockets and burglars, leech off common citizens, The racketers work thet way ino postions of trust or dependency. and then charge a fe fr their services. The pickpockets of Kislev would rather keep that extra ten percent, but thi is the pice you py for certain benefits, and besides, they enjoy keeping all ten fingers intact. Co-ordinator syle criminal groups are confined Kislev fortwo main reasons. Fit there must e a ready supply of enforcers inlarge quantities (underpaid men, unemployed soldiers, eashiered army offices, andits, ete). Most states don’t have this resource. except pethaps afer a major war. Pethaps ‘ore importantly. the co-ordinator grou banks othe inefficiency of the state in supplying sufficient he explained to his iva, offen when they were ‘oodid and wih hee heads being ground under his boot het. "Everyone profits inthis new relationship. Da?” ‘PCs are unlikely o ever meet Vir facet fice. Al east wo begin with However should they get involved with the criminal underworld or the ‘islevite population then they will stanly get 0 hear oF him Whether he becomes an enemy. fier (and that is using the word lily) or ethaps a patron is another matter entirely protction to legal and ilegl transactions: the more ‘confused the legal framework ofa county. the more incompetent the ks. the more ineient the ours, the more the Vor wil thrive. Only in Kise curently can al hese required elements be found. The Vor llr from mos rckeleer groups in het telatons with their clients. Most racketees are by definition predatory. meaning that they care not for the wellbeing oftheir “lien. The tax they impose {soften crippling. the rate is ever changing. as isthe Frequency of payments. The Vory provides re roection, nt only from let (a no-one i allowed turn down an offer for protection), Bat from hooligans, competitors tx collectors, te. naditon, the Vory acts asa recovery apparats against unpaid debts to their liets. charging 50% of the money recovered ‘Without the moderating touch of the co-ordinators‘criminals would probably have bled Kiley dry and headed to greener pastures sich as Te Empire, where itis not so cold, dangerous, and poor. The enforcers have ben able w moderate criminal activity such that ‘permanent resoure exists; 2 long as people survive land ade continues there willalays be enough wealth for ll eiminal to tke thee cut Increasing integration between the Vory-v-Zakone and legitimate businesses is occuring. a8 the crime bosses buy into firms. As they have a stake in a ‘busines remaining healthy, this snot at al surprising This also allows the rime boss to improve and profs of the protcted busines. Final investments provide another souree of income forthe Yon. “The Vory-¥-Zakone believe they ar upholding order and morality. They belive the order they bring to the ‘criminal world prevents slide into anarchy and chaos Indeed, most Vory-v-Zakone are vehemently ant- Chaos, and they believe the state should recognize them as legitimate power In order fa his Yo ace, however the state would have o give upits protective powers, in effet dissolving the watch and handing ‘ver thisrole othe co-ordinators Thisisbecasse bath the state andthe Vory are by definition protective agencies, and naturally each conflict with the other's jurisdiction. Unlikely aa hand. over of responsibility ‘may be, it is even more unlikely thatthe state wil declare “war” on the Vor: The strength ofthe Vory-¥- Zakone is such that, even though in die confrontation the state mist surely win, they would suffer a costly retaliation nthe process. ‘A political player of note to this study is Prince Andros, nephew ofthe cuent Tsar. The Prince ad his power hase have hardly been penerated hy the ‘ory and he showsa great concer fr la and order He seurently working on adecre that would increase the number of watch and socret police onthe sects of Kisley, as well as introducing some form of protection plan for witnesses, What the general public ‘oes not know i that The Prince and his supporters are pawns of Chaos. ‘The Vory in Tiabhcim Because of the sizeable Kislevite population in Talabheim, and its proximity to Kise, the Vory as ‘nad some success expanding into ths new terior However the conditions that allows forthe prosperity ‘ofthe Vory in Kislv are not eiely ete in The Empire, and the move has not been made without ‘resistance fom Imperial gangs. However, the ory is ‘resource andenterpisng. Despite initial sucess, it remains tobe seen whether the Vory can thrive in ‘what amounts to an alien environment Their grip on the Eldenstat criminal world is undisputed, but they have ony tentative tocol in the rest of Talabheim. Negotiations are underway with some smaller Imperial gangs to form alliances, ‘whereby the resources ofthe Vory would be exchanged for local knowledge anda share ofthe profits. Make mistake, the Vory flly intend to push out ‘competition in time, but they must be a ‘discrete in The Empire. ‘ithe sme time, they ar atempring to demonstrate their ole in upholding morality and order, in direst contast tothe predatory behaviour of Imperial gangs. This is something of «public re necessary endeavour if they hope to legitimise themselves in the minds of Imperial citizens. PC interaction with the Vory [In many ways, characters wil interact wih the Vory Without even knowing it ~ so many aspects of densa ife are affected by organised crime that it is acwally almost impossible not todo so. Perhaps the cout give the PC a harsher sentence because of ‘some sigh agsins the Voy: the alcoho they purchase oul have been smuggled in, or maybe the tavern itself belongs to Zyuganow: and sit goes. ‘Any rogue character operating in the district wi inevitably come tothe attention of the Vor, nd Wi firmly be informed that they are infringing upon roected territory. A second waring would not be [rtly Player characters may work directly against the ory, either a vigilantes of on behalf of The Empire This could be the focus of an etre campaign, ‘Alteratvely, characters of many different careers may slowly ingratiate themselves to the Vory and become a part ofthe organisation. This opens up a unique campaign of particular interest due to ‘contradictions ofthe Vor: onthe one hand amoral fand criminal, on the other protective and heroic in their stage aginst Chaos. lepeval characters may te tasked with acting as front men in ther dealings with non-Kislevite asociates, essential tothe Vory las for expansion Tn the course oftheir adventures, characters may simply stumble across the Vor and their operatives, Perhaps the PCs form temporary and uneasy alliance With the Voey to combat a Chaos threat. Maybe the business they have just started up is shaken down for protection moncy. or it may be that they are in competition with Vory operatives to collect an limprtant contract The possiblities are limitless. “The area's only chim to fame is its bakeries” ‘Asal dns Onen var 0 al ge onl otis ote Cy. wens te iy pot ‘orion hs wtp of ey. Ai at eonie smal poe an coe Ta that one formed the centre of the village. Many of the esident here are low ranking Civil Servants who ‘cannot afford to ive in Federdr, of who want to be nearer the grenery atthe edge ofthe ciy, Other residents include servants of those in Barrer and Nordengatter. The area's only claim to fame i its bakeries. The number of bakers of Oxteneld grown with the residents” increasing desire for fresh bread [oso is sure why they are so keen but they ae. Waking the strets inthe early hour s heaven for ‘the nose (and bell forthe stomach, some would sy) Costoa & Le Halftzen Plate Itisileal fora peer to enter the Perhaus ‘while wearing a ful suit of armour, unless he bea member ofthe Halfitzen noble house, ‘who have special dispensation for thee deeds in defending the city during bate with Tsar Ivan the Lunatic. “Many nobles from Talabecland and beyond have townhouses here” _Bulltin the shadows of the finery of Nordengaterand Barrer, Federdor is home to mach of the mile class ‘outside ofthe Artisans trade, Many nobles from ‘Talahecland and beyond have townhouses hee, which stand empty for much of the yea Its sid that many ‘Civil Servant working in Blutberg aspire ive ere, nd that certainly scems tobe tr. A constant worry ofthe residentsis the proximity of The Od City. rom ‘which they seem to believe a hungry horde of beggars nd thieves will one day rise. On occasion they have called fr gates to be built across the opening in the North Wall, but this has gone unheeded Carton 6 Lew ‘No Hoarding ‘Ay item of valve, inching coins ofthe realm, that donot Belong to any person in @ Taw capacity and discovered within the realm of Talabecland is property ofthe city of “Talabhcim and shouldbe surendered immediately. Hoarding such find is punishable by a fine exceeding 2 GCs ora sentence of upto ten years atthe Grand Duke's pleasure MAKING THE CUT # The Medical Guilds by Tim Eccles There are two points to bear in mind about physicians within WFRP universal culture is necessary in the early history of the Old World, before examining their guild. Firstly, itis necessary tobe extremely careful although a Dwarf or Elf origin i not implausible. My own preference is with terminology when analysing the medical profession within The for Classical to develop from the tribal origins of The Empire, from the Empire. WERP contains a number of careers with healing expertise: trade language developed as humans interacted with the more complex clerics (particularly of Shallya),deuidic priests, herbalists, pharmacists Dwarf and Elf languages), to use Remas as an early trading city that set and physicians. However, terms suchas “doctor” and ‘surgeon’ are barely mentioned, and are not offered as specfie careers ‘What we do have are magical practitioners and physiological practitioners. Like many FRPGs, WERP never realy manages to solve the problems ofa backward, dark, gothic world with there: ‘of magic and proven gods with divine (healing) powers. This is not an issue I propose to address in this aicle, but it does need to bberecognised. For the time being, 1 will assume thatthe clergy is limited and overworked, that chaos has led toa deep suspicion of magical healing, and that simple greed and self-interest has led to mundane and divine ‘magical healing methods being divorced, Sceonaly there isthe nature of disease and the history of treatment. Michael Anderson has covered this territory previously but the following description of the Physicians’ Guild takes a different position from that generally excellent atile, Whilst the history of Europe can be extremely useful to the {development of The Empite and the Od World, iti important to recognise the wo are different. In [i this case, Michael's use of Remas as an equivalent of Rome is ible in my view. The Old been uni World has nev under a single empire, unlike Europe under the Romans. Therefore, I do not think that there can be a classical Old Reman medical history, which Old Worlders are currently re nd_ improving. discover Personally I prefer, ifone must (1 think one probably has to accept the existence of Remas or-better CCasical language. To this extent, accept that some form of 38 reps‘up a number of outposts and colonies fo act as trading posts. It would seem unlikely that they had any great store of medical knowledge that ‘was later lost. Far more likely is that most of the Old Worlds formal understanding of medicine was obtained, ike their magic, from the High Elves. tisalso quite plausible that, as engineers, the Dwarfs would have hhad a well-developed understanding ofthe body as a mechanical system ‘nd have traded that information to the humans. Despite the point about the separation of divine and mundane healers, | would suggest that one retains the idea that the basis of medical philosophy is in myth and theology, developed by empirical research, ‘Whilst the guild has much power, itis still under the watchful eye ofthe varied religious authorities for any whiff of heresy or tint of chaos. Since the Old World has also been within its current political framework for some 2,500 years, and has not suffered the withdrawal of some lost golden age, itis also difficult to say why the Cathayans should be so far ahead in their own practice. Again, the eal world Chinese had to face social upheavals and invasions of litle practical difference to those of ‘The Empire, and yet there is such an apparent chasm between the two in their level of advancement. ‘Within the world of formal medicine, I content that there are two basic professions, the physician and the surgeon. What follows isa discussion of their cultural and philosophical characteristics. However, the most ‘numerous healers within the Old World would be the wise old women found in every peasant community, who offer traditional lore on 1g from delivering babies to curing lovesickness. There is no the WFRP rule mechani for such individuals ~ something that obviously needs attention." Physicians There is an important cultural distinction throughout the Old World between the ‘physician’ and the ‘surgeon-barber’, and it is one that physicians are extremely meticulous in maintaining. Physicians practice ‘medicine, a theoretical body of knowledge involving an understanding ‘of the body, its humours and its ailments, based upon classical theories ‘of the body and health. They deal with ailments, disease, maladies and the like. Physicians attend university or are priests The existing mode! of physiology within the Old Worlds shown below, right, ile od st isp oan Phys sve iy onto ln tc Ege Sree pha easing Bahr Sesn By tte regen pases: «pt ‘don ion ees g Soolgy af vey wot Soro wich dived am e ial Shag wok Sint nd Eee rts esa ap ‘nye stoner nang te ay onc a ce s ‘When cs ge ohh ost mye, anthracene The sso fn scaled he ace rb met common fd tc ding qk sd ry ye pes state mot seated ny eg tn tt cnc ite eget cs or ain tiv td om oft ers per af soa co Sica his bog sting tng pr of Fiche unumancn inser es argent ctananay anchor ese an “spose i nde wag sn aa al ee Warpstone - Issue Nineteen "xin. Sorry edge Wirarts woul rhs il sae some dee Ed ‘Arrows leave a shaft with which the surgeon can push the head through, or pull it cleanly out. Shot wounds are much nastier, since firearms are still relatively new, and surgeons are unused to treating such wounds. Internal injuries to organs are almost always fatal without divine or ‘magical intervention, ‘Surgeons may also be physicians, but more likely the surgeon would not be part of the Physicians’ Guild. He is a man with knowledge of | ‘animal butchery, and a few years experience on or near battlefields. This knowledge — his distinctive area of expertise — is practical. Midwives, hes, Shallyan prists/priestesses and physicians can all manage the lancing of boils, and minor surgery. Occasionally a physician will stand inattendance to oversee the work as the surgeons gets their hands bloody. tis also possible that within the cities and lange towns of the Old World, there are also businesses where barbers simply cut customer's hair fora fee, and offer a number of varied styles. This barber might offer ‘haircut andior shave, and might be located variously ina specific shop, in bath-houses, or in the marketplace. They would survive as a luxury service to those who can afford to engage in styling ther hair toa particular fashion Nersce [Nurses are ether sisters in holy orders it often forms part of the training of the Cult of Shallya) or poor women who need the work and hence provide simple labour for whoever employs them. Nursing is hard, physical drudgery with ttle credit forthe good work done. Nurses have ‘no formal recognition, qualifications or affiliated organisation, and are ‘employed directly rather than through a guild or agency. To all intents, apprentices (see below) can also be viewed as being nurses, although they have the hope of gaining a qualification, Unlicensed Healers ‘There area numberof sources from which healing can be obtained outside urban centres and their guild organisations. However, these are outside the scope of an article on the medical guilds. It is worthwhile noting, however, that whilst guilds are stil relatively weak ouside ofthe wealthier towns, they sil technically control those practising the healing ats. To offer physicians'or surgeons’ services without a guild licence isan offence thatthe guilds are keen to pursue. The primary protection from such action is distance, community silence andthe generally fractured nature cof The Empire as a whole, and guild organisation in particular, Religious Healing ‘The guilds obviously have limited control over the healing offered by religious cults. They do monitor the various cults and will be keen to take up any infraction of cult theology by a cleric, where healing involved. Ths is heavily mitigated by te fat thatthe guilds do not ‘The Existing Model of Phvsiclozy Within The Old World. ish a Tigi rope ead waz Tepe a cesta penrens weli er ace neil cen ers] "Old Wald ysis ad ara pilnoper olen conve f tise hanbut 5 ‘ing peter han js ingle tdly Mi tears apd sweat are considered bee same hme a saliva" is understood mere bol o eels 0 gestive id and semen. The ide of metal aan lement has ave only ela recently fom Cath, snd wht tha apparent ‘timed thories "Ars the humo fund inthe Roy anscinted weidhthe min andthe soa i the medium where te soa interacts with the bey, The lament of eer at ‘uey ecknowicdpn ond ceri lgiospilsophers have equated te emer 2 ‘he chat warp. For reso, ew nthe medal profession wil open a 0 ‘coping tees, at cern pactonr are known ove ha aces The est Titles on magi has ned emer appraisalto become the target of religious investigation themselves. In reality an uneasy truce exists between the two. Technically, the guilds will be on fiendly terms with the Cult of Shallya, although different sections of the cult treat the guilds in different manners. Guild members offer some services to the cult, and worship Shallya (Warpstone 10). The existence of such a cordial relationship isto some extent because a they serve different customers, in that the Shallyan poor cannot afford the services of the guild, However, the reality ofthe relationship is often ‘much less amicable than appears. Game Mechanics AAs outlined in the introduction, WFRP does not reflect its own background particularly well in ts use of surgery as a physician's skill, and the lack of the development of the doctor career. As a result the following isan attempt to describe the above background in game terms. ‘The physician career is served by the Physicians’ Guild, and people following other careers are routinely rejected by the guild as members. Pharmacists, however, can become members although they are not ‘normally expected fo practice medicine. They are regarded as junior members of the medical profession with useful ancillary skills. The Barbers’ Guild is open to anyone with the relevant skills (Surgery and Heal Wounds), regardless of their nominal career. However, the _uild is restricted in the medical services its members are allowed to offer, since the practice of medicine is a monopoly of the Physicians’ Guild. Therefore only where guilds are relatively weak will the Barbers’ Guild beable to offer surgical services. Such areas will include military ‘garrisons and any other locations where surgeons have military contacts ‘within the civil authority. Members are also frequently found travelling ‘rom village to village, ensuring that they never outstay @ welcome or arouse a formal complaint. CClts have their own internal organisation for the advancement and practice of medicine. The Cult of Shallya has sects that follow distinctive approaches, as outlined in Warpsione 10. The Church of Sigmar, on the other hand, is closely liked to the Physicians’ Guild as part o ts doctrine of unifying The Empire at all levels. A number of specialist clerical healers are thus found within the guild. From an equal - though opposite perspective, a number of Ulrican priests are members ofthe Barbers’ Guild, since they understand the necessity of field surgery. Indeed, both the cults of Ulric and Myrmidia allow branches of the Barbers” guild to ‘operate within their preeinets, even in locations where the Phys Guild are extremely powerful Hall else fails, a visit to the Wizards’ and Alchemists’ Gul yield a pharmacist, herbalist or alchemist who can offer some a However, the guild is keenly aware ofthe need to avoid the wrath ofthe ‘medical profession and the religious cults by dabbling inthe physicians" arts, which might so easily be interpreted as necromantic or other heretical dabbling Joining the Guilds Physicians must have studied at univer ‘eained a degree in order to apply, and so many healers seek to become barber-surgeons who ‘need no formal qualifications. In order to join either guild, an application has to be supported by two existing members. In reality, since a new member might be additional competition for these members, sgining support for an application is far from simple. There isan obvious tendency to only support family and friends, It should prove particulary difficult fora travelling adventurer to such support, given ther clear lack of respect and participation in the local community. Of course, gaining support might be the payment for, or result of, an adventure. Any application is subject to a fee, set at 10 GCs, although in certain cases this might be waived where the applicant isapriest oramember of the military. The guilds will allow a testimonial from another region to stand as supporting testimony in liew of two local _roposers, but it must be supported bythe guildmaster, and an additional ‘Transfer Testimonial fee of 25GCs is payable. In the case of the Barbers’ Guild a practical test and supporting testimony will confirm membership, subject to an examination fee of a further 20 GCs and confirmation of employment with an existing member. ‘A member must work under such a person for a year and a day, before they may set up in practice on their own. In the case of surgeons transferring from other areas or from approved military (or religious) servie, this period may be waived subject tan Inspection of Approvals confirming the previous experience and fee of 10 GCs. The guild charges aan annual fee of 1OGCs. In the case of the Physicians’ Guild, the applicant must sit a weitten ‘examination, complete an orl interview with a panel of three existing ‘members and pay an Indemnity Fee of SOGCs. This allows them to serve an apprenticeship under a current member for a minimum of five years. ‘Those wishing to form their own practice must frst pass a Test of Professional Competence (fee 10GCs) and then complete a Private Practice Warrant and Indemnity interview. The guild charges an anual {fee of SOGCs. Membership Classes ‘As can be seen from the above, there is no real distinction between different classes of membership on the basis of simple ability. For ‘example, thee is no approved apprenticeship scheme. In order to be a member of either guild, one has to have the appropriate skills, and the class of membership is purely an internal bureaucratic afai ‘The purpose of this is simple. Physicians wish to maintain personal ‘control over who is allowed into their profession. This is forced upon the surgeon-barbers who seck to gain recognition of their work by the ‘more powerful physicians. Apprentices ae simply those individuals who assist physicians and surgeon-barbers in their work. They are not formally recognised. In addition, they may be people who attend university and then gain (or buy) a patron. Patronage and/or money are necessary to serve an apprenticeship in either guild, given this lack of uniform qualification or training process. Conclusion Healing within The Empire is controlled theologically by various cult authorities and in its practice by the Physicians’ Guild. Those desiring hhealing must normally apply to one ofthese two sources. Both are likely to be available only ata price or to those who are deemed worthy of divine assistance. The Barbers’ Guild offers certain “rough and ready" treatments, although itis limited in geographical reach and power. Whilst itmight be possible to obtain certain treatments from the Wizards’ Guild oreven through pharmacists trading as members of the Merchants Guild, these will be strictly limited. Of course, many other individuals have access toa variety of healing skills, bt these place both the healer and the recipient in theological and secular danger. Those controlling healing realise that it is a powerful monopoly, encouraging the faithful to devotion in the hope of receiving divine aid, and the ‘midale classes to thrift in order toafford help. Those who ignore such powerful monopolists should beware, Issue Nineteen
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