Qmsplan2009: Quality Management System Plan For Year 2009 2009 Quality Objectives
Qmsplan2009: Quality Management System Plan For Year 2009 2009 Quality Objectives
Qmsplan2009: Quality Management System Plan For Year 2009 2009 Quality Objectives
Q M S Plan 2009
1 Introduction....................................................................3
2 Quality Policy and Objectives...........................................4
3 Planning.........................................................................4
3.1 Quality Planning.................................................................4
4 Documentation Update....................................................5
5 Responsibility and Authority............................................5
5.1 Organization structure........................................................5
5.2 Management Representative...............................................5
6 Management Review........................................................5
7 Resource Management.....................................................5
7.1 Provision of Resources........................................................5
7.2 Infrastructure.....................................................................5
7.3 Work Environment..............................................................6
8 Customer Satisfaction......................................................6
9 Internal Quality Audit......................................................6
10 Analysis of Data and Continual Improvements...................6
11 Corrective and Preventive Actions....................................6
QMS Implementation Calendar 2009 – Action Plan...................7
Internal Quality Audit Plan 2009............................................8
THE COMPANY has in place Quality Management System that provides a framework
& direction on quality management throughout the Quality Manual & Procedures.
Quality Management System, in this sense, is to be incorporated into the overall
Q M S Plan 2009
organization. Each and Every Department has a part to play in ensuring Quality
throughout THE COMPANY.
Leadership Set and deploy policy and verifiable Establish vision, direction and shared
objectives, provide resources and values. Set challenging goals and
establish an environment for Quality implement strategies to achieve them.
Coach, facilitate, and empower people.
System Establish and maintain a suitable Identify a set of processes in the system.
Approach-to and effective documented Quality Understand their interdependencies.
Management Management System. Align the processes with the
organizations goals. Measure results
against key objectives.
Factual Management decisions and actions Decisions and actions are based on the
Approach-to on the Quality Management analysis of data information to maximize
Decision Systems are based on the analysis productivity and to minimize waste and
of factual data and information rework. Effort is placed minimizing cost,
Making gained from reports on audits, improving performance and market
corrective action, nonconforming share through the use of suitable tools
Q M S Plan 2009
Quality Policy
THE COMPANY Quality Policy Statement is set reviewed and approved by the top
management whereby THE COMPANY will adopt all the contents of the Quality
Policy statement and will hanged on the premises wall.
As agreed in 2008 Management Review Meeting that all department heads are to
set their departmental objectives for 2009. Those objectives have to be Qualitative
i.e. measurable and relevant to functions. All Quality Objectives is to forward to the
Q M R for his Q M S records. Each Head of Department should monitor the
objectives he set for his department and provide concrete evidences showing his
actual status versus the planned in his objectives. Data analysis of each department
is vital in this sense to satisfy the surveillance audit. The Q M R will discuss will each
Head of Department the objectives set and will maintain them in the quality
Q M S Plan 2009
Quality Planning
The senior management of THE COMPANY identifies and plans the resources that
are needed to achieve the quality objectives. Outputs from these plans are
documented and should include, where appropriate, the necessary resources, the
continual improvement and processes of the Quality Management System.
Documentation Update
THE COMPANY will start updating QMS documentations for the transition to ISO
9001:2008. This update will start in April 2009 after the awareness training of ISO
9001:2008 scheduled in March 2009.
THE COMPANY organization chart shows the Company structure and reporting
routes of key personnel with the department head having the responsibility for and
the appropriate authority to manage and control affairs of his department. This
chart is regularly reviewed and updated based on company policies and new
Management Representative
THE COMPANY has appointed Mr. XXXX as Quality Management Representative
(QMR) at the Head Office and a Local Management Representatives (LMRs) in each
compound with delegated responsibilities for ensuring that an ISO 9001:20008
compliant QMS is established, implemented, and maintained; for promoting
awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization; and for ensuring
that the performance of the QMS is reviewed by Top Management for effectiveness,
continuing suitability and the need for improvement.
Management Review
Q M S Plan 2009
Resource Management
Provision of Resources
THE COMPANY will ensure that all financial and physical resources that needed to
implement and improve the Quality Management System are provided in timely
manner as and when required during 2009.
THE COMPANY will ensure that facilities that are needed to execute projects have
been identified, provided and are maintained by the Company. These include
adequate office facilities, communication facilities, transports, tools/equipment etc.
Work Environment
THE COMPANY will ensure that the human and physical factors of the work
environment that are needed to achieve and maintain quality of work have been
identified and are effectively managed by the Company.
Customer Satisfaction
THE COMPANY monitors customer satisfaction and/or dissatisfaction as a
measurement of the Quality Management System performance. Customer
satisfaction is reflected by the client’s Key Performance Indicators that assesses
THE COMPANY’s performance based on contract requirements & scope of services.
THE COMPANY have a continuous meeting with clients. Minutes of meeting is
recorded in each and every meeting. The next agenda will be following up on
previous issues, and new line items point.
THE COMPANY sites maintain good working relationship with the customer’s
representatives for feedback including complaints and health & safety issues.
Q M S Plan 2009
Q M S Plan 2009
Action Plan
Q M S Plan 2009