Controlled Rectifier D.C. Brush Motor Drives

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Chapter 5
Rectifiers are phase-controlled a.c. to d.c. static power converters. The rectifier provides variable d.c. voltage to the d.c.
brush motor. Thyristors, bipolar transistors, IGBTs or MOSFETs may be used as power electronic switches (PESs) in the
In general, the commutation process is natural, from the d.c. source, without any additional circuitry. However, for
improved power factor forced commutation is used frequently. Phase-controlled power electronic converters are broadly
classified as a.c.-d.c. single-phase or three phase converters [1]. Their main configurations are shown again in Table 5.1 for
convenience (after their classification in Chapter 3).
Half-wave single-phase and semiconverters have one polarity of output voltage eav and current iav . That is, they work in
one quadrant. Full converters work in two quadrants: the output voltage eav may be positive or negative while the output
current remains positive. Only dual converters can operate in four quadrants.
When the PESs are blocked, the stored energy dissipates through the free wheeling diodes in half-wave and
semiconverters. In a single, phase half-wave converter the motor current is discontinuous unless a high additional inductance
is added, while for the other converters, the output current may be either continuous or discontinuous. In three-phase
converters the motor current is mostly continuous.
T able 5.1. Phase controlled rectifier circuits


Power range

Ripple frequency

half wave





Quadrant operation

one quadrant
half wave

up to



3f s

two quadrant
T able 5.1. (continued)

up to

2f s


up to

3f s

full converter

up to

2f s

one quadrant

one quadrant

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two quadrant
full converter

up to

6f s

Dual converter

up to

2f s

Dual converter
three phase

up to

6f s

two quadrant

four quadrant

four quadrant


As the d.c. motor current, when fed from phase controlled a.c.-d.c. converters, is not constant and a.c. supply current is
not sinusoidal, adequate performance indexes for the motor-converter combination should be defined.
The main performance indices related to the motor are:
the torque-speed characteristic;
nature of motor current-continuous or discontinuous;
average motor current Ia:


where: ia - instantaneous armature current;

T - time period of one cycle of ia variation.
Rms motor current Iar


As known the rms current squared is proportional to the heat produced in the armature winding.
peak motor current iap ; the mechanical commutator stress depends on the peak value of the current.
The main performance related to the input (a.c.) source are:
input power factor PF
If the supply voltage is a pure sinusoid, only the fundamental input current will produce the mean input power and thus

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where: V - rms supply phase voltage;

I - rms supply phase current;
I1 - rms fundamental component of a.c. supply current;
j1 - angle between supply voltage and current fundamentals.
input displacement factor DF or the fundamental power factor

harmonic factor HF

Ih - rms value of the net harmonic current.
The above performance indices are somewhat similar to those for diode rectifiers (Chapter 3). They are summarized here
only for convenience.
The basic motor equations are

with v a, ia motor input voltage and current; eg - motion induced voltage; Ra, La - armature resistance and inductance; J - inertia;
Te - motor torque, Tload - load torque. For the steady state, dn/dt = 0, while in general
as the armature current is not
constant in time with phase-controlled converter supplies. To facilitate a quick assimilation of so many controlled rectifier
configurations performance we will proceed directly through numerical examples.
A d.c. brush motor with separate excitation with the data: Kelp = 2Wb, Ra = 5W, La = 0.1H is fed through a thyristor (Figure
5.1) from a single phase a.c. source whose voltage is
constant at n = 750 rpm.

The motor speed is considered

a. Calculate the motor current ia time variation for a delay angle a = +300 ;
b. How does the motor voltage Va vary in time?
c. How does ia vary in time in the presence of a free wheeling diode in parallel with the motor armature (Figure 5.1)? The
thyristor and the diode are considered as ideal switches.
a. For wt>a (Figure 5.1) with discontinuous current:
with the initial condition ia = 0 for w1 t = a = p/6.

Figure 5.1. A d.c. brush motor supplied through a thyristor

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The steady-state solution is

and finally:

The complete solution:
For t = t1 = a / w1 = p/(6.2p.60) = 1.3888.10-3 s
and thus:

ia(t) = 0





Equation (5.15) is valid for w1 t > p/6 until the current becomes zero soon after w1 t = p, as shown in Figure 5.1.
b. The motor voltage is equal to the source voltage as long as the thyristor is on and becomes equal to minus the e.m.f.:
V, when the motor current is zero (Figure 5.1)
c. In presence of the free wheeling diode D, the latter starts conducting when V(t) becomes negative (w1 t = p).
From now on, the motor current ia flows through the diode until it becomes zero

ia(0) = ia(p)




A = 12.78319 A.


The current ia = 0 for w1 t = 7.07.

The motor voltage Va becomes zero during the time interval when the free wheeling diode is conducting (180 to 180
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A d.c. motor supplied through a single-phase semiconverter has a constant speed and the motor current is constant in
time, Ia = 3A, Ra = 5W, KeF = 2Wb,
with a=p/4.
a. Determine the time waveforms of voltages at motor terminals and along the thyristors and diodes and the corresponding
current waveforms.
b. Calculate the rms values of currents through diodes, thyristors and from the a.c. supply.
c. Determine the motor voltage average value dependence and its maximum value.
d. Calculate the rms of a.c. supply current fundamental and its phase shift with respect to the a.c. supply voltage.
a. As the filter inductance La is large, the motor current ia is considered constant (Figure 5.2). The thyristors T1 and T3
conduct for positive voltage applied to them along 180a regions while the diodes D1 , D3 conduct for zones of 180+a
degrees (Figure 5.2.d). All currents are rectangular (Figure 5.2d, e) while the motor voltage is either positive or zero (Figure
b. The rms value of thyristor current is


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Figure 5.2. D.c. brush motor supplied through a single-phase semiconverter

(with large inductance La)

The diode current

The rms primary (supply current)

c. The motor average voltage Vav is

For a=p/4

The maximum average voltage is obtained for a = 0;

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and corresponds to the full bridge diode rectifier (Chapter 3).
d. The a.c. supply current harmonics I1n is

The fundamental is:


The input displacement power factor DPF = cosj1 refers to the cosine of the angle between the a.c. source voltage and
current fundamentals. As seen from Figure 5.2b, e j1 =a/2=p/8. Thus
On the other hand, the power factor PF (5.4) is

A d.c. motor of 7kW and 1200 rpm rating with separate excitation is supplied through a single-phase full converter as
shown in Figure 5.3a. The other data are Ra = 0.2W, rated current Iar = 40A, Kelp = 10Wb; the a.c. supply voltage (rms) is 260V.


Figure 5.3. The d.c. brush motor fed through a single-phase full converter:
a.) the converter,
b.), c.), d.), e.) - voltage and current waveforms for motor action (a=45),
f.), g.), h.) - for generator action (a = 135).

a. Draw the voltage and current waveforms for steady state and finite motor armature inductance and a = 45 and a = 135.
b. For a firing angle of a = 30 and rated motor current (rectifier regime), calculate: motor speed, torque and supply power
factor, neglecting the motor current ripple.
c. By reversing the field current, the motor back e.m.f. Eg is reversed; for rated current, calculate: converter firing angle a
and the power fed back to the supply.
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a. The waveforms of currents and voltages are shown on Figure 5.3. It should be noted that because the motor inductance
is not very high the armature current, and speed pulsate with time.
Motor action is obtained for a = 45 when both the motor and converter average input powers are positive. For generator
action (a = 135) the motor current remains positive but the motor average voltage Va is negative. Thus both the motor and
converter input average powers are negative for generating.
b. As the motor current is considered ripple-free, we use only the average values of voltage and current while the speed is
also constant.
The average motor voltage Vav is

The motor torque Te is


The motor speed n is

As the primary current is now rectangular (40A), the rms current is I1 = 40A. The power from the supply, neglecting the
losses, is
= 8097.6 W.
Thus, the supply power factor
c. For generator action the polarity of induced voltage should be reversed
Thus the motor voltage Va becomes



The regenerated power Psg is:



As for this regime either the flux lp or the speed n changes sign, the motor torque opposes the motion providing
generator braking.
In the process, the motor speed and e.m.f. decrease and, to keep the current constant, the firing angle a>900 in the
converter should be modified accordingly.
For the motor as above, having La = 2mH, calculate the following:
a. For a = 60 and constant speed n = 1200 rpm draw the voltage and current waveforms knowing that the motor current is
b. Calculate the motor current waveform for n = 600 rpm.

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Figure 5.4. D.c brush motor supplied from a full converter

discontinuous current mode

a. As the motor electrical time constant te = La / Ra = 2.10-3 / 0.2 = 10 ms is small, when the voltage becomes zero (for w1 t =
p), the motor current decays quickly to zero along the angle b (from p to p+b) with b<a and thus the current is discontinuous.
As a increases, for a given speed n (and e.m.f. eg), the average voltage Vav increases with respect to the case of continuous
The discontinuity of current contributes to a sluggish dynamic response as, during zero current, motor internal torque
control is lost. The situation occurs especially at low torques (and currents). Special measures such as flux weakening
(reducing lp ) for low torques leads to reduced a at high speeds, avoiding the discontinuity in current.
b. With the speed considered constant, the voltage equation is


with ia = 0 for w1 t1 = a, the solution of above equation is



and thus

The current becomes zero again for w1 t2 = p+b
The solution for b is


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Consider a three-phase semiconverter (Figure 5.5) supplying a d.c. motor. The armature current is considered ripple free
and the commutation is instantaneous.
a. Draw the waveform of output voltage for a = 30.
b. Calculate the average (rms) voltage as a function of a.
c. For a line voltage (rms) VL = 220V, f = 60Hz, Ra = 0.2W, Kelp = 4Wb and an armature current Ia = 50A, determine the
motor speed for a = 30.
a. As seen from Figure 5.5b if the thyristor Ta is turned on with a delay angle a = 30 (point A) from the moment
corresponding to a = 0, it will conduct together with the diode Db for 30 as long as Vab is positive and higher than the other
line voltages. At point B, Ta will conduct together with the diode Dc for 90 as Vac>Vab. At point C, after 120 of conduction,
the thyristor Ta is turned off and Tb turned on and so on.

Figure 5.5. D.c. brush motor supplied through a three-phase semiconverter

b. The expression for average voltage is

For a>60 the integration interval is from a to p with the same final result. The output average voltage Vav may not be
negative and thus the converter may not be used as an inverter, confirming the single quadrant operation.
c. The motor voltage equation for ripple free current is


n = 66.66 rps = 4000 rpm



A three-phase full converter (Figure 5.6) supplying a d.c. motor has the data: line voltage VL = 220V (rms), Kelp = 10Wb,
Ra = 0.2W, and neglect the ripples in the motor current.
a. For Ls equal to zero, calculate the output average voltage as a function of the delay angle a; and for a = 30, determine
the motor speed for Ia = 50A.
b. Considering the a.c. source inductance Ls0, determine the expression of the output voltage as a function of a and Ia
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and calculate the motor speed for Ia = 50A, a = 30 and Ls = 11mH.

c. Calculate the overlapping angle at commutation for case b.
a. The principle of operation is quite similar to that of the previous case. However, only a 60 conduction of each pair of
thyristors occurs as shown in Figure 5.6.
In the absence of a.c. source inductances Ls (Ls = 0) the commutation is instantaneous. The average output voltage Vav is



Figure 5.6. D.c. brush motor fed from a three-phase full converter

Consequently, Vav <0 (Vav >0) depending on a. For a<90 the average output voltage Vav is positive, that is rectifier mode;
for a>90 Vav <0 and thus the inverter mode are obtained. The motor current remains positive irrespective of a. A two-quadrant
operation is obtained.
The motor voltage equation is


b. The effect of a.c. source inductances Ls on current commutation is shown in Figure 5.7 for the case of constant motor
current (similar to the diode full converter [chapter 3]). The commutation between T1 and T5 is not instantaneous anymore; an
overlapping angle u occurs. The effect of actual commutation is, in fact, a reduction of output voltage Vd determined by the
area A u when a kind of short circuit occurs between phases a and c.

This is so since the current in phase a is zero for w1 t = a and equal to Id for w1 t = a +u. The average voltage is reduced
by 3 / p A u.
Finally, the average voltage is equal to that already found for Ls = 0 minus 3 / p A u


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Figure 5.7. The current commutation in the presence

of a.c. source side inductances Ls.

As we can see, the angle u is not required to calculate the output voltage Vd. However, it is needed to ensure reliable
operation in the inverter mode (a>90). The second Kirchoff law for phase a and c during commutation provides the equation

, that is





and finally,


Thus knowing a and Id we may calculate the overlapping angle u.

In the inverter mode (a>90) the commutation should be finished before a + u = p in order to allow the turn-off time toff
required for the recombination of charged particles in the thyristors (
off thyristors.
The rectifier voltage Vd for a=p / 6 and Id = 50 is

) for negative voltage along the turning-

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The reduction of output voltage for the same a due to commutation with 18V has contributed to a notable reduction in
speed, for 50A, from 1484.58 rpm to 1376.58 rpm.
c. To calculate the overlapping angle u we use the expression derived above.

A considerable value for u has been obtained.
For the three-phase full converter and d.c. motor in the previous example with Ls = 0 for a = 0, a = 45 with Id = 50A,
a. The waveforms of a.c. source current and its harmonics factor.
b. The rms of fundamental source current and of the total source current.
c. The displacement power factor for Ls = 0 and Ls = 1mH for a = 45.
d. Calculate the line voltage and voltage distortion due to Ls = 1mH and a = 45.
a. As the motor armature current is considered constant, the a.c. source current is rectangular as shown in Figure 5.8a and
The presence of a.c. source inductances Ls0 leads to the overlapping angle u0.
b. The rms value of the current fundamental, Ia1 , is


For the total a.c. source current which is made of rectangular 1200 wide blocks,


In the absence of Ls, the displacement power factor (DPF) angle is equal to a and thus the DPF is

In the presence of Ls, the displacement power factor is approximately


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Figure 5.8. A.c. source currents in a three-phase full converter and constant motor current: a.) for a = 0, Ls = 0; b.) for a = 45, Ls = 0;
c.) for a = 45, Ls = 1mH

To calculate u for a = 45, we use (5.58)


The current commutation in the presence of Ls produces a further reduction of the displacement power factor.
In general, the DPF decreases with a increasing, which constitutes a notable disadvantage of phase delay a.c.-d.c.
converters. Special measures are required to improve DPF with a increasing.
d. The a.c. source current overlapping during commutation produces notches in the line voltage. From Figure 5.9. we may
obtain Vab = Van - Vbn of the waveform shown in Figure 5.9.
Considering u as small, the deep notch depth is considered equal to

and thus the notch width u is


Figure 5.9. A.c. source-line voltage notches due to Ls (commutation)

The depth of shallow notches is considered half of that of deep notches. IEEE standard 519-1981 suggests the limitation of
line notches to 250 ms (5.4. electrical degrees) and the deep notch depth to 70% of rated peak line voltage in order to perform
Special filtering is required to cope with more recent standards. The voltage distortion due to notches depends on the
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harmonics currents In and the a.c. source inductance Ls



due to the almost rectangular form of a.c. source current.


A high power d.c. motor drive sometimes has to undergo four-quadrant operation. Two full converters are connected back
to back for this purpose (Figure 5.10).

Figure 5.10. Dual converter with circulating current supplying a d.c. brush motor

a. Assuming that the converters are ideal and produce pure d.c. output voltages with one converter as rectifier and the
other as inverter, calculate the relationship between the delay angles a1 and a2 in the two converters.
b. With a1 + a2 as above, calculate the circulating current between the two converters and show the voltage and current
actual output waveforms. The numerical data are VL = 220V, w1 = 377.8rad/s, L = 10mH, a1 = 60.
a. In an ideal dual converter the voltages produced by the two full converters should be equal and opposite.
By now we know that

with Va = Va1 = -Va2 it follows that
Hence, a1 + a2 = 180 (Figure 5.11). In the ideal converter the load voltage is equal to the converter output voltages and
thus the current may flow equally through either converter.

Figure 5.11. Ideal dual converter voltages

b. A real (nonideal) converter produces a voltage with ripples. The ripple voltages of the two converters are out of phase
(Figure 5.12). The instantaneous voltage difference produces a circulating current which is limited through a reactor L.

during the interval

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The circulating current ic is


Figure 5.12. The real dual converter

When the motor current is zero, the converter currents are equal to the circulating current i1 = i2 = ic (ia = 0). Consequently,
the converters have a continuous current though the load current is zero. However for a1 = 60 and a2 = 120 the peak value of
circulating current occurs at w1 t = 2p/3

A (5.74)
If the load current ia is constant (no ripples), the first converter (a1 = 60) carries ia + ic while the second converter (a1 =
120) has the circulating current ic only. Thus the first converter is overloaded with the circulating current. However, for low
load current, the discontinuous current mode in the converters is avoided as shown above. This could be an important
advantage in terms of control performance.
The universal motor is a.c. voltage supplied but it is still a brush (mechanical comutater) series connected motor (Chapter
3), Figure 5.13.

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Figure 5.13. The equivalent scheme of universal motor

The motor voltage equation is (Chapter 3)

The mechanical equation is straightforward
All core losses are lumped into the stator while in the motion equation they are left out for simplicity. Magnetic saturation
of the magnetic circuit is considered constant or absent (Lae = ct, kF = const.).
The investigation of transients with any input voltage waveform and load torque perturbation is rather straightforward for
such a second order system.
The motion induced voltage (e.m.f.), Erot , may be considered as an additional, variable resistance voltage drop (kekFni),
eqn. (5.75).
The torque is essentially proportional to current squared and, for given voltage, it is proportional to voltage squared.
An a.c. voltage changer is required.
At start (n=0) the machine is represented by a small resistance Rae+Rcore plus the inductance Lae. So the electric circuit of
the machine at start is strongly inductive.
On the other end, at high speed, due to the large e.m.f. (Erot ) eqn. (5.75) the machine equivalent circuit is notably
The equivalent circuit is composed simply of an equivalent inductance Lae relatively constant and a resistance Ren =
(Rae+Rcore+kekFn) which strongly increase with speed (Fig. 5.13).
A typical a.c. voltage charger which may be used also as a power switch may be obtained by using two antiparalleled
thyristors which may be assembled into a single bidirectional power switch (Fig. 5.14) the Triac.
The Triac is turned on by applying a short resistive current pulse on the thyristor gate. The thyristor will turn off when the
current decays naturally to zero. Then the thyristor for the negative voltage polarity the antiparalleled thyristor is turned on. As
the turn-on angle a with respect to zero crossing of the voltage waveform increases, the average voltage decreses. But the
average voltage depends also on the machine equivalent resistance Re which increases with speed.

Figure 5.14. The Triac variac and the current

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Let us consider separately the two voltage polarities (Figure 5.14).

The difference between supply voltage v(t) and the resistance voltage Re(n)i is equal to the voltage drop along the
machine inductance Lae:

The current goes to zero when areas A1 and A2 on Figure 5.14 become equal to each other.
It is evident that for the universal motor the current goes to zero after the voltage changes polarity by the angle a2 .
However this delay angle decreases with speed as the circuit becomes more and more resistive as the e.m.f. increases.
There may be situations with a2 > a1 and a2 < a1 . In the first case the current will be continuous while in the second case
it will be discontinuous.
In general a1 has to be larger than the displacement power factor angle j1 of the equivalent circuit, to secure the
fundamental output voltage control by the Triac.
So, at low speed a1 should be large to reduce the voltage fundamental and will decrease with speed. But the output
voltage is full of harmonics as only parts of the sinusoid are active. Also there are harmonics in the machine (input) current
(Fig. 5.15). An input power filter is required.

Figure 5.15. Output voltage and current waveforms at low and high speed

For constant speed and given delay angle a1 , eqn (5.77) has an analytical solution:

with i = 0 at w1 t = a1 .
So, a1 >j1 to secure predominantly positive sinusoidal current for positive voltage polarity.
The angle a2 within negative polarity of voltage where the current decays to zero is obtained by applying (5.78). The
obtained nonlinear equation may be solved numerically for a2 .
It is also evident that the output voltage fundamental V1out is nonlinearly dependent on (p/2-a1 ) or on (1-sina1 ).
A robust speed controller is required to overcome this difficulty.
A generic control system for the universal motor is presented in Fig. 5.16.

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Figure 5.16. Generic control system for universal motors

A speed estimator is required for close loop control. In less demanding applications a well commissioned feedforward open
loop control a1 * (wr* ) with given limited speed ramps may be used to avoid the speed estimator and the speed loop control.
Note: The low cost of universal motor drive at low power levels has secured its presence today in some home appliances
and hand-held tools (with natural limited operation life) despite the occurrence of brushless drives. For more details see
Reference 6.

Controlled rectifiers, also known as phase delay rectifiers, of various basic configurations, with zero and nonzero source
inductances, have been presented in interaction with d.c. brush motors at constant speed.

Single-phase and three-phase full converters provide for bidirectional power flow for positive output current and positive
and negative average output voltages. Consequently, for positive speeds regenerative braking is possible only if the field
current direction is changed as negative e.m.f. is required.

Dual converters with circulating currents, requiring 12 PESs in three phase configurations provide for four-quadrant
operation while avoiding the discontinuous current mode at the price of overloading one of the two converters.

The source inductance produces an overlapping during phase commutation which results in a kind of resistive-like output
voltage drop in the rectifier.

The power factor decreases with a decrease in d.c. output voltage in phase delay rectifiers. Forced commutation or special
complex configurations (for high powers) may solve this problem [3-6].

All controlled rectifiers produce current harmonics and voltage notches on the a.c. source side and special input filters are
required to reduce them to acceptable standardized levels.

5.1. A three-phase rectifier with controlled null (Figure 5.17) supplies a load made of a resistance Rs and an inductance Ls. The
a.c. supply phase voltage is 120V (rms); Rs = 10W; and the transformer ratio K = w1 /w2 =2. For Ls = 0 and Ls = , determine:
5.2. The output and transformer secondary voltages and current waveforms for the delay angle a1 = p / 3.
5.3. The average values of output voltage and current.
5.4. The waveform of transformer primary current.

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Figure 5.17. Three-phase rectifier with controlled null

5.5. A d.c. series motor is supplied through a single phase semiconverter with a free-wheeling diode (Figure 5.18). Depict the
waveforms of the induced voltage eg and motor voltage Va for discontinuous and continuous current.

Figure 5.18. D.c. series motor supplied through a single-phase semiconverter

5.6. For problem 5.2 find analytical expressions of armature current for discontinuous and continuous modes for constant
speed, with saturation neglected. Find the condition to determine the minimum value of La for which the current is still
continuous. Determine an expression of average output voltage for the continuous current.
5.7. A single-phase full converter [7] uses power transistors and is controlled through pulse width modulation with a
sinusoidal carrier with n pulses per semiperiod (Figure 5.19). Obtain the expressions of average output voltage, current
harmonics, power factor (PF), displacement factor (DF) and current harmonics factor (HF).

Figure 5.19. Single-phase full converter with PWM control


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N. Mohan, T.M. Unde rland, W.P. Robbins, Power electronics, Second edition, Chapter 6, Wiley, 1995.
G.K. Dube y, Power semiconductor controlled drives, Chapter 3, Prentice Hall, 1989.
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IEEE T rans, vol.PE -, 1996, pp.460-465.
M.O . Eissa, S. Le e b, G.C. Ve rghe se , A.M. Stankovic, Fast controller for unity power factor PWM rectifier, I.B.I.D., no.1, 1996,
N. Akagi, New trends in active filters for power conditioning, IEEE T rans. vol. IA - 32, no.6.,1996, pp.1312-1327.
I.O . Krah, I. Holtz , T otal compensation of line-side switching harmonics in converter-fed A.C. locomotives, I.B.I.D. vol.31, no.6.,
1995, pp.1264-1273.
M. Malinowski, M. Kaz mie rkowski, Control of three phase PWM rectifiers, Chapter 11 in the book Control in power electronics,
Academic Press, 2002, editors: M. Kazmierkowski, R. Krishnan, F. Blaabjerg.
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Proc. of Symposium on Power Electronic and Electric Drives, automation motion, Ravello, Italy, 2002, pp. C407 C412.

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pFad v4 Proxy