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Patient Preference and Adherence

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Pharmacist counseling in a cohort of women

with HIV and women at risk for HIV
This article was published in the following Dove Press journal:
Patient Preference and Adherence
16 June 2012
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Jennifer M Cocohoba 1
Keri N Althoff 2
Mardge Cohen 3
Haihong Hu 4
Chinazo O Cunningham 5
Anjali Sharma 6
Ruth M Greenblatt 1,7
University of California, San
Francisco School of Pharmacy,
San Francisco, CA; 2Johns Hopkins
Bloomberg School of Public Health,
Baltimore, MD; 3Department of
Medicine, Stroger Hospital and
Rush Medical College, Chicago,
IL; 4Department of Medicine,
Georgetown University, Washington,
DC; 5Albert Einstein College
of Medicine, Bronx, NY; 6SUNY
Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn,
NY; 7University of California, San
Francisco School of Medicine, San
Francisco, CA, USA

Background and methods: Achieving high adherence to antiretroviral therapy for human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is challenging due to various system-related, medication-related,
and patient-related factors. Community pharmacists can help patients resolve many medicationrelated issues that lead to poor adherence. The purpose of this cross-sectional survey nested
within the Womens Interagency HIV Study was to describe characteristics of women who
had received pharmacist medication counseling within the previous 6months. The secondary
objective was to determine whether HIV-positive women who received pharmacist counseling had better treatment outcomes, including self-reported adherence, CD4+ cell counts, and
HIV-1 viral loads.
Results: Of the 783 eligible participants in the Womens Interagency HIV Study who completed
the survey, only 30% of participants reported receiving pharmacist counseling within the last
6months. Factors independently associated with counseling included increased age (odds ratio
[OR] 1.28; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.071.55), depression (OR 1.75; 95% CI 1.252.45),
and use of multiple pharmacies (OR 1.65; 95% CI 1.152.37). Patients with higher educational
attainment were less likely to report pharmacist counseling (OR 0.68; 95% CI 0.480.98), while
HIV status did not play a statistically significant role. HIV-positive participants who received
pharmacist counseling were more likely to have optimal adherence (OR 1.23; 95% CI 0.702.18)
and increased CD4+ cell counts (+43cells/mm3, 95% CI 17.7104.3) compared with those who
had not received counseling, though these estimates did not achieve statistical significance.
Conclusion: Pharmacist medication counseling rates are suboptimal in HIV-positive and at-risk
women. Pharmacist counseling is an underutilized resource which may contribute to improved
adherence and CD4+ counts, though prospective studies should be conducted to explore this
effect further.
Keywords: human immunodeficiency virus, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, antiretroviral
therapy, community pharmacy, pharmacy practice, womens health


Correspondence: Jennifer M Cocohoba

Department of Clinical Pharmacy,
University of California, San Francisco
School of Pharmacy, 521Parnassus
Avenue, C-152, Box 0622, San Francisco,
CA 94143-0622, USA
Tel +1 415 514 0892
Fax +1 415 476 6632
Email cocohobaj@pharmacy.ucsf.edu

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Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has joined the suite of chronic diseases
controlled by long-term medication. Patients who initiate antiretroviral therapy have
significantly reduced morbidity and mortality, yet long-term adherence to multicomponent antiretroviral regimens can be challenging, and is typically suboptimal.13 Barriers
to adherence can arise via health systems, such as with complex insurance systems,
delayed refills due to multilevel communication, or medication errors. Factors related to
antiretroviral therapy, such as pill size and adverse effects, also affect adherence. Lastly,
there are a host of patient-level barriers to antiretroviral therapy adherence, including
the stigma associated with HIV disease and taking medication, comorbidities such
Patient Preference and Adherence 2012:6 457463
2012 Cocohoba etal, publisher and licensee Dove Medical Press Ltd. This is an Open Access article
which permits unrestricted noncommercial use, provided the original work is properly cited.


Cocohoba etal

as depression or substance abuse, economic hardships that

impair obtaining antiretroviral therapy, busy life schedules,
lack of understanding about the medications or the importance of adherence, forgetting, and poor motivation.46
Patients may seek assistance from their HIV clinicians,
but clinicians are often hard pressed for time, or may lack
the skill or confidence to address adherence problems.79 In
an era of expanding medication treatment and decreasing
medical provider time, community pharmacists can serve
as an important resource for HIV-positive patients and their
clinicians. Pharmacists are easily accessible and are trained
to help patients solve various medication-related problems
that can impair adherence10,11 They can provide helpful
education on HIV treatment, engage in adherence counseling. They can provide helpful education on HIV treatment,
engage in adherence counseling when underutilization is
detected, provide medication reminder devices to minimize
forgetting, share self-care strategies for mild to moderate
side effects, advocate on behalf of a patient experiencing
troublesome insurance issues, and link patients to programs
to help decrease medication costs.10,12,13 By advocating for
patients in these and in various other ways, pharmacists can
help patients adhere better to their medications.
Pharmacists have the potential to be effective HIV treatment advocates, but it is unclear to what extent HIV-positive
patients actually utilize their pharmacists as a resource. The
purpose of this study is to look within a cohort of women
who are HIV-positive or at risk for HIV infection, to determine the proportion that consult with their community
pharmacists, and explore factors associated with receiving
pharmacist medication counseling. The secondary objective
is to determine whether the subset of HIV-positive women
who received pharmacist counseling have better treatment
outcomes, including higher self-reported adherence, higher
CD4+ cell counts, and suppressed HIV-1 viral loads compared
with HIV-positive women who do not.

Study population
We performed a cross-sectional study nested within the
Womens Interagency HIV Study (WIHS). The WIHS is the
largest prospective, observational cohort study of the natural and treated history of HIV in women in the US. Women
in WIHS were enrolled at six sites including Bronx, NY,
Brooklyn, NY, Baltimore, MD, Washington DC, Chicago,
IL, San Francisco, CA, and Los Angeles, CA, during two
recruitment waves in 19941995 (n = 2625 women) and
20012002 (n = 1143 women). Characteristics of WIHS


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participants have been described in previous studies.14,15

Participants in WIHS undergo semiannual study visits during
which an extensive interview is administered. Inquiries about
sociodemographic characteristics, medical care, health status,
mental and behavior health issues, and medication use are
conducted. Participants have the option of bringing their
medications to the study visits to aid identification. A clinical
examination and blood drawn for laboratory testing is also
performed at each study visit. Study protocols and consent
forms have been approved by institutional review boards at
each study site.
At visit 27 (October 2007 to April 2008), WIHS participants at five study sites (San Francisco, Chicago, Bronx,
Brooklyn, Washington DC, Baltimore) were given a 51-item
self-administered questionnaire (ie, in a pharmacy experiences substudy) to assess pharmacy characteristics and
utilization, medication-related expenses, participation in
adherence programs, and experience with medication errors,
missing medications, and privacy violations at the pharmacy.
Participants were eligible for the pharmacy experiences
substudy if they self-reported taking any prescription medication for more than 10days out of each month since the
last study visit.

Statistical analysis
The primary outcome of interest for this study was a WIHS
participants self-reported receipt of any community pharmacist counseling (yes/no) within the 6months prior to their
study visit (visit 27). Secondary outcomes included antiretroviral therapy adherence (self-reported as either ,75%,
75%94%, 95%99%, or 100% of antiretroviral therapy
doses taken as prescribed, over the last 6 months), and
WIHS-measured CD4+ cell counts and HIV viral load. CD4+
count and viral load were measured in laboratories which participate in National Institutes of Health/National Institute of
Allergies and Infectious Diseases quality assurance programs
during the same visit the pharmacy experiences substudy
questionnaire was completed.
Additional covariates of interest were identified. Race was
measured by self-report upon initial WIHS enrollment. Participants self-reported highest educational attainment, annual
household income, employment status, drug and alcohol use
in the last 6 months, health insurance, presence of severe
depressive symptoms (using the Center for Epidemiologic
Studies Depression score $16), and antiretroviral therapy
use were measured at visit 27. A participant was categorized
as having acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) if
she had ever self-reported a clinical AIDS diagnosis.

Patient Preference and Adherence 2012:6


Descriptive statistics were used to characterize the

social, demographic, and clinical characteristics of all study
participants. To determine which factors were associated with
receipt of pharmacist counseling, univariate and multivariate
logistic regression models were used to estimate crude and
adjusted odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI).
Among the subset of HIV-positive women on antiretroviral
therapy, associations between pharmacist counseling and
other relevant covariates with the secondary outcomes of
self-reported adherence, CD4+ cell count, and undetectable
viral load were assessed using linear and logistic regression
models. Covariates selected for multivariate models were
selected based on face validity. STATA version 11.0 (College
Station, TX) was used for all analyses and a two-sided P value
of,0.05guided interpretation.

Of 2164WIHS participants, 807 women (37%) self-reported
taking prescription medications on a regular basis and completed the pharmacy experiences substudy survey. Twentyfour women were excluded from the analysis because they
were missing the primary variable of pharmacist counseling
within the last 6months, leaving 783 eligible participants
(36%, Table1). Overall, only 30% of these eligible participants (n=231) reported pharmacist counseling in the last
6months. Participants who spoke with a pharmacist were
slightly older (46.7 versus 44.1 years, P=0.0002), had severe
depressive symptoms (48.1% versus 32.6%, P , 0.001),
and were more likely to live in certain geographic locations,
such as San Francisco. Participants who utilized more than
one pharmacy or who reported to have many medication
questions were more likely to have spoken to a pharmacist
(32.5% versus 20.6% and 7.4% versus 2.0%, respectively
both P,0.001). Though patients who had completed high
school were less likely to speak to the pharmacist (28.1%
versus 35.1%) and patients who reported recreational drug
use in the last 6months were more likely to have spoken to
a pharmacist (24.2% versus 18.3%), neither of these associations were statistically significant (P=0.057 and P=0.058,
respectively). After adjustment for each variable and for
covariates with face validity, increasing age, less education,
presence of severe depressive symptoms, and use of more
than one pharmacy were independently associated with
receipt of pharmacist counseling in the multivariable model.
HIV status was not a significant factor affecting whether or
not a woman received pharmacist counseling (Table2).
Among HIV-infected women, having clinical AIDS
(49.6% versus 37.9%, P=0.02) and greater number of years

Patient Preference and Adherence 2012:6

Pharmacist HIV counseling in women

Table 1 Characteristics of WIHS pharmacy care survey

respondentsa N = 783
Participant characteristicsb
HIV positive, n (%)
Age, years, mean (SD)
Race, n (%)
African American
Annual household income . $30,000, n (%)
Has health insurance, n (%)
Finished high school, n (%)
Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression
Scale score $ 16
Drug use in the last 6 months, n (%)
Alcohol use over the last 6 months, n (%)
,3 drinks/week
313 drinks/week
.13 drinks/week
WIHS study site, n (%)
Washington DC
San Francisco Bay Area
Uses a chain drugstore as primary pharmacy, n (%)
Picks up their own medicines from the pharmacy, n (%)
Use more than one pharmacy, n (%)
Times per month traveled to pharmacy
to pick up medicine (mean, SD)
Use a pharmacy more than 20 miles away, n (%)
Often has questions about medicines, n (%)
Spoke with their pharmacist in the past 6 months
HIV-positive survey respondents
AIDS, n (%)
CD4+ cell count (cells/mm3), mean (SD)
HIV viral load (log10 copies/mL), mean (SD)
Antiretroviral regimen reported at visit
NRTI-based regimen
NNRTI-based regimen
PI-based regimen
Other regimen
New antiretroviral therapy reported in last 6 months
Number of years since started antiretroviral therapy
Self-reported adherence to antiretrovirals over last 6 months
Reports participating in an adherence program

639 (82)
44.8 (8.96)
149 (19)
522 (67)
112 (14)
203 (26)
736 (94)
259 (33)
291 (37)
157 (20)
694 (89)
68 (9)
21 (3)
93 (12)
260 (33)
97 (12)
195 (25)
138 (18)
276 (36)
684 (87)
186 (24)
1 (2.1)
43 (5)
28 (4)
231 (30)
206 (41)
551 (308)
2.27 (0.75)
30 (6)
161 (32)
268 (53)
43 (9)
6 (1)
11.4 (3.2)
19 (4)
72 (14)
410 (82)
30 (6)

Notes: aWomens Interagency HIV Study; bPercentages may not add up to 100%
due to missing data.
Abbreviations: AIDS, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; HIV, human
immunodeficiency virus; SD, standard deviation; NRTI, nucleoside reverse
transcriptase inhibitor; NNRTI, non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor;
PI, protease inhibitor; WIHS, Womens Interagency HIV Study.

since starting antiretroviral therapy (12.0 versus 11.2 years,

P=0.01) were associated with speaking with a pharmacist in
the last 6months. The majority of HIV-positive participants on
antiretroviral therapy (81.8%) reported taking their regimen
as prescribed 95% of the time or greater. In a multivariable

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Cocohoba etal

Table 2 Factors associated with receiving pharmacist medication


Table 3 Factors associated with self-reported antiretroviral

adherence $ 95% amongst HIV-positive participants


Adjusted OR
(95% CI)

Univariate OR
(95% CI)

Adjusted OR
(95% CI)

0.90 (0.591.36)
1.28 (1.071.55)*

Age (per 10 years)

Having health insurance
Completed high school
Depression (CESD . 15)
Drug or heavy alcohol
(.13 drinks/week)
use in last 6 months
Having AIDS
Number of years since started
antiretroviral therapy
Using chain drugstore as
primary pharmacy
Picking up own medicines
from pharmacy
Using more than one pharmacy
Regimen type
Spoke with the pharmacist
in the last 6 months

1.29 (0.991.69)
1.20 (0.393.69)
0.74 (0.461.18)
0.42 (0.270.67)*
0.42 (0.240.71)*

1.54 (1.132.10)*
1.01 (0.283.66)
0.83 (0.501.38)
0.50 (0.310.83)*
0.46 (0.250.82)*

0.46 (0.280.73)*
1.00 (0.931.07)

0.45 (0.270.75)*

0.77 (0.431.38)

0.77 (0.411.45)

0.86 (0.441.67)

0.81 (0.481.36)

0.39 (0.220.70)*
0.54 (0.251.19)
1.13 (0.671.90)

0.40 (0.220.73)*
0.51 (0.231.16)
1.23 (0.702.18)

Univariate OR
(95% CI)

0.87 (0.591.28)
Age, per 10 years
1.38 (1.161.65)*
African American
0.81 (0.551.19)
0.89 (0.521.51)
Annual household
1.00 (0.711.43)
income . $30,000, n (%)
Has insurance, n (%)
1.59 (0.783.25)
Finished high school
0.72 (0.521.01)
Center for Epidemiologic
1.91 (1.392.62)*
Studies Depression score . 15
Drug use in the last 6 months
1.43 (0.992.07)
Alcohol use over the last 6 months
,3 drinks/week
313 drinks/week
1.16 (0.681.97)
0.97 (0.372.53)
.13 drinks/week
Uses chain pharmacy as
0.68 (0.441.06)
primary pharmacy
Uses more than one pharmacy
1.86 (1.312.63)*
Uses a pharmacy more than
1.45 (0.762.74)
20 miles away
WIHS study site
1.06 (0.621.81)
Washington DC
0.71 (0.361.38)
San Francisco Bay Area
1.81 (1.063.11)*
0.92 (0.511.68)

1.16 (0.532.50)
0.68 (0.480.98)*
1.75 (1.252.45)*
1.15 (0.771.72)

0.63 (0.391.02)
1.65 (1.152.37)*

1.01 (0.581.77)
0.69 (0.341.38)
1.51 (0.852.70)
0.84 (0.451.59)

Note:*Statistically significant.
Abbreviations: OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; WIHS, Womens Interagency HIV Study.

model, older participants and those who received pharmacist

counseling had a higher odds of having optimal self-reported
adherence, though the association for pharmacist counseling did not reach statistical significance (OR 1.23, 95%
CI 0.702.18). As expected, depression, drug or alcohol use,
having AIDS, and taking a protease inhibitor-based regimen
were negatively associated with optimal adherence (Table3).
In unadjusted analyses, speaking with a pharmacist was associated with a 43 cell/mm3 higher CD4+ cell count compared
with those who did not talk with the pharmacist (95% CI
17.7104.3, P=0.16). This association accounted for less than
1% of the variability in CD4+ cell counts. The point estimate
for the association between speaking with a pharmacist and
having an undetectable viral load in our sample suggested no
effect (OR 0.99, 95% CI 0.641.52, P=0.96).

Our study offers a brief look at community pharmacist
counseling in a cohort of women with HIV and women


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Note:*Statistically significant.
Abbreviations: AIDS, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; OR, odds ratio;
CI, confidence interval; CESD, Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Score;
NNRTI, nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor; PI, protease inhibitor.

with high-risk HIV behaviors. Only a modest proportion of

study participants (30%) self-reported receipt of pharmacist
counseling in the past 6months. Recall bias may have underestimated the true proportion of participants who received
counseling. Another explanation is that pharmacists may
be missing valuable opportunities to detect and intervene
on patient adherence and medication problems. The low
proportion of participants reporting counseling in our study
could be reflective of the WIHS population. Female gender
has been associated with underutilization of HIV health
care services and this may also be true of HIV pharmacy
services.1618 HIV-positive patients may be less likely to seek
pharmacist counseling due to concerns about privacy around
HIV medications; however, the proportions of HIV-positive
and HIV-negative participants reporting pharmacist counseling in our study were similar.19 Given that pharmacists are a
vast potential resource for adherence support, it is important
to understand the reasons why participants may not communicate with their pharmacists. These reasons cannot be fully
elucidated by our retrospective, survey-based study design
and should be further explored in qualitative studies with
both patients and pharmacists.
HIV-infected women who did report pharmacist counseling in the past 6months also reported higher antiretroviral

Patient Preference and Adherence 2012:6


therapy adherence and increased CD4+ cell counts compared

with those who had not. These observed associations were
small, but positive. Though the point estimates did not
achieve statistical significance, our findings are consistent
with other studies which found that HIV pharmacists in
ambulatory care and inpatient settings had a positive impact
on CD4+ cell counts and improving antiretroviral adherence, in addition to achieving undetectable HIV viral loads,
adjusting for drug interactions, and lowering numbers of
office visits.2032,37
Despite their efforts to improve the health of patients with
chronic diseases, the work of community pharmacists in HIV
may be underappreciated, and is less frequently described
in the literature. Three papers described a pilot program of
10 California community pharmacies that received funding
to provide medication therapy management services for HIVpositive patients.13,33,34 Services offered in these 10 pharmacies
varied greatly; they included adherence enhancements
such as refill reminders, reminder packaging, and specialized antiretroviral medication counseling.13 At 3 years,
HIV-positive patients filling their antiretroviral therapy at
the pilot pharmacies (n=2234) demonstrated higher refill
adherence (medication possession ratios 69.4% versus 47.3%,
P,0.001), and a higher odds of having optimal adherence
(OR 2.74, 95% CI 2.443.10, after controlling for age, gender,
and ethnicity) compared with traditional pharmacies.33,34
These pilot programs represent the ideal end of the spectrum
of HIV community pharmacy care. Many other community
pharmacists might hope to provide this type of high level care
for their HIV-positive patients, but may be unable to do so for
lack of funding, time, support, or expertise.35
Our study reveals minimal engagement in the potentially
beneficial relationship between HIV-positive women and
their community pharmacists. This information in itself is
valuable, but also speaks to the continued research that needs
to be done to understand HIV patient-pharmacist relationships better, the impact of community pharmacy care, and
how to optimize elements of HIV pharmacy care to have
maximal clinical and adherence impact. It can be challenging to operationalize research on pharmacists day-to-day
practice, yet conducting these types of studies is important
to substantiate the benefits of pharmacist counseling on
outcomes for HIV and other chronic diseases. With further
studies quantifying the health benefits added by the intense
participation of community pharmacists on the HIV health
care team, funding and support may be made more readily
available, and HIV pharmacist services may be made more
accessible to all patients.24,36

Patient Preference and Adherence 2012:6

Pharmacist HIV counseling in women

There are various limitations associated with our study.

Our study required participants to self-identify whether or
not they had received pharmacist counseling. This could
have been subject to recall bias or lack of identification of
counseling within an encounter, underestimating the overall
penetration of pharmacist counseling. Study participants
were already highly adherent to their antiretroviral therapy
regimens, leaving minimal room for improvement for any
intervention. Participants utilized different pharmacies that
may represent very diverse models of HIV pharmacy care.
A standardized pharmacist counseling intervention developed
in collaboration with local HIV clinics may have a clearer
impact on clinical and adherence outcomes for HIV-positive
persons. Lastly, confounding by indication could have masked
some positive effects of counseling. Patients who appeared to
be struggling with adherence (and subsequently having lower
CD4+ cell counts and increased viral loads) could have been
more likely to receive counseling from their pharmacists. If
poor adherence prompted pharmacist counseling, this could
cause counseling to appear to perform poorly, even if it truly
is effective in improving adherence.

Counseling and treatment advocacy by community pharmacists is an underutilized health care resource that has the
potential to improve the health of patients with HIV. Our
study found a small, positive association between speaking
with the pharmacist in the last 6months and having higher
adherence or CD4+ cell counts that did not achieve statistical
significance. Limitations of our study include possible confounding by indication that could have masked some benefit
of counseling and a population of study participants who were
already highly adherent to their antiretrovirals. Given the
shrinking availability of health care resources today, efforts
to develop community pharmacy HIV programs should be
coordinated with local clinics to provide the most efficient
services, and prospective studies which test the efficacy and
impact of these programs should continue to be explored.

This research was supported by the National Institutes for
Mental Health (JMC, K23MH087218) and the Building
Interdisciplinary Research Careers in Womens Health
Program (K12HD052163). Data in this manuscript were
collected by the WIHS Collaborative Study Group with
centers (principal investigators) at New York City/Bronx
Consortium (Kathryn Anastos); Brooklyn, NY (Howard
Minkoff); Washington DC, Metropolitan Consortium (Mary

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Cocohoba etal

Young); The Connie Wofsy Study Consortium of Northern

California (Ruth Greenblatt); Los Angeles County/Southern
California Consortium (Alexandra Levine); Chicago
Consortium (Mardge Cohen); and Data Coordinating Center (Stephen Gange). The WIHS is funded by the National
Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (UO1-AI-35004,
UO1-AI-31834, UO1-AI-34994, UO1-AI-34989, UO1AI-34993, and UO1-AI-42590) and by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human
Development (UO1-HD-32632). The study is cofunded by
the National Cancer Institute, the National Institute on Drug
Abuse, and the National Institute on Deafness and Other
Communication Disorders. Funding is also provided by the
National Center for Research Resources (UCSF-CTSI grant
number UL1 RR024131). The contents of this publication
are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes
of Health.The authors would like to acknowledge Peter
Bacchetti and Mallory Johnson for their contributions to
the guidance of statistical analysis and manuscript writing
for this study.

Data from this study were shown as part of a poster presentation at the American College of Clinical Pharmacy Annual
Meeting, October 5, 2009, San Antonio, TX.


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Patient Preference and Adherence

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