Sap BW Int 13
Sap BW Int 13
Sap BW Int 13
1) What is the common method of finding the tables used in any R/3 extraction?
By using the transaction LISTSCHEMA we can navigate the tables.
2) What are the differences between table view and InfoSet query?
An InfoSet Query is a query using flat tables.
3) How is data loaded from one InfoCube to another InfoCube?
Through DataMarts data can be loaded from one InfoCube to another InfoCube.
4) State the significance of setup tables in LO extractions?
It adds to the Selection Criteria to the LO extraction.
5) What are difference between extract structure and DataSource?
In Datasource, the data is defined from different source system, where as in ex
tract structure it contains the replicated data of datasource n where in we can
define extract rules and transfer rules .The Extract Structure is a record layou
t of InfoObjects. Extract Structure is created on SAP BW system.
6) What is referential integrity mechanism?
Referential integrity is the property that guarantees the values from one colum
n depends on values from another column. Hence this property is enforced through
integrity constraints.
7) What is D-Management in LO?
It is a method used in delta update methods, which are based on change log in LO
8) What is entity relationship model in data modeling?
An ERD(Entity Relation Diagram) that can be used to generate a physical database
. Also it is a high level data model and schematic that shows all the entities w
ithin the scope of integration and the direct relationship between the entities.
9) What is data mining concept?
The process of finding hidden patterns and relationships in the data with typica
l data analysis requirements fulfilled by data warehouses, business users who ha
ve an idea of what information they want to see. Here some opportunities embody
data discovery requirements, where the business user wants to correlate sets of
data to determine anomalies or patterns in the data.
10) What is the usage of Geo-coordinates?
The georelevant data would be displayed and evaluated on a map with the help of
the BEx Map.
5) What is C_T_DATA?
A table with the data received from the API in the format of source structure en
tered in table ROIS (field ROIS-STRUCTURE).
6) What is I_UPDMODE?
It s a transfer mode as requested in the Scheduler of the Business Information War
ehouse. It is not normally required.
7) What is I_T_SELECT?
It is a table with the selection criteria stored in the Scheduler of the SAP-Bus
iness Information Warehouse. This too is not normally required.
8) What is Serialized V3 Update?
SerializedV3 Update is the normal update method. In this the document data is co
llected in the order it was created and transferred into the BW as a batch job.
The transfer sequence is not the same as the order in which the data was created
in all scenarios.
9) What is Direct Delta?
In Direct Delta method, extraction data is transferred directly from document po
stings into the BW delta queue. The transfer sequence is the same as the order i
n which the data was created.
10) What is Queued Delta?
In Queued Delta method, extraction data from document postings is collected in a
n extraction queue, and from this a periodic collective run is used to transfer
the data into the BW delta queue. The transfer sequence is the same as the order
in which the data was created.