Legend of The Cubic Stone
Legend of The Cubic Stone
Legend of The Cubic Stone
Required from ¼ of the Cube in 4/5 to construct the rests for the wall,
(Illustrated.) the pillar bases, and the steps.
AT the building of the Temple in Jerusalem, a short time before, an
unexpected and afflicting event occurred, which threw the Masons Required from ¼ of a Cube in 4/5 to construct the foundation of the
engaged in the work into the greatest consternation and confusion. The Building, the entire fabric to contain 36 parts, or the Square of the
G.M. [H.A.] had sent to certain F.C.'s thirteen stones, and directed that Hexahedron.
with these they should complete a small Square near the Cape-stone,
being the only portion of the fabric which remained unfinished. Every Required to construct, from 2 Cubes of the same dimensions, the
stone of the TEMPLE was formed into a Square containing jive outer and inner Court, and the Porch of Judgment. The first Court to
EQUILATERAL TRIANGLES, each equilateral triangle being equal to a Cube,
be double the area of the Foundation and to consist of an Octagon
formed into a Square, containing 12 parts. The outer Court to be
And each side and base of the Triangles being equal to a Plumb-Line. double the area of the inner Court and to consist of 12 parts, each a
The space, therefore, which remained to be completed, was the Square; and the Porch of Judgment to be equal to 1/12 of the outer
last Triangle of the last stone, and equal to the eighth part of the Plumb Court, and to consist of 4 parts, each a Triangle, the whole comprising
line, of 1/8 of the Circle, and 1/15 of the Triangle, which number is in 64 parts, or the Square of the Cube. These pieces to be constructed
Hebrew 26, or the great Name of the Almighty. separately in the quarries, and to be packed in 3 Cubes of equal
The thirteen stones consisted of all the fragments which remained dimensions, the first containing 36 pieces, the second 8, and the third 20,
from the building, and comprised two Cubes in two divisions. that is, a Square?, a Cube, and f of a Square. The Throne is a separate
piece, to be taken from the interior of the Temple Cube, and to consist of
In the first was contained one Cube in an entire piece, and in the 1/6 of 1/4 of a Cube, making in all 65 pieces, which number in the
second a Cube in 12 parts: viz. 4 ½ parts in one piece; 2 parts in 4 Hebrew means the Great Secret.
p i e c e s ; 1 part in 1 piece; and ½ part in 6 pieces: total, 12 pieces.
The; F.C.'s, perceiving that they could finish the Square with the The F.C.'s carried the broken Cube to S.K.I., who in conjunction with
f r a g m e n t s in the second Cube, REJECTED the first, and observing that t h e H.K.T. directed that they should be placed, along with the Jewels of the
exterior of the stone was marked with certain lines: viz. an Isosceles Craft, on a Cubic stone, encrusted with gold, in the centre of a deep
Triangle bisected—three lines:—the edge of the Cube being the base:— cavern, within the foundations of the Temple, and further ordered, that
t w o squares diagonally bisected, and each having a perpendicular line the Door of this Mysterious Court should be built up with large stones,
to the centre—six lines:—two straight lines at right angles:—and a : in order that no one in future should be able to gain admission into this
square diagonally bisected—two lines : total, thirteen lines or five mysterious apartment.
surfaces of the CUBE . Seeing these lines, the Masons thought the
stone w a s split, and therefore useless. It was then thrown aside, and At the rebuilding of the Temple, however, three F.C.'s, lately returned
one of I heir number in contempt struck the Cube a violent blow with a from Babylon, in the course of their labours inadvertently stumbled
wooden mallet (no iron tool having been allowed in the building of the upon this mysterious recess. They discovered the fractured Cube, and
Temple); the Cube instantly divided into 12 parts, the second of which carried the pieces to Z.J.H., who recognized in the four pieces the XXXX,
bore the mime relation to the first, that the third did to the second, and and accordingly advanced the F.C.'s to a new order in Freemasonry
THE FOURTH TO the third: being the arithmetical progression of 1. 2. having accomplished this discovery. But the problem they were
3. 4. The parts were ¼ of the Cube in one piece; 1/4 of the Cube unable to solve, or re-construct the broken Cube; and, in consequence,
divided into 1/8 and 9/16; ¼ of the Cube divided into two they declared that a profound mystery involved the whole transaction,
Hexahedrons, and two Triangles equal to one Hexahedron; and 1/4 which would doubtless be one day revealed to the world.
each divided into 40 Cubits, or the four letters of the Name,
Since that period the Cube remained fractured and continued in that state multiplied by 10, the first letter.
until the month of October, 1835, when it was re-constructed, and the
Temple built by Robert Tytler, M.D., at Midnapoor, 90 of M, from J—10, E—8, S—200, O—70, U—400, 8—200 = 888. The number
an attentive investigation of the properties of the Magnetic Angle therefore, of the Name JESOUS (the Name of our Saviour in Greek)
dividing a Cube of the universe. is 888, or 3 Cubes.
The apex of the beam above the angle of the roof is the completion
Of the angle or Magnetic Point.
(a.) Is the Beam
(b.)Porch of Pillars,
(c). Inner Porch,
(d.) Pillar Bases.
(e) (f) Cape and Body of the Temple.
(g.) Posterior Pillars.
(h). Ribs or RESTS.
( i.) Inner Court.
( j) Outer Court.
(k.) Porch of Judgment.
(l.) Place of the Throne.