Amiga A1200 Next Steps
Amiga A1200 Next Steps
Amiga A1200 Next Steps
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Am iga A12 00
Nex t Ste ps
Amiga A1200
Next Steps
Learn how to get the very
most from your Amiga A 1 200
Peter Fitzpatrick
Disclaimer: While cverv effort has been made to ensure that the information in this publication (and anv programs and soft\\are) is corTect and
accUIate, the Publisher can accept no liabilitv for anv consequential loss
or damage, however caused, arising: as a result of using the information
printed in this book.
The right of Peter Fitzpatrick to be identified as the Author of the Work
has been asserted bv him in accordance with the Copvright, Designs and
Patents Act, 19RR.
The Author
PETER FITZPATRICK was thrown in at the computing deep
end when he woke up one day and found himself as Deputy
Editor of A&B Computing magazine - a publication devoted to
Acorn computers. Not knowing anything about the subject he
decided it might be wise to learn ...
Since then he went on to become editor of A&B Computing and
launched its successor Archimedes World. His experience of the
Amiga has been brief but brutal - an ASOO quickly followed by
an A1200 with several Bruce Smith books devoured in the
He lives in historic St Albans and dreams of finishing his bestselling travel book. One day, maybe, one day.
Preface .................................................... 15
AmigaDOS ........................................... 43
Getting Going ...................................................... 39
Filing Cabinets .................................................... .44
Writing Scripts ................................................... .48
Miscellany ............................................................ 50
Wildcards etc ....................................................... 53
MultiView .............................................. 55
It Doesn't Work .................................................... 56
Amiga Insider Guide
Insider Guides
# 11:
# 15:
# 17:
# 18:
----11-- ---
Amiga Insider Guide
Read on. This book takes the exploration of the A1200 one
stage further and provides a grounding in many of the areas
open to A1200 owners: making music, printing documents, creating graphics, video editing and even takes a look at programming.
The book also aims to speed up your computing. That's not just
a question of making the A1200 itself go physically faster,
although that is one of the options, but extra memory or buying a hard disk drive or a second floppy disk drive will make
you work faster. So will an understanding of the language that
is at the heart of the A1200- AmigaDOS. All these subjects are
covererd in Next Steps.
Owning a computer can rapidly turn into an expensive business and I've discussed the things you should consider before
parting with vour monev. I can't tell you which of the many options is
best for your own particular needs but what I can do is provide the
information for vou to make your own decisions.
There are manv add-ons to the A1200 that you will want to consider as
you get more ambitious: more mcmorv, another disk drive, better
monitors, accelerators cards, modems and so on all of which are covered. I've even included a brief section on games because if you're not
playing them then you're not getting the most from vour A1200 - and
getting the most from your A1200 is the whole purpose of this book.
There are two chapters on choosing and fitting a hard disk drive. I've
provided a step-bv-step guide to installing a hard disk drive yourself
and then formatting it, partitioning it and setting it up as a boot disk.
And if vou didn't understand the jargon used in that last sentence you
needn't worrv either- that gets explained as well.
The one thing I can't promise, though, is to turn vou into an Amiga
expert. I'm not sure when that exalted state arri1ies but it takes more
than reading one book. There arc plcntv more volumes where this one
carne !rom. Appendix B at the end of the book provides details on
AmigaDOS, AMOS, ARrexx, C and Assembler programming, Printers
and Amiga Games.
There is a Next Steps disk of freelv distributable soft\\-~tre to accompanv the chapters in this book. It includes some of the most commonlv
sought after utilities to make the \\hole computing process that much
easier. Details can be found in Appendix A.
If vou lind that this book assumes too much kncmkdge then don't
despair! The Insider Guide to the Amiga A1200 'houkl get vou on the
right tracks soon enough.
The emphasis is on practical examples with step-bv-stcp Insider
Guides to take vou 1)\ the hand and lead vou saff'h through the minefield. Happv computing.
This one is largely a matter of aesthetic preference. Do you want your
Workbench screen to be inside a pretty, blue-framed window? From a
purist's point of view the answer should be "yes". Workbench is a program like any other multi-tasking program you can run on the A1200.
With the exception of certain tasks that run completely in the background they all operate from within a window so why should
Workbench be any different?
The alternative view is that the blue border itself takes up a finite
amount of screen space which can be better used elsewhere. You
In practice this isn't going to happen too often for two reasons. The
first is that minor version changes rarely make a big difference to the
way most software runs. The second reason is that most software
manufacturers will try and make their software run on as many
machines as possible; that way they can sell more copies!
Quit ...
Like any other program Workbench offers the chance to Quit. Try
using this option and a request window will double-check that this is
what you want to do. You can choose to Quit but you're not left with a
lot once you have.
A small confession here. When I tried using this option, in writing this
chapter. Workbench wouldn't let me quit. Instead it informed me that
it "Cannot Quit yet, there are 1 WB launched program(s)"
The launched Workbench program in question was the ClickToFront
commodity which I have kept in the WBStartup directory. Whenever
Workbench is loaded this program is automatically loaded too. This
failsafe mechanism prevents you from quitting Workbench while any
program that relies on it is in operation. Not desperately important if
you're only using "ClickToFront" but invaluable if you're in the middle
of word processing and haven't saved your work.
The New Drawer option creates a new drawer- that's a directory with
a .info file. It places a drawer in your chosen window and brings up a
requester window so that you can rename these directories should you
be unhappy with "Unnamedl", "Unnamed2" and so on. As it has a
.info file a directory icon is displayed.
Open Parent
Double-clicking on a directory icon displays its contents. If it has subdirectories then you can open as many of these the same way and so
on down and down the directory branches. Pretty soon the screen
becomes covered with opened windows and trying to find your way
around gets hectic. Close any unwanted windows and leave just those
you absolutely need. To step back up the directory tree from any given
directory just use the "Open Parent" option.
Close closes the currently selected window. It's only real use is going
to be when the close gadget is obscured from view by a multitude of
other windows.
Like the Update All option in the Workbench menu, except that this
one just concentrates on the currently selected window. It is therefore,
Select Contents
Click in a directory window to designate it as the currently selected
one and then click on this option. The icons are now in their reversed
out format signifying they have all been selected. If you want to try
and drag all the selected icons, say to another directory, then press the
Shift button first.
Clean Up
When you drag files from one directory to another they tend to end up
plonked one on top of another. Try creating a new directory on the
Ram Disk and then dragging some Workbench icons to it. They tend
to sit wherever they have been left, usually obscuring anything
beneath. The "Clean Up" option solves this problem by reorganising
the window items around each other.
The previous example was all well and good but if you now close the
directory window and re-open it, what happens? The window is presented in its pre-cleaned up style. "Clean Up" the window once more
and move any icons round to your own taste. Once you're happy select
the "Snapshot All" option and a record will be stored of where all
the icons sit when the window is opened.
The "Snapshot Window" option dictates where the window will be
opened and what size and shape it assumes. So if, for example, you
want the Ram Disk window to appear at the bottom right of the
Workbench window when you open it then move it there and select
the "Snapshot Window" option.
In day-to-day use Workbench keeps a large number of files hidden
from view. For a file to appear on-screen it needs to have a .info file
associated with it. Most of the time this is perfectly acceptable as it
reduces the amount of clutter around the place but if you want to see
what commands are available in the C: directory for example it's not a
whole lot of use. The "Show All Files" option does just that on the
window in question. "Show Only Icons" reverts to the default setting.
View By
The final option on this menu lets you choose how the files within the
window are displayed. The "View By Icon" option is the default setting. The other three display files without their associated icons. All
you get is the name of each file, a written description of its type - eg
Drawer - and information about the last time it was saved and its
flags; similar in fact to when you use the LIST command in
AmigaDOS. While this form of display may not be as attractive as the
icon-based option it does have one enormous advantage and that's size
-they take up a lot less room this way. The three remaining options let
you view files by Name (in alphabetical order), Date (most recent first)
and Size (smallest first).
Click once on the Ram Disk icon. Its reversed out look signifies that it
has been selected. To open the Ram Disk window select the "Open"
2 Select the "Execute Command ... " option from the Workbench menu
and type in:
The changes are now Updated and the new file is visible.
option. To be honest I can't see a great deal of use for this option but
it's then~ if vou need it.
If you drag a file or directory from one device to another the original
remains intact and a new copy is made wherever it is placed. However,
if vou drag from one directory to another on the same device then no
copv is made. To duplicate a file on the same device then use the
"Copv" option. Thus if a directon called "ThisOne" is copied a new
directorv called "Copv_of_ThisOne" results. In it again and a second
copv is produced, this time called "Copv_2_of_This0ne". Anvthing
within the directorv is also copied.
Rename ...
Guess what this one does! It has one neat sophistication in that it
doesn't panic if vou select several icons at once. Instead it presents
their names one-bv-one for amendment.
Information ...
This is one of the more powerful options. The information it displavs
relates lo a file's size, its tvpe, the status of its file protection flags,
\\hen it \las last updated and keeps a record of any associated Tool
Tvpes and Filenotes. Not onlv this, it allows most of these details lobe
altered and resm-cd.
Just like the Windows "Snapshot" option this makes a record of where
an icon is displaved. So, if vou ,,ant the Workbench disk to be displaved in the bottom righthand corner of the screen on Startup simplY
move it there and Snapshot it.
When vou've realised that vou didn't want to Snapshot an icon this
reverses the damage.
Leave Out
This is quite a handv option particularlv for hard drive O\lners. Let's
sav. that .vou are a heavv. user of the Shell then it is useful to have the
icon near to hand for those manv occasions ,,-hen you need to use it.
Click on its icon and then on "Lem-c Out" and it is automaticallv
dragged from its directorv and placed on the desktop. It is no longer
necessary to keep the Svstem directon on the Workbench disk open.
The program is still being stored in the same place but its icon has
moved to where you can get to it more easily.
Put Away
This puts away any icon that has previously been Left Out.
Delete ...
The Trashcan option determines whether or not you want to use the
Trashcan as a means of deleting files. It's there by default but many
users will find it superfluous.
The next three options - Fast File System, International Mode and
Directory Cache - are all desirable albeit with one proviso. Fast File
System lets the Amiga fit more information onto a floppy disk and
makes that disk quicker to usc than before. International Mode "cor-
rects a case-sensitivity problem associated with international characters" according to Commodore so look into this onlY if You are using
foreign characters in your filenames etc. Directory Caching improves
the speed of opening directories and so on. In normal use then, all
three options should be "on". The drawback is that disks so formatted
won't work with Amigas or Amiga Workbench software before Release
2 and, in the case of Directory Caching before Release 3.
Once the options are set, formatting is a question of choosing
"Format" or "Quick Format". Choose the latter if the disk has previously been formatted as an Amiga disk because it is much more rapid.
Empty Trash
The Trashcan is the other way of deleting files. When formatting disks
you can decide whether or not you want to keep this icon on. The
Trashcan acts just like any other directory except that it cannot itself
be deleted from the Workbench. To delete a file just drag it over the
Trashcan directot"V and let go. The analogy with a trash can is very apt
because if you change your mind about throwing something away You
can rescue it from the Trashcan. Double-click on its icon and all the
trash is there ready to be rescued. And, unlike a real life trashcan any
rescued files do not come out smelling of last night's dinner. The analogy can be stretched one stage further - once the trash has been emptied it is gone for good. On the A1200 that is done by selecting the
"EmptY Trash" option.
I Tool.Menu
To tidy up the display simply hold down the righthand <Amiga> key
and then press the following three keys in sequence:
Quit Workbench
he Extras disk is well worth a little exploration. It contains manv items that are useful in setting-up
Workbench. but which aren't used in the day to day
. . . .;.
,~, /.
; ,,<<;<;
For example, you may well wish to alter the physical appearance (or sound!) of your standard Workbench or you may want
to tweak the way in which it behaves. One of the benefits of the
Workbench system is that it has been designed to let you do
just that. Most of the equipment you will need to do that job
can be found on the Extras disk in the Preferences directory.
By that I mean that if, for example, you want to alter the colour
or change the sound that the A1200 makes when it beeps at
you, then you will need to use the Preferences program on the
Extras disk. But once you have made those choices they are
then stored on your Workbench disk and there is no need to
use Extras again. Or at least not until you want to change
something else.
The Tools directory contains a variety of programs of varying
usefulness. If any one of them is one you cannot live without
If you work through the example, with the A1200 beeping away to its
heart's content you can start playing around with the beep's volume,
pitch or length. Find a combination that you like and you can save the
settings to your Workbench disk by selecting "Save" and then following the disk swapping instructions. Alternatively you can choose "Use"
which v.ill use that sound for the rest of this computing session but as
soon as you switch off or soft-reboot, it will revert to its default settings.
This presents the controls for adjusting the noise the machine makes
to report an error. To produce that sound just click on the 'Test
Sound" button. If at this point you have no sound then one of two
things is wrong:
a) the "Make Sound'' option is switched off Click on its button to alter
its state. Or:
b) you aren't wired up for sound. The AI ZOO itself doesn't have a
speaker but relies on being connected to an appropriate sound gener
ator. In most cases this will be the TV screen or monitor you are connected to and it's all a question of turning the volume control up.
The final and most interesting option is to emplov a sound file from
elsewhere. You can alter its tone, volume and duration but when all's
said and done a beep is still a beep. Luckil_v the beep can be replaced
bv prettv well anv sound vou care to mention as long as it is available
as an IFF file. It just so happens that such a sound file is available on
the companion disk to this book but thev are also available bv the
bucket load from PD libraries, friends, magazine disks etc. For this
example I have dragged my chosen sound file across onto the Ram
To plav this sound click on the Beep button. This will now read
"Sampled Sound". The next step is to click on "Select Sample ... " Doing
Figure 2.1. The Workbench Icon Text screen showing colour possibilities.
This option controls how you put your input into the machine and
offers several hepful options. Mouse Speed predictably refers to the
speed at which the mouse propels the pointer. Set it to three and it fair
whizzes around, set it to one and you need a desk the size of Kent. The
best compromise is to select two and have the "Acceleration" option
switched on. This rather elegant feature makes the pointer movement
respond to the speed with which you move the mouse. Move it quickly
and the pointer leaps around but move it slowly and you have quite
delicate control. That's my choice but of course you may prefer something else.
The Double-click delay option controls the time in which you are
allowed to make the second click before the machine decides that it
wasn't a double-click after all but two separate single clicks. It isn't a
good idea to set this too fast otherwise you'll never get anything done.
The Keyboard settings control how the keys respond when you are
typing. If you are using a wordprocessor, holding down a letter makes
it repeat until released. This option sets the defaults for that and is
very much a matter of playing round with it until it suits your needs.
The righthand window shows the keyboard options. This lists all the
keyboard maps that are to be found in the SYS:Devs/Keymaps directory plus the default setting "American". Click on the one you want to
use and then on "Save". If the one you want isn't there then it needs to
be loaded into the SYS:Devs/Keymaps directory from the Keymaps
directory on the Storage disk.
---- 11 ---- -
Si, par example, tu parle Francais ...
If you don't understand English you can change the language the
A1200 uses in its display with the Locale option which collects the text
from the "Locale" disk. But then, if you don't understand English, how
did you read this to find that out?
Locale also supplies a very pretty scrolling map of the world with all
the time zones marked on. If you find a practical use for this, you will
let me know, won't you?
Controls the physical area of the screen that Workbench occupies.
Two modes are offered: Graphics and Text. You may wish to set different limits dependent on the application you are using. Most monitors
have a discernible curvature to them which is strongest nearest the
edges of the screen. Reducing the Overscan area reduces the effect on
the screen image of this distortion. Conversely, when you want the display to be as large as you can get it, Overscan can be used to overlap
with the edges of the monitor. Adjustments are made by dragging one
of the black boxes. The central box can be used to set the position onscreen of the complete image.
You could play all day with this and still fail to come up with the perfect colours for the appearance of your Workbench screen. My tip
would be to be sparing in your use of dayglo colours unless you actually enjov having to wear a pair of shades while using your computer.
Another customising tool, this one lets you design your own pointer
icon. Should you wish, you can even load an icon you have created
elsewhere by using the "Load Image" option from the Edit menu. I
expect that, as with many of these Workbench options, you will probably end up using the original default options.
Connecting two computers, often via a telephone line, is not as difficult as it might seem. As long as they present each other with data in
an agreed format and don't try to speak when the other one's talking
then there should be no problems. In practice, if you are using a
modem then the software that comes with it or that you have bought
for it should be able to control these settings more satisfactorily.
Not surprisingly this is used to set the date and time. However, unless
you have a battery-backed clock fitted to your A1200- something that
doesn't come with the standard machine- this is going to be of limited
use. On a brighter note it did let me find out that Christmas is on a
Monday in the year 2000.
Another means of prettying up the appearance of the A1200 GUI. You
can for example have a picture to form the background to the
Workbench or any window if you so wish. In much the same way that
a sampled sound was chosen in the "Sound" Preference so it can with
a Picture. Again, to be of practical use this picture needs to be stored
on the Workbench disk to be available at startup.
----1 1---- -
All the Preference options offer the chance to save a particular group
of settings. This is stored in the Workbench:Prefs/Presets file. Several
different settings can be saved here allowing you to choose which one
you want to use on any one occasion. For example you might want to
use an interlaced mode with only a few screen colours when using a
DTP program, a low-res screen mode with lots of colours when working with a paint package and a high-res screen with eight colours for
wordprocessing. Storing Preference settings from one of these Prefs
programs lets you do exactly that.
I Control
See Chapter 14 "Put It On Display".
Select the picture that you want to use as a background display. Place
it on your Workbench disk so that it is available on startup.
Open WBPattern from the prefs directory on the Extras disk. Click on
the Type gadget until it displays Picture and then click on the Select
Picture gadget which was previously not made available.
This pops up a file requester. Work through the options until you find
the picture file that you wish to use. Click on "OK" which returns you
to the original window. Click on ''Test" to see whether it creates the
desired effect. If it does, "Use" will retain it for the current session
whilst "Save" makes it a permanent feature of the Workbench display.
displayed with a tilde symbol (-) have no effect, whilst those with a
caret symbol (A) describe an action such as "Delete" or "Return". Not
immediately useful you may think but invaluable within an ASCII document for describing layouts etc.
When working on video editing with a genlock attached to the back of
the A1200 it can be useful to be able to switch between screen modes.
"Lacer" is designed to permit toggling (swapping) between one mode
and its interlaced version. It only works when a genlock is attached.
This is a text editor along the same lines as ED but it is much more
sophisticated. It offers many features and it's a matter of debate
whether or not you can call this kind of text editor a wordprocessor.
Its facilities are discussed further in the MORE AmigaDOS chapter.
Prep Card
This controls the use of RAM cards in the PCMCIA slot which can be
found on the lefthand side of the A1200. It is described in detail in the
"Improve Your Memory" chapter.
ShowConfig is of technical interest only. It provides information on
the processor being used, the custom chips, the VERSION numbers of
Workbench and Kickstart being used and detects the presence of any
RAM upgrade or hardware boards. You are unlikely to need it except
when purchasing hardware add-ons when the existing configuration of
your machine may be important in choosing the right version of the
add-on. Be ready to quote these details when shopping.
The Commodities take up very little room on the Workbench disk. It's
a matter of taste which, if any, you use but Blanker should not be
Auto Point
Click in a window and it becomes active as signified by the blue border around that window. AutoPoint cuts out this stage and automatically highlights the window beneath the mouse pointer.
Protects the monitor from the damage of burn-in. A static screen displav will eventually carve its way onto the screen leaving its ghostly
presence behind as a permanent reminder. Blanker helps reduce the
damage by switching off the normal display when there has been no
keyboard or mouse input for a specified length of time.
With several windows open at once it is often difficult to bring the one
you want to the front of the stack. With ClickToFront active you just
need to double-click in the desired window whilst holding down the
<Alt> key and it comes to the top of the heap.
The CrossDOS utility helps pass information between the Amiga and
MS-DOS machines (IBM-compatible PCs). Although all computers
accept certain file types as standard - ASCII, for example - there
remain subtle differences between them. CrossDOS helps smooth over
these differences.
This is a real love it or hate it utilitv. It lets you manipulate the size of
windows, their relative positions, the relative positions of screens, run
programs or ARexx scripts and use shortcuts in typing all by using just
a few keys on the keyboard. The only difficulty is remembering which
key does what. Get it wrong and you'll have programs launching themselves left, right and centre and then disappearing somewhere behind
a mess of rapidly shrinking and expanding windows!
A verv subtle one this one, so subtle you might almost call it useless. It
makes the pointer disappear whenever vou are entering text, only to
reappear when the mouse is moved.
Also of limited use, this disables the <Caps Loeb kev. If vou're a particularly clumsy typist you might find A USE FOR IT.
No Popup
In the "Tool Types" window highlight the CX_pOPUP= YES line and
this will then be displayed in the little window beneath. Adjust it so
that it reads cx_poPUP=NO and then click on "Save".
On its own DIR provides a list of the entire contents of the current
directory. Used with a directory name after it shows the contents of
that directory. It isn't limited to cataloguing the entire contents of a
directory either. Writing a modifier after it enables only specified file
types to be displayed.
Try the following commands to see how it works:
If the output from this command is too prodigious and flashes past
too quickly then the process can be halted by pressing the space bar.
Hitting return gets it going again. The #?.INFO option used above lists
all the files that end with those five characters. Similarly DIR S#? lists
all the files beginning with the letter S. The #? characters are referred
to as wildcards and this process is called pattern matching.
It's amazing that such a seemingly simple command can be so complex. LIST behaves in much the same way as DIR except that it is
more powerful. On its own LIST provides a similar breakdown of
information but also supplies data about the physical size of files,
information about file flags (See Chapter Seven, The Protection Racket)
and the date the file was last updated (if you are lucky enough to have
an internal clock on your A1200). You can limit yourself to just directories or files in the same way:
To reveal the contents of each and every directory try
However, as this can take forever with the Workbench disk the best
thing to do is to hit <Ctrb<C> and the process is stopped. LIST can
also produce an output:
produces a file on the Ram Disk called 'FILELIST' which holds all the
details that would normaly be sent to the Shell window.
MAKEDIR is used to create a new directory. It differs from the New
Drawer command on the Workbench in that no .info file associated
with the directory is made. This is perhaps the simplest way of differentiating between directories and drawers - the absence or presence
of .info files. MAKEDIR can be used to make a new directory wherever
specified. You can only make directories one at a time. If you want a
sequence of directories/subdirectories like the following:
then it has to be created a directory at a time. But, if you use the arrow
up key on the keyboard after each command then the following
sequence will be almost as quick:
doesn't work because the directory "TREES" isn't empty. AmigaDOS
takes the cautious approach and prevents you from accidentally erasing large volumes of data. Using the "ALL" suffix acknowledges that
there is data in the directory and everything will be deleted. ALL can,
therefore, be very useful and, by the same token, very disruptive:
process with just the one floppy disk drive but, as we shall find out
later, there are ways around that. Until then the command:
CD SYS:Tools
changes the current directory to the Tools directory on the System
disk. Using the:
command moves up the directory tree to the directory one above it. In
this case the SYS: disk main directory. The current directory is the one
whose name appears before the cursor prompt eg:
Ram Disk:>
RELABEL is one of AmigaDOS's renaming commands and is used to
rename devices. These include floppy disks, the Ram Disk, the RAD
disk, hard drive partitions etc. The syntax of this command is along
the lines of:
Like RELABEL but this command applies to files and directories. So,
for example, you might say:
This pops up a new window where the script can be written and saved.
Saving is done by pressing the Esc key followed by X. The file "Test"
will be saved to the current directory which, at this stage, will probably be the root directory of the Workbench disk. A more suitable place
would be on the Ram Disk so the first command could be rewritten as:
----11-- ---
This opens a second window in ED, the A 1200's text processor. Script
writing is now just a question of typing in the commands and saving.
For the sake of this simple example type in:
ECHO ''These are the items visible on the Workbench in your current
To save the program press the <Esc> key followed by <X>. This
returns you to the Shell. Now type in:
There are several commands for manipulating text within ED all of
which are preceded by the Esc button. A complete list of these ED
commands can be found in Figure 3.1. ED can also be used to examine and update a file that already exists, eg:
Nothing to do with assassination, EXECUTE is used to run script files.
For example, the "TEST'' file used in the previous paragraph could be
run by typing in:
RUI\ is similar to EXECUTE except that it is used to launch programs
rather than AmigaDOS script files. When launching a program from
the Shell the RUN command isn't alwavs strictly necessary. The Clock,
for example, can be launched simply bv entering:
However this fi~ee:.:es the Shell from further input until the Clock is
closed. Use:
and both processes can run alongside each other.
Ts a simple wav of passing comment. Included in an AmigaDOS script
it can be used to prompt action from the user cg:
As its name suggests, ALIAS provides another renaming service. Not
for file names or device names this time but as a shortcut to save having to tvpe in lengthv commands that you use frequentlv:
Use of the ALIAS command on its own shows all the currently used
ALIASes. These include CLEAR which is just an ECHO command.
ASSIGN is remarkably similar to the ALIAS command except that it is
used to provide abbreviations for PATH names.
For example, if you commonly use:
this can be abbreviated to, say:
if the Al200 has been informed that UTIL is the assignation for that
particular directory. The way in which this notification is made is by:
This allows the date and time to be written or read. Entered on its own
it returns the default setting, whatever that is, or it can be used to reset
that information in the:
format. Thus, to change the date and time to half past ten in the
evening on the 26th of July, 1994 use this style:
The first two numbers are the x and y cordinates of the top lefthand
comer of the new window, the next number is the window's width and
then its height. "SECOND-SHELL" is the window's name and the
optional CLOSE suffix ensures that the new window has a close gadget
PROMPT customises the Shell PROMPT. In practice you may have little call for this. The default setting is:
where %N gives the Shell process number and %S tells the current
directory. The quote marks are used as there is a blank space after the
">" symbol to make things appear tidier.
RESIDENT is a command which makes no difference to whether a
script works or not. If all the RESIDENT commands were stripped
from an AmigaDOS script it would still work - so why use it? In a
word - speed. RESIDENT places a command in the machine RAM
which means that it can be accessed almost instantaneously. In the
the ASSIGN command is copied from the C: directory on the
Workbench disk and stored in machine memory. Every time it is used
from now on it is the copy in RAM which is used rather than the one
on disk. Typing in RESIDENT on its own lists all those commands
that are currently RESIDENT. If a non-resident command is to be
used several times within a script then make it resident first to speed
things up. The reverse of a RESIDENT command is to use REMOVE.
Thus, in the above example, we could use:
One way of viewing a file is to use the TYPE utility. It is limited in its
use in that it spools the contents of that file into the current console
That's fine if it's a short file but if it's longer than the window then it
will scroll past before you've had a chance to look at it properly. The
Spacebar stops that scrolling and Return gets it going again.
There are only limited uses for VERSION which reads and then displays the Version numbers of the Workbench and Kickstart currently
in use. Where it can come in handy is when software requires a certain
minimum version number of, say, Workbench to be present before it
will operate. As the A1200 is a new machine with a new Workbench,
this is not the sort of problem we are likely to encounter for a while.
----11-- --
reach the file you want. Should you, at any stage, want to go back up
the directory "tree" then click on the Parent button.
Eventually you will find the file you want to view. Click on its name
and then on the "Open" button. This should open a second window
displaying the file you wanted to see. If the file is a text file, a picture
file or a hypertext file then the file will be either in text or picture
form. If you loaded a sound file then a loudspeaker icon will appear in
a window. To have this played just click on the icon.
If you can't hear anything then now is the time to check that your
A1200 is correctly wired up. The A1200 doesn't have any internal
speakers and relies instead on being attached to a monitor or TV or hifi. If it's not linked up it won't play. And if it is linked up but the volume is turned down it still won't play. Yes, I know this all seems
painfully obvious now ...
Amiga Insider Guide
option allows you to do just that. It keeps a record of the route you
have taken through the AmigaGuide maze and lets you retrace vour
route step by step bv repeatedlv clicking on the Retrace button.
To view an AmigaGuide document open the MultiView file selector
and put the Locale disk into the drive. Work Your way down through
the directories until You reach:
Open this file and a window with buttons on it appears. Try clicking
on these buttons and You'll rapidly come to terms with how these
guides can be used.
:::!'jkes f
"Welcome to the Dungeon" it says. Yes, welcome indeed, all vou need
to do is read the text on each page, digest the information supplied
and set off in search of gold. Each page presents vou with a varietv of
highlighted options mainlv concerning where to go next. Click on one
of these options and vou turn to a new page. The game consists of a
dungeon of twelve rooms all linked to each other bY passageways. The
object is to negotiate a route through The Dungeon to The Bullion
Room \\ithout dying. I'll leave You to explore The Dungeon for vourself.
Once in ED the first requirement is to write a file header so that when
MultiView tries to display it, it knows what sort of document it is
faced with. In this case:
is quite sufficient. Our next requirement is to choose the "wordwrap"
display option so that the text does just that:
From here it is just a question of creating as many pages as you
require. Each page must start with a header identifying it as a new
page and with a name by which MultiView can identify it, for
@node "Room1"
In the Dungeon example each page gives information about a different
room in the dungeon. No surprise then that I have named them
"Rooml", "Room2", "Room3" and so on. The exception to this is the
first page to be displayed which must go under the name of "MAIN".
These names are the names by which MultiView recognises them.
However, they needn't be the names which the user has to face. H you
wish to give the pages a different title then the command:
@node MAIN
@title "The Dungeon"
@ endnode
@node Room1
@title "The Crypt"
@node Room2
@title "The Library"
@node Room3
@title "The Banqueting Hall"
@end node
etc ...
So far so good. This produces a MultiView document with several
blank pages but no text. The next task is to type in the storyline to be
displayed on each page. For example "This is the Crypt but it's not
very cryptic ... " and so on. Finally we need a way of linking the pages
to each other. The best way of doing this is to have various words on
each page highlighted so that the user can click on them and turn to
the relevant page.
In the Dungeon example we want to have a statement such as "there is
a passageway to the West" with the word "West" highlighted so that
clicking on it moves us from the room we are on to whatever is at the
end of the route to the west. In MultiView this is simplicity itself.
When writing the text for each page any words can be easily highlighted as follows:
this places the word "West" in a little box. When the player clicks in
this box he is taken from that room to Room3.
I ~U~i
but in the case of graphics this restrains you to displaying in the current screen mode. If you use the suffix SCREEN as in:
@node .
Bold on.
Bold off.
Italics on.
Italics off.
Underlining on.
Underlining off
Table 4.1. The MultiView Commands.
@node MAIN
@title "Dungeon"
Welcome to the Dungeon. It's not very complicated
and even less scary. You are in the main entrance
room, facing north. There is an exit straight
ahead and a rope dangling from the ceiling. Which
way do you want to go?
@{b}Remember:@{ub} Secrets get you nowhere.
@{"North" link Room1}
----11-- ---
@node Room7
@title "The Banqueting Hall"
@{"South" link Room3}, @{"Down" link RoomS}
@node Rooms
@title "The Kitchen"
I can't believe they prepare food in here - it's
dirtier than a student house. There is a cake
marked @{"Eat Me" link Death}, a @{"Spiral
Staircase" link Room10} leading upwards, a door
to the @{"West" link Room9} and a passageway to
the @{"South" link Room4}.
@node Room9
@title "The Study"
@{"Secret Passageway" link RoomS}, @{"East" link
RoomS}, @{"Up" link Room11}
@node Room10
@title "The Boudoir"
----11--- --
The RAD disk is the Ram Disk with a difference it survives a soft reboot. You can also use it for
quick disk copying as this chapter shows ...
IRI tist
When you have just bought your A1200 the thought of spending yet
more money on an additional disk drive or, even more pricey, a hard
disk unit is enough to make the strongest blanch. Using the Ram Disk
isn't just the poor man's salvation then but is a handy way of speeding
up your computing.
The trouble with the Ram Disk is that it's not very robust. Periodically
you need to perform a soft-boot ( <Ctrb<Amiga><Amiga>) on the
A1200. This can be for manv reasons. Some preference settings are
only effective after a soft-boot for example. Whatever the reason, the
danger of a soft-boot is all too obvious- everything in the Ram Disk is
lost. This may not be a severe annoyance if you've had the presence of
mind to save anything you needed elsewhere before pressing
<Ctrl><Amiga><Amiga> but you can find yourself looking at several
hours of wasted work. Even worse, like any other computer, the Amiga
can crash. You'll know when this has happened because you find yourself confronted with a frozen screen. No mouse movement, button
pushing or key pressing makes any difference. Shouting at the computer doesn't help and neither does head-butting it. It has crashed and
vou'll have to reboot.
Evcrvthing has its price and the cost of the RAD: disk is that it can
only be of a fixed capacity. Open the Ram Disk and the legend across
the top reads: "Ram Disk 100% full, Ok free, 28k in use". Copy any file
across to it and it immediately expands to accommodate it. Delete that
file and the Ram Disk shrinks down to its previous capacity. Sure, it
does use up some of the machine's precious memorv but onlv as much
as is absolutely necessary.
The RAD disk is less flexible. It has to be configured for use just like
any other device. Once its dimensions are set they cannot be altered
without starting over so you need to know how large a RAD disk you
want before vou set off.
into the Shell or at the "Execute Command ... " option. The following
information will be revealed:
There's all sorts of information hidden away here but the only piece
that concerns us right now is the "HighCyl" value. This dictates the
eventual size of the RAD disk by the formula:
via the HighCyl value while you are at it. What you can't do is to alter
the size of any RAD disk while it is in use - even after a soft reboot.
The changes will only be made when the machine is switched on.
However, a RAD disk can be removed during normal computer use by
using the REMRAD (REMove RAD) command:
or just:
if you are using just the one RAD disk. Normally any changes made to
a RAD disk will not be executed after a soft reset. However, the use of
REMRAD is one way round this. Alter a RAD disk's mountlist accordingly and save it. Then (REMRAD) remove that RAD disk. Now perform a soft-reset. As the RAD disk is being created anew the latest settings in the mountlist will become active. One final word of warning.
The REMRAD command is quite powerful. If you use it indiscriminately to remove a RAD disk which contains precious files, too bad there's no way of retrieving them. To remove a Ri\.D disk permanently,
simply delete the RAD file from the DOSDrivers directory.
Even if you have two disk drives it could save you hassle when making
multiple copies.
You now have enough knowledge to write a simple AmigaDOS program which can DISKCOPY to more than one disk drive and display
messages informing the user where it is up to in the process. You're
still left with the manual task of loading the disks into the drive but
you can get on with something else while you wait. After all, one of the
main attractions of computers is their ability to automate repetitive
----11-- ---
I. . , .. . .
Bttmap or 011tline
1.___ _ _ _ _ _ _
. (jJ:io4TJ$1Qfl F~~~~~
Trv and restrict the number of fonts you use within a design as otherwise it quickly looks terrible. Don't use (ancv fonts like Gothic for text
as it is largely illegible. If you are wanting to create a historic feel to a
document then try using a large Gothic drop capital to start with followed bv a serif font for the text.
this is going to call for some serious disk juggling so plan in advance
exactly how you are going to accomplish this. One way is to create a
RAD disk of about 900k and then copy the Workbench disk into it:
VatiaLie Cnange
Diskfont Variables
One effect of using different screen modes is that they can adversely
affect the shape and hence legibility of fonts you are using. Although
modes such as PAL Super-High Res can provide an apparently larger
Workbench to use this is no use if you can't read the Workbench
menus or icon names. You can control this by adjusting the aspect
ratio (the ratio of its width to its height) of a font by playing around
with the Diskfont environmental variable.
Create an ED file called:
and in it store the X toY ratio of the font vou wish to produce, in the
following format:
To create a bitmap font first specify the size you require in the "Size"
window. Then click on the "Create Bitmap" button.
Nothing you do in this window has any permanent effect until you
press the "Perform Changes" button so you need have no fears about
making mistakes as you go along. This button in turn produces its
own lntellifont Warning window, listing the changes you have specified and asking for confirmation.
ou should bv now be familiar with the knack of protecting disks from accidental erasure. All floppy disks have
a small movable plastic tab in one corner which can be
positioned either to reveal a small hole or to cover it over. With
the hole revealed all the information on disk is protected - in
computer jargon we sav it is \\'rite-protected. The A1200 can
quite easilv copy data from such a disk but cannot save anv
data to it.
In normal usage disks such as the Workbench disk and the
Extras disk should be write-protected as a matter of course.
The information thev hold is vital in the day to clay use of the
A1200 but, once vou have decided on the innumerable options
concerning the look and feel of the Workbench, there should be
no need to save anvthing to them. So keep them write-protected simply to prevent overwriting just bv mistake.
Amiga Insider Guide
There then follows a list of files and directorie~.. The directories are
denoted by the letters "dir" and files can be recognised by a figure
which is their size in b~tes.
After this comes four dashes, the letters "rw-d" a date and a time. The
dashes and letters are the file's flags.
The meaning of a file's name, its size and the date and time are all
prett:- obvious, but what does ----rw-d mean? It tells us that the file in
question is readable (r), writeable (w), and deletable (d). Whenever a
file is created these flags are automaticallv set bv default.
To demonstrate how these work it is probably best to create a new file
from scratch otherwise, if something should happen to the files on
your Workbench disk, vou're not going to be too happv.
With the Shell window open type in:
to change the current directorv and then create a worthless ED file
simply bv typing in:
or some such nonsense and then save the file by pressing <ESC> and
then <X>. Now tvpe in:
and something similar to the following will be displayed:
31 --rw-d
Which removes the d (deletable) flag. Type in:
one more time and the line looks like this:
BOGUS 31 --rw-
Today 12:34:56
Now if we try and delete our BOGUS file we find that it is no longer
BOGUSNot deleted: object is protected from deletion
Which is of course exactlv what we want. And this can be used to protect any file from being accidentally erased. To make the file deletable
once more the opposite command can be used:
and now if we use the:
command, it works and we receive the message:
BOGUS Deleted
f More Fla~Js.
The idea behind the readable flag is that the file is safe from the casual
gaze of prying eves. With the readable t1ag switched off we might reasonably expect that it is no longer possible to read the file. Not so!
Someone, somewhere has dropped a clanger and the readable flag
doesn't appear to do anvthing. Not to worrv, though, because as a
means of keeping a file secret it wasn't exactly foolproof. It also provides an interesting lesson for those new to computing. With the vast
amounts of software around and the number of combinations and permutations of commands available it's surprising that bugs like this
don't crop up more often. It's always worth remembering, if something
does go wrong with the software and hardware that vou are using, that
it might not be vour fault.
The write t1ag switched off still lets us look at the information within a
file but prevents the saving of any alterations. As an exercise it is
worth playing round with a similar file to the BOGUS one created in
the example above as one or two curiosities emerge.
If we use the example as above and create a BOGUS file, the writeable
protection seems to make no difference. We can create a file, protect it
with the "-w" setting, make changes to it and save it; so much for the
so-called write-protection. Why does this happen? It's because different programs save their files in different ways. Some, like ED, don't
save any changes made to the old file but instead they go through the
entire saving process all over again, overwriting any existing file of the
same name. It is as well to find out, before you start relying on file
protection of this manner, exactly how the software you are using
treats its files.
as a command the reply is:
But, by switching the s flag on and typing in BOGUS the script can be
This file is throwaway
Pure Flags
The "p" flag stands for Pure. This is somewhat beyond the realm of
this tome but any file that is capable of being made resident is called
"pure" and can bear the "p" flag. However, simply attaching "p" to a
script is not sufficient to render it pure.
To complete the picture, the "e" flag controls whether a command is
executable or not. For example the command:
prevents the COPY command from being used. I can't think of too
many uses for it at this stage. Incidentally I advise against the use of
commands such as:
will secure all the files that start with the letters "chapter" contained in
the "Book" directory of the disk in drive DFO: against deletion.
Files can also be accessed from the Workbench via the "Information"
option in the Icons menu. The file we were working on- "BOGUS" - is
stored in the Ram Disk. Open the Ram Disk by double-clicking on its
icon and then select the "Show All Files" option from the Window
Choose a file that you wish to protect from deletion- I have chosen
one called "Bogus". LIST the file to see the state of its flags.
11 ----rwed
the Comment box then the text will scroll to allow a few more characters. This is a very useful way of storing additional information about
what the file contains that can't be included in the file name.
Return to the Shell and type in:
and the usual information is displayed in the manner we have come to
expect with the addition of a line of commentary beneath it. As ever
this is also accessible from the Shell. We use the FILENOTE command:
--- - --- --
--_ Archivin_g________,
Yes, that looks fine, close the file once more. Now, if the file is LISTed
vou will notice that the "a" f1ag has disappeared.
This mav not seem particularlv exciting and at first glance appears
fairlv useless. Where it comes into its own is when backups of large
numbers of files are made. This is a regular event for owners of hard
disks but there is no reason why all computer user~. shouldn't saw
copies of their precious files. After all, mu nen~r know when vou're
going to spill coffee 0\"Cr vour stack of disks!
The wav an archiYing program works is, in principle. \en simple. It
just keeps a list of all the files on vour record and makes a copv of
each one. As it does so it switches on the archive flag of each file. The
next time vou make a back-up the program checks to see which files
still haw their archi\e "a" f1ags. It ignores those that do (because thev
haven't changed) and just makes copies of those files that haw been
updated or any file that is totally new.
Bit of ~~ Sqit~$h
If you buy one of the Amiga magazines with a disk or two strapped to
the cover then you will invariably find that the disks contain compressed data. It's a great way for the publishers to maximise the
amount of material they can put out with each issue and give tremendous value for money. It does mean, however, that before you can use
whatever is on the disks you have to decompress the data first. Luckily
the decompression utility is also provided and in such a way that you
hardly need know it's there. As a general rule all you have to do is double-click on the icon of the program you wish to use and then feed the
A1200 with blank preformatted disks as it directs. At the end of the
procedure you will find that you now have a decompressed version of
the cover disks saved onto several disks.
A compression utility is invariably made available in two parts: the
one that compresses the data and the one that decompresses it. The
decompression part is freely available to anyone who wants it - the
compression part is the one that you have to pay for. If all you ever
want to do is expand the data on magazine or PD disks then this
needn't worry you. If you want to compress files of your own then
you'll need a compressor.
The advantage of compression is not just a saving in terms of the cost
of disks but also in actually being able to save data. A 1Mb file can't
Which means that out of 80 cylinders on the disk one quarter have
been over-writt~n. In theory then only one-quarter of the damage has
been done. What can quite feasibly happen is that the part of the disk
which you have reformatted or over-written might not be those parts
where you have done your most recent work. Who knows - you may
not have to rewrite the latest chapters of your bestseller after all!
The trouble is that once you have over-written part of a disk, trying to
find out what hasn't been destroyed isn't easy. Put a partially overwritten disk into the disk drive and the disk icon is produced with the
title "DFO:????". In other words the Workbench doesn't recognise it
and is refusing to read it. But the information, some information, is
still there and it must be possible to read it. What is needed is a specific program to do the job.
I No, Not Me
Compare the amount of time it takes to copy a large file to disk with
the amount of time taken to delete it. The larger the file the longer it
takes to copy but deletion is prettv instantaneous, how come?
When you put a disk into the A1200 it doesn't read the entire disk that would take far too long- instead it just looks for the sector on the
disk where it knows the disk's name will be stored, reads that part and
---- --- --
Jli8k ~" . .
Imagine you have a floppy disk packed with lots of tiny files. Each file
is stored in its own separate sector and can be found quite rapidly.
After a while you have no need for half of them so you delete them.
The title bar on the Workbench screen now informs you that the disk
is, say 50% full and has 440K of free storage space. Just enough room,
in fact, for a large picture file that you want to save. What happens is
that, in saving the data for the picture file, the A1200 chops up the file
into little segments to fit into all the available spaces created by
removing the smaller wordprocessor files. As these spaces are scattered randomly across the disk, actually storing all the information for
the file takes longer.
Now imagine that you have no need for the remaining tiny files and so
you delete them and replace them with another large picture file. The
net result is two, large picture files horribly interwoven.
OK so it's a rather contrived example but it's only a more extreme version of what is happening all the time. You have two files stored on
disk with their data seemingly entwined. Instead of File A occupying
sectors 0-39 and File B occupying sectors 40-79, say, File A is to be
found on sectors 1, 3, 6, 7, 11 etc and File B on sectors 2, 4, 5, 8 etc. If
you think this is bad enough, imagine the fun that can be had with
storing information on a hard disk! Thousands of files all chopped up
with bits of them all over the place.
There is, of course, no quick way round the problem. Using a computer on a regular basis means the creation and deletion of an endless
number of files.
So what can be done about it? Answer: take one freshly formatted disk
and copy files A and B to it. The A1200 by default stores information
What happens when the Al200 is switched on,
why does it take so long and how can it be
improved'? Read on ...
witch on your A1200. There, on the screen, is an animation of a disk inserting itself into the disk drive. The
machine is asking you to insert a disk into its floppy disk
drive so it can get on with the serious business of running programs.
But the A1200 doesn't want just any old disk in the drive, it
wants a "boot" disk. In the early days with your machine this is
most likely to be the Workbench disk although many applications come on boot disks of their own -games in particular.
The next stage is the long wait while the A1200 works its way
through the disk and loads the appropriate software in a manner that suits the user.
Once the boot disk is inserted into the floppy disk drive the
A1200 checks it to make sure that the disk is indeed a boot
disk. Once happy with that it looks to see if the boot disk contains a startup file. If it does then that file is executed, otherwise a default startup from ROM is used.
Startup Sequence
C:SetPatch QUIET
Setpatch is a bug fixer. No-one can get it right all the time and this
command addresses those bugs in the Kickstart ROM that
Commodore are aware of. The QUIET option, like >NIL:, prevents
Setpatch from producing any output.
C:Version >NIL:
The buffer is an area of memory put aside for storing transitory information. So, for example, when a disk is being read one whole buffer's
worth of data at a time is read before being passed on to whatever program wants to use it. The units used are in half kilobytes so, in this
startup-sequence 7IhK of RAM has been put aside to act as a buffer for
driYe DFO:.
FailAt 21
takes this into account and even if one line of the Startup-Sequence
produces an error it instructs the A1200 to carry on with the next line
and get to the end of the script no matter what.
----1 1---- -
Assign FONTS:
21 EndiF
By default the machine will look for a FONTS volume whenever fonts
are accessed. If there is a SYS:Fonts directory then that's fine (line 19),
if not then a directory is assigned (line 20). Line 21 closes this construction.
22 BindDrivers
Some hardware that can be attached to the Al200 needs the computer
to check for its existence, BIND DRIVERS does just that. It is not needed for hard disk drives, monitors, additional lloppy drives or just
about any recent hardware. In fact the only time it is used is for
devices that require a file loading into the "Expansion" directory. It
has been included for reasons of backwards compatibility.
24 IF EXISTS DEVS:Monitors
C:List >NIL:
TO T:M LFORMAT "DEVS:Monitors/%s"
Execute T: M
31 EndiF
This little chunk is looking to find which monitor the Al200 can
expect to send its output to. It checks to see if there are any monitor
drivers in the DEVS:Monitors directory and makes them into a script
file in RAM:T. This is then executed and finally deleted.
34 UnSet Workbench
35 UnSet Kickstart
Cop out - I don't want to get onto the subject of global and local environmental variables.
36 C:IPrefs
Any changes that the user has saved in the default preference settings
- screen colours etc- are executed bv this command.
37 C:ConClip
Sets the Clipboard facility up ready for action
39 IF EXISTS S:User-Startup
Execute S:User-Startup
41 EndiF
If there is a file called "S:User-Startup" then now is the time to execute
it. This allows customisations to be made.
44 C:LoadWB
Launches Workbench (surprise, surprise).
45 EndCLI >NIL:
End of process.
So that's the Startup-Sequence and it gives us some idea as to what
files arc being used as a matter of routine. There do seem to be quite a
number of them.
Even a blank disk can be INSTALLed in this way although it won't do
you much good. All that this process does is write a small piece of
code onto the disk which informs the A1200 that this is indeed a boot
disk. The A1200 then searches for a file called "Startup-Sequence" in
the S: directory on that disk. If it doesn't find this then it uses a default
from Kickstart which resembles a Shell window but with very few
commands to play with.
So, on our boot disk we need the S directory, a file called "StartupSequence" and what else? Anything that the Startup-Sequence file
expects to find would be helpful. On the Workbench3.0 "StartupSequence" this includes the files listed in the table opposite.
There are one or two unexpected files on there: version.library,
Clipboard.device and system-configuration for example. Apart from
those, the disk is about as pared down to the bone as you can get,
there's about 700K free for any other files that you wish to use.
Env-Archive/Sys/wbconfig. prefs
Con Clip
Incidentallv this isn't the method that all commercial software will
use. The most crucial part of this whole boot-up procedure has been to
load the Workbench. If you want to start booting up non-Workbench
disks- as many games do, for example- then I'm afraid your ambition
has taken you beyond the scope of this book.
The contents of the Devs subdirectories is up to you. If you want to
use, say, a printer then you'll need to load a suitable driver into the
Printers subdirectory and the Printer.device file into the Devs directory.
As it is, this boot disk doesn't serve am great purpose. If you remember the whole point of creating it was so we could have a disk specific
to one particular purpose. If that purpose was a wordprocessing disk
for example, then the wordprocessor needs to be copied across onto
this disk. Nm\ would also be a good time to create an extra drawer,
perhaps called "Tnt Files", for storing work in as It progresses.
The stripped down \ersion of the boot disk mav also lack certain files
that the wordprocessor expects to find. Files that have been omitted
from the table but \\hich \\ill be frcquentlv in demand include:
and. if \otl can spare the room, vou might as \\ell copv the entire Libs
director\ across. H a file isn't there which \our \\oidprocessor needs
\\hen booting up then it \\ill normall\ complain and a message \\ill be
sent to the Workbench screen saving \\hich file \\asn't lound. Thi~, is a
less tha11 ideal \\a\ of making sure that vou ha\c all vou need but is
dfccti\l' nonetheless. For example if \'<JU tn to format a disk with the
pared clmm Wmkbench disk then the message JT~1ds:
Familiarity with Ami~aDOS lets you incrt'ase the
efficiency of your ('omputing. It also provides one
or two handy utilities ...
ind< ..............
~ ,
into fiLe
tJ or <l!lacJc:Space:l>' t'J''v oos Page <less>
<:wing de\'eloped a taste for working with typed commands rather than using a mouse and menus it is time
to go a little further into the Shell to see some more of
AmigaDOS's usefulness. This isn't the whole AmigaDOS storv
by a long way. Whole books could be written on the subject
and, in fact, they have been. If vou are intrigued to delve further then two volumes from the Mastering AmigaDOS 3 series
bv Mark Smiddy should be on _vour shelves. Sec the Bruce
Smith Books Appendix for further details.
':" I
MORE filename
type command. The Startup-Sequence file, for example, can be viewed
in this manner:
MORE SYS:S/Startup-Sequence
which loads the relevant file into the current Shell window. As the
whole file is too large to be viewed at once, the message "more" is displayed at the bottom of the window with an indication of how far
through the file has been reached. Press the spacebar and the next
chunk can be seen, the backspace key reverting us to the previous
view. When the end of the file is reached an "End of File" message is
shown. At this point using the spacebar returns to the command line.
The alternative way of viewing a file using MORE is via the RUN command:
Path to Success
The ans\\cr is through the PATH command. The most commonlv used
PATH names are set bv default as part of the Startup process. These
can he tead hv tvping in:
"hich produces the following list:
Ram disk
To add a PATH to these, for example the Tools directorv on the Extras
disk then try:
Now, if vou tvpe in:
the A1200 will know exactlv. what .vou are on about.
I MEma_cs~-nm
I Sort: ()(
.I ~fe:;~;er~~~~~sy~~:::;a~i~~~~~~
IF [condition A exists]
What "condition A" is and what "THIS" and "THE OTHER" actions
are is up to the programmer. The Startup-Sequence, for example,
checks to see if there is a "User Startup" file. IF there is then it is
EXECUTEd, ELSE this line is ignored:
IF EXISTS S:User-Startup
Execute S:User-Startup
As vou can see this example does not use the ELSE command as
AmigaDOS is designed to do nothing in its absence (the null option).
The whole process of stating IF... DO THIS, ELSE DO THE OTHER
often goes under the title of "condition testing".
This has to be the easiest wav to produce an interacti\ e script file known
to mankind.
Choice Request
Using REQUESTCHOICE vou can make the script file ask a question
and depending on the answer, perform different tasks.
REQUESTCHOICE pops up a request box onto the Workbench screen
with a selection of buttons to press. This is done bv a relati\elv
straightforward but lengthv command on the lines of:
;whatever that is
;whatever that is
;whatever that is
;whatever that is
script to ask the user for
various input options. Each
option is related to a different value of variable 'THIS".
Any others
allow some
function to
be carried
REQUESTCHOICE produces a box appropriately titled, asking a question and with the choices presented as a series of "buttons".
AmigaDOS translates a button-click into an operation
included within the script.
In this case the user is then
returned to the Shell window.
for files to tell it how it should go about the startup process. Put in any
other disk and it is ignored. The difference is that Workbench has
been designated as a "boot" disk by using the INSTALL command.
Any device can be so assigned, simplv by using the:
L..__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____,
DFO: has 20 buffers
and altered by something along the lines of:
DF1: has 15 buffers
DFO: has 15 buffers
In practice a setting of 25 should be enough for any drive. With each
increase of buffer size there is, of course, a proportionate decrease in
available RAM. Bear this in mind before rewriting the StartupSequence file.
The most common usc of this command will be with the RAD disk as
However unless you arc using a hard disk you will first have to type in:
The first step is to choose- or write- the file that you want displayed.
Where better to start than the startup-sequence file on the Workbench
disk? As it is unwise to attempt to play around with anything so essential to the A1200 we will use a copy of this file.
The next thing we need is a script file which will read the 'TEXT' file.
Use the ED utility to create a ReadMe file
The second of these makes the file "executable". This will now work
from the Workbench provided that the "Show>>All Files" option has
been highlighted. Try it and see. What happens is an "Execute a File"
window pops up asking for any command arguments to be added to
the ReadMe command. But, so far, this is hardly any more convenient
than using the "Execute a Command" option to enter the RUN MORE
TEXT command.
This gets the RAD disk up and running and it can be as easily removed
with the one word command:
This creates a copy of the Shell icon on the Ram Disk but with the
name "ReadMe". Should you double-click on this it will still launch the
Shell window. This is because the Default Tool in the Information window is "SYS:SYSTEM/CLI"
Thus when the ReadMe icon is double-clicked it goes away and opens
a Shell window. Changing the default tool to C:ICONX means that it
goes away and looks for a script file of the same name to launch in a
window. Hooray!
Now when the ReadMe icon is double-clicked it produces a MORE listing of the Startup-Sequence file.
The Workbench menu has an "Execute Command ... '' option which
can also be invoked bv the <Amiga><E> hot-kev combination. It
allows commands of over 100 characters to be entered which should
be far more than you'll ever need. If you use commands of more than
33 characters the start of the command line sta1is scrolling out of the
file requester as you tvpe in at the righthancl end.
A more sophisticated approach is offered by the similar:
Like TYPE, MORE can display all sorts of meaningless binary code- if
that's what you want. Files can also be joined together (concatenated
in the jargon) by using the command:
~~D.:..,.e_s_.:.___~_J~ ri~;~'~i~~:i:~E:~~~:~~~":~~
example, tvping in the following AmigaDOS command at the Shell
[ OntheList
and you will see what I mean. The way out is to direct the output of
the command to a file such as:
Make sure that there is a space between the first "RAM:" and "ALL" in
the last example. You might like to sec what happens if vou don't:
firstlv when there isn't, and secondlv when there is, a file on the Ram
Disk caJled "ALL".
Forced Eviction
). Once
this has
doubleclick on the
Ram Disk
icon. Select
All Files"
from the
U:51 :33
f1 ::if :33
4. To view the file use the Execute Command . . inter(ace once more
and type in.
The end result is a directory listing o( every single directory and file
on the Workbench disk.
S. By this point you should be wondering if there isn't a (aster way of
doing all this. There is- but it's called the Shell.
More Protectio ns
but its use is less obvious. It could be one wav of letting a child get its
sticky hands onto vour computer without worrying about it trashing
all vour files.
One step up from this would be to direct the output to a file should
you want to keep a record of what is going on:
sort of command.
When a disk is read, the information
about the files it holds are stored in
a cache. This is a small segment of
memory put aside for this purpose and is, by default, approximately
llK in size.
To demonstrate this in practice, soft-reboot the A1200 by pressing
<CTRL><Amiga><Amiga> and then double-click on the Workbench
disk icon. There is a short pause while the disk is read and its contents
displayed to screen in a window. Close that window and repeat the
process. What you"should notice is that the process is slightly quicker
second time round. The reason being that the A1200 has inspected the
sector cache first to see if the information it is seeking can be found
there rather than reading the floppy disk which it knows to be a slow
and painful operation. Try:
and repeat the process for an exaggerated display of how
ADDBUFFERS works- all the information is now held in cache which
can be read faster than the floppy disk.
(i!ATtJS ~. --~]
Copy Cats
I disks
However, this is still quicker than using Workbench.
With two disk drives use:
Launching Apps
The main problem is one of choice. Now it's all very well to
have a wide choice but when you don't know the hows and
whys of those choices, making a decision is very difficult. In
the realm of printers there are choices galore.
For starters there are several different types of printer: dotmatrix, inkjet, laser and daisy wheel, all made by a great number of different manufacturers. Some are of these are colour,
some black-and-white, some can print on wide paper, some
come provided with mechanisms for controlling the thoughput
of paper, some have lengthy lists of options and detailed manuals and some have none of these.
Not all printers will have this sort of set-up although most should have
something remarkably similar even if only as an optional extra - ie
more expense. If vou are using ordinarv sheets of paper there shold be
some clip-on guides for feeding paper into the right place. Although
the printer should position each sheet correctly in terms of vertical
alignment, it is often up to you to set it conectly for left or right positioning. Make a note of where you have positioned it and, if you find
later on that part of your print out has disappeared off the edge of the
paper, you can make sure that any subsequent sheets are positioned
more accurately. If it has been said once it's been said a thousand
times: experiment!
L~~!)OSing a Drive~
--- -1 1- ---
Having done all that, we now need the Preferences directorY on the
Extras disk. In there is a utility called Printer. Double-click on its icon
and a \\indm' should pop-up with a range of choi:ces. Most important
amongst these for the time being is the list of Printer Tvpes in the lefthand column.
I Pr~nte_~~~ugs
____ __
list of the printer dri\ers mailable to vou- just like it is supposed to.
Hm\C\t.:T, if this \\indm\ is emptY then vou han: stumbled across a
soft\\are hup,. The "Printer" Preferences utilit\ that \\as originalh
shipped with the A1200 \\as not a perfecth \\Tit ten piece of soft\\are.
II vou arc using it \\ith a standard A1200 \\ithout am additional hard
drin ot floppv driw then, \\hen it is launched it does not correcth
read the contents of the Workbench disk Dns/Printers directorv. The
best \\'a\ round this is to copv the ''Printers" tool from the Extras disk
olllo the Ram Disk. Replace the Workbench disk in the internal drin
and nm\, \\'hen vou launch the utilitY, the printer dri\crs are there and
At some stage Commodore might get round to producing an update
and imprmed wrsion of this preferences tool. If it does then vou won't
ha\e am of the problems outlined abow.
This should print out a page of plain text. However, vou also have control over where the text is placed on the page, the size and quality of
text and and the number of lines of text per inch. Go back to the
Printer Preferences editor and adjust the settings of the "Print Pitch",
l. Print out using the default settings and view the result.
3. Adjusting the dithering option produces subtle changesFloyd-Steinberg has been used here.
Figure 12.2. Using PrinterGFX's Preference settings.
4. The image is still weak. Altering the density and threshold values
should beef it up a little; this uses a Density of 2 and a Threshold set
ting of l 0.
gly at both ends? Is the "On Line" light on the printer switched on? If
not, it should be. Did the printer bleep at you when you tried to print?
If so then the paper is probablv not correctlv fitted - try playing
around with it. You mav still encounter problems printing a file:
It printed out but some of the text is missing off the edge of the
paper. Reposition the paper next time you print. Trial and error
yet again.
Words are broken at the end of lines. Set the page width (Left
margin - Right margin) so that it is the same as the number of
characters per line in the original document.
Driver Workings
If the slow part of printing is the printer and not the computer then
there's no reason why we cannot plan for this. The printout process
can be split up into two parts: Part One is the preparation of data into
a form that the printer can understand; Part Two is the sending of that
data to the printer. Parts One or Two can be done weeks apart if need
he. Not onlv that but thev need not even be done on the same
What this means in practice is that vou can use vour A1200 to prepare
a file for printing to one particular tvpe of printer and save that file on
a disk. Then when vou're not wanting to use vour printer for something else vou can set it up to print out all these files vou have been
accumulating. Better still vou don't even need to have a printer yourself. You just pop round to vour friends' house with the disk and use
their machine. And this is the clever bit. As the printer file is of a tvpe
that onlv has to be understood hv the printer it isn't important which
sort of computer vour friends have- as long as it can read the disk and
you've used the correct printer driver then am: old machine will do.
This process is called printing to a file.
Click on it once and then open it's Information window from the
Workbench Icons menu. There are five tool tvpes associated with this
utility, each with a different setting which can be adjusted. Change
SKIP=FALSE to SKIP=TRUE, and "Save" that change. Now doubleclick on the CMD icon and when the next file is printed it is redirected
to a file on the Ram Disk called "CMD_file". This destination can also
be altered to suit your own needs.
To print such a file use the command:
Choose the printer you are going to print out on and select the relevant Amiga printer driver. If this is not on the Storage disk then you
will need to obtain it from a commercial source.
l. Load the printer driver into the Devs/Printers directory on your
Workbench disk.
where the -F suffix executes a fcmn feed which ensures that each new
file starts printing from the top of a new sheet of paper- this presupposes that the fi.rst sheet was correctly placed.
. _ _ _ ___________j
Turn your ugly dm~kling Al200 into a beautiful
swan and learn how to fly ...
1y~,~f~ I
of times that a prompt requests you to insert a disk into the drive. No
sooner have you done that than the machine whirrs and grinds for a
few seconds before demanding a different disk. Put that disk in and
it's a few more minutes of grinding before the first disk is demanded
again - can't the machine make up its mind? All of which makes the
whole process initatingly slow. Buying an extra floppy disk drive is
just one of the ways round this problem. When the machine wants a
particular disk you just slot it into the spare drive. OK there will
always be occasions when the machine wants to access a third disk
but the time saved is genuine enough in most circumstances.
Almost all extra disk drives duplicate the ability of the internal drive
but you can now buy high density disk drives. These take 3.5 inch
disks that look remarkably like any other but which can be formatted
to take 1.4Mb of data. The visible difference is a small hole on the
opposite side of the disk to the write-protect tab. High Density (HD)
disks can be formatted in the internal drive to 880K but that is a bit of
a waste. Similarly the lower density disks can be read by a high density drive. What you can't do is read a 1.4Mb disk in the standard internal drive- it just isn't mechanically up to the job.
An extra disk drive is a cheap enough purchase - typically 50 or so and could be just what you are looking for. A word of caution, though.
Before rushing out and buying that extra drive consider the other
options available to you. Some hard drive units aren't that much more
so think carefully over whether it wouldn't be worth saving up for the
latter with all the additional benefits that it offers.
Other options include extra RAM and e\-cn a hard disk as accelerator
cards can be bought as part of a larger upgrade to bolt-on to the
I If vou're
_________ c_
tenner. II vou're a total couch potato vou can e\cn spend se\eral hundred pounds on a state-of-the-art armchair with jovstick built in to one
of its armrests - vou pays vour monev and takes your choice. The
more games orientated Amiga magazines- Amiga Power, Amiga Force
et al- have periodic reviews of \\hich jovstick is best at the price.
I ~i;WW ~( .
More ambitious users regularly send each other information over the
phone lines - to do this requires a modem.
The modem is best thought of as a black box which can transmit and
receive digital signals of a predetermined type. The modem need have
no understanding of what it is that it is controlling. In principal a
modem sends a message to another modem, establishes which
machine is to be doing the sending and which is to be doing the
receiving, the speed (or baud rate) it will happen at, a declaration of
the size of file or files to be sent and a check that the information has
been correctlv received.
Faster modems cost more money but, because they are faster, you
need spend less time on the phone thus saving money. I'll leave you to
your own economics calculations. One important point though is that
no matter how fast you can receive or send data you can't do it any
faster than the machine at the other end of the line!
With the process outlined above in operation there is little need for the
users to be around and in the case of Bulletin Boards they rarely are. A
Bulletin Board is a computer with hard disk attached that is connected with a modem. Anyone can ring up and download whatever takes
their fancy. As the process can be somewhat slow and hence expensive
most BBS have a comprehensive menu system which can be downloaded first to inspect so that the time spent actually connected across
the phone system is reduced to a minimum. In addition, much that
they contain is kept in a compressed format.
Modems will typically plug into the RS232 serial port.
----11-- ---
Print it out
Fax it
The \\hole process is rather cumbersome and wasteful. What's happening is a digital message is being output to paper and then scanned
to convert it back into another digital format bdore being sent down
the telephone line. Sure!:- there must be a waY of cutting out the: middle man and letting the: computer send the message: directlv? There is
and it's simplY a means of connecting the computer to the phone lines
via the right hardware. The hardware in question is a fax modem
which at one end plugs into the computer and at the other into the
phone line.
ing come high on _vour list of activitics then a se<mner might be worth
considering. A scanner is a mechanical device for converting pictures
into a digital format that the A1200 can recognise and displav. It
\\orks a bit like a digitiser/camcordcr combination but operates on flat
pictures such as photos or illustrations. As ever vou get what _vou pay
for, but the cheapest hand-held models will be pcrfectlv acceptable for
most home uses. A scanner usuallv plugs into the computer's parallel
port and comes supplied with software to help vou achieve good
results. All vou, the user, hmc to do is slowl_v drag the scanner over the
image vou want to capture. Scanners arc usuallv supplied with some
rudimentarv (and in some cases quite sophisticated) software for
"image processing". Tvpicalh this "ill allow vou to adjust the colour
settings, rotate all or part of the image and make a host of other
refinements. These are often duplicated bv the graphics package vou
are going to load the image into so find out which docs the job best.
___ __j
What vou get out depends on what vou put in. The better the image
being scanned the higher qualitv the end result. lf vou're using a mono
scanner then it will get best results from black and \\ hitc originals. If
vou are planning on cropping the picture then do this before vou scan.
This doen't mean a pair of scissors- just cover over those um\anted
areas \\ith white card. This will reduce the size (in RAM) of vour final
image and let vou use a higher resolution scan.
What vou do with the finished image is entirelv up to vou. It can be
loaded into a paint package and retouched - who said the camera
never lies? -or used as part of a page design in a desktop publishing
program. Where,er vou can use pictures, vou can usc a scanner.
LMachine Chatter
The emulator itself often uses up a lot of RAM leaving little left for
nmning any applications.
Using software on an emulator tends to be much slower than using it
on the original machine as there is much more processing involved.
This may not be particularly apparent with a wordprocessor but with
anything else it can be a severe handicap.
It is still illegal to copy software. Therefore, if you want to use Mac
software on your Amiga's emulator you'll have to buy your own copies.
Speed is the biggest issue here and one way that manufacturers have
tried to get round this is by building specialist hardware add-ons that
perform much of the processing- it's almost like adding another computer to your Amiga. The disadvantage this time is the cost and the
choice at this stage is often between the hardware upgrade and a new
These things tend to escalate. Let's say for example you buy yourself a
scanner. This lets you use lots of extra pictures in your DTP package.
Unfortunately these increase the file size of eveything you produce so
you really need a hard disk. The next problem you encounter is that
manipulating large files slows the A1200 down so you decide to buy an
accelerator; while you're at it you might as well throw in some extra
RAM. It seems a shame to have all this kit and not be able to see what
you are producing so a larger monitor is next on the shopping list...
and so it goes on.
Amiga Insider Guide
----1 1--- -
The Al200 is famed as a graphies maehine. To
get the most from it~ then~ you need the right
cance'l f
are equipped with a speaker on either side of th<~ screen allowing you
to experiment with stereo sound of a qualitv higher than most TV sets
will a lin\\.
There are no end of multisvnc and dual svnc mooitors to choose from
at a wide variety of prices. Commodore themselves supply a range of
dual S\nc monitors that work at both the required frequencies.
I .
Monitor Types
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____;
............... ...............
I l\1 ~
I :!~hl~~e~,~;:J~E;7~~:~!~~~;
for use. The PAL monitor options offer three differing types of display:
1280 x 256, 320 x 256 and 640 x 256. The first figure represents the
width of the visible screen in numbers of pixels and the second is its
height. The default option is 640 x 256 pixels. (Pixels, if you remember
are picture elements; those blocks that go to make up the total screen
image. They are not the same as the phosphor dots mentioned earlier.)
Choose the Super-High Res option, click on "Use" and then watch as
your screen is transformed. The items on the Workbench screen suddenly seem very much smaller. Although each opened window is using
as many pixels to describe it as it was before there are now many more
pixels on the screen, the overall effect being to create more space on
the Workbench. It is twice the previous total area.
Display Mode
Vis Size
A2024 15Hz
50 l5.6k
50. !5.6k
58. 27.66k
58. 27.66k
58. 27.66k
58. 27.66k
58. 27.66k
58. 27.66k
48. 27.50k
48. 27.50k
48. 27.50k
48. 27.50k
48. 27.50k
48. 27.50k
73. l5.76k
73. !5.76k
73. !5.76k
73. !5.76k
73. 15.76k
73. 15.76k
EUR072Hz Productivity
EUR072Hz Productivity Laced
I MULTISC.A_N Productivity Laced
NTSC.High Res
NTSC.High Res Laced
NTSC.Low Res
NTSC.Low Res Laced
NTSC.Super-High Res
NTSC.Super-High Res Laced
PAL1280 X 256
PAL 1280 x 512 Interlaced
PAL320 X 256
PAL320 x 512 Interlaced
PAL 640 x 256
PAL640 x 512 Interlaced
I SUPER72 High Res
SUPER72 High Res Laced
SUPER72Super-High Res
SUPER72Super-High Res Laced 800x600
If you are accustomed to having numerous windows open at once something which is most likelv to happen if vou have extra RAM and
are therefore capable of multitasking to a much greater degree- then
this could be the mode for vou.
Having selected your chosen mode you can now modifv it for your
own personal use. Beneath the righthand Display Modes windows are
the gadgets for selecting screen size for the mode you have chosen.
Clicking on the default buttons allows new figures to be inserted in the
width and height boxes. You can tvpc in virtuallv anv figures vou like
here as long as they are no smaller than the miminum size and no
larger than the maximum size options shown in the Mode Properties.
Using the 640 x 256 option, for example, let's trv figures of 1280 wide
bv 512 high. Clicking on "Usc" presents the familiar Workbench screen
but with no apparent righthand or bottom edges. Now try moving the
mouse off the bottom or the right of the screen and what happens is
that the whole screen scrolls to reveal even more screen. One further
option here is the Autoscroll gadget. If this isn't ticked (checked) then
the ability to move off the screen is disabled. I'm not sure why vou
would ever want to do this. The net effect of all this is that the screen
can be customised so that the items on it are reduced in size and/or so
that the screen itself is of a different size.
Also inside this utility arc options which relate to the Productivity
modes found on some multiscan monitors. When using several
screens on one of these monitors the front screen is the only one likelx
to have the optimum display quality. To try and improve the picture
quality on the lower screens the "Avoid Flicker", and "Preserve Colors"
options are toggled on. If the results aren't to vour liking you might try
resetting them.
The screen drag option merely controls how a screen can be dragged.
You can drag the title bar or bv clicking anvwhere on the screen and
holding down the chosen kev (Shift, Ctrl, Alt or Left-Amiga).
More Colours
Now if vou're reallv sharp you mav remember pllaving round with the
Preference settings in the Palette utilitv. There, on the screen, is a
colour wheel with 256 different colours showing how you can customise the colours of the desktop. How can 256 colours be displaved
here and not normallv?
The answer is that the Palette window doesn't normallv open onto a
Workbench screen. Select a four-colour option from the screen modes
options and then open the Palette window. You \\ill see that it can't be
mmed around like anv other window but that it sits on its m\n screen.
H<l\\'en~r. if vou choose 256 colours in the Screen Modes utilitv and
now open the Palette \\indow vou will find that it has a normal
Workbench windm\ of its own. Verv cunning!
Catch 22
If you are onlv ewr going to use vour Al200 with a non-standard monitor vou need to get vour dealer to change the preferences for vou
before vou leave the shop or, more probablv, you need to find a TV or
similar to perform this operation on. You must have one lving around
I lnterlaemg
LM...Je Properties __
A hard disk drive is the Al200 dream a(~eessory.
Fitting it and setting it. up doesn't have to he a
nightman ...
I Hard
whenever you want to perform even the simplest of actions on your machine then the
L__ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
If a disk held 40Mb instead of just one then it would be possible to put
the contents of both Workbench and Extras dllsks onto it, a wordprocessor, some games and all the projects you're V\ or king on rather
than have to do endless disk swaps. The hard drive is that 40 Megabvte
disk and it doesn't have to be 40Mb- it can be as little as 20Mb or as
large as several hundred. The onlv difference is vou can't slot it in and
out of vour machine like a floppv disk. It's a separate entitv altogether
and normallv fits permanently inside vour machine. But vou can store
all vour data on it and still have the iloppv disk drive available for
transfetTing data to different sources eg from magazine disks.
----1 1--- -
The advantage does not just lie in being able to do those many things
you were using your Amiga for beforehand without spending hours
playing around with floppies. The extra speed and convenience means
that new avenues will be opened for exploration and that you will be
able to use utilities and functions that you wouldn't have bothered
with beforehand.
OK so you've decided you want a hard drive and you've saved up your
money - what next? As ever there is a choice. Option One is to take
your machine down to the local dealers and to get them to fit, partition and format your hard drive and load everything you need onto it
readv for use. Option Two is to do everything yourself. It can be a
cheaper option and it's also far more exciting.
Option Two
, _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ j
Fitting the beast isn't as difficult as might at first seem but, if you are
doing it yourself, it will invalidate your machine warranty should that
still apply. This is proven by the stickers that cover the joins in the
computer casing - if they're broken your warranty no longer applies.
(If you can remove these stickers without breaking them I'll be
impressed!) So, if anything goes wrong with the machine, and you
take it back to the shop they'll be within their rights to charge for any
work done. If this hasn't put you off then there's no stopping you ...
You'll need a number of things to help you. Steady hands, screwdrivers, a hard drive plus cradle, connecting cable and installation
software. For the latter I have used Commodore's own "HDToo!Box"
----11--- ---
You will need a suitable 2.5inch IDE hard drive with cable, a small
crosshead screwdriver and enough patience to do the job with meticulous care. Warning! Fitting a hard drive yourself will invalidate your
machine's watTanty.
I. Disconnect the machine from everything else: mouse, monitor,
printer and, above all else, the power supply.
2. Turn the A1200 upside down and undo the retaining screws.
3. Turn the machine the right way round and lift the top. This
requires a little jiggling to free it from the catches at the back of
the machine.
4. Disconnect the disk drive LEDs.
5. Slide the keyboard back until it is free of the catches and then
place behind the main body of the machine- it should still be connected to your A1200.
6. Fit the hard drive to the cradle if it has not been supplied and plug
the hard drive cable into the pins.
7. Fit the hard drive/cradle unit into the main board
8. Reassemble the machine.
1\bove: Open the case lid to reveal the keyboard and the internal floppy disk
drive in the top lefthand corner.
<;> .
Above: If not supplied with its own cradle, fit the hard disk drive to the
Al200's cradle. Position the drive so that the cable ribbon is to the left
and plug it into the array of pins. Make sure that pins and holes
correspond, do not force anything.
Below: The cradle's feet should fit back into purpose-made sockets. Physical
installation is really that easy. Now replace the keyboard and disk drive LEOs.
Reassemble the A 1200 case and reconnect all external appliances. Insert the
Workbench disk and switch on. Physical installation is now complete but the
disk now needs to be prepared as a boot disk ...
11. . . . . . . . . . . .. .
Put the HDToolBox disk in the internal drive and launch the program.
The first thing that happens is the
software informs you that your IDE drive is a SCSI device. Don't
worry it's just telling lies. Click on the "Change Drive Type" button
which brings up another window confirming your drive as a SCSI
(still lying) and presenting you with a further option of "Define new
drive type". Click on that and yet another window is revealed. This
contains a bewildering array of options and technical detail but the
only one that interests us is the "Read Configuration From Drive"
option. Rather than having to read all manner of technical data ourselves this just loads the info from the hard disk itself and gets in with
it. Click on "Continue" in the system request box this produces, and
then on "OK". This returns us to the previous window where another
"OK" takes us back to the starting window.
All that this has done is name the drive and make the information
available to HDToolBox.
The next step is to partition the hard drive. This disk I have been using
is only 20Mb (I stole it from an A600) so I have just split it into two
sections but three is probably more useful. You will want one partition
to put the routine Workbench stuff on and 6Mb should be enough for
My suggestion is to split the rest of the disk into two roughly equal
partitions. Try and think about what you are going to put in each partition. Ideally you want to organise things so that when a program is
up and running it isn't using three separate partitions all at once but
restricts its searching to just the one. Otherwise any speed advantages
are negated. So, for example, if you put a DTP package into one partition then you will want the fonts there, any clipart files and plenty of
space to store any finished work. It isn't a bad idea to sit down with
pen and paper and work out what is going to go where before you partition. Re-partitioning a hard disk afterwards is a pain to say the least.
Having decided what size partitions you are going to use then click on
the "Partition Drive" option. This displays yet another window and it
is here that you determine how many and how large the partitions are
to be. The large horizontal bar depicts the storage space on the hard
disk and the little aiTowhead beneath it can be moved back and fmih
to select a suitable size for each partition. Drag it left until the "Size"
reading states "6 Meg". Now click in the "Partition Device Name" window and type in a suitable name for that partition- such as "WB3.0" and then click on the "Boatable?" option to display "Yes". Repeat the
process for any subsequent partitions except for the "Boatable?" part,
and then click on "OK". This returns you to the opening window
where you can now click on the "Save Changes to Drive" option.
in the floppy drive or the Ram Disk- one for each partition. And, like
any unformatted floppy disk, they may well be indicated as being
"BAD". Select one partition and then use the Format option from the
Workbench "Icons" menu. Decide now whether or not you want the
Trashcan and select the "Fast File System" option. You will need to
repeat the name you have chosen for the partition as Workbench has a
habit of wanting to call everything "Empty". Then click on the
"Format" option and sit back, confirm several times that this is what
you want to do (the A1200 has been designed to make sure that you
don't do this sort of thing by accident) and wait for it to be done.
Now when you double-click on the WB3.0 icon (or whatever else you
have called it) all the files should be there to see. Most of them will be
piled on top of each other but this can be quickly rectified by successively choosing the "Select Contents", "Clean Up" and "Snapshot"
options from the Workbench menus or by using the following hot-key
combinations: <Amiga><A>, <Amiga><.> and <Amiga><S>.
Lo_ ad_ing Up
If there are files missing that the program needs then it will soon complain about it sa~ing "Can't open ... ". Find the file it is looking for and
copv it to vour hard drive. The second difficult:v that vou can
encounter is that a Svstem Request continuallv prompts vou to "Please
insert n)lume ... " It does so because its Default Tool setting includes
the name of a disk. Click on the program in question and then open its
"Information" windm,. Rewrite the Default Tool setting to suit vour
hard dri,e partition. H these options fail to get the program running
smooth!\ from the hard disk check that there isn't a special hard disk
install utili tv to go with the program. If there isn't then the chances are
that the program won't run from a hard drive. Not all programs will,
but all commercial ones should. H in doubt check \\ith the manufacturers.
Floppy Boots
Hard Games
drive. This is because of the wav in which thev have been protected. In
an effort to prevent software piracv- the illegal copving and selling of
their software- manv games manufacturers make a habit of including
software protection that prevents their programs from being copied.
In practice these methods arc never foolproof but thev do deter casual
However, as most games need to take over the whole machine and
don't want anvthing to do with Workbench, you will normally need to
boot from the main games disk am-wav and that means booting from
the 11oppv drive. However, if there arc several disks involved in the
game - as there often are - these extra disks can often be copied to
. difficultv.
.vour hard drive without am
Utility Help
when you need to find a particular file in a hum; - now which directorv did I put it in? The answer is to employ a utility to do the job for
vou. It asks vou to enter the file name vour'e looking for and then sifts
through as manv hard drive partitions as vou care to choose, searching for all instances of files of that name. These are then listed out
alongside their path names.
With a hard disk the dangers of virus attack becomes more acute as, at
anv one time, vou have far more files that are exposed. Keeping exposure to dubious soft\vare sources down to a minimum will reduce the
risks but the only surefire wav of protecting vour set .. up is to include a
virus checker in the startup sequence. This will ensure that evervtime
a new disk is placed in the internal drive- or anv other lloppv that vou
might have, for that matter- that disk is scanned to make sure it isn't
carrving a virus. Ine\itablv this slows down the whole process a little
but the few seconds you have to wait each time will more than repav
themsehes should vou prevent just one infection. Whatever utilities
vou buv, though, put a back-up program at the top of the list.
--- -1 1- -- -
If so, the program has been written to look for that disk as part of its
normal use. However the program can be conned into thinking it has
found the disk by ASSIGNing it to the directory on the hard disk
where you have placed it.
Confused? Imagine the program sends out a
Please insert Wordprocessor disk
message. Make a note of where you have stored the program on the
hard disk. For example in the "Work:WordPro" directory. Create an ED
then in the newly created file (or at the end of an existing file of that
name) type:
Save the file and reboot the machine. Now, every time the program
wants to look at the Wordprocessor disk AmigaDOS redirects its
search to the appropriate directory on the hard disk.
If you start moving programs around on your hard disk don't forget
that you may have to rewrite the User-Startup file accordingly.
No Pa_rking__
In an extreme case the hard disk can be ruined and will need replacement. They aren't practical to repair and, when something mechanical
starts to go wrong, it isn't going to fix itself.
If the hard disk does crash you will normally be informed of the glum
news bv repeated disk error messages and an inability to access certain areas of data. What has happened is the data used to store some
of vour files has been partially destroyed. Depending on where the
crash occurs this may be an annoying niggle or a total catastrophe. In
the case of the former it may be quite possible to save a lot of data; in
the latter vou may have to completely reformat your hard disk.
LBacking Up
The most obvious way of doing this is to copy the entire hard disk
onto a series of floppv disks at regular intervals. You can do this but it
will soon become laborious. If you have files larger than the 878K that
fits onto a floppy disk then quite simplv you won't be able to do it.
Fortunately there are several programs available which will do the job
for vou and can also keep track of which of your files actually need
backing up.
A backup program copies the partition or even part of it onto a series
of f1oppy disks. These can then be kept somewhere safe. Then, after a
reasonable interval when you wish to update your backup, you can use
the same disks and the program will only add that data which has
been changed from the time of the previous backup. So, although
backing up for the first time is relatively slow, on any subsequent
occasions it can be quite rapid. Restoring a file from its backup is just
a matter of selecting the appropriate option from the program and
then feeding it disks as it demands.
There are several backup systems available but they all do much the
same job. Some of them have the option of incorporating a file compression routine into the process. The advantage of this is that your
data can be squeezed onto fewer disks. The disadvantage is that it
takes longer because the A1200 has to take time actually doing the
compression and decompression. Swings and roundabouts.
One further subtlety. Many hard drive users will backup one partition
onto another. The theory here is that it is unlikely for both partitions
to be damaged at the same time and the process is much faster.
However doing it this way means taking up space on the hard drive
that you will want to use for better purposes. It is up to you but you
may want to consider keeping a backup of just your most recent work
on a separate partition to save time.
So far this chapter has been mainly
concerned with the addition of an
internal IDE hard drive to your
A1200. There are, however, other possibilities. You should also read
the "Improve Your Memory" chapter on adding extra RAM to the
machine and perhaps consider the cheaper option of adding an extra
floppy disk instead. These processes offer different advantages to the
hard drive but are similar in that they offer speed increases in the
overall computing process, albeit in very different ways.
Another option which may become more popular is the use of removable hard disks. These don't fit internally for obvious reasons! The setup is very similar to fitting an additional floppy drive except that the
disks which fit in this drive are typically of 40Mb each and have all the
usual hard disk advantages of ultra-rapid speed. The drive itself is the
expensive part with additional hard disks being relatively cheap. This
sort of set-up is particularly useful if you are in the habit of either a)
working on completely unrelated projects which rule out the possibility of having to keep swapping between hard disks or b) exchanging
large files with another computer similarly equipped.
Another option is that of optical disks. These drives use a different
technology to read and write to CD style disks. In behaviour they are
LProblem SOIVIng J
--- -1 1- -- --
The Workbench partition of the hard disk should appear as shown at the
top whilst beneath it is the same window using the "Show>> All Files"
options. This partition should contain all that normally appears on the
Workbench, Extras, Storage, Fonts and Locale disks.
Make sure that this partition is comfortably larger than those disks- say
6Mb in total so that room is made available for extra fonts and utilities
that may be useful. With more space to play around with on the boot disk,
extra utilities can be placed in the WBStartup directory.
Up and Running
Multitasking isn~t multitasking unless you~ve got
room for a multitiudc of tasks. An extra dose of
RAM is called for ...
'"'' ~!
OnH Size
One of the drawbacks of graphics processing, however, is that
graphics files tend to be enormous. It mav well be feasible to
squeeze the entire works of Shakespeare onto a hard disk but
the I-Spv Book of Birds will probablv take up far more space.
As a means of efficiently storing pictorial information, printed
matter still takes some beating.
The large size of graphics files is one reason behind the decision to fit the A1200 with 2Mb of RAM as standard. It's a quantity that only a few years ago would have been thought excessive. That's progress.
What makes graphics files so large is not just their physical
dimensions of width by height but also the number of colours
thev incorporate. If you are regularly juggling with large files of
PCMCIA, what is it? Well, the abbreviation stands for the surprisingly
non-technic al Personal Computer
Memory Card International Association. And that's all it is- an industry standard just like any of the others you might have met such as
What it means in practice is that the makers of the cards and of those
machines which would like to use them have got together to make
sure that the bits and pieces are compatible across the whole spectrum
of machines. Commodore have adhered to this standard by equipping
the Amiga A1200 with a a slot on the lefthand side of the keyboard
Memory Cards
- - .
Other Uses
Above: A plug-in memory card is quick and easy to install but you may
decide that the PCMCIA slot is better used for other expansions such as a
hard drive.
Below: Many, more conventional, RAM expansions can be fitted via the
trap door beneath the Al200. This may require a little manouevring as
the expansion cards can be bigger than the hole itself. Make sure the
machine is switched off first.
ThcTL' is a drawback at the moment and it's quite a major one at that.
Using a DRAM card as a glorified f1oppv disk is akin to using a sledgehamer lo crack a nut. A fe,, megabvtes of DRAM and vou can kiss
goodbve to a hundred quid. Floppv disks. bv comparison, are given
a\\ a\ free \\ith packets of cornflakes ... almost.
But, as \\ith alllll'\\ technologies, the situation can change ,erv quickh. E-.:pt'Cl prices to tumble over the next few v~~ars and mmbe this
\\on't appear such a ,,hite elephant after all.
There an other forms of PCMCIA cards in the offing - particularlv
EEPROM (Electrical Erasabll' One-time Programmable Read Onlv
Memory) cards. All that this mouthful means is that information can
be recor-ded onto one of these cards once and onlv once. Not a ,,hole
lot of usc' to the end user hut just the sort of thing manufacturers will
be looking for to put their games and other programs onto. The advantages will not just be the speed of access - which can be a pain with
Sechrl>lf.t>atlc ~ !U~~~~i~!!il
Jratkli/Cvl.i:nller : IIW.~iliii~!:Uiil
M inilers
Ifi%!~t~lliiW~!H I
Figure 17.1. The Prepcard Window.
A DRAM e<lrd will also be configurablc as Static RAM simplv bv clicking the "Prepare as Svstem RAM" button. The machine \\'cm't immediatch recognise its e.dstence but, on rebooting, the extra nwmon will
be ackno\\'kdgcd on the icon bar at the top of the Workbench screen.
Let rne give just one final nolL' of caution. If vou do this then the rules
or SRAM cards applv once again. Tn and remo\ e a DRAM card configured as SRA!\1 and the machine \\ill crash destroving all that \\ork
that vou forgot to save.
Larger disks can be used. Typically this will mean the 3.5 inch
IDE drives rather than the 2.5 inch IDE drives that have to be
fitteq internally. The larger drives are cheaper on a cost per
RAM basis.
Put the Al200 at the heart of your home video
editing suite ...
_ _ _ _ __ _ j
I To
From Television
- - - - - - - - - - - - "1
a trace of grey. If this mode is used then each screen pixel, as it is digitised, is assessed to see whether it is going to be represented bv either
a black or a white pixel on the computer screen.
You can make the decision about what the Al200 uses as its threshold
for this process but the end result will still be a black and white picture, without greys. Fine, if you're looking for some special effect, a silhouetted image perhaps, but not a lot of use otherwise.
Clearly there's no need to limit ourselves to two-colour images and
with the higher resolution colour screen modes the computer image
can appear every bit as colourful as the original providing the digitiser
is up to the task. The pay-off is the time that this all takes; the more
complex the image the longer the wait. And the longer the wait the
larger the resulting file. A graphics file can soon become too big to
store on floppy disk and, if this is your objective, some sort of compromise will have to be reached.
The A1200 can combine the signal from a VCR with another it has
generated internally and record them on a second VCR. Not only that
but it can also make sure that the two signals are svnchronised to the
user's specifications. To do this requires a genlock. This black box
device monitors the signal arriving from the one video source and then
watches out for the right times to add its own contribution.
Typicallv this can be used for adding titles to home video footage but
needn't stop there. In the same wav that the lettering of a title masks
part of the image on-screen so different shapes can be used to create
other special effects or to chop off part of the original image. What the
genlock does is remove one of the colours from the computer screen
and replace it with the VCR image.
Let's say, for the sake of argument, that you've just got back from a
rather nice holiday in Bali (dream on). You have plenty of video
footage but you need to add a few titles. Using one of the software
Video Casette
: 4.
Audio Mixer
l ----
Computer music isn~t just ttchno. The choiee of
style is all yours - roll over~ Beethoven!
. .. D8
1.., . . ~pli
The sampling process is normally controlled from the computer keyboard and all it does is make a digital recording of whatever sound is
being produced. This is then represented on the screen as a waveform.
You will probably need to repeat this process several times to ensure
that the wave almost but not quite reaches the maximum recording
level. Above this limit and the loudest parts are lost ("clipping") making the end result sound fuzzy. Too far beneath this limit and the
sound feels muted and clarity is lost.
With the perfect sample now recorded, the software should let you
edit this to your satisfaction. Most packages will let you cut out any
unwanted parts so that only the pmi of the note you actually want
Let's say, for the sake of argument, that you wanted to sample a cymbal crash from a piece of music on CD. With the CD player connected
to the sampler, press the CD's "Play" button and then, from the A1200
keyboard, press "Record" and then "Stop" either side of that note. The
waveform shown is a picture of that sound and you can experiment
with cutting off various bits of the sound until you are left with just
the sound that vou want.
You can play this note over and over again adjusting the cut -off points
by fractional amounts until you have it to perfection. The sound can
now be saved in the IFF (Interchange File Format) format which other
programs on your A1200, and elsewhere, will recognise.
Sampling well is something of an art, particularly if you are using a
microphone to record live sounds when you want to sample a particular sound but without any of the background noise. Experimentation
is the key and you will quickly find that where you position the microphone and the sampling rate both have a major impact.
Many computer musicians, though, are quite happy to let others get
on with the sampling, leaving themselves to slave away building these
samples into meaningful tunes. The public domain is thick with IFF
sound files that have been sampled from every conceivable source.
Writing Music
Step One:
Step Two:
Hit the snare dmm and pla_v the penn_v whistle (note
Step Three:
Step Four:
Step Five
Step Six
... and so on
The abmc would sound awful but vou get the idea. To construct a \'crv
simple song vou might choose to hmc a bass drum sound on Steps 0,
4, 8, 12, 16 etc and a snare drum to sound on steps 2, 6, 10, 14, 18 and
so on. The net effect would be a verv straighforward thump-crash
thump-crash beat. Next vou can add a fe\\ musical instruments. Each
instrument should be assigned a separate track and the tracker simply
keeps details of when which notes on which instruments arc to be
plawd, hcl\\' long thev arc to be plaved for, hm1 loudh (relative to each
other) and at \\'hat frequcncv (or pitch) thev are to be plawd.
As \lith am other computer soft\\are there is the facilitv to let the
computer take the monotonv out of repetitive tasks. You might haw
one drum rlwthm for the \erse and one for the chorus. Simplv label
these as A and B and the Tracker \\ill be able to plav sequences like
AABAABBA or ABABABBA as vou dictate. Whole blocks can be copied
quicklv letting vou get on with the creative side of things. If the
melodv is being plaved bv one instrument and vou decide vou want to
change it to a different one then that's no problem either. The Tracker
lets vou plav back all or just sections of the track as vou choose. It is
\'erv easv to build up repetitive loops of music which is whv this
approach has been so popular in \\Titing dance music but there's no
reason 11lw it needs to be limited to just this.
r_ Progressing
OctaMED is a hugely powerful, and therefore complex, piece of software. It will take hours of use to fully master all its features.
The opening screen has various panels to click on in the top righthand corner. Click on "Files" and the options presented include the
ability to load files- pre-written songs or sound samples- and to save
your own work. The "Play" option lets you hear what you have selected. Samples can be played using the A1200 keyboard as a piano keyboard:
One octave is above the other. The "Edit" and "Block" options are
where the construction of a song takes place. Further options allow
the output to be displayed in a variety of manners to suit your own
certain times while instructing a drum machine to provide the accompanying beat and filling in with some sampled sounds of its own.
To do this sort of impressive feat requires not just the external instruments (which must be of the MIDI variety) but also a MIDI interface
for the A1200 and the appropriate software which is called a
Sequencer. This is where music starts to become expensive on the
Amiga but is also where the sound quality enters the professional category. Not only do sequencers offer you control over external instruments but vou can also plav a tune on one of these instruments - ie
The most complex note though has to be the human voice. It wouldn't
be so bad if all we ever sang were plain notes- lah lah lah lah laaahbut these songwriting chappics always seem to insist on using words.
If vou are using your A1200 for serious songwriting like this then vou
arc better off adding the vocal track last, at the tape stage.
Guitan. arc similarlv difficult to mimic, particular-v if thev are used
with effects pedals, as they can produce a verv broad varietv of
sounds. Multi-timbral as the musicians would sav.
The opposite is true for drums which traditionally have little variation
in sound. Using a tracker as a drum machine is simplicity itself.
However, as it lets vou alter the pitch of the dmms, just like any other
instmment, there is no reason whv vou shouldn't do so. It mav sound
dreadful, it may sound great but until vou experiment with it there's
no wav of finding out.
File Formats
so on, only that they do differ and that you must have suitable software should you wish to use them.
----11.....- - -
Joystick Wagglers I.
As the description suggests the main aim in this type of game is to
shoot at anything that moves and often quite a lot that doesn't.
Typically you control a space ship which is armed with one or more
offensive weapons. Traditionallv this moves from left to right - or
more accuratelv, the background moves from right to left- and can be
controlled either from the computer kevboard ur by a jovstick. The
objective is normallv to score as manv points as possible bv shooting
down ever-increasing numbers of alien craft. A variety of bonuses arc
often available allowing vou to increase vour firepower at vital
Platform Games
In these vou control some form of character who walks back and fmih
along various levels (or platforms), hopping over obstacles, blasting
aliens, collecting items and jumping between different levels. There is
usually a specific objective in the game and a certain element of puzzle-solving to be done on the wav. For example vou might have to pick
up a kev to unlock a door, or some money to purchase another item.
One common complication is that you are limited to carrying a set
number of items around with vou and so have to calculate what you
will need and when vou will need them. All this whilst dodging enemies and occasionally fighting the clock makes for cerebral overload.
You are the Karate Ninja Death Kid or some equally implausible hero.
Your quest is to beat up a large percentage of the world's population
and stamp out Evil while wearing just a blood-stained headband and a
leather thong, or something along those lines. Best when played with a
joystick this differs from platform games in the manoeuvrability of the
leading character. Moving the joystick in the right direction at the
right time makes the on-screen character perform all manner of
chops, kicks, leaps and punches. Master this part of the game and
you're well on your way to success.
Sports Simulations
Football, Ice-Hockey, Snooker, Car Racing, Stoat Wrestling, you name
it - if it's a recognised sport then someone somewhere has written a
simulation for it. In the example of the football games that have proliferated you are in charge of the entire team but only actually control
one individual on the field at any one time - usually the one nearest
the ball - with the A1200 doing the rest. The options in this sort of
game are endless - you can decide on the formation you're team will
play in, make substitutions, deliberately foul opponents and so on
while the better games will also include doubtful refereeing decisions.
It's just like real life! The other angle that these games can be
approached from is the managerial one. You have to gain your team
promotion from the Beazer Homes League right through to being
World Club Champions via a combination of hire 'em fire 'em skills,
cash "bungs" and even the occasional spot of honest wheeler dealing.
You are the manager and like managers everywhere you can be sacked
on the chairman's whim.
Once you have mastered the art of take-off, landing, stalling, crashing,
and so on you need to have a competitive element to make it all the
more exciting. This, predictably, comes in the form of an enemy of one
type or another and it is your god-sworn duty to bomb, strafe and
shoot them into oblivion. A well presented flight sim may only seem
like a glorified shoot-em-up but the skill of trying to picture where an
opponent is when you're manoeuvring in three dimensions calls for
some amazing mental leaps. Your opponent in these dog-fights need
not always be the computer. Some games let two joystick wagglers
take to the air.
ing you with all the tools you need to add a power station or a stretch
of railwav at just the click of a mouse button.
But if that still leaves your megalomanic cravings unsated then I suspect that nothing short of the role of God will satisfy. You can even do
this in games like Mega-lo-Mania and the many versions of Populous.
Your job is to nurture the development of a primitive tribe of people
so that they become the dominant race on their own planet and can go
and destroy anv competing races. Yes, it does have an apocalyptic ring
to it.
No round-up of types of games would be complete without mentioning Lemmings. I'm not sure whether this should be classified as a strategy game or a puzzle but it shows the levels of creativity that are being
invested in computer games. The game presents you with a band of
marauding lemmings all hell-bent on self-immolation. Your goal is to
guide them through various hazards to some form of sanctuary without losing too many of the buggers on the way and without running
out of time. This is done by clicking on individual lemmings and
changing their otherwise suicidal behaviour. They can be made to dig
holes, build bridges, block the movement of their compatriots, parachute safely down precipices or self-explode. If you've ever wondered
what its like to be a teacher in charge of a classroom full of small,
malevolent children then this is as near as you can get on a computer
_\Gam_,~-;~:_,___'_e;_e~;,_" ~ ~e_r_<_~:
lines between them. Which ones are the best? I'll leave that for you to
find out - much depends on what you're looking for. The computer
magazines are full of reviews of games and it is worth scanning the
"budget" sections of these for the odd bargain or two.
to get onto higher levels in the game. In normal play you are given a
password each time you complete a level. The next time you play the
game you can start at any level for which you have the password. It
doesn't matter whether you found this out through honest toil or from
the pages of a magazine. The magazines also provide anything from
hints on strategy in the puzzle games to complete maps for adventure
games and devious ways of gaining extra lives in shoot-em-ups. Let's
face it, if you're stuck on a particular game then the odds are that
someone else has been in a similar situation and has solved the problem ...
........ ......111..............
Most modern day <~omputer languages have been
wrillf'n speeifleally to make them easy to use.
That makes finding exeuses for not progranunin g
mud1 hardf'1 to find ...
' ~c
x" -:: .. '' +,..,: .,. -
c_lt'_ _-'Cge_t_l)c_.s_e_co_'d_le_-ss_o_f_E:_<eL_~1_---.J
Long Ago
You are probably aware that, somewhere deep within the mysterious
' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' workings of the machine all it is
doing is a series of binary calculations involving streams of numbers
that look like 101110, 1101, 1110011 and the like. It's all true but, to
program a computer, you don't need to know how this works either.
Sure, once you become a wizard at programmin g, you can get
involved with this sort of thing but it's by no means obligatory.
Engine Room
Language Types
--- -- ---
and the computer supplies the answer. "MEAN" is the command and
"A", "B'' and "C" its parameters.
The task appears to be beautifully simple but in reality the computer is
doing an awful lot of your work for you.
But, in another language this might not be so simple. The instruction
"MEAN" might not exist and you might have to go to great lengths
explaining what you want doing. No prizes for guessing which language is going to be most popular for that sort of calculation. But
what the two languages have in common is a vocabulary of words (like
MEAN) which cause the computer to do a specific task.
The reason for this discrepancy is because different computer languages have been written for different purposes. Some have been
designed with handling graphics as the foremost priority, others with
calculating scientific equations. Happily some other languages have
been written with the express purpose of being easy to use.
mands) are themselves hke mmlprograms. Each one instructs the computer to go through a series of
lower-level processes. So the word of one computer language is a
machine code program. It is possible, therefore, to write additional
words to be used within a language - all they are is extra programs
that you can make use of.
Just like a human language, computer languages have rules concerning their use. Unlike humans, computers aren't (yet!) capable of making sense of statements when the rules of grammar have been broken.
Like a fusty scholar they insist on strict adherence to the rules of syntax. Use a particular word or command within a language incorrectly
and an error will occur.
between the programs which should help you get going although, conversely, you may need to un-learn certain things as well.
To get going in ARexx double-click on the RexxMast icon to be found
in the System directory. This makes Rexx into a resident process
which means that any ARexx scripts that you create and run will be
interpreted into meaningful code.
Now open the Shell and type in the name of the ED file you wish to
write your program in or use the "Execute Command ... " option. For
This opens an ED window where you can write and save your program
just like you would an AmigaDOS script. To run that program simply
return to the Shell and type in:
This is about as far as I'm going to take you with ARexx, after all this
isn't a programming manual. but there is plenty of high-quality documentation around should you need it.
We have already seen numerous
examples of AmigaDOS at work
both in script form and as a series of
handy one-liners that can be entered in via the "Execute Command ... "
interface. As it is a fundamental part of the Workbench set-up you
should be proficient in using at least some of its commands. As a programming language it is limited in its applications but for those
processes it can be used for, it is usually the first choice.
Double-click on the
RexxMast utility
found in the System
directory-- this
makes it a resident
In the ED window
type in.
/' Greetings.rexx
lnaeasing the life txpectancy of your Al200 is
largely a n1atter of exercising some con1mon
sense ...
.. !! I111
But if you do spill onto your computer then the first thing to do is
switch off. Then try and minimise the damage by tipping the machine
to drain away any surplus fluid.
Depending on how much you have spilt and where the situation may
not be irretrievable. If it's a splash on the keyboard then you may be
lucky. Take the machine to pieces, mop up any excess coffee that you
find. Leave the rest to set into that familiar brown gunk and then try
using a solvent-based cleaner to clear this out. You may be lucky.
If the spillage was further back on the machine then it's going to be an
expensive trip to the dealers. Pouring coffee down the back of a monitor is one of the dumbest forms of entertainment going, so don't.
Tiny particles of smoke can settle on and cause damage to delicate
surfaces everywhere: floppy disks, hard drives, lung tissue etc.
[~~~ _!Jeditations
- - - - - - - written about viruses and the menace they pose but, with a little care, you should be able to avoid ewr
commg a cropper.
A virus is simply a program that has been deliberately written to cause
heartache and headache to other computer users. They come in many
different forms and, like real-life viruses, they can have a range of
effects varving from the barely noticeable to the catastrophic. Viruses
----1 1--- --
Place a virus killer inside the WBStartup file on your boot disk.
Each and every time you boot up the program is loaded. In normal
use it will be invisible, working as a background task.
Try and get the most up-to-date version of any virus exterminator
you can get hold of.
If you try to use a disk which has a dubious nature about it- a system
request message will be displayed. Note that if you try to read a PC
disk using CrossDOS- any installed virus checker will signal a potential problem when you insert the PC disk into the Amiga disk drive.
have been written that flash intermittent messages onto your screen,
that redesign the pointer or other icons to something more obscene
and that completely trash all vour files. Some vimses lie dormant until
a certain date and time is reached. In this respect a lack of internal
clock on the A1200 looks like a definite plus.
; _ _ ____________j be a real computer virus the program has to be capable of making copies of itself and again that is
pretty simple. The hardest part is getting such a program to mn without the user being aware of what is happening. Once that has been
achieved the virus can copv itself from disk to disk to hard drive to
And that's it. With a little bit of care your A1200 should provide you
with many trouble-free years of computing. I hope it goes well ...
The Next Steps Disk of freely distributable
software to accompany the chapters in this hook
is available from Bruce Smith Books.
Virus Checker
r .~.
Makes up-to-date copies of data for protection. Ideal for backing up a hard drive.
Send a cheque/PO for 1.50 made payable to Bruce Smith Books Ltd
Below you'll find details of all the Mastering Amiga and Insider
Guide range books that are currently available or due for publication soon.
I ~I E~~~\~f:~i:~f~~:::~~~I~
sure that these bibles of Amiga computing will keep up to date with
you and your computer. Please check the list of titles currently and
soon to be available below for full compatibility.
Mastering Amiga C
Brief details of these guides along with review segments are given
below. If you would like a free copy of our catalogue and to be placed
on our mailing list then phone or write to the address below.
You can order a book simply by writing or using the simple tear our
form to be found towards the end of this book.
----11-- ---
Mastering Amiga
The authors have built up a wide experience of beginners' requirements and the problems thev encounter and nm1 this vast knowledge
----1 1--- --
of the subject has been distilled into 320 pages of sensible advice and
exciting ideas for using the Amiga.
----1 1---- -
A2024 ........................................................................................ 150, 153
abort .................................................................................................... 91
About. .................................................................................................. l9
acceleration ......................................................................................... 33
accelerator ................................................................................ 139, 140
access speed ...................................................................................... 160
ADDBUFFERS ............................................................................ 98, 114
AGA ........................................................................................... 149, 150
ALIAS .................................................................................... 50, 51, 107
ALL ...................................................................................................... 46
AmigaDOS ......................................... .43, 105,117,216,217,219,222
AmigaDOS flags ............................................................................ 78, 83
AmigaGuide ............................................................................ 56. 57, 58
AMOS ........................................................................................ 222, 224
animation .................................................................................. 192, 195
Apple Macintosh ............................................................................... 144
archive flag ......................................................................................... 83
archiving ....................................................................................... 83, 90
ARexx ................................................................................ 221, 223,224
ASCII ............................................................. 36, 39, 105, 144, 145, 147
asl.library .......................................................................................... 104
aspect ratio ......................................................................... 78, 129, 130
assembler .......................................................................................... 217
ASSIGN ................................................................................. 51, 99, 175
Atari ST ............................................................................................. 145
Audio IFF ........................................................................................... 204
AutoPoint ...................................................................................... 39, 40
Autoscroll .......................................................................................... 155
back-up ................................................ .46, 88, 174, 176, 177, 178, 181
Backdrop ............................................................................................. 18
BASIC ........................................................................ 219, 221,222,224
baud rate ........................................................................................... 139
beat-em-ups ...................................................................................... 209
binary ................................................................................................ 217
BINDDRIVERS ........................................................................ 100, 102
ECHO ...................... ..... 50, 51
ECS ...................... ........... 158
ED ................. .48, 59, 78, 105
ED commands ..................... 83
EEPROM ...................... .. 188
elephants ...................... ..... 188
ELSE ...................... ........ 111
Empty Trash ..................... 26
emulator ...................... ..... 146
ENDCLI ..................... 51, 101
ENDIF ...................... ........ 99
END SHELL ...................... .. 51
enhanced chip set.. ............. l58
ENV ...................... ........... 99
ENV/Sys ...................... ..... 99
environmental variable ... 78, 99
Epson-compatib le ............ 127
erased files ..................... 91, 92
EUR0:36Hz ..................... 153
EUR0:72Hz ..................... 154
Exchange ...................... ..... 38
EXECUTE .................... .49, 99
Execute Command ... 18, 118-124
facsimile ...................... ..... 142
FAILAT ...................... ........ 98
failed ...................... ........ 104
fancv fonts ...................... .. 76
Fast File Svstem ............ 25, 139
fax ...................... .............. 142
file header ..................... 59, 89
file rescue ...................... ..... 95
file translator ..................... 145
file type ...................... .. 56, 59
FILENOTE ...................... .. 120
Filenotes ...................... ..... 24
FKev ...................... ..... 39, 40
flags ...................... .. 78, 81,83
f1icker ...................... .. 155, 157
11ight simulations ............... 210
floating point unit ............ 140
f1oppy disk drive .................. 6 7
Fonts .................. 32, 74-76, 99
Fonts disk .................. 76, 167
FORCE ...................... ..... 120
FORMAT .............. .48, 91, 108
Format Disk.. ............. 25, 26, 91
FPU ...................... ........... 140
fractal generator ............... 192
FTXT ...................... ..... 56, 57
function kev .................. 39, 41
games .................. 97, 173, 207
Generic ..................... 127, 132
genlock ...................... ..... 194
GIF ...................... ........... 145
global environmental
variables ...... 99
Gothic ...................... ........ 74
keyboard .................. ......... 33
keymaps .................. ......... 33
KEYMAPS: .................. ...... 99
Keyshow .................. ......... 36
Kickstart 3.1 .................. ... 143
Kickstart ......... 18, 19, 100, 143
IBM PCs .................. ......... 144
Icon Text .................. ......... 33
icon names .................. ...... 78
IconEdit .................. ......... 36
Icons Menu .................. ...... 22
icons .................. ............... 17
!Control .................. ......... 155
IDE .................. ......... 160, 166
IF .................. ............ 99, 111
IF ... ELSE... .. .................. . 111
IFF .................. .................. ... .
31, 32, 57, 63, 145,200, 201, 204
ILBM .................. ... 56, 57, 145
image processing ............... 144
node ................................. 59
NONUM .......................... .110
NTSC .................. 152, 154, 192
machine code ..................... 217
Make Sound ........................ 31
MAKEDIR .............. .45, 46, 122
Mandlebrot.. ...................... 192
margins ........................... 132
masking ........................... 19 5
maths co-processor ...... 140, 184
MEmacs ..................... 36, 108
Micro-EMACS ............... 36, 108
MIDI .............................. 202
Mode Properties ......... 155, 158
modem ........................... 139
modifier. ............................ .44
Monitors ............ 100, 150, 226
MORE ......... 105,115,116,118
morphing ........................ 192
MOUNT ..................... 100, 114
mountfile ........................... 69
mountlist ........................... 70
mouse .............................. 226
mouse speed ........................ 33
MouseBlanker ............... 39, 40
MS-DOS ........................ 39, 40
multi-tasking ..................... 123
multiple copies .................. 70
MUL II SCAN ..................... 154
multisync ............ 150, 157, 197
MULTIVIEW ............... 61, 124
MultiView ............ 55, 105, 128
network ........................... 139
New Drawer ........................ 20
NEWCLI ........................... 51
NEWSHELL. ....................... 51
No PopUp .......................... .40
NoCapsLock .................. 39, 40
On Line ........................... 126
on-line help ........................ 76
Open ................................. 22
Open Parent ........................ 21
optical disks ..................... 177
outline fonts .................. 75, 76
Overscan ........................... 34
overwrite ........................... 92
pages ................................. 57
PAL ............... 78, 152, 154, 192
PAL encoder ..................... 198
Palette ........................ 34, 156
Paper Feed ........................ 126
Parallel ........................... 128
Parent .............................. 56
parking ........................... 176
partition ...... 166, 167, 177, 179
PATH ........................... 51, 101
pattern matching .............. .46
PC ..................... 144, 145, 146
PCD ................................. 107
PCMCIA ... 38, 178, 185, 186, 189
platform games .................. 208
pointsize ..................... 74,78
Pointer .............................. 35
pointer .............................. 33
Preference Editors ....... :....... 30
Preference settings ............ 10 1
Preferences ........................... .
............... 29, 30, 32, 127, 128,
........................... 132, 150, 156
Prefs drawer ........................ 30
PrepCard ..................... 38, 189
Printer .............................. 35
Quick Format ............... 26, 96
QUIET .............................. 98
Quit... ................................. 20
RAD disk ...... 67, 69, 71, 77, 100,
........................... 114, 139, 169
RAM .................. 114, 137, 183
RAM upgrade ..................... 38
Ram Disk ............ 67, 93, 95, 99
raw ................................. 144
rav-tracing .................. 139, 192
read ................................. 78
ReadMe files ............... 115, 116
reboot ........................... 68, 70
Redraw All ........................ 18
RELABEL .......................... .4 7
removable hard drive ......... 177
REMRAD ..................... 70, 115
RENAME .......................... .48
Rename .............................. 24
REQUESTCHOICE ...... 112, 113
reset.. ............................ 68, 70
Reset \VB ........................... 26
T ............................. .......... 99
temporary files .................. 99
Text ............................. .... 33
threshold .................. 129, 131
TIFF ............................. .... 145
Time ............................. .... 35
Times ............................. .... 76
toggle ............................. .... 25
Tool Menu ........................ 26
Tool Types ..................... 24, 40
Tools ........................... 29, 36
Tracker ........................... 145
Trackers ........................... 201
tractor feeding .................. 126
translations .................. 56, 145
trapdoor ..................... 184, 186
Trashcan ..................... 25, 167
VCR ........................... 192, 193
VERSION ............ 18, 38, 53, 98
VGA ............................. .... 100
video recorder ............ 192, 193
video titling .................. 78, 194
video toaster ..................... 197
View By ............................. . 20
virus .................. 174, 228, 229
.......... .... ..
.......... .... ..
.......... .... ..
.......... .... ..
.......... .... ..
.......... .... ..
............... ..
.......... .... ..
.......... .... ..
.......... .... ..
.......... .... ..
.......... .... ..
.......... .... ..
........... .... ..
.......... .... ..
.......... .... ..
............... ..
.......... .... ..
Card number:
Name ............................................................................................................. .
Address ......................................................................................................... .
.......... .... ..
.......... .... ..
.......... .... ..
.......... .... ..
.......... .... ..
.......... .... ..
............... ..
.......... .... ..
........... .... ..
.......... .... ..
.......... .... ..
.......... .... ..
Name .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........
.......... ......... .
Addre ss .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........
.......... ..... .