Catalhuyok Annurev Eanthro PDF
Catalhuyok Annurev Eanthro PDF
Catalhuyok Annurev Eanthro PDF
by University of Washington on 09/15/11. For personal use only.
13 August 2007
in the Context
of the Middle Eastern
Ian Hodder
Department of Cultural and Social Anthropology, Stanford University, Stanford,
California 94305; email:
Key words
This review aims to show how the new results from C
central Turkey contribute to wider theories about the Neolithic in
Anatolia and the Middle East. I argue that many of the themes found
occur very early in the
in symbolism and daily practice at C
processes of village formation and the domestication of plants and
animals throughout the region. These themes include a social focus
on memory construction; a symbolic focus on wild animals, violence,
and death; and a central dominant role for humans in relation to the
animal world. These themes occur early enough throughout the
region that we can claim they are integral to the development of
settled life and the domestication of plants and animals. Particularly
the focus on time depth in house sequences may have been part of the
suite of conditions, along with environmental and ecological factors,
that selected for sedentism and domestication.
13 August 2007
Anatolia: Asian
region of Turkey,
although the main
focus here is on the
region from central
to southeastern
time period between
the Palaeolithic and
the Neolithic.
Associated with a
changed lithic
technology and more
intensive subsistence
groups in the Levant
prior to the Natuan
include those with
material culture
microlithic tools
Levant: region in
the eastern
Mediterranean that
now includes Israel,
Palestine, the West
Bank, Syria, Jordan,
and Lebanon
Natufian: cultural
group that has
distinctive material
culture, lasts from
approximately 12500
to 10000 bc, and is
associated with
Neolithic A
(PPNA): cultural
group found in the
Levant from 10000
to 8700 cal bc
in central Turkey was rst excaC
vated by James Mellaart between 1961 and
1965. At that time the main impact of the site
was to show that early settled villages existed
outside the Fertile Crescent of the Middle
East. The site also had a wide impact because
of Mellaarts (1967; Todd 1976) reconstructions of elaborate shrines with complex paintings, installations, and sculptures. Much of the
symbolism of the Neolithic of the Middle East
has been interpreted in terms of the bull and
mother goddess themes that Mellaart thought
(see for exwere so prominent at C
ample Cauvin 1994).
Since the 1960s, our understanding of the
Neolithic of the Middle East has changed
substantially. In particular, new nds from
throughout the region have pushed back the
dates of early settled life and have shown that
the process is diversefor example, the differences between the Levantine sequence and
that in southeastern Turkey are marked. How uk
ever, our understanding of C
also changed as a result of new excavations
started by Hodder in 1993 (Balter 2005; Dural
2007; Hodder 1996, 2000, 2005a,b,c, 2006,
2007). For example, it is clear that the sym uk
is part of domestic cults
bolism at C
and that female imagery is only a small part
of a diverse set in which mother and goddess
characteristics are hard to nd.
The main focus of this review is on how
t into or
the new results from C
challenge wider theories about the Neolithic
12,500 bc to 10,000 bc) with increasingly intensive hunting, gathering, and cultivation of
wild plants; followed by the Pre-Pottery Neolithic A (PPNA) from 10,000 to 8700 bc
and Pre-Pottery Neolithic B (PPNB) from
8700 to 6800; followed by the Pre-Pottery
Neolithic C (PPNC) and Pottery Neolithic
(PN). Because of the polycentric character of
the processes of sedentism and domestication
(Gebel 2004) throughout the Middle Eastern
and the Anatolian region, it is incorrect to use
these terms and sequences outside the Levant, and other terms have been proposed for
13 August 2007
& Ozdo
Certainly recent nds have shown with
great clarity that initial sedentism was closely
tied to ritual. Landscapes may have been
drawn together at ritual centers to which people came for initiation, feasting, burial, exchange, marriage, etc. (Schmidt 2000). In fact
several of the early sites seem to have been
ritual centers, whatever other functions they
may have had. In north Syria and southeast Turkey, at sites such as Tell Abr 3,
Neolithic B
(PPNB): cultural
group found in the
Levant from 8700 to
6800 cal bc
PN: Pottery
13 August 2007
Many authors have summarized the social relations of hunter-gatherers (e.g., Ingold
1999, Meillassoux 1972, Sahlins 1972). In
general scholars argue that in hunter-gatherer
societies, the means of production are collectively owned, groups achieved reciprocal
rights to the resources of other bands by asking permission, and studies show a lack of accumulation of personal wealth, with storage
being only a technique for preparing for seasonal shortfalls. Ingold (1999) discusses the
notion of collective access (p. 401), and social relations are immediate (Woodburn 1980)
in that there is a lack of temporal depth in
the relations between self and other (Ingold
1999). Formal institutions that structure social rules and regulations (p. 406) are relatively
lacking. People trust good hunters, but they
trust the hunters not to reduce their autonomy. A leader cannot place a person under
obligation or compulsion because this action
is a betrayal of trust.
Such descriptions of hunter-gatherer society are difcult to apply to societies in
the millennia that approach the domestication of plants and animals. An investment of
labor already accompanied the more intensive economies of the Kebaran and Natuan,
and social relations could be decreasingly described as immediate. We nd little evidence
for storage beyond that needed to tide over
from season to season, and accumulation of
personal wealth is limited right up into the
PPNB. But there is undoubtedly an increased
focus on temporal depth. As people depended
more on things, and on intensive resource
extraction and cultivation, they would have
needed to depend on others to provide objects (in exchange), to tend objects (elds and
animals, houses and boats), to construct objects (houses), to discard objects (organizing
refuse and discard in dense villages), etc.
One of the conditions that made agriculture possible in the Middle East was a
changed relation to time and history. Rather
than immediate and short-term relationships,
societies in the region developed a strong
sense of temporal depth tied to specic
One of the main results from the new ex uk
is that the buildings
cavations at C
Mellaart (1967) saw as static entities are now
understood as the by-products of continuous processes. The new project has documented the extraordinary sequences of plasters on oors, walls, and relief sculptures.
These monthly and yearly replasterings with
their associated residues often occurred up to
450 times in houses that lasted 70 to 100 years.
A house was then often rebuilt in the same
place. The old house was dismantled, often
carefully and with much careful cleaning and
placing of objects, and lled in with clean
soil, and the new house was built on the
stumps of the walls of the previous house.
In some places we have up to 6 rebuildings
in the same place. The repetition of the ordering of social space within these building
sequences is remarkable and has led to the
hypothesis that social life was organized at
least partly through the routines and practices of domestic socialization (Hodder 2006,
Hodder & Cessford 2004). Embedded within
a complex symbolic world, the daily activities
within houses formed and reformed the social
13 August 2007
13 August 2007
clearly indicates some specic backward reference in the location of a house structure, even
in the absence of permanent occupation.
In the Natuan we see some degree of
sedentism. Ain Mallaha has animals and birds
from all seasons (Valla 1991), and commensals
(such as the house mouse) indicate sedentism.
Settlements occur in the hill zones of Israel,
Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria, and related sites
are found to the north in Mureybet and Abu
Hureyra. The later Natuan starts at the same
time as the Younger Dryas climatic deterioration. In the Levant in the later Natuan,
many but not all hamlets dispersed and became more mobile (Bar-Yosef 2001). But in
the Taurus in southeastern Turkey and adjacent areas, the response to the Younger Dryas
may have been greater sedentism at sites such
as Hallan C
emi (Bar-Yosef 2004).
Investigators noted both base camps and
short-term intermittent sites in the Natuan.
In the short-term sites, there is little evidence
of repetitive practices, for example, at Hatula
and Beidha (Byrd 1989, Ronen & Lechevallier
1991). Even in substantial Natuan sites we
nd little evidence of structured repetition.
Valla (1991) notes that it is often difcult to
follow coherent levels of habitation in Natuan sites, and it is difcult to show the absolute contemporaneity of buildings (see also
Kenyon 1981, Moore et al. 2000).
However, in the early Natuan site of
Wadi Hammeh 27 in the central Jordan valley
there is a continuity in spatial arrangement
of constructed features through successive
phases (Edwards 1991, p. 125). The earliest
evidence of Natuan occupation at Hayonim
Cave is Grave XIII which was covered by the
oor of Locus 3that is, by one of the structures with undressed stone walls (Bar-Yosef
1991, p. 86). At Ain Mallaha we denitely
nd superpositioning of houses. In the ancient level houses, 131, 51, and 6273 succeeded each other on the same spot (Perrot
1966). And in the recent level houses we
nd another sequence of houses dug into each
other (houses 26, 45, and 22). In the Final
Natuan at Mallaha, each major building had
13 August 2007
ten oval and semisubterranean, with internal hearths and plaster oors. As in northern
Syria, mounds were often long-lived. Jerf el
Ahmar had at least 10 building levels comprising 800 years of settlement (Akkermans
2004, p. 287). PPNA and related sites were
also often much more structured than most
Natuan sites. Nadel (1998, p. 9) has noted
that in Natuan and other Epipalaeolithic
sites, it is common to nd the entire range of
typological variability in each site, and even
in each locus . . . However, in PPNA cases,
it is common to nd typological differences
between assemblages from contemporaneous
loci at a site. N.B. Goodale & I. Kuijt (circulated manuscript, 2006) have noted a similar
shift in the way that sites are formed, as a result
of their work at Iraq ed-Dubb in Jordan. Here
a late Natuan occupation had fairly nondelineated use of space compared to a more
delineated use of space during the PPNA.
We see much more evidence of repeated
use of the same space or house in the PPNA
throughout the region. Qermez Dere in
northern Iraq has good evidence of rebuilding in the same place (Watkins 2004, 2006).
In Phase II at Mureybet on the Middle Euphrates investigators found round houses that
were superimposed on an Epi-Natuan house
xxxvii. Trois niveaux dhabitation en maisons
rondes se superposent directement a` la maison xxxvii de la phase IB. Il sagit manifestement de la reutilization du meme espace
dhabitat en continuite directe avec la periode
e pinatouenne (Cauvin 1979, p. 26). In part
of the site they found ve levels of occupation
in this phase.
At Jericho in Trench DII Kenyon (1981)
found a huge amount of very repetitive
surfaces adjacent to the tower in PPNA
between the tower and adjacent circular enclosures. It is inside the settlement that one
sees most residential continuity in PPNA and
PPNB deposits, although, on the whole, walls
13 August 2007
of oors. . . . The numerous oor levels suggest a prolonged period of use (Kenyon 1981,
p. 295). But the best evidence for repeated
surfaces was in the outside, courtyard areas
between buildings. The courtyards had alternating layers of clay or mud oors and spreads
of charcoal (Kenyon 1981, p. 294). Kenyon
found hearths in these areas, but she did not
plan these; therefore, we cannot determine
whether location of hearths was repetitive in
outside areas.
In Jordan at PPNB Beidha, the inhabitants were extremely conservative in their siting of the different elements of the village
(Kirkbride 1966, p. 14). In one building at
Beidha the total thickness of the multiple plaster layers was more than 5.5 cm, and paral uk
(p. 18). At
lels were drawn with C
Abu Hureyra 2 each house was usually constructed on the remains of an earlier one, and
the form of that building largely determined
the plan of its successor (Moore et al. 2000,
p. 262). The rooms of the ruined house were
lled in and the stubs of the walls cut down.
The houses in Trench E were rebuilt four,
and the houses in Trench B no fewer than
nine times (p. 266). Floors were renewed
at least 23 times, and sometimes up to 10
times. Walls also had mud plaster or whitewash refreshed several times during a rooms
life. The hearths were often set in the same
place in successive houses (p. 265), e.g., the
series of hearths in houses of phases 27 in
Trench B. We conclude from this that the
builders of a new house often remembered
not only the plan but also the internal arrangements of its predecessor, and considered
it appropriate to replicate both (p. 265). We
know, too, that in some instances they themselves were the descendants of the inhabitants
of the earlier structures (p. 266) because some
distinctive skeletal and dental traits that are
probably genetically transmitted were identied in house burials.
u there
In southeastern Turkey at C
seems at rst sight to be much more evidence of conformity within phases than between phases because houses changed in form
13 August 2007
2006, p. 236).
Much evidence indicates repetitive practices in houses and memory construction in
the PPNB and related groups in the Middle
East and Turkey. Evidence also suggest abandonment and foundation practices, although
walls were generally cut down much more
Burning of houses, assothan at C
ciated with death, is found as part of abandonment practices (Verhoeven 1999, 2000,
2002). Heads tend to be found in groups in
the Levant, sometimes with features plastered
on, but how much they were circulated is
not clear. Investigators found male and female skulls, as well as subadults, raising the
question of whether the skulls represent ancestor veneration at all rather than apotropaic
or other protective functions (Bonogofsky
2004, Talalay 2004). However, the depositional contexts of some skull deposition suggest practices that may have involved backward or forward reference. The skull of a
child was found between the stones of the
foundations of Wall E180 at PPNB Jericho
(Kenyon 1981). In phase lxi in a room in a
house in EI, EII, EV the cranium of an elderly man was set upright in the corner about
15 cm below oor level. In EIII-IV a plastered
skull was found in a building ll. GoringMorris (2000, p. 119) argues that many PPNB
burials denitely stratigraphically predated
the construction of the overlying architectural features and oors. For example, in
at least three instances at Kfar HaHoresh
burial pits clearly stratigraphically underlie
and are sealed by plaster surfaces (p. 119).
In some cases we see a time lapse between
burial and/or skull removal and the making of
the oor. Thus buildings remembered the
location of the burials or skulls. Sometimes
there is evidence of markers above the burials
or skulls. Goring-Morris suggests that constructing buildings in relation to earlier buildings may have started at Mallaha in the Levant
(see above). Special abandonment practices
are found at C
example, in the Cell
phase investigators found blocking of doorways, and intact artifacts are abandoned in cell
rooms (Ozdo
& Ozdo
1990). Charnel houses or buildings for the dead occur
u (the Skull Building) and at Abu
at C
Hureyra and Djade el Mughara (the Maison
des Morts) in Syria (Akkermans 2004, p. 289).
Through much of the region in the PPNB
evidence indicates circulation and handing
down of artifacts through time. Practices of Catalhoyuk
13 August 2007
& Ozdo
Evidence of specic memory construction as houses are built over burials, or
skulls and other objects are circulated and
passed down through time is also increasing.
The concern with time depth, history, and
memory reaches its apogee in the PPNB at
the same time that domesticated plants appear
in quantity, but it starts to emerge at least by
Kebaran and Natuan times, even in contexts
in which sedentism is limited. It is difcult
to explain the focus on temporal depth as the
result of living in dense villages. Rather, the
emergence of greater temporal depth was a
necessary condition for dense settled life, the
delayed returns of intensive subsistence systems, and the shift to domesticated plants and
animals, as well as for the staging of large-scale
feasts, exchanges, and marriages.
13 August 2007
Belfer-Cohen 2002). At Tell Abr 3, a series of stone slabs line the bench around the
walls (Yartah 2005) in building B2. These are
polished and decorated with wild animals
gazelle, panther, aurochsas well as with geometric designs. The panthers are spotted and
highly stylized and look rather like lizards.
Bucrania are deposited within a bench, but
there are also bucrania on view in smaller
buildings, interpreted as houses, at the site.
At Jerf el Ahmar investigators also found
a building with four cattle bucrania probably suspended on the interior walls (Stordeur
2000, Yartah 2005). At Jerf el Ahmar there
is also serpent decoration on the stone slabs
of the benches of the large circular buildings
(Stordeur 2000), along with a separate depiction of a vulture (for parallel symbolism at
Hallan C
emi and Nemrik 9 see Rosenberg
& Redding 2000, p. 45; Kozlowski 1992). At
Tepe in the PPNA and early PPNB,
megalithic pillars have reliefs of snakes, foxes,
wild boar, cattle, gazelle, wild ass, lion, scorpions, spiders, water birds, and centipedes. The
fox and wild boar have erect penises (Schmidt
2003). The reliefs also show a headless human body with an erect penis. In the PPNB
there continues to be a widespread symbolic
focus on the fox, wild cattle, wild boar, and
birds of prey (Goring-Morris & Belfer-Cohen
2002, pp. 7071). At Nevali C
ori, Hauptmann
(1999) reconstructs a large stone statue of a
man holding his erect penis.
This association in the early village societies of the Middle East with violence, sex,
and death in the symbolic imagery could
be interpreted in many ways (Hodder 2006,
Verhoeven 2002). But perhaps at the simplest
level, we can say that these associations give
power (Guenther 1999). The powers to give
feasts, to provide, and to protect would be enhanced by the images of violence, sex, and
there is an association
death. At C
between feasting deposits and wild male cattle. The art shows large numbers of people
engaged in the killing of dangerous animals
such as bulls that then appear in the feasting
residues and in the installations in houses. In
a set of wild goat
Building 1 at C
horns covers and perhaps protects a bin of
lentils (Hodder 2006). The key aspect of giving a feast may not have been simply the provision of calories, but also the demonstration
of intercession with and control of wild animals and the use of their powers to protect and
The demonstration of power in relation to
wild animals and animal spirits created the basis for building the long-term social structures
of sedentary and then agricultural societies.
The ability to harness the power of animals
may have attracted followers and allowed the
creation of trust and dependencies. The existence of an elaborate symbolic world of violence, danger, and sexual power, and the ability to intercede with the ancestors, may have
created the conditions in which sedentary life
and intensive delayed-return economies became possible (selected for).
13 August 2007
is well known for its elaborate
symbolism, including narrative scenes. These
scenes allow a unique insight into the symbolic
The author is not aware of any biases that might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of
this review.
I thank Dani Nadel and Ian Kuijt for help in gaining access to literature for this paper. I also
researchers on whose work this review is based.
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24 August 2007
Annual Review of
Prefatory Chapter
Overview: Sixty Years in Anthropology
Fredrik Barth p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p1
The Archaeology of Religious Ritual
Lars Fogelin p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 55
atalhyk in the Context of the Middle Eastern Neolithic
Ian Hodder p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p105
The Archaeology of Sudan and Nubia
David N. Edwards p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p211
A Bicycle Made for Two? The Integration of Scientic Techniques into
Archaeological Interpretation
A. Mark Pollard and Peter Bray p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p245
Biological Anthropology
Evolutionary Medicine
Wenda R. Trevathan p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p139
Genomic Comparisons of Humans and Chimpanzees
Ajit Varki and David L. Nelson p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p191
Geometric Morphometrics
Dennis E. Slice p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p261
Genetic Basis of Physical Fitness
Hugh Montgomery and Latif Safari p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p391
Linguistics and Communicative Practices
Jennifer Hay and Katie Drager p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 89
24 August 2007