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Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Faculty of Engineering
Intensive Technical English 2
Teacher Soraya Martinez

Internal combustion engines

Eswin Juan Pablo Aparicio Prez
Kevin Ottoniel Rodrguez Cahueque
Alejandro Cortez De Leon

Guatemalan June 13, 2015


An internal combustion engine operation is based, as its name implies, in the burning of a mixture
of compressed air and fuel in a closed chamber or cylinder, in order to increase the pressure and
generate enough power reciprocating linear motion piston.

In this type of engine it is necessary to prepare the mixture of air and fuel appropriately dosed,
which was conducted before the carburetor and today with the injectors with electronic control
systems. After introducing the mixture into the cylinder, it is necessary to cause combustion
chamber of the cylinder through a high voltage spark that provides the ignition system.

This paper presents the manner in which these products, major types, operating principles and
cycles of operation that they possess work.


General project.
Through the technical analysis of the different topics of technical English 2, spoke of an
internal combustion engine as a subject of research, in which is related, pollution,
thermodynamics and electricity, themes seen throughout the course.

General theme.
Get a complete and detailed description of the main operation of an internal combustion
engine, taking into account electrical and thermal aspects that occur within it, for its proper
functioning, whereas the contribution of pollution that provide the ground due to the type
of fuel used to operate.

1. Analyze the thermal cycles operating in an internal combustion engine, so that the
operation in him was be the best.
2. Analysis referred to an internal combustion engine ignition system.
3. Obtain the types of cooling system that occur in an internal combustion engine, due to
the high temperatures that are handled.
4. Obtain more knowledge concerning the amount and types of pollution that can produce
an internal combustion engine.
5. Learn about the type of power generation that can occur due to an internal combustion

Internal combustion engines

The indispensable to put into action different machines mechanical energy can be obtained using
thermal, hydro, solar and wind energy. The most widely used is thermal energy from fuels organic
nature. Energy teams that have been accepted are internal combustion engines (MCI) to them to
more than 80% of all energy produced in the world.

Main types

The combustion engine Otto cycle, named after the German coach who developed it,
Nikolaus August Otto, is the conventional gasoline engine, but it is also known as engine
Beau cycle Rochas because the French inventor who patented it in 1862.
The diesel engine, named after the German engineer Rudolf Diesel was born in France,
works on a different principle and usually consumes diesel.
The gas turbine.
The rotary engine.
Atkinson Cycle.

Operating Principles
An internal combustion engine operation is based, as its name implies, in the burning of a mixture
of compressed air and fuel in a closed chamber or cylinder, in order to increase the pressure and
generate enough power reciprocating linear motion piston.
This movement is transmitted through the rod to the main motor shaft or crankshaft, where it is
converted into rotary motion, which is transmitted to mechanisms power transmission (gearbox,
shafts, differential, etc.) and finally the wheels, with the necessary to move the vehicle to the
desired speed and the power needed to transport cargo.

By the combustion process developed in the cylinder, the chemical energy contained in fuel is
converted first into heat energy, part of which is converted into kinetic energy (motion), which in
turn is converted into useful work applicable to the drive wheels; the other part is dissipated in the
cooling system and the exhaust system, the accessory drive and friction losses.
In this type of engine it is necessary to prepare the mixture of air and fuel appropriately dosed,
which was conducted before the carburetor and today with the injectors with electronic control
systems. After introducing the mixture into the cylinder, it is necessary to cause combustion
chamber of the cylinder through a high voltage spark that provides the ignition system.

The thermodynamic cycle

Most internal combustion engines work based on a four stroke cycle, whose principle is the
thermodynamic Otto cycle (fuel gas or petrol) and diesel thermodynamic cycle (diesel fuel).
Therefore, its efficiency is based on the temperature variation in both isotropic compression
process, and the heating volume (Otto) or constant pressure (Diesel).
The cycle consists of two rising runs and two downward strokes of the piston. Each race coincides
with a phase of the cycle, and called the action taken at the time as well:

Engine - Expansion

Description of cycle
An ideal Otto cycle is a theoretical approach to the behavior of an internal combustion engine. The
phases of operation of this engine are:
Admission (1)
Lowers the piston valve open admission, increasing the amount of mixture (air + fuel) on the
camera. This is modeled as a constant pressure expansion (since being open valve pressure is equal
to the outside). In the PV diagram it appears as a straight line E A.
Compression (2)
The piston rises compressing the mixture. Given the speed of the process it assumes that the
mixture has no possibility to exchange heat with the atmosphere, so that the process is adiabatic. It
is modeled as a reversible adiabatic curve A B, although in reality it is not for the presence of
irreversible factors such as friction.
With the piston at its highest point, the spark of the spark plug. The heat generated in the
combustion abruptly heated air, which increases its temperature almost constant volume (since the
piston has not had time to lose). This is represented by an isometric B C. This step is clearly
irreversible, but for the case of an isometric process gas in an ideal balance is the same as one
Expansion (3)
The high temperature of the gas pushes the piston down, performing work on it. Again, being a
very fast process it is approximated by a reversible adiabatic curve C D.
Exhaust (4)
The exhaust valve opens and the gas comes out, pushed by the piston greater than the initial
temperature, being replaced by the same amount of cold mixture in the following intake. The
system is really open, because mass exchanges with the outside. However, since the amount of air
leaving and entering is the same can, for the energy balance, assuming that is the same air that has
cooled. This cooling occurs in two phases. When the piston is at its lowest point, the volume
remains approximately constant and we isocora D A. When the piston pushes air outward, with
the valve open, we use the isobaric A E, closing the cycle.

In total, the series consists of two ascents and two descents of the piston, which is why it is called
four-stroke engine.
In a real multi-cylinder internal combustion engine act simultaneously so that the expansion of one
of them performs the compression work of others.

Ignition of internal combustion engine

Engines need a way to initiate combustion of the fuel within the cylinder. In gasoline engines, the
ignition system is a component called ignition coil, a high voltage auto-transformer which is
connected to a switch which interrupts the primary current to an electric high-voltage pulse is
induced in Right.
Said pulse is synchronized with the compression stroke of each cylinder; the impulse is carried to
the corresponding cylinder (who is in compression at the time) using a rotary distributor and wires
that carry high voltage discharge to the spark plug. The device produces the ignition of the fuel / air
mixture is a spark plug, which, installed in each cylinder, has a few tenths of a millimeter apart
electrodes, the electrical pulse produces a spark in the gap between an electrode and another that
inflames fuel; there is spark plugs with several electrodes, spark plugs using the process of 'surface
discharge' to produce the spark, and 'glow plugs' (Glow-plug).
If the coil is messed it overheats; that result in energy losses, reduced spark plugs and cause failures
in the ignition system of the car. Systems of electricity generation in motors, magnets give a low
voltage at low rpm, increasing the spark voltage to increase rpm, while battery systems give a good
spark at low rpm, but the intensity of the low spark to increase rpm.

Cooling of a combustion engine

The cooling internal combustion engines is required to reduce the heat generated by burning the
fuel (greater than 2000 C) and not transformed into mechanical energy during operation thereof.
The main function of cooling all components is maintained within the temperature range of engine
design preventing deformation and destruction by seizing.
Because combustion produces heat, all engines must have some type of cooling system. Some
stationary engines of cars and planes and outboard engines are air-cooled. The cylinder engines
using this system have on the outside with a set of metal sheets that emit the heat produced inside
the cylinder. In other engine cooling water is used, which means that the cylinders are within a
housing filled with water which in automobiles is circulated by a pump. The water is cooled by
passing through the blades of a radiator. It is important that the liquid used for cooling the engine is
not ordinary water because combustion engines working regularly higher than the boiling point of
water temperatures. This causes high pressure in the cooling system resulting in faulty gaskets and
seals water and the radiator; a refrigerant is used, it does not boil at the same temperature as the
water, but at higher temperature, nor is frozen at very low temperatures.

Reasons for cooling the engine

During combustion, part of the energy generated is not converted into mechanical energy is
dissipated as heat. Depending on the design of the engine for about 33% of potential fuel energy is
transformed into mechanical work, and the rest is converted into heat that must be dissipated to
avoid compromising the mechanical integrity of the engine. The system must not only limit the
maximum temperature of the motor to prevent damage thereto, but also maintaining optimum
operating temperature which, depending on the engine design, is in the range of 80 to 100 C. Its
smooth operation depends largely on the thermal efficiency of the engine.
If the motor operates above its optimal temperature, you run the risk of lowering oil viscosity and
increase engine wear, overheating of parts and increased friction between these occurs. Explosions
can also occur when the fuel mixture ignited prematurely.
If the engine operates below its optimum temperature, oil consumption and the wear of parts is
increased, since they are designed to expand by heat to a certain size, the power is reduced due to
lack of temperature for a efficient combustion, carbon deposits on valves, spark plugs and pistons
are produced.

Cooling systems
Actually what we call water cooling systems are using a different liquid oil as a primary coolant.
Most commonly, a mixture of ethylene glycol and water in different proportions depending on
ambient temperature.
Thermosyphon circulation
Its operation is based on the density difference between the hot refrigerant in the block and head,
and the cold water is in the radiator. For this low resistance it is required coolant circulation. The
upper reservoir should be of great ability to keep the liquid level in case of evaporation does not fall
below the level of port of arrival to the radiator. This system is no longer used due to restrictions of
thermal capacity, position and volume.
Forced circulation
It is the most used. Coolant flow is driven through a centrifugal pump, it passes through the
cylinders of the engine block, then the cylinder head, and finally through the radiator, where the
cooling occurs. By circulating the coolant through the radiator panel, exchanges heat with the air of
the march, or forced by a fan. The cooled liquid returns to the engine where the cycle begins again.
The pump is usually driven by belts and pulleys, which, in some cases, they also turn the fan. In
most modern systems, the fan is driven by an electric motor controlled by a thermo contact, and
comes into operation only when the liquid temperature required. The system consists of a tank for
storing a refrigerant and as an eventual expansion vessel. It is also common to find a parallel circuit
used for heating the vehicle.

Contamination of a combustion engine

The environmental impact of the internal combustion engine is closely related to social problems
arising from the growing use of the same: reducing emission levels of toxic substances and so-called
"greenhouse gases", and reduced levels noise.
International discussions about the causes and implications for humanity in the so-called
"greenhouse effect" caused by rising emissions of gases such as CO2, methane, nitrous oxide and
chloro-flurocarbonatos reflect the need for an approach comprehensive in addressing
environmental and development problems, and the need for concerted action by the international
community to mitigate the effects of global warming.

The most important forms of motor action on the environment are:

Depletion of non-renewable raw materials consumed during operation of the MCI.

Oxygen consumption containing atmospheric air.
Emission and air pollution with toxic gases that harm the man, flora and fauna.
Emission of substances that cause the so-called greenhouse effect contributing to raising
the temperature of our planet.
Water consumption.
Issuance of high noise levels in the atmosphere decreases the performance of workers and
causes discomfort in general.

Types of gases produced in combustion and

their consequences
The gases emitted by an internal combustion engine fuel are mainly of two types: inoffensive and
contaminants. The former consist mainly of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapor and
hydrogen. The second or contaminants are formed mainly by the carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons,
nitrogen oxides and lead.

Nitrogen is an inert gas that is present in the air we breathe in a concentration of 79%. Due to the
high temperatures existing in the engine,
Nitrogen is oxidized to form small amounts of nitrogen oxides, albeit an inert gas at room

Oxygen is one of the indispensable elements for combustion and is present in the air at a
concentration of 21%. If the mixture is too rich or too lean, the oxygen cannot oxidize all links
Hydrocarbons and ejected with the other exhaust gases.
Water vapor occurs as a result of combustion, by oxidation of hydrogen, and is released with the
exhaust gases.
Carbon dioxide produced by the complete combustion of the carbon is not harmful to living things
and is a source of food for green plants, through photosynthesis. It occurs as a natural consequence
of the combustion, that is to say, the higher the concentration, the better the combustion.
However, a disproportionate increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere can
produce large-scale climatic variations (the greenhouse effect).

Carbon monoxide in high concentrations and long exposure can cause blood irreversible
transformation of hemoglobin, the molecule responsible for transporting oxygen from the lungs to
the body's cells in carboxyhemoglobin, unable to fulfill that role. Therefore, higher concentrations
of CO 0.3% volume are fatal.
The lack of oxygen in the combustion causes it to not fully occur and to form carbon monoxide
rather than carbon dioxide. In a vehicle, the appearance of higher concentrations of CO in the
exhaust indicates the existence of a rich starting mixture or lack of oxygen.

Hydrocarbons, depending on their molecular structure, have different effects. Benzene, for
example, is poisonous in itself, and exposure to this gas causes irritation of eyes, skin and
respiratory passages; if the level is too high, it will cause depression, dizziness, headaches and
nausea. Benzene is one of multiple cancer-causing. Its presence is due to incombustible
components of the mixture or the intermediate reactions of the combustion process, which are also
responsible for the production of aldehydes and phenols. The simultaneous presence of
hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, ultraviolet rays and atmospheric stratification leads to the
formation of photochemical smog, very serious health consequences of living beings.

Nitrogen oxides not only irritate the mucosa but in combination with the hydrocarbons contained
in the smog and humidity produced Nitrous Acid, which then fall on the earth as acid rain and
pollute large areas, sometimes located at hundreds of kilometers from the source of pollution.

Lead is the most dangerous metal content in fuel additives. Inhaled can cause formation of blood
clots in the blood, very serious pathological consequences. It is present in gasoline as Tetra-ethyl
lead and is used in production to raise its octane and also in older engines as a lubricant for the
valve seats. In Unleaded gasoline it has replaced the metal with less polluting components also
provide a high octane.

Power generation internal combustion

A generator is a machine that moves a generator of electricity through an internal combustion
engine. It is commonly used when there is a deficit in generating energy from somewhere, or when
cutting off power and is necessary to maintain the activity. One of its more common utilities is in
those places where there is no supply through the grid, are generally agricultural areas with little
infrastructure or isolated dwellings. Another case in public places, hospitals, factories, etc., which,
in the absence of electricity network, need another alternative energy source for emergency
supplies. A generator consists of the following parts:

Internal combustion engine. The motor driving the generator is usually designed specifically
to run this task. Its power depends on the characteristics of the generator. They can be
gasoline or diesel.
Cooling system. The engine cooling system is problematic, because it is a rotating motor,
and can be cooled by water, oil or air.
Alternator. The output power is produced by an alternator shielded, splash-proof, selfexcited, self-regulating brushless motor coupled accurately. The size of the alternator and its
performance is highly variable depending on the amount of energy that must be generated.
Fuel tank and bench. The engine and generator are coupled and mounted on a steel frame.
The bench includes a fuel tank with a capacity of full load operation according to technical
specifications that has the group in its autonomy.
Control system. You can install one of the different types of panels and control systems that
exist to control the operation, exit the group and protection against possible malfunctions.
Output circuit breaker. To protect the alternator, take installed an automatic switch
suitable for the model output and output rate generator. There are other devices that help
control and maintain, automatically, the correct functioning.
Engine control. The motor controller is a mechanical device designed to maintain a constant
engine speed relative to the load requirements. The motor speed is directly related to the
output frequency of the alternator, so that any variation in engine speed will affect the

frequency of the output power.

500 kVA generator installed at a resort in Egypt.


The thermal cycles operating within an internal combustion engine can be Otto cycle or
diesel cycle, elementary difference in each of these cycles is based on, the type of fuel used
and the efficiency with which produce power, since an Otto cycle based its efficiency in the
variation of temperature at constant volume and constant pressure for the diesel both
cycles depend on key States which are, intake, compression, explosion and exhaust.

The ignition system is one of the most complex engine systems, since you need to all the
elements that in the interact are in total sync, since when the piston is located in the State
of compression, it mixture of air and fuel, initiate a reaction which created a small
controlled explosion, to generate a couple using a spark plug the spark plug is activated
through the application of a coil which, in turn, is activated when closes the circuit by a
switch which sends the necessary voltage to make active the coil to the spark plug.

Cooling on a motor is of sum importance because the lack of it would lead to the fusion
of the internals of the engine, due to the combustion produced between the fuel and air in a
compressed State, since in the combustion chamber temperatures arrive to reach up to
2000 orC, in the heat, temperatures to make an engine work with optimum performance are
between 80-100 orc , working below this range, the engine would consume more oil and the
serious mayor, beyond this range wear parts the internal elements due to their heat
tolerance they merge, the cooling types are, by water, by Thermo siphon circulation and
forced circulation.

The pollution produced by an internal combustion engine, can be auditory, that is which
arises due to excessive noise that can result when a motor to start or be on, but the greatest
contribution of pollution greenhouse it is performed by the gas produced during the State of
escape, the gases produced in combustion can be of two types : harmless and
contaminants, the harmless are formed primarily by nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water
vapor and hydrogen, and pollutants, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides and

The generation of energy from alternative sources such as an engine, are indispensable in
areas where a drop in electric power network would involve aid losses both monetary and
material, we can say that a generator is a machine that moves a generator of electric power,
through an internal combustion engine, the generator is located at the exit of the engine to
capture energy from the rotation , and provide it to the alternator, which is responsible for
transmitting energy from the point of supply to computers that use it, the motor starter
circuit is powered by a switch which is commissioned to protect the operator from possible
electrostatic discharges which occur, commonly internal combustion engine generator
found in buildings.


To avoid the noise excision produced by engines, it is advisable to buy a whole new system
of exhaust gases.

Otto engines are more efficient than the diesel, diesels are designed to withstand large
It is advisable to check the fuel air mixture to get oxygen in the right proportions avoiding
rich mixtures.

Service to the coils and the engine ignition system is important because as we all know the
coils are responsible for feeding to the spark plugs.

For the generation of electric power by means of an internal combustion engine, it is

important to take into account the risks that are due to the concentration of different types
of loads that may be fatal.

The observation on the cooling system is critical, since system allows an engine its correct
performance without a possibility of malformations due to excessive heat.

Combustion: Chemical reaction that occurs between oxygen and an oxidizable material which is
accompanied by release of energy and usually manifests filament or flame.
Mechanical Energy: The sum of the potential energy (energy stored in a system), kinetic (energy
that arises in the same movement) and the elastic of a body in motion.
Carburetor: A device that is responsible for preparing the air-fuel mixture in gasoline engines.
Injector: Element component fuel injection system whose function is to introduce a certain amount
of fuel in the combustion chamber as a spray, distributing as evenly as possible within the air
contained in the chamber.
Piston: Core element of the internal combustion engine.
Biela: Mechanical element that subjected to tensile or compression, articulating transmits to other
parts of the machine movement. In an internal combustion engine piston connected to the
Crankshaft: Cranked shaft, with elbows and balances present in certain machines, applying the
principle of crank mechanism - crank, transforms the reciprocating rectilinear uniform circular
motion and vice versa.
Heat Energy: Demonstration of energy as heat.
Thermodynamic cycle: thermodynamic process such that, over all, the system returns to its initial
state; the variation of thermodynamic quantities own system is zero.
Valve: mechanism that regulates the flow of communication between two parts of a machine or
Adiabatic Process: One in which the thermodynamic system (usually a fluid performs work) does
not exchange heat with its surroundings.
Spark: element that produces the ignition of the fuel-air mixture in the cylinder by a spark in an
internal combustion engine spark ignition (MEP), both Otto cycle as alternative Wankel.
Isochoric process: Called isometric or is a volumetric process is a thermodynamic process in which
the volume remains constant.
Isobar: Isogram pressure, is a curve of equal or constant pressure on a chart, or map layout view
used to accurately weather maps.
Electrode: Electrical conductor used to make contact with a metal part of a circuit, for example a
semiconductor, an electrolyte, a vacuum (in a thermionic valve), a gas (in a neon lamp), etc.

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