Spiritual Exercise Echankar.
Spiritual Exercise Echankar.
Spiritual Exercise Echankar.
toy. The mind is nothing more than a small child which sometimes
becomes unruly
and wants attention. Handle the mind as you would a small child.
This stage is called the first resting place. If you are
successful to this point, you will have attained freedom from the mental
tyranny of thoughts and be ready for greater spiritual tasks.
about it. Eventually, if you ask a good question, the answer is going to
suggest itself. At some point, it's going to become very clear what to do.
When he tried this technique, he saw himself walking with his son to the
front of the long line to see the doctor. He even imagined going through
the doors into the room where the doctor treated his patients.
Not long after the man began the exercise, a new doctor came into the
waiting room from outside. He saw the ECKist's son lying on the sofa.
The boy had just begun to sweat heavily.
Walking over to the boy, the doctor asked, "Whose son is this?" "He's
my son," said the ECKist. "I'll see him right away," said the doctor. "He
may be very sick."
When you do this technique with purity in your heart and release the
outcome of the situation to the ECK, you can bring about great changes
in your life.
Like attracts like and light attracts light, so just keep walking and
looking for another light. Somewhere on the path you will notice an
individual coming toward you, totally illuminated with a silvery white
As he moves nearer, you will see that it is the Light Giver, the Mahanta.
It's the same way with the spiritual exercises. The purpose of the
Spiritual Exercises of ECK is simply to open a conduit or a channel
between yourself and the Holy Spirit, which we know as the Audible
Life Streamthe wave that comes from the heart of God. From the
moment you begin singing HU and looking for truth in this particular
way, whether you are conscious of it or not, changes are being made in
Ask the Mahanta, "What is thy will?" Then chant HU and put your full
attention on the problem, for the Master will show how you can grow
spiritually by meeting the problem.
When you go to sleep at night, tell yourself, in a very relaxed way, "I'm
not going to worry or think about the spiritual exercise. If the Inner
Master wants me to have a certain experience, great; but I'm not going to
be trying. I'm just going to get some rest."
Then look into the inner vision, and chant yourself to sleep. This will
relax some of the tension or fear you might be feeling about Soul
For some of you a certain exercise will work. Others of you will find
other ways to do your spiritual exercises. Experiment.
As you do the spiritual exercises, set up enjoyable things to do on the
inner planes. If one technique doesn't work for you, then modify it, adapt
it, experiment. Do whatever you can and enjoy yourself.
Spiritual Exercise of the WeekAround the Room
This spiritual exercise uses the imaginative body.
Take a seat in a chair. Make yourself comfortable. Then say, "I shall go
for a short walk in the Soul body." Close your eyes, and look into the
Spiritual Eye in a soft, sweet, gentle way. Sing HU for a minute or two,
and then imagine yourself getting up.
If I were doing this contemplation, I would say, "I will get out of the
chair in the Soul body and walk in front of the table. I will become very
interested in the things around me, such as the color of the tablecloth, the
flowers, and the vase.
"While the physical body is still in contemplation with its eyes shut, I
will walk in the imaginative body to look at the curtains. I will touch the
curtains and notice how nice this beautiful yellow cloth feels."
Become curious, and decide to see what's beneath the curtain. Observe
the floor beneath the curtain, and pay very close attention to every little
Now go over to the door, and turn the knob. Notice what the doorknob
looks like. Before you open the door, say, "On the other side I'm going to
see the Inner Master." Then open the door. Sure enough, he's there, and
he says, "Are you ready to go yet? Let's take a walk outside."
You and Wah Z take a walk and look at the sights along the way. Strike
up a conversation with Wah Z. Don't bring up heavy spiritual subjects
yet; just talk about something ordinary.
Whenever you're ready to return, say, "Wah Z, why don't we go back to
my room now? I'd like to see myself sitting in the chair." Walk back to
your room. Throughout this experience, try to remember to sing HU or
your secret word every so often.
Open your door, walk into the room, look over at your body, and say,
"I'll see you later, Wah Z. I'd better sit down in the chair and get myself
together again."
Then end the spiritual exercise by returning to your chair and opening
your eyes.
As you practice this, Soul is becoming used to going beyond the
physical body. At first it's only imagination, but the practice of this
spiritual exercise will strengthen the experience. One day you will find
yourself in a higher state of consciousness exactly as you had seen
yourself in your imagination.
For example, when one is trying to ride a bicycle and avoid hitting any
rocks on the road, he is so conscious of hitting the rocks he'll probably
do so. Or if a person tries to walk across a small plank from one building
to another at the tenth floor, his mind would be on falling, not on
This law is concerned with imagining and feeling. The negative thoughts
are apt to be more effective than the positive, because the negative
usually has more feeling with it.
Take your goal into contemplation and focus on relaxing, letting go the
negative feelings associated with not achieving this goal. Set up a
positive image about the goal, then put feeling with it. It's that simple.
Spiritual Exercise of the WeekSetting Goals
First choose something you want in your life or pick a problem that
needs to be dealt with. Then set clear goals.
Second, ask yourself the following questions. Your goals must pass four
tests: (1) Are they specific? (2) Are they realistic? (3) Can the results be
verified? and (4) Do they give a date for completion?
Next, of course, you must begin working toward your goals in your daily
life. As you do this, you can also use visualization or daydreaming to
help you. First picture the goal clearlywhat you want to do or be in
your life. Then fill the picture with unbounded love, because love is the
true creative force that removes all limitations.
Practically all famous or successful people in the world have done this.
The ECK Masters have set the goal of God-Realization and becoming a
Co-worker with God for the chela of ECK. Holding this picture with
love can pull you through rough times.
When I was a chela in ECK, the Master once showed me how to make
less daily karma. He stressed the importance of words in everyday
speech. Comparative words such as almost, nearly, and pretty near used
too often make us seem indecisive to the people we live and work with.
I began to substitute more direct speech.
He also told me that the overuse of demanding words such as should,
ought, and must belong in the vocabulary of a person who desires
control over others. People sense that and shy away from him. That
aversion is karma.
Thereafter I began the process of learning how to recast most sentences
along simpler, more direct lines. You can do this too, as a spiritual
exercise to avoid making more karma.
But such modifications as better word selection are really cosmetic
changes. Daily karma is resolved best through this one simple change:
Say and do everything in the name of the Sugmad, the ECK, or the
Mahanta. Then your life will begin to turn around for good.
And remember, you can get through the biggest things if you go moment
by moment.
you have a few more minutes to wrap it up. Then the door will open, and
someone will say, "It's been nice you could be here," and escort you out.
Another person is then led into the room.
By practicing this exercise, you can arrange this private time to meet
with the Mahanta on the inner planes.
ECK seminar when a distant storm front causes the air traffic controllers
to reroute traffic. The following technique can neutralize the Kal, or
negative, force in many situations.
This is a visualization technique. Sit back in your seat and shut your
eyes. Inwardly sing HU, the ancient name for God. Then, in your
Spiritual Eye, see yourself at two locations: (a) in the stranded airplane
and (b) safely at the airport of your destination.
Next, mock up an image of a long-handled broom. While continuing to
chant HU, sweep a clean path in your imagination between points A and
Then act "as if" you were lord of your own universe. Through the inner
channels, have the air traffic controller clear the flight for takeoff.
Be careful with this exercise because there is a fine line between the
spiritual and psychic arts. The difference is this: Never manipulate
anyone to fit your projects by invisible energy. If, however, you have
entered into an agreement with an organization (such as an airline) and
something there sidetracks the carrying out of your arrangement,
consider it an intrusion into your psychic space by the Kal power.
Say, for instance, your travel agent gets you a ticket for a flight to
another city. Your ticket is paid for, the flight is scheduled, and you are
seated on the plane. In the meantime, the negative power generates a
storm to stall your plane's departure. This is a valid case in which to try
this spiritual exercise.
When not to use it: On the spur of the moment you plan to fly
somewhere on vacation. At the airline counter an agent informs you the
flight is sold out. Do not try to conjure up the secret forces to induce the
ticket agent to find you a seat.
You are carrying out some act of service to the ECK out of love. You act
out of love for that Sound and Light of God which has filled you.
To attend an Eckankar seminar inwardly, do this: Before sleep go into
contemplation and visualize whatever you can about the seminar, using
the description you've read in the preregistration brochure. Put yourself
on the inner planes and say, "I am seeing myself with my friends at the
ECK seminar. I'm seeing myself in the audience listening to the
If you wish to consciously serve in this way, give yourself a silent
command before sleep. Then let the matter rest in the hands of Divine
You are the one who must set the tone of love and let it fill your heart.
Your whole being has to be filled with love, not from the head, but from
the heart. And then, as you make your preparations to go inwardly, you
say to the Inner Master: "Mahanta, please take me to the place that is
right and fitting for me at this time. I put myself in thy hands."
Spiritual Exercise of the WeekListening
When you get out of the habit of listening, the voice of the Inner Master
becomes weaker and weaker. Not because he is speaking in a quieter
voice, but because you have turned down the volume control on the
inner instrument of Soul.
There is a stream of consciousness from the mind that constantly goes
through you. Chanting your word or HU keeps the stream pure. People
who stop chanting or stop the spiritual exercises can all of a sudden fall
into depression and negativity. They don't know why.
It happens because that stream of consciousness, the play of the mind,
has become polluted.
The singing of this sacred prayer song or name of God purifies the
thoughts which lead to your actions. It makes for a happier, more
harmonious life.
You'll find by listening more and practicing the spiritual exercises every
day that upliftment comes gradually as you are ready for it.
If your heart is pure, the Lord will bring truth into your life. But don't
expect it to come in a way that fits your expectations; it may come in a
different way. It may come through the gift of a book or by way of a
person telling you one small step that you need to take before you can go
to the next step.
And so you can pray to God. Just say, "I want truth," or "Dear Lord, give
me knowledge, wisdom, and understanding." But the greatest thing you
could ask is: "Dear Lord, give me love."
Knowledge, wisdom, and understanding are only the attributes of God.
But when you have love, you have the whole thing. We seek first the
highest, most divine, most sacred part of something which is nothing
other than our own inner being. And with this come the attributes of God
and the spiritual liberation, which is something no baptism can ever
When you ask for truth with a pure heart, Divine Spirit will take you one
step closer to coming home to God.
If you wake up in the middle of the night, you can spiritualize your
consciousness by briefly putting your attention on the Mahanta, even for
a second or two.
Know that you do this because you love God. You love the divine part
within yourself. In this gentle, unpushy way, you become the lover of all
love. A loved one can open our heart and dispel any fear. Love is
necessary if one is to enter the awakened dream state.
Finally, keep a diary of whatever comes to mind in contemplation or
during your dream state. A mutual confidence will develop between your
inner and outer selves, and the two techniques above will help
accomplish that.
trap of the negative power, Kal Niranjan, and you will become a
fool if you let yourself be enslaved by Kal.
4. Discrimination. Learn to discriminate between all things, that
there is no good nor evil, no beauty nor ugliness, and no sin. These
are all concepts of the mind, the dual forces in the matter worlds.
Once you recognize and understand this, you will then be free of
Kal traps. You will be ready to
The orange light is mostly for the physical body. Go into contemplation
in your usual way, whether you sit up or lie down. Using the imaginative
power, which is the God force or the seeing power of Soul, shut your
eyes and visualize the Audible Life Stream. This is the pure white Light
of God, a composite of all the colors.
Now visualize a ray coming off of It. It's very much like using a prism to
see the spectrum of colors.
The ray you see is orange, which applies to physical health. With your
eyes closed, visualize this orange stream coming through you. Just let it
flow to the area in your body that is diseased, afflicted, or injured. You
can do this for twenty minutes.
This is a healing technique. But you do it only for yourself; don't go out
and blast orange light at other people.
The blue light is another way of healing, but it is for the inner bodies
the Astral, Causal, Mental, and Etheric. These are the bodies of the
psychic worlds below the Soul Plane.
Here again, you use a technique similar to that of the orange light. And
I'll repeat this: Do it only for yourself, never for another person.
Close your eyes, and visualize the blue light coming into the heart
center. This light is known as the Blue Light of the Mahanta. The
side of the court the other guys are busy doing the same thing. What
kind of prayer is that?
When you ask God for help, you can say, "I am aware of the situation
and the problem, and I want your help in whatever way you see fit." This
is the attitude of the ECKist. You look to see what you, yourself, can do
to make the thing work; how you can overcome your own problem.
When you practice this, you are learning, unfolding, getting experience
to become a mature Soulsomeone fit to be a Co-worker with God.
Then just before you go to sleep, say to the Mahanta, "Please take me to
the place where I can learn whatever is important for my spiritual
unfoldment. Take me to a Temple of Golden Wisdom."
Or say, "Let me see what it's like to Soul Travel; you have my
If you can establish the Golden Heart, which is actually the viewpoint of
Soul, you'll find it easier to have inner experiences and let go of the fear.
If you have fear in Soul Travel, you have fear in other things, and it's
holding you back in your life.
your heart with love before you approach the altar of God, because only
the pure may come.
Be patient. Do this exercise for several weeks, for a limit of twenty
minutes each time. Sit, sing, and wait. God speaks to you only when you
are able to listen.
In your inner vision, put the image of the Living ECK Master in front of
you like a screen. Imagine that all thoughts, words, actions, and feelings
flowing from you must pass through this screen. Likewise, all things
coming toward you must pass through the image of the Master.
A chela who tried this exercise wrote, "I was given a job to do at work.
Within two hours I felt shaky and got upset. Then I remembered you had
said to hold your image in mind and let you do for me. Within thirty
minutes I had completed the job and put the papers on my employer's
desk. He congratulated me for my efficiency and industry."
The image of the Living ECK Master acts as the matrix for the Holy
Spirit to come flowing through, lifting you into the higher planes, and
giving you greater love.
What has happened? As the body rests, you awaken in the Atma Sarup,
the Soul body. You find yourself in eternity, overcoming death. This is
the freedom which is spoken about so often in Eckankar.
Consciousness; his cloth is different from one who is striving for the
highest spiritual states.
People of the Golden Heart care about things. They are filled with love,
they finish what they start, and they like to see it done well.
Harold Klemp writes: A person who learns to dream well can usually
take everyday life in stride, because dreams give him or her a perception
that others cannot help but notice. An understanding of dreams can
steady us for the surprises of the day, and so aid us in learning to manage
stress with more foresight and grace.
This booklet holds a treasure of spiritual keys and tools to unlock the
wisdom of our dreamsto help us solve problems in our daily life and
move us closer to G
Keep a journal of your dreams, and begin to note any parallels between
At first, you may feel that you have only met Rebazar in your
imagination, but in time and with practice, you will find that he is every
bit a flesh-and-blood individual, even as you are.