16th World Sanskrit Conference
16th World Sanskrit Conference
16th World Sanskrit Conference
At its 14th World Sanskrit Conference held in Kyoto (Japan) in 2009, the International Association of
Sanskrit Studies (IASS) gave its first approval of hosting the 16th World Sanskrit Conference in Bangkok
(Thailand) under the auspices of the Sanskrit Studies Centre, Silpakorn University. It was at the 15th
World Sanskrit Conference in New Delhi that the final announcement was made of hosting this mega
academic event on Sanskrit and Sanskrit related subjects in 2015.
The 16th World Sanskrit Conference has 23 theme-based sections (to be run through parallel sessions)
with specialist conveners for each section. The conveners are responsible for their respective sections
including the academic standard of each paper and giving initial approval of the papers to be presented.
Therefore, each section has joint conveners who would assist them in the smooth running of the
particular section. All these conveners are also the Editors of the papers submitted to facilitate the
publication of the volumes at the earliest.
The Secretariat would then pass on the abstracts to the concerned conveners of the section. The time
allowed for each paper is limited to 20 minutes. Scholars wishing to present a paper should prepare an
abstract (not exceeding 300 words). Presentations can be made either in Sanskrit or English.
The submission of the abstract should be done online on a Prescribed Registration Form made
available on the website of the Sanskrit Studies Centre, Bangkok (http://www.sanskritsilpakorn.org/registration-form-wsc.php). The complete details of the Conference can be also accessed
through the IASS website (www.sanskritassociation.org).
Papers are invited for the following sections:
Sections and Conveners
1 Veda and Vedic Literature
2 Rmyaa and Mahbhrata
3 Pura Studies
4 gama and Tantra
5 Linguistics
6 Vykaraa
7 Poetry, Drama and Aesthetics
8 Buddhist Studies
9 Jaina Studies
10 Vaiavism and aivism
11 History of Religions & Ritual Studies
12 Sanskrit in Southeast Asia
13 Philosophy
14 History, Art and Architecture
15 Epigraphy
The Sanskrit Kavi Samavya will be the highlight of this World Sanskrit Conference and we also
encourage non-Indian Sanskrit Kavis to join the Gohi. A session of stracarc is also planned.
To give a wider academic platform to Sanskrit Studies, the following independent panels have been
1. Vrtya Culture in Vedic Sources (Tiziana Pontillo & Moreno Dore)
2. Sanskrit and Distance Education (Ramakant Pandey)
3. The Carakasahit a s a Mirror of South Asian Cultural History (Karin Preisendanz & Philipp Maas)
4. One God, one stra: philosophical developments towards and within Viidvaita Vednta
between Nthamuni and Vekaantha (Elisa Freschi & Marcus Schmcker)
5. The transmission of Sanskrit texts: Practices, methods, and dynamics in pre-modern and modern
South Asia (Cristina Pecchia)
Date is Over!
January 30, 2015
February 02, 2015
May 31, 2015
April 06, 2015
June 02, 2015
Overseas Participants
US$ 150
US$ 200
US$ 200
US$ 250
US$ 150
US$ 200
US$ 200
US$ 250
US$ 250
US$ 300
US$ 200
US$ 250
The registration fees cover inaugural gala dinner, lunches, coffee/tea breaks, kit bags, entry to the
National Museum and a cultural evening at the conference venue. It does NOT include other dinners,
accommodation, cost of ANY pre and post-Conference tours.
Honorary Members: Emeritus Prof. Prasert Na Nagara, Emeritus Prof. Kusuma Raksamani, Emeritus
Professor Chamlong Sarapadnuke and Associate Professor Choosak Tipkesorn
International Members: Professors V. Kutumba Sastry (President of the IASS), Ram Karan Sharma (Former
President of the IASS), John Brockington (Vice President of the IASS), Bruno Dagens (Vice President of the
IASS), Dr Jayandra Soni (Secretary General of the IASS), Professors Satyavrat Shastri (India), Radha Vallabh
Tripathi (India), Ashok N. Aklujkar (Canada), T. S. Rukmani (Canada)
Secretary General:
Organising Secretary:
Postal address:
The Secretary General, 16th World Sanskrit Conference,
Sanskrit Studies Centre, Silpakorn University,
No.8, Suphab Burut Road, Khet Taweewattana, Bangkok-10170
E-mail: worldsanskrit@hotmail.com
Modified on: 30 March 2015