Manual de Usuario
Manual de Usuario
Manual de Usuario
Model AT5010D
Users Guide
Safety Summary
The following safety precautions apply to both operating and maintenance personnel and must be observed during all phases
of operation, service, and repair of this instrument. Before applying power, follow the installation instructions and become
familiar with the operating instructions for this instrument.
Failure to comply with these precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in this manual violates safety standards of design,
manufacture, and intended use of the instrument. Atten Instruments assumes no liability for a customers failure to comply with
these requirements. This is a Safety Class I instrument.
The most sensitive component of the AT5010D is the input section of the Spectrum Analyzer. It consists of the signal
attenuator and the first mixer. Without input attenuation, the voltage at the input must not exceed +10 dB (0.7 Vrms) AC or +25
volt DC. With a maximum input attenuation of 40dB the AC voltage must not exceed +20dBm(2.2Vrms). These limits must not
be exceeded otherwise the input attenuator and/or the fist mixer would be destroyed. When measuring via a LISN (line
impedance stabilization network) the input of the Spectrum Analyzer must be protected by means of a transient limiter.
connection, all accessible conductive parts (including control knobs) can render an electric shock.
Disconnect the power cord before removing the instrument covers and
Under certain conditions, even with the power cable removed, dangerous voltages may exist.
avoid injuries, always disconnect power and discharge circuits before touching them.
Product Introduction
AT5010D is the perfect instrument for analyzing any kind of signal within the frequency range of 0.15 to 1050
MHz, and is best suited for meeting the RF measurement needs of education and industry. Also a great tool
for professionals in the cable TV industry as well as in the telecommunication. It is a value packed service tool
for signals up to 1.05GHz. Both models are suitable for pre-compliance testing during development prior to
third party testing.
An optional near-field sniffer probe set can be used to locate cable and PC board emission hot spots and
evaluate EMC problems at the breadboard and prototype level. The spectrum analyzer/ sniffer probe
combination is an excellent solution for RF leakage/ radiation investigation, CATV/MATV system
troubleshooting, cellular telephone/pocket pager test and EMI diagnostics.
The spectrum analyzer permits the detection of spectrum components of electrical signals in the frequency
range of 0.15 to 1050MHz. The detected signal and its content have to be repetitive. In contrast to an
oscilloscope operated in Yt mode, where the amplitude is displayed on the time domain, the spectrum
analyzer displays amplitude on the frequency domain (Yf). The individual spectrum components of "a signal"
become visible on a spectrum analyzer. The oscilloscope would display the same signal as one resulting
The spectrum analyzer works according to the triple superhot receiver principle. The signal to be measured
(fin = 0.15MHz to 1050MHz) is applied in to the 1st mixer it is mixed with the signal of a variable voltage
controlled oscillator (fL0= 1350MHz~ 2350MHz).This oscillator is called the 1st LO (local oscillator). The
difference between the oscillator and the input frequency (fL0 - fin = 1st IF) is the first L0 in intermediate
frequency, which passes through a waveband filter tuned to a center frequency of 1350MHz. It then enters an
amplifier, and this is followed by two additional mixing stages, oscillators and amplifiers. The second IF is
35MHz and the third is 2.875MHz. in the third IF stage, the signal can be selectively transferred through a
filter with 400KHz or 20KHz bandwidth before arriving at an AM demodulator.
AT5010D spectrum analyzer can carry out good inspection to the faults of cable system and wireless
system including remote control, cordless phone, cable TV and communication equipment, as well as
good comparison and analysis to frequency of signals.
AT5010D spectrum analyzers can test mobile phone, RF circuits, for example, control signal of logic
circuit, baseband signal; local oscillator signal of RF circuit, IF signal and transmission signal, It is very
quick and accurate to use AT5000 series spectrum analyzers to overhaul the fault of mobile phone which
cannot enter the network, and determine the fault point.
Spectrum analyzers can display the information of un-processed original signals, such as the voltage,
power, period, waveform, sideband, and frequency.
The commonplace measurement modes of spectrum analyzers include: harmonic distortion, dual-tone
crosstalk distortion, and clutter investigation etc.
Electromagnetic Compatible (EMC) Testing: measure the function of harmful electromagnetic wave to be
transmitted by various electronic equipments. In addition, it can output AM/FM demodulation signal from
socket PHONE, identify the broadcast signal affected by noise. From authorization aspect, it is very
effective measurement function for the evaluation and research in advance to carry out the measurement
of radioactive noise.
Widely used for production, development, education and scientific research. True form of signal (such as
RF pulse signal) can be observed from ATTEN spectrum analyzer clearly, where figures are expanded by
Fourier series, good for apprehend in education and research.
Frequency Characteristics
0.15 ~ 1050MHz
Display Resolution
Display accuracy
Frequency generation
Sweep time
Amplitude Characteristics
Display calibration
10dB/div. ,logarithmic
Display range
-90dBm ~
0.5dB step
50MHz,-40dBm, zero
span,RBW 400kHz)
input attenuator
Reference level
> 70dBc
> 50dBc
Resolution bandwidth(RBW)
Switching Error
BNC female
typ. 1.5:1
BNC female
RF input
DC +60.5V
3.5mm,phone connector
General Characteristics
Warming-up Time
Working temperature
0C ~ 40C
Storage temperature
-20C ~ 70C
Consumption power
< 15W
approx. 4kg
Panel description
Front Panel
Overview of Keys
The power button will turn red after the instrument is plugged in.
Press the button for 1-2 seconds to switch ON, and the button
will turn blue. Press the button for 3-5 seconds to switch OFF,
and the button will turn back to red. If the button flickers, it
means the input voltage is not within acceptable range, and the
instrument cannot be opened. In this case, please check the
power supply.
Function Buttons
Number Buttons
RBW knob
SPAN knob
CF STEP knob
USB interface
Rear Panel
Probe Power
DC Input
USB interface.
LAN interface
RS232 interfac
The swept-tuned analyzers of the TRF (tuned radio frequency) or superheterodyne type. A TRF
analyzer consists of a bandpass filter whose center frequency is tunable over a desired frequency
range, a detector to produce vertical deflection on a CRT, and a horizontal scan generator used to
synchronize the tuned frequency to the CRT horizontal deflection. It is a simple, inexpensive analyzer
with wide frequency coverage, but lacks resolution and sensitivity. Because trf analyzers have a
swept filter they are limited in sweep width depending on the frequency range (usually one decade or
less). The resolution is determined by the filter bandwidth, and since tunable filters don't usually have
constant bandwidth, is dependent on frequency.
The most common type of spectrum analyzer differs from the TRF spectrum analyzers in that the
spectrum is swept through a fixed bandpass filter instead of sweeping the filter through the spectrum.
The analyzer is swept through a narrowband receiver which is electronically tuned in frequency by
applying a saw-tooth voltage to the frequency control element of a voltage tuned local oscillator.
This same saw-tooth voltage is simultaneously applied to the horizontal deflection plates of the CRT.
The output from the receiver is synchronously applied to the vertical deflection plates of the CRT and
a plot of amplitude versus frequency is displayed. In the digital spectrum analyzer the data from these
deflation plates are displayed over the TFTor LCD screen
The analyzer is tuned through its frequency range by varying the voltage on the LO (local oscillator).
The LO frequency is mixed with the input signal to produce an IF (intermediate frequency) which can
be detected and displayed. When the frequency difference between the input signal and the LO
frequency is equal to the IF frequency, then there is a response on the analyzer. The advantages of
the superheterodyne technique are considerable.
It obtains high sensitivity through the use of IF amplifiers, and many decades in frequency can be
Also, the resolution can be varied by changing the bandwidth of the IF filters. However, the super
heterodyne analyzer is not real-time and sweep rates must be consistent with the IF filter time
constant. A peak at the left edge of the CRT is sometimes called the "zero frequency indicator" or
"local oscillator feedthrough". It occurs when the analyzer is tuned to zero frequency, and the local
oscillator passes directly through IF creating a peak on the Display even when no input signal is
present. (For zero frequency tuning, FLO=FIF). This effectively limits the lower tuning limit.
High sensitivity
Frequency Measurements
The frequency scale can be scanned in three different modes full, per division, and zero scan. The full
scan mode is used to locate signals because the widest frequency ranges are displayed in this mode.
(Not all spectrum analyzers offer this mode). The per-division mode is used to zoom-in on a particular
signal. In per division, the center frequency of the display is set by the Tuning control and the scale
factor is set by the Frequency Span or Scan Width control. In the zero scan mode, the analyzer acts
as a fixed-tuned receiver with selectable bandwidths.
Absolute frequency measurements are usually made from the spectrum analyzer tuning dial. Relative
frequency measurements require a linear frequency scan. By measuring the relative separation of
two signals on the display, the display, the frequency difference can be determined.
It is important that the spectrum analyzer be more stable than the signals being measured. The
stability of the analyzer depends on the frequency stability of its local oscillators. Stability is usually
characterized as either short term or long term.
Residual FM is a measure of the short term stability which is usually specified in Hz peak-to-peak.
Short term stability is also characterized by noise sidebands which are a measure of the analyzers
spectral purity. Noise sidebands are specified in terms of dB down and Hz away from a carrier in a
specific bandwidth. Long term stability is characterized by the frequency drift of the analyzers Los.
Frequency drift is a measure of how much the frequency changes during a specified time. (i.e.,Hz/hr)
Before the frequency of a signal can be measured on a spectrum analyzer it must first be re-solved.
Resolving a signal means distinguishing it from its nearest neighbors. The resolution of a spectrum
analyzer is determined by its IF bandwidth. The IF bandwidth is usually the 3dB bandwidth of the IF
filter. The ratio of the 60dB bandwidth (in Hz) to the 3dB bandwidth (in Hz) is known as the shape
factor of the filter. The smaller the shape factor, the greater is the analyzers capability to resolve
closely spaced signals of unequal amplitude. If the shape factor of a filter is 15, then two signals
whose amplitudes differ by 60dB must differ in frequency by 7.5 time the IF bandwidth before they
can be distinguished separately. Otherwise, they will appear as one signal on the spectrum analyzer
The ability of a spectrum analyzer to resolve closely spaced signals of unequal amplitude is not a
function of the IF filter shape factor only. Noise sidebands can also reduce the resolution. They
appear above the skirt of the IF filter and reduce the offband rejection of the filter. This limits the
resolution when measuring signals of unequal amplitude.
The resolution of the spectrum analyzer is limited by its narrowest IF bandwidth. For example, if the
narrowest bandwidth is 10KHz then the nearest any two signals can be and still be resolved is
This is because the analyzer traces out its own IF band-pass shape as it sweeps through a CW
Since the resolution of the analyzer is limited by bandwidth, it seems that by reducing the IF
bandwidth infinitely, infinite resolution will be achieved. The fallacy here is that the usable IF
bandwidth is limited by the stability (residual Fm) of the analyzer. If the internal frequency deviation of
the analyzer is 10 KHz, then the narrowest bandwidth that can be used to distinguish a single input
signal is 10 KHz. Any narrower IF-filter will result in more than one response or an intermittent
response for a single input frequency. A practical limitation exists on the IF bandwidth as well, since
narrow filters have ling time constants and would require excessive scan time.
Sensitivity is a measure of the analyzer's ability to detect small signals. The maximum sensitivity of an
analyzer is limited by its internally generated noise.
The noise is basically of two types: thermal (or Johnson) and nonthermal noise. Thermal noise power
can be expressed as:
Pn =K . T . B
P n= Noise power in watts n
K = Boltzmanns Constant (1.38*10-23 Joule/K)
T = absolute temperature, K
B = bandwidth of system in Hertz
As seen from this equation, the noise level is directly proportional to bandwidth. Therefore, a decade
decrease in bandwidth results in a 10dB decrease in noise level and consequently 10dB better
sensitivity. Nonthermal noise accounts for all noise produced within the analyzer that is not
temperature dependent. Spurious emissions due to nonlinearities of active elements, impedance
mismatch, etc. are sources of non-thermal noise. A figure of merit, or noise figure, is usually assigned
to this non-thermal noise which when added to the thermal noise gives the total noise of the analyzer
system. This system noise which is measured on the Display unit, determines the maximum
sensitivity of the spectrum analyzer. Because noise level changes with bandwidth it is important,
when comparing the sensitivity of two analyzers, to compare sensitivity specifications for equal
bandwidths. A spectrum analyzer sweeps over a wide frequency range, but is really a narrow band
instrument. All of the signals that appear in the frequency range of the analyzer are converted to a
single IF frequency which must pass through an IF filter; the detector sees only this noise at any time.
Therefore, the noise displayed on the analyzer is only that which is contained in the IF passband.
When measuring discrete signals, maximum sensitivity is obtained by using the narrowest IF
Video Filtering
Measuring small signals can be difficult when they are approximately the same amplitude as the
average internal noise level of the analyzer. To facilitate the measurement, it is best to use video
filtering. A video filter is a post-detection low pass filter which averages the internal noise of the
analyzer. When the noise is averaged, the input signal may be seen. If the resolution bandwidth is
very narrow for the span, the span, the video filter should no be selected, as this will not allow the
amplitude of the analyzed signals to reach full amplitude due to its video bandwidth limiting property.
This gain compression is not considered serious until it reaches 1dB. The maximum input signal level
which will always result in less than 1dB gain compression is called the linear input level. Above 1dB
gain compression the analyzer is considered to be operating non-linearly because the signal
amplitude displayed in the CRT is not an accurate measure of the input signal level.
Whenever a signal is applied to the input of the analyzer, distortions are produced within the analyzer
itselt. Most of these are caused by the non-linear behavior of the input mixer. For the AT5010D these
distortions are typically 70dB below the input signal level for signal levels not exceeding -30dBm at
the input of the first mixer. To accommodate larger input signal levels, an attenuator is placed in the
input circuit before the first mixer. The largest input signal that can be applied, at each setting of the
input attenuator, while maintaining the internally generated distortions below a certain level, is called
the optimum input level of the analyzer. The signal is attenuated before the first mixer because the
input to the mixer must not exceed -30dB, or the analyzer distortion products may exceed the
specified 70dB range. This 70dB distortion-free range is called the spurious-free dynamic range of the
analyzer. The display dynamic range is defined as the ratio of the largest signal to the smallest signal
that can be displayed simultaneously with no analyzer distortions present.
Dynamic range requires several things then. The display range must be adequate, no spurious or
unidentified response can occur, and the sensitivity must be sufficient to eliminate noise from the
displayed amplitude range.
The maximum dynamic range for a spectrum analyzer can be easily determined from its
specifications. First check the distortion spec. For example, this might be "all spurious products 70dB
down for -30dBm at the input mixer". Then, determine that adequate sensitivity exists. For example,
70dB down from -30dBm is -100dB. This is the level we must be able to detect, and the bandwidth
required for this sensitivity must not be too narrow or it will be useless. Last, the display range must
be adequate.
Notice that the spurious-free measurement range can be extended by reducing the level at the input
mixer. The only limitation, then, is sensitivity. To ensure a maximum dynamic range on the CRT
display, check to see that the following requirements are satisfied.
The largest input signal does not exceed the optimum input level of the analyzer (typically30dBm with 0dB input attenuation).
The peak of the largest input signal rests at the top of the top of the CRT display (reference
Frequency Response
The frequency response of an analyzer is the amplitude linearity of the analyzer over its frequency
range. If a spectrum analyzer is to display equal amplitudes for input signals of equal amplitude,
independent of frequency, then the conversion (power) loss of the input mixer must not depend on
frequency. If the voltage from the LO is too large compared to the input signal voltage then the
conversion loss of the input mixer is frequency dependent and the frequency response of the system
is nonlinear. For accurate amplitude measurements, a spectrum analyzer should be as flat as
possible over its frequency range. Flatness is usually the limiting factor in amplitude accuracy since
its extremely difficult to calibrate out. And, since the primary function of the spectrum analyzer is to
compare signal levels at different frequencies, a lack of flatness can seriously limit its usefulness.
The 1dB gain compression level is a point of convenience, but it is nonetheless considered the upper
limit of the dynamic range. The lower limit, on the other hand, is dictated by the analyzer sensitivity
which, as we know, is bandwidth dependent. The narrowest usable bandwidth in turn is limited by the
tracking generator residual FM and any tracking drift between the analyzer tuning and the tracking
generator signal.
Supporting products
Near Field Sniffer Probes AZ530 (Optional)
The AZ530 is the ideal toolkit for the investigation of RF electromagnetic fields. Lt is indispensable of
EMI pre-compliance testing during product development, prior to third party testing. The set includes
3 hand-held probes with a built-in pre-amplifier covering the frequency range from 100kHz to over
1000MHz. The probes-ove magnetic field probe, one electric field probe, and one high impedance
probe are all matched to the 50
inputs of Spectrum analyzers or RF-receivers. The power can be
supplied either from batteries, Ni-Cads or through a power cord directly connected to AT5000 series
spectrum analyzers. Signal is feeded via a 1.5m BNC-cable. When used in conjunction with a
spectrum analyzer or measuring receiver, the probes can be used to locate and qualify EMI sources,
as well as evaluate EMC problems at the breadboard and prototype level. They enable the user to
evaluate radiated fields and perform shield effectiveness comparisons. Mechanical screening
performance and immunity tests on cables and components are easily performed.
Frequency range
Output impedance
Output connector
Input capacitance
DC-input voltage
20V max
Supply Voltage
Supply Current
8mA (H-Field Probe), 5mA (E-Field probe), 24mA (High imp probe)
Probe Dimensions
195 x 40 x 19 (L*W*H) mm
eliminate early in the development components which are not suitable for EMC purposes. The
effectiveness of countermeasures can be judged easily. One can investigate shields for "leaking"
areas and cables or wires for conducted interference.
AT5010D Spectrum Analyzer
1 set
BNC-double-clip cable
1 pc
1 pc
1 pc
1 pc
Power cable
1 pc
User Guide
1 copy
1 pc
2 pcs
Note: Specifications and information are subject to change without notice. Please visit for the most
current product information.
Shenzhen Atten Electronics Co., Ltd. reserves the right to modify the hardware and software mentioned
in this manual without prior notice.