MSC CS ProgrammeHandbook 2013

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The University of Moratuwa

Faculty of Engineering
Department of Computer Science and



Programme Handbook - 2013


Table of Contents

Introduction...................................................................................................... 1


Information about the Department of Computer Science and Engineering .... 2


Structure of MSc/PG Diploma Programme ..................................................... 3


Credits System for the MSc/PG Diploma in Computer Science ..................... 8


Syllabi of Course Modules .............................................................................. 9


Registration and Course Administration ....................................................... 21


Individual and Group Assignments ............................................................... 22


MSc Project and Research Dissertation ......................................................... 26


Performance Criteria for the Award of Master of Science ............................ 28


Performance Criteria for the Award of PG Diploma ..................................... 31

Important Note
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information
given in this booklet, but the University can accept no responsibility
for any errors or omissions. University courses are continually
reviewed and revised and there may well be some changes between the
date of publication and the date the student embarks on the course.
The University reserves the right to amend By-laws and Regulations
governing courses of study whenever it sees fit. Students and other
interested parties should make inquiries from the Course Co-ordinator
about any changes to the programme and its modules/courses as close
to the beginning of the academic year as possible. Admittance to the
University is subject to the requirement that the student will comply
with the Universitys registration and examination procedures and will
duly observe the By-laws and Regulations of the University.

MSc / PG Dip in Computer Science 2013

1. Introduction
Welcome to the Department of Computer Science & Engineering of the University of
Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. We hope this handbook will give you the background
information you need during your studies at the University. Please read it carefully
and keep it for future reference.
You will find in this handbook an outline of the programmes of Master of Science
(MSc) and Post Graduate Diploma (PG Dip) in Computer Science offered by the
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). In addition to academic
information, the handbook also provides details of the environment within which we
operate. An outline of our procedures with regard to teaching and learning methods,
attendance and assessment is also included. There is also information about help and
advice and staff-student interaction. We place great importance on our relationship
with our students and are anxious to listen and help. To foster this, we hope that in
addition to formal arrangements there will be a great deal of informal contact. It
describes what we expect of you and what you can expect from us.
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering believes that one of its
responsibilities is to provide students with a framework, which helps them to achieve
their full potentials and capabilities. We abide by the Universitys teaching aims, i.e.,
to provide quality teaching that is informed and invigorated by the research and
scholarship of staff;
to engender in students a commitment to continuing self-improvement and the
development of their skills in order to facilitate their full contribution to the
society in which they live;
to sustain a culture of research and teaching that is able to foster both the free
pursuit of truth and the impartial analysis of values as well as being responsible
and responsive to present and anticipated social needs;
to inoculate a sense of respect for the traditions of higher education and a
commitment to the values of truth, tolerance and justice.
In pursuing these aims your learning programme in the Department of Computer
Science and Engineering will emphasise:
studentcentred learning as the means of developing an appreciation of both the
spirit and practice of enquiry;
conceptual thinking as the key to understanding complex phenomena;
awareness and understanding of experimental research;
importance of methodical approach to the design, implementation and analysis of
computing systems;
systematic development and assessment of students personnel and transferable
skills development to create new knowledge through active learning and original
systematic development of skills through new methods of teaching and learning to
use new knowledge to prosper industry; and,
professional and ethical behaviour during your study as well as in your career.

MSc / PG Dip in Computer Science 2013

2. Information about the Department of Computer

Science and Engineering
The Department of Computer Science & Engineering of the University of Moratuwa
was inaugurated in 1985. From the inception of the department, the University took
the responsibility of training Information Technology (IT) professionals required by
the industry. The B.Sc. Engineering (Honours) course in Computer Science and
Engineering was the first and best course in its field. The department also offers
Masters and Doctoral Degrees by research to fulfil the higher training required for the
development of IT industry in the country. In 2003, the dept inaugurated the MBA in
IT programme.
Since 2004, the dept has been conducting the M.Sc. in Computer Science course, the
best and most sought after postgraduate course in Computing.
The department provides a variety of services to the academic and research
institutions and the industry. They provide software support for researchers and
consultancy services for government organizations and projects of national
importance. The Department of Computer Science & Engineering was the pioneer of
the Lanka Educational Academic & Research Network (LEARN). The department
also offers short courses in computer awareness, Internet technology and related
fields, PC assembling and computer hardware, for professional and government
organizations as well as for general public.
Information Technology is a vital component for the development of our economy
while moving towards the knowledge economy of the 21st century. It is with this
objective that the Department of Computer Science & Engineering decided to extend
its teaching activities, by offering an MSc in Computer Science and a PG Diploma in
Computer Science. These programmes also draw upon specialist academic staff from
other departments of the Faculty of Engineering, other Universities, Institutions and
the industry.

MSc / PG Dip in Computer Science 2013

3. Structure of MSc/PG Diploma Programme

MSc in Computer Science is a two-year part-time (or 15-month full-time) degree
programme which involves a set of core course modules, a set of elective (optional)
course modules and a compulsory research project. PG Diploma in Computer Science
takes approximately 15 months on a part-time basis and consists of same set of core
course modules and elective (optional) course modules as in MSc programme.
The M.Sc. programme is conducted over 6 semesters beginning in January 2013 and
ending December 2014. There are four 14-week semesters during this period. End of
session exams are held after each session is completed. The planned semester time
table for The academic years 2013-14 is as follows:
Semester 1 (14 weeks)
Semester 2 (14 weeks)
Semester 3 (14 weeks)
Semester 4 (14 weeks)
Semester 5 (14 weeks)
Semester 6 (14 weeks)

January April 2013

May - August 2013
September December 2013
January April 2014
May - August 2014
September December 2014

The MSc/PG Dip. project is started in Semester 3. MSc students are expected to
complete the project, write the dissertation and face the oral examination on the
project by the end of 2014, while PG Dip students may complete the project at the end
of Semester 4. Full time students commence their research project in Semester 1, and
are expected to complete it by the end of Semester 4.

Degree/Diploma Titles Awarded

MSc or PG Diploma in Computer Science
MSc or PG Diploma in Computer Science Specialising in Computer Networks
MSc or PG Diploma in Computer Science Specialising in Software Architecture
MSc or PG Diploma in Computer Science Specialising in Information Systems

MSc / PG Dip in Computer Science 2013

MSc/PG Diploma in CS Curriculum


Course Module







Core modules

Advanced Operating Systems

Principles of Software Design
System and Network Design
Computer and Network Security
Performance Modelling and Analysis
Advanced Algorithms
Research Seminar1
PG Dip Project2
MSc Research Project2
Optional Modules
Advanced Compilers
Software Architecture Concepts
Principles of Software Design and Software Engineering
Networks and Protocols
Statistical Analysis
Enterprise Software Architecture
Rapid Application Development
Advanced Databases
Parallel and Concurrent Programming
Secure Program Development
Data Mining
Human Computer Interaction
Local-Language Computing
Requirements Engineering
Software Quality
High Performance Computer Architecture
Fault Tolerant Computing
Embedded Systems
Current Topics in Computer Networks
Digital Communication
Information Security and Cryptography
Distributed Computing
Mobile Computing
System Audit and Vulnerability Assessment
System and Network Administration
Broadband Networks
Wireless Networks
Security Management
Digital Forensics
Advanced Image Processing
Computer Vision
Pattern Recognition
Neural Networks
IT Law
IT Project Management
IT Policy and Planning
Information Systems Management
IT and Society
Current Topics in Computer Science
Independent Study 1
Independent Study 2



S, A



S*, A, N

A, N

MSc / PG Dip in Computer Science 2013

Course Module
Directed Study 1
Directed Study 2
Directed Study 3
Directed Study 4
Spec - Specialisation
C Compulsory
N Computer Networks Specialisation
A Software Architecture Specialisation
S Information Systems Security Specialisation
* Compulsory for specialisation
1 Offered over 2 semesters
2 Students may take either CS5999 or CS6998 depending on the qualification sought


MSc / PG Dip in Computer Science 2013

Specialisations in the M.Sc. in Computer Science

Specialisation in Computer Networks
A student who successfully completes the following will be entitled, if he/she so
desires, to have the transcript indicate that he/she has earned the MSc or PG Diploma
in Computer Science specialising in Computer Networks.
CS 5450 System and Network Administration (1.5 Credits) and
at least 7.5 credits from:

CS5414 Current Topics in Computer Networks (3 Credits)

CS5422 Digital Communication (3 Credits)

CS5425 Information Security and Cryptography (3 Credits)

CS5430 Mobile Computing (3 Credits)

CS5451 Broadband Networks (1.5 Credits)

CS5452 Wireless Networks (1.5 Credits)

CS5103 Information Systems Management (3 Credits)

Specialisation in Software Architecture

A student who successfully completes the following will be entitled, if he/she so
desires, to have the transcript indicate that he/she has earned the MSc or PG Diploma
in Computer Science specialising in Software Architecture.
CS5212 Software Architecture Concepts (3 Credits)
CS5213 Enterprise Software Architecture (3 Credits) and
at least 3 credits from:

CS5223 Rapid Application Development (3 Credits)

CS5224 Advanced Databases (3 Credits)

CS5227 Data Mining (3 Credits)

CS5425 Information Security and Cryptography (3 Credits)

CS5429 Distributed Computing (3 Credits)

CS5226 Secure Program Development (3 Credits)

CS5252 Requirements Engineering (1.5 Credits)

CS5253 Software Quality (1.5 Credits)

MSc / PG Dip in Computer Science 2013

Specialisation in Information Systems Security

A student who successfully completes the following will be entitled, if he/she so
desires, to have the transcript indicate that he/she has earned the MSc or PG Diploma
in Computer Science specialising in Information Systems Security.
CS5425 Information Security and Cryptography (3 Credits) and
at least 6 credits from:

CS5226 Secure Program Development (3 Credits)

CS5431 System Audit and Vulnerability Assessment (3 Credits)

CS5814 IT Law (3 Credits)

CS5453 Security Management (1.5 Credits)

CS5454 Digital Forensics (1.5 Credits)

MSc / PG Dip in Computer Science 2013

4. Credits System for the MSc/PG Diploma in

Computer Science
MSc candidates should earn 54 credits
(courses: 36 + research seminar: 2 + PG project 3 + research project: 13)
PG Diploma candidates should earn 38 credits
(courses: 33 + research seminar: 2 + PG project: 3)
1 credit = 1 hour of lectures or other classroom activity, seminars or tutorials
per week for one semester of 14 weeks duration. Two hours per week on the
same activities during a short-term of 7 weeks will also carry one credit.
Continuous Assessment
The continuous assessment (CA) component of a course module should carry a
weight not less than 30% and not more than 60% of the total marks, except in
CS5901, CS5921, CS5922 and CS6998.
The CA of a student may be based on a specified combination including laboratory
work, tutorials, quizzes, presentations, mid-term examinations, term papers and
assignments. Weight of each of these components used in the determination of the
final grade of each course module should be clearly conveyed to the students by the
examiner at the commencement of each course module along with the outline of the
course module.

MSc / PG Dip in Computer Science 2013

5. Syllabi of Course Modules

Syllabi of the M.Sc. in Computer Science
Note: Except when indicated otherwise, a course module is worth 3 credits
CS5202 Advanced Operating Systems
Objectives: To provide an in depth knowledge of operating system design principles
and to expose the students to recent developments in operating systems research.
Operating system principles; concurrency; scheduling and dispatch; virtual memory;
device management; security and protection; file systems and naming, real-time and
embedded systems; fault tolerance; critical analysis of design issues related to
contemporary operating systems.

CS5203 Advanced Compilers

Objectives: To provide an understanding of analysis techniques used in optimizing
compilers, design issues, supporting specific language features and implementation
Review of lexical, syntax and semantic analysis; implementation techniques and runtime issues; intermediate representation; supporting language features; code
generation and code optimization techniques: data flow analysis, control flow
analysis, basic blocks, liveness analysis, inter-procedural analysis, register allocation,
exploiting architecture features.

CS5228 Principles of Software Design and Software Engineering (3 credits)

Objectives: To establish a sound understanding of modern software engineering
with an emphasis on software design patterns and practices.
Topics covered include: Domain Analysis (2h), Review of OO Analysis and
Modelling with UML (3h), Software Reuse (2h), Software Design Patterns (8h), User
Interface Design (2h), Software Design Principles and Architectures (5h), Testing
(2h), Introduction to Software Project Management (2h), Software Design Metrics

CS5204 Principles of Software Design (3 credits)

Objectives: To provide an understanding of: properties of good software design; the
quality of multiple software designs based on key design principles and concepts;
selecting and applying appropriate design patterns in the construction of a software
application; creating and specifying the software design for a software product;
program design methodologies.
This course addresses the design and implementation principles of complex software

MSc / PG Dip in Computer Science 2013

Topics covered include: Design concepts, Design strategies, Design notations, Design
support tools, Design evaluation.

CS5212 Software Architecture Concepts (3 credits)

Objectives: To provide an understanding of software architectural concepts, and how
they are used to construct robust, efficient applications. scenarios.
This course addresses the concepts and principles of software architecture, the
application of requirement engineering techniques, high-level design patterns &
styles, middleware technologies and frameworks in creating software architectures,
and the systematic evaluation of software architectures. The course also introduces
state-of-the-art methods in software architecture such as product-line architecture,
model-driven architecture, service-oriented architecture, aspect-oriented architecture
and domain-specific architectures and provides an understanding of the important
relationships between software architecture and other software engineering
CS5213 Enterprise Software Architecture (3 credits)
Objectives: To provide an understanding of how enterprise architecture provides a
unifying conceptual model and a vision that can communicate scope,
interdependencies, process flow and organization dynamics, to provide a practical
knowledge of how to develop enterprise applications and to provide an ability to
recognize and implement common enterprise architectural patterns.
This course addresses how business strategies can be drawn upon to architect costeffective enterprise systems that help achieve the business goals of an enterprise. The
course also introduces enabling technologies and techniques for building enterprise
applications and common enterprise architectural solutions that are applicable to any
enterprise application platform. The topics covered include: Enterprise architecture
concepts, Enterprise application development concepts, Enterprise architectural
patterns, Enterprise architecture frameworks, Enterprise architecture modelling
languages, Enterprise architecture tools.

CS5223 Rapid Application Development

Objectives: To provide an understanding of a base language of a Rapid Application
Development (RAD) tool in terms of object definitions, methods, properties and
inheritance; form design using visual components; application development using the
libraries of an industry standard RAD tool.
Introducing the environment, forms and menu items of a RAD tool; input/output on
canvas; overview of advanced features of the language in terms of units, objects,
static and virtual methods; objects, classes and hierarchy of classes; user interface
design; applications using visual components library and databases; multimedia and
animation; using and writing shared libraries; component development; client-server,
web and multi-tier application development.


MSc / PG Dip in Computer Science 2013

CS5224 Advanced Databases

Objectives: To provide an understanding of both advanced theory and practice of
database management systems, including topics from database design, database
implementation, and advanced topics in research and industrial practices such as
data mining, data warehousing and distributed databases.
Database design: relational, object-oriented and other approaches; database
implementation: disk and file storage, file organization and indexes, query processing,
transaction management, concurrency control, crash recovery; advanced topics: data
warehousing and OLAP, data mining, parallel and distributed databases, data
integration and XML.

CS5225 Parallel and Concurrent Programming

Objectives: To provide an in depth knowledge of creating programs that can divide
work into parallel components that can be made to work concurrently exploiting
maximum from existing resources.
Basic parallel, distributed, and multiprocessor architectural concepts; messagepassing programming and algorithm design; multi-threaded programming and
algorithm design; examples of parallel and distributed algorithms from chosen
disciplines and their synthesis.

CS5226 Secure Program Development (3 Credits)

Objectives: To provide an understanding on the best practices for writing code that
is relatively impenetrable to attack, developing secure applications, techniques of
minimizing the risks of exploitation, use of certificates and secure communication
techniques in the code, and the techniques of rigorous code testing.
The subject covers the principles of secure programming; secure memory allocation;
secure algorithms; APIs and system calls for secure functions and security certificate
exchange; implementation of security checks; writing programs for security enhanced
systems (e.g. SE Linux); techniques and procedures for security stress testing.

CS5227 Data Mining (3 Credits)

Objectives: To give a broad, yet in-depth overview of data mining and knowledge
discovery that includes theory and practical aspects of techniques to
discover useful, possibly unexpected, patterns in large data sets.
Motivation for data mining and knowledge discovery; data mining primitives
including data structures; data preprocessing; concept descriptions; association rule
mining; classification; clustering; page ranking; collaborative filtering; mining
complex data; social impacts of data
mining; and current trends in data mining.


MSc / PG Dip in Computer Science 2013

CS5250 Human-Computer Interaction (1.5 Credits)

Objectives: to understand how people interact with hardware and software, and to
design systems which interact effectively, reliably and safely with humans.
How humans view machines; Physical and logical devices; Ergonomics; Common
HCI paradigms. Common errors; Design of physical devices; Screen design; Mobile
and hand-held devices; Language and Cultural issues; Design for persons with

CS5251 Local-Language Computing (1.5 Credits)

Objectives: Understand of the importanceof local-language computing. Identify the
components of LLC. Gain an understanding of LLC techniques and challenges
Concepts - Languages and Scripts, Internationalisation (I18N), Localisation (L10N).
Text Representation. Unicode Indic Model. Fonts and Keyboards. Local Language
Software. Local-Language Applications and Databases. Additional Topics.

CS5252 Requirements Engineering (1.5 credits)

Objectives: To provide an understanding of requirements engineering and how it
fits into the software architecture design process.
This course addresses the basic principles of requirements engineering.
The topics covered include: Requirements elicitation, analysis and verification,
Documenting and reviewing requirements, System modelling for requirements
engineering, Requirements engineering in the problem domain, Requirements
engineering in the solution domain, Advanced requirements traceability,
Requirements engineering management.

CS5253 Software Quality (1.5 credits)

Objectives: To provide a broad understanding of software verification and validation
concepts, software quality principles and system evolution issues.
Introduce static and dynamic techniques of system checking and discuss software
quality as a pervasive concept that affects, and is affected by all aspects of software
development, support, revision, and maintenance. Software evolution as the result of
the ongoing need to support the stakeholders' mission in the face of changing
assumptions, problems, requirements, architectures, and technologies. Software
evolution which requires numerous activities both before and after each of a
succession of versions or upgrades (releases).


MSc / PG Dip in Computer Science 2013

CS5312 High Performance Computer Architecture

Objectives: To provide an understanding of design issues related to modern high
performance computer systems and to evaluate the performance of these systems with
regard to selected set of applications.
Introduction to high-performance computing, design and analysis of advanced
processor architectures, memory systems for high performance, input/output devices,
parallel architectures, grid and cluster computing, scientific visualization and high
performance applications.
CS5313 Fault Tolerant Computing
Objectives: To provide an understanding of state of the art techniques used in design
and analysis of fault-tolerant digital systems. Analysis of existing fault-tolerant
systems and hardware and software techniques used.
Advanced concepts in hardware and software fault tolerance; fault models; Markov
models; coding in computer systems; module and system level fault detection
mechanisms; reconfiguration techniques in multiprocessor systems and processor
arrays; software fault-tolerance techniques; check-pointing and recovery; survey of
practical fault-tolerant systems.

CS5314 Embedded Systems

Objectives: To introduce the basics of microprocessor-based systems, assembly
language programming and the interfacing techniques between hardware and
Introduction to programmer model of computer organisation; assembly and machine
language programming; translation from high-level language to machine language;
I/O interfacing, I/O interrupts, and programming interrupts; design of an embedded
system for a given application.

CS5401 System and Network Design (3 Credits)

To provide a methodical introduction to the design and evaluation issues of systems
and networks, and to provide an overview of various aspects of system and network
management, issues with protocols and configurations.
The subject covers types of computer networks - LANs, VLANs and WANs; TCP/IP;
Routing algorithms and protocols; system and network Analysis, Design Strategies &
Network Design Issues - Security, Reliability & Manageability; Practical Issues of
systems and networks, Operating Systems concerns; group project on systems and
networks design.


MSc / PG Dip in Computer Science 2013

CS5404 Computer and Network Security (3 Credits)

Objectives: To provide an in-depth understanding on what is computer and network
security, aspects of security, related theories and concepts, access control, Internet
security, securing networks and servers, etc.
The subject covers an introduction to security; concepts of prevention, detection and
reaction; features of a security system and CIA triage; threats and attacks on security interception, interruption, modification and fabrication, virus and worm attacks;
identification - related concepts and techniques, server security, firewalls and secure
network design, secure protocols and their issues VLANs, IPv6, tunnelling, secure
application protocols.

CS5405 Performance Modelling and Analysis

Objectives: To provide an introduction to various modelling techniques and their use
for the performance evaluation of systems.
Modelling, general concepts, performance measures, performance evaluation
techniques, introduction to queuing networks and stochastic processes, simulation,
queuing network modelling, flow analysis, bottleneck analysis, hierarchical
modelling. Case studies with applications in different aspects of computer systems
and performance enhancements.

CS5414 Current Topics in Computer Networks

Objectives: To provide an exposure to current trends and research in areas related
to computer networks.
Topics covered will be selected from the on-going research work and prevalent
technologies widely used in the industry.

CS5422 Digital Communication

Objectives: To provide an understating of basic principles involved in the analysis
and design of digital communication systems.
Review of probability theory, random processes, complex signals and system theory,
signal and vector space, Fourier analysis of signals and systems; digital
communication systems, communication channel models, sampling theorem,
information measure, entropy coding, channel capacity, M-ary modulation systems,
symbol error probability, inter symbol interference, precoding, spectrum shaping,
optimal receiver structure, correlator/matched filter, MAP, ML, MD, MLSD
detectors, Nyquist pulse design.

CS5425 Information Security and Cryptography (3 Credits)

Objectives: To provide an in-depth understanding on what is information security
and how it relates to systems, networks, business environments, services, etc., and to


MSc / PG Dip in Computer Science 2013

look at related theories and techniques on encryption, authentication, certification,

The subject covers access control theories and techniques, security models,
passwords, cryptography and related concepts, theories, standards and methods,
certification and key exchange, electronic mail security, server security

CS5426 e-Commerce
Objectives: To provide an understanding of the concepts and types of e-commerce,
effective methods of e-commerce solutions and technological, social and security
aspects of e-commerce.
E-commerce principles: concepts and types of e-commerce, methods of e-commerce
solutions, business case for an e-business, functional requirements for the e-business;
e-commerce infrastructure: technical requirements for e-business, guiding principles
behind design and strategy of the customer web interface, management of on-line
content, understand the traditional and new communication approaches.

CS5429 Distributed Computing

Objectives: To provide an understanding of both the theory and practice of
distributed computing; to learn various paradigms of distributed systems and how to
develop algorithms to demostrate a high-level view of message-passing in distributed
Introduction to distributed computing; principles of distributed computing:
communication, processes, naming, synchronization, consistency, replication, faulttolerance and security; object-based systems; document-based systems, coordinationbased systems; projects for designing, implementing, and evaluating principles of
distributed systems.

CS5430 Mobile Computing (3 Credits)

Objectives: To introduce the technologies, devices and applications which enable
mobile computing and challenges in creating mobile computing systems.
Mobility in computing systems; data management; reliability issues; mobile IP and
transport layer; location management; network aware computing; power management;
mobile computing technologies and services. Technologies used to enable mobility in
information systems. Issues which need to be considered when developing a mobile
application. Design of a simple mobile application.


MSc / PG Dip in Computer Science 2013

CS5431 System Audit and Vulnerability Assessment (3 Credits)

Objectives: The objective of the course is to provide an understanding on how system
audit and vulnerability assessment procedures are carried out, legal and business
implications, assurance technologies, and specification techniques.
The subject covers principles of policy, mechanism, and assurance; rules for trusted
systems; mechanisms to enforce information system policy, policies on cryptographic
protocols, audit logs, and access controls; system assurance principles and
technologies; interface specifications, architectures, and implementations of interface
level information security mechanisms; formal and semi-formal specification
techniques; principles of vulnerability testing; tools and utilities for vulnerability

CS5450 System and Network Administration (1.5 Credits)

Aim is to provide an understanding on proper methods and techniques to administer
the systems and networks, and to provide an in-depth understanding of various
aspects of system and network administration, configuration and user management.
The subject covers types of computer networks Elements of system and network
administration; system and network administration principles and theories; user
perceptions, behaviour, controlling and motivation; administrative matrices, roles,
groups, etc., in a commercial environment; problems and issues in system and
network administration; distributed administration systems; auditing, accounting and
analysis; policy enforcement administration.
CS5451 Broadband Networks (1.5 Credits)
Objectives: To provide an understanding of the technologies used in current high
capacity networks, the design and principles of operation of such individual networks.
Broadband network technology overview, modulation and coding performance,
routing and switching in public networks, broadband access networks, digital
subscriber lines, frame relay, ATM, DWDM and optical networking, IP QoS and
traffic shaping.

CS5452 Wireless Networks (1.5 Credits)

Objectives: To provide an understanding of basic principles in wireless data
networks and related technologies and to give an in depth knowledge of the currently
available wireless data network types.
Introduction to wireless communication systems and networks; cellular wireless
networks and system principles; 1G, 2G, 2.5G and 3G wireless systems; IEEE 802.11
protocol suite, its nomenclature, design, and network operations; personal area
networks; mobile IP; state of the art technologies for wireless networking and ongoing research work.


MSc / PG Dip in Computer Science 2013

CS5453 Security Management (1.5 Credits)

Objectives: To provide an understanding on fundamentals and concepts of
information system security, security management principles, application of security
management for information systems in large organizational environments, policy
frameworks, legal and moral implications, best practices in information security
management, basics of security audit of an organization and reporting.
The subject covers the topics in the management of information technology security
such as access control systems; business continuity & disaster recovery planning;
legal issues in information system security and ethics; computer operations security;
security audit principles; management of physical security; current security standards;
reporting mechanisms.

CS5454 Digital Forensics (1.5 Credits)

Objectives: To provide an understanding on criminal justice in the context of
computer technology, underlying concepts of data storage, obtaining evidence from a
computer system, preserving digital evidence, best practices for investigation, and the
use of science in a court of law.
The subject covers introduction to computer forensics; issues of computer forensics;
building forensics aware systems; principles of preserving evidence; best practices
and procedures for conducting a forensics process; storage technologies and file
system techniques; methods of searching evidence; report compilation and
presentation; involvement of legal officers and criminal investigation officers.

CS5512 Advanced Image Processing

Objectives: To provide an understanding on digital image processing and its
application in various problem domains, fundamentals of digital imaging and
advanced techniques in image enhancement, restoration and compression.
Introduction to digital images, image acquisition, image transforms, filtering and
noise reduction, image coding techniques, image compression (lossy and lossless
compression), video compression, optical flow estimation.

CS5513 Computer Vision

Objectives: To provide an understanding on the fundamentals and techniques in
machine understanding of images and techniques and algorithms used in analysis,
description and understanding of digital images for applications in various domains.
Introduction to machine understanding of images, image sensors and image
acquisition hardware, pre-processing, edge and boundary detection, segmentation,
image representation descriptors, image recognition and object tracking.


MSc / PG Dip in Computer Science 2013

CS5612 Pattern Recognition

Objectives: To provide an understanding of fundamentals of statistical pattern
recognition algorithms based on supervised or unsupervised learning and to apply the
algorithms to selected problems.
Introduction to statistical pattern recognition, Bayes decision theory, Fishers linear
discriminant function, principal component analysis, unsupervised learning and
clustering and parameter estimation.

CS5613 Neural Networks

Objectives: To provide an understanding of fundamentals of artificial neural
networks, their architectures and different learning paradigms and application of
neural network based techniques to different areas of artificial intelligence.
Linear seperability and perceptron learning algorithm, MLP networks, supervised and
un-supervised learning, error back propagation algorithm, self-organizing maps,
principal component networks, radial basis function networks, applications of neural
CS5614 Bio-Informatics (3 Credits)
Objectives: To provide an understanding of the applications of computer technology
in the management of biological information. Understanding and development of
algorithms to facilitate and expedite biological research for capturing, storing,
modeling, analyzing and visualizing vast amounts genome data that are being
gathered presently.
Molecular biology and basic molecular genetics, Structure of DNA, RNA,
chromosome and genome. Genes and gene expression, Genetic code. Biological
sequence data analysis, Basic alignment problems, Pairwise sequence alignments and
multiple sequence alignments, Heuristic alignment algorithms. Pattern discovery and
recognition, Sequence profiles, Profile HMMs. Phylogenetics, Proteomics. Alternate
splicing, Regulatory networks.

CS5701 Advanced Algorithms

Objectives: To provide an understanding of advanced algorithm techniques in solving
computational, combinatorial and optimization problems, selecting algorithms
appropriate to particular purposes and applying them.
Basic algorithmic analysis, algorithmic strategies, fundamental computing algorithms,
distributed algorithms, basic computability theory, complexity classes P and NP,
advanced algorithmic analysis, cryptographic algorithms, and geometric algorithms.


MSc / PG Dip in Computer Science 2013

CS5814 IT Law (3 Credits)

Objectives: To provide the legal knowledge essential for an IT professional.
The course covers Basic Contract Law, e-Transactions, Intellectual Property Rights,
Computer Crime, Data Protection, Labour Law and international Law.

CS5850 e-Learning (1.5 Credits)

Objectives: To provide an understanding on e-learning, related standards, content
development concepts and techniques, cultural, organizational and infrastructure
implications, and to investigate case studies on e-learning and apply in our context.
The subject covers introduction to e-learning, learning management and content
management; concept of learning objects and learning object standards; distributed elearning systems, case studies OKI, Sakai, etc.; cultural, infrastructure and
organizational aspects of e-learning; facilitation and roles; learning maturity models.

CS5912 Current Topics in Computer Science

Objectives: To provide an exposure to current trends and research in areas related
to computing.
Topics covered will be selected from the on-going research work and prevalent
technologies widely used in the industry.
CS5455 Networks and Protocols (1.5 Credits)
A student successfully completing this module should be able to:
Describe how networks and the Internet operate.
Explain the concepts of data, voice and video communications
Describe the operation of fundamental networking protocols
Topics covered include: Networking Principles (2hr), Principles of Communications (4hr),
Communication Networks (Wide and Local Area Networks) (4hr), Switching and routing
(2hr), Internet Protocol Stack (TCP/IP) (2hr), Independent Study report

CS5650 Statistical Analysis (1.5 Credits)

After completing this module, the students should be able to:
Use statistics to understand system behavior
Compare systems using statistical methods
Make decision using statistical analysis
Topics covered include: Summarising and describing data (4 hrs), Comparing systems
using sample data (6 hrs), Linear and other regression models (6 hrs), Different
statistical distributions (5 hrs), and Case studies.


MSc / PG Dip in Computer Science 2013

CS5901 Research Seminar (2x1 credits)

Objectives: To orient the students to search for current technologies developed and
present it to an open audience and to make them aware of on-going research in
Critical analysis of prevalent technologies and on-going research, presentation and
discussion of published work, identification of possible areas for research, important
topics pertaining to conducting, presenting and publishing research work.

CS5921 Independent Study 1 (1 credit)

CS5922 Independent Study 2 (1 credit)
CS5923 Directed Study 1 (1.5 credit)
CS5924 Directed Study 2 (1.5 credit)
CS5925 Directed Study 3 (1.5 credit)
CS5926 Directed Study 4 (1.5 credit)
Objectives: To enable students to gain the required knowledge in any selected area
of Computer Science.
The topic for study will be selected by the student with the concurrence of the course
co-ordinator and the examiner.
CS5999 P.G. Dip. Project (3 credits)
CS6998 MSc Research Project (13 credits)
Objectives: To provide an opportunity to apply a range of ideas and concepts derived
from the taught programme to an issue or problem of practical importance.
Students will design, develop and conduct a research project of their choice, which
will be a topic of academic interest or an industry project with the approval of the
Course Coordinator and the selected Supervisor. The project will enable the
application of theory to practice and will provide a useful outcome. Students are
expected to submit reports and make brief presentations on their progress at several
stages on the way to completion. At the conclusion of the research work, a student has
to submit a dissertation that documents the research work and defend the dissertation
in front of a panel of examiners.

IT Project Management
IT Policy and Planning
Information Systems Management
IT and Society

The syllabi of the above subjects are given in the MBA in IT curriculum and are not
presented here.


MSc / PG Dip in Computer Science 2013

6. Registration and Course Administration

Student Registration:
An applicant selected for admission may register having paid the prescribed fees. The
effective date of registration will be the date of commencement of the course.
A person who is currently registered as an internal/external student/candidate of any
University or Higher Educational Institution shall not be registered for the MSc/PG
Diploma programme and a person registered for the MSc/PG Diploma programme
may not register himself/herself concurrently as an internal or external student, fulltime or part-time of any University or Higher Educational Institution, without written
The registration for MSc shall be deemed to have lapsed at the expiry of its period of
validity. A student whose registration had so lapsed may renew the registration for a
further period, provided that the Faculty and the Senate on the recommendation of the
Board of Study consider him/her eligible for such registration. However, no
registration shall be renewed after the expiry of four years from the first registration.
A student can register at the Senior Assistant Registrars (Examinations) Office by
applying for registration using the specified form after making necessary payments
for tuition, registration, examination and library fees at the University Accounts
On registration you will be issued a Student Record Book. After obtaining your
Record Book from the SAR (Examinations) you can register at the University Library
by producing the Record Book. The Course Co-ordinator together with a visit to the
Library will arrange the Library registration.

Departmental Postgraduate Office

The departmental postgraduate office administers the MSc/PG Diploma in Computer
Science programs under the direction of the Course Coordinator, who reports to the
Head of the Department.

Staff-Student Interaction
Students are encouraged to discuss matters (academic or non-academic) related to
their course of study with staff members, especially the Course Coordinator and the
staff at the departmental postgraduate office. Students are expected to elect two
representatives to interact with the staff on various matters that arise.
Students and their representatives:
a) can discuss with the administrative staff, general issues raised by students and
staff regarding course contents, design, delivery, assessment, tutorials, time
tabling, library, lab facilities and group work assignment, etc.
b) are expected to provide feedback on modules and assessment.
c) can provide opinions on the quality of education being received.
Individual issues will be taken up between individuals and appropriate staff.


MSc / PG Dip in Computer Science 2013

7. Individual and Group Assignments

Assessed Work
Assessment of course work is an important part of the course. Fair assessment of
course work requires that the work submitted by a student is his or her alone, unless
group working is explicitly authorised. All sources should be referenced and
quotations should be acknowledged when work is submitted for assessment.
Collusion and plagiarism in assessed work are serious offences under University
Regulations and can lead to expulsion from the course. When submitting work
students may be required to sign an undertaking to the effect that the work submitted
represents only their own work.
Assignments should be handed-in to the lecturer or the Department by the given
deadline. If you feel that you are unable to submit your assignment by the given
deadline, you must notify the lecturer (and, if necessary, the Course Coordinator)
immediately. Medical evidence will normally be required to establish a valid reason
for late submission. Unless an extension is agreed by the lecturer or the Module Coordinator, your work will be penalised by a deduction of some amount of marks per
day up to a maximum of a specific number of days, as determined by the lecturer.
This means, you will get a mark of zero if you are very late. The general method is to
deduct 10% per each late day.
Assignments should bear a cover page which will include

Assignment title
Assignment number
Name of student (as in the attendance list)
Name of the module,
Names of the lecturer and
Academic year

There will be clear guidelines from the lecturer or the module co-ordinator at the
beginning of the module regarding the overall assessment process; the rubric of the
examination and the purpose and nature of each coursework assignment within the
overall assessment process. For each assignment you will be informed of: title,
maximum/minimum length, contribution to the overall assessment, deadline for the
submission, explanatory rubric, ancillary materials and reading guidelines etc. In the
case of laboratory or programming assignment, the details and form of submission,
deadlines, software/technologies to use etc., will be clearly specified.

Materials Sourced from Internet

Sourcing a document from the WWW does not mean it has academic credibility.
Anyone can publish on the WWW, and materials sourced in this way can have no
more value than hearsay, opinion or assertion. However, an increasing number of
academically respectable articles, whole journals and newspapers are being published
on the WWW. If you wish to cite materials from the WWW, you must include in your
bibliography the URL enabling the reader to find it, together with a brief explanation


MSc / PG Dip in Computer Science 2013

of why you feel the work has academic credibility. A lecturer has the right to request
you to produce a copy of the article as well as a reference to it.

Structure of Reports and Essays

In assignments requiring a report, student should always adopt the following common
structure unless explicitly given an alternative structure by the lecturer.
A Common Report Structure:
Title Page: keep the title short and punchy. Use a subtitle if necessary to explain
the title.
Executive Summary: The executive summary explains what the report is about
(The aims and objectives are summarised, the methodology used, the major
findings or results given and recommendation listed where relevant)
Contents; List of Figures & Tables: The contents list must have a page number for
each section. This is particularly important for long pieces of work.
Introduction: The introduction gives the background to the work, and lays down
the aims and objectives, the scope and boundaries, with reasons.
Main Body: Keep the main body of the report readable and interesting. Try not to
spoil the flow with statistics and tables which may be important and necessary but
which do not add to the readers understanding. Relegate them to the appendix.
Analyse logically and critically. Point out conflicting arguments and
inconsistencies from your readings with explanations where possible. Point out
which readings are relevant and which are not to your particular situation. Draw
any inferences from this. In the case of a report describing an experiment or a
system designed/developed by the student, explain the results obtained.
Sections/Chapters: Make the conclusions clear and sharp so that they follow
logically from the analysis. Use bullet points if necessary. Make sure you have
achieved your objectives, and where you have not, explain why not. Think
carefully presentation of data. Make it simple and easy to understand. Tables of
numerical data are often easier to use than graphs, but graphs have greater impact.
Be sure to use the right type of graph for the data set.
Conclusions/Recommendations: Do not afraid to express your own, informed
opinions in the conclusions and recommendations. This is not assertion, provided
you are backing it with reasoned arguments based on the literature and any other
research you may have executed during the work. Explain how your findings
might be applied.
References: Standard referencing procedure should be followed.
Appendices: Do not pad the report out with irrelevant materials in the appendices.
Use them to prove your contribution and to assist understanding the subject.

Essay Type Assignment

Essays are more appropriate for discussion assignments. They also should have a
structure. There is no prescribed structure as such, but there is a simple and effective
way to structure an essay which you are advised to adopt:
Interpret the title, explain alternative interpretations and explain why you are
tackling the topic your way.


MSc / PG Dip in Computer Science 2013

Introduce and critically discuss the materials you have selected.

Use your material to argue your points and draw your conclusions.
Do not ramble aimlessly or introduce interesting but irrelevant materials.
Try to be concise.
Summarise your findings and make any consequent recommendations.
References and Bibliography.

Presentation of Assignments and Plagiarism

Always use a word processor to compile your reports and proof-read the final work
before submission. Always paginate an assignment. It is your responsibility to keep a
copy of every assignment.
The University Regulations require students to submit their own original work for
essays, reports, exercises and examinations. Stress is laid on consequences of
plagiarism and the use of other unfair means in examinations, be they coursework or
end of semester examinations.
Some examples of plagiarism are:
Asking someone else to do all or part of your work (e.g., essay, report, design of
system or software).
Copying all or part of someone elses work, with or without the other persons
Giving someone your work so that he/she can copy your work for submission.
Using quotations or ideas from the works of others without acknowledgement.
Working jointly with another student on an essay and then copying it up for
individual submission.
Taking materials from the Internet and passing it off as your own.
Summarising a range of sources as if you had read them yourself, when in fact
you are using someone elses summary.
There is no objection to quoting materials from other sources. In fact, it is in academic
writing to quote materials selectively from journals and even textbooks, but it is very
important that you acknowledge and identify all source materials on which your
assignment work is based. Of course a piece of work that is made almost entirely of
other peoples ideas with little input from you is likely to be awarded a rather low
Any quotations should always be attributed by means of quotation marks and a
reference naming author and text. Remember that quotations and references should be
used in support of an argument, or to make a point, and not to provide the substance
or main part of the work to be submitted for assessment. If you are using a system
(e.g., software) developed by someone else as a part of your system, you must
acknowledge that fact in all relevant documents.
If you do not clearly identify your sources you might be suspected of plagiarism. If an
examiner finds that you have presented someone elses work as your own the
consequences can be very serious.


MSc / PG Dip in Computer Science 2013

Procedure for Assignments Involving Group Work

All students accept the need for working in groups, and the benefits to be gained from
the transfer of work experience and other practices through group working. However,
there have been recurring complaints from some researchers that these benefits are not
being realised where students are able to choose their own grouping. This problem
can be tackled both through the process of group formation and the method of
assessment. The following procedure for group formation will take place unless
otherwise agreed with the module co-ordinator.

Group Formation
To maximise the opportunities for each student to benefit from the transfer of
work experiences and other practices with other students through the assignment
To create opportunities for students to make lasting networking ties with each
To make the work sharing process as fair as possible.
Module Lecturers should select student groups for assessed assignments, not the
Groups should be chosen by quasi-random selection, resulting in each group
containing a mix of students differentiated as far as feasible by such factors as
age, gender, level and type of experience.
New groups should be formed for each different piece of group-work.
Students preferences should only be granted where the teacher is satisfied that
there is a logistical problem that threatens the functionality of the group.

Group-work Assessment
When a group project is submitted, a separate section should be included in which
each member of the group briefly describes his/her contribution to the project. In
general, each person in a group may get different grades for the amount and quality of
work done, as judged by the lecturer(s).

Background Reading
During the course students will find it useful to keep up to date by reading current
issues of the IEEE Computer, IEEE Spectrum, Communications of the ACM and
similar or more specialized Journals and conference proceedings published by the
IEEE, IEE, ACM, CSSL and IESL. Many are available at Moratuwa University


MSc / PG Dip in Computer Science 2013

8. MSc Project and Research Dissertation

The second year of the MSc programme is mostly dedicated for the MSc Project and
the preparation of a research dissertation. This is a written report on an original and
individual project undertaken by the student, which will be assessed by a panel of
examiners. Students are encouraged to think about their projects early in the academic
semesters for efficient execution of the project. Preparation for the dissertation begins
with the Research Seminar module in the first semester.
By the end of the first year of study, students should discuss with possible supervisors
about areas of research interests and select an appropriate supervisor to discuss their
project proposals. Students wishing to undertake a project within a firm / organization
are responsible for organising their own placements. The Course Coordinator can
issue a letter to facilitate it. Special forms relevant to the research dissertation will be
issued during the second semester.
MSc Research Project is a unique opportunity to:

learn how to execute and manage a substantial research project;

integrate and consolidate the technical learning from the programme;
apply knowledge selectively to a topic of the students own choosing;
produce a piece of work which will expand the knowledge of the field;
produce a piece of work which will advance the career aspirations of the student
and which will be of interest to a potential employer; and
exchange, debate and share applied research ideas, views and findings with
academic staff and peers.

Types of Project
a) A student may attempt to solve a practical problem (not necessarily a completely
successful attempt). The dissertation may demonstrate the ability to put to
practical use of some of the techniques learned.
b) Some students may be engaged by a company to do a specified job in a specified
time: they may need to put the work they do in a wider perspective.
c) Under exceptional circumstances a student may be allowed to carryout a portfolio
of smaller research projects that can be integrated into an acceptable whole.
d) Students are highly encouraged to select a dissertation topic according to their
specialisation in MSc

Students cannot expect their projects to be minutely supervised by their supervisors,
but they can expect reasonable access to staff members. In particular, they can expect
the supervisor to help if they get in to severe difficulty. However, it is better to have
regular contact with your supervisor to avoid this. It is the joint responsibility of
supervisor and student to agree early on the programme of work for the project. All
projects should have a written statement of the plan of the project and the various
stages through which it is expected to pass. Students may of course, approach other
members of staff than their supervisor for specialist advice on particular matters in
their projects.


MSc / PG Dip in Computer Science 2013

A supervisor will usually be able to tell the student when it is time for the student to
begin the final write-up. However, you are advised to begin writing frameworks for
chapters and chapters as early as possible.
Supervisors will be keeping a log of the progress of students. This procedure is
intended to improve consistency between supervisors, give sufficient information to
understand the requirements of each stage, assists in the keeping of a log of deadlines
and contacts with the supervisor and student.

General Academic Standard of MSc Dissertation

The MSc dissertation should show:
The ability to identify a problem and define it in such a way that it can be
satisfactorily completed in the time available.
Logical analysis and development of the issues involved in the problem.
Thorough knowledge of the area of study.
Understanding of the methodological issues involved.
Clear explanation of system or software designed/developed, its advantages and
the drawbacks of other systems or software, if any
Ability to interpret and asses the findings and experimental results.
Ability to relate the findings to the issues identified in the problem.
Referencing and bibliography using an established method.
An acceptable level of use of the English language.
You are advised to make clear the theoretical framework for your dissertation, the
methodology that you have adopted, and the conclusions that you have drawn. You
should also indicate what contribution your dissertation has made, e.g. to the theory
you have studied, and/or to the company with which you have worked. Finally, you
should consider how the project and dissertation have helped in your personal
learning and development.


MSc / PG Dip in Computer Science 2013

9. Performance Criteria for the Award of Master of

Title of Award: Master of Science
Participation in the Academic Programme:

At least 80% attendance is normally required in lectures, tutorials and other

group based activities to be eligible to sit for examinations.

Participation is compulsory, unless otherwise approved, in all prescribed

seminars and assignments, such as: tutorials, term papers, case studies, project
activities as envisaged in the course curriculum.

Pass in the MSc:

A candidate is deemed to have passed the MSc if he/she has successfully

completed the evaluation requirements in each of the components of the MSc
degree programme content as given below:
(a) The written examinations in all the course modules; and
(b) The seminars; and
(c) Assignments, term papers and other project based activities
(d) Collected a minimum of 38 credits from course modules offered according
to the curriculum approved by the Faculty and the Senate.
(e) Successfully completed the research project carrying 16 credits and of one
year duration on a part-time basis (or equivalent amount of time on a fulltime basis) assigned to the candidate and presented results of the research
in the form of a dissertation and defended the dissertation in front of a
panel of examiners.

If a student is unsuccessful in any course module or component, the student

may be re-examined. Normally a total of only three attempts will be allowed,
and this shall be at the next holding of the examination(s)/assessment(s). No
postponement shall be allowed without prior approval of the Senate.


MSc / PG Dip in Computer Science 2013

Credit Rating:
One hour of lectures or other classroom activity, seminars or tutorials per week for
one semester of approximately 14 weeks duration carries one credit. Two hours per
week on the same activities during a short-term of 7 weeks will carry one credit.
Duration of Course:
The normal duration of the programme leading to the MSc degree would be
approximately 2 years (24 months) on a part-time basis and 16 months on a full-time

Award of Grades for Course Modules:

To pass a course module, student should obtain minimum marks (40%) in

each component (i.e. the written examination and project based activities) of
the course module and an overall minimum grade of C+ or above.

Grades of performance for the course modules shall be awarded as follows:

85 and above
75 to 84
70 to 74
65 to 69
60 to 64
55 to 59
50 to 54









Grade C+ or above is required to pass a course module and earn credit

for it. The guideline percentages and grade points given above are the
same as for the undergraduate programme in the Faculty of
Engineering. A grade C is not given in the MSc programme in order to
avoid the confusion of taking it as a pass grade, as done in the
undergraduate programme.
A student having not obtained a grade of C+ or above in a course
module but has obtained minimum marks for at least one component,
receives an incomplete grade, I.
A student receiving an F grade must repeat all components.
The I grade or F grade can be improved to a C+ grade by repeating
one or more components to satisfy the requirements for a pass in the
course module. The maximum grade awarded for a course module
after repeating one or more components will be a C+ and will be used
for calculating the Grade Point Average.


MSc / PG Dip in Computer Science 2013

Evaluation of the Research Project:

Examination of dissertation, evaluation of the seminar and oral examination of

the candidate by a panel of examiners.

The grading for the research project will be A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, I and F.

Calculation of Grade Point Average:

The Grade Point Average (GPA) is calculated from the grade points received by the
student (GRADE POINT) and the credits assigned for each of the course modules
(CREDITS) by the formula:




Release of Results:
Subject to confirmation by the Senate, results of a candidate shall be released after the
Board of Examiners meeting, unless the Board of Examiners recommends
withholding of the results for specific reasons.
Award of the Degree:
A candidate is eligible for the award of the MSc degree if he/she,

Has obtained a GPA of 2.7 or above and 38 credits from course work
including compulsory and optional course modules.
Has successfully completed the research project and obtained 16 credits for
the project.

Date of Award:
The effective date of the MSc shall be the first day of the month after the successful
completion of all of the following and having obtained the minimum credit
requirement for the MSc degree programme:

The written examinations in all the course modules; and

The seminars; and
Assignments, term papers and other project based activities; and
Examination of the dissertation and oral examination.


MSc / PG Dip in Computer Science 2013

10. Performance Criteria for the Award of PG

Title of Award: Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Science
Participation in the Academic Programme:

At least 80% attendance is normally required in lectures, tutorials and other

group based activities to be eligible to sit for examinations.

Participation is compulsory, unless otherwise approved, in all prescribed

seminars and assignments, such as: tutorials, term papers, case studies, project
activities as envisaged in the course curriculum.

Pass in the PG Diploma:

A candidate is deemed to have passed the PG Diploma if he/she has

successfully completed the evaluation requirements in each of the components
of the PG Diploma programme content as given below:
(a) The written examinations in all the course modules; and
(b) The seminars; and
(c) Assignments, term papers and other project based activities;

(d) Collected a minimum of 35 credits from course modules offered according
to the curriculum approved by the Faculty and the Senate.
(e) Successfully completed the project carrying 3 credits and of 3 months
duration on a part-time basis (or equivalent amount of time on a full-time
basis) assigned to the candidate and presented results of the research in the
form of a dissertation and defended the dissertation in front of a panel of

If a student is unsuccessful in any course module or component, the student

may be re-examined. Normally a total of only three attempts will be allowed,
and this shall be at the next holding of the examination(s)/assessment(s). No
postponement shall be allowed without prior approval of the Senate.

Credit Rating:
One hour of lectures or other classroom activity, seminars or tutorials per week for
one semester of approximately 14 weeks duration carries one credit. Two hours per
week on the same activities during a short-term of 7 weeks will carry one credit.


MSc / PG Dip in Computer Science 2013

Duration of Course:
The normal duration of the course leading to the PG Diploma would be 16 months on
part time basis.
Award of Grades for Course Modules:

To pass a course module, student should obtain minimum marks (40%) in

each component (i.e. the written examination and project based activities) of
the course module and an overall minimum grade of C+ or above.

Grades of performance for the course modules shall be awarded as follows:

85 and above
75 to 84
70 to 74
65 to 69
60 to 64
55 to 59
50 to 54









Grade C+ or above is required to pass a course module and earn credit

for it. The guideline percentages and grade points given above are the
same as for the undergraduate programme in the Faculty of
Engineering. A grade C is not given in the MSc or PG Diploma
programme in order to avoid the confusion of taking it as a pass grade,
as done in the undergraduate programme.
A student having not obtained a grade of C+ in a course module but has
obtained minimum marks for at least one component, receives an
incomplete grade, I.
A student receiving an F grade must repeat all components.
The I grade or F grade can be improved to a C+ grade by repeating
one or more components to satisfy the requirements for a pass in the
course module. The maximum grade awarded for a course module
after repeating one or more components will be a C+ and will be used
for calculating the Grade Point Average.

Calculation of Grade Point Average:

The Grade Point Average (GPA) is calculated from the grade points received by the
student (GRADE POINT) and the credits assigned for each of the course modules
(CREDITS) by the formula:


MSc / PG Dip in Computer Science 2013




Release of Results:
Subject to confirmation by the Senate, results of a candidate shall be released after the
Board of Examiners meeting, unless the Board of Examiners recommends
withholding of the results for specific reasons.
Date of Award:
The effective date of the PG Diploma shall be the first day of the month after the
successful completion of all of the following and having obtained the minimum credit
requirement for the PG Diploma programme:
(a) The written examinations in all the course modules; and
(b) The seminars; and
(c) Assignments, term papers and other project based activities.


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