The View: You Have One Life. Do Something
The View: You Have One Life. Do Something
The View: You Have One Life. Do Something
March/April 2010
MARCH & APRIL EVENTS: It’s almost here!
* We will teach about fasting at Oxygen leading up to the Famine. If you cannot/choose not to fast from
food, there are other ways to fast. Please do not fast from food if you have an eating disorder,
hypoglycemia, diabetes, or another health concern. God will lead you to other ways to fast for Him! Talk
to Logan or Lindsey if you have a concern.
Recap: “Live it out!”
Due to a case of the flu, Rainbow Omega was can- credit! Our teens prayed with people, paid for others’
celled for our winter mission trip. However, God led meals and did other random acts of kindness.
us to Birmingham to serve some forgotten populations
Next, we went downtown and bought 20
there! burgers to give to the homeless. The teens were so
Eleven teens blown-away by the faith of so many of the homeless
and three adults from people we met. We prayed with them and sought to
University drove to Bir- give them a sense of dignity.
mingham Friday night on
a mission to be open to We then went to “Homes for Troops,”
God’s leading to serve where the community was building a house for a se-
others. The day started verely wounded soldier. We loved meeting his wife
out with helping a family and delivering a house warming gift and snacks.
from Mexico who was To top of the evening, we spent several
broken down on the hours at a shelter that houses 5-6 homeless families.
interstate. We quickly We played games, ate pizza, made dessert and just
became friends and en- loved on these teens and children.
joyed using some of our
Spanish skills to commu- All the UY teens expressed the joy they
nicate with them. After received from helping those in need. We realized that
their car got up and running, we headed to the Galle- all people are in need of love and service, no matter
ria Mall for some “spontaneous giving.” Everyone was their circumstance. We pray that God helped open
give a $5 bill and told to bless someone with it. The our eyes to see people the way He does. Praise God
challenge was to bless someone without receiving the for a blessed weekend!
Happy Birthday!
March April
2: Xavier Davis 1: Alex Ray
6: Chasity Bostic 15: Lauren Gross
10: Kindred Smith 23: Britney Nelms
16: Lacey Fowler
25: Corey Furr
26: Brantley Morris
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University Youth 2010 Summer Interns!!
Emily Bumpus and Jerome Dees
Emily is a senior at the University of Toledo.
Jerome is graduating from the University of Florida.
Please keep them in your prayers as they plan to
come join us this summer!
University Church of Christ
1200 Julia Tutwiler Dr.
Tuscaloosa, AL 35475
Meeting Times: Your
March 7th Faith
Sunday nights 6-7:30 March 28th
Groups for girls, guys and parents. April 11th
Girls are studying the Fruit of the Spirit April 18th
Guys are studying Spiritual Warfare April 25th
Join your small group to go deeper into
real life as a Christian!
Every Wednesday @
Overlook 6:30—7:30
7th & 8th Grades: Hal Jackson & Ray Colvin
9th & 10th Grades: John & Rosemary Ramsey Student-led Worship
11th & 12th Grades: Logan & Lindsey Thrasher and Community
with your family of believers
Sunday mornings @ 9:35
Good stuff!!