High-Performance Integrated Dual-Gate Algan/Gan Enhancement-Mode Transistor

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High-Performance Integrated Dual-Gate AlGaN/GaN

Enhancement-Mode Transistor

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Lu, Bin, Omair Irfan Saadat, and Toms Palacios. HighPerformance Integrated Dual-Gate AlGaN/GaN EnhancementMode Transistor. IEEE Electron Device Letters 31.9 (2010):
990992. Web. 2010 IEEE.

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High-Performance Integrated Dual-Gate AlGaN/GaN

Enhancement-Mode Transistor
Bin Lu, Student Member, IEEE, Omair Irfan Saadat, Student Member, IEEE, and Toms Palacios, Member, IEEE

AbstractIn this letter, we present a new AlGaN/GaN

enhancement-mode (E-mode) transistor based on a dual-gate
structure. The dual gate allows the transistor to combine an
E-mode behavior with low on-resistance and very high breakdown
voltage. The device utilizes an integrated gate structure with
a short gate controlling the threshold voltage and a long gate
supporting the high-voltage drop from the drain. Using this new
dual-gate technology, AlGaN/GaN E-mode transistors grown on a
Si substrate have demonstrated a high threshold voltage of 2.9 V
with a maximum drain current of 434 mA/mm and a specific
on-resistance of 4.3 m cm2 at a breakdown voltage of 643 V.
Index TermsAlGaN/GaN, dual-gate, enhancement-mode
(E-mode), high-electron-mobility transistor (HEMT), power


lGaN/GaN high-electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs)

have attracted a great interest for power electronics applications. A standard AlGaN/GaN HEMT is a depletion-mode
(D-mode) device due to the large 2-D electron gas induced
by the polarization charge at the AlGaN/GaN interface [1].
However, enhancement-mode (E-mode) AlGaN/GaN HEMTs
are highly desirable for power electronics as they can greatly
simplify circuit designs and improve system reliability.
Several approaches have been reported in the past for fabricating normally-off GaN transistors, including gate recess
[2], fluorine/hydrogen plasma treatment [3][5], p-type gate
injection [6], engineering the surface potential with dielectrics
[7], [8], dipole engineering [9], [10], and GaN MOSFETs
[11][14]. However, it is difficult to use these methods to fabricate devices that simultaneously have large threshold voltage,
low on-resistance, and high breakdown voltage. In this letter,
we report the use of a new integrated dual-gate technology on
a standard AlGaN/GaN D-mode HEMT structure that allows
the fabrication of state-of-the-art AlGaN/GaN E-mode power
transistors with high threshold voltage (> 2.8 V), high drain
current (> 400 mA/mm), and high breakdown voltage (643 V).
The concept of the dual-gate technology is based on the
circuit topology shown in Fig. 1(a). High-performance E-mode

Manuscript received May 27, 2010; revised June 20, 2010; accepted
June 22, 2010. Date of publication August 9, 2010; date of current version
August 25, 2010. This work was supported in part by the MIT Energy Initiative
and in part by the Department of Energy-sponsored GIGA Project. The review
of this letter was arranged by Editor G. Meneghesso.
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
(e-mail: binlu@mit.edu; oisaadat@mit.edu; tpalacios@mit.edu).
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this letter are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LED.2010.2055825

Fig. 1. (a) Normally-off operation by connecting an AlGaN/GaN D-mode

transistor with a normally-off transistor. (b) Schematic of the proposed integrated dual-gate E-mode device and its SEM cross-sectional image. (c) ATLAS
simulation of the potential distribution in the integrated dual-gate normally-off
transistor with Vgs = 0 V and Vds = 100 V.

operation can be achieved by connecting a high-voltage

D-mode AlGaN/GaN HEMT with a low-voltage short-gate
E-mode device, which can be a Si MOSFET or an E-mode
GaN-based transistor. This circuit topology can be integrated
into a single device on an AlGaN/GaN structurethe integrated dual-gate transistoras shown in the device schematic
in Fig. 1(b), where the E-mode gate is implemented by gate
recess. Although two separated gate fingers can be used, the
integrated dual-gate structure gives the smallest form factor
when the two gates are biased at the same voltage.
When the device is in the pinchoff, the channel underneath
the D-mode gate will be depleted, and the short E-mode gate
will be shielded from the large drain voltage. Only a voltage
that is equal to the threshold voltage of the D-mode gate (|Vth |)
is dropped across the E-mode short gate, as shown by the
simulation of the potential distribution in the device performed
with the device simulator Silvaco ATLAS [Fig. 1(c)]. Different
from the conventional gate-recessed E-mode AlGaN/GaN transistors in [12][14], the integrated dual-gate structure needs to

0741-3106/$26.00 2010 IEEE



be carefully designed so that the following will be achieved:

1) the gate length of the E-mode gate [shown in the SEM image
in Fig. 1(b)] should be as short as possible to reduce its impact
on the device total on-resistance; 2) the D-mode gate needs to
be long enough (1 m in our devices) to support the high drain
voltage; and 3) the pinchoff voltage of the D-mode gate should
not exceed the drain punchthrough voltage of the E-mode gate,
which requires the D-mode gate to be as close to the channel as
The devices used in this letter were fabricated on an AlGaN/GaN heterostructure grown on a 4-in Si (111) substrate
by Nitronex Corporation. The structure has an 1.8-m undoped GaN/AlGaN buffer and a 17-nm Al0.26 Ga0.74 N barrier.
Ti/Al/Ni/Au alloyed source and drain ohmic contacts were
formed by rapid thermal annealing (RTA). Mesa isolation was
achieved by BCl3 /Cl2 plasma etching. Then, the short E-mode
gate (Lg = 95 10 nm) was patterned with electron beam
lithography, and the AlGaN barrier was fully recessed with lowdamage BCl3 /Cl2 plasma etching. A 14-nm Al2 O3 gate dielectric was then deposited by atomic layer deposition, followed
by 90-s RTA at 700 C. Finally, a 2-m-long Ni/Au/Ni gate
electrode was deposited, overlapping with the first gate-recess
region. The 2-m gate was shifted 1 m toward the drain side
forming the D-mode gate in the integrated dual-gate structure,
as shown in the SEM image in Fig. 1(b). The gate was annealed
at 500 C for 3 min. Standard D-mode transistors were also
fabricated at the same time as a reference on the same sample
without the gate recess. The breakdown voltage was measured
using a Tektronix curve tracer connected to Agilent 34401A
multimeters. The breakdown voltage is defined as the voltage
when the leakage current reaches 1 mA/mm.

Fig. 2. (a) Id Vds characteristics of an integrated dual-gate E-mode device

with Lgd = 5 m. (b) Transfer characteristics of the E-mode device compared to a D-mode device of the same structure without gate recess. The
E-mode device is biased at Vds = 12 V, while the D-mode device is biased at
Vds = 10 V.


The dc characteristics of a normally-off integrated dual-gate
device with Lgd = 5 m are shown in Fig. 2. The maximum
forward gate bias voltage (Vgs ) of the fabricated devices is
7 V, beyond which the gate dielectric breaks. The maximum
drain current at Vgs = 7 V of the E-mode dual-gate device is
434 mA/mm [Fig. 2(a)]. The transfer characteristics of the Eand D-mode devices are shown in Fig. 2(b). The E-mode device
has a threshold voltage of 2.9 V, while the D-mode device
has a threshold voltage of 3.5 V, which is also the pinchoff
voltage of the D-mode gate in the integrated dual-gate device.
Measurements from five E-mode devices on the sample give an
average threshold voltage of 2.9 V with a standard deviation
of 0.10 V, which is comparable to the one in D-mode devices
( = 0.13 V). The integrated dual-gate E-mode and standard
D-mode transistors reach maximum transconductances (gm s)
of 143 and 134 mS/mm, respectively, which are limited by the
access resistance.
The Id Vds curves in Fig. 2(a) show two knee voltages
that are a unique characteristic of the dual-gate devices.
The first knee voltage is at Vds = Vgs Vth,Emode , where
Vth,Emode = 2.9 V, the E-mode gate threshold voltage. The
second knee voltage is at Vds = Vgs Vth,Dmode , where

Fig. 3. Three-terminal breakdown measurement of an E-mode device at

Vgs = 0 V and a D-mode device at Vgs = 8 and 6.8 V. Both devices have
Lgd = 18 m. The resolution in the measurement setup is 1 A/mm.

Vth,Dmode = 3.5 V, the D-mode gate threshold voltage. The

output conductance between the two knee voltages is due to the
short-channel effect of the 95-nm E-mode gate.
A maximum 643-V three-terminal breakdown voltage is
achieved on a dual-gate E-mode device at Vgs = 0 V with
Lgd = 18 m (shown in Fig. 3). Its specific on-resistance
(Rsp,on ) is extracted to be 4.3 m cm2 , with Lsd = 24 m (including a 2-m transfer length from the source and drain contacts). A device with Lgd = 15 m has a breakdown of 567 V
and a Rsp,on of 3.4 m cm2 . The breakdown curves of a
standard D-mode device with the same Lgd biased at Vgs =
8 V and 6.8 V are compared with that of the E-mode
device in Fig. 3. Both E- and D-mode devices reach the same
breakdown voltage at Id = 1 mA/mm, which is limited by the
Si substrate. However, the E-mode device has higher drain
leakage than the D-mode device biased at Vgs = 8 V. A



device performance can be further improved by increasing the

Al2 O3 /GaN interface mobility.

Fig. 4. Ron versus recessed gate lengths. The extrapolation to zero recessed
gate length gives a resistance of 6.74 mm, which is the Ron (6.76 mm
at Vgs = 7 V) of a standard D-mode device of the same dimensions.

This letter has demonstrated the concept of an integrated

dual-gate structure for E-mode GaN transistors where a short
gate controls the threshold voltage and a longer gate supports
the drain voltage drops. Using gate recess and Al2 O3 gate
dielectric, the fabricated dual-gate E-mode AlGaN/GaN on Si
transistors show a threshold voltage of 2.9 V, a maximum drain
current of 434 mA/mm, and a Rsp,on of 4.3 m cm2 with a
breakdown voltage of 643 V. The proposed integrated dual-gate
transistor is therefore a very promising approach to achieving
high breakdown and threshold voltage with minimum impact
on on-resistance. These three properties are important requirements for the use of GaN transistors in high-performance power

Fig. 5. Benchmark plot of (a) the maximum Ids vs threshold voltages and
(b) Rsp,on versus threshold voltages for published E-mode GaN transistors
with a breakdown voltage over 500 V.

similar trend is also reported in [14]. The higher drain leakage

associated with the E-mode device is due to its insufficient electron blocking barrier in the channel at the Vgs = 0-V pinchoff
condition. Similarly, lowering the electron blocking barrier in
the D-mode device by increasing the gate bias from 8 to
6.8 V increases its drain leakage as well (as shown in Fig. 3).
Improving the electron confinement by using a back barrier in
the AlGaN/GaN structures would reduce the drain leakage of
the E-mode transistor.
By varying the recessed gate lengths in the integrated dualgate structure, the resistance from the gate-recessed region can
be extracted from the on-resistance (Ron ) versus recessedgate-length curve in Fig. 4, where the Ron of these devices is
calculated from the IV characteristics at a gate bias of 7 V.
The slope of the curve gives a sheet resistance of 32.5 k/ in
the recessed region. Therefore, the 95-nm recessed gate region
contributes only 17% of the total device resistance of the 643-V
E-mode device with Lgd = 18 m. The dual-gate design allows the decoupling of the E-mode recessed region from the
D-mode high-voltage region, which significantly improves the
on-resistance and the maximum current of the devices, as
shown in Fig. 5, where the combination of the maximum drain
current, Rsp,on , and threshold voltage for several published
E-mode GaN transistors with a breakdown voltage of over
500 V is benchmarked.
The relatively high sheet resistance of the recess region is
due to the low electron mobility in that region. The electron
mobility at the Al2 O3 /GaN interface in the recessed region
of the dual-gate E-mode transistors is 16 2 cm2 /V s (extracted from the gm Vg characteristics), while the extracted
mobility for the D-mode device is 1045 79 cm2 /V s. The

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