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Electrical Instrumentation

Enrollment No:

Department of Electrical Engineering

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Lab Subject Code
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: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering





Calibration of wattmeter with the help of standard

voltmeter and ammeter.

Measurement of power in three phase A.C. circuit by

Two Wattmeter method and determine :a. Active and Reactive Power
b. Power Factor of the Load
c. Limiting Error for Power Measurement

To study of Multi Meter

Measurement of Medium Resistance by Wheat Stone


To calibrate a given single phase induction type energy


Measurement of Low Resistance by Kelvin Double


Study and Measurement of Insulation resistance with the

help of Megger

To measure active and reactive power in three phase

balanced load by one wattmeter method.

Testing and Calibration of the given LPF wattmeter by

using a sub-standard Wattmeter by phantom loading


To study and calibrate three phase wattmeter.


: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering

Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department


OBJECT :- Calibration of wattmeter with the help of standard voltmeter and ammeter.





Single Phase Auto-Transformer

01 No.



Wattmeter Dynamometer Type

01 No.

2.5A , 125V A.C.


Ammeter Moving Iron Type

01 No.

0-1A ,



Voltmeter Moving Iron Type

02 No.





01 No.



Connecting wire

10 - 12 No.




Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department

: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering

THEORY:WATTMETERS:In d.c. circuit power is given by the product of voltage (V) and current (I). However in case of a.c.
circuits it is not true. The real power in a.c. circuit is given by the expression V I Cos , Where Cos is
power factor. The measurement of real power in a.c. circuits is done by using an instrument which is
known as wattmeter.
A wattmeter comprises of two coils namely current coil and pressure coil. The current coil is
connected in series with the load and the pressure coil is connected across the load. The most
commonly used wattmeters are of dynamo-meter indicating type. The current coil is fixed and
pressure coil is moving coil. The working of this type of wattmeters depends up on the electro
magnetic forces exerted between the current coil and pressure coil.
Wattmeter are also available in triple range for voltages as well as for current e.g. 2.5/5A,
125/250/500V. There is only one scale on the wattmeter. For different combinations of ranges of
voltage s and currents, the ratings of wattmeter would be different. In order to take down the correct
reading from wattmeter a multiplying factor is to be used. The various value of multiplying factors
are mentioned on the meter. These are an accordance to the range used for voltages and currents.
Many a times it happens that the wattmeter gives ve reading. In such a case the connections of
either the current coil or the pressure coil should be reversed. Then the wattmeter will start reading
+ve . the readings so indicated should be recorded with a ve sign.
The terminals of current coil are marked as M L abbreviation for mains and load. The terminals of
pressure coil are marked V1 and V2. the terminals M of the current coil and V1 of the pressure coil are
joined together, and junction is known as common terminal.
The connections of a wattmeter in an a.c. circuit are made as shown in fig. below

Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department

: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering

The current coil of wattmeter has a low resistance and hence the symbol is inductive. The pressure
coil of wattmeter has high resistance and hence the symbol is resistive.
PROCEDURE :(A) Connect the voltmeter, ammeter and wattmeter to the load through single phase autotransformer
according to the circuit diagram and setup.1 phase auto transformer to zero position.
(B) Switch on the single phase a.c. supply and adjust the auto transformer till a suitable voltage .At this
stage note down all the readings of equipments.
(C) Vary or increase the voltage by auto transformer and note the various reading and calculate the
power by wattmeter and voltmeter, ammeter and then find out limiting error for wattmeter.



Reading In


Reading In

Volts [V]

In Amperes [I]

Watts [W1]


=[V* I]



(W1) X Multiplying Factor of Wattmeter (in watt)

Actual Value

Voltmeter Reading X Ammeter Reading

% Limiting Error

Measured Value Actual Value

Actual Value


Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department

: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering

RESULT:The power measure in the circuit is shown in test and actual value calculated by voltmeter reading
into ammeter reading and there corresponding limiting error (%) in last column.

REPORT:Limiting error for wattmeter in above case is:


Power supply should be on in presence of Lab Instructor.

All connected lead wire should be tight.

Proper current and voltage range must be selected before putting the Instruments /
Equipments in circuit.

Take observations carefully. Dont Touch Live wires.

Wattmeter should be connected as per circuit diagram.

If any wattmeter reads backwards reverse its pressure coil connection and record the reading
as ve.

As the supply voltage fluctuates it is not possible to observe the readings correctly.

Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department

: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering

OBJECT: Measurement of power in three phase A.C. circuit by Two Wattmeter method and determine :

Active and Reactive Power.

Power Factor of The Load.

Limiting Error For Power Measurement.






Three phase Auto-Transformer

01 No.

20Amp.,440V ,50 Hz A.C


Wattmeter Dynamometer Type


2.5A , 125V



Ammeter Moving Iron Type

01 No.

0-10A ,



Voltmeter Moving Iron Type

02 No.




Tree Phase Load

01 No.



Connecting Wire

12- 15 No.



: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering

Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department

Two wattmeter method employed to measurement power in three phase star or delta connected
balanced or unbalanced load. The current coil of the wattmeters are connected in any two line
(R,Y)and potential coil of each wattmeters is joined across the same line and third phase(B)Which
left(Common to both wattmeter) . of the power measurement by two wattmeters W1 and W2 is
equal to the power measured by three phase load.


Connect the voltmeter ,Ammeter, and Wattmeters to the load through three phase autotransformer as shown in fig. and reset the auto-transformer at zero position.

Switch on the three phase supply and adjust the auto-transformer till suitable voltage. Note
down readings of Wattmeters, Voltmeters, and Ammeter.

]vary the voltage by auto-transformer and noted various readings of Wattmeters, Voltmeter,
and Ammeter.

After taking observation switch of the power supply and disconnect all the equipment and
remove lead wire.

OBSERVATION TABLE :Multiplying factor of the Wattmeter is ..







(W1+ W2)





Power in



Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department

: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering


Actual Power (True Power)

= 3 VL IL

Resistive Load Power Factor Cos


Measured Power P

= 3 VL IL Cos =[(W1+W2) x ( M.F.)]


Power Factor Cos

=[(W1+ W2) x (M.F.) / 3 VL IL ]


Reactive Power Q

=3 (W1 - W2) x (M.F.)


Limiting Error

= [(Measured PowerActual Power)/Actual Power] x100

RESULT:Calculated Three Phase Power By Two Wattmeter Method Is:[Average of Reading]

Active Power.

Reactive Power ..

Power Factor of Load is..

Calculated The Limiting Error For Power Measurement is.......................................................


Power supply should be on in presence of Lab Instructor.

All connected lead wire should be tight.

To select proper range of related Instruments / Equipments.

Take observations carefully. Dont Touch Live wires.

Wattmeter should be connected as per circuit diagram.

Voltage fluctuations should be low.


: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering

Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department


To study of Multi Meter


Multi Meter

Auto Transformer

Rheostat (0-6 )

Rheostat (0-252 )

Triple Power Supply

THEORY:An electronic multi meter is one of the most versatile instrument which capable of measurement of
A.C. & D.C. Current, Voltage, and Resistance. All quantities other than D.C. Voltage is first converted
into an equivalent. D.C. Voltage by some device. It consists of following element:

A balance bridge

D.C. amplifier and PMMC indicating instrument

A range switch which is an attenuator to limit the value of input Voltage to desire

A function switches to select various measurement function of the instrument like

Current, Voltage and Resistance.

An analog to digital converter which converts the receiving analog quantities into
digital from which are then display on the screen i.e. display unit.

PROCEDURE:To measure A.C. Voltage by Multi Meter first of all we take the Auto Transformer and connect to
Multi Meter and adjust the Multi Meter to take reading of A.C. Voltage. Note down the supply
Voltage reading and corresponding the Multi Meter reading and so on.
To measure D.C. Voltage by Multi Meter first of all we connect the Multi Meter with triple Power
supply. Note down the D.C. supply voltage reading and corresponding the Multi Meter reading
increase the D.C. supply Voltage by triple power supply and note down the D.C. supply Voltage
reading and corresponding the Multi Meter reading and so on.

Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department

: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering

To measurement of resistance of rheostats by MultiMeter. First Of all we note down the total
resistance offered by of rheostats. Than to take different reading by varying the rheostats by Multi
Meter reading.


Average % Error in Measurement of A.C. Voltage

(M1 + M2 .+ Mn)

Average % Error in Measurement of D.C. Voltage

(X1 + X2 .+ Xn)

Average % Error in Measurement of Resistance =

(Y1 + Y2 .+ Yn)

Average % Error in Measurement of A.C. Voltage

Average % Error in Measurement of D.C. Voltage

Average % Error in Measurement of Resistance =





Supply Voltage (V)

Measured Voltage (V)



% Error

Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department

: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering



Supply Voltage (V)

Measured Voltage (V)

% Error

Measured Resistance (Ohms)

% Error




Standard Resistance (Ohms)



The reading of the supply Voltage and Measure Voltage by Multi m- Meter are Different
because the least count of Transformer is 2 Volt.

Also due to Voltage fluctuation reading does not remain constant.


Power supply should be on in presence of Lab Instructor.

All connected lead wire should be tight.

To select proper range of related Instruments / Equipments.

Take observations carefully. Dont Touch Live wires.

Wattmeter should be connected as per circuit diagram.

Voltage fluctuations should be low.


Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department

: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering


Measurement of Medium Resistance by Wheat Stone Bridge.

APPARATUS AND ACCESSORIES :Osaw portable wheat stone bridge ratio multipliers resistance dials, galvanometer,
galvanometer selector, galvanometer sensitivity control list terminals, battery key,
galvanometer key battery selector, battery terminals, galvanometer terminals, earth
terminals, operation switches, battery compartment.


Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department

: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering

Figure 1 Theoretical circuit of Wheatstone Bridge

Figure 2 Wiring circuit for this experiment


Name of Laboratory
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Name of Department

: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering

OPERATING PRINCIPAL :It is the best and commonest method to measure resistance and is first described by Christis
1833. However it did not become widely known until Wheatstone called attention to Christis
work in 1843 and wheat stones name has been associated with the network in its
subsequent general use.
P & Q are two known fixed resistances, R being a known variable resistance and S is the
unknown resistance. G is the sensitive galvanometer whose sensitivity may be controlled by a
shunt across its terminals. B is the battery of two or three cells. KB and KA are press keys fitted
with insulating press button so that it doesnt come in contact with metal parts of the circuit,
thus introducing thermo e.m.f The battery keys KB should be closed first followed by closing
of KG after a short interval. This avoids a sudden galvanometer deflection due to self-induced
e.m.f. When unknown resistance S has appreciable self inductance at balance obtained by
adjustment of R the same current flow in both the arm P & Q. Since galvanometer takes no
current and the same current I2 flow also in

the arms R & S.

Also, Voltage drop across arm, Q

Voltage drop across arm, R

Also, Voltage drop across arm, P

Voltage drop across arm, S

I 1Q

I2R .(1)

I 1P

I2S .(2)

From Equation No. 1 & 2 ,



From which S is found in terms of P, Q and R the arms of P and Q are the ratio arms of the
bridge and ratio P/Q may be varied as required to increase the range.


: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering

Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department

Reading of

Reading of Four Decades

X (1000)

X (100)

X (10)

X (1)





Set the battery and galvanometer selectors to initial position.

Set the operating switch to VR & R position.

Set the galvanometer sensitivity control to shunted position.

Connect the unknown resistance to be measured across the test terminals & X2.

Select a proper multiplication ratio from the multiplier depending on the range of
resistance measurement.

Ratio Step (Ohms)


Total Range in (Ohms)

0 11.11
0 - 111.1
0 - 1111.0
0 - 11110.0
0 - 111100.0
0 - 1111000.0 (11.11 M)

Press B & G keys and adjust the four decade resistance dials on the panels unit the
galvanometer pointer reaches zero. Set the galvanometer sensitivity a control to direct
position and repeat step 6 to obtain final balance point position.
Note reading of four decade dial and the ratio Multiplier. Thus, the unknown resistance can
be calculated as follow:Unknown Resistance = Reading of Decade Resistance X Multiplier Dial Indicators

Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department

: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering

WHEN USING EXTERNAL BATTERY:Internal 3 V batteries may not give good resolution for high resistance measurement. High
voltage battery or D.C. source may be used

Connect the external battery or a D.C. source to the battery terminal B ve and B +ve.

Set the battery selector to extent position

Proceed as usual

USE OF EXTERNAL GALVANOMETER:It can be done as follows

Connect the galvanometer through a series resistance box to the terminals G ve and G

set the galvanometer selector to extent position

Observe all the prequation required for the galvanometer for used.

Galvanometer series resistance may be gradually decrease to zero for obtaining final balance


1. What problems can you foresee with using a Wheatstone bridge for resistance
measurements? What are the principle uncertainties?
2. What limits your ability to make precise measurements in this experiment?


Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department

: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering


To calibrate a given single phase induction type energy meter.


1-phase Induction type Energy Meter


M.I. Voltmeter (0-250V)


M.I. Ammeter



Stop Watch.
Theory:Energy meter is an instrument which measure electrical energy. It is also Known as watt-hour
(wh) meter. It is an integrating meter . There are several type of energy meters. Single phase
induction type energy meters are very commonly used to measure electrical energy
consumed in domestic and commercial installation. Electrical energy is measured in Kilo
watt-hours (kwh) by these energy meters.

Construction:A single phase induction type energy meter consists of Driving system, Moving system,
Braking system and Registration system . Each of the systems is briefly explained below:
Driving System:This system of the energy meter consists of two silicon steel laminated
electromagnets M1 and M2 as shown in fig. 2.35. The electromagnet M2 is called the
shunt magnet. The series magnet M1 carries a coil consisting of a few turns of thick
wire. This coil is called the current coil (CC) and it is connected in series with the
circuit. The load current flows through this coil. The shunt magnet M2 carries a coil
consisting of many turns of thin wire. This coil is called the voltage coil (VC) and is
connected across the supply. It carries a current proportional to the supply voltage.
Short-circuited copper bends are provided on the lower part of the central limb
of the shunt magnet. By adjusting the position of these loops the shunt magnet flux
can be made to lag behind the supply voltage exactly by 900 .These copper bands are
called power factor compensator (PFC).

Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department

: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering
A copper shading band is provided on each outer limb of the shunt magnet (FC1
and FC2). These bands provide frictional compensation.

Moving System:The moving system consists of a thin aluminum disc mounted on a spindle and is placed in
the air gap between the series and shunt magnets. It cuts the fluxes of both the magnets.
Forces are provided by the fluxes of each of the magnets with the eddy current induced in
the disc by the flux of the other magnet. Both these forces act on the disc. These two forces
constitute a deflecting torque.
Braking System:The braking system consists of a permanent magnet called brake magnet. It is placed near
the edge of the aluminum disc. As the disc rotates in the field of the brake magnet, eddy
currents are induced in it. These eddy currents react with the flux and exert a torque. This
torque acts in a direction so that it opposes the motion of disc. The braking torque is

Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department

: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering

proportional to the speed of the disc.

Registering System:The disc spindle is connected to a counting mechanism. This mechanism records a number
which is proportional to the number of revolutions of the disc. The counter is calibrated to
indicate the energy consumed directly in Kilowatt-hours (kwh).
In this experiment the purpose is to calibrate the energy meter. This means we wish to find
out the error/correction in the energy meter readings. This calibration is possible only if some
other source /instrument, to know the correct readings is available ; Here the voltmeter,
ammeter and the stop watch are assumed to be correct viz, these are taken as reference.
Energy meter is now, to be calibrated with respect to voltmeter, ammeter and stopwatch.
We would perform this experiment by supplying the electric energy to a load. This energy
would be measured by two means i.e., by energy meter and by using combination of
voltmeter, ammeter and stop watch
The actual energy consumed = VIt watt-sec


The time t is measured in seconds for a given number of revolution (say 20) of the disc of
the energy meter. Induction type energy meters have a constant marked on the meters. It is
in terms of number of revolutions per kWh. Let us say it is 1200 revolutions per kWh. Then
the energy recorded by the energy meter is given by 20/1200 kWh. The error in the
instrument can be calculated as under.
Error = Actual energy - Recorded energy
A graph of error vs the load current is plotted. This is also known as the calibration curve of
the energy meter.


Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department

: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering

Procedure:The experiment for calibration of energy meter should be conducted in the following steps:

Connect the circuit as shown in Fig. 2.36, and apply constant a.c. voltage.


Switch on one of the loads.


Records the time taken for 20 revolution of the disc with the help of stop watch.


Take voltmeter and ammeter readings.


Repeat for more number of readings.


Record the reading as per Table 2.13


Dial Test Adjust the load resistance so that a current of 8-10 A flows in the circuit. Allow this
current to flow for half an hour. Take voltmeter and ammeter readings at regular intervals say
after each 5 minutes. Note the dial reading in the beginning of the test and end of half an hour.
The difference of the two reading gives the energy indicated by energy meter. Calculate the
actual value of energy consumed by using
V I * (0.5)
E = ---------------- kW hrs.
Calculate the error % using
Actual Energy Recorded Energy
Error % = 100* ---------------------------------------------Actual Energy


: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering

Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department

Observations & Calculations :The observation taken during the experiment can be recorded as shown in Table 2.13
Table 2.13 Calibration of Energy Meter




T(for 20






V I t kWhr






Following precautions should be taken care of while performing this experiment:

1. All the connection should be clean and tight.
2. Check that stop watch doesnt have any zero error.
3. The zero readings of voltmeter and ammeter should be checked and adjusted if
4. The number of revolutions of the disc of the energy meter should be counted with
reference to the red mark on the disc.


: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering

Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department


Measurement of Low Resistance by Kelvin Double Bridge.

Apparatus Required:a) Kelvin Double Bridge, battery

b) Sliding wire galvanometer
c) Lead wire etc.
Theory:Kelvin Double Bridge (KDB) is suitable for measurement of low resistance in the range 0.0001
ohm to 110 ohm.

Description of Kelvin Double Bridge (KDB)

Main dial:There are 10 coils of 0.1 ohms each arrange on the dial.
Slide wire:100 division of slide wire are equal to 0.1 ohm. Key K2 is provided for
Galvanometer Terminals:Ratio box terminals serve as Galvanometer terminals.
Battery:Terminals for battery are provided with key. A 2-6 volts battery is used.
Test Sample:Terminals for test samples are provided on the panel, marked C1 P1 C2 P2 (C
for current and P for potential points). Heavy loads should be used for


Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department

: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering
potential points. Length of a wire or rod under test is measured between
potential terminals.
Value of unknown resistance S= (R+r) X M.

Working:Connect a sensitive Galvanometer between terminals of ratio box marked 1. Connect a

battery of 6 volts between battery terminals. Connect the unknown Resistance between C1P1
and C2P2. (if resistance is of two terminals than short C1with P1 and C2 with P2). Now press
battery key and check the slide of deflection of galvanometer. Keeping slide wire key at O
press both battery key and slide wire key. Check the deflection of galvanometer. Move the
key along slide wire and check if galvanometer comes at balance point at any point of slide
wire. If not than change main dial to 1 and repeat the process till you find null point . If still
you dont find null point than change the position of Galvanometer at ratio box one terminal
ahead OR back and repeat the process.


Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department

: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering

a. Reading at slide wire

b. Reading of main dial

c. Reading of ratio box

d. Than value of unknown resistance S= (R+r) X M


Value of given resistance S is :

Precautions:1. Supply should be on in presence of teacher.

2. All connected lead wire should be tight.
3. To select proper range of related instruments.
4. To take the readings carefully. Dont touch live wire.


Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department

: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering


Study and Measurement of Insulation resistance with the help of Megger


Megger has become the generic description for a high voltage, low current insulation tester. The
word is short for megohm-meter. Although any Ohmmeter or Multimeter may appear capable of
similar measurements, only a Megger type instrument can test the quality of the insulation at or
above its operating voltage. Choice of test voltage is normally determined by the operating
voltage of the circuit under test; usually twice the operating voltage is sufficient. Two basic
insulation tests are possible: Insulation to ground and insulation between conductors.
How Insulation Resistance is measured:
Good insulation has high resistance; poor insulation, relatively low resistance. The actual
resistance values can be higher or lower, depending upon such factors as the temperature or
moisture content of the insulation (resistance decreases in temperature or moisture). Megger
insulation tester measures insulation resistance directly in ohms or meg-ohms. For good
insulation, the resistance usually reads in the meg-ohm range. The Megger insulation tester is
essentially a high-range resistance meter (ohmmeter) with a built-in direct-current generator.
This meter is of special construction with both current and voltage coils, enabling true ohms to be
read directly, independent of the actual voltage applied. This method is nondestructive; that is, it
does not cause deterioration of the insulation.

Figure 1Typical Megger test instrument hook-up to measure insulation resistance.


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Name of Department

: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering

The generator can be hand-cranked or line-operated to develop a high DC voltage which causes a
small current through and over surfaces of the insulation being tested (Fig. 1). This current
(usually at an applied voltage of 500 volts or more) is measured by the ohmmeter, which has an
indicating scale. Fig. 2 shows a typical scale, which reads increasing resistance values from left up
to infinity, or a resistance too high to be measured.

Fig.2. Typical scale on the Megger insulation tester.

Factors affecting insulation resistance readings:

1. Capacitance Charging Current

Current that starts out high and drops after the insulation has been charged to full
voltage (much like water flow in a garden hose when you first turn on the spigot).
2. Absorption Current
3. Conduction or Leakage Current
A small essentially steady current both through and over the insulation.


Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department

: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering

Object: - To measure active and reactive power in three phase balanced load by one wattmeter method.

Active power, reactive power, power factor in 3 phase circuit.
3 phase power system balanced and unbalanced load, phasor diagrams.
Multiplying factor of wattmeter.


Proposition 1 : Measurement of power in 3 phase circuit

Power in 3 phase system may be measured by using
1. Three single phase wattmeter - This method is used for a star connected, 4 wire system, balanced or
unbalanced load.

2. Two 1 phase wattmeter - This method is suitable for 3 phase, 3 wire system and widely used. It is
applicable to both delta and star system, balanced or unbalanced load.

3. One single phase wattmeter - This method is applicable to balanced load only.

4. One 3 phase wattmeter - 3 phase wattmeter consists of two or three wattmeter elements mounted
together in one case with moving coils mounted on the same spindle

Proposition 2 :
One wattmeter method for measurement of active power is for 3 phase balanced load only. The current coil
of the wattmeter is connected in one of the lines and one end of pressure coil is connected to the same line.
The readings are taken by connecting other terminal of pressure coil alternately to other 2 lines. The sum of
the two readings gives active power.


Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department

: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering

Proposition 3 :
It is often convenient and even essential that reactive power be measured. For example in load monitoring,
such a measurement gives the operator the information of the nature of load. Also the reactive power serves
as a check on power factor measurements, since ratio of reactive and active power is tan f = Q/P Where Q &
P are the reactive and active power respectively.

Proposition 4 :
One wattmeter method for measurement of reactive power is for 3 phase balanced load only. The current
coil of the wattmeter is connected in one of the lines. The pressure coil is connected across two lines. The
reactive power is 3 times the wattmeter reading.


Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department

: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering

Intellectual Skills:

To understand the significance of reactive power.

To understand the need of measurement of reactive power.

Motor Skills

To Handle the wattmeter.

To operate load and set it for balanced load reading.

To interchange wattmeter connections if it reads negative.

Part A
(Students shall draw the circuit diagram in the space provided. The diagram shall include the following
Measurement of active power in 3 phase balanced circuit by one wattmeter method.
Refer to proposition 2 and draw the circuit diagram.
1 Use 3 phase balanced load (lamp bank or inductive load)
2 Show switch, fuse and meters.


Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department

: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering

Part B
(Students shall draw the circuit diagram in the space provided. The diagram shall include the following
Measurement of reactive power in 3 phase circuit by one wattmeter method.
Refer to proposition 4 and draw the circuit diagram.
1 Use 3 phase balanced load.
2 Show switch, fuse and meters.

Apparatus Required: 3 phase Variac (0 - 415V)

A. C. Ammeter (0 - 5A)
A. C. Voltmeter (0 - 300V)
Wattmeter (300V, 5A, 625Watts)
Variable power factor load.

Part A
a. Make the connections as per the circuit diagram.
b. Check and adjust zero indication of wattmeter and note the multiplying factor of wattmeter.
c. Switch on the supply.
d. Adjust required amount of supply voltage with variac.
e. Adjust balanced load.

Note voltmeter, ammeter & wattmeter reading W1 with switch at 'a'.

g. Note wattmeter reading W2 with the switch at 'b'.

h. Take four readings for different current for balanced load.

Switch off the supply.


Calculate total active power and power factor.


Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department

: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering

Part B
a. Make the connections as per the circuit diagram.
b. Switch on the supply.
c. Adjust the same values of current for balanced loads as in part (a).
d. Note wattmeter, voltmeter & ammeter reading.
e. Switch off the supply.

Observations :
Part A - Measurement of active power

Part B - Measurement of reactive power


Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department

: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering

1. In Star connection when is the load said to be balanced?
2. Active power in 3 phase balanced load circuit with one wattmeter method is to be measured.Draw phasor
diagram for the same.
3. Why is it essential to measure reactive power? Give reason.
4. List four electrical equipment's which consume reactive power.
5. A single phase wattmeter is used for measurement of reactive power in 3 phase balanced load. If the total
reactive power is 173kvar calculate the reading of wattmeter.
6. Reactive power in 3 phase balanced load circuit with one wattmeter method is to be measured. Draw
phasor diagram for the same.
7. Suggest suitable method to measure power consumed by a three phase induction motor used for pumping
the water.
8. A wattmeter has a current coil resistance of 0.05W and a pressure coil resistance of 10K. The load current
is 10A and load voltage is 230V. The power taken by the load is 130W. Show two types of wattmeter
connections & the reading of wattmeter in each case.
9. Draw a power triangle diagram showing KW, KVA & KVAr.
10. Give the relation between KW, KVA, & KVAr.
11. Give the relation between KW , KVA , and Cos.


Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department

: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering


Calibration of LPF Wattmeter by Phantom Loading

Testing and Calibration of the given LPF wattmeter by using a sub-standard Wattmeter by
phantom loading method.


Wattmeter (Testing or standard)

Dynamometer type, LPF

10A, 300V

1 no


Wattmeter (Sub-standard or calibrated)

Dynamometer type, UPF

10A, 300V

1 no.




300 V

1 no.





1 no.



350, 1.2A1no.

Single Phase Variac

0-270V, 10A

Connecting wires

1 no



Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department

: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering

Electrodynamometer type wattmeter has two coils connected in different circuits for measurement of
power. The fixed coils or field coils are connected in series with the load and so carry the current in th e
circuit. The fixed coils, therefore, form the current coil or simply C.C of the wattmeter.
The moving coil is connected across the voltage and, therefore, carries a current proportional to the
voltage. A high non-inductive resistance is connected in series with the moving coil to limit
the current to a small value. Since the moving coil carries a current proportional to the voltage, it is
called the pressure coil or voltage coil or simply called P.C. of the wattmeter. Both fixed and moving
coils are air cored. The voltage rating of the wattmeter is limited to about 600 V by the power
requirements of the voltage circuit since most of the power is absorbed by the resistance in series with
the moving coil and considerable heat is generated. For higher voltages, the pressure coil circuit is
designed for 110V, and a potential transformer is used to step down the voltage.

If V= Voltage across the pressure coil,

I = Current through the current coil and
= Angle between V& I, then
P = Power being measured = VI cos

The deflection is directly proportional to the power being measured and the scale is essentially uniform
over the range in which (dM/d ) is constant. By suitable design, the mutual inductance between fixed
and moving coil and be made to vary linearly with angle over a range of 40 o to 50o on either side of zero
mutual inductance position. On lagging loads the wattmeter will read high, as the effect of the inductance
of the pressure coil circuit is to bring the pressure coil current more nearly into phase with the load
current than would be the case if this inductance were zero. Very serious errors may b e
introduced by pressure coil inductance at low power factors unless special precautions are taken.
Many wattcmeters are compensated for errors caused by inductance of pressure coil by means of a
capacitor connected in parallel with a portion of multiplier (series resistance).Measurement of power in
circuits having low power factor by ordinary electrodynamometer wattmeter is difficult and inaccurate

The deflecting torque on the moving system is small (owing to low power factor) even when the
current and pressure coils are fully excited;
Errors introduced because of inductance of pressure coil tend to be large at low power factors.


Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department

: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering

Special features are incorporated in an electrodynamometer wattmeter to make it a low power factor type
of wattmeter. These features are discussed in details below:
1. Pressure Coil Current. The pressure coil circuit is designed to have a low value of resistance, so that the
current, flowing through it, is increased to give an increased operating torque. The pressure coil current in a
low power factor wattmeter may be as much as 10 times the value employed for high power factor

2. Compensation for Pressure coil Current. The power being measured in a low power factor circuit is small
and current is high on account of low power factor. It is absolutely necessary to compensate for the pressure
coil current in low power factor wattmeter.
When the current rating of meter under test is high a test with actual loading arrangements would involve a
considerable waste of power. In order to avoid this Phantom loading as Fictitious loading is done. Phantom
loading consists of supplying the pressure coil from a circuit of required normal voltage and the current coil
from a separate low voltage supply. It is possible to circulate the rated current through the current coil with a
low voltage supply as the impedance of this circuit is very low, with this arrangement. The total power
supplied for the test is that due to the small pressure coil current at normal voltage, plus that due to
thecurrent circuit current applied at low voltage. The total power therefore, required for testing the meter
with phantom loading is comparatively small.

1. Connections are made as per the circuit diagram.
2. With variac I and II in minimum position and the rheostat in minimum position, close the DPST-I switch
to connect the supply-I.
3. Vary the variac-I gradually to apply the rated voltage (230V). to pressure coils of both p.f meter and
4. Close the DPST-II switch and vary the variac-II to adjust a suitable current of (1A or 2A) in the current coils
of LPF wattmeter and p.f meter. as indicated by ammeter. Note down the readings of all the instruments
5. Now vary the current (up to 4A) in current coils of both wattmeter and p.f meter in steps using single
phase variac & rheostat and note down readings for each step. Tabulate the readings.
6. Bring the rheostat to minimum position, vary the variac-II and variac-I to minimum position and open the
DPST switches.
7. Evaluate True power (S1) , Actual power (S2) , %error, %correction.
8. Draw the graph between Load current (vs) % Error.

: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering

Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department



P.F meter



Reading V

Reading, I


Reading (S2)






% Error


(S1-S2) /S1

(S2-S1) /S1

VI Cos (Watts)

a. True power (S1)

= V * I * Cos

b. Actual power (S2)

= Wattmeter reading.lpf

c. % Error

= [(S1- S2) / S1] * 100

d. % Correction

= [(S2 S1) /S1] * 100


% Error
Load Current

The LPF wattmeter is calibrated using phantom loading and calibration curve is plotted for the given


Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department

: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering

1. Avoid lose connections.
2. Take readings without parallax error.
3 Keep variac at their minimum position initially
4 Vary the variac such that the current and voltage are within the rated value
5 Meter readings should not exceed their ratings.
6 Live terminals should not be touched.
7 If any wattmeter reads, reading, change either current coil or pressure coil connections.
8 Load current should not exceed rated current value.
9 Load should be varied very smoothly.
10 Keep rheostat at its minimum resistance position initially.
11 Take proper care, such that the ammeter reading, should not exceed the current rating of LPF


Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department

: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering

1. What is meant by correction factor?
2. The load current in LPF wattmeter is high / low?
3. Why are the LPF wattmeter designed to have a smaller controlling torque?
4. What is the need of introducing compensating coil?
5. State a few errors in dynamometer wattmeter?
6. Applications of LPF wattmeter?
7. Why more operating torque is produced in LPF wattmeter?
8. Why the controlling torque in an LPF wattmeter is less?
9. What are the different methods used for measurement for 3-phase power?
10. Explain the working principle of induction wattmeter?


Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department

: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering

To Study and Calibrate Three Phase Wattmeter.


Three phase wattmeter
Three phase autotransformer
Resistive load



0-10 A

A dynamometer three phase wattmeter consist of two separate wattmeter movements mounted
together in one case with the two moving coils mounted on the spindle. The arrangement is shown in
There are two current coils and two pressure coils.
A current coil together with its pressure coil is known as one element. Therefore a three phase
wattmeter has two elements. The connection of two elements of three phase wattmeter is the same as
that for two wattmeter method using two single phase wattmeter. The torque on each element
proportional to the power being measured by it. The total torque deflecting the moving system is the
sum of the deflecting torque of two elements.
Deflecting Torque of element 1 P1;
Deflecting Torque of element 2 P2;
Total Deflecting Torque (P1 + P2) P;

Hence the total deflecting torque on moving system is proportional to the total power. In order that
three phase wattmeter should read correctly, there should not be any mutual interference between the
two elements. A laminated iron shield may be placed between the two elements to eliminate the
mutual effects.


Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department

: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering

Figure 1.Three Phase Wattmeter

Circuit Diagram-


Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department

: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering

Observation tableS. No.

Voltmeter Reading



(W x M.F.)

Actual Power
3x V x I


Calculationsa. Measured Power

b. Actual Power
c. % Error


Wattmeter Reading x M.F.

3 V x I
[(Measured Power Actual Power)/ Actual Power] x 100

Result The limiting error calculated in 3 phase wattmeter is ..%.

1. Auto transformer should be kept at minimum position at the time of starting.
2. Resistive load should be kept at minimum position.
3. All connections should be tight
4. Dont switch on the supply without verifying the circuit by lab in charge.
5. Dont touch the live wire.


% Limiting

Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department

: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering

Lab Quiz:

A hot-wire ammeter
A. Can measure ac as well as dc
B. Registers current changes very fast
C. Can indicate very low voltages
D. Measures electrical energy
Ans: A


The device used to indicate the presence of an electric current is

A. Electrometer
B. Galvanometer
C. Voltmeter
D. Coulometer
Ans: B


A watt-hour meter measures

A. Voltage
B. Current
C. Energy
D. Power
Ans: C


A voltmeter should have

A. Low internal resistance
B. High internal resistance
C. Electrostatic plates
D. A sensitive amplifier
An average-reading digital multimeter reads 10V when fed with a triangular wave, symmetric about
the time-axis.For the same input an rms-reading meter will read [GATE]
A. 20/3
B. 10/3
C. 203
D. 103
Ans: A
The figure shows a three-phase delta connected load supplied from a 400V,50Hz,3-phase balanced
source. The pressure coil(PC) and current coil(CC) of a wattmeter are connected to the load as
shown,with the coil polarities suitably selected to ensure a positive deflection. The wattmeter reading
will be [GATE]




Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department

: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering

A. 0
B. 1600Watt
C. 800Watt
D. 400Watt
Ans: C


The probes of a non-isolated, two channel oscilloscope are clipped to points A,B and C in the circuit of
the adjacent figure. Vin is a square wave of a suitable low frequency. The display on Ch1 and Ch2 are
as shown on the right. Then the "signal" and "ground" probes S1, G1 and S2, G2 of Ch1 and Ch2
respectively are connected to points [GATE 2007]

A. A, B, C, A
B. A, B, C, B
C. C, B, A, B
D. B, A, B, C
Ans: B


Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department

: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering


An analog voltmeter uses external multiplier settings. With a multiplier setting of 20k, it reads 440V
and-with a multiplier setting of 80k it reads 352V. For a multiplier setting of 40k,voltmeter
reads [GATE2012]
A. 371V
B. 383V
C. 394V
D. 406V
Ans: D


The rate at which charge carriers flow is measured in

A. Coulombs
B. Amperes
C. Watt-hour
D. Watts
Ans: B


The main problem with bar-graph meters is that

A. They are not very sensitive
B. They are unstable
C. They cannot give very precise readings
D. They can display only peak values
Ans: C


A dynamometer type wattmeter responds to the [Gate 1997]

(a) Average value of the active power
(b) Average value of reactive power
(c) Peak value of the active power
(d) Peak value of the reactive power
Ans: A


A transfer instrument employed in the standardization of a polar type ac potentiometer is [Gate 1997]
(a) An electrostatic instrument
(b) A thermal instrument
(c) A dynamometer instrument
(d) A moving coil instrument
Ans: C


Transformers used in conjunction with measuring instruments for measuring purposes are called
(a) Measuring transformers
(b) transformer meters
(c) power transformers
(d) instrument transformers
(e) pulse transformers.

Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department

: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering

Ans: d

Swamping resistance is used in moving coil instruments to reduce error due to

(a) thermal EMF
(b) temperature
(c) power taken by the instrument
(d) galvanometer sensitivity.
Ans: b


A moving coil permanent magnet ammeter can be used to measure

(a) D. C. current only
(b) A. C. current only
(c) A. C. and D. C. currents
(d) voltage by incorporating a shunt resistance
(e) none of these
Ans: a


An accurate voltmeter must have an internal impedance of

(a) very low value
(b) low value
(c) medium value
(d) very high value
Ans: d


The insulation resistance of a transformer winding can be easily measured with

(a) Wheatstone bridge
(b) megger
(c) Kelvin bridge
(d) voltmeter
Ans: b


The chemical effect of current is used in

(a) D.C. ammeter hour meter
(b) D.C. ammeter
(c) D.C. energy meter
(d) none of the above
Ans: a D.C. ammeter hour meter


Which of the following meters are not used on D.C. circuits

(a) Mercury motor meters
(b) Commutator motor meters
(c) Induction meters
(d) None of the above
Ans: c


Which of the following essential features is possessed by an indicating instrument ?


Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department

: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering

(a) Deflecting device

(b) Controlling device
(c) Damping device
(d) All of the above
Ans: d

In a portable instrument, the controlling torque is provided by

(a) spring
(b) gravity
(c) eddy currents
(d) all of the above
Ans: a


_____ instruments are those which measure the total quantity of electricity delivered in a particular
(a) Absolute
(b) Indicating
(c) Recording
(d) Integrating
Ans: d


What are the effects of moving a closed wire loop through a magnetic field?
(a) A voltage is induced in the wire.
(b) A current is induced in the wire.
(c) The polarity across the wire depends on the direction of motion.
(d) All of the above
Ans: d


Which of the following instruments indicate the instantaneous value of the electrical quantity being
measured at the time at which it is being measured ?
(a) Absolute instruments
(b) Indicating instruments
(c) Recording instruments
(d) Integrating instruments
ANSWER : Indicating instruments


In majority of instruments damping is provided by

(a) fluid friction
(b) spring
(c) eddy currents
(d) all of the above
ANSWER : eddy currents


Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department

: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering


For handling greater currents induction wattmeters are used in conjunction with
(a) potential transformers
(b) current transformers
(c) power transformers
(d) either of the above
ANSWER : current transformers


A moving-coil permanent-magnet instrument can be used as _____ by using a low resistance shunt.
(a) ammeter
(b) voltmeter
(c) flux-meter
(d) ballistic galvanometer
ANSWER : ammeter


The disc of an instrument using eddy current damping should be of

(a) conducting and magnetic material
(b) non-conducting and magnetic material
(c) conducting and non-magnetic material
(d) none of the above
ANSWER : conducting and non-magnetic material


The pointer of an indicating instrument should be

(a) very light
(b) very heavy
(c) either (a) or (b)
(d) neither (a) nor (b)
ANSWER : : very light


Most common form of A.C. meters met with in every day domestic and industrial installations are
(a) mercury motor meters
(b) commutator motor meters
(c) induction type single phase energy meters
(d) all of the above
ANSWER : : induction type single phase energy meters


Which of the following are integrating instruments ?

(a) Ammeters
(b) Voltmeters
(c) Wattmeters
(d) Ampere-hour and watt-hour meters
ANSWER : : Ampere-hour and watt-hour meters


Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department

: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering


Which of the following is an essential part of a motor meter ?

(a) An operating torque system
(b) A braking device
(c) Revolution registering device
(d) All of the above
ANSWER : : All of the above


A moving-coil permanent-magnet instrument can be used as flux-meter

(a) by using a low resistance shunt
(b) by using a high series resistance
(c) by eliminating the control springs
(d) by making control springs of large moment of inertia
ANSWER : : by eliminating the control springs


16.Induction type single phase energy meters measure electric energy in

(a) kW
(b) Wh
(c) kWh
(d) VAR
ANSWER : : kWh


An induction meter can handle current upto

(a) 10 A
(b) 30 A
(c) 60 A
(d) 100 A
ANSWER : : 100 A


A potentiometer may be used for

(a) measurement of resistance
(b) measurement of current
(c) calibration of ammeter & calibration of voltmeter
(d) all of the above
ANSWER : : all of the above


The household energy meter is

(a) an indicating instrument
(b) a recording instrument
(c) an integrating instrument
(d) none of the above
ANSWER : : an integrating instrument


Name of Laboratory
Lab Subject Code
Name of Department

: Electrical Instrumentation
: EX 303
: Electrical Engineering


Resistances can be measured with the help of

(a) wattmeters
(b) voltmeters
(c) ammeters
(d) ohmmeters and resistance bridges
ANSWER : : ohmmeters and resistance bridges


A _____ device prevents the oscillation of the moving system and enables the latter to reach its final
position quickly
(a) deflecting
(b) controlling
(c) damping
(d) any of the above
ANSWER : : damping


is an instrument which measures the insulation resistance of an electric circuit relative to earth and
one another,
(a) Tangent galvanometer
(b) Meggar
(c) Current transformer
(d) None of the above
ANSWER : : Meggar


An ammeter is a
(a) secondary instrument
(b) absolute instrument
(c) recording instrument
(d) integrating instrument
ANSWER : : secondary instrument


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