A Survey of Research On Cloud Robotics and Automation
A Survey of Research On Cloud Robotics and Automation
A Survey of Research On Cloud Robotics and Automation
AbstractThe Cloud infrastructure and its extensive set of Internet-accessible resources has potential to provide signicant benets to robots and automation systems. We consider robots and
automation systems that rely on data or code from a network to
support their operation, i.e., where not all sensing, computation,
and memory is integrated into a standalone system. This survey
is organized around four potential benets of the Cloud: 1) Big
Data: access to libraries of images, maps, trajectories, and descriptive data; 2) Cloud Computing: access to parallel grid computing
on demand for statistical analysis, learning, and motion planning;
3) Collective Robot Learning: robots sharing trajectories, control
policies, and outcomes; and 4) Human Computation: use of crowdsourcing to tap human skills for analyzing images and video, classication, learning, and error recovery. The Cloud can also improve
robots and automation systems by providing access to: a) datasets,
publications, models, benchmarks, and simulation tools; b) open
competitions for designs and systems; and c) open-source software.
This survey includes over 150 references on results and open challenges. A website with new developments and updates is available
at: http://goldberg.berkeley.edu/cloud-robotics/
Note to PractitionersMost robots and automation systems still
operate independently using onboard computation, memory, and
programming. Emerging advances and the increasing availability
of networking in the Cloud suggests new approaches where
processing is performed remotely with access to dynamic global
datasets to support a range of functions. This paper surveys
research to date.
Index TermsBig data, cloud automation, cloud computing,
cloud robotics, crowdsourcing, open source.
1545-5955 2014 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/
redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Fig. 1. The Cloud has potential to enable a new generation of robots and automation systems to use wireless networking, Big Data, Cloud Computing, statistical
machine learning, open-source, and other shared resources to improve performance in a wide variety of applications including assembly, inspection, driving,
warehouse logistics, caregiving, package delivery, housekeeping, and surgery.
Fig. 3. Data can be collected from many sources as shown in this schematic architecture for the Mobile Millennium, a Cloud-based transportation system that
combines streaming data from taxis, maps, and road-based sensors [77]. Mobile Millennium uses the Big Data and Collective Robot Learning aspects of Cloud
Robotics and Automation. (Image reproduced with permission from authors.)
Cloud Computing has potential to speed up many computationally-intensive robotics and automation systems applications
such as robot navigation by performing SLAM in the Cloud
[134], [135] as illustrated in Fig. 7 and next-view planning
for object recognition [125]. Cloud-based formation control of
ground robots has also been demonstrated [153].
For optimal sampling-based motion planning methods such
as RRT*, Cloud Computing is useful to generate the graphs; it is
also important to recognize that these graphs can grow rapidly
so algorithms for graph reduction are needed to facilitate data
transfer, as illustrated in Fig. 8.
The Cloud also facilitates video and image analysis [123],
[137], and mapping [119], [136] (see Fig. 7. Image processing in
the Cloud has been used for assistive technology for the visually
impaired [36] and for senior citizens [58].
Bekris et al. [33] propose an architecture for efciently planning the motion of new robot manipulators designed for exible
manufacturing oors in which the computation is split between
the robot and the Cloud.
It is important to acknowledge that the Cloud is prone to
varying network latency and quality of service. Some applications are not time sensitive, such as decluttering a room or precomputing grasp strategies or ofine optimization of machine
scheduling, but many applications have real-time demands [83]
and this is an active area of research [26], [27], [95], [109].
The Cloud facilitates sharing of data for robot learning by
collecting data from many instances of physical trials and environments. For example, robots and automation systems can
share initial and desired conditions, associated control policies
and trajectories, and importantly: data on the resulting performance and outcomes.
The Lightning framework (see Fig. 10), proposes a framework for Collective Robot Learning by indexing trajectories
from many robots over many tasks and using Cloud Computing
for parallel planning and trajectory adjustment [35].
Such systems can also be expanded to global networks to facilitate shared path planning, including trafc routing, as shown
in Fig. 9.
For grasping [37], grasp stability of nger contacts can be
learned from previous grasps on an object [45]. Sharing data
through Collective Robot Learning can also improve the capabilities of robots with limited computational resources [69].
The MyRobots project [13] from RobotShop proposes a social network for robots: In the same way humans benet from
socializing, collaborating and sharing, robots can benet from
those interactions too by sharing their sensor information giving
insight on their perspective of their current state [21].
The RoboEarth and RoboBrain databases in Section III are
designed to be updated with new information from connected
robots. The RoboBrain project learns from publicly available
Internet resources, computer simulations, and real-life robot
trials. [16]
KIVA Systems [44], [96] uses hundreds of mobile platforms
to move pallets in warehouses using a local network to coordinate motion and update tracking data.
Fig. 5. System Architecture for Cloud-based object recognition for grasping. The robot captures an image of an object and sends via the network to the Google
object recognition server. The server processes the image and returns data for a set of candidate objects, each with precomputed grasping options. The robot
compares the returned CAD models with the detected point cloud to rene identication and to perform pose estimation, and selects an appropriate grasp. After
the grasp is executed, data on the outcome is used to update models in the Cloud for future reference [89]. This project uses the Big Data, Cloud Computing, and
Collective Robot Learning aspects of Cloud Robotics and Automation. (Image reproduced with permission.)
Fig. 7. A Cloud framework for robot navigation using cooperative tracking and
). Riazuelo et al. demonstrate computer intensive bundle admapping (
justment for navigation using simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM)
performed in the Cloud [134][136]. (Image reproduced with permission.)
tions, models, benchmarks, and simulation tools; b) open competitions for designs and systems; and c) open-source software.
The success of open source software [42], [124] is now
widely accepted in the robotics and automation community. A
primary example is ROS, the Robot Operating System, which
provides libraries and tools to help software developers create
robot applications [14], [18], [131]. ROS has also been ported
to Android devices [19]. ROS has become a standard akin
to Linux and is now used by almost all robot developers in
research and many in industry, with the ROS Industrial project
created to support these users [17].
Additionally, many simulation libraries for robotics are now
open source, which allows students and researchers to rapidly
set up and adapt new systems and share the resulting software.
There are many open source simulation libraries, including
Bullet [4], a physics simulator originally used for video games,
Fig. 10. (Left) Schematic architecture of the Lightning path planning framework. Berenson et al. show a system that is able to learn from experience from precomputed motion plans, which could be stored in the Cloud. The planner attempts to nd a brand-new plan as well as nd an existing plan for a problem similar to
the current one. Whichever nishes rst is chosen [35]. Lightning uses the Big Data, Cloud Computing, and Collective Robot Learning aspects of Cloud Robotics
and Automation. (Image reproduced with permission from authors.)
Fig. 11. Tiered human assistance using Cloud-based resources for teleoperation. Leeper et al. developed an interface for operators to control grasp execution using
a set of different strategies. The results indicate humans are able to select better and more robust grasp strategies [103], [164]. (Image reproduced with permission.)
Fig. 12. Crowdsourcing object identication to facilitate robot grasping. Sorokin et al. developed a Cloud robot system that incorporates Amazon's Mechanical
Turk to obtain semantic information about the world and subjective judgments [144]. This work uses the Human Computation aspect of Cloud Robotics and
Automation. (Image reproduced with permission from authors.)
GPS spoong systems in an evaluation study for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) [76]. These concerns raise new regulatory, accountability and legal issues related to safety, control,
and transparency [107], [130]. The We Robot conference is
an annual forum for ethics and policy research [160].
On the technical front, new algorithms and methods are
needed to cope with time-varying network latency and
Quality-of-Service. Faster data connections, both wired Internet connections and wireless standards such as LTE [31], are
reducing latency, but algorithms must be designed to degrade
gracefully when the Cloud resources are very slow, noisy,
or unavailable [34]. For example, anytime load balancing
algorithms for speech recognition on smart phones send the
speech signal to the Cloud for analysis and simultaneously
Fig. 13. The DARPA Robotics Challenge (DRC) used CloudSim, an opensource Cloud-based simulation platform for testing the performance of the Atlas
humanoid robot (shown) on a variety of disaster response tasks [5], [7]. The
Cloud permits running interactive, real-time simulation tasks in parallel for purposes such as predicting and evaluating performance, validating design decisions, optimizing designs, and training users. This competition also resulted in
enabling sharing of robotics research efforts. (Image reproduced with permission.)
Fig. 14. Lollibot, designed by Tom Tilley of Thailand, won the Grand Prize in
the $10 Educational Robot Design Challenge organized by the African Robotics
Network. This design can be built from surplus parts for US $8.96. [150]. (Image
reproduced with permission.)
implemented [115]. The lowest level is Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), where bare operating systems are provided on (possibly virtualized) machines in the Cloud. The second level, Platform as a Service (PaaS), provides more structure, including
application frameworks and database access, while restricting
the choice of programming languages, system architectures, and
database models that can be used. Software as a Service (SaaS),
the highest level of structure, is exemplied by the difference
between Google Docs, a Cloud-based word processor, and Microsoft Word, which must be downloaded and installed locally.
The RoboEarth project includes a Cloud Computing platform
called Rapyuta [118], which is a Platform as a Service (PaaS)
framework for moving computation off of robots and into the
Cloud. It also connects to the RoboEarth knowledge repository,
integrating the Big Data aspect. We believe that this PaaS approach can be extended to use the Software as a Service (SaaS)
paradigm, which offers many potential advantages for robots
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