22 Direct
22 Direct
22 Direct
Abstract: An efficient regeneration system, direct and indirect organogenesis, was developed for Curculigo
orchioides-an endangered medicinal herb. Shoot multiples were initiated from in vitro grown leaf explants through
direct organogenesis on Murashige and Skoogs (MS) medium containing strength nitrogen salts and 0.44 M BA.
Almost 10 shoots were obtained per leaf explant (1 cm long). On the other hand MS medium with full strength
nitrogen salts and 2.22 M BA, stimulated callus formation and almost 8 shoots were obtained per leaf explant (1 cm
long ). Comparative study of shoots regenerated directly or through callus revealed differences in number of leaves,
shoot length, root length, fresh and dry weight.
Keywords: Curculigo orchioides, Kali-musli, Regeneration, Organogenesis and Leaf explant
Curculigo orchioides Gaertn. is a medicinal herb belonging to family Hypoxidaceae. Curculigo orchioides is included
in the IUCN category of lower risk near threatened [17]. Whole plant is medicinally valuable including leaves, roots
and rhizome. The rhizome of this plant are sweet, cooling, diuretic, aphrodiciac-viriligenic and tonic which can be
used against homorrhoides, leucorrhoea, pruritis, skin diseases, bronchitis and jaundice [14] . Methanol extract has
shown immuno-stimulant [2], antioxidant [3], antiasthamatic [11], hepatoprotective, anticarcinogenic and antiinflammatory activity [15]. The tuberous roots of this plant are considered to be tonic alterative, demulcent, diuretic
and restorative and are used as a poultice for itch and skin diseases [19].
Phytochemical investigations of the rhizome revealed the presence of curculigoside [7], curculigoside A [4],
curculigoside B [25], curculigoside C [27], orcinol glycosides [7], 2,6,- dimethoxyl benzoic acid [4], curculigol,
curculigo saponins A-M [26], 2,3, 4, 7- tetramethoxyxanthone, 1,3,7- trimethoxylanthine, and daucosterole [6].
Removal of plants for medicinal and edible tuberous roots as a substitute for safed musli, coupled with extensive
denudation of forests floor caused by cattle grazing [6], poor seed setting and germination are some of the major causes
that contribute to the herb being categorized as a threatened plant [1]. High incidence of viral and bacterial diseases
poses yet another constraint in its multiplication and strengthens the need for in vitro multiplication.
Earlier reports on Curculigo orchioides described direct shoot induction using different explants like leaf [12], [23],
rhizome [22] and apical meristem [5], [24]. However these protocols demonstrated low levels of shoot regeneration.
This study aims to establish an efficient regeneration system for direct and indirect organogenesis leading to rapid
clonal propagation.
Copyright to IJIRSET
ISSN: 2319-8753
ISSN: 2319-8753
Fig-1: Shoot regeneration directly from leaf explants, a - explant with white shiny protuberances, b - multiple shoots
(Horizontal bar = 1 cm)
Fig-2: Shoot regeneration through callus, a - callus formation, b - Shoot formation from callus (Horizontal bar = 1 cm)
Table 1: Comparative study of number of shoots, roots, shoot length, root length, fresh and dry weight of
generated plantlets*.
of shoots
Fresh weight
of plantlet
weight of
Number of leaves
Mean SE
10.3 0.32
9.3 0.4
2.3 0.12
211.20 19.5
19.8 1.9
3.1 0.08
Callus based
8.1 0.7
7.03 0.38
1.89 0.15
222.716 24.78
20.1 1.3
3.75 0.11
ISSN: 2319-8753
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