SBDL Attia
SBDL Attia
SBDL Attia
2. Building Renovation concepts for Plus-Energy House with prefabricated active roof and
facade elements
The main objective of the research is to implement the foregoing developments in the field of active and
passive facade modules and engineering modules in practice in a demonstration project in Liege.The
combination of prefabricated facades and HVAC modules to a practical example as pioneering
redevelopment opportunity (Lighthouse Project) is not yet implemented in Belgium. There are the premade active and passive facades and HVAC basic modules are used in the pilot project. The developments
will be in accordance with the evaluation to a production-ready product. An implementation through the
use of heat and electricity networks to increase energy composite is sought. The idea of the project is
propose design concepts and optimize the building design with innovative energy and distribution concept
with a reduction in the energy consumption by more than 80% and a share of renewable energy in total
energy consumption greater than 80%.
4. Decision Support Tool for Economic and payback calculations of Zero Energy Buildings
The aim of this research is to analyse the decision support processes towards energy efficiency and
improvement of the environmental quality in buildings from a economic point of view. The main cost
criteria in the decision analysis of buildings are categorized. The decision alternatives which may formulate
specific actions for buildings sustainability are analysed. The decision methodologies will presented in a
tool (based on real-cost of buildings) and offline decision approaches. Both approaches are supported by
simulation, and multi-criteria decision analysis techniques and their combinations in order to reach cost
parameters (cost of energy to operate the system for one period, initial system cost, annualized system cost,
annual insurance costs, discount rate, inflation rate, energy rate etc..). The advantages and drawbacks of the
various methods are discussed and analysed.
5. Assessment of the impact of climate change on thermal comfort and energy efficiency in
existing residential buildings of Belgium
Projecting the local climate for buildings based on climate change scenarios is important. This study
investigated the potential impact of climate change on thermal comfort and the heating and cooling (H/C)
energy requirements of existing houses in Belgium. The study is based on the detailed sensitivity and
scenario assessment with a unified reference to the global warming temperature, to which the local climate
of buildings is correlated. It was found that a significant climate change impact on thermal comfort and
heating and cooling energy demands is envisaged within the lifespan of existing houses.
6. Assessment of the impact of climate change on thermal comfort and energy efficiency in
existing residential buildings of Belgium
Projecting the local climate for buildings based on climate change scenarios is important. This study
investigated the potential impact of climate change on thermal comfort and the heating and cooling energy
requirements of existing houses in Belgium. The study is based on the detailed sensitivity and scenario
assessment with a unified reference to the global warming temperature, to which the local climate of
buildings is correlated. It was found that a significant climate change impact on thermal comfort and
heating and cooling energy demands is envisaged within the lifespan of existing houses.