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Energy Policy 60 (2013) 586–593

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Energy Policy
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Passive House at the crossroads: The past and the present of a

voluntary standard that managed to bridge the energy efficiency gap
Liana Müller n, Thomas Berker 1
Center for Technology and Society, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NO-7491 Trondheim,


 We present the Passive House (PH) as example of technological innovation.

 The developers of PH managed to overcome the barriers to energy efficiency.
 Successful innovation is more than good technology.
 The heterogeneity of adopters of PH is growing.
 The future of PH: the tension between rigid control and flexible adaptability.

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Improving energy efficiency in dwellings is generally seen as the low-hanging fruit of climate change
Received 6 July 2012 mitigation. In particular decreased heat loss through better insulation is suggested as one of the most
Accepted 16 May 2013 cost-effective means to achieve the ambitious national and international goals of climate gas reduction.
Available online 18 June 2013
However, the literature shows that a profitable technological solution is not sufficient to reach the energy
Keywords: goals. Aspects such as a lack of information, unobserved costs, and heterogeneity among users can
Passive House compromise the success of technical innovation. Still, there are successful concepts that drive the
Technological innovation technological development in the construction sector. The Passive House is an example for such
Immutable mobile innovations that manage to bridge the energy efficiency gap. This paper addresses the Passive House
concept and standard as a success story of technological innovation. With Bruno Latour's Science in Action
(1987) as a starting point, we describe the conditions under which the standard was created, the role of
the network built around the Passive House Institute, and the consequences of exporting the standard.
We identify success factors that have supported the diffusion of the Passive House standard and concept
and discuss its possible development in the current situation which is characterized by its wide-spread
& 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction understood for years (e.g., Perlman and Warren, 1977) but have
apparently not lived up to their potential. The list of factors that
Reducing buildings’ energy consumption is generally seen as are able to explain this classic case of an energy efficiency paradox
the low-hanging fruit of climate change mitigation (IPCC 2007). is long, including the lack of information and private information
In particular decreased heat loss through better insulation is costs, principal/agent slippage, unobserved costs, and heterogene-
suggested as one of the most cost-effective means to achieve the ity among users (Jaffe and Stavins, 1994); sociocultural and
ambitious national and international goals of climate gas reduction psychological factors (Wilk and Wilhite, 1985); and the strategic
(McKinsey and Company, 2009). However, that the large potential postponing of costly investments (van Soest and Bulte, 2001).
of these measures is still promoted today should suggest caution: Although all of these factors explaining the lack of energy
the benefits of better insulation have existed and have been well efficiency investments apply to the case of buildings and building
insulation, there is a counterexample of a building type that goes
far beyond the usual measures to avoid heat loss: due to an
Corresponding author. Tel.: +47 73 59 65 30; fax: +47 73 59 17 88.
E-mail addresses: liana.mueller@ntnu.no (L. Müller),
innovative recombination of existing energy efficiency measures
thomas.berker@ntnu.no (T. Berker). and the development of building elements, the Passive House
Tel.: +47 73 59 13 26; fax: +47 73 59 17 88. concept allows a comfortable indoor temperature even without an

0301-4215/$ - see front matter & 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L. Müller, T. Berker / Energy Policy 60 (2013) 586–593 587

active heating or cooling (hence the name “passive”). In practice, not investing in home insulation that is revealed if competing
most Passive Houses have an active heating but still with radically normative goals that are particularly abundant only in domestic
reduced energy demand. At the end of 2010, there were approxi- settings are taken seriously (see, e.g., Aune, 2007). Extending this
mately 27,600 certified Passive Houses in Europe, and it is perspective, Shove (1998) reminded us that the individuals
estimated that there will be approximately 65,000 such houses involved in (not) making energy-efficient choices are creative
by the end of 2012 (www.pass-net.net). The increase in the social agents embedded in a broad variety of technical, social
number of projects has been exponential since the first Passive and cultural contexts that have to be accounted for if these (non)
House was built in Darmstadt, Germany, in 1991. Reducing the investments are studied.
heating needs of buildings by a factor of 10, the Passive House In this paper, we assume that taken together, the economic,
requirements are considered by many experts today as a precon- technical, social and cultural explanations for non-investments in
dition to the “nearly zero energy building” that, according to the energy efficiency all contribute to a better understanding of why
EU directive on the energy performance of buildings (EPBD), must people do not invest in energy efficiency. However, instead of
be implemented by all new buildings by the end of 2020 in the EU trying to integrate these explanations into one all-encompassing
Member States. system (as proposed by Chai and Yeo, 2012), we follow actors who
This is a remarkable success story, given that the diffusion of have overcome most of these barriers and describe how they have
the concept was initially mainly and is still mostly driven by dealt with them. As we will show in our description of the Passive
enthusiastic individuals. The success is not only measurable in the House concept and standard, this is a story of a vigorous fight
number of dwellings built in accordance with the voluntary against consequences of market failures, lack of information,
Passive House standard, but also in the attention that the Passive technological and economic uncertainty, and competing norms.
House enjoys in Europe and beyond. We will argue further that in the current situation, in which the
In this paper, we describe how this voluntary standard could diffusion of Passive Houses reaches new quantitative dimensions,
become so widespread. To identify the critical success factors in one of the challenges described in the literature, the heterogeneity
this history, we have analyzed insider accounts, observed a major among adopters will become crucial.
Passive House conference and studied relevant documents. How-
ever, before we reconstruct the history from these sources, we will
present a brief overview of what is known from the literature 3. Method
about barriers to otherwise rational energy efficiency measures.
This overview will then guide us in the interpretation of success This paper is the result of a structural analysis of in-depth
factors in the Passive House story. interviews with key actors in the Passive House scene, participant
observation at the 15th International Passive House Conference in
2011, and document analysis. This multi-method approach helped
2. Factors explaining the energy efficiency paradox us to follow the key actors in various situations: being challenged
to talk about their work and about Passive Houses generally,
Explanations for the lack of seemingly rational investments in communicating with colleagues and promoting the technological
energy efficiency measures such as improved insulation each solutions developed by industry partners, and presenting the
refers to its own general theory of human agency. concept through the World Wide Web to mobilise possible actors
In this context, economic frameworks dominate. They intro- and convince possible customers. Moving between these situa-
duce additional factors that influence the relationship between tions, the actors adapt the language and the arguments to the
actors (potential investors) and their actions (investment energy listener. In all cases, they are promoting the Passive House as a
efficiency) and thus help to make the outcome predictable. These robust concept, although the way they communicate the message
“barriers” have been categorized along several axes, for instance, as is malleable.
being institutional, market related and behavioral (Weber, 1997). The four in-depth interviews took place in Germany in June and
Jaffe and Stavins (1994) describe market failures such as the lack of July 2011 and lasted between 1.5 and 3 hours. The interviewees
information, principal/agent slippage (investments made by those were key actors in the Passive House scene, and their answers
who are not paying the energy bills, e.g., “landlords versus offered a competent yet partial evaluation of the development of
tenants”; see Phillips, 2012), and existing subsidies keeping energy the concept. Two of the interviewees, a physicist (DB) and an
prices artificially low. That these factors are described as “failures” architect (DA), were employed by the Passive House Institute
implies that they should be corrected to create a perfect market. (PHI), whereas the other two are involved in product development
However, even if information about energy efficiency savings were (DC) and in the design of Passive Houses and renovations of old
perfectly transparent, if investors could withdraw the profits buildings to Passive House standard (DD). The last two intervie-
directly and if there were no distortion through subsidies, accord- wees have been involved in Passive House projects from an early
ing to Jaffe and Stavins (1994), non-market failures would still stage and have been active in developing new products, respec-
interfere. The authors mention private information costs (an tively new architectural solutions over the years.
individual's effort to learn new things) and heterogeneity among The 4-day 15th International Conference held in Innsbruck,
potential adopters (affecting the desirability of technological Austria, in 2011, offered a sample of how the Passive House
adoption, e.g., climatic variation). As a final non-market-related concept and standard are communicated publicly. The thematic
factor, they describe uncertainty about future energy prices. This sessions of the conference were accompanied by exhibitions of
point was generalized by van Soest and Bulte (2001), who certified components, poster sessions, and visits to Passive House
demonstrated that the strategic postponement of costly and projects. The social events allowed participants to meet and
irreversible investments may be rational, given the problem that discuss the topic, strengthening the links between actors. The
technological progress does not follow easily predictable linear newcomers were presented to the audience, and their projects
paths (see also Sørensen et al., 2000). were publicly encouraged. The participation at the event offered
A common motive in critiques of economic approaches to the the opportunity to follow the participants as actors in the network
energy efficiency paradox is that they hide or at least do not and to observe how they communicate and interact. The visits to
account for their own normative foundations (Weber, 1997). Passive House projects in the region of Vorarlberg allowed the
As early as 1985, Wilk and Wilhite described the rationality of architects to present their work as a success story and to talk about
588 L. Müller, T. Berker / Energy Policy 60 (2013) 586–593

challenges and solutions when implementing the concept in (passipedia.passiv.de). Considering that the results could be
practice. applied further, his idea was “to transfer this principle to Europe
The conference proceedings, the web sites of the PHI, using technical means (passipedia.passiv.de, historical review).”
relevant links to web sites, and the booklets made available by When he returned to Europe, Adamson met the German physicist
various actors are the documents that completed the picture of the Wolfgang Feist, and together they developed the Passive House
Passive House development. These documents reflect the shared concept and standard.
opinions, the research, the intentions and the targets of the actors That travels are a source for knowledge transfer is a truism. At
and offer an official image of the Passive House as seen by its least as important as the travel itself was the creation of a centre of
developers. calculation (i.e. the place where the knowledge is stored, encoded
In this paper, we trace the most relevant moments of the and developed, see Latour, 1987) represented by the working
Passive House concept by following the actors who have been platform built by Bo Adamson and Wolfgang Feist. The knowledge
involved in its development and who continue to support it. This is brought to the center was combined with knowledge about
not to say that the concept did not have its critics and that these European building traditions and the adaptation to local condi-
adversaries did not influence its diffusion. The exclusive focus on tions and with existing projects of low-energy houses in Europe
insider records can be seen as a limitation of the paper. However, and the United States (passipedia.passiv.de).
our intention is to understand how key actors retrospectively see A period of calculations followed, during which the information
the development of the Passive House concept and standard and that was brought to the center was combined and developed
how they argue for the ways chosen at each crossroad. The specific further. The aim was to create an even more energy-efficient
controversies surrounding the Passive House concept are interest- dwelling that combined the architectural means with the existing
ing in their own right and will be discussed in a separate paper. technology. According to our interviewees, the first calculations
We are not taking sides but adding a third voice by proposing a demonstrated that the compactness of the building was relevant
theoretical perspective that contributes to an explanation to the for energy savings but also that the existing components were not
success of this concept—in addition to and despite its intrinsic in line with the requirements of the new concept. The Passive
qualities or faults. Therefore, we use the methodological relativism House standard was the result of these first calculations trans-
(i.e., the deliberate use of relativism as a heuristic tool), as forming the concept into a standardized set of requirements. The
developed in anthropology and science studies, which is agnostic interviewees repeatedly underlined the importance of the accu-
toward the value of the concept that is discussed—neither rateness of the calculations at the beginning. Any failure or
challenging nor supporting it. This does not mean that we are mistake could have compromised the concept. When the calcula-
not committed to the truth of our account; if mistakes or omis- tions were completed, the Passive House concept was stabilized as
sions are present in the interviews, presentations and documents the Passive House standard. The standardization of the concept
on which we base this study, these also form an important part of allowed it to multiply and to take various shapes, while still
the analysis and are reported here. respecting the basic principles. The Passive House became through
the process of standardization an “immutable mobile”. By that
Bruno Latour (1987) describes knowledge-objects that are able to
4. The path to the Passive House concept and standard “act at a distance on unfamiliar events, places and people” (Latour,
1987: 223). They become mobile, stable and combinable (Latour,
The idea of a very low-energy house was not formed in a 1987: 223), being able to move and recombine without distortion.
vacuum. At the time the Passive House concept was developed and The five basic principles of the Passive House standard are
tested, other low-energy dwelling projects had been realized. The simple: thermal insulation, Passive House windows, ventilation
interest in energy efficiency and in sustainable development had with heat recovery, airtightness, and a thermal-bridge-free design
already reached the political arena,2 and the extension of the (passipedia.de). The thermal comfort in dwellings built in com-
broader political agenda to the construction sector was an implicit pliance with the Passive House standard “is achieved to a max-
consequence (Ornetzeder and Rohracher, 2009: 1535). The foun- imum extent through passive measures” (passipedia.passiv.de).
dation for an innovative technical solution for the construction More specifically, the standard allows for 10 W/m2 specific
sector was present. However, the interviewees describe the annual heating load, while the total energy for space heating,
beginnings of the development of the concept as an adventurous domestic hot water and household appliances may not exceed
time, with clear ideas and a few enthusiastic supporters. 120 kWh/m2 a (CEPHEUS).
This simplicity is the consequence of a learning process made
4.1. The Passive House from concept to standard possible by a conceptual back and forth between centre (represented
by the working platform created by Feist and Adamson) and
According to the interviewees, one beginning of the Passive periphery (the buildings where Passive House principles were
House concept was the visit of the Swedish Professor Bo Adamson implemented). In line with Bruno Latour's (1987) description of
in China. In the southern part of the Yangtze River, because of scientific knowledge production, these basic principles were the
scarce resources and a relatively mild climate, people are not abstract result of combination and re-combination of the information
permitted to heat their homes. However, in winter, the region can that reached the center. The coding process that results in the Passive
become uncomfortably cold (DB). In summer, however, the high House (similar to the coding of the shapes of the land masses to form
temperatures would require active cooling to achieve a comfor- a map in Latour's example) allows construction materials, technolo-
table environment. Adamson was employed by the Chinese gical devices, thicknesses of walls and roofs, and U values of the
government to develop solutions that would enhance thermal components to become specifications of the standard.
comfort in these houses without using fuel. He called the resulting From the beginning, it was clear that the developed standard
concept of houses that did not require heating “Passive Houses” should have a performance-based character. The aim was to
reduce energy consumption in dwellings, and the specific techni-
cal solutions that led to the target were left open. The essence of
See also the Brundtland Report (1987) which defines sustainable develop-
ment as “paths of progress which meet the needs and aspirations of the present
Passive House is encoded in the principles that remain at the
generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their foundation of the concept, but the performance of the dwelling is
needs”. clearly coded in performance requirements.
L. Müller, T. Berker / Energy Policy 60 (2013) 586–593 589

From the drawing of the first Passive House plans, a critical role 4.2. Pilot buildings and enthusiasm for the concept
was played by a calculation tool. This Passive House Planning
Package (PHPP) aims to cover all possible calculable details of a In general terms the introduction of the concepts “immutable
dwelling.3 An advantage of this evaluation tool is that “it has been mobile” and “centre of calculation” (Latour, 1987) changed the
specifically created as a design and certification tool for Passive focus of research from theories and ideas as a monopoly of
Houses and that it regularly incorporates new research results in intellectual elites to the way in which knowledge is produced
its calculation procedures” (Mlecnik et al., 2010: 4598). In addition and disseminated (Stöckelova, 2012). The accurateness of a scien-
to the technical means, the tool also covers aspects related to tific result does not automatically lead the tested idea to success:
funding and to specific details when building a Passive House (the the way this idea is formulated, circulates, has the ability to
Passive House construction manual) and includes an example mobilize actors and to fight enemies, the way in which this idea
project calculated in the PHPP (passipedia.passiv.de). prevails and wins recognition over other ideas, are as important as
Busch (2011) calls standardization “a form of trust (though scientific acknowledgment. In this sense, after the first calculations
likely not the only one) well suited for a world consisting largely of proved the viability of the concept, the long and important work of
strangers acting in the marketplace” (Busch, 2011: 215). To fulfill enrolling allies had only just begun.
this role, the processes leading to certification have to appear As early as 1991, the first Passive House was built in Darmstadt,
trustworthy. In this sense, it is important that the PHPP be Germany. This project is today celebrated as the beginning
promoted as scientifically superior: “The behaviour of buildings of the Passive House movement. Indeed, this first dwelling can
can be predicted very accurately using a simulation that is based be considered a milestone in the development of the Passive
on the fundamental laws of physics” (passipedia.de). Similarly, our House. However, as was shown in the previous chapter, the
informants focused extensively on the claim that the Passive history of the concept and the standard actually began several
House is based on physics and not on politics driven by lobby years prior, when the idea of a very low-energy dwelling
groups. As a consequence the Passive House is described as was born and the first calculations were performed. The first
reliable (DA), and performance variations between identical dwell- Passive House building was the proof of the idea. It visualized the
ings in use are supposed to be smaller in the case of Passive existence and the viability of the concept, thus transforming the
Houses than in “normal” dwellings (DD). idea into reality.
The interviewees claim that the PHPP offers a more accurate From the first travels and calculations until the first project was
statement regarding the energy efficiency of a building and that realized, new actors had to be mobilized. The creation of the
the national calculation tool prescribed by the official German standard alone did not guarantee the success of the concept.
building regulation (EnEV, DB) can be used “creatively” (DD), thus, However, the development of the standard was a precondition to
it can offer different results because of the possibility to choose the success of the concept.
how to perform the measurements. The accurateness (or rigidity) The individual solutions that were developed to make the
of the Passive House calculation tool is presented by the inter- Passive House concept reality marked not necessarily a revolu-
viewees as able to reduce the hazard of the results and can easily tionary departure from existing solutions. Combined into an
be used as policy tool if the target is to anticipate the outcomes. integrated concept, however, they were a step towards the kind
The interviewees claim that this accuracy can be achieved because of integrated innovation that usually lacks in the building sector
the concept of the Passive House was not new: it has always (Taylor and Levitt, 2004).
existed. The pioneers who developed the concept “found” it in the According to our interviewees, the difficulties at the beginning
laws of physics. As a consequence, proponents of the Passive and the lack of trust of other experts transformed the step
House standard maintain that the concept is stable and reliable between performing calculations and the first Passive House
because it is based on scientific knowledge: “The Passive House built in Darmstadt into a real adventure. Only a limited
concept has not been invented/made up, but rather discovered” number of enthusiasts believed in the concept. As an interviewee
(passipedia.de). said:
Thus, the interviewees and the web site of the PHI support the
idea that the optimal solution to reduce energy consumption in all There were so many voices from everywhere. From the archi-
buildings exists “out there”, “in nature”, waiting to be found. Our tects: ‘The windows are ugly’; from the construction industry:
sources claim that based on travels and calculations, they have ‘This is not traditional. The house will collapse because it is
discovered this one best solution that can be reduced to a set of based on insulation. How can you do that? This will not work’;
simple principles because it is found in the fundamental laws of from the manufacturers: ‘The components they needed are too
physics. In relation to key barriers against energy efficiency expensive’; from clients, ‘I want to open the windows. I do not
investments, this strong reference to scientific principles above want to live in a house where I cannot open the windows’. But
all is relevant because of its ability to create certainty. Who would you can open the windows. (DA)
deny that the fundamental laws of physics will prevail in the end?
The resulting standard reduces uncertainty as long as the trust in The pilot project proved that the standard can be applied with
the standardization process to be able to remain true to the laws of the expected results, and after the construction it served as
physics is intact. At the same time, we observe that the standard feedback for possible improvement. This back and forth between
eases information transfer (“five simple principles”), which was the standard in paper form and its material solution was used over
further supported by creating a “standardized package” (Fujimura, the years to improve both the calculation tool and the technical
1992) consisting mainly of the PHPP calculation tool that incorpo- solutions and components.
rates calculatory knowledge. The first pilot project was also the first exposure of the new
concept to the consumers. As DD said, “There should be a house for
the public to have hands on to show people what is going on”. The
theoretical background could convince the experts, while the
Since 2003, attention has been drawn toward the existing building stock. dwelling was the “exhibition piece” that took the form of a
Overcoming the difficulties to force a rigid standard into another building concept,
a special tool was adapted for renovations, EnerPHit (Quality Approved Energy
Retrofit with Passive House Components), which follows the same criteria as for The interviewees presented the beginning of the development
new buildings but with less freedom in the choice of solutions. of the Passive House as a time of exploration, when the pioneers
590 L. Müller, T. Berker / Energy Policy 60 (2013) 586–593

accepted the challenge to transform a “scientific finding” into the first dwelling was built as early as 1996, the dwellings built to
reality. Two of the interviewees who were part of the development Passive House standard adopted the local architecture dominated
in its earliest phase confirmed that they were excited by the new by timber houses (Dangel, 2010). The technological concept
concept and more than willing to participate. matched the architectural ideals of the “Vorarlberg School of
The first supporters of the Passive House were enthusiasts. In Architecture” that had developed since the 1960s and was
this context, the demonstration project played an important role, grounded in the traditional regional architecture. This symbiosis
as one interviewee said: between an established architecture school and the innovative
standard turned out to be of decisive importance for the wide-
I looked with wide open eyes at the first Passive House project spread diffusion of the Passive House (Dangel, 2010).
in Darmstadt. I was very impressed by it, and since then I feel Early proponents of the Passive House standard presented
very connected with this mindset. (DD) themselves as being part of something important, even revolu-
tionary. Although the concept was framed as a simple matter of
The interviewee had joined because he had “the same philoso-
the fundamental laws of physics, actually realising the concept
phy” and the Passive House provided a good scientific background
generated a great deal of enthusiasm. The proof that the abstract
for his work. It was “the most reasonable” concept. Then,
principle could be manifested physically added to the credibility
he met like-minded people at the conferences and open days,
that was initially based on the reference to scientific laws and a
and he enjoyed these meetings (DD). Similarly, another intervie-
simple but consistent standard.
wee said:

At the beginning there was a very enthusiastic architect, 4.3. Creating a centre and controlling the margins
Folkmer Rasch, and his partner, Petra Grenz. They worked
together with the manufacturers; they pushed them. They said, With pilot buildings, measurement and calculation tools, and
‘We want this window; we are not buying this ugly window’, committed individuals, the concept of the Passive House gained
and they also got a good price. They were negotiating with ground, but it was also in danger of losing its focus that would
them and said, ‘Well, you cannot put all the costs of the allow for a coordinated development.
development of something new into this project now; this In 1996, the Passive House Institute (PHI) was founded by Dr.
does not work. There is a market, and you are the first ones on Wolfgang Feist. This independent research institute allowed the
the market.’ They were very good. And they built the first pilot concentration of all activities of the interdisciplinary team on the
projects. (DA) new concept. Additionally, its independence from other institu-
tions conferred on the institute an image of impartiality and
As can be observed, the actors involved in the development of objectivity—that created trust among customers. The interviewees
the Passive House concept engaged from the beginning in the unanimously described the creation of the PHI as an important
promotion of the concept. They mobilized and involved step in the development of the concept. According to them,
possible developers by showing them the advantages (being the Wolfgang Feist understood that “the concept is not going to
first on the market) and, at the same time, by imposing their develop by itself” (DA). The network had to be enlarged by
conditions (technically robust and aesthetically attractive involving new topics and new actors in the process. The extension
components). occurred on the conceptual level as well: From the beginning, the
In the beginning, the networks built around the researchers, Institute promoted cost effectiveness (not considered in the first
developers, architects, consulting engineers and component demonstrations) in addition to the energy efficiency of buildings
makers were based on personal contact. The circle was closed, and component development. With time, new aspects completed
and the participants knew and trusted one another. They were the development, such as the aesthetics of the buildings and
“like-minded”, and so there was a reduced danger of conflicts and aspects related to their marketing.
misunderstandings. The people involved called university collea- The control of the PHI over the Passive House actors was
gues and asked them to join (DB). The relationship was based on ultimately maintained through certification, not only for the
trust. The participants built around the Passive House an identity, buildings and the building components but for people as well.
and they shared this identity. People and things (e.g., pilot The Institute organized courses by which one could become a
buildings) created a stable network. An interviewee spoke about “Certified Passive House Designer” “to show to the public that there
a ventilation system with heat recovery as “the world champion” is an extra knowledge available to this person, that he or she has
(DC). This implies that the ventilation system is seen as a result of extra experience with Passive Houses”, as one interviewee (DB)
a training process. Similar to people, the technological devices described it. These certifications are not necessarily performed by
engage in a competition. Due to their qualities, these objects act as the Institute itself. There are now approximately 15 partners that
promotion agents. are connected to the PHI through a collaboration contract and
The Darmstadt project was followed by a series of other pilot annual meetings.
projects. From residential buildings, the interest moved to non- If the beginning of the Passive House development was
residential constructions in which the financial calculations pre- dominated by enthusiasts, the next phases involved more
vailed over the emotional element. Being a “physico-technical strategic networking while close contact and trust remained
concept, the Passive House does not appeal to people who valued aspects. Platforms were created in which these experts
approach the topics emotionally” (DD). could meet and talk. In these activities, the PHI was presented by
One of the most discussed issues is the architectural qualities of the interviewees as an independent and impartial institution that
Passive Houses because the main principles of energy efficiency guaranteed the quality of the products, performance, and experts.
limit architectural freedom to a certain degree. The pilot projects Through the certifications, the PHI had gained the reputation of an
in Germany and elsewhere also had as their stated mission to impartial third party that guaranteed the clients the quality of
involve architects who developed attractive design. Architectural each service.
qualities were expected to give these buildings an identity and In addition to guarantees for the certified people and products,
make them more attractive to the public (DD). certifications clearly were also a way of excluding actors from the
Especially early implementations of Passive Houses in Austria Passive House market (Busch, 2011, calls this “standardized differ-
were successful in this respect. In the state of Vorarlberg where entiation”). Non-certified products could not enter the Passive
L. Müller, T. Berker / Energy Policy 60 (2013) 586–593 591

House market, whereas the certified products would also have an The most pleasant and best way of learning about the advan-
advantage outside this market.4 One of the interviewees stated tages of Passive-House living is to try one out. After all, visiting
that certain companies decided to certify some of their products a show home on a traditional housing development and
because they could not sell them otherwise. Their products did not flicking through the brochures is one thing, but getting to
have the quality proof of an impartial authority (DB). know and generating a feeling for a house is something quite
The PHI accompanies the actors of the network during the different (www.probewohnen.at).
entire process of product development. The interviewees said that
they do “consulting with architects and building companies to get This is also the general message for both experts and lay-
a good overall design of the building” (DA) and that they collabo- people: the concept is simple, it is based on physics (so it cannot
rate with component makers to ensure cost effectiveness and good fail), and it offers the full package of advantages, from low energy
design (DB). bills to comfort and architectural quality—a combination of
As “recipes of reality” (Busch, 2011), standards are able to order objective and strict calculations before the product leaves the
“people and things so as to produce outcomes desired by someone. laboratory and the emotional factor in the promotion phase:
As such, they are part of the technical, political, social, economic, The clients should not feel the Passive House as a technical
and ethical infrastructure that constitutes human societies.” pressure, but the topic has to be presented as sexy, exciting,
(Busch, 2011: 13) Because of the elements that connect the center comfortable, great architecture possible, these aspects are
(i.e., the PHI) and a growing number of peripheral sites (e.g., important. (DD)
Passive Houses), the standard increased the power of the center
that controlled the Passive House development. Thus, the actors in Through the years, the promoters of Passive Houses have
the center had a “strategic position” because “they design networks learned to improve their message. As an interviewee stated, most
that are tied together in a few obligatory passage points” (Latour, clients “would not come and say, ‘Well, I want to have a Passive
1987: 245). The standardization of a concept and the procedure of House’. This is what we had to learn—the hard way” (DB).
certification helped companies to sell their products and to make Systematic surveys that were conducted among early customers
the PHI a necessary point of passage in the acceptance of a indicated that the energy efficiency and the Passive House label
component as suitable for Passive Houses. might appeal to experts but were of less importance to clients
With the creation of the PHI and its certification scheme, a (CEPHEUS). A consequence was the inclusion of non-technical
technological niche was created that quickly developed into a aspects but also the principle that prospective clients should be
commercial niche (Schot and Geels, 2008). Resting on its power to given the sense that they are voluntarily participating in the
define what is inside and what is outside the market, entry into implementation of a new form of home.
this niche was artificially restricted by the gatekeepers at the PHI. This focus on spreading the word and recruiting new volun-
The basis for this power depended on the Institute's ability to teers continues the strategies that have been employed success-
reduce uncertainty and to provide information. Moreover, the fully since the beginnings of the Passive House movement. In
niche was held together on the inside through the PHI's training. Austria, the concept gained credibility quickly and was implemen-
Finally, principal/agent problems were reduced by ensuring that as ted with success in many regions. The region of Vorarlberg claims
many links in the chain as possible would have the same to have the highest number of Passive Houses per person. The lack
information and the necessary amount of motivation. of language barriers (DB and DA), the trust in German technology
(DC) and the openness of Austrian architects, engineers and
physicists toward new concepts (DB) appear to be the most
5. Quo vadis Passive House? relevant favourable conditions for acceptance.
Additionally, in the state of Vorarlberg, public authorities
5.1. Spreading the word promoted Passive Houses actively through various strategies,
supporting it financially or transforming it into legal requirement.
Today, a high priority is given by the PHI to the presentation of Moreover, a number of intermediary organisations (e.g. IG Passiv-
the Passive House standard to prospective members and custo- haus, consultancy organisations, research programmes such as
mers. This presentation is accomplished through the organization “building of tomorrow”) acted as key actors in the planning
of “open days”, conferences and workshops. Moreover, product process, in the promotion of Passive Houses and certifications,
developers organize courses in which experts can learn “extra and in the knowledge transfer (Ornetzeder and Rohracher, 2009).
knowledge”, and open laboratory doors where customers and The mutual trust of actors and the more than average interest
experts can view and experience the new technological devices of all participants for energy efficiency in Vorarlberg represent a
and the Passive Houses built with different material, architectural unique example of success. The cooperation of all actors in the
and technological solutions. network, from architects and craftspeople (also a traditional
There is even a Passive House village, called “Sonnenplatz cooperation in the region that precedes the Passive House) to
Großschönau”, in Austria that offers the possibility for anybody open-minded clients and supportive local government played a
to experience living in a Passive House. The offer intends to decisive role on the implementation of Passive Houses (Dangel,
introduce the concept of a new way of living to the public and 2010).
to dissipate the inhibitions that might accompany such a decision. After the first successful projects in Germany and Austria, other
It is the difference between hearing about it and trying it, as the European countries opened the doors to the new concept.
village described itself:
5.2. Spreading the standard
The same idea is supported by Mlecnik et al. (2010): “Market actors consider
the label to be an advantage. For companies to be recognized as market leaders – Today, the concept has extended beyond the Central European
whether local, regional, national or international – the aim is to demonstrate that borders and has gained ground all over the world. However, the
their product differs from that of their competitors. Labels of Passive House projects implementation of Passive Houses in different climate zones is
that have been completed provide credentials for companies. Some specialized
networks provide databases of labeled Passive House projects with project files
accompanied by several problems. Whereas some countries have
with references to the actors involved, thereby providing a promotional tool for decided to implement the standard as given, other countries have
market actors”. imported the name and the basic principles but revised the
592 L. Müller, T. Berker / Energy Policy 60 (2013) 586–593

calculation method, i.e., they imported the concept but not the 6. Conclusion: Success factors
standard.5 Norway, for instance, has adapted the Passive House
concept but has developed a specific Norwegian standard (NS Our analysis of the Passive House development as told by its
3700 for residential and NS 3701 for non-residential buildings) protagonists demonstrates that the success of the concept and the
that resulted from three years of controversial discussions of the standard was not made possible through enforcement by (supra)
requirements for energy supply, single-family homes (which are national regulation or through the backing of powerful commer-
common in Norway), and to what extent climate change mitiga- cial actors. Rather, success was achieved through a combination of
tion should be included. Reusing the calculation methods that are a fervent belief in the scientific basis of the fundamental principles
well established in Norway (e.g., NS 3031) while retaining the of the standard, a rigid certification scheme (which involves a
cornerstones of the original (e.g., annual heating demand 15 kWh/ required certification tool), demonstration through good examples
m2), this standard changed primarily the values and methods (from pilot buildings to the Passive House village), the creation of a
used in the calculation certification, thereby breaking the link to protected market niche, extensive training activities and an
the PHI that had existed, among other links, through the PHPP increasingly professional marketing of the concept, standard,
calculation tool. components and technologies. These success factors have created
Researchers involved in the development of the Norwegian synergies that enabled the Passive House concept and standard to
standard argued that Norwegian conditions would incur excessive overcome the barriers to energy efficiency that are reported in the
additional cost and thereby “hinder the market penetration of literature. More specifically, we have observed that
Passive Houses in Norway” (Dokka and Andresen, 2006: 227). The
interviewees from the PHI opposed this view, expecting the – the scientific foundation that remained at the core of the
newcomers to apply the standard as given. The simple definition transformation of the concept into a performance-based stan-
and the clear basic principles should allow the export of the dard has reduced uncertainty and instilled trust,
concept without distortion—after all, physics is the same regard- – the unambiguous simplicity of the standard has facilitated
less of the location. The standard prescribes the performance of information transfer,
the dwelling but leaves open the choice of solutions. The solution – a tool required for certification has further contributed to the
for countries with other climates and traditions should be a time- reduction of uncertainty and created a standardized package
consuming development of components within the given standard that is easily employed,
(DA and DB). The interviewees conceded that these components – demonstrations through pilot buildings mobilized early sup-
do not yet exist, but they also said that it is only natural that the porters and acted as convincing proof for the viability of the
development of such components would take time (DA). The concept and standard,
interviewees would rather allow countries that implement the – a devoted community of like-minded proponents was formed
Passive House concept several years of development and “learning” that shared the same norms and values,
than to insist on the immediate implementation of the concept in – a protected market niche was created through the certification
a modified or adapted form. As has been shown, this is opposed to scheme,
the Norwegian (and e.g., Swedish) approach, in which the concept – strict quality assurance in training experts reduced principal/
is adapted to provide “better consistency with existing values, past agent problems, and finally,
experiences and needs of potential adopters” (Mlecnik et al., – lessons learned throughout the history led to a professionaliza-
2010: 4597). tion of the propagation of the concept and standard.
The consequence of these conditions is that the PHI loses at
least partially the control of the development of the Passive House Currently, two factors – the climatic variation and the compet-
standard: it cannot unconditionally and directly “act at distance” ing normative goals – are likely to gain prominence. Both are
(Latour, 1987: 228) in countries such as Norway. In these situa- related to the fact that the heterogeneity of adopters has been
tions, the certification is performed by new actors under new growing rapidly over the course of the last few years. As described
premises, relieving the PHI of its responsibility but also of its above, the history of Passive Houses over 20 years has occurred
ability to control and learn through direct feedback. The implica- primarily in Germany and Austria. These two countries have a
tions weaken the position of the PHI as an actor in Norway. common language and a similar climate and technical infrastruc-
Another way of describing this development is that in the moment ture. Moreover, early adopters of the concept were likely to be
when the concept is exported and a new standard is adapted, a interested in prioritizing energy saving to a more than average
new center of calculation is created. In our case, the private extent. In the current situation, the Norwegian case, among others,
research institution SINTEF is one of the central Norwegian illustrates that for the rapid implementation of the concept, much
institutions that have the competence to certify the products, is to be gained from modifying and thereby multifying the
the dwellings and the actors involved, and to train professionals standard and weakening the connection to the original centre of
and develop the concept—possibly in another direction from the calculations, the PHI. The Austrian case of the state of Vorarlberg is
PHI (Müller, 2012). However, the communication with the original instructive in this respect: Unique cultural and social conditions
centre of calculation and control is not completely broken. A large that predate the Passive House have created an extraordinarily
Norwegian delegation was present at the conference in Innsbruck, fertile ground for a creative development of the concept and
proving that the connections between the two centres remain standard. Cultural norms and values as described by Wilk and
strong. Thus, the communication still exists, but the border is only Wilhite (1985) vary geographically and have already influenced
conditionally permeable, indicating that the PHI is no longer an established calculation standards and associated methods. How-
obligatory point of passage. ever, above all, climatic variations create barriers that are able to
slow the diffusion of the standard.
Given the success of the Passive House to this point, a possible
future scenario may be that such construction becomes a matter of
course. This option is described by one informant as follows: “In
For example, Sweden and Norway. In the U.S., the Passive House Institute U.S.
(PHIUS) partnered with the Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET) in 2011,
the beginning I was a crackpot or a visionary, then I was a
offering its own certification system, PHIUS+, which includes elements of the so- visionary who was in great demand, and today, Wolfgang [Feist]
called HERS index used by RESNET. and many others, we are normality […]” (DD). The transformation
L. Müller, T. Berker / Energy Policy 60 (2013) 586–593 593

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