Field Trip Strategy
Field Trip Strategy
Field Trip Strategy
4. Develops social awareness. Field trips make students aware of learning activities in
everyday life. For instance, visits to supermarkets or shopping malls are typical
field experiences, which teachers may fail to notice. A well-organized trip to a
"normal" place is an excellent method of teaching students to observe, ask
questions, and learn in the large classroom.
1. Instructional trips
An instructional trip is a visit by a class or group of classes to a location
outside the regular classroom, which is designed to allow the students to achieve
specific course objectives, which cannot be achieved as efficiently by other means.
3. Motivational trips
A motivational trip is an extra-campus activity, which is not a part of a scheduled
class. It provides a motivational incentive for the school, club, group, or class and is
related to improving the school climate. The procedures in this guide are for
instructional field trips. If you are planning a motivational trip, please note that
this requires approval from the General Area Director.
An example of a motivational trip is an end of year visit to Buddha point by a
student body. First a teacher must choose the kind of trip to take and then decide
on a general location for the trip.
Step involved in conducting field trip.
1. Trip Selection.
Identify objectives and plan of evaluation for the field trip.
Select site to be visited and arrange date and time.
Conduct pre-visit to familiarize yourself with the major features of the field and
obtain address, directions, contact person and mobile numbers.
2. Logistics Planning
Apply for administrative approval and file requisition for transportation.
Make arrangement for meals and develop schedule for the day.
Arrange special equipments like cameras and collect money for admission fees if
the site demands.
Create a list of student names and home phone number for emergency.
3. Field Trip Preparation/Pre-trip discussion
Discuss how to ask good questions and make a list of open-ended observation
questions to gather information.
Let class to compose thank-you letter to those who helped during the field trip.
Include special information learned.
trip which causes shortage of resources. And some time student cant have the
choice to pick their own place and they have to agree with the teacher choice
which shows student doesnt have the choice to select the venue.
Medical risk. For example like while travelling via vehicle some children gets
motion sickness.
Planning a Field Trip
Good planning must precede field trips. Careful attention should be given to trip
selection, previsit preparation, the trip itself, appropriate follow up, and evaluation.
When considering a field trip, teachers are advised to first consult with their
administrator regarding existing school policies and follow those recommended
procedures in planning a field trip.
1. Trip Selection
Identify the rationale, objectives and plan of evaluation for the field trip.
Select the site to be visited. Contact the educational coordinator for the
site and arrange the date and time. Obtain the pre-trip information package
if one is available. Record addresses, directions, contact persons, phone
numbers, email addresses, etc.
2. Logistics Planning
a. Apply for administrative approval from the head of the school.
b. File requisition for bus transportation if the school has any or seek administrative
support for arranging transportation if the school does not have the facility
c. Make arrangements for meal or sack (pack) lunch if needed
d. Develop schedule for the day
e. Arrange for special equipment -supplies, film, video camera, digital camera if
f. Collect money for admission fees if the visit site demands
g. Inform the parents (in case of day school) about the following things:
Date and location of field trip and transportation arrangements
Educational purpose of field trip
Sketch pages with partial drawings of objects found in the exhibits for
students to complete the drawings based on their observations
Hand drawn postcards to write near the end of the tour that will summarize
the field trip visit
Provide time for students to observe, ask questions, and record key words, ideas
and phrases as journal entries in their Field book after viewing each exhibit
Ask follow-up questions as students make observations and listen to presentations.
If you could change one thing in this exhibit, what would it be?
Pretend you are an archaeologist in the future who is observing this object.
What would you be able to conclude about the culture of the past?
Describe the setting in which you might have found this object.
Pretend you are a character in this exhibit. Tell us as much as you can about
your life.
What does this object tell us about the person's attitude toward...?
Schedule a particular segment of the field trip for a scavenger hunt where
students look for particular objects and record them in their Field book or on an
observation sheet.
Provide time for students to work in their Field Book writing questions, describing
favorite displays or making sketches of artifacts, structures, scenery, etc. If they
cannot complete their sketches, encourage them to label them for future
completion as to color, detail, etc.
5. Post-Field Trip Activities
Just as quality pre-planning is essential to the success of a field trip, planning for
appropriate follow-up activities will facilitate student learning and multiply the
value of hands-on experiences outside the classroom. The following activities
provide a general guide when planning for post-field trip classroom experiences.
Link field trip activities to multiple curricular areas. For example, students
can develop vocabulary lists based on field trip observations; record field
trip observations in a classroom journal; complete math problems related to
actual field trip budget planning; etc.
Have the class compose and send thank-you letters to the field trip site
host, school administrators and other persons that supported the field trip.
Include favorite objects or special information learned during the field trip.
Create a short news report about what happened on the field trip. Publicize
the trip via an article in your local newspaper, school bulletin board, trip
presentation for parent's night, or school web page.
Share the evaluation with the students, volunteers, hosts from the field trip site,
and school administrators.