Chronic Cough in Patients With Sleep-Disordered Breathing

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Eur Respir J 2010; 35: 368372

DOI: 10.1183/09031936.00110409
CopyrightERS Journals Ltd 2010

Chronic cough in patients with

sleep-disordered breathing
K.K.Y. Chan*,#, A.J. Ing*, L. Laks*, G. Cossa*, P. Rogers* and S.S. Birring"

ABSTRACT: Chronic cough can be the sole presenting symptom for patients with obstructive
sleep apnoea. We investigated the prevalence, severity and factors associated with chronic
cough in patients with sleep-disordered breathing (SDB).
We invited 108 consecutive patients who had been referred for evaluation of SDB to complete a
comprehensive questionnaire on respiratory and sleep health, which included the Leicester
Cough Questionnaire (cough specific quality of life; LCQ), Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) and
the Mayo Clinic gastro-oesophageal questionnaire. Chronic cough was defined as cough for a
duration of .2 months.
33% of patients with SDB reported a chronic cough. Patients with a chronic cough had impaired
cough related-quality of life affecting all health domains (meanSEM LCQ score 17.70.7;
normal521). Patients with SDB and chronic cough were predominantly females (61% versus 17%;
p,0.001) and reported more nocturnal heartburn (28% versus 5%; p50.03) and rhinitis (44%
versus 14%; p50.02) compared to those without SDB. There were no significant differences in
ESS, respiratory disturbance index, body mass index, or symptoms of breathlessness, wheeze,
snoring, dry mouth and choking between those with cough and those without.
Chronic cough is prevalent in patients with SDB and is associated with female sex, symptoms of
nocturnal heartburn and rhinitis. Further studies are required to investigate the impact of
continuous positive airway pressure therapy on cough associated with SDB to explore the
mechanism of this association.

*Respiratory Investigations Unit, Dept
of Thoracic Medicine, Concord
Repatriation General Hospital,
Sydney, and
Dept of Respiratory Medicine,
Campbelltown and Camden
Hospitals, Campbelltown, Australia.
Dept of Respiratory Medicine,
Kings College Hospital, London, UK.
S.S. Birring
Dept of Respiratory Medicine
Kings College Hospital
July 14 2009
Accepted after revision:
Oct 19 2009

KEYWORDS: Chronic cough, Leicester Cough Questionnaire, respiratory disturbance index,

sleep-disordered breathing, visual analogue scale

hronic cough is a common condition

referred to respiratory physicians. The
most common causes of chronic cough in
nonsmokers are asthma, gastro-oesophageal
reflux (GOR) and rhinitis (also known as upper
airway cough syndrome) [1]. Despite thorough
investigations, the aetiology of cough is unexplained in up to 20% of patients [2]. Unexplained
chronic cough has been reported in patients who
snore and who have sleep-disordered breathing
(SDB) [3]. Chronic cough can be the sole
manifestation of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA)
and can be effectively treated by continuous
positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy [3].
Furthermore, cough symptoms have been associated with day time somnolence in general
population studies [4]. The mechanism of the
association between cough and SDB are not
known. GOR, rhinitis and upper airway inflammation have been proposed [3]. The aim of this
study was to investigate the prevalence, severity
and factors associated with chronic cough in
patients with SDB.



Consecutive patients with symptoms of SDB
referred to a sleep disorders clinic were recruited
between August and December 2007. All subjects
underwent overnight polysomnography (PSG)
and were invited to participate in the study.
Patients were excluded if they were smokers, had
known respiratory disease, were taking angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, had a
recent upper respiratory tract infection in the
previous 4 weeks or had a respiratory disturbance index (RDI) of ,5 events?h-1 on PSG. All
patients gave informed consent to participate and
the protocol was approved by the Concord
Repatriation General Hospital Ethics Committee
in the Sydney South West Area Health Service
(Sydney, Australia).
All patients completed a structured questionnaire
recording demographic details, presence of
cough symptoms, cough severity and conditions

European Respiratory Journal

Print ISSN 0903-1936
Online ISSN 1399-3003



commonly associated with cough. Chronic cough was defined

as cough duration .2 months in response to the following
question to be consistent with the definition of chronic cough:
if you have cough, how long have you had it? The following
questionnaires or tests were administered.
1) Patient demographics: general medical history, presence of
rhinitis or hayfever, dry mouth, choking, snoring, smoking
history, medications and alcohol consumption.
2) Cough symptom severity: cough visual analogue scale (VAS;
0100 mm) [5].
3) Cough related health status: the Leicester Cough
Questionnaire (LCQ) [6]. The LCQ measures quality of life
related to chronic cough in three domains: physical, psychological and social. Each domain is scored between 1 and 7, the
latter indicating no impairment in quality of life. The total
score ranges from 3 to 21.
4) Sleepiness: Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS). A score of o9
indicates significant sleepiness, range 021 [7].
5) Respiratory symptoms and smoking status: patients
completed an adapted version of the International Union
Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease questionnaire [8, 9].
Breathlessness: do you ever have trouble breathing?;
sputum: do you usually bring up any phlegm from your
chest during the day, or at night, in the winter?; and wheeze:
have you had wheezing or whistling in your chest in the last
12 months?
6) GOR symptoms: the Mayo Clinic GOR questionnaire. This is a
validated questionnaire that records the symptoms of heartburn,
nocturnal heartburn, regurgitation and dysphagia [1014].
Each subject underwent a standard overnight PSG sleep study
(Compumedics, Victoria, Australia) that included central and
occipital electroencephalograms, electrooculogram and submental electromyogram (EMG) to determine sleep stage. The
electrocardiogram and diaphragm and tibialis anterior EMGs
were monitored. Thoracoabdominal excursions were measured using respiratory inductance plethysmography, nasal
flow by a nasal cannula-pressure transducer system, nasal and
oral airflow by a thermistor and snoring with a room
microphone. Arterial blood oxyhaemoglobin saturation was
recorded with a pulse oximeter. Sleep staging was scored in
30-s epochs. Respiratory events and arousals were defined and
scored according to the recommendations of the American
Sleep Disorders Association Taskforce [15]. Patients with SDB
were defined as having an RDI of o5 events?h-1.
Statistical analysis
Patient demographics were described as meanSEM or
meanSD. The Chi-squared and Fisher Exact tests were used
to compare the characteristics of patients with SDB and chronic
cough and those without chronic cough. Pearson correlation
coefficients were used to examine the correlation between RDI,
quality of life and cough symptoms. A p-value of ,0.05 was
considered statistically significant.



Subject characteristics




37 (67)


18 (33)

Mean age yrs


Mean BMI kg?m-2


Epworth Sleepiness Scale


Cough duration .2 months

18 (33)

RDI events?h-1
RDI 515

14 (26)

RDI .15, f30

12 (22)

RDI .30

29 (53)

Data are presented as n, n (%) or mean


BMI: body mass index;

RDI: respiratory disturbance index.

108 patients were assessed for participation in this study and
53 patients were excluded: seven (7%) patients were current
smokers; 17 (16%) reported chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease or asthma; eight (7%) patients reported recent upper
respiratory tract infection; 21 (19%) patients reported current
use of ACE inhibitors; and seven (7%) patients had an RDI
,5 events?h-1 on PSG. Three out of seven patients without SDB
reported cough, two were taking ACE inhibitors and one had a
history of respiratory disease. The remaining four patients
without SDB did not report cough.
The remaining 55 patients were recruited for this study
(table 1). All patients were life-long nonsmokers and did not
report significant occupational exposure. Five (9%) patients
were taking proton pump inhibitors, H2 antagonist medication
or both. 18 (33%) patients had chronic cough. Patients with
SDB and chronic cough had impaired quality of life affecting
all health domains (table 2). There was no relationship
between RDI and prevalence or severity of cough (VAS:
r5 -0.05, p50.84; quality of life-related to cough, LCQ total
score: r5 -0.11, p50.67).
Patients with SDB and chronic cough compared with those
without cough were more likely to be females (61% versus 19%;
p50.002) and report symptoms of nocturnal heartburn (28%
versus 5%; p50.02), rhinitis (44% versus 14%; p50.01),
dysphagia (33% versus 11%; p50.04) and chest pain (44%
versus 19%; p50.05). Of the patients with chronic cough and
SDB, 22% did not report symptoms of GOR disease or rhinitis.


Leicester Cough Questionnaire scores for

chronic cough subjects with sleep-disordered





















Comparison of patients with sleep-disordered

breathing and chronic cough versus those
without cough
Chronic cough

No cough



11 (61)

7 (19)



7 (39)

30 (81)



10 (56)

15 (41)


Sputum production

2 (11)

0 (0)



4 (22)

8 (22)


Respiratory symptoms

OSA syndrome
ESS score



15 (83)

32 (86)

Nocturnal heartburn

5 (28)

2 (5)



8 (44)

9 (24)


Acid regurgitation

6 (33)

12 (32)


6 (33)

4 (11)


GOR disease-related

8 (44)

7 (19)

Thyroid disease

Chest pain

2 (11)

1 (3)



8 (44)

5 (14)



5 (28)

10 (27)


Cardiovascular disease#

6 (33)

12 (32)


Data are presented as n (%) or n, unless otherwise stated. OSA: obstructive

sleep apnoea; ESS: Epworth Sleepiness Scale; GOR: gastro-oesophageal
reflux. p-values in bold indicate statistical significance.

: hypertension,

ischaemic heart disease or heart failure.

There was increased prevalence of thyroid disease in patients

with cough compared to those without, but it did not reach
statistical significance (11% versus 3%; p50.25) (table 3). There
were no significant differences in symptoms of dyspnoea,
wheeze, sputum production, snoring, dry mouth and choking
between the patients with chronic cough compared to those
without. There were no significant differences in ESS, snoring
and RDI between the two groups (table 3). Cardiovascular
disease (hypertension, ischaemic heart disease and heart
failure) did not differ significantly between groups (table 3).
No patients had central sleep apnoea.
This is the first study to investigate the prevalence and severity
of chronic cough in patients with SDB. Our study demonstrates
that chronic cough is an important and common symptom
associated with SDB. Of the subjects with SDB, 33% had
chronic cough. Patients with SDB and chronic cough had
significantly impaired quality of life due to cough that affected
all health domains. Patients with chronic cough were more
likely to be female and have symptoms of nocturnal heartburn
and rhinitis.
GOR is common in patients with OSA [16, 17]. The negative
intrathoracic pressure associated with inspiratory efforts
against an upper airway resistance in OSA may lead to
regurgitation of gastric contents. The reduced upper and lower
oesophageal sphincter tone during sleep may also potentiate


GOR [18]. ING et al. [19] have reported a high prevalence of

GOR in patients with SDB, where GOR events were temporally
related to apnoea or hypopnoea events. The severity of GOR
has been associated with the severity of respiratory disturbance due to SDB [20]. Furthermore, GOR disease has been
identified as an independent risk factor associated with
snoring, sleep disturbance and day time somnolence [17].
Nasal CPAP therapy has been reported to reduce the number
of GOR events and oesophageal acidity in patients with OSA
[21]. These findings suggest that GOR disease may play an
important role in SDB and possibly SDB-associated cough,
since GOR disease is one of the most commonly reported
causes of chronic cough [1]. Only 44% of our patients with
chronic cough and SDB reported heartburn and 28% had
nocturnal heartburn, suggesting that not all SDB-related cough
is GOR disease mediated.
A number of observations suggest that cough may be mediated
by airway inflammation associated with SDB. We found that
subjects with SDB and chronic cough were more likely to
report symptoms of rhinitis than those without cough. Rhinitis,
also known as upper airway cough syndrome, is a common
cause of chronic cough, often seen in combination with other
conditions causing cough [1]. Upper airway secretions are
thought to directly activate cough receptors in a hypersensitive
hypopharynx and larynx or indirectly through increased nasal
resistance and inflammation [2224]. We were unable to
establish whether particular aetiologies of rhinitis were more
prevalent in SDB cough; this should be addressed in the future.
The sensitivity of the cough reflex is worth investigating in
future studies since it may reveal important insights into the
relationship between cough and SDB. Lower airway inflammation is also important. We have previously reported an
increase in airway neutrophils in patients with OSA-associated
cough and speculated that it may be caused by episodes of
snoring or apnoeas [3, 25]. The frequency of apnoeas was not
related to the severity of cough. This may seem surprising at
first but probably reflects a nonlinear relationship as seen with
other aggravants of cough [26]. It is possible that cough may be
due to snoring alone in a susceptible individual, since cough
has been linked to snoring in the absence of SDB [27, 28].
Finally, cough may be associated with the presence of obesity
rather than SDB. However, a recent study did not find an
association between body mass index and cough frequency
[29]; this suggests that the presence of SDB is likely to be
important in the pathogenesis of cough.
SDB is frequently associated with comorbidities, particularly
cardiovascular disease. Chronic cough is an uncommon but
well recognised presentation of left ventricular dysfunction.
Airway and pulmonary cough receptors are thought to be
activated by extra vascular fluid overload. There was no
significant difference in the prevalence of cardiovascular
disease between patients with cough than those without.
Further characterisation of patients with echocardiography
would be necessary to exclude left ventricular dysfunction as
an important mechanism with confidence. Thyroid disease is
another common comorbidity seen in SDB and has recently
been associated with chronic cough. It has been hypothesised
that homing of autoimmune inflammatory cells from the
thyroid gland to the airways may cause cough. We found a
higher prevalence of thyroid disease in SDB associated with


cough than that without cough. This was not statistically

significant but our study was not powered or designed to
detect differences in the prevalence of thyroid disease. Further
characterisation of patients that includes measurement of autoantibodies and thyroid function tests is necessary to establish
the importance of thyroid disease in patients with SDB cough.


for SDB. A follow-up study to investigate the response to

CPAP therapy is warranted, preferably as a controlled trial.
None declared.

We found that patients with chronic cough and SDB were
more likely to be female. Female patients outnumber males in
most cough clinics. Female sex is associated with a higher
cough frequency and severity and a more heightened cough
reflex compared with males [30, 31]. Our findings suggest that
the initial assessment of patients with SDB should enquire
about the presence of cough, particularly in female patients.

We would like to thank R. Collins, B. Lee and L. Seccombe (Concord

Repatriation General Hospital, Sydney, Australia) for their assistance
with organising and reporting polysomnography studies.


In conclusion, chronic cough is prevalent in patients with SDB

and impacts on their quality of life. SDB cough is not well
recognised by physicians and it is possible that some patients
referred to specialist clinics for investigation of cough are
misdiagnosed. It is important to recognise SDB cough because
preliminary reports suggest it responds well to specific therapy

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A limitation of this study is the lack of a control group. This

ideally should be subjects without SDB, matched for age, sex
and body mass index. Cough was not reported by patients
with normal polysomnography in the absence of known
tussive stimuli but this group comprised of just four patients.
Further studies, preferably casecontrol in design are needed
to confirm our findings. A number of studies have investigated
the prevalence of chronic cough in the general population. The
prevalence of chronic cough varies due to differences in study
methodologies and factors such as age, smoking, air pollution
and viral infections. DI PEDE et al. [32] reported a 3% prevalence
of chronic cough in nonsmoking Mexican-Americans and 8%
in the Anglo-Saxons in Arizona, USA. VIEGI et al. [33] reported
a prevalence of 9% in Northern Italy and PEAT et al. [34]
reported a prevalence of 10.7% in Busselton, Australia. More
recently, VOLL-AANERUD et al. [35] reported an incidence of
chronic cough of 9.2% in females and 7.7% in males in Bergen,
Norway. The prevalence of chronic cough in patients with SDB
seen in our study was much higher than that reported in
general population studies. The use of subjective questionnaires rather than objective tests may have led to an inaccurate
estimation of the presence and severity of cough, GOR disease
and rhinitis. The LCQ, International Union Against
Tuberculosis and Lung Disease and Mayo Clinic GOR
questionnaires have been well validated and used widely [6,
7, 9, 3639]. The purpose of this study was to identify risk
factors associated with chronic cough in patients with SDB;
establishing the aetiology of cough was beyond the scope of
this study. Further studies of SDB cough should investigate
patients using standardised diagnostic protocols for chronic
cough incorporating objective tools such as cough monitoring
and 24-h oesophageal pH studies. Establishing a temporal
association between episodes of apnoea, GOR and cough will
be important to demonstrate causality between cough and
SDB. A further limitation is that the large number of patients
excluded from this study may have affected the prevalence of
cough. The most likely possibility is that that the prevalence of
chronic cough was underestimated since most excluded
subjects were exposed to well-known tussive stimuli.




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