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Debasis Barik and Sonalde Desai

H ealthcare E xpenditure
in the G lobal C ontext

in I ndia

As nations progress along the epidemiological transition,

the nature of healthcare expenditure changes drastically.
Communicable diseases are containable through simpler
public health strategies and when requiring intervention,
require urgent and short-term treatment. In contrast,
non-communicable diseases (NCDs) require longerterm and more expensive treatment, which may
include laboratory testing as well. Different regions
of the world are in different stages of epidemiological
transition process. The World Health Organisation
(WHO) estimates of the causes of death in 2008
indicate that in the more developed regions, excluding
Eastern Europe, a majority of all deaths (80 per cent)
were attributable to NCDs (UN 2012). Together with
the high life expectancy at birth, the pattern of deaths
by cause reveals that this group of countries as a whole
is in the advanced stages of the demographic and
epidemiologic transitions. In stark contrast, death due
to communicable diseases as well as maternal, perinatal
and nutritional conditions continue to be responsible
for a large proportion of mortality in several regions,
where life expectancy at birth is also substantially lower
than in the more developed regions. In Africa, the region
of the world with the lowest life expectancy at birth of
55 years, the majority of deaths in 2008 (61 per cent)
was due to communicable diseases as well as maternal,
perinatal and nutritional conditions.

While coping with each of either communicable or

NCDs poses considerable challenges, India is confronted
with both simultaneously. India is in the middle stage
of this epidemiological transition with a dual burden of
diseasescommunicable diseases among younger age
population and NCDs among population of age 45 years
or more. Growing importance of NCDs will only rise as
the population continues to age. Healthcare systems in
India are ill-equipped to address these challenges.
Health expenditure around the world is highly
asymmetrical in nature. Developed countries in the
Europe and Central Asian region have the highest
healthcare expenditure, 9.6 per cent of the gross domestic
product (Figure 5.1). Healthcare spending (as a per cent
of gross domestic product [GDP]) is also higher in the
Latin America and Caribbean region (7.6 per cent) and
East Asia and Pacific region (6.8 per cent). In contrast,
countries in the South Asian region spend barely 3.8
per cent of the GDP on healthcare. In spite of a rapid
economic growth in the last two decades, healthcare
spending in India has not gone up significantly. Healthcare
spending in India (3.9 per cent) is slightly higher than
the average spending of her South Asian neighbours, but
considerably lower than the developed nations.
Even compared to other middle income nations,
per capita spending on health in India is the lowest
among the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and
South Africa) countries as reflected in the World Bank
World Development Indicators (Table 5.1). All other
countries in this group spend higher share of their GDP

Determinants of Private Healthcare Utilisation and Expenditure Patterns 53

% Share of GDP on Health

Figure 5.1 Healthcare Expenditure as a Percentage

of GDP by World Regions and India, 2011











& Pacific

& Central America &
East &
Caribbean North Africa


Source: World Development Indicators (2011).

on health than India. Health outcome in terms of life

expectancy at birth (LEB) also reveals India in a relatively
disadvantageous position, just higher than South Africa.
The poor LEB in South Africa is largely attributable
to the loss of life years due to opportunistic infections,
mainly tuberculosis due to HIV/AIDS since the 1990s.
What makes Indian healthcare pattern unique is
the importance of household out-of-pocket (OOP)
expenditure. A majority of the illnesses are treated by
private healthcare providers and with the exception
of Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY) health
insurance coverage is negligible, a majority of spending
tends to be out of pocket. In spite of the higher
prevalence of poverty, 61 per cent of total healthcare
expenditure is met through OOP spending by the
households (Table 5.1). This OOP health spending is
the key source of healthcare financing in India and this
leads to catastrophic level of spending for healthcare to
many households and push them into poverty (Ghosh
2011, Pal 2010, Berman et al. 2010). The proportion of
households facing catastrophic OOP health payments
during 200405, as measured by Ghosh (2011) was
15.37 per cent. This varied widely among states, from
3.46 per cent in Assam to 32.42 per cent in Kerala.

T welfth F ive Y ear P lan

S ome R ays of H ope


H ealth :

The Eleventh Five Year Plan (200712) made only

minor progress on achieving service provision goals.
During the Eleventh Plan, funding for health by Centre
and state together has increased from earlier 0.94 per
cent of GDP to 1.04 per cent of GDP in 201112
(Planning Commission 2013). Healthcare facilities
are still inadequate and the Eleventh Plan has failed
to achieve the desired levels. Despite considerable
improvement in recruitment of health personnel the
gap between need for health personnel and availability
remains large (ibid.). Underperformance in creating
resources and inefficient management has contributed
in widening the gap in actual and desired levels of health
outcome during the Eleventh Plan period.
However, the Twelfth Five Year Plan (201217)
contains a lot of promise and hope. The Twelfth Plan
strategy has been set up based on a comprehensive
discussion by a High Level Expert Group (HLEG)
formulated by the Planning Commission of India.
The Twelfth Plan is set to roll out Universal Health
Coverage (UHC) to achieve the long-term health goals.
The HLEG has defined UHC as, ... ensuring equitable
access for all Indian citizens, resident in any part of the
country, regardless of income level, social status, gender,
caste or religion, to affordable, accountable, appropriate
health services of assured quality (promotive, preventive,
curative and rehabilitative) as well as public health services
addressing the wider determinants of health delivered to
individuals and populations, with the government being
the guarantor and enabler, although not necessarily the
only provider, of health and related services. Due to
financial constraint, the HLEG has recommended the
prioritisation of primary healthcare, while ensuring that

Table 5.1 Life Expectancy at Birth, GDP Per-Capita and Share of Healthcare Expenditure
on GDP among BRICS Countries, 2011
BRICS Countries
LEB (Years)

South Africa

(current US $)

GDP per capita

(PPP US $)

HCE as %
of GDP

73 1,121 11,634
69 807 22,408
65 59 3,714
73 278 8,408

OOP as % of
total HCE

8.9 30.6
6.2 31.4
3.9 61.2
5.2 36.6

Note: LEB: Life Expectancy at Birth, PCHE: Per Capita Health Expenditure, OOP: Out-of-pocket, ppp: Purchasing Power Parity, HCE:
Healthcare Expenditure
Source: World Development Indicators (2011).

54 India Infrastructure Report 2013|14

the Essential Health Package (EHP) includes essential

services at all levels of care. Government allocation
(both central and state) on healthcare, broadly defined,
has been set to achieve 2.5 per cent of GDP by the end
of the Twelfth Plan. At the same time, it emphasises
the need to refocus the financial and managerial
system to ensure more efficient utilisation of available
resources. Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) have
been encouraged to provide efficient care to people in
reasonable price.
Below, we examine empirical data on use of
healthcare services and healthcare expenditure by
households to see how experiences of households onthe-ground varies by their socio-economic conditions
and availability of healthcare.

M orbidity S cenario in I ndia :

P revalence of D iseases and
T reatment R ate
The asymmetric demographic transition among
Indian states has contributed to the co-existence of
communicable as well as non-communicable diseases
NCDs across wide geographic region. Poor and
inadequate supply of public health services, including
safe drinking water and sanitation, along with broad
base of younger age population particularly in the high
fertility states have contributed to the higher prevalence
of communicable diseases. Again, states in the southern
part of India and some other states, who are leading in
the demographic transition process, are burdened with
long-term chronic morbidities, such as diabetes, cardiac
ailments, etc. Both types of morbidities have different
healthcare needs. The minor morbidities such as fever,
respiratory infection and diarrhoea are subject to
frequent out-patient visit, which although inexpensive
per visit, can be cumulatively onerous with higher
frequency of occurrence and are mostly not covered
by the insurance schemes. On the other side, with
major morbidities, people require long-term intense
care, which may be less frequent but expensive when
The prevalence of various minor and major
morbidities and treatment seeking behaviour, as noted
in the India Human Development Survey-I (2004
05), are depicted in Table 5.2. IHDS-I is a nationally
representative, multi-topic survey of 41,554 households
in 1503 villages and 971 urban neighbourhoods across
India. Along with the rich content on education,

employment, income, it has collected information on

reproductive health, and broader health and health
beliefs of the Indian population with an intention to
follow them up over time.
The survey reveals that, as many as 124 per 1,000
people in India suffered from fever, cough and cold or
diarrhoea during the 30 days prior to the survey (Table
5.2). Fever is the most frequently observed among all
minor morbidities. Almost half (45 per cent) of all
Indian households had someone who suffered from
one of these minor illnesses. The prevalence of any
long-term morbidities in the last 365 days prior to
the survey was half that of the prevalence of minor
morbidities with a 30 day reference period. The
most frequently reported long-term illness was the
unspecified other category (23 per 1,000), which
mostly includes accident. Prevalence of high blood
pressure (14 per 1,000) is the second highest among
all long-term morbidities. Among the other longterm morbidities, diabetes, asthma, cataract and heart
disease share a fair prevalence. Multiple morbidities
were reported by 14 per cent of these populations.
Twenty-seven per cent of the Indian households
had at least one person suffering from any long-term
illness. However, these reported prevalence rate are
lower than the actual prevalence, mainly because the
survey collected information from the members of the
household, who were present during the interview and
the morbidities include the diagnosed ailments only
(Desai et al. 2010).
People often seek treatment for minor morbidities (or
fail to report a minor illness for which no treatment is
sought), but non-treated ailment is higher for the major
morbidities. Nearly 6 per cent of the minor morbidities
are not treated compared to 9 per cent of the long-term
morbidities. 42.5 per cent of the polio cases, reported
in the IHDS survey, were not treated in the year prior
to the survey. One in every four patients suffering from
mental illness was not treated. Non-treatment was also
higher in case of cataract (20.7 per cent), paralysis (18.2
per cent) and epilepsy (14.7 per cent).
The statistics on source of provider for the patients,
who sought treatment, gives a gloomy picture about the
use of public facilities for both minor and major illnesses.
In spite of higher treatment cost, people overwhelmingly
prefer to use private healthcare providers rather than
public facilities. Three-fourth of the patients visited
private facilities for treatment for both type of illnesses.
Visit to public facilities were comparatively higher for
long-term illnesses than short-term illnesses.

Determinants of Private Healthcare Utilisation and Expenditure Patterns 55

Table 5.2 Treatment Rate for Short- and Long-term Morbidities in India, 200405

Any short-term morbidity
Any long-term morbidity
High BP
Heart disease
Mental illness
Other long-term

Treated in (in percentage)

Prevalence Government Private Other Percentage Numbers
not treated


74.6 9.1
75.5 9.2
76.3 11.5
63.3 5.2
74.5 3.2
72.1 3.7
76.0 3.9
73.0 8.8
78.7 4.5
75.1 7.5
73.5 6.3
73.1 11.3



Source: India Human Development Survey (200405).

While long-term illnesses are more devastating,

short-term illnesses are more prevalent. Short-term
morbidity accounts for substantial time loss from
usual activities. A person suffering from any shortterm illness was incapacitated, or unable to perform
his or her usual activities for four-and-a-half days in 30
days prior to the survey. Although short-term illnesses
are more common for children, days lost per illness
increases with age, somewhat counterbalancing the
lower prevalence at younger ages. A person who was ill
with a long-term disease was, on an average, unable to
perform his or her normal activities for almost 60 days
during the previous year. The elderly were more affected
than others. They lost 71 days of normal activity if sick
with one of these diseases. Across the entire population,
long-term illnesses accounted for about four days (per
person-per year) of lost activity, compared with seven
days for short-term illnesses. This difference is due to
the lower prevalence of long-term than short-term
morbidity (ibid.).
The working age adults (1559 years) lose about 5.5
days per year because of fevers, coughs and diarrhoea,
school-age children lose seven days, and the elderly lose

10 days per year respectively. On the other hand, longterm illness results a loss of four days for working age
adults, one day for school-going children and 15 days
for elderly. Days lost in long-term major morbidities
are more pronounced than short-term morbidities for
the older population as both the prevalence and days
incapacitated due to long-term illnesses are higher
among this age group.

H ealthcare E xpenditure
and F inancing
As discussed earlier, healthcare in India is dominated
by the private healthcare providers. Over two-thirds
of the patients, suffering from either type of morbidity
seek private care. But, private healthcare is subject to
large OOP expenditure since health insurance coverage
is negligible.
At the same time, in spite of the ostensibly free
nature of government healthcare, substantial costs are
involved in the form of medication costs or tips. Average
treatment cost of minor morbidity in government

56 India Infrastructure Report 2013|14

facilities was Rs 319 and in private it was Rs 350 (Table

5.3), not a large difference. The difference between
public and private facilities is larger when it comes to
major illnesses. Average annual cost of treatment for
long-term illnesses is Rs 4,569 in public facilities and Rs
6,139 in private. Both of these are substantially higher
than minor illness related expenditure.1 Heart disease,
cancer, paralysis are the few among the long-term
diseases noted in IHDS-I survey, which demands for a
huge spending on treatment.
Our observation of a small difference between
government and private healthcare during minor
illnesses may be partly due to a huge variation in the
quality and the cost of private healthcare. The private
medical sector in India is extremely heterogeneous
in nature. People usually go to traditional healers for
minor illnesses, who prescribe relatively cheap ayurvedic
or homeopathic medicines. However, when it comes to
major illnesses, the difference in doctors costs between
public and private providers is greater, possibly because
this is where patients visit more qualified and expensive
private doctors (ibid.).
Since the cost of treatment of both minor and major
illnesses is not exceptionally lower in government
facilities than private, people opt for private treatment
over government, mainly for easy access and flexible
visiting hour. Moreover, the cost of treatment was
significantly lower while using some provider, such as
pharmacist (ibid.).
Indian households spend a surprisingly large
proportion of their income on medical care and medical
expenses are an important reason to push them into
poverty trap. Table 5.4 provides a comprehensive picture
of the toll of healthcare expenditure on household
income. The share of short-term morbidities is higher
in the share of total health expenditure on household
The IHDS survey data shows that, about 6 per cent
of the monthly household income is spent on healthcare,
out of which 4.4 per cent is spent for minor illness and
1.6 per cent is for long-term illness. Higher share of
household income is spent on healthcare in rural areas
than urban areas. Again, among the urban dwellers,
share of income spent in healthcare is lower in metros
than their other counterparts. This finding is probably
attributable to the fact that healthcare expenditure is
more or less constant across various income groups,
while the income varies; the poor spend a greater

Table 5.3 Average Healthcare Expenditure in

Government and Private Facilities by Type of Illness,

Average Health
Sample size
Expenditure (in Rs)
Govt. Pvt. Total Govt. Pvt.

Any short-term
294 5,235 17,111
330 356 308 4,626 15,246
345 331 287 3,521 12,213
348 357 304 875 3,594
Any long-term
4,654 6,139 5,053 3,369 8,412
3,482 384 648
Tuberculosis 4,608
5,477 210 387
High BP
3,023 4,610 3,930
883 2,091
Heart disease 7,770
8,179 345 762
4,226 6,286 5,439 434 1,195
4,445 31 81
Cancer* 14,578
15,399 47 99
4,016 350 843
7,949 6,677 3,761
41 110
7,351 11,515 8,073
10,544 7,077 5,874
47 158
Mental illness*
7,920 7,531 6,036
3,574 23 68
Other long-term 5,860
7,083 6,181 1,067 3,081
Note: The reference period for short-term morbidity is 30 days prior to the
survey and for long-term morbidity is 365 days prior to the survey. * Figures
not reliable due to small sample size.
Source: India Human Development Survey (200405).

percentage of their income on healthcare. The higher

availability and easy access to health facilities in the
urban areas make the healthcare cost cheaper in urban
areas than rural. The rural people, more often, have
to leave their local areas for treatment and are slightly
more likely to be hospitalised, which raise costs (ibid.).
Lower treatment cost along with higher household
income in the urban areas lead to spend lower share
of household income on health compared to the rural
households. Poor households spent 14.5 per cent
of their monthly income on healthcare expenditure,
compared to 0.7 per cent among the richest households.
The Adivasis and the Muslims spent a lower share
(3.9 per cent and 4.8 per cent respectively) of their
monthly income on healthcare. On the other hand,

Reference period for short-term morbidity expenditure is 30 days while that for long-term illnesses is 12 months.

Determinants of Private Healthcare Utilisation and Expenditure Patterns 57

Table 5.4 Share of Total Household Income,

Spend on Healthcare in India, 200405

Place of Residence
Other Urban
More developed village
Less developed village
Lowest quintile
2nd quintile
3rd quintile
4th quintile
Top quintile
Social Groups
High caste Hindu
Other religion

Healthcare spending (%) on

monthly household income
Short- Longmorbidity
6.02 4.43 1.59



Source: India Human Development Survey (200405).

a larger share (9.2 per cent) of household income of

people, belong to other minority religious communities
were spent on healthcare during 200405. The
prevalence of short-term as well as long-term morbidity
is lowest among the Adivasi group. This may be due to
under-reporting of ailments among Adivasis. Again,
a higher proportion of sick Adivasis were treated in
government facilities, which resulted into a lower
treatment cost. The median treatment cost incurred by
Adivasis for any short-term and long-term morbidities
are Rs 80 and Rs 600 respectively, which are far less
than the national level (Rs 120 for short-term and Rs
1,900 for long-term).
The healthcare spending by household income
category gives an interesting picture (see Figure 5.2).
When it comes to minor illnesses, the rich and poor
spend about the same. But the treatment cost for longterm illnesses vary substantially, with a range of Rs
1,274 in the lowest income quintile to Rs 2,571 in the
highest income quintile, and a sharp increase between
the fourth and fifth quintile. Since, primary costs for
short-term illnesses are related to medicine, these are
unlikely to vary by household income. However, major

Figure 5.2 Median Medical Spending (in Rs)

for Short- and Long-term Morbidities by
Household Income Quintiles in India, 200405

















Household Income Quintiles

Short-term Illness

Long-term Illness

Source: Authors calculation based on India Human Development Survey


illnesses require more expensive tests and treatment

options, which physicians may hesitate to recommend
to poor patients, and poor households may be less likely
to undertake, even if recommended (ibid.). Whatever
may be the reason, Figure 5.2 reveals that the healthcare
expenditure variation across income groups is not very
large. Consequently, it implies a larger proportion of
income among the poor is spent on healthcare.

W hy D o P eople U se P rivate C are ?

The above analysis indicates that, despite a higher
treatment cost, average Indian patient opts for private
healthcare services. There are two main components
(1) structure of government healthcare, and (2) quality
of care.

Structure of Government Healthcare

In spite of attempts in every Five Year Plan to improve
public healthcare infrastructure, the shortfall remains
significantly high. While urban residents generally have a
choice of public or private providers, rural residents face
far fewer choices. Currently, a sub-centre covers an average

58 India Infrastructure Report 2013|14

radial distance of about 2.59 kms, whereas primary

health centres (PHCs) and community health centres
(CHCs) cover 6.42 kms and 14.33 kms respectively
(MoHFW 2013). This shows a relatively higher access
to sub-centres to the rural Indian population.
A CHC is supposed to provide minimum specialist
services to the rural population. As per minimum
norms, a CHC is required to be manned by four medical
specialists, i.e. surgeons, physicians, gynaecologists and
pediatricians supported by paramedical and other staff.
It is mandated to have 30 indoor beds with one operation
theatre, X-ray, labour room and laboratory facilities. It
serves as a referral centre for 4 PHCs and also provides
facilities for obstetric care and specialist consultations.
One CHC is to cover a population of 80,000 in hilly/
tribal/difficult areas and 1.2 lakh in plain areas. As of
March 2012, 16 states/UTs are serving more than 1.2
lakh population and the situation in Bihar is the worst.
A CHC in Bihar is serving 13.2 lakh population, 11
times higher than the specified norm (ibid.).
PHCs are the cornerstone of the rural healthcare
delivery system. This is the first contact point between
village community and the medical officer. The PHCs
were envisaged to provide an integrated curative and
preventive healthcare to the rural population with
emphasis on preventive and promotive aspects of
healthcare. The activities of PHC involve curative,
preventive, promotive and family welfare services. One
PHC is to cover a population of 20,000 in hilly/tribal/
difficult areas and 30,000 in plain areas. As per minimum
requirement, a PHC is to be manned by a medical officer
supported by 14 paramedical and other staff. Under
National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), there is a
provision for two additional staff nurses at PHCs on
contract basis. It acts as a referral unit for 6 sub-centres
and has 46 beds for patients. The latest statistics reveals
that, PHCs in 14 states/UTs are serving a population
higher than the limit suggested by Indian Public Health
Standards (IPHS). PHCs in most of the major states
are serving more than 30,000 population (ibid.).
A health sub-centre in India usually covers a
population of 5,000 in plain area and 3,000 population
in hilly/tribal/difficult area. Each sub-centre is required
to be manned by at least one Auxiliary Nurse Midwife
(ANM)/Female Health Worker and one Male Health
Worker. Under NRHM, there is a provision to have
one additional ANM on contract basis. Sub-centres are
assigned tasks relating to interpersonal communication
in order to bring about behavioural change and provide
services in relation to maternal and child health, family
welfare, nutrition, immunisation, diarrhoea control and

control of communicable diseases programmes. The subcentres are provided with basic drugs for minor ailments
needed for taking care of essential health needs of men,
women and children. Sub-centres in the rural areas of 13
states/UTs are serving more than 5,000 population, the
limit suggested by IPHS (ibid.).
The Twelfth Five Year Plan (201217) has put a
strong emphasis on a very broad range of preventive,
promotive and curative care to be made available at the
sub-centre and PHC level, with more than 70 per cent
of the total healthcare investment expected to flow at this
level (Planning Commission 2013). A strict gate-keeping
at the sub-centre-level has been prescribed to ensure that
more than 95 per cent of the patients are fully cared at
this level (Mor 2013). A number of researchers have
expressed their doubt if the central or state budget will be
able to support the huge expenditure required to enhance
the existing healthcare system (Rao and Singh 2005, Rao
and Choudhury 2012). Moreover, if the money were to
become available, bringing about all the changes will take
a great deal of time and manpower.
However, access to a sub-centre is not enough to
encourage the use of a government facility for shortterm care, particularly if a private facility is also present
(Desai et al. 2010). In the absence of any health facilities,
16 per cent of the sick individuals go outside the village
for treatment in public facilities against a huge 69 per
cent in private facilities (Figure 5.3). In spite of having a
sub-centre in the village, 57 per cent go out of the village
for private treatment. The use of sub-centre is less by 17
percentage points and that of PHC/CHC by 8 percentage
points, when any private medical facility co-exists.
Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA) works
as a bridge between ANM and the community. The
mandated qualification level for an ASHA worker
is formal education up to class 8. The criterion is also
relaxed if person with suitable qualification is not
available. But, whether education upto class 8 is sufficient
for the tasks ASHA workers are expected to perform
is not clear. Since ASHA workers are expected to keep
records and advice patients about appropriate care,
their ability to read instructions is important to their
ability to perform their job. Keeping aside educational
qualification, the performance of the community health
workers like ASHA is highly dependent on the onthe-job training received by them. Studies reveal that
a huge lack of introductory as well as regular training
of these low-educated ASHA workers has aggravated
the situation further which often results into a low level
of knowledge to perform the job efficiently. A study
by Bajpai and Dholakia (2011) provides qualitative

Determinants of Private Healthcare Utilisation and Expenditure Patterns 59













No clinics

Sub-centre only

PHC/CHC only

In villages without private health facilities



% of sick individuals using Public/

private facility

% of sick individuals using Public/

private facility

Figure 5.3 Use of Public/Private Facilities (in percentage) by Availability of Facilities in the Village, 200405










Private only

Sub-centre &


In villages without private health facilities



Source: India Human Development Survey (200405).

findings on the recruitment, responsibilities, training,

incentives and supervision of ASHA workers, in a few
states, using cross-sectional, mixed-method surveys and
focus group discussions. They found that nearly half of
the ASHA workers in Assam could not specify their
job responsibilities, whereas ASHAs in Bihar receive
less than 10 of the 23 days recommended training.
Again, most of these barefoot community workers have
received their on-the-job training from ANMs, who are
not officially recognised as the supervisor or trainers
of the ASHAs. These translate into very poor health
knowledge among these workers, and evidence suggests
that many ASHAs lack essential knowledge to perform
their jobs well (Bajpai et al. 2011).

Quality of Care
Judging by the overwhelming preference of Indian
consumers for private sector health services, we might
be tempted to assume that private providers offer far
superior care than public providers. However, this
appears not to be the case.
The Indian medical system is mainly managed by
three types of providerstrained (MBBS) public
sector doctors, trained (MBBS) private sector doctors
and untrained private sector doctors. The public
sector is vast, but is sorely underfunded and not nearly
large enough to meet the growing health needs of the
country. Moreover, it is overly centralised and rigid in
planning, politically manipulated, and poorly managed
and governed. However, private sector providers are
not significantly better. The mushrooming private
sector is undirected and unregulated. It rarely meets
the standards of care populated by many unqualified
practitioners, and provides too many inappropriate
treatments (Preker et al. 2002).

A vast majority of private medical practitioners in

India are unqualified and lack proper training, especially
those in the rural areas (Rao 2012). IHDS (200405)
documented that 86 per cent of government doctors
had an MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor
of Surgery) degree, but only 60 per cent of the private
providers are so qualified. Das et al. (2008) pointed
out that the quality of medical advice, delivered by a
medical practitioner in low income countries including
India is very low. They measured the variation in
quality of medical advice in a combination of variation
in competence (defined as what doctors know) and
variation in effort (defined as how hard doctors work).
The gap between knowledge and practice is stark
among Indian health practitioners. The study reveals
that private doctors without an MBBS degree know
only 20 per cent of the essential tasks, but they do
pretty much all they know to do. The performance of
this set of doctors is restricted by competence. The
private doctors with an MBBS degree know 40 per
cent of the essential tasks, but in practice, they use 25
per cent of them. The constraint of their performance
is effort. The gap between competence and practice is
even higher among public sector doctors. These set of
doctors knew 30 per cent of their essential tasks but
execute only 8 per cent in practice. Here also, effort is
the constraint in performance.
This suggests that, although most of the public health
facilities (PHCs/CHCs) are equipped with MBBS
doctors, their competence as well as efforts to put
knowledge into practice is negligible. The private sector,
dominating the health market is also poorly equipped.
Private hospitals are over-crowded by huge volume of
patients, mostly due to the weak government healthcare
delivery system and poor quality of care offered by it

60 India Infrastructure Report 2013|14

(Rao 2012). Homan and Thankappan (1999), based

on a study in Kerala showed that private city hospitals
had higher occupancy rate than public hospitals. Again,
the competence of private doctors need not be taken for
granted. Using vignettes, coupled with direct observation
of practice, Das and Hammer (2004) observed that the
competence necessary to recognise and handle common
and dangerous conditions is quite low among private
medical practitioners in Delhi. They also commented
that urban India pays a lot of Money for Nothing in the
private health sector as there is a lot of expenditure on
unnecessary drugs (Das et al. 2007). A number of other
studies also noted poor health system and medically
unnecessary procedures in the private sector (Nandraj
et al. 1999).
However, this tends to disadvantage some sections
of Indian society who cannot afford high quality
private care and end up relying on poorly qualified and
motivated private providers. For example, IHDS data
records that households spend far less on womens
healthcare than they do in mens healthcare; for minor
illnesses, expenditure for men is Rs 126 compared to
Rs 105 for women, for major illnesses expenditure for
men is Rs 2,100 compared to Rs 1,700 for women
(Desai et al. 2010). Thus, higher quality government
services could be particularly important for the
disadvantaged populations. The role of government
services also remains important in control of vectorborne diseases such as malaria and in screening services
such as organising dental and eye examination camps.
It is a well-established fact that India is lacking
required health infrastructure and the supply side gaps
need to be fulfilled to make the system efficient. There
has been an increase in the number of public health
facilities over the 200711 period. Sub-centres have
increased by 2 per cent, PHCs by 6 per cent, CHCs by
16 per cent and district hospitals by 45 per cent. Yet,
shortfalls remain by 20 per cent for sub-centres, 24 per
cent for PHCs and 37 per cent for CHCs, particularly in
Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh.
Though most CHCs and 34 per cent PHCs have been
upgraded and operationalised as 24 7 facilities, at
least in theory, and First Referral Units (FRUs) have
doubled, yet the commitment of the Eleventh Plan
to make all public facilities meet IPHS norms, and
to provide emergency obstetric care at all CHCs have
not been achieved. Access to safe abortion services
is not available in all CHCs, and this gap is likely to
contribute to maternal mortality, as abortion becomes
essential during some pregnancy complications. Though

Mobile Medical Units (MMUs) have been deployed

in 449 districts of the country, their outreach medical
services are not enough to meet the need. Availability of
healthcare services from the public and private sectors
taken together is quantitatively inadequate. This is
starkly evident from the data on doctors or nurses per
lakh of the population. At the start of the Eleventh Plan,
the number of doctors per lakh of population was only
45 against the desirable number of 85. Similarly, the
number of nurses and ANMs available was only 75 per
lakh population against the desirable number of 255.
The overall shortage is aggravated by a wide geographical
variation in availability across the country with the
rural areas being poorly served in particular (Planning
Commission 2013). Today, rural India needs specialists
on a priority basis (Deo 2013). Seventy per cent posts
of specialists (surgeons, physicians, paediatricians,
gynaecologists, etc.) at the CHCs are lying vacant and
the shortfall has widened against 46 per cent in 2005
(MoHFW 2013).
But, one should also look into the demand side factors
of preference of private healthcare facilities over public.
Whatever may be the cause, the higher reliance on private
sector and the high expenses of medical treatment lead
to higher OOP expenditure, further leading to middle
and lower middle income people into poverty trap. The
Government of India is experimenting with different
aspects of healthcare financing to protect households
from health trap. The Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana
(RSBY) is one among them, which is beyond the scope
of this present paper. However, the mechanism of
the RSBY scheme has been criticised on a number of
grounds (Mor 2013, Krishnaswamy et al. 2011).

C onclusion
Health policy in India has implicitly and often explicitly
envisioned a healthcare system dominated by the
public sector. Public policies have tried to live up to
these expectations. A vast network of PHCs and
sub-centres, as well as larger government hospitals
has been put in place, along with medical colleges to
train providers. Programmes for malaria, tuberculosis
control, and immunisation are but a few of the vertically
integrated programmes initiated by the government.
A substantial investment has been made in developing
community-based programmes, such as Integrated
Child Development Services (ICDS), and networks
of village-level health workers. In spite of these efforts,
growth utilisation of government services has failed to

Determinants of Private Healthcare Utilisation and Expenditure Patterns 61

keep pace with the private sector, particularly in the past

two decades. The results presented in this paper show
that Indian families, even poor families, receive most of
their medical care from private practitioners. Maternity
care is a partial exception here. For most other forms
of care, however, the public sector is dwarfed by the
reliance on the private sector, even though the quality
of private sector providers and services remains highly
variable (Desai et al. 2010).
One of the principles of Indian public health
philosophy, as outlined in the Bhore Committee Report
in 1946, emphasises that services should be placed as
close to the people as possible, in order to ensure their
maximum use by the community, which they are meant
to serve (Gangolli et al. 2005). This focus on communitybased services has been further amplified in the recent
years, particularly in the NRHM. Recent policy
discussions continue to emphasise the need to strengthen
service-delivery points located close to the patients, for
example, the use of sub-centres as first referral point is
emphasised in the HLEG Report. Given the shortage of
medical personnel and costs involved in providing almost
door-step service delivery, attempts are being made to use
community health workers to guide and motivate patients
and nurses and paramedics to provide some of the basic
services. For example, the allocation for ASHA workers
has been substantially increased in recent budgets.
These observations present an interesting paradox.
The data presented above indicate that despite the
governments efforts to deliver healthcare services at
the door-step, the utilisation of public health services
is far from the norm. People rush to private facilities
for both short-term as well as long-term illnesses,
irrespective of the availability of any government health
facility in the locality. This suggests that presence of
any public facility is not sufficient; however, when a
somewhat better equipped facility like PHC or CHC
is present, patients are more likely to use them. The use
of sub-centres as the FRU is emphasised in the HLEG
Report. However, we suggest that sub-centre facilities
may not be adequate to attract patients. We may need

better equipped facilities with qualified doctors. This

may require a totally different approach to medical care.
Instead of door-step care, we may need to focus on more
centralised and well-equipped facilities. Will patients
travel to these centralised facilities to obtain better
quality care? We think they will. Striking increase in
hospital delivery rate, from about 50 per cent to over
70 per cent following the implementation of Janani
Suraksha Yojana ( JSY) suggests that distance is less of
a concern than is typically assumed to be the case.
Another advantage of focusing on centralised service
delivery is that these facilities will be located in slightly
larger towns and hence will be attractive to doctors
and health technicians. Doctor absenteeism is a serious
problem in rural India and setting up facilities where
doctors may be willing to reside would reduce this
problem. Deo (2013) has pointed out that doctors are
reluctant to serve in the villages. Since, studies suggest
that the government facilities lack the effort rather
than competencies, any system that increasesor at
least does not decreaseprovider motivation deserves
serious attention.
The ongoing demographic transition of the country
provides a further justification for moving away from a
door-step-based delivery system. With rising proportion
of the elderly and decline in communicable diseases, the
NCDs are increasingly emerging as the leading causes
of morbidity and mortality. Most of these NCDs are
not curable through simple interventions and require
long-term care and access to diagnostic and monitoring
facilities. These require more laboratory tests and
specially-trained doctors. So, India has little choice but
to invest in training of more doctors and strengthening
public health delivery system.
Our arguments should not be taken to mean that we
move away from government services towards private
services. We actually argue the opposite; we suggest
that poor quality of government services drives patients
towards equally poor private services. Provision of
higher quality government services may help redress this
low-level equilibrium.

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