An Evaluation of Health Systems Equity In: Indonesia: Study Protocol

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An evaluation of health systems equity in

Indonesia: study protocol

Virginia Wiseman1,2* , Hasbullah Thabrany3, Augustine Asante4, Manon Haemmerli1,2, Soewarta
Kosen5, Lucy Gilson1,6, Anne Mills1, Andrew Hayen7, Viroj Tangcharoensathien8 and Walaiporn
Background: Many low and middle income countries are implementing reforms to support Universal Health
Coverage (UHC). Perhaps one of the most ambitious examples of this is Indonesia’s national health scheme
known as the JKN which is designed to make health care available to its entire population of 255 million by end
of 2019. If successful, the JKN will be the biggest single payer system in the world. While Indonesia has made
steady progress, around a third of its population remains without cover and out of pocket payments for health
are widespread even among JKN members. To help close these gaps, especially among the poor, the Indonesian
government is currently implementing a set of UHC policy reforms that include the integration of remaining
government insurance schemes into the JKN, expansion of provider networks, restructuring of provider
payments systems, accreditation of all contracted health facilities and a range of demand side initiatives to
increase insurance uptake, especially in the informal sector. This study evaluates the equity impact of this latest
set of UHC reforms. Methods: Using a before and after design, we will evaluate the combined effects of the
national UHC reforms at baseline (early 2018) and target of JKN full implementation (end 2019) on:
progressivity of the health care financing system; pro-poorness of the health care delivery system; levels of
catastrophic and impoverishing health expenditure; and self-reported health outcomes. In-depth interviews with
stakeholders to document the context and the process of implementing these reforms, will also be undertaken.
Discussion: As countries like Indonesia focus on increasing coverage, it is critically important to ensure that the
poor and vulnerable - who are often the most difficult to reach – are not excluded. The results of this study will
not only help track Indonesia’s progress to universalism but also reveal what the UHC-reforms mean to the
Keywords: Universal health coverage, Financing, Equity, Benefit incidence, Financing incidence, Catastrophic
health spending, Impoverishing health spending
Introduction Concerns about the poor and most vulnerable not get- ting adequate access to quality health care
are wide- spread in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) and have led to an intense advocacy for universal
health coverage (UHC). Equity, defined by the World Health Organization as ‘the absence of avoidable or
remediable differences among groups of people, whether those groups are defined socially, economically,
demographic- ally, or geographically’ [1] - is fundamental to UHC.
However, emerging evidence is showing that without ad- equate focus on the measurement of equity, vulnerable
populations may continue to receive inadequate or infer- ior health care [2].
Financial barriers are a major hindrance to accessing quality health services [3–5]. The World Health Report 2000
emphasises that a key dimension of a health sys- tem’s performance is the fairness of its financing system [1].
Globally, some 100 million people fall below the poverty line every year as a result of out-of-pocket ex- penditures
on health, and a further 1.2 billion, already
* Correspondence:
living in poverty, are pushed deeper into it [1]. In coun- 1Department of Global Health and Development London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine,
London, UK 2Kirby Institute, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
tries such as Pakistan, Laos, The Philippines, Bangladesh, Indonesia and Vietnam, out-of-pocket payments repre-
sent around 50% or more of total health expenditure [1].
Wiseman et al. International Journal for Equity in Health (2018) 17:138
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Moreover, some countries reported to have achieved universal coverage by prepayment schemes, such as China and Brazil,
still experience high prevalence of catastrophic health spending and medical impoverish- ment [6, 7].
UHC has been defined by the 2005 World Health As- sembly as “access to key promotive, preventive, curative and
rehabilitative health interventions for all at an af- fordable cost, thereby achieving equity in access” [8]. Ef- fective
implementation of UHC requires equity in health care, defined as payment for health services according to capacity to pay
and the receipt of benefits according to need [9]. This implies that the allocation of government health spending needs to
be focused on the poor, and recognises differences in the cost of accessing health care by different geographic, demographic
and socio-economic groups. There is evidence that primary health care is pro-poor, suggesting a greater investment in these
services, along with the removal of barriers to accessing care, can enhance equity [10]. In many LMICs, however,
government health spending tends to concen- trate on inpatient hospital services, most of which is urban-based and often
too costly to be accessed by the poor [10].
A pro-poor publicly financed health-care system is par- ticularly important given the growing pluralism of health-
care systems in LMICs [11]. Households in LMICs use a wide range of public and private health-care pro- viders, many of
whom are not regulated by national health authorities [12] and may be paid for directly by out-of-pocket payments [13].
Such direct payments affect the poor more than the rich and tax financed health-care may protect the most vulnerable
against the risk of finan- cial catastrophe in times of illness [14, 15]. Dual practice – whereby health workers combine
salaried, public-sector clinical work with a fee-for-service private clientele - is common in LMICs such as Indonesia and
is reported to play a key role in undermining access to public services, especially by the poor [16]. Other motivations for
univer- sal health-care include redressing historical inequities in the distribution of health-care, reducing health inequality
and raising the human capital of the poor and thereby the growth potential of the economy [17]. Governments worldwide
are seeking to develop their health financing systems in ways that ensure - and, critically, sustain - uni- versal coverage
[18, 19].

The Indonesian context Indonesia is a lower middle-income country with a Gross National Income (GNI) per capita of
US$3630 [20] with high Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth, averaging 5.6% between 2007 and 2016 [21]. It is the
third most populous country in Asia and the fourth lar- gest in the world with around 255 million people [20].
Like other LMICs, Indonesia faces significant challenges in the health sector despite notable progress in the past decades
especially in relation to improved life expect- ancy. Indonesia’s maternal mortality ratio (MMR) re- mains one of the
highest in Southeast Asia, estimated at 359 per 100,000 live births in 2012 [22]; this is signifi- cantly higher than the MMR
in neighbouring countries - Malaysia (29 per 100,000 in 2013) and Thailand (26 per 100,000 in 2013) [23]. With neonatal
mortality remaining high at 19 per 1000 live births [21], Indonesia has the 8th highest number of neonatal deaths in the
world and large disparities between the wealthiest (10 neonatal deaths per 1000 live births) and poorest quin- tiles (29 per
1000) [23, 24]. Malnutrition is a major problem with around 37% (8.4 million) of children under five years being stunted
while overweight and obesity in adults has doubled in the past decade [25, 26]. Indonesia also faces a double burden of
disease characterised by rising non-communicable diseases and a high incidence of communicable diseases [27].
Underpinning these problems are significant dispar- ities in access to quality health services across geo- graphic
regions and socioeconomic groups. For example, health outcomes are lower in many Eastern Indonesian provinces as well
as in rural areas and among people from the lowest wealth quintile [22]. The child mortality rate is less than 10 per 1000
live births in most provinces of Java and Sumatera but the rate is 2.5 times higher in the Eastern province of Maluku and
North Maluku [22]. Rural households are reported to have an under-five mortality rate one-third higher than that in urban
house- holds [22]. High government funding allocations to hos- pitals (less frequently utilised by poor and disadvantaged
communities) and elevated government spending on pharmaceuticals has also reduced investment in primary and promotive
health services [27]. Indonesia spends only slightly more than 2% of its GDP on health, ap- proximately half the level of
other comparable income countries [28]. About half of all health spending is public and one-third comes directly from of
out of pocket pay- ments by households [28].
A key response by the Government has been the de- velopment of a compulsory national health insurance scheme
designed to pave the way for the achievement of universal coverage [29]. This scheme, known as Jaminan Kesehatan
Nasional (JKN), seeks to make comprehen- sive care available to the entire population by 2019. The JKN brings together
all major health insurance schemes (Askes, Jamkesmas, Jamsostek and Jamkesda) under a single agency - the Social
Security Management Corpor- ation for the Health Sector (BPJS Kesehatan) [30]. Prior to this, Indonesian healthcare was
highly fragmented with private insurance schemes for those who could af- ford it, basic state provision for the very poorest,

Wiseman et al. International Journal for Equity in Health (2018) 17:138 Page 2 of 9

NGOs in specialised areas providing support in between. Through the JKN, the Indonesian Government sought to improve
the situation for the ‘missing middle’, those citi- zens too poor to afford health insurance but deemed not poor enough for
government support (7).
Indonesia has made steady progress with around 165 million people now members of the JKN, making it the biggest
single-payer health system in the world [31]. There is however mounting evidence of areas where the JKN is
underperforming and without action, the JKN is unlikely to reach expected levels of population coverage, service coverage
or financial protection by 2019. It is es- timated that 90 million (40% of the population) remain uncovered, most of these
working in the informal sector [32]. JKN members continue to incur high out-of-pocket health expenditures [33]. Moreover,
Indonesia’s public health financing remains at roughly half the estimated requirement for UHC [32].
Responding to the current challenges facing the JKN, the Indonesian government is initiating and strengthening
several important reforms ranging from re-structuring provider payment schemes through to socialization cam- paigns to
raise awareness of the scheme and its benefits [34]. Strategies for increasing fiscal space for health through increasing
tobacco tax and the phasing out of subsidies on fuel are also proposed [30]. Our study investi- gates the equity impact of
this latest phase of UHC-reforms that are designed to provide affordable health care to all citizens by 2019.

Research objectives The over-arching goal of this study is to assess the equity impact of the most recent package of
UHC re- forms implemented by the Indonesian government to support universal coverage. Specific study objectives are
to:1) Measure and compare key equity outcomes -
including health care utilisation, subsidies received through the use of health services, payments people make for
health care, andself-assessed health – in early 2018 (study baseline) and end of 2019 (target of JKN full
implementation); 2) Develop and apply ‘quality-weightings’ to the
benefits of health spending, to account for variation in the quality of health services utilised; 3) Document the
changing context and processes for
implementing UHC-reforms in Indonesia.

Methodological approach Health equity research is typically concerned with four broad sets of outcomes: health care
utilisation; subsidies received through the use of services; payments people make for health care (through for example,
payments, insurance premiums and direct and indirect taxes) [35, 36] and health status. In the case of health sta- tus,
utilisation, and subsidies, the focus is on inequality, often defined as inequalities between the poor and the better-off [36].
In the case of health care payments, ana- lysis tends to focus on progressivity (how much larger payments are as a share of
income for the poor than for the better-off), the incidence of catastrophic payments (those that surpass a certain threshold),
or the incidence of impoverishing payments (those that push a household over the poverty line). This methodological
approach and associated outcomes to be measured in this study are summarised in Fig. 1.
The study will use a before and after design that em- ploys both quantitative and qualitative methods. Out- comes
will be evaluated at baseline (early 2018) and at end of target year of JKN full implementation (end 2019). The UHC
reforms, consisting of multiple mea- sures being progressed simultaneously over the next 2 years, will be evaluated as a
‘package’. While it will not be possible to draw conclusions concerning individual components, the study will disaggregate
results by socio- economic status, gender, levels of care and types of health care providers.

Health care utilisation and distribution of health-care benefits (objective 1) Benefit incidence analysis (BIA) measures the extent
to which different groups benefit from public financing for health through their use of health services [37]. Opera-
tionalisation of the technique involves ranking the study population by a living standard measure, assessing the rate of
utilisation of different health services, estimating the unit cost of each service, and multiplying the utilisa- tion rates and
unit costs to determine the amount of subsidy [38]. Direct payments by users are deducted be- fore arriving at the final
amount of government subsidy [38].
BIA requires data on health service utilisation, the cost of accessing health-care and socioeconomic status [15]. A
cross-sectional household survey will be conducted at baseline and 18 months into implementation. Indonesia comprises
approximately 17,000 islands divided into 34 provinces and 514 districts and municipalities [22]. The sampling for the
ENHANCE household survey will be done in stages. First, a stratified sample of 10 provinces containing 74% of the
population will be selected from 34 Indonesian provinces. Stratification of provinces will maximise representation of the
population, capture the cultural and socioeconomic diversity, and be cost-effective to survey given the size and terrain of
the country. At the next stage, two districts within each selected province will be purposively selected based on population
density and fiscal capacity. From each district, two sub-districts and

Wiseman et al. International Journal for Equity in Health (2018) 17:138 Page 3 of 9
four villages (two villages per sub-district) will be chosen to ensure a mixed representation of rural and urban areas, and
varying socio-economic status. Two enumeration areas (EAs) will then be selected from the villages (total of 80 EAs) using
a nationally representative sample frame from the 2013 SUSENAS, a large-scale multi-purpose so- cioeconomic survey
that covers a nationally representative sample typically composed of 200,000 Indonesian house- holds [39]. Within each
EA, field teams will randomly se- lect 88 households based upon listings from the Central Bureau of Statistics to derive a
final sample of 7040 house- holds. In each selected household, one woman (the pri- mary caregiver) or in her absence, the
male head will be interviewed. The sample size will enable the determin- ation of prevalence for characteristics with a 95%
confi- dence interval and a precision of +/−1%. Assuming that 12% of households [40] will exceed the threshold of 25%
of total consumption expenditure on health (a commonly used indicator of payments for health that may have a catastrophic
effect on household wellbeing [41]), we will be able to detect differences of 5% in characteristics be- tween households
that exceed the threshold and those that do not, with approximately 80% power and a type 1 error of 5.
Data will be collected electronically using laptops. An e-questionnaire will be designed using the NOVA Re- search
Company’s Questionnaire Development System (QDS) 3.0 and administered with the computer-assisted personal interview
(CAPI) program. The questionnaire will be piloted in selected EAs to test logistics and gather information to improve the
quality and efficiency of the main survey. Field teams will be trained in e-data collec- tion and administrative procedures
including the content of the questionnaire, how to save completed interviews
and how to transfer data to the Central Data Processing Centre for the study. National Health Accounts (NHA) will be used
to estimate the unit cost of different health-care services, supplemented by Health Facility Costings [42]. NHA provide a
detailed record of how Indonesia’s health resources are spent, on what services, and who pays for them. A critique of
different national data sets for equity analysis in the health sector has been previously published [43].
The population will be ranked by the index and grouped into quintiles of equal size. Results will be presented in the
form of bar charts indicating the relative share of total benefits received by socioeconomic quintiles. In addition, the
distribution of benefits as depicted by the concentra- tion curve (which plots the cumulative percentage of indi- viduals
ranked in ascending order of living standard against cumulative percentage of health-care utilisation or payment) will be
compared against the 45° line of perfect equality [36, 38]. Dominance tests will be carried out to ascertain whether the
differences are significant [36]. In addition to socioeconomic status, the distribution of health spending will also be explored
by geographic loca- tion and by gender. The gender dimension of benefit from health spending is particularly important
given the role of women as primary caregivers in times of illness or disabil- ity [44].

Socioeconomic status The ENHANCE household survey will also collect infor- mation on household asset ownership to
enable the con- struction of an asset index. This type of proxy measure of socio-economic status has been widely used by
inter- national development agencies such as the World Bank to assess and monitor health inequalities in LMICs [45].

Wiseman et al. International Journal for Equity in Health (2018) 17:138 Page 4 of 9
Fig. 1 Methodological approach

The asset index will be constructed using principal com- ponent analysis [46] and based on a range of assets reflecting
housing, utilities and livestock ownership.

Distribution of the burden of paying for health-care (objective 1) Financing incidence analysis (FIA), also known as pro-
gressivity analysis, will be used to assess how the burden of health financing is distributed in relation to house- hold
ability to pay (ATP) [47]. We will measure the pro- gressivity of each individual source of financing and for the health
financing system as a whole [47]. Financing sources are deemed progressive (regressive) if the rich contribute a relatively
higher (lower) proportion of their income to health-care financing than the poor [48].
The 2012 National Socioeconomic Survey (SUSENAS) of Indonesia and the 2014 National Health Account (NHA)
data will be used to estimate the baseline health-care financing mix and household contributions to health financing through
direct and indirect taxation, out-of-pocket payments and payment of health insur- ance premiums. Evaluation in 2019 will
use data from the 2016 NHA (available in early 2019) and the 2018SUSENAS. District Health Account Data (DHA), and
other relevant cost data produced by BPS-Statistics will also be used for selected districts where appropriate. Tax thresholds
and actual revenue generated through different forms of taxation will be obtained from the Na- tional Taxation Directorate
and the Ministry of Finance and will in turn be triangulated with estimated tax rev- enue from the NHAs.
Progressivity of health care payments will be assessed by calculating the Kakwani Index [49], which is the dif-
ference between the concentration coefficient of health care payments and the Gini coefficient of household ex- penditure
[47, 49]. The value of this index ranges from − 2 to 1 with a positive Kakwani index indicating that the health care financing
system is progressive, or re- gressive if negative. A Kakwani index of zero indicates proportionality of health care payments
[49]. The Kak- wani Index will be calculated for each source of finance. The progressivity of the overall health financing
system will be calculated by taking a weighted average of the Kakwani indices of the individual financing sources, where
the weights are the shares of total revenues com- ing from each source.

Ability to pay Adult equivalent consumption expenditure will be used as the measure of ability to pay. Consumption
expend- iture is generally considered a better measure of ability to pay than income in LMICs with a large informal
sector, as consumption expenditure is smoothed over time and so better reflects long-term average well-being
[50, 51]. For a detailed critique of different approaches to measuring ability to pay see O’Donnell et al. [36]. Household
consumption expenditure will be translated into per adult equivalent household consumption, using the following formula:
AE = (A + αK) Where A is the number of adults in the household, θ is the cost of children, K is the number of

children and the degree of economies of scale [36, 51]. The values of α and θ were assumed to be 0.5 and 0.75, respectively
[51, 52].

Catastrophic and impoverishing health care payments (objective 1) Out-of-pocket health expenditure exposes households to the
risk of incurring large medical bills that can push households into financial catastrophe [53]. This is of major concern to
countries such as Indonesia where more than 28 million people currently live below the poverty line and around 100
million remain vulnerable to falling into poverty, as their income hovers marginally above the national poverty line [54].
Measuring the cata- strophic and impoverishing effects of out-of-pocket spending is therefore another important area of
health equity research [36]. In line with other equity analyses [17, 53], households in this study will be considered to
have incurred catastrophic health expenditure if the share of health expenditure in the household’s non-food expenditure
is greater than a given threshold often around 25% [4] or within a range of 10 and 40% [54– 56]. Indicators of
catastrophic health expenditure will in- clude catastrophic head count (share of households in the population whose
health care costs expressed as a proportion of income exceed the threshold), catastrophic payment overshoot (average
level by which payments, as a proportion of income, exceed the threshold) and the mean positive gap (payments in
excess of the threshold average over all households) [36]. The data for this ana- lysis will come from the 2013 SUSENAS
Socioeconomic Survey conducted by the national Bureau of Statistics and the ENHANCE cross-sectional survey of
Indonesian households (see section ii). Impoverishment will be assessed using both national and international poverty
lines of US$1.90 and US$3.10 per day, respectively.

Self-assessed health outcomes (objective 1) While there is scepticism about the use of subjective health measures rather than
more objective measures [57, 58], the former are much more readily available to researchers but more importantly, there
exist robust findings of positive correlations between subjective as- sessments of health (SAH) and actual health and
mortal- ity [59, 60]. SAH has also been shown to be a good proxy for health service use in several countries [61]. The
ENHANCE cross-sectional household survey (see

Wiseman et al. International Journal for Equity in Health (2018) 17:138 Page 5 of 9

section ii) will ask households to evaluate the general health condition of individual household members. A five-point scale
with the following response options: ‘very good, good, fair, bad, and very bad’ will be piloted for use in this study [62].
SAH will be assessed at base- line in 2017 and 2 years into implementation in 2019. The measurement of SAH will be
designed to enable comparison with existing measures used in other na- tional health surveys in Indonesia such as the Basic
Health Research Survey (Riskesdas). In addition to using SAH as one of the key outcome measures for this study, it will
also be used in the BIA - whereby the distribution of benefits from using services will be compared with the distribution
of the need for health care, using SAH as a proxy for need [38]. Several national surveys in LMICs include questions on
SAH as proxies of health-care need [10].

Socio-economic status As for the BIA, an asset index will be used to rank households according their socioeconomic status.

Weighting the benefits of health spending to reflect quality of services (objective 2) A recent systematic review of BIA studies in
LMICs found that few studies account for variation in the qual- ity of services received [10]. This is despite repeated calls
for more precise measures of benefit/subsidy distribu- tion that reflect the quality of services received [10, 37, 63].In this
study benefits received by individuals will be weighted to reflect the quality of health services utilised, thereby providing
a more precise measure of subsidy distribution. This is especially important in LMICs where it is recognised that the poor
typically utilise lower quality health services compared to the rich [64]. The Institute of Medicine defines quality of care
as the ‘degree to which health services for individuals and pop- ulations increase the likelihood of desired health out-
comes and are consistent with current professional knowledge’ [65]. Measures of healthcare quality have been divided
into 3 domains: structure or inputs to care, process or content of care, and outcomes of care [66]. According to Leslie and
colleagues, each domain has its pros and cons: inputs are the necessary foundations for care but are not sufficient to
describe its content or ef- fects, process measures pertain directly to care delivery but are challenging to collect, and
outcome measures as- sess the ultimate goal of the health system but reflect many factors beyond the health system itself
[67]. Infor- mation on healthcare quality is sparse in LMICs and many analysts rely on standardised facility surveys that
focus on inputs such as equipment, medicine supplies, and health workers [67–69]. A recent review of 8500 quality
indicators used to assess performance-based
financing programmes showed that over 90% measured structural aspects of quality [70]. For this study, data on the
utilisation of different health facilities derived from our own cross-sectional household surveys (see objective 1a) will be
linked to national health facility data on structural quality and staffing of public and private facil- ities. Two national
surveys will be used: the PODES In- frastructure Census 2012 and the Health Facility Survey (Rifaskes) 2011. Scores for
different structural quality domains will be derived from these national surveys and combined to develop a quality of care
index from 0 to 1 for each facility.

Understanding the context and process of implementing UHC-reforms in Indonesia (objective 3) Document analysis and
interviews will be used to under- stand the UHC policy adoption process. Specifically, we will develop a chronology of
key events in the reform process and assess stakeholder support and political feasibility of the UHC-reforms [71, 72].
Key organisa- tional and institutional documents from the Ministries of Health and Finance, local government planning
and health offices, the private sector, the national social health insurance agency, and multilateral and bilateral agencies
operating in Indonesia will be examined and interpreted in order to elicit meanings, gain understand- ing and develop
empirical knowledge about the context within which UHC reforms have been pursued. In addition, in-depth interviews
with approximately 15–20 key stakeholders will be conducted annually to under- stand the shifting power and positioning
of different stakeholders around key elements of the UHC-reforms [72]. Stakeholders will be purposively sampled from
Ministries of Health and Finance, health-care managers, professional associations, donors and private providers of health-
care. Especially important will be the inclusion of members of the National Social Security Council (DJSN) which has
legal authority to harmonise the JKN [73]. Interviewees will be chosen from two provinces fa- cing distinctly different
types of UHC implementation challenges including different levels of technical skills and management capabilities.
These indicators will be obtained from the PODES Infrastructure Census 2012.

Discussion This study, evaluating pro-poor health care reforms in Indonesia, comes at an opportune time given the cen-
trality of equity to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It will not only provide evidence on the equity-impact of
Indonesia’s latest UHC-reforms but it will also help to advance metrics for UHC measurement. A variety of data sources
(primary and secondary) are being pooled for this analysis. Drawing from a broader range of data will strengthen country
estimates and

Wiseman et al. International Journal for Equity in Health (2018) 17:138 Page 6 of 9

better represent progress to UHC. Furthermore, this study will be one of the first to reflect the quality of ser- vices when
calculating the distribution of public subsid- ies for health; an important methodological development in the field of health
equity analysis. Taking account of the variation in the value of subsidies is especially im- portant in countries such as
Indonesia where around half of the population live in rural areas with limited ac- cess to skilled health workers and quality
medicines. Moreover, like many other countries in the region Indonesia has a thriving private sector with two-thirds of
health financing and more than half of all health ser- vices in private hands [74]. For the poor, this translates into high out-
of-pocket payments that in turn limits ac- cess to health care and pushes many into poverty [1]. It may also place a
disproportionate burden on them as they contribute a high proportion of their income to- wards health care financing
compared to the rich. By taking a whole of system approach to the evaluation of UHC reforms, our financial and benefit
incidence ana- lyses will provide a comprehensive picture of the burden for paying for health services and the extent to
which this ‘mixed’ public-private health system is meeting its equity goals. Also through our interviews with stake- holders
we will gain insights into the political viability of the Indonesian UHC-reforms, an important but often neglected dimension
of health system reform [72]. Apo- tential limitation of this study is that our cross-sectional household survey, designed to
measure health care util- isation for the benefit incidence analysis, does not repre- sent the entire population. We will
empirically explore differences in health care utilisation between our sample and larger household surveys such as the
Indonesian Demographic Health Survey (which collect less detailed utilisation data) to better understand the representative-
ness of our sample and generalisability of our findings. Finally, there is continued debate over the most useful and
appropriate measures to assess the equity impact of UHC reforms. While this study measures a comprehen- sive suite of
outcomes, such a detailed analysis will not be feasible, nor necessarily appropriate, for all health sys- tems. We expect this
study will help to prioritise out- come measures for assessing equity in health systems reform.

Abbreviations ATP: Ability to Pay; BIA: Benefit Incidence Analysis; BPJS: Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (Social Insurance Administration
Organization); CAPI: Computer-Assisted Personal Interview; DHA: District Health Accounts; DJSN: Dewan Jaminan Sosial Nasional (National Social Security
Council); EA: Enumeration Area; FIA: Financing Incidence Analysis; GDP: Gross Domestic Product; GNI: Gross National Income; JKN: Jaminan Kesehatan
Nasional (Indonesian national health insurance); LMICs: Low and Middle Income Countries; MMR: Maternal Mortality Ratio; NHA: National Health Accounts;
PODES: Potensi Desa (Infrastructure Supply Readiness Survey); QDS: Questionnaire Development System; Rifaskes: Riset kesehatan dasar (Primary health care
survey); SDG: Sustainable Development Goals; SEG: Socio
Economic Group; SHA: Self-Assessed Health; SUSENAS: Socioeconomic Survey; UHC: Universal Health Coverage

Availability of data and supporting materials Data sharing is not applicable to this protocol as no datasets were generated or analysed.

Funding This research is supported by a grant from the Health Systems Research Initiative jointly funded by the Department of International Development,
the Economic and Social Research Council, the Medical Research Council and the Wellcome Trust (MR/P013996/1).

Authors’ contributions All authors contributed to the design of the study. VW drafted the manuscript which all authors commented on. All authors read and
approved the final manuscript.

Ethics approval and consent to participate Ethical support has been granted by all relevant bodies including: the University of Indonesia (Reference:
503/H2.F10/PPM.00.02/2017); London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (Reference: 13773); and the University of New South Wales (Reference:

Consent for publication Not applicable.

Competing interests The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Publisher’s Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
Author details 1Department of Global Health and Development London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, UK. Kirby Institute, University of New South Wales, Sydney,

Australia. Centre for Health Economics and Policy Studies, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia. School of Public Health & Community Medicine,
3 4

University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. 5National Institute of Health Research & Development, Jakarta, Indonesia. 6School of Public Health and Family Medicine, University of Cape Town, Cape
Town, South Africa. Faculty of Health, University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, Australia. International Health Policy Program, Ministry of Public Health,
7 8

Nonthanburi, Thailand.

Received: 8 March 2018 Accepted: 10 July 2018

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