AE1351 Unit-3

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Operating principle – Specific impulse of a rocket – internal ballistics- Rocket nozzle
classification – Rocket performance considerations – Numerical Problems.

Rockets – Special Features and Applications

Historical Reference
• The basic principles of all propulsive devices lie with the laws of motion due to Newton
(17th Century AD). These laws are phenomenological and therefore one can expect that
even before Newton there may have existed many devices working on the principles of
• Rockets working directly on the principle of reaction are perhaps the simplest of the
propulsive engines.
• The reciprocating engines and gas turbine engines are relatively more complex.
• The Chinese are credited with the invention of rockets probably in 12-14th century AD.
• Indians used the rockets as effective weapons in late 18th century against British and in
19th century, the rockets became a part of the warfare in Europe. But it was only in the
early part of the present century that man has recognized the full potential of rocket
owing to the interests in space travel/satellite technology and like.
• Tsiolkovsky (USSR 1903) Goddard (USA, 1912) and Oberth (1921) are the pioneers of
modern rocketry.
• The liquid propellant rocket owe their genesis to these people.
• The German V-2 rockets (25 tons, 65 sec, LOX-Alchol) and the post-second World war
progress in rocketry are too familiar to all.

All the conventional propulsion systems work by causing a change of momentum in a working
fluid in a direction opposite to the intended motion. Rockets fall under the category of direct
acting engines – since the energy liberated by the chemical process is directly used to obtain
thrust. Being non-air breathing devices the basic component of a rocket are

(i) Combustion chamber where exothermic processes produces gases at high temperature
and pressure, and
(ii) Nozzle, which accelerate the fluid to high velocities and discharge them into surrounding
atmosphere thereby deriving the desired force or thrust.
Some Special Features
The non-air breathing nature of rockets makes them very distinct among the propulsive devices.
(a) The reaction system does not depend on the surrounding atmosphere. There are no
velocity limitations and altitude ceiling.
(b) Since it has to carry its own oxidizer required for combustion reaction, the specific
propellant consumption is very high. Rockets consume approximately 15kg/kg-hr of
propellant compared to about 1 kg/kg-hr of fuel by turbojet engine.
(c) High pressure operation is possible and hence the ratio of energy liberation per unit
volume (and also unit weight of hardware) is very high.
(d) Main part of the rockets contains no moving element. Hence there is no constraint on
internal aerodynamics and the reliability is high. This also implies quick response times,
which makes them ideal control components.
With the above features, it is clear that the rockets are the most suitable power plants for
(i) High altitude and space applications where atmospheric oxygen is not available,
eg. Launch vehicles and satellite control rockets.
(ii) All applications where high thrust are required for short duration: missiles, boosters,
JATO etc.

Rockets in Space Applications

There are a variety of rockets when it comes to launching and satellite control. Many of these are
non-chemical in nature but are restricted to extremely low thrust levels.

Order of
Sl Isp
Type Magnitude of F/W Operational Applications
No (sec)
Thrust (N) Time
Solar sail
Satellite Altitude
1 (not a rocket in 10-5 10-4 Years ∞
Electric Prop.
(Electro thermal, Satellite control,
2 Electro Static, 10-6 - 10-2 10-5-10-3 Years 150 - 6000 stabilization, orbit
Electro maneuver
Stored cold gas
3 10-2 - 10-1 ~ 10-3 Years 50 - 100 -do-
(N2, NH3 etc.)
Minute to Interplanetary and
4 Nuclear Rocket upto 105 20-30 800
hours space travel
Launch vehicles,
Chemical Rocket
Seconds to Missiles, Control
5 (Solid, Liquid upto 107 upto 80 150-450
minutes@ rockets, Sounding
and Hybrid)
rockets, JATO etc
@ shuttle main engine operate for about 8 min at a time but over 7 hrs cumulatively.
Classification of Chemical Rockets
Depending on the context, the chemical rockets are classified in many ways as follows:

(a) Type of propellant: Solid, Liquid (mono propellant / bipropellant and hybrid rockets)
(b) Application: Launch vehicle, ABM’s, JATO’s, ICBM, IRBM, SAM etc.
(c) Size of Unit (and thrust level sometimes): 10 ton, 100 kg etc.
(d) Type of subsystem: Turbopump fed, clustering, grain type etc.

Specific Impulse
• The specific impulse of a rocket, Isp, is the ratio of the thrust to the flow rate of the weight ejected,
that is

where F is thrust, is the rate of mass flow, and g is the acceleration of gravity at ground
• Specific impulse is expressed in seconds. When the thrust and the flow rate remain constant
throughout the burning of the propellant, the specific impulse is the time for which the rocket
engine provides a thrust equal to the weight of the propellant consumed.

• For a given engine, the specific impulse has different values on the ground and in the vacuum of
space because the ambient pressure is involved in the expression for the thrust. It is therefore
important to state whether specific impulse is the value at sea level or in a vacuum.

• There are a number of losses within a rocket engine, the main ones being related to the
inefficiency of the chemical reaction (combustion) process, losses due to the nozzle, and losses
due to the pumps.

• Overall, the losses affect the efficiency of the specific impulse. This is the ratio of the real
specific impulse (at sea level, or in a vacuum) and the theoretical specific impulse obtained with
an ideal nozzle from gases coming from a complete chemical reaction. Calculated values of
specific impulse are several percent higher than those attained in practice.

• From Equation (2.8) we can substitute C for F in Equation (2.23), thus obtaining

• Equation (2.24) is very useful when solving Equations (2.18) through (2.21). It is rare we are
given the value of C directly, however rocket engine specific impulse is a commonly given
Internal Ballistics
The parameters that govern the burning rate and mass discharge rate of rocket motors are called
internal ballistic properties; they include

r– propellant burning rate (velocity of consumption), m/sec or mm/sec or in/sec.

K– ratio of burning surface to throat area, Ab/At
σp – temperature sensitivity of burning rate, expressed as percent change of burning
rate per degree change in propellant temperature at a particular value of chamber
πK - temperature sensitivity of pressure expressed as percent change of chamber
pressure per degree change in propellant temperature at a particular value of K,
and the influences caused by pressure, propellant ingredients, gas velocity, or acceleration.
The subsequent solid propellant rocket parameters are performance parameters; they include
thrust, ideal exhaust velocity, specific impulse, propellant mass fraction, flame temperature,
temperature limits and duration.

Propellant Burning Rate

The rocket motor’s operation and design depend on the combustion characteristics of the
propellant, its burning rate, burning surface, and grain geometry. The branch of applied science
describing these is known as internal ballistics.

Solid propellant burns normal to its surface. The (average) burning rate, r, is defined as the
regression of the burning surface per unit time. For a given propellant, the burning rate is mainly
dependent on the pressure, p, and the initial temperature, Ti, of the propellant. Burning rate is
also a function of propellant composition. For composite propellants it can be increased by
changing the propellant characteristics:
1. Add a burning rate catalyst, often called burning rate modifier (0.1 to 3.0% of propellant)
or increase percentage of existing catalyst.
2. Decrease the oxidizer particle size.
3. Increase oxidizer percentage
4. Increase the heat of combustion of the binder and/or the plasticizer
5. Imbed wires or metal staples in the propellant
Apart from the propellant formulation and propellant manufacturing process, burning ratein a
full-scale motor can be increased by the following

1. Combustion chamber pressure

2. Initial temperature of the solid propellant prior to start
3. Combustion gas temperature
4. Velocity of the gas flow parallel to the burning surface
5. Motor motion ( acceleration and spin-induced grain stress)
Burning rate data are usually obtained in three ways – namely, from testing by:
1. Standard strand burners, often called Crawford burners
2. Small-scale ballistic evaluation motors
3. Full-scale motors with good instrumentation
A strand burner is a small pressure vessal (usually with windows) in which a thin strand
or bar of propellant is ignited at one end and burned to the other end. The strand can be
inhibited with an external coating so that it will burn only on the exposed cross-sectional
surface; chamber pressure is simulated by pressurizing the container with inert gas. The
burning rate can be measured by electric signals from embedded wires, by ultrasonic
waves, or by optical means. The burning rate measured on strand burners is usually lower
than that obtained from actual rocket motor firing (by 4 to 12%) because it does not truly
simulate the hot chamber environment of an actual rocket motor. Also small ballistic
evaluation motors usually have a slightly lower burning rate than full-scale large motors,
because of scaling factors.

During development of a new or modified solid propellant, it is tested extensively or

characterized. This includes the testing of the burn rate (in several different ways) under
different temperatures, pressures, impurities, and conditions. It also requires
measurements of physical, chemical, and manufacturing properties, ignitability, aging,
sensitivity to various energy inputs or stimuli (e.g., shock, friction, fires), moister
absorption, compatibility with other materials (liners, insulators, cases), and other
characteristics. It is a lengthy, expensive, often hazardous program with many tests,
samples, and analyses.

The burning rate of propellant in a motor is a function of many parameters, and at any

instant governs the mass flow rate m of hot gas generated and flowing from the motor
(stable combustion);

m = Ab r ρb

Here Ab is the burning area of the propellant grain, r the burning rate, and ρb the solid
propellant density prior to motor start. The total mass m of effective propellant burned can be
determined by integrating the above equation,

m= ∫ m dt = ρ b ∫ Ab r dt

Where Ab and r vary with time and pressure.

Burning Rate Relation with Pressure
Classical equations relating to burning rate are helpful in preliminary design, data extrapolation,
and understanding the phenomena. Unless otherwise stated, burning rate is expressed for 70oF or
294 K propellant (prior to ignition) burning at a reference chamber pressure of 1000 psia or
6.895 MPa. For most production-type propellant the burning rate is approximated as a function
of chamber pressure, at least for a limited range of chamber pressures, which is given as
r = a Pn
where r, the burn rate, is usually in centimeter per second and chamber pressure P is in MPa; a is
an empirical constant influenced by ambient temperature. Also a is known as the temperature
coefficient and it is NOT dimensionless. The burning rate exponent n, sometimes called the
combustion index, is independent of the initial grain temperature and describes the influence of
chamber pressure on the burning rate.

Burning Rate Relation with Temperature

Temperature affects chemical reaction rates and the initial ambient temperature of a propellant
grain prior to combustion influences burning rate.

The sensitivity of burning rate to propellant temperature can be expressed in the form of
temperature coefficient, the two most common being

 ∂ ln r  1  ∂r 
σp =   =  
 ∂T  p r  ∂T  p
 ∂ ln p  1  ∂P 
πK =   =  
 ∂T  K P  ∂T  K

with σp , temperature sensitivity of burning rate and πK, temperature sensitivity of pressure.

The coefficient σp (typically 0.001 – 0.009 / K) for a new propellant is usually calculated from
strand burner test data, and πK (typically 0.067 – 0.278 % / oC) from small-scale or full-scale
motors. Mathematically, these coefficients are the partial derivatives of the natural logarithm of
the burning rate r or the chamber pressure p, respectively, with respect to propellant temperature

The values of πK and σp depend primarily on the nature of the propellant burning rate, the
composition, and the combustion mechanism of the propellant. It is possible to derive a
relationship between the two temperature sensitivities, namely
πK = σp
1− n

This formula is usually valid when the three variables are constant over the chamber pressure
and temperature range.

The temperature sensitivity σp can be also expressed as

 ∂ ln (aP n )  1 da
σp =   =
 ∂T p a dT
Equilibrium chamber pressure

In the above figure the straight line through the origin and point ‘S’ depicts the mass flow
through the nozzle as a function of Pc. At point S there is a balance between mass production and
outflux of the mass. At higher pressures (> Pc ) the mass flow through the nozzle is larger than
the production at the burning surface in case n < 1 and the reverse happens for n > 1. Thus if
n < 1 the pressure will drop to its steady-state value Pc . Note that when n < 1 even at higher
chamber pressure rocket motor will back to its designed equilibrium chamber pressure and
ensure a stable operation. On the other hand when n>1 these types of situations will possibly lead
to over-pressurization and rupture of the rocket motor or depressurization and flame out.

Erosive Burning
Erosive burning refers to the increase in the propellant burning caused by the high-velocity flow
of combustion gases over the burning propellant surface. It can seriously affect the performance
of solid propellant rocket motors. It occurs primarily in the port passages or perforations of the
grain as the combustion gases flow toward the nozzle; it is more likely to occur ehen the port
passage cross-sectional area A is small relative to the throat area At with a port-to-throat area
ratio of 4 or less. The high velocity near the burning surface and the turbulent mixing in the
boundary layers increase the heat transfer to the solid propellant and thus increase the burning

Erosive burning increases the mass flow and thus also the chamber pressure and thrust during
the early portion of the burning for a particular motor (see above Fig.). Erosive burning causes
early burnout of the web, usually at the nozzle end, and exposes the insulation and aft closure to
hot combustion gas for a longer period of time; this usually requires more insulation layer
thickness (and more inert mass) to prevent local thermal failure. In designing motors, erosive
burning is either avoided or controlled to be reproducible from one motor to the next.

Total burning rate = steady state burning rate ( aPcn ) + erosive burning

Basic Performance Relations

One basic performance relation derived from the principle of conservation of matter. The
propellant mass burned per unit time has to equal the sum of the change in gas mass per unit time
in the combustion chamber grain cavity and the mass flowing out through the exhaust nozzle per
unit time.

( k +1) /( k −1)
d k  2 
Ab r ρb = ( ρ1V1 ) + At P1  
dt RT1  k + 1 
The term on the left side of the equation gives the mass rate of gas generation. The first term on
the right gives the change in propellant mass in the gas volume of the combustion chamber, and
the last term gives the nozzle flow. The burning rate of propellant is r; Ab is the propellant
burning area; ρb is the solid propellant density; ρ1 is the combustion gas density; V1 is the
chamber gas cavity volume, which becomes larger as the propellant is expended; At is the throat
area; P1 is the chamber pressure; T1 is the absolute chamber temperature, which is usually
assumed to be constant; and k is the specific heat ratio of the combustion gases. During startup
the changing mass of propellant in the grain cavity becomes important.

Isentropic Flow through Nozzles

In a converging diverging nozzle a large fraction of the thermal energy of the gases in the
chamber is converted into kinetic energy. As will be explained, the gas pressure and temperature
drop dramatically and gas velocity can reach values in excess of around 3.2 km/sec. This is a
reversible, essentially isentropic flow process.

If a nozzle inner wall has a flow obstruction or a wall protrusion (a piece of weld splatter or
slag), then the kinetic gas energy is locally converted back into thermal energy essentially equal
to the stagnation temperature and stagnation pressure in the chamber. Since this would lead
quickly to a local overheating and failure of the wall, nozzle inner walls have to be smooth
without any protrusion.
Nozzle exit velocity can be derived as,

2k  P 
( k −1) / k

v2 = RT1 1 −  2   + v12
k −1   P1  
This relation also holds for any two points within the nozzle. Note that when the chamber section
is large compared to the nozzle throat section, the chamber velocity or nozzle approach velocity
is comparatively small and the v12 can be neglected. The chamber temperature T1 is at the nozzle
inlet and, under isentropic condition, differ little from the stagnation temperature or (for a
chemical rocket) from combustion temperature. This leads to an important simplified expression
of the exhaust velocity v2, which is often used in the analysis.

2k  P 
( k −1) / k

v2 = RT1 1 −  2  
k −1   P1  

2k R 'To   P2  
( k −1) / k

= 1 −   
k − 1 M   P1  

Thrust and Thrust Coefficient

F = m v 2 + ( p 2 − p3 ) A2

F = C F At P1
Where CF is the thrust coefficient, which can be derived as a function of gas property k, the
nozzle area ratio (A2/At), and the pressure ratio across the nozzle p1/p2 , but independent of
chamber temperature. For any fixed pressure ratio (p1/p3) the thrust coefficient CF and the thrust
F have a peak when p2 = p3. This peak value is known as optimum thrust coefficient.

2k 2  2 
( k +1) /( k −1)   p  ( k −1) / k  p − p 3 A2
CF =   1 −  2   + 2
k −1 k +1   p1   p1 At

Effective Exhaust Velocity

In a rocket nozzle the actual exhaust velocity is not uniform over the entire exit cross-section and
does not represent the entire thrust magnitude. The velocity profile is difficult to measure
accurately. For convenience a uniform axial velocity ‘c’ is assumed which allows a one-
dimensional description of the problem. This effective exhaust velocity ‘c’ is the average
equivalent velocity at which propellant is ejected from the vehicle. It is defined as

c = I sp g o = •

It is usually given in meters per second.

The concept of weight relates to the gravitational attraction at or near sea level, but in space or
outer satellite orbits, “weight” signifies the mass multiplied by an arbitrary constant, namely go.
In system international (SI) or metric system of units Isp can be expressed simply in “seconds”,
because of the use of the constant go.

Specific Propellant Consumption

Specific propellant consumption is the reciprocal of the specific impulse.

Mass Ratio
The mass ratio of a vehicle or a particular vehicle stage is defined to be the final mass mf (after
rocket operation has consumed all usable propellant) divided by initial mass mo (before rocket
This applies to a single or multi-stage vehicle. The final mass mf is the mass of the vehicle after
the rocket has ceased to operate when all the useful propellant mass mp has been consumed and
ejected. The final vehicle mass mf includes all those components that are not useful propellant
and may include guidance devices, navigation gear, payload (e.g., scientific instruments or a
military warhead), flight control systems, communication devices, power supplies, tank
structure, residual or unusable propellant, and all the propulsion hardware. In some vehicles it
can also include wings, fins, a crew, life support systems, reentry shields, landing gears etc.
Typical value of Mass ratio can range from 60% for tactical missiles to less than 10 % for
unmanned launch vehicle stages. This mass ratio is an important parameter in analyzing flight
performance. Note that when mass-ratio is applied to a single stage of a multi-stage rocket, then
its upper stages become the “payload”

Propellant Mass Fraction, ζ

Propellant mass fraction ‘ζ’ is defined as the ratio of propellant mass ‘mp’ to the initial mass ‘mo’

ζ =
mo = mf + mp

Characteristic Velocity
The characteristic velocity has been used frequently in the rocket propulsion literature. It is
represented by a symbol C*. It is defined as,

p1 At
C∗ = •
The characteristic velocity is used in comparing the relative performance of different chemical
rocket propulsion system designs and propellants. It is basically a function of the propellant

characteristics. It is easily determined from data of m , p1, and At. It relates to the efficiency of
the combustion and is essentially independent of nozzle characteristics. However, the specific
impulse and the effective exhaust velocities are functions of the nozzle geometry, such as the
nozzle area ratio.

A rocket projectile has the following characteristics:

Initial mass = 200kg
Mass after rocket operation = 130 kg
Payload, nonpropulsive structure, etc., = 110 kg
Rocket operation duration = 3.0 sec
Average specific impulse of propellant = 240 sec
Determine the vehicle’s (i) mass ratio, (ii) propellant mass fraction, (iii) propellant flow rate, (iv)
thrust, (v) thrust-to-weight ratio, (vi) acceleration of the vehicle, (vii) effective exhaust velocity,
(viii) total impulse, and (ix) the impulse to weight ratio.


(i) Mass ratio of vehicle, mf/mp = 130/200 = 0.65

Mass ratio of rocket system = mf/mo = (130-110)/(200-110) = 20/90 = 0.222

(ii) Propellant mass fraction = (mo – mf)/mo = (90-20)/90 = 0.778

(iii)Propellant mass flow rate = 70/3 = 23.3 kg/sec

(iv) Thrust = I sp m g o = 240 x 23.3 x 9.81 = 54.857 N

(v) Thrust-to-weight ratio of the vehicle is

Initial value = 54,857 / (200 x 9.81) = 28

Final value = 54,857 / (130 x 9.81) = 43

(vi) Maximum acceleration of the vehicle is 43 x 9.81 = 421 m/sec2

(vii) The effective exhaust velocity is

c = Isp go = 240 x 9.81 = 2354 m/sec

(viii) Total impulse = Isp w = 240 x 70 x 9.81 = 164, 808 N-sec

This result can also be obtained by multiplying the thrust by the duration.

(ix) The impulse to weight ratio of the propulsion system is

= 164,808 / [(200-110) x 9.81] = 187

Q2. The following measurements were made in a sea level test of a solid propellant rocket
Burn duration = 40 sec
Initial mass before test = 1210 kg
Mass of rocket motor after test = 215 kg
Average thrust = 62,250 N
Chamber pressure = 7.00 MPa
Nozzle exit pressure = 0.070 MPa
Nozzle throat diameter = 0.855 m
Nozzle exit diameter = 0.2703 m

Determine m, v 2 , c ∗ , c and I sp at sea level, and c and Isp at 1000 and 25,000 m altitude.
Assume an invariant thrust and mass flow rate and negligible short start and stop


Mass flow rate = (initial motor mass – final motor mass)/burn time
= (1210 – 215) / 40 = 24.9 kg/sec
The nozzle areas at the throat and exit are
At = π D2/4 = π x 0.08552 /4 = 0.00574 m2
A2 = π D2/4 = π x 0.27032 /4 = 0.0574 m2
The actual exhaust velocity
( F − ( p 2 − p3 ) A2 )
v2 = •
= (62,250 – (0.070-0.1013) 106 x 0.0574) / 24.9
= 2572 m/sec

p1 At
C∗ = •
= 7.00 x 106 x 0.00574/24.9 = 1613 m/sec
Isp = 62,250 / (24.9 x 9.81) = 255 sec
c = 255 x 9.81 = 2500 m/sec
For altitudes of 1000 and 25, 000 m the ambient pressure (see atmospheric table) is 0.898 and
0.00255 MPa.
( p2 − p3 ) A2
c = v2 + •
At 1000 m altitude,
c = 2572 + (0.070-0.898) x 106 x 0.0574/24.9 = 2527 m/sec
Isp = 2527/9.81 = 258 sec

At 25,000 m altitude,
c = 2572 + (0.070-0.00255) x 106 x 0.0574/24.9 = 2727 m/sec
Isp = 2727/9.81 = 278 sec
Rocket Nozzles

The nozzle is the component of a rocket or air-breathing engine that produces thrust. This is
accomplished by converting the thermal energy of the hot chamber gases into kinetic energy and
directing that energy along the nozzle's axis, as illustrated below.

Simple representation of a rocket nozzle

Although simplified, this figure illustrates how a rocket nozzle works. The propellant is
composed of a fuel, typically liquid hydrogen (H 2), and an oxidizer, typically liquid oxygen (O
2). The propellant is pumped into a combustion chamber at some rate (mdot) where the fuel
and oxidizer are mixed and burned. The exhaust gases from this process are pushed into the
throat region of the nozzle. Since the throat is of less cross-sectional area than the rest of the
engine, the gases are compressed to a high pressure. The nozzle itself gradually increases in
cross-sectional area allowing the gases to expand. As the gases do so, they push against the walls
of the nozzle creating thrust.

Mathematically, the ultimate purpose of the nozzle is to expand the gases as efficiently as
possible so as to maximize the exit velocity (v exit). This process will maximize the thrust (F)
produced by the system since the two are directly related by the equation

F = thrust force
= mass flow rate
v exit = exhaust gas velocity at the nozzle exit
p exit = pressure of the exhaust gases at the nozzle exit
p = ambient pressure of the atmosphere
A exit = cross-sectional area of the nozzle exit

Expansion Area Ratio:

In theory, the only important parameter in rocket nozzle design is the expansion area ratio (), or
the ratio of exit area (A exit) to throat area (A throat).

Fixing all other variables (primarily the chamber pressure), there exists only one such ratio that
optimizes overall system performance for a given altitude (or ambient pressure). However, a
rocket typically does not travel at only one altitude. Thus, an engineer must be aware of the
trajectory over which a rocket is to travel so that an expansion ratio that maximizes performance
over a range of ambient pressures can be selected.

Nevertheless, other factors must also be considered that tend to alter the design from this
expansion ratio-based optimum. Some of the issues designers must deal with are nozzle weight,
length, manufacturability, cooling (heat transfer), and aerodynamic characteristics.

Typical temperatures (T) and pressures (p) and speeds (v) in a De Laval Nozzle
Maximum thrust for a rocket engine is achieved by maximizing the momentum contribution of
the equation without incurring penalties from over expanding the exhaust. This occurs when Pe =
Pamb. Since ambient pressure changes with altitude, most rocket engines spend very little time
operating at peak efficiency.

If the pressure of the exhaust jet varies from atmospheric pressure, nozzles can be said to be
underexpanded, ambient or overexpanded. If under or overexpanded then loss of efficiency
occurs, grossly overexpanded nozzles lose less efficiency, but the exhaust jet is usually unstable.
Rockets become progressively more underexpanded as they gain altitude. Note that almost all
rocket engines will be momentarily grossly overexpanded during startup in an atmosphere.

Rocket Nozzle Shapes

Not all rocket nozzles are alike, and the shape selected usually depends on the application.
This section discusses the basic characteristics of the major classes of nozzles used today.

Nozzle Comparisons:

To date three major types of nozzles, the cone, the bell or contoured, and the annular or plug,
have been employed. Each class satisfies the design criteria to varying degrees. Examples of
these nozzle types can be seen below.
Size comparison of optimal cone, bell, and radial nozzles for a given set
of conditions

Conical Nozzle:

The conical nozzle was used often in early rocket applications because of its simplicity and
ease of construction. The cone gets its name from the fact that the walls diverge at a constant
angle. A small angle produces greater thrust, because it maximizes the axial component of
exit velocity and produces a high specific impulse (a measure of rocket efficiency). The
penalty, however, is a longer and heavier nozzle that is more complex to build. At the other
extreme, size and weight are minimized by a large nozzle wall angle. Unfortunately, large
angles reduce performance at low altitude because the high ambient pressure causes
overexpansion and flow separation.

Bell Nozzle:

The bell, the most commonly used nozzle shape, offers significant advantages over the
conical nozzle, both in size and performance. Referring to the above figure, note that the bell
consists of two sections. Near the throat, the nozzle diverges at a relatively large angle but the
degree of diveregence tapers off further downstream. Near the nozzle exit, the diveregence
angle is very small. In this way, the bell is a compromise between the two extremes of the
conical nozzle since it minimizes weight while maximizing performance. The most important
design issue is to contour the nozzle to avoid oblique shocks and maximize performance.
However, we must remember that the final bell shape will only be the optimum at one
particular altitude.
Annular Nozzles:

The annular nozzle, also sometimes known as the plug or "altitude-compensating" nozzle, is
the least employed of those discussed due to its greater complexity. The term "annular" refers
to the fact that combustion occurs along a ring, or annulus, around the base of the nozzle.
"Plug" refers to the centerbody that blocks the flow from what would be the center portion of
a traditional nozzle. "Altitude-compensating" is sometimes used to describe these nozzles
since that is their primary advantage, a quality that will be further explored later.

Before describing the various forms of annular nozzles, it is useful to mention some key
differences in design parameters from the conical or bell nozzles. The expansion area ratio
for a traditional nozzle has already been discussed. When considering an annular nozzle, the
area of the centerbody (A plug) must also be taken into account.

Another parameter particular to this type of nozzle is the annular diameter ratio, D p / D t, or
the ratio of the centerbody diameter to that of the throat. The ratio is used as a measure of the
nozzle geometry for comparison with other plug nozzle shapes. Typical values of this ratio
appear in the above figure.

Annular Nozzles I
Having introduced the three principal families of nozzle shapes, we will now look more closely
at the two major subclasses of annular, or plug, nozzles.

Radial Out-Flow Nozzles:

Two major types of plug nozzles have been developed to date. They are distinguished by the
method in which they expand the exhaust, outward or inward. The radial out-flow nozzle was the
subject of much research in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Examples of this type are the
expansion-deflection (E-D), reverse-flow (R-F), and horizontal-flow (H-F) nozzles shown in the
figure above.

The name of each of these nozzles indicates how it functions. The expansion-deflection nozzle
works much like a bell nozzle since the exhaust gases are forced into a converging throat region
of low area before expanding in a bell-shaped nozzle. However, the flow is deflected by a plug,
or centerbody, that forces the gases away from the center of the nozzle. Thus, the E-D is a radial
out-flow nozzle.

The reverse-flow nozzle gets its name because the fuel is injected from underneath, but the
exhaust gases are rotated 180° thereby reversing their direction. Similarly, the fuel in the
horizontal-flow nozzle is injected sideways, but the exhaust is rotated 90°.
Judging by the amount of literature obtained on this subject, little work has been done on the R-F
and H-F nozzles, and they will not be considered further. The E-D, on the other hand, has been
one of the most studied forms of annular nozzles. While similar in nature to the bell nozzle, the
most notable difference is the addition of a centerbody. As shown below, this "plug" may be
located upstream of, downstream of, or in the throat, with each location resulting in better
performance for a given set of operating conditions.

Comparison of centerbody locations in Expansion-Deflection

nozzles [from Conley et al, 1984]

The purpose of the centerbody is to force the flow to remain attached to, or to stick to, the nozzle
walls, as illustrated in the following figure.
Expansion-deflection nozzle flow behavior at low altitude
[from Sutton, 1992]

This behavior is desirable at low altitudes because the atmospheric pressure is high and may be
greater than the pressure of the exhaust gases. When this occurs, the exhaust is forced inward and
no longer exerts force on the nozzle walls, so thrust is decreased and the rocket becomes less
efficient. The centerbody, however, increases the pressure of the exhaust gases by squeezing the
gases into a smaller area thereby virtually eliminating any loss in thrust at low altitude.

Annular Nozzles II
Having introduced the three principal families of nozzle shapes and discussed the radial out-flow
nozzle, we will now look more closely at the second class of annular nozzles.

Radial In-Flow Nozzles:

The second major variety of annular nozzles is the radial in-flow type, exemplified by the spike
shown above.

This type of nozzle, named for the prominent spike centerbody, is often described as a bell
turned inside out. However, the nozzle shown above is only one of many possible spike
configurations. Variations of this design, shown below, include

(a) a traditional curved spike with completely external supersonic expansion

(b) a similar shape in which part of the expansion occurs internally
(c) a design similar to the expansion-deflection nozzle in which all expansion occurs
Comparison of spike nozzles with (a) external expansion, (b) internal-external expansion, and
(c) internal expansion [from Berman and Crimp, 1961]

Note that each of the above spike nozzles features a curved, pointed spike, the most ideal shape.
This spike shape allows the exhaust gases to expand through an isentropic, or constant entropy,
process. In so doing, the nozzle efficiency is maximized and no energy is lost because of
turbulent mixing in the exhaust flow. While the isentropic spike may be most efficient, it also
tends to be prohibitively long and heavy. However, theoretical studies have shown that replacing
the curved shape by a much shorter and easier to construct cone results in very little performance
loss. The following graph illustrates that the thrust decreases by less than 1% for cone half-
angles up to 30°. Furthermore, the graph gives an indication of how much the spike length can be
reduced by employing a cone-shaped spike.

Aerospike Nozzles
A further subclass of the radial in-flow family of spike nozzles is known as the aerospike.

Aerospike Nozzles:

Previously, we discussed methods of reducing the length of a spike nozzle centerbody by

replacing the ideal spike with a conical spike. While this method does indeed result in a much
shorter nozzle length, we can go even further by removing the pointed spike altogether and
replacing it with a flat base. This configuration is known as a truncated spike, an example of
which is shown below.
Example of a truncated, conical spike [from Berman and Crimp, 1961]

As any fluid dynamicist recognizes, the significant disadvantage of the "flat" plug is that a
turbulent wake forms aft of the base at high altitudes resulting in high base drag and reduced
efficiency. However, this problem can be greatly alleviated in an improved version of the
truncated spike that introduces a "base bleed," or secondary subsonic flow, into the region aft of
the base.

Example of an aerospike nozzle with a subsonic, recirculating flow

[from Hill and Peterson, 1992]
The circulation of this secondary flow and its interaction with the engine exhaust creates an
"aerodynamic spike" that behaves much like the ideal, isentropic spike. In addition, the
secondary flow re-circulates upward pushing on the base to produce additional thrust. It is this
artificial aerodynamic spike for which the aerospike nozzle is named.

Linear Aerospike:

All of the nozzles we have studied thus far have been annular, or circular when viewed from
below. Still another variation of the aerospike nozzle is not an annular nozzle at all. A second
approach, pioneered by the Rocketdyne company (now a division of Boeing) in the 1970s, places
the combustion chambers in a line along two sides of the nozzle:

Rocketdyne RS-2200 linear aerospike engine [from Flinn, 1996]

This approach results in a more versatile design allowing the use of lower-cost modular
combustors. These modules can be combined in varying configurations depending on the
Aerospike Flowfield:

The exact nature of the exhaust flowfield behind an aerospike nozzle is currently the subject of
much research. The most notable features of a typical aerospike nozzle flowfield are shown in
more detail below.

Flowfield characteristics of an aerospike nozzle [from Ruf and McConnaughey, 1997]

The primary exhaust can be seen expanding against the centerbody and then around the corner of
the base region. The interaction of this flow with the re-circulating base bleed creates an inner
shear layer. The outer boundary of the exhaust plume is free to expand to ambient pressure.
Expansion waves can be seen emanating from the thruster exit lip, and these waves reflect from
the centerbody contour to the free jet boundary. Compression waves are then reflected back and
may merge to form the envelope shock seen in the primary exhaust.

At low altitude (high ambient pressure), the free boundary remains close to the nozzle (see
below) causing the compression waves to reflect onto the centerbody and shear layer themselves.
The waves impacting the centerbody increase pressure on the surface, thereby increasing the
centerbody component of thrust. The waves impacting the shear layer, on the other hand,
increase the circulation of the base flow thereby increasing the base component of thrust.
Aerospike nozzle behavior during flight [from Rocketdyne, 1999]

• Thrust vectoring: Because the combustion chambers can be controlled individually, the
vehicle can be maneuvered using differential thrust vectoring. This eliminates the need
for the heavy gimbals and actuators used to vary the direction of traditional nozzles.

Aerospike thrust vectoring control [from Rocketdyne, 1999]

Additional Reading

1. Sutton, G.P., “Rocket Propulsion Elements”, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, 7th
Edn., 2001.

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