Lubricant Friction and Wear Testing
Lubricant Friction and Wear Testing
Lubricant Friction and Wear Testing
TION AND WEAR PROPERTIES of lubricants and materials. If friction and wear can be controlled then the engineer can select
materials and lubricants with a high degree of confidence.
Many laboratory tests are used to evaluate the interaction of
materials under a broad range of test conditions and controlled environments.
In this chapter, the following topics will be discussed:
History of tribology testing
Basic types of tribology test systems and reasons for their
Fundamentals in designing tribology tests
How to select a test device to simulate a field condition
Contact geometry used in bench tests
Standard and commonly used test devices
Designing special application bench tests
Common terminology relating to friction and wear testing
Even though m a n was employing simple engineering principles and lubrication for manufacturing, it wasn't until the
late 15th century, when Leonardo DiVinci first deduced laws
governing the motion of a block over a flat surface, that the
science of friction and lubrication was developed. During this
time, primitive testing devices were developed to measure the
force of one object moving against another. Scientist during
this time also realized that measured forces were less when a
material such as pig fat was introduced between sliding or
moving surfaces; hence, the study of lubrication had begun.
During the years that followed, friction, wear, and lubrication studies increased. As the industrial revolution brought
more advanced machines for transportation and power generation, engineering became part of the curriculum at universities. These studies included the fundamentals of friction,
lubrication, and wear. With new extraction techniques for
obtaining crude oil and the ability to refine this oil, lubricants
became m o r e commonplace. As lubricants became more
widely used, technology was needed to eveduate the differences in properties and in various applications. In 1927, the
first commercial tribomoter was introduced to blenders and
manufacturers of finished lubricants. This tester "Pin and
Vee Block test machine" provided suppliers with a method of
measuring anti-wear and extreme pressure properties of the
lubricants they were selling. Subsequently, tribometers such
as the Timken^ tester. Four Ball Wear and Four Ball EP,
Block-on-Ring, and others were introduced to evaluate lubricants and materials under a variety of test conditions. These
machines are described in this chapter.
Further developments in transportation, medicine, and
space exploration have provided impetus for the development of new lubricants and materials. With these technologies has come the development of test machine designs and
test methods to meet the challenges of these new applications. Today, over 225 commercial and independent testing
devices [2] have been developed.
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FIG. 1Economic comparison of test types.
Accurate and precise indication of wear rates and performance properties given the test parameters under which
the test is conducted
Inexpensive and uniform consumable test pieces
Test pieces from a wide range of materials and conditions
Small volumes of test fluid
Controlled test environments and ambient conditions
Convenience of operation.
Commercial test devices offer significant benefits over
test equipment made in-house. Because commercial test
machines are made in quantity to the same manufacturing
specifications, they can offer better test result comparisons
between the laboratories using them. Commercial testers
are often used when developing standardized test methods
because of the availability of users willing to cooperate in
the development of precision statements. In most cases, the
test parameters are listed in standardized test methods.
However, they may not provide the user all the necessciry information for evaluating his materials. Therefore, standardized test methods can be suitable starting points, but the
user may need to modify the test parameters to achieve
meaningful test results [3,8]. Usually more data can be obtained throughout the test rather than just the final specified endpoint or reported test result. Many data occur during the course of a test, including but not limited to,
changes in lubricating mechanisms, changes in surface areas giving different contact pressures, development of lubricating films and surfaces, and so on. Therefore, the operator must identify these changes and develop test methods
that facilitate obtaining as much pertinent information as is
possible or required.
Commercial test devices provide the following benefits:
Established and known precision
Simplicity of test operation
Many meet ASTM, SAE, ISO and other standard test
Flexible test procedures
Ability to compare results worldwide
Correlation with previously published field results
Support and assistance in operation and method development by the manufacturer
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of conclusions at the end of the test requires the user to analyze the data obtained with respect to actual field conditions. The user then draws the appropriate conclusions and
then may develop models for predicting wear of future applications involving similar materials and operating conditions [9].
When designing a laboratory test program, the basic steps
for successful testing are as follows:
Field Problem
1. Identify the location of the wear problem in the test system
2. Determine the failure mechanism
3. Identify the tribological conditions
Sliding, unidirectional
Sliding, bidirectional or reversing
Linear velocity
Rotational velocity
Contact Geometry
Normal loads
Surface area of contact
Bulk lubricant
Contact temperature
Type of Lubricant
Semi-solid (grease)
Dry film
Lubricant Performance Properties
Extreme pressure
Lubricating Mechanism
Enclosed chamber (flooded sump)
Constant circulation
Contacting Materials
External Operating Conditions
Ambient temperature
B e n c h Test Selection
Standardized test methods
Available test equipment
Analytical methods such as Tribological Aspect Number
(TAN) [3]
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All controlled laboratory testing yields test data that reflect what is happening in the test device under the selected
test conditions. If the test results do not correlate with the
field results, then either the test device is not representative
of the field application or an incorrect test procedure was
chosen. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that the
user develops a meaningful test procedure and utilizes the
type of test equipment that best represents the field condition. There Eire many approaches that are used to select the
best test machine and the test parameters. This chapter will
reference and discuss a practical, analytical approach to selecting the best bench test for simulating a particular field
B e n c h Test
Bench Test, as used in this chapter, is the term used to describe laboratory test devices that are simple in design, yet
complex enough to rank a materiEil's performance for a specific property or to simulate an actual field condition. Unlike
component test stands, bench tests are designed to isolate
specific contacts, motions, loads, and geometric contacts.
These physical characteristics combined with the selected
test parameters give the researcher a means of easily evaluating materials for their effects in field applications or further
component testing. In a properly designed test, operating under a lubrication regime similar to the field condition, the asperities at the point of contact will react the same as they
would in the field condition that the bench test is represent-
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ing. Correlation has been shown by Faville [8] when using the
Pin and Vee Block for evaluating transmission and other
Component Test Design
Component testing, which includes, but is not limited to,
p u m p tests and engine test beds, uses actual parts or components from manufactured equipment. The test stand designer
must carefully select these parts to be within well-defined
manufacturing tolerances for dimensions, surface finish, and
hardness. The component fixturing is typically designed to
hold the components and test them in a manner that represents, as close as possible, the actual field conditions and environment while maintaining the desired test parameters.
The test device design should be sufficiently flexible to permit
a wide range of operating conditions.
To achieve reasonable repeatability and reproducibility
with the test results obtained from the test stand, close control of the test parameters must be maintained. In the actual
field condition it is virtually impossible to control all of the
a m b i e n t conditions, due to the wide fluctuations in surrounding conditions. These test parameters for a component
test stand should be selected to represent conditions that
might occur in actual applications. The selected parameters
must be closely controlled, and the test stand must be designed to provide provisions for monitoring the selected test
parameters. Monitoring the test parameters will provide the
operator with a recorded history indicating whether these parameters were maintained during the test. Often times controlled atmospheres, large sumps for test fluids, special air
and fluid filtration, temperature control, load control, and
other more specific systems must be designed into the test
stand to maintain test parameters or for better simulation of
field conditions. These test devices are designed to simulate a
particular aspect of actual operation and are valuable for the
development of additives and lubricant formulations [10]. In
engine test stands, for example, proper simulation of actual
driving conditions includes cycling of load, speed, and temperatures according to a designed test program. It is essential
to integrate the cyclic characteristics to simulate the actual
driving conditions on the laboratory test rig. The use of a
computer to control test parameters provides more consistent test operation and facilitates data acquisition
Monitoring test variables during the test sequence is critical. The computer, with its capability of acquiring and storing the test data, has offered considerable benefit to the test
operator by recording data throughout the test. This data will
advise the operator that the test has run within the selected
controlled parameters and that the test is operating as desired. It will also alert the operator to a change or failure in
any of the measured properties. Because ambient conditions
can also influence test results, it is important that these conditions such as t e m p e r a t u r e and relative humidity be
recorded. The computer may provide more rapid data collection when one or more of the variables exceed an alarm condition. This rapid data collection will give more detailed information of the test results when unusual conditions are
present. The computer can also activate the control function
of the test stand, eliminating the need for the operator to
make the control adjustments after the test has initiated. The
computer can also cause the test to terminate if a predetermined set-point is exceeded or if a dangerous condition exists. And finally the computer can organize, calculate, and
present the data in tabulated or graphic format for ease of interpretation. This valuable tool is used in most component
test formats and for an increasing number of standard bench
tests stands.
With component tests, the parts chosen for the test fixturing must have some sensitivity to the materials under evaluation [11]. For example, p u m p s that are used to evaluate
wear of hydraulic fluids should be sensitive to formulated fluids that have sufficient anti-wear properties and those that do
not [12]. There should always be some check that the test device and selected test parameters and sequences are robust
enough to discriminate between materials with known poor
field performance and those with acceptable field performance. The user should prove that the component test has a n
acceptable degree of precision, both in repeatability and in
reproducibility. Repeatability is the closeness of the agreement of test data on back-to-back testing on the same test
stand, in the same laboratory, with the same operator, on the
same test materials or fluids, within a short time span. Reproducibility is the agreement of test results using the same
test materials or fluids but on different test stands, with different operators, in different laboratories, and run at different times.
When designing any laboratory test rig, the design should
provide for wide latitude of test parameters. This will assist
in discriminating between materials or components tested
with materials of varying performance properties. When a series of test parameters has been chosen that demonstrates
differences in materials of known field performances, the test
stand should successfully rank materials with unknown field
performance. Extreme care should be exercised when selecting existing manufactured parts for use as testing components, as these parts must have some guarantee of consistency of manufacture and known tolerances for dimensions
and materials. Nevertheless, successful testing has been developed and has given the test engineer considerable information on the performance of materials predicted from the
results of component testing under actual or near field conditions. Properly designed test stands should mimic the field
conditions as closely as possible so that the contacting materials will exhibit properties exactly as if they were in the actual field condition.
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Load control must be considered when selecting a test. Test
load can be applied by a static or dead weight system, a pneumatic system, hydraulic system, or by fluid pressure. Consideration should be given to including an initial "break-in" or
"wear-in" at a lighter load representing partial EHD [13]. Inclusion of a break-in can form a more uniform surface rather
t h a n testing under machined conditions. This more uniform
surface can add to the consistency of test results.
It can be difficult to select test loads that will be representative of the loads encountered in the field, yet of a magnitude
large enough to challenge the test system without introducing any complex or other type wear mechanisms. Selecting
loads that are excessive could produce results that are not
representative of what is occurring in the actual field condition. If the operator chooses a test load that is low, he may encounter very long test duration before failures occur. Another
way to determine an appropriate test load is to conduct a step
load test and look for an erratic change in the torque or friction force as load is increased [8]. This variability of the
torque indicates a breakdown of the lubricant film, allowing
for metal to metal contact. The load immediately prior to the
load that corresponds to the erratic torque or friction force
can be looked at in terms of the threshold limit of the test system load. The operator can choose a test load at or below the
threshold load that should give a controlled amount of wear
in a reasonable time. Note that too light a test load may not
give enough weeir to discriminate between samples and too
heavy a load may yield too m u c h wear to discriminate. At this
point, it is basically an educated guess as to the best test load.
Several loads in this area may have to be tried in order to select the test load that gives the best discrimination with regards to the other test variable. Ideally, if materials with
known field data are being used to set u p the test procedure,
discrimination should be the focus. If discrimination is obtained, then this test load should be used as the starting point
for the tests, that is to say that at some point in the testing
with other materials, these test parameters may have to be
Often times the load must be controlled to allow for cycling of test loads to simulate in-field conditions. Cycling
versus static load can better simulate the stresses encountered in the test system and is used to better maintain the
temperature of the test system in long-term endurance or
life tests.
If possible, select the linear test speed to be the same as the
field condition. This is done in rotational tests by taking
the speed of the field condition and dividing by diameter of
the point of contact or wear track, and by pi, msiking the appropriate conversions for distance units results in the corresponding rpm. Certain applications require very slow or very
fast test speeds. Test speeds have a profound effect on lubrication regime in the test system. The operator should consult
the Stribeck curve for general effects of the change in load or
speed on the coefficient of firiction and lubricating regime.
The Stribeck curve (Fig. 2) shows the relation of coefficient
of friction to the ratio of viscosity, speed, and the inverse of
load, known as the Sommerfeld N u m b e r [14] with respect to
coefficient of friction.
Sommerfeld Number = speed X viscosity/load
This fundamental curve gives an illustration of the effect of
changing viscosity, speed or load on the coefficient of friction
in the various lubrication regimes of boundary, elastohydrodynamic, mixed and hydrodynamic [15].
1. Hydrodynamic lubrication: the surfaces are separated by
the lubricant film resulting in low friction.
2. Mixed lubrication: the load is carried by the lubricant and
the interacting asperities
3. Boundary lubrication: the load is solely carried by the interacting asperities, resulting in high friction.
Although it may be impractical to construct the entire classic Stribeck curve, specific portions of the curve for vEirious
test systems can be determined as illustrated in the curves
listed. It should also be noted that different materials, geometries, and test systems can yield curves that are different
in shape than the classic Stribeck Curve. For example, certain
systems may not have a boundary lubrication region and may
rise directly to a very high friction value indicating severe
metal-to-metal contact.
The curve in Fig. 3 depicts Stribeck curves in the mixed lubrication region as a function of lubricant thickness [15]. By
changing speed and/or load in the Sommerfeld number, the
resulting change in coefficient of friction is determined and
plotted for each lubricant thickness. In the self-lubricated
speed X viscosity/ioad
FIG. 2Theoretical Stribeck Curve. Reprinted with
permission of STLE.
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. . ... 1.00E-04
^ ^ v
\ ^ ^S-.-.--''>^
*- 0.08
0.02 -
U 0.15
N=0.2 N/cm2
Special Atmospheres
N=0.4 N/cm
N=0.8 N/cm
10 -6
Sommerfeld Number
FIG. 4Coefficient of friction as a function of Sommerfeld
number for a plastic on a PMMA disk lubricated by a saline solution [14]. Reprinted with permission from the Society of Plastics Engineers.
condition, as illustrated in Fig. 4, changes in speed with constant loads are plotted against coefficient of friction determined by testing. Similarly, tests could be conducted by varying the load maintaining constant viscosity and speed.
Although it is possible to vary more than one variable in determining Sommerfeld numbers and their relation to coefficient of friction, it is more typically studied by varying just
one of the variable's affect on the coefficient of friction, as
illustrated in the above examples.
Test duration is also important. Often tests are conducted on
many different samples at the same predetermined test dura-
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duces the test fluid into the contact zone either by continuously changing the fluid in a flooded test chamber or by injecting or depositing a controlled volume of test fluid directly
into the contact zone.
Special Testing
Special testing is the addition of a test variable that is unique
to a situation to better understand certain phenomena. These
would include the introduction of abrasives or solid particles,
the testing of used oils or test fluids with known history, or
the addition of contaminants such as water or some other
solid or liquid. Special testing is generally used in the laboratory test program when the field condition typically contains
these special materials. Anything that can be done to better
simulate field results will improve the simulated laboratory
test results.
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The basic design of the Pin and Vee Block consists of two
opposing Vee blocks loaded against a rotating journal pin
(Fig. 6). It conducts tests in four-line contact, unless optional
C-Blocks are used. C-Blocks give a conformal area contact.
The test is run with the pins and blocks submerged in the test
lubricant (D 2670, D 3233) (Fig. 7), with the test pieces coated
with a bonded film lubricant (D 2625), or with the lubricant
coating the test pieces (D 5620). Load is applied via a ratchet
wheel and eccentric pawl. Each turn of the motor will advance the ratchet wheel one tooth when the pawl is engaged.
Tests can be run at constant load (D 2670, D 2625 procedure
A) or at increasing load until failure (D 3233, D 2625 procedure B). In the increasing load test, failure is indicated by a
break in either the shear pin or test pin or in the inability of
Pin and Vee Block
This Pin and Vee Block (Fig. 5) is the most widely used commercialized wear tester for evaluating lubricants [18] Also
known as the Falex'* Lubricant Tester, the Pin and Vee Block
test machine has been successfully used for evaluating lubricating and wear preventing properties of lubricants, both
fluid and solid, for over 75 yccirs. This tester is used for evaluating metalworking fluids, automotive and industrial lubricants, and bonded solid film lubricants [8].
'' Falex Corporation, Sugar Grove, IL
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FIG. 8Falex Test Pieces [8]. A: Unused (new); B: After ASTM D 2670 wear test;
C: After ASTM D 3233 EP test, torque failure; D: After ASTM D 3233 EP test, weld
the test system to maintain test load. Careful monitoring of
the torque with respect to the test load can yield valuable information as to the lubricating properties of the test fluid as
it interacts with the selected test piece materials [8,19]
Changes in the slope of the torque curve can reveal changes
in the lubricating regime of the test system. Careful examination of the torque, load, and wear values gives information
on the anti-wear and extreme pressure properties of the tribology system.
Tests can be r u n at constant load for evaluating anti-wear
properties and also u n d e r increasing load conditions to evaluate lubricating effects at different load conditions. Although
the ASTM test m e t h o d s for evaluating extreme pressure
properties of lubricants directs the user to increase load u p to
the point where either the test or shear pin breaks, the information obtained during the entire test can provide important
data as to the performance of the lubricating properties. An
important p h e n o m e n o n described by Faville [8] and later
elaborated by Helmetag [19] is the occurrence of a sudden increase in the torque, also referred to as the torque "pop-up."
Anti-weld evaluations can be made only in the load range immediately following this initial seizure. Products lacking
anti-weld properties tear out metal, resulting in weld type
seizure (Fig. 8D), while some products develop high torque,
which result in twisting off the shear pin without any occurrence of scoring (Fig. 8C). The latter failures cire referred to
as torque seizures [20].
The ASTM test methods that relate to the Pin and Vee
Block test machine and their typical test results (Fig. 8) Eire:
ASTM D 2625, Endurance (Wear) Life and Load-Carrying
Capacity of Solid Film Lubricants (Falex Pin and Vee
ASTM D 2670, Measuring Wear Properties of Fluid Lubricants (Falex Pin and Vee Block Method)
ASTM D 3233, Measurement of Extreme Pressure Properties of Fluid Lubricants (Falex Pin a n d Vee Block
ASTM D 5620, Evaluating Thin Film Fluid Lubricants in a
Drain and Dry Mode Using a Pin and V-Block Test Machine
Pin on Disk
Pin-on-Disk test is the simplest and most c o m m o n wear test
device [21]. It consists of a rotating disk upon which is loaded
a pin or ball (Figs. 9 and 10) In the simplest versions, the ball
rotates on the Scune wear scar. Other mechanisms can be incorporated such that the pin or ball comes in contact with a n
untouched portion of the rotating disk. This results in a spiral type of wear track. Pin-on-disk testing is used most widely
FIG. 9Pin-on-Disk.
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Four Ball EP
In the Four Ball EP test (D 2596, D 2783), the upper ball is allowed to rotate under load for 10 s, after which the resultant
wear scars are measured and averaged. In this test, a series of
test runs is performed at logarithmically increasing loads up
to the weld point. The weld point is the load at which the lubricant film breaks down and the temperature at the point of
contact is so high that it melts the metal, causing the test balls
to weld together, indicating that the extreme pressure level of
the lubricant has been exceeded. When the lubricant is performing as designed, the wear scars will be very smzdl, only
slightly larger than the corresponding theoretical Hertzian
scar diameters for the given materials, load, and radii of the
test balls. The Hertzian scar diameter is the average diameter
of an indentation caused by the deformation of the balls under static load (prior to test). The line that parallels the
Hertzian line is referred to as the compensation line. When
the lubricating film breaks down, metal-to-metal contact occurs and mild to severe incipient seizure occurs. This seizure
is evidenced by the disproportionate increase in the average
scar diameter. When incipient seizure is present, the test ball
scar diameter is no longer on the compensation line. The
highest test load that yields a scar diameter within 5% of the
compensation line value for the corresponding load is the last
non-seizure load. The ASTM D 2596 and D 2783 test methods
provide an index of the relative wear performance with respect to load for the lubricant under evaluation., which is
shown in a graph of the wear scar versus test load (Fig. 16).
This term is called the Load Wear Index (LWI).
Because of the wide range of test loads (8-1000 Kg) 2ind the
severe conditions that occur when a weld point is reached,
the Four Ball EP test machine (Fig. 17) is designed to be very
robust in construction. ASTM D 2266, D 4172, and D 5183
warn against using the Four Ball EP test machine for running
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Block on Ring
The Block-on-Ring test machine (Fig. 19) is more of a research tool. It is primarily used to determine wear rates of
materials and to rank materials in pure sliding motion. The
tester is designed to accommodate different test fixtures to
effect point, line, ellipsoid, and area contact. The standard
block-on-ring test uses a rectangular block on a rotating ring
and starts as Hertzian line contact. As motion begins, a load
carrying bearing surface forms, allowing the formation of
anti-wear and/or EP films to form on the surface. The wear
scar width is measured and reported at the end of the test
(Fig. 20). The preferred method of reporting is volume loss;
however, if the same metals are being used, simply reporting
the wear scar diameter for comparative wear is acceptable. A
table in ASTM G 77 gives block scar volumes for measured
wccir scar widths. Oscillating drive mechanisms can be installed to effect reciprocating (back and forth) motion. This
motion is used in test methods for evaluating greases and
bonded film lubricants. Testing with a ball on ring combination results in initial high Hertzian point contact. After motion begins, the Hertzian point contact area develops into a
load carrying bearing surface. With increasing loads, moni-
FIG. 21High pressure (rectangular) block (left); Low pressure (conformal) block (right).
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The Tapping Torque test machine (Fig. 25) is designed to perform actual metalworking applications in a laboratory environment. Originally designed to perform thread cutting and
thread forming, the Tapping Torque test machine can perform additional metalworking functions. There are two basic
metalworking applications: metal removal and metal deformation. Metal removal techniques remove material to
achieve the desired final shape, while metal deformation
techniques reshape or form the existing material into the desired shape. Under metal removal, there are thread cutting
(tapping), drilling, and reaming. Under metal deformation,
there are thread forming (tapping), roll forming, drawing,
and rolling mill simulation.
The tool rotates and descends at a rate determined by the
rotational speed and pitch of the lead screw of the tapping
head. The test machine measures the torque as the tool descends and enters the material to be machined (Fig. 26). The
piece to be machined will have various forms depending on
the test selected. It is most important to observe the tight tolerances required for the consumable test pieces. Even slight
variances can have an affect on the precision of the test results.
The ASTM standardized test method that uses the Tapping
Torque test machine is as follows:
ASTM D 5619, Comparing Metal Removal Fluids Using the
Tapping Torque Test Machine
(Thrust Washer Tester)
FIG. 23Timl<en
ring and block configuration.
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T>pic4l OK
No Storing
Improper Sclup
Scoring (failure)
FIG. 24Typical Timken test wear scars.
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FIG. 2BTapping Torque trace of tap entering test piece (insets show position of tap in specimen
FIG. 28Vaneon-disk.
FIG. 33SRV test machine. Reprinted with permission of Optimol Instruments Priiftechnik GmbH.
tanOtrii t p a c R w m
t-^^i^ -^Bjfijl^j
FIG. 31High speed linear reciprocating test
rig (TE77). Reprinted with permission from
Phoenix Tribology.
FIG. 34Schematic of SRV test pieces. Reprinted with permission of Optimol Instruments Pruftechnilc GmbH.
Type C gears are used for evaluating pitting and micro-pitting tendencies of industrial gear oils [38]. As with most
component tests, this gear tester uses actual parts, in this
case, gear sets.
A constant load test is used for evaluating anti-wear properties of tractor hydraulic oils (D 4998). The test gears are
weighed before and after the test. A load stage test of increasing test loads is used for evaluating industrial gear oils
for their ability to carry a load. After each test load, the gear
teeth are evaluated for signs of scoring (D 5182) (Figs. 37 and
LodUng Pin
Oriva QitMm
UMd Clutch
TtmptnMm Stnser
3 |
Scoring (15mm)
Scorinq (Smm)
Rating :
See 10.4.2
See 10.4.2
5 m
Friction and Wear Properties
Scoring (20mm)
7 M
See 10.4.2
8 |M
Rating :
Scuffing (20mm)
Rating :
Vickers P u m p Stand
The Vickers P u m p Stand is a controversial yet widely used
component bench test. Although u n d e r current scrutiny for
i m p r o v e m e n t of its precision, this test stand evaluates
hydraulic fluids for wear using an actual p u m p . The p u m p
parts are inspected metrologically a n d corrected, cleaned,
weighed, and assembled prior to beginning each test. The test
load is the fluid pressure, which can be either 1000 psi or
2000 psi depending on the test method. In some tests the
loaded pressure exceeds that pressure recommended for normal operation. This pressure is chosen to challenge the test
system in order to screen lubricants. At the end of the test, the
p u m p cartridge pieces are again inspected for damage,
cleaned, and weighed.
This test is undergoing considerable modifications. It is
recommended to review the latest draft prior to beginning
ciny test program using this tester.
The ASTM standardized test methods using the Vickers
P u m p Stand are as follows:
ASTM D 2271, Preliminary Examination of Hydraulic Fluids (Wear Test)
ASTM D 2882, Indicating the W e a r Characteristics of
Petroleum and Non-Petroleum Hydraulic Fluids in a Constant Volume Vane P u m p
Standard Test Method for Lubricating Qualities of
Graphites (general laboratory test)
Standard Test Method for Wear Preventive Characteristics of Lubricating Grease (Four Ball
Method) (general laboratory test for wear of
greases in sliding contact)
Standard Test Method for Preliminziry Examination of Hydraulic Fluids (Wear Test) (general laboratory test for wear of hydraulic fluids under low
pressures in p u m p test)
Standard Test Method for Endurance (Wear) Life
and Load Carrying Capacity of Solid Film
Lubricants (Falex Pin and Vee Method) (genercil
laboratory tests for load carrying and wear
properties of solid lubricants)
Standard Test Method for Measuring Wear Properties of Fluid Lubricants (Fcdex Pin and Vee Block
Method) (general laboratory test for sliding wear)
Standard Test Method for Calibration and Operation of the Falex Block- on-Biing Friction and Wear
Testing Machine (generzJ laboratory test in sliding
S t a n d a r d Test Method for Indicating the Wear
ChEiracteristics of Petroleum a n d Non-Petroleum
Hydraulic Fluids in a Constant Volume Vane
Pump (general laboratory test, known as the Vickers p u m p stand test)
Standard Test Method for Wear Life of Solid Film
Lubricants in Oscillating Motion
(general laboratory test)
Standard Test Method for Life of Lubricating
Grease in Ball Bearings at Elevated Temperatures
(general laboratory test)
Standard Test Method for Wear Preventive Properties of Lubricating Greases Using the (Falex)
Block-on-Ring Test Machine in Oscillating Motion
(general laboratory test)
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D 5183
D 5619
D 5620
D 5707
D 6078
D 6079
D 6425
G 77
G 83
G 99
G 115
G 118
G 133
Standard Test Method for Wear Preventive Characteristics of Lubricating Fluid (Four Ball
Method) (general laboratory test)
Standard Practice for Sheet Metal Forming Lubricant Evaluation (general methodology for testing)
Standard Test Method for Evaluating Wear Characteristics of Tractor Hydraulic Fluids (general
laboratory test)
Standard Test Method for Measurement of Lubricity of Aviation Turbine Fuels by the Ball-onCylinder Lubricity Evaluator (BOCLE) (general
laboratory test)
Standard Test Method for Determination of the
Coefficient of Friction of Lubricants Using the
Four-Ball Wear Test Machine (general laboratory
Standard Test Method for Comparing Metal Removal Fluids Using the Tapping Torque Test Machine (general laboratory test)
Standard Test Method for Evaluating Thin Film
Fluid Lubricants in a Drain and Dry Mode Using a
Pin and V-Block Test Machine (general laboratory
Standard Test Method for Measuring Fiction and
Wear Properties of Lubricating Grease Using a
High-Frequency, Linear-Oscillation (SRV) Test
Machine (general laboratory test)
Standard Test Method for Evaluating Lubricity of
Diesel Fuels by the Scuffing Load Ball-on-Cylinder
Lubricity Evaluator (SLBOCLE) (general laboratory test)
Standard Test Method for Evaluating Lubricity of
Diesel Fuels by the High-Frequency Reciprocating
Rig (HFRR) (general laboratory test)
Standard Test Method for Measuring Friction and
Wear Properties of EP Lubricating Oils Using the
SRV Test Machine (general laboratory test)
Standard Test Method for Ranking Resistance of
Materials to Sliding Wear Using Block-on-Ring
Wear Test (general laboratory test)
Standard Test Method for Wear Testing with
a Crossed Cylinder Apparatus (general laboratory test)
Standard Test Method for Wear Testing With a
Pin-on-Disk Apparatus (general laboratory test)
Standard Guide for Measuring and Reporting
Friction Coefficients (guide for methodology)
Standard Guide for Recommended Data Format
for Sliding Wear Test (guide for methodology)
Standard Test Method for Linearly Reciprocating
Ball-on-Flat Sliding Wear (general laboratory test)
D 2509
D 2596
D 2782
D 2783
D 3233
D 5182
D 5706
Friction and Wear Properties
Institut fur
Running Test on Radial Plain Bearings; General
Plain Bearings; Testing of the Tribological Behavior of Plain Bearings with Hydrostatic and Mixed
Lubrication in Bearing Testing (General Laboratory Test for Sliding Wear of Bearings)
Friction in Bearings; Definitions; Tjrpes; Conditions; Physical Quantities (definitions)
Wear; Terms; System Analysis of Wear Processes;
Classification of Wear Phenomena
(definitions of wear terms and classifications)
5032l.G Wear Quantities (definitions of various wear
Wear; Wear Testing Categories (definitions of
scales of testing of all tjrpes of wear)
Tribology; Terms (4 parts) (terms and definitions
of wear t5fpes)
Tribology; Testing of Friction and Wear Model
Test for Sliding of Solids (Ball on Disc System)
Testing in the Shell Four-Ball Tester (lubricant
Determination of the Wearing Characteristics of
Liquids (Part 3);
Determination of the Wearing Characteristics
for Consistent Lubricants (Part 5);
Determination of Shear Stability of Lubricating
Oils Containing Polymers (Part 6)
Mechanical Testing of Lubricants in the FZG Gear
Rig Test (gear lubricant classification in
sliding/rolling contact)
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Thu Jun 12 01:30:32 EDT 2014
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UNIVERSITY TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
Testing of the Friction and Wear Behavior of Bearing Material / Mating Material / Oil Combinations
under Conditions of Boundary Lubrication (bearings, friction and wear tests)
Testing Under Conditions of Hydrodynamic and
Mixed Lubrication in Test Rigs-Guidelines (guidelines for bearings in sliding wear)
IP - Institute
[1] Dowson, D., History ofTribology, Professional Engineering Publishing Limited, London, UK, 1998.
[2] Benzing, R., Goldblatt, I., Hopkins, V., Jamison, W., Mecklenburg, K., and Peterson, M., Friction and Wear Devices, STLE,
Park Ridge, IL, 1976.
[3] Voitik, R. M., "Realizing Bench Test Solutions to Field Tribology
Problems," Tribology: Wear Test Selection for Design and Application, ASTM STP 1199, A. W. Ruff, and Raymond G. Bayer,
Eds., ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 1993.
[4] Sture, H. and Staffan, J., "Hints and Guidelines for Tribotesting
and Evaluation," Lubrication Engineering, Vol. 48, No. 5, 1991,
pp. 401-409.
[5] Neale, M. J. and Gee, M., Guide to Wear Problems and Testing for
Industry, y^ ed., Williams Andrew Publishing, Norwich, NY,
[6] Calabrese, S. J. and Muray, S. F., "Methods of Evaluating Materials for Icebreaker Hull Coatings," Selection and Use of Wear
Tests for Coatings, ASTM STP 769, R. G. Bayer, Ed., ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 1982, pp. 157-173.
[7] Banniak E. A. and Fein R. S., "Precision of Four Ball and
Timken Tests and Their Relation to Service Performance," NLGI
Spokesman, January 1973.
[8] Faville, F. and Faville, W., "Falex Procedures for Evaluating Lubricants," Journal of the American Society of Lubrication Engineers, STLE, Park Ridge, IL, August 1968.
[9] Bayer R. G., Shalkey A. T., and Wayson A. R., "Designing for
Zero," Machine Design, IBM Corporation, Endicott, NY, 1969.
[10] Wei D.-P., "Future Directions of Fundamental Research in Additive Tribochemistry," Lubrication Sciences, Vol. 7, April 1995.
[11] Mizuhara K. and Tsuya Y., "Investigation of a Method for Evaluating Fire-Resistant Hydraulic Fluids by Means of an Oil-Testing Machine," JSLE International Tribology Conference, Tokyo,
Japan, 8-10 July 1985.
[12] Feldman, D. G. and Kessler, M., "Development of a New Application-RelatedTest Procedure for Mechanical Testing of Hydraulic Fluids," Hydraulic Failure Analysis: Fluids, Components
and System Effects, STP 1339, G. E. Totten, D. K. Wills, and D.
G. Feldman, Eds., ASTM International, West Conshohocken,
PA, 2001, pp. 75-89.
[13] De Gee, A. W. J., "Characterization of Five High-Performance
Lubricants in Terms of IRG Transition Diagram Data," Proceedings of the IMechE, International Conference on Tribology-Friction. Lubrication, and Wear, Fifty Years On, London, Mechsinical
Engineering Publications Lmtd., Bury St. Edmunds, 1987, Vol.
1, pp. 427-436.
[14] Vaim, J. A. and Jising, T.-B, "Measurement of the Friction and
Lubricity Properties of Contact Lenses," Proceedings of the ANTEC1995, Boston, MA, May 7-11, 1995.
[15] Schipper, D. J. and Faraon, I. C, "Stribeck Curves for Starved
Line Contacts," University of Twente, The Netherlands, Report
number TROl-2227, 2001.
[16] Sanvordenker, K. S., "Lubrication by Oil-RefrigerEint Mixtures:
Behavior in the Falex Tester," ASHRAE Transactions, KC-84-14,
No. 3, pp. 799-805.
[17] Anderson, M., "The Use of Tribological Aspect Numbers in
Bench Test Selection-A Review Update," Bench Testing of In-
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Terminology Related to Fuels
and Lubricants Testing
abrasive wear, nwear due to hard peirticles or hard protuberances forced against and moving cdong a solid surface.
additive, na material added to another, usueJly in small
amounts, to impart or enhance desirable properties or to suppress undesirable properties.
adhesive wear, nwear due to localized bonding between
contacting solid surfaces leading to material transfer between the two surfaces or loss from either surface.
apparent area of contact, nin tribology, the area of contact
between two solid surfaces defined by the boundaries of their
macroscopic interface. (Contrast with real a r e a of contact.)
asperity, nin tribology, a protuberance in the small-scale
topographical irregularities of a solid surface.
break-in, nin tribology, an initicJ transition process occurring in newly established weEuing contacts, often accompanied by transients in coefficient of friction or wear rate, or
both, which are uncharacteristic of the given tribological system's long-term behavior.
catastrophic vwear, nrapidly occurring or accelerating
surface damage, deterioration, or change of shape caused by
wear to such a degree that the service life of a part is appreciably shortened or its function is destroyed.
coefficient of friction, fi or f, nin tribology, the dimensionless ratio of the friction force (F) between two bodies to
the normal force {N) pressing these two bodies together.
/x or f = (F/N)
Discussiona distinction is often made between static coefficient of friction and kinetic coefficient of friction.
corrosive wear, n^wear in which chemical or electrochemical reaction with the environment is significEuit.
debris, nin tribology, pjirticles that have become detached
in a wear or erosion process.
dry solid film lubricants, ndry coatings consisting of lubricating powders in a solid matrix bonded to one or both
surfaces to be lubricated.
extreme pressure (EP) additive, nin a lubricant, a substcince that minimizes damage to metcil surfaces in contact
under high stress rubbing conditions (D 4175).
fatigue wear, n^wear of a solid surface caused by fracture
arising from material fatigue.
fretting wear, na form of attiitive wear caused by vibratory or oscillatory motion of limited amplitude characterized
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scuff, scuffing, nin lubrication, damage caused by instantaneous localized welding between surfaces in relative motion, which does not result in immobilization of the parts.
scuffingn, a form of wear occurring in inadequately lubricated tribosystems that is characterized by macroscopiccJlyobservable changes in surface texture, with features related
to the direction of relative motion.
Discussionfeatures characteristic of scuffing include
scratches, plastic deformation, and transferred material. (Related terms: galling, scoring.)
seizure, nin lubrication, welding between surfaces in relative motion that results in immobilization of the parts. Localized fusion of metal between the rubbing surfaces of the
test pieces (D 5707). DiscussionSeizure is usually indicated
by an increase in coefficient of friction, wear, or unusual
noise and vibration. In this test method, increase in coefficient of friction is displayed on the chart recorder as rise in
the coefficient of friction from a steady state value.
sliding wear, nwear due to the relative motion in the tangential plane of contact between two solid bodies.
speilling, nin tribology, the separation of macroscopic particles from a surface in the form of flakes or chips, usually associated with rolling element bearings and gear teeth, but
also resulting from impact events.
standard test, na test on a calibrated test stand, using the
prescribed equipment according to the requirements in the
test method, and conducted according to the specified operating conditions. Discussionthe specified operating conditions in some test methods include requirements for determining a test's operational validity. These requirements are
applied after a test is completed, and can include (1) midlimit ranges for the average values of primary and secondary
parameters that are narrower than the specified control
ranges for the individual values, (2) allowable deviations for
individual primary and secondary parameters from the specified control ranges, (3) downtime limitations, and (4) special
parameter limitations.
static coefficient of friction, nthe coefficient of friction
corresponding to the maximum friction force that must
be overcome to initiate macroscopic motion between two
stick-slip, nin tribology, a cyclic fluctuation in the magnitudes of friction force and relative velocity between two
elements in sliding contact, usually associated with a relaxation oscillation dependent on elasticity in the tribosystem
and on a decrease of the coefficient of friction with onset of
sliding or with increase of sliding velocity.
DiscussionClassical or true stick-slip, in which each cycle
consists of a stage of actual stick followed by a stage of overshoot "slip," requires that the kinetic coefficient of friction is
lower than the static coefficient. A modified form of relaxation oscillation, with near-harmonic fluctuation in motion,
can occur when the kinetic coefficient of friction decreases
gradually with increasing velocity within a certain velocity
range. A third t5^e of stick-slip can be due to spatial periodicity of the friction coefficient along the path of contact. Random variations in friction force measurement do not constitute stick-slip.
test oil, nany oil subjected to evaluation in an established
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